"Ciri? I'll keep that name in mind. Always nice to meet someone else who isn't entertained by all this blather." She piped in response to the
white-haired woman revealing her name. Her tone remained as collected as possible, but the same shadow that'd passed over her usual unbothered expression remained for a moment as Bayonetta thought on how
Ciri had brushed over the fact of how she'd known her. That, it seemed, would be a matter for the two of them to discuss later as
the dark-haired man who she'd spoken to before responded in turn. The more grim aspects of Bayonetta's expression seemed to melt away slowly as she listened to what he had to say. Well! It seemed there was at least a few someones here with class.
"Bayonetta or Cereza, your pick. Though for reasons beyond me, people seem to like the first better..." She stated in response with her name, her lips quirking up into a smile as she listened to his flattery and explanations.
"In this business-" Bayonetta began before being cut off by the crack of an explosion in one of the nearby buildings. The sound of everyone's scramble to get out and assess the damage nearly drowned out Luthor's call to action, but she just about managed to hear him as she joined the others in scrambling out. Her shoes rapidly clicked against the tile and soon the pavement as she found herself, like the others, in front of the damaged building in question. The
Umbra Witch's expertise wasn't in human affairs, far from it. But the
Laguna and sometimes
Infernals she'd dealt with had always targeted her or someone similarly inclined to the affairs of the
Trinity of Realities. The damages done in the process? As far as she knew, it was always manageable damage, places like empty streets of historical cities, damage that simply hadn't mattered, or
conveniently empty areas affected by her business. That was all, in the end, collateral that'd hardly left a scar on the world. But this? This was different from anything she'd imagine this "Superman" would've done prior to whatever details that man in the office enjoyed keeping in his hand. Seeing it in front of her was much different than the footage. This wasn't accidental in the slightest.
This was fucking slaughter.She watched as the other members of the group charge off in their own directions to handle the survivors. Good, leave it to them. The civilians needed help, but not nearly as much as she wanted to punch this "Superman" in the face. Bayonetta stewed in a rage concealed by her silence as she entered
Purgatorio once again through a similar emblem to the one
Lucifer had seen her exit. As quickly as she entered, she summoned the wings of
Malphas similarly to how she'd done before, rising up to the top of the building quickly in flight.

Bayonetta wasn't alone in the motion.
Morningstar and
another spiky-haired individual whose name she hadn't caught had also flown up looking for a fight, their silhouettes outlined in
purple as she looked herself for the assailant. While everyone scrambled to manage their respective situations below, the
Umbra Witchherself found as much luck as it seemed her fellow
spiky-haired searcher did. In the midst of all the chaos, it seemed that the man in question had slipped away. Bayonetta let out a frustrated but resigned sigh as she began to recollect herself, slipping out of
Purgatorio behind
Lucifer out of a similar emblem that she'd appeared out of before.

Bayonetta emerged right about on time to hear the angel taunting the seemingly no-showing "hero", tp which she responded with a click of her tongue meant to mimic disappointment.
"Now, now, Morningstar, is that any way to greet a new playmate?" She quipped, her tone retaining some of it's playful edge but her face mirroring whatever flavor of frustration and anger
Lucifer felt. Bayonetta paused a moment for dramatic effect, flying in front of him to make her silent yet similar rage known to him with her absent smile.
"Then again, he did stand us up, so maybe we should call him whatever awful names come to mind." She stated, examining the scene below with her silvery-blue eyes as she looked for another outlet of helping in this situation. Bayonetta quickly found it in the group before examining some of the people in the street. Her gaze darted back up to
Morningstar. "Would you look at that? Seems they've forgotten to give us an invitation to the little party they're throwing." She commented, drawing his attention to the group below.
"I don't know about you, Morningstar, but I say we jump from one venue to the next." Bayonetta glanced at him as if offering him to follow, but regardless if he did, she began descending to the ground. Whoever was below would likely be able to see her, as she was now out of
Purgatorio but she intentionally took some time landing as she glanced a few times back upwards in case the bully would suddenly show up. Late arrivals were some people's style, after all.
@TheElenaFisher (Ciri),
@ratKing (Lucifer)
@XeroUltra (Bardock),
@thatguyinastore @Attesa @Yamperzzz @ProfSpacecakes @RirisStride1 @ClownTown (Front of Building Group)