Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port-Surfside Cafe
Interactions: Rue and Saoirse@Potter, Arn @Omni5876, Kaleb@FunnyGuy, Eris and “Valerie”(Raven)@Tae, Kharne @Kazemitsu, Annya @princess, and Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (a bit less than an ounce), rolling papers, and 191 amas.

Bowyn nodded as Rue made it clear that avoiding the war was not in her wishes. Although the other fairy was gentler with words and far softer spoken than he, Bowyn could hear the resolve in Rue’s words, and he had never known her to falter in her determination. It would be a fool’s errand to attempt to sway her mind. He didn’t ask for reasoning, he had done so once already, and he trusted the other fairy to tell him when she was ready to do so.

“I think we might have more pressing concerns than Slime but, if there’s time, getting paid to clean up a beach might not be so bad.” He said, following Rue into the Surfside Cafe. It was the towering mass of muscle that was a Dragonborn that first caught his attention, then the few familiar faces from last night that surrounded the reptilian man that drew his attention. He spotted Kaleb, Eris, and the demihuman, Valerie from last night. He also spotted Arn, another demihuman male, and two female elves, one of which he was sure was Princess Annya. It was a large group, but he’d expected an elven princess to have a far larger entourage, and with far more elves. This group, however, was less intimidating than he’d expected, with the obvious exception of the Dragonborn, none matched the sense of danger that had rolled off the mysterious trio he and Rue encountered in the inn.

As Rue introduced herself he caught the shy reservation in her tone and an uncertain glance sent his way. Bowyn stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Rue’s shoulders, a reminder that he had given his word to have her back. “Nearby? I’m sure our friends here wouldn’t mind a couple more faces at breakfast. Name’s Bowyn, and you're in luck, you’ve got a pair of winter fae very interested in joining your cause.” Bowyn said with a forced smile as he introduced himself to the few he was unfamiliar with. He held none of Rue’s social reservations, they were here to meet a princess and he had no plans to be shy about it. “Kaleb, Eris, and now was it, Valerie? Last night was a bit of a blur huh? Glad we ran back into each other, I know I could use a bite to ward off this hangover.” He said, greeting the members of the group he was familiar with and finding it easier to be friendly with the trio that had at least been good and entertaining company the day before.

“Arn, have a good night? I’m guessing you found a better offer for lodging, maybe someone warm to share a bed with?” He asked with a smirk as his gaze found the dwarf, he did his best to keep his tone friendly but his eyes were cold as they met the Arn’s. He wondered if he’d get more of the same bashful dwarf act from Arn or if he’d finally see the man’s true nature. It was about as close to amicable as he could be with Arn.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aboard The Harem
Interactions: Tigerlily @Potter, Tesoro@Infinite Cosmos, Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess, and a rival ship and her crew @FunnyGuy
Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, pouch of amas, various jewelry.

Off in the distance a schooner approached from the east, from her mast a black flag with signature golden skull waved proudly in the salty breeze. They had sailed into the waters patrolled by Captian Ardyn and just like clockwork here the ol’ bastard was a coming to collect the tax he thought was owed. Now, if Captain Lizzie was truly was a pirate worthy of the title she carried he expected her to have seen this coming, any sailor familiar with these seas knew Ardyn by reputation. Paying the other man's tax would likely be the simplest and peaceful resolution to their meeting, but Nym hoped for a bolder captain than that.

Captain Ardyn was by all accounts a truly great pirate, having built himself a fortune and fearsome reputation. The man ran a tight ship, had engineered a solid business plan on the slavery market using sirens for compulsion. He could be certain Tigerlily would have strong opinions on that matter, but seeing as how Ardyn kept his exploitation of sirens limited to those Nym neither knew nor cared about, he only ever saw the beauty of a well-orchestrated racket.

The potential for a battle against someone he could truly admire, someone who embodied all that Nym could respect, flooded him with excitement. His eye scanned the faces of lesser twins and the little fairy that accompanied them. From what he could see of the other crew they held under a dozen, but still easily outnumbering The Harem’s own crew, which was about as bare-bones as a crew could get. A fight here would be a glorious challenge, and to Captain Lizzie’s credit she returned the schooner’s offer to come aboard with a pretty smile and a ‘fuck off’. It was Tesoro’s offer to go aboard in her stead that surprised him.

“If ya plan to gamble with your life I hope ya have a card hidden up yer sleeve. Otherwise, thinning out our sparse ranks and allowing them the first strike, seems a poor choice.” Nym didn’t much care for the light elf but he was crew now and Tesoro had mostly kept to himself and his work after his original dramatic outburst, which at least upgraded him to agreeable in Nym’s mind. He offered his two cents and simply awaited the captain's orders.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Bed and Breakfast
Interactions: Leaf @Helo, , Alette @princess
Mentions: Mika @Tae, Uzul @dragonpiece, Caelan @Alivefalling, Sophie @princess, Aurora @Mole, Jomari @baraquiel, Rosaria @Potter, and Nuallán @13org

So he's interested in Sophie. An odd-placed smile crept on the lips of the pixie as she got ready to give Slick the details on his potential mate. She wondered why he wanted to know about the others but quickly figured that Slick saw them as competition… or even other options! I cannot let Sophie lose Slick! Her giddy face had gone serious as she aimed to be a successful matchmaker. The small creature was wholly determined.

Despite being caught in the paws of his friend, Alette liked Slick so far even if she tried not to show it. He’d gotten her food, was heavy on the compliments, and his friend just apologized for accosting her. Still, to her he had a funny way of speaking. It reminded her of how some Orcs didn’t speak like the other races, but even compared to those greenskins, Slick’s manner of speech was different.

The stranger to Avalia wasted no time digging into his breakfast while he waited for Alette to provide information. Unfortunately, the pixie was thinking of what she should say. She had to make Sophie look really good, but not over-sell her either. Then there were the others…

“The food is excellent, but why do we still wait here? Shouldn’t we join your friends, as she, the princess, requested?” Leaf suddenly spoke up, drawing Slick’s attention as he chewed on a bacon strip. With a raised eyebrow, the frontiersman gulped down the crisp meat.

“Good question. And I can provide an even better answer.” He shoved a forkful of eggs into mouth, but continued speaking. He kept one of his cheeks full of egg so he could speak clearly with a mouthful. “The lady over there wants us to join, and we absolutely will, but we ain’t doin’ such a thing till I know who’s over there…” Slick briefly shook his head at Leaf. “Bein’ too hasty won’t do us any good. The lady may be friends with the one in the green, sure, I get that but there's still so much more we can find out before we head on over. Those folk over yonder, they ain’t friends of mine nor are they friends of yours. Remember that.” Slick went back to chewing his eggs and in the same moment, the fruit bowl was set down at the table.

“Finally! Hahahahha! It looks sooo good. And it’s all mine?”

“That’s right. But before you go and dig in…” Slick looked down at his shoulder and directly at Alette who looked back with wide eyes. The man had not shown any aggression in his features, but the way he addressed her was eerily intimidating. Like an odd mixture of charm and expectation.

“Right! Well uh… Sophie is first. She’s young, very beautiful, and nice. I could tell by the way she was staring at you that it could only be love at first sight! And I think you would like her very much! She doesn’t nag or yell, so you don’t need to worry about an annoying mate. She even makes her own delicious food… uh… strawberry coated grain crackers! She’s very easygoing and pretty. Sophie is much better than the rest! Caelan is the male sitting next to her and he doesn’t compare to you at all!”

“Is that so?”

“Yes! He’s too thin and smells of the stinky plant that makes people act silly. He tried to hold her hand today, but Sophie denied that weirdo! Good for her for saving herself for a mate like you!”

“Then there is Nuallán who is just a boring ugly elf. He has white hair so he's way too old for Sophie! And he's always looking the other old elf woman up and down. I bet they're secret mates or something which is just gross because they're so old! Ugh!”

“Oh and Jomari. That one that's smiling at the big green monster! He whines and whines and whines and whines about everything! He's so rude that even the loving and caring Sophie hates him. She won't admit it, but it is very true. She told me.”

“Rosaria. Hm. She is pretty but Sophie is much prettier. You can't tell by looks but she's a granny! She's old and…”
Alette was having a harder time making Rosaria seem bad. The princess had been so kind to everyone, even Jomari. “She has… She has… the biggest ears I've ever seen! Just look at them! She might be a princess, but she's an old big eared one. She probably isn't even able to bear babies anymore unlike Sophie.” Now the pixie was pulling out all of the stops.

“Rosaria… Now why'd I think it was Rosarita?” Slick muttered to himself.

“Oh and I can't forget her. Aurora. She can't see… and it's from a disease that's contagious! If you don't want to be blind too, you should stay away from that one no matter how nice and pretty she seems!” Like Rosaria, Alette struggled with Aurora and just decided to make something up entirely so Slick would just stay away from her.

Slick had been chowing down while listening to some of the slander being told by Alette. It was interesting, but seemed more like gossip than anything. He quickly addressed Leaf who wouldn't be as biased as the little one on his shoulder

“Hey Leaf, you got some sharp senses. You pick any of that up from them since we've been here?” Slick asked while making a hand motion at the fruit bowl, signaling that Alette could go on and eat to her heart's content.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: In the vicinity of the Dreaded Isles
Interactions: Lizzie @Tae, Helio @princess, Nym @Helo, Tigerlily @potter, Barboda @Alivefalling, and Tesoro @Infinite Cosmos

“That would be me.” Captain Lizzie moved to the railing, but she made no move to go over to their ship at all. Instead, she laced her fingers together, placed her elbows on the railing, then rested her chin atop her linked hands and grinned down at the three. “However if you wish to speak to me, ye can come over here or we can stay on our proper ships and speak as we are now. Whatever ye need to discuss with me can be discussed in front of my crew.” She stood back up and gestured to her crew, glancing at all of them then back at Vellen. “And if that doesn’t work for ya then you can right fuck off.” She told him, giving him the sweetest smile as she did so.

Vellen's warm smile did not falter, in fact, he chuckled at Lizzie's words. He liked her for sure. Many captains stuttered and stammered in his presence alone, or perhaps it was the flag representing the legend that was Ardyn that struck fear in the hearts of men. Whether she knew of Ardyn or not, Vellen found Lizzie to be a bold sort.

As admirable of a quality that it was, it was also one that warranted caution.

“Fuck off? Now, for you, that would be a missed opportunity. You are definitely fuckable if I do say so myself." His expression remained welcoming despite his words being so perverse. His brother, Rellen scoffed and shook his head.

“Now what?” Rellen whispered to his brother. He might have said more but noticed the eyes peering down on them. Rellen just felt the schemes emanating from each shallow breath amongst the other crew. This was all a waste of time. We should have raised the red flag and killed all these miserable fucks. He put on a fake grin and took a step forward. “So it really is Tesoro! My brother and I almost bet on whether or not you were the captain of this ship! And there's Nym too! What an interesting crew this is. Small but I think if you cooperate with us, you'll be fine… then again”

“Can we wrap this up? Rellen, please shut up. You're not really good at talking.” Liliana finally spoke, making Rellen his haze towards her. Vellen cleared his throat to bring attention back to him.

“Captain. These waters are claimed in a sense, by Captain Ardyn Croft. He cares little of what most do while sailing these waters, but paying a tax is required…. Just think of the sea as Ardyn's brothel and your ship is a whore. You can do what you like with it, but you must pay.” A sudden riffraff that Vellen should have expected bared its face.

“I don't think we're going to get anything from them. I don't recognize half that crew.” She crinkled her nose as her eyes stopped on Barboda. She pointed right at him “And what is that guy even wearing?! Really?! A helmet and armor?! Is he trying to dehydrate or drown himself when he stumbles overboard because he can't see through those thin slits on his face?”

“A mixed bag of asshole is this crew!” A male fairy with wings that were much too small for flight.

“The war's on the mainland matey! They're looking for their knight!” A demihuman woman in the crew bellowed while several laughed.

“That's enough! This ship and its crew are our guests on these waters… Now, what say you, Captain? The tax that you'll need to pay for the month is 5,000 amas.”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy
Mentions: Alaia @Alivefalling

Myra kept staring at Vrexen for a moment as she offered him the meat, pondering why he seemed rather reluctant in accepting it. Sometimes, despite how... 'simple' Vrexen's way of thinking seemed to be, it was hard to figure out was was going through his head. After some encouragement from Astra though, he finally accepted, taking a large bite from the meat she offered him. Surprisingly enough, even Vrexen liked the meat, which was evident by his reaction upon tasting it, going as far as even making him hum in delight. Satisfied by his reaction, Myra smiled as she looked at Astra and Vrexen.

With Vrexen back on the group, Myra felt as if things got 'balanced' once again. Astra would continue to show her the wonders she could buy with the shinies she loved so much while Vrexen's... inconstant behavior would keep Myra's instincts sharp and give her some chances to sharpen her claws once in a while. Surprisingly enough, Astra seemed to be happy with Vrexen's return as well, which was a bit confusing for Myra, since it wasn't really that hard to realize Astra didn't like Vrexen that much. Still, judging by her tone of voice and her words, she seemed to be genuinely happy about it. While most of the stuff Astra was talking about, mainly about how she and Vrexen could be an 'item', flew right over Myra's head, she got the overall idea that Astra was happy that the 'team' was back together.

With their small 'reunion' over, Astra and Vrexen began discussing about their plans, or better, Astra's plans. While Myra was distracted most of the time, mesmerised by both how the light reflected and shined on the wings of the fairy Vrexen had just pointed to and because it was her first time seeing a person with wings. Such a sight was not only something new to Vrexen, but Myra as well. She couldn't help but to wonder how did that work. The woman's wings looked so beautiful and fragile and yet, she was able to flutter and fly around seemingly effortlessly through the air with them. Judging by how she moved too, she seemed to be very agile as well, which only made Myra even more puzzled. Myra's intense, curious stare was only broken when Astra gently rubbed Myra's head. While she didn't know what she did to receive the praise, she was still happy for the attention received.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Aiko Yume

Time: Morning
Location: Leaky Tap and Tavern
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Omni5876
Mentions: Nabarra

They awoke and the sun was still low. Now this was strange. Nabarra had gone, as well... Hopefully, she had overcome the poison and was feeling better. Maybe it was best to avoid the place where her face had been revealed. At any rate, there was no dark elf here in their arms. They glared at the window before noting they were alone in the room. No matter.

Aiko rose slowly, reaching out with a bit of shadow to draw the curtains tighter. "Gnneh. Too early... No one's sleeping in today, though. Hmph... So many nightmares, too." It was because war had suddenly broke across the land, and here they were at one center of the conflict. The fighting wasn't here, but the occupation of the city has all but been declared. That declaration still weighed on the minds of Roshmi.

After freshening up a bit, Aiko decided it was time to rise and meet with their new companions. A male fox demon descended the stairs and found said companions, though a new addition have them pause. There was something about him that disagreed, but Aiko couldn't say what. They had to stifle a yawn as they approached, tail swishing softly as they did, "gmorning..." They fought to close their jaw against the yawn, but to no avail. "Gleh. Did our friend come down? She wasn't with me this morning." Their attention turned to Yuka and friend, "morning, stranger." Aiko glanced between Yuka and Xavier, succubus senses tingling, "had a good night?" They looked back at Yuka, "I see you didn't need my reward."

Granted, Yuka did have a certain... ambiance to her.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Myra @13org

After Astra's explanation of her scheme, Vrexen produced a low grunt and shook his head.

“There is something wrong with you… and this world... Too many steps to obtain what you desire with these amas.”

“Amas is what makes the world go round.”

This world… In time, I will harness the power of amas.” He wanted to accomplish this before Greed gained a foothold in this world.

“There's the spirit.”

“And you shall harness the power of your magic. If not, you will become useless once I find my brethren native to this place. ” Astra's cool demeanor shifted into an uneasy one.

“Lord Vrexen, I will definitely consider doing that. Magic is all about mind, body, and spirit! My mind is right, my body is tight, and when it comes to spirits, I drink white!” She declared enthusiastically, regaining her upbeat mood. She gave a nod in the direction of the grumpy bald orc from the meat stall. Why can't it be easy? She waved the orc over with a grin. “Over here! Three stin- three fish-horses!”

Moments later...

Vrexen had his hands cupped and full of amas with Astra dropping one more with a great big grin. “That's all of it! Alrighty!” Astra opened up a pouch and Vrexen poured the coins into it. Before she shut the pouch, Astra removed two platinum amas from it. “Here.” She gave Vrexen one before turning to Myra. “Here. Now you two can use that little bit to get whatever in the market without having to ask me. Also, we should probably get the fuck away from the port because I'm pretty sure this orc is about to violently transport the hippocampi. So chop chop… haha chop chop. Come on let's go!” Astra ushered the two forward, back towards the market area.


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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Surfside Cafe
Interactions:@Potter Saoirse & Rue @Th3King0fChaos Ismael @Kazemitsu Kharne @Omni5876 Bowyn @Helo Eris & Raven @Tae
Equipment:Outfit visible from Disguise Ring,Armor(Not visible); Chest plate is enchanted with Armor of Absorption, Map of Avalia, Water Flask, A bag of elf and demi-human ears and tails, Small book and pen, Ama pouch with 2000 amas on hand, Three large red potions, Wayfinder, Hygiene supplies, Rose-scented Perfume, Location Sender, Shower Tube, Transmission Bracelet, Bedroll, Water Purifier,Axes with returning enchantment,Her backpack

” It’s a pleasure to meet you, Arn Thorson.”Annya told him pleasantly and smiled. She took the letter in her hands once he had presented to her, surprised to find Arn meeting her gaze. He had come off a little reserved initially. Maybe this was very important to him. She took her time to look it over as she unfolded the paper and began to read it. Her brows lifted slowly. This was not just any dwarf, but a prince. She figured he had not wanted others to know, hence why he had handed it to her in written format. It was a formal decree and was undoubtedly real. Keeping him safe would henceforth become one of her priorities. She folded it up neatly and handed it back to him. ”Hungry for some breakfast? I think I could start eating my plate any minute now!”

Her gaze was stolen by approaching figures in the corner of her eye. Raven had brought two friends back. She was so relieved she was alright. She had so much she wanted to speak with her about, but she knew it was best they acted normal and eased Raven back into their group first. She just hoped the girl had good taste in friends. At least they did not seem to be dark elves. Annya expressed her genuine relief to the human girl, ”Raven! I am happy to see you’re okay. I was so worried.”

However, the male was quick to speak and seemed to know all their names already, even Arn, then claimed to be seeking her out. This was the second person to seek her out and somehow know her location. How long until someone undesirable found them?

Annya let him finish before smiling up at him from her seat. “The pleasure is all mine, Kaleb. I’m so glad you’re all in with me! Come take a seat and please enjoy some breakfast with us, all of you...“ It felt as if questions were flinging themselves at the wall of willpower she had put up in her mind. Luckily, all her years had taught her some semblance of self-control. If these were all genuine allies, maybe it was best not to question a good thing. They could certainly use the backup afterall.

Another voice rang into the air and Annya glanced at the female speaker. Yet another random who somehow found her way to her. She was with a male and they were clearly both winter fairies. Very long way from home.” Annya nevertheless stood up and curtsied back to Rue, ”Honor’s all mine, darling!”She told her with a grin and glanced at the male fairy as he introduced himself as Bowyn. ”Thank you Bowyn, both of you, for joining the cause and wow coming all this way! I have faith we can reach a good outcome at the end of all this.”

An hour would pass as breakfast was ordered and eaten. At the end of it, Annya stood up and offered an idea: since there were so many of them present, whoever wanted to go enjoy Slime Day could go for some hands-on training while the rest of them enjoyed the nice weather on the beach.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

The conditions were set! Flyers posted! Merchandise ready for sale! Stalls cleared out! And plenty of enthusiastic monster slayers were positioned and ready for their most eventful fight of the year! Today marked the day where slimes (or oozes some bumpkins called them) migrated en masse to the shore of River Port. The event occurred annually due to the migration patterns of the slimes and had historically caused immeasurable damage to the port town, leaving establishments and even homes destroyed due to the sheer number of these creatures. After years of lost revenue due to damages and business deciding to move elsewhere, the mayor of River Port at the time, Korin Dandelion, a forest fairy, fluttered into the River Fairy Kingdom to demand his townspeople be allowed to take up arms against these creatures by any means necessary! It is said he maintained flight as he argued for River Port’s call to action for five hours straight. Whether that account is true or not, Mayor Dandelion returned to his town and his people with a single declaration…

“ARE YOU READYYYY?!” A large cast-sphere placed on the boardwalk just for this very event broadcasted the lively face of a blonde-haired forest fairy sporting some snazzy eye protectors with a devilish grin on his face. There were plenty of hearty cheers but the elf lowered his shades and raised an eyebrow skeptically. “I guess the people didn’t hear me… OR PERHAPS THEY HAVEN’T SEEN ALL THAT DISTURBANCE IN THE WATERRRR! SLIME SLAYERS, ARE YOUUU READYYYY!?!?!?” The cheer that erupted was to his liking as raised his fists and shook them with vigor. “IIIIIIIIIT’S SSSLIIIIIIIME DAYYYY!!!!”

Along the boardwalk were carted stalls that were pushed out to sell all sorts of Slime Day merchandise. Toys, shirts, hats served strictly as souvenirs, but there were also useful items for sale as well. Slime Day mallets to smash slimes with, elastic Slime Day slime-catcher bags for those looking to collect slimes dead or alive, and the very popular Slime Day slime treats that were simply large throwable pieces of rock candy.

A part of the beach had been sectioned off in order to funnel the incoming slimes. It also gave others the chance to enjoy the beach (minus the water of course) without having to participate in the Slime Day festivity. Six foot tall barriers lined the shore but came around while decreasing in height so those not participating could have a clear view while also being protected. To also ensure the slimes funneled in, rock candies were scattered across the sand. This would also allow for some easy kills when certain slimes stopped to dissolve a tasty treat.

All who were participating would wait along the boardwalk until the first slime emerged from the tide. Once that moment arrived, the participants were clear to go kill slimes to their hearts’ content. Each slime killed earned a participant three amas.

All Slime Day clothing accessories - 5 amas each
Slime Day putty toy - 3 amas
Slime Day mallet - 15 amas
Slime Day elastic bag - 5 amas
Bag of five Slime Day slime treats - 1 amas per bag

Time: SLIME TIME! (10:00 a.m.)
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Kharne @Kazemitsu, Arn, Master of Slimes @Omni5876, and Ismael @Th3King0fChaos.
Mentions: Annya @princess

Meeting with Annya had been a bit of a bust. Kaleb was sure he had made a decent impression, but so many people had been present for breakfast, he had a hard time standing out in the large group. He tried listening in on other conversations, but most of it equated to busy talk. Initially, he was genuinely annoyed, but after a moment of thinking, it all made sense. The large group was located in its own corner within the restaurant, but it was still a public space. Talking so openly about war and humans that now had bounties would be quite foolish.

Being seemingly accepted into the fold was good enough for now, but Kaleb needed to showcase himself. When talk of Slime Day came up, he nodded thinking about how he could use the event as his chance to show his stuff. He could also put the bow and arrow to some use and make some money as well. It was a net W in his eyes and all he had to do was put in some physical effort.

Moments later

Kaleb was standing on the edge of the boardwalk, with a Slime Day mallet in hand and fire in his eyes. He found the announcer to be quite the showman who helped in hyping the young man up for the event that was about to unfold. Before slime slaying could begin, he eyed the other guys who came along from breakfast with a determined look in his eyes and a smile exuding his confidence. “You guys better make sure to stay out of my way! Feel free to take notes though!”

“THE FIRST SLIME EMERGES!!!!!” The moment the first among the many amorphous creatures arrived on the beach, the ready participants moved. “SLAY THOSE SLIIIIMES!!!!!”

Purchases: Slime Day Mallet -15 amas

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy
Mentions: Alaia @Alivefalling

Myra was genuinely surprised to see Vrexen beeing so agreeable as he spoke with Astra about the Shinies. The 'Amas', as Astra called them were undeniably useful, so much that even Myra, with her shallow understanding of how the 'civilized' world worked could see their power but it was still a... different type of 'power' than the one Vrexen valued, so she was surprised to see him saying that he would use it. Maybe being with Astra for so long wasn't only affecting Myra herself but Vrexen as well? Maybe it might even help with his... unstable behavior in time. Seeing how her two companions were understanding each other so well, Myra couldn't help but feel happy.

Following Astra, who was leading the orcs to where the stinky-fish-horses where, Myra couldn't help but to think about what the orcs would do to them. Unsurprisingly, the confirmation came soon after as Astra mentioned that they would 'chop-chop' them, which immediately made Myra understand that they would eat those.

"Foo?" Myra asked, a bit skeptical as she looked to the stinky-fish-horses, sniffing the air around them. No matter how much she thought about it, they didn't seem to be that appetizing...

Her thoughts were interrupted when Astra suddenly got two shinies from the pouch the orcs just gave her and handed one to Vrexen and one to Myra. Myra was absolutely ecstatic as she held the shiny on her hand. Not only it was the first shiny Myra got to herself, but it looked really pretty and shiny as well! Myra was so distracted by how pretty her first Ama was that she almost forgot what they were supposed to be used for. With those, she probably would be able to buy the shiny spheres that she saw on the first stall she visited with Astra.

Almost hopping out of excitement, Myra went near Astra, grabbing her hand and gently pulling her as she pointed back to the place where all the stalls were, with the platinum coin still on her hand before she looked to Vrexen, signalling for him to follow her as well.

Upon reaching the stall, Myra stopped just in front of it, looking to the puzzled orc behind the stall, who was probably finding that situation really strange, before pointing towards the small wooden box with metal spheres inside before extending the platinum coin towards him with an excited smile. The orc was still confused as it looked to the small, cute and overexcited white creature extending her hand with a platinum coin on it. Seeing how the orc seemed to be a bit confused, Myra glanced towards Astra, just to be sure she was doing everything correctly just like Astra normally did when she used the shinies to buy something.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Myra @13org

“Amas…” Vrexen inspected the shiny coin that was used as this world’s currency. It held no physical power or use. It was surprisingly very notional. From Vrexen’s perspective the amas’ worth was simply declared and not earned. It was something that could be manipulated by those with the majority of the wealth. Even so, pain and fear also existed in this world. It was a means to bypass the use of the currency, though there were a number of safeguards as Astra had previously pointed out. With enough raw power however, currency could be made moot. Amas was quantifiable, but fear was not. In the end Vrexen would grant this lesson to the world.

The trio headed into the market area of Aldrakh, The goal was to spend amas to get a feel for it, but to also prepare for the journey ahead. According to Astra’s map, they expected to head westbound, but anything was possible. Myra had led the group to a stall with a chaotic set up of wares. Vrexen was slightly proud of Myra for choosing such a disorderly shop. It was the epitome of chaos.

Meanwhile Astra was just glad Myra was attempting to use her ama. There was just one problem, however. Myra was trying to make a purchase without a single word being exchanged. Orcs were brutes, sure, but they were a vocal bunch. They always had something to say and normally didn’t let things go unsaid. Wants, needs, complaints, ideas, and expressions were all laid out there for people to know. The most transparent race on Avalia, and Astra dug that shit.

The awkwardness of the exchange was even picked up by Vrexen who narrowed his eyes as he looked down at Myra trying to make a wordless purchase.


The two flinched some at their ditto moment before Astra stepped forward.

“Myra, you gotta say something. Didn’t you learn anything when we were hanging out together?” She asked gently. She didn’t want to reprimand Myra for simply being the nonverbal deadly adorable ball of ignorance that she was. “I’ll make it easy for you to follow. Repeat after me, okay? Ahem… I want to buy this. How much?” Astra said to the orc

Vrexen looked upon his ama, not really wanting anything at the stall. There not a thing that caught his eye. Weapons and armor were not his thing and everything else on display in the market were utterly useless to him. He flipped his ama and kept it in his clutches


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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location:Leaky Tap and Tavern
Interactions:@Potter Xavier @Helo Orias @CitrusArms Aiko
Equipment: Dress and thigh-high socks(Slits on the inner sides of the sleeves), Black boots, Pouch with amas, Lipstick, Mysterious bag of fun drugs

Yuka smiled at Koldar's question and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "Why? You want something from the black market?"She tilted her head thoughtfully at his next sentence then told him gleefully. Koldar and Xavier would probably get along well. They were both so serious and always went straight to business. The question was now, did she tell Koldar what Xavier was? Perhaps it was better just to hint and make sure she could trust these fellows here to play the game the way she wanted to. "Well, of course, duh! He's on our side! ...But let's not get it twisted here. We aren't going to be able to defeat all those dark elves today. I may have riled up some of the crowd, but we will need more not to be easy pickings. I may or may not have something key to our success here right now, but I don't think we should remain in Roshmi with it for the meantime." She side-eyed Xavier, winking at him casually.

She spun on her heels at the sound of a familiar voice and smiled wide. "Aiko!" Yuka ran up and went to give him a hug, then returned his space and spoke in a low voice. "Oohh hehe you know I am the reward."She ran her hand down his arm playfully,"But don't worry. You're very alluring and there's always another night." Yuka could remember Aiko's offer for a romp, but truth be told, she had not been quite sure what to make of Aiko. She was used to being the unpredictable one, yet she had never accomplished a feat like switching genders. Was that even something demi-humans could normally do? There was no way that had just been makeup and bra stuffing.

Yuka let her gaze go between the three of them as she said to everyone, "Well. We better go wake up Nabby girl and make a move before Roshmi gets filled with annoying rioters and grumpy dark elves. Where do you guys think we should go? Is there anywhere else with sexy nightclubs like the ones in Roshmi? Because I'd sure miss those! Hahaha!"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier@Potter
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 117 amas

“A well-trained dragon, if your offering.” He replied to Yuka as she asked him if he wanted something from the black market. While the rest of what she said mostly danced around his question regarding her new tagalong, it was enough to show she might even have a plan of some sorts or at least the idea of a plan. He noted the way she kept looking at Xavier, winking, and referring to him as key to their success. Orias failed to note anything particularly special about the quiet stranger at Yuka’s side.

Orias nodded towards Aiko as they approached with a sleepy greeting. The strange shapeshifting fox creature went on to ask if Nabarra was with them. To this, Orias shook his head. On the one hand, if she had taken off it meant she was probably fine, that the antidote supplied by Yuka had worked out alright after all. On the other hand, he’d been down here since dawn so if she had left, she’d snuck off and that was a cause for concern. Had the dark elf had a change of heart, maybe deciding that turning the rest of them in would earn her favor with The Twin-Headed Dragon? While it made just as much sense that Nabarra, who seemed like a loner anyhow, had simply chosen to go off on her own, it was safer to assume the worst-case scenario.

“With Nabarra gone it does seem best to recruit elsewhere. Both Ironhold and River Kingdom would be fine choices, both of them lost a prince the other night and will likely seek retaliation. Myriamor and RIver Port are closer but may be more difficult to find recruits.” Orias offered a few suggestions, although personally, he favored Ironhold as dwarves were known to be excellent soldiers, having spent years battling orcs, as well as being a reliable bunch. He made no mention of his own home, Sun Elf Kingdom, which would likely be a major target for dark elf attacks. “But there is no place as grand as Roshmi.” He added as the thought of not only abandoning another home but leaving it to darkness, felt like an overwhelming failure.

“And you’re sure Nabarra is gone? If so we should leave quickly, just to be safe.” He added addressing Aiko directly, curious to hear where the fox creature would suggest they go.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: The Harem
Interactions: @Alivefalling Barboda @princess Helio @Infinite Cosmos Tesoro @Helo Nym @Potter Tigerlily @FunnyGuy “Two Lesser Known Twins” & Liliana

Tesoro pulled Lizzie’s attention, speaking softly to her and offering to be part of a small contingent she sent over to negotiate. While she appreciated the offer, part of what he said had her pausing. She glanced over at him, studying him for only a moment. ”Ya have some misgivings on my own personal thoughts towards ya, Tesoro. We may have all gotten off to a rough start, however the instant I let ya out of that cage ya became part of my crew. I don’t think you, or anyone else here, actually knows exactly what that means to me. When you are my crew, ya become my family and I will protect my family. So I can’t let you or anyone else go over there, okay?” She knew she was showing some vulnerability to him currently, but she didn’t care. What she spoke was the truth and they all deserved to know where she stood on how she viewed them all, despite having only really known them for a day. ”And if we get out of this without a fight then ya can fight me later in my quarters.” She added the last part teasingly with a smirk before looking back to the other crew and the dark elf that just made a perverse remark.

”Ya claim it would be a missed opportunity for me, however yer the one that seems to be trying to sell yourself like a whore with that comment.” She gave Vellen a smirk as the other dark elf, the twin, went on to address Tesoro and Nym. Lizzie decided to use this opportunity to quietly speak to the rest of her crew, glancing over at Tigerlily and ignoring her rude comment towards Tesoro.

”Pay attention to our surroundings. Tigerlily explained earlier to me how this wasn’t Ardyn’s main ship and I wouldn’t be surprised if that main ship were nearby in case things went sour here. Perhaps cloaked in some sort of magic? If they come aboard our ship we need to be prepared to dispatch of them swiftly. Nym makes a point with mentioning our sparse ranks so we may have to get creative if this comes to a fight.” She’d turned away from the other crew to speak, trying to keep them from being able to possibly read her lips. Once finished explaining her suspicions she turned back to the other ship.

She kept a smile on her face as Vellen explained how the sea was “claimed” by Ardyn, but her irritation grew ever so slightly. The sea wasn’t something someone claimed, she was her own mistress. If anything, one paid tax to her and respected her. The fact that this Captain Ardyn thought he owned part of the sea got under Lizzie’s skin. It was as if the sea spoke to her, begging her to free her from this false master. Little did she know the waters were responding to her emotions, slowly becoming more agitated and causing the ships to rock slightly more than they were before.

Her eyes locked on the male fairy who was making fun of her crew. She grinned at him, but it wasn’t a friendly look by any means. ”Assholes? Ya wound me with such a boring insult. Why not call me a cunt? I much prefer that one.” She then turned back to Vellen.

"I have a few issues with yer demands. First, I've never been a fan of tax collectors. Second, the sea despises being claimed as it shows her little respect. Don't ya hear her protesting?" She asked as she nodded towards the growing waves, seeming to be crashing into only their ship. Lizzie truly didn't know why it was happening, but she'd noted it moments ago and decided to run with it. "And last, ya act like this Captain Ardyn Croft is some sort of king. So what? Should I be frightened of him when I'm the devil herself?" A dark smile crossed Lizzie's features as she held her arms out wide.

"It may be time to see what we're all made of, boys and girls. The sea seems to be on our side though." She said softly to her crew.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Interactions:@Alivefalling Alaia @FunnyGuy Vrexen/Astra @13org Myra
Equipment: Crossbow, outfit, Backpack with hygienic supplies, two daggers, flask, skinning knife, trapping wire, rope, small cooking pot, transmission bracelet, water purifier

Maeryn couldn’t help but smile back at his sweet adopted daughter. ”Your positivity is ever so comforting, Alaia. Just wait until you see what else Avalia has to offer.” He patted her shoulder. However, he was not so sure about his second statement. He was more so hoping he’d find perhaps a lead here as news always did travel fast to the orcs, but he knew the humans would have been kept very lowkey. He had a feeling it would take quite some time to finally get a good lead going, but he was a patient man. Maeryn had lived centuries, what was a few days to him?

”I have a source or two we can check in with, but most likely we will need to be patient. Let us grab food and rest before we start moving south. Come.” He moved forward into the Orc market area, the smells of various meats reaching his nose immediately. Upon scoping the area, he stiffened. Many of the orcs’ heads were all turned in one direction and Maeryn had quickly followed their gaze to the strange creatures. His hand moved to grip his bow as he took in the situation visually. His hand slid back as he saw the dark elf accompanying them and realized what exactly they were. He had heard creatures of such might be summoned, but he hadn't expected his own surprise at the sight of them. He had seen many beasts but nothing quite like the ones in front of him.

He glanced at Alaia after a thoughtful pause, ” Careful, little one, those are not animals nor beings that one should toy with. It seems as if demons have made their way from the abyss and may very well be allied with us. I am curious to question the elf hosting their party, but if you are afraid, I will not bring you with me.”

Maeryn was apprehensive of bringing his daughter so close to such unpredictable beings, but he recognized she was of age to make her own decisions, so he simply moved forward and allowed her to make her mind up for herself. He came to a stop near the stall and angled his body toward the woman. ” I could not help but have my interest piqued by your choice of company. So Basilian and Amarantha have gone forward with summoning demons?” This would be pleasing news to find out as many demons had unique abilities that could either usurp easily a human’s or perhaps be aided in locating them. Perhaps the Twin-Headed dragon might be using both their heads finally.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival
Interactions: Caelan @Alivefalling, Aurora @Mole Slick @FunnyGuy Leaf@Helo
Equipment:Clothing,Backpack, Sketchbook with drawings, various drawing supplies, iPhone, a PBJ sandwich, charging cable, strawberry pocky, earphones, and a pouch with two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.

After breakfast, Rosaria, Nuallán, and Jomari went off with the fluffy-tailed princess and her big guy to go find orcs. Sophie had nearly groaned at the idea of going traveling again but she had been happy to hear that she and Caelan were to stay with the quiet pretty elf girl. The cowboy and cat man had apparently been friends with the other princess and were going to hang around them as well. Though, she was fearful of what oddities Alette had told them.

Rosaria had introduced their group to an outdoor market area before she had left, where many seemed to be celebrating a small summer harvest festival. Ribbons were strewn from one window to another. There were stalls all decorated with gold and green with bountiful fruits and vegetables for sale. In the plaza, there were small little games that children were engaging in as well as games for adults to gamble their amas. Drinks were being handed out on platters and music was being played on strange instruments. A crowd was starting to form, but because it was still early, it was nothing too bad.

Sophie turned to those who accompanied her, wondering what they wanted to do. She felt rising excitement with the atmosphere around her. It reminded her of a renaissance festival, except this was their normal day-to-day life. She nearly gasped as noticed children splashing in the water right in the town. There was a stone large pool surrounded by grass and palm trees nearby with a small waterfall running into it. She wished she had a bathing suit so she could go swimming or at the least maybe she could paint the beautiful sight if she had somewhere to sit.

Alette’s voice in her ear suddenly startled her from her thoughts. ”Sophie! You have to drink this!” The pixie hiccuped before she could continue, ”The drinks are sooo colorful! I brought him here so you can-” Sophie watched as a bubble came out of Alette’s mouth on the second hiccup and she burst into giggling. She then noticed the man with the drink tray was stretching it out to their group. ” Would anyone like to try the Myriamor Mix? Made with the freshest fruit from the harvest. Do be advised as the liquor is quite strong.” As the man was offering them, the drunk pixie clumsily flew over to Aurora to pick up a strand of her hair and attempted to try to swing on it like a vine as she giggled chaotically.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Barboda Teff

Time: Morning
Location: The Ship
Interactions:@Tae Lizzie @princess Helio @Infinite Cosmos Tesoro @Helo Nym @Potter Tigerlily @FunnyGuy Ardyn's crew

Barboda looked at the side of the other boat, using his thermal vision. It was a bit hard to see but with the water cooling the side of the ship, he could make out quite a few heat signatures enough to make out they were living creatures. He walked over to Lizzie. “Captain, there are quite a few people in the lower area of the ship; they could be captives or other crew members. Do not worry though I will help dispatch these people with ease. I have hunted for stronger targets before.” He finished then took a few steps away.

He quickly drew his crossbow, aiming at the fairy and pulling the trigger. The bolt launched from the crossbow and straight into the fairies mouth exiting out the back severing her spinal cord dropping her instantly. Barboda ran to cover immediately before trying to take aim once again during the confusion of the sudden attack.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy
Mentions: Alaia @Alivefalling and Maeryn @princess

Myra was still excitedly looking at the confused orc, pointing towards the wooden box while extending the coin towards him despite how puzzled he seemed to be. That was until both Vrexen and Astra called her, that is. Upon being told that she wouldn't be able to 'trade' like Astra if she didn't say anything, Myra was visibly distressed for a moment. Being communicative wasn't exactly something she was good at, despite being very 'expressive' in both her movements, actions and expressions... Something which was easy to notice, seeing her troubled expression and how she was pouting as she looked to the coin, to the object, the orc and then to Astra after being told she had to 'speak'.

As Astra began talking, Myra paid careful attention to her words, but despite Astra talking slowly, she was still having some difficulties on following her. After a few seconds of hard thinking, pouting and being very annoyed at the situation, Myra simply turned towards the Orc with a determined expression, clearly tired of trying to decypher the strange ritual of 'bargaining' Astra used so much.

"Ahem! Buy!" Myra said, doing her best to mimick even the sound Astra made before she talked as she pointed towards the wooden box with the metal spheres inside

"Shiny?" she concluded, extending her hand towards the orc, once again showing him the coin, almost as if asking if it was enough. Her determined expression made it clear that she wanted to buy those shiny spheres no matter what.

It was then that a dark elf approached them and began speaking with Astra, the same dark elf that was nearby the woman with the pretty wings she was admiring before. Myra, misunderstanding the dark elf and thinking he also wanted to buy the shiny spheres, immediately looked to the orc again with an energetic tone.

"Buy! Me!" she said, reaffirming that she was the one that would buy them and not the strange dark elf.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port-The Surfside Café /Beach
Interactions: Annya@princess Bowyn @Helo, Rue @Potter, Kaleb@FunnyGuy
Mentions:, Raven Eris@Tae Saoroise@Potter, Kharne @Kazemitsu : Ismael @Th3King0fChaos,


884 Amas.

It seemed that a weight had been lifted from the young dwarf solider. Though his stature remained the same, he seemed to stand taller. Once the letter had left his hand, it appeared that his misgivings and self doubt went with it. The letter represented the will and command of the King…his father. Now that the lovely princess held it, the only thing that remained was to serve in any way possible. Serving and obeying was what a soldier did. It was what he hand trained to do for decades. Yes, Arn the soldier was much more capable and sure of himself than Arn the prince.

While the medic waited for Annay’s sharp eyes to scan the contents of the letter, more people arrived. First and hard to miss was the leviathan of the dragon kin whom he had seen the previous night and early in the morning. He brought in tow the white haired little lass who had taken off during his awkward introduction to the Princess and the two people he recalled seeing with Bowyn and Rue. Suddenly the elven man addressed them all….by name.

This took the dwarf aback and he could not help but stare at the young elf. Try as he might, Arn could not recall ever meeting the lad. The soldier furrowed his brow. He felt at a disadvantage. The man knew him but he did not know the man. The confidence and sweetness the elven man radiated was like a ray of sun. But to Arn, there was something strange about it. Almost like looking through at the ray once it has been reflected by a mirror. When the man gave his name to be Kaleb, This cemented Arn’s belief that he had never met the man.

Perhaps Kaleb knew him from a conversation between Bowyn and Rue. After all, how could a strange elf be able to point him out amongst the other dwarves walking about in river port. He was even out of his Legionnaire armor. He wondered how much the two inter fairies had divulged. The solder could not help but hope that the young elf was indeed a friend. A sudden fear gripped him. What if the young elf and his companion were spies and had befriended Rue and Bowyn only to kidnap them to reveal what they knew?

Thankfully, as if to relieve him of this fear, the two fairies walked in as if summoned by him. Rue was looking lovely as always. She had changed her outfit, the blue only made her porcelain skin that much more prevalent and the white of her hair like fresh fallen snow. Bowyn was no less striking, his handsome face marred only by the obvious pain and hate reflected in his icy eyes. Arn could not help but smile in approval as the winter fairy lad stepped up and offered his support to his lovely companion. It appeared that they had made up. The dwarf’s heart was happy.

The medic returned Rue’s slight smile with a slight nod of his own. His heart sighed. At least, he could sleep easy at night knowing that the two childhood friends were not torn asunder because of him. The smile that Bowyn offered the group however was less sincere but still worthy of note. At least the lad was trying. He confirmed Arn’s suspicions about how Kaleb knew him when the winter fairy addressed the trio that followed Khaerne. “So they had been drinking huh….alcohol has a way to loosen lips” The young soldier thought.

It did not however, soften Bowyn’s tone towards Arn. The dwarf nearly shivered at the codness in the fairy’s voice. Almost as if the cold winters of the north had settled in the lad’s heart. The dwarf found himself at a loss for words. He wanted to reply to the winter fairy that he had left not to find better company but to not be a third wheel. He wanted to explain he had seen the group and assumed it would be best if he was not part of them. He wanted to tell Bowyn that he did not want to come between Rue and him. Finally, he wanted to deny he had sought some bed partner. However, all he managed to say was “um N…No Noo” Before the winter lad took a seat close enough to the group but far enough to not engage in direct conversation with Arn.
Thankfully, he was saved further awkwardness by the melodic voice of the Elven princess. Her soft eyes and radiant smile somehow soothed him. . At the mention and offer to partake in food, suddenly Arn found himself very hungry. He nodded his thanks and acknowledgement. The next hour passed by in an almost ethereal way. He was amongst them but not truly a part of them. All the other groups seemed to know each other in some capacity. So they gathered and spoke amongst themselves. He was off on an edge of the table. Hidden in plain sight.

He managed to order his food and all but salivated when it arrived. The plate contained three biscuits halved and drenched in white gravy with bits of spicy sausage. A heathy helping of thick cut bacon and three sunny side up eggs accompanied them. A separate plate with roasted herbed potatoes and bowl of oat porridge completed the ensemble. To drink he forgoes the usual mead or ale that most dwarves drank for orange juice which was freshly squeezed.

The dwarf attacked the meal with gusto. Politics and social expectations were strange to him. But food he knew. Also, nobody could truly expect him to talk with a mouth full of good food and he hoped the others would be just as busy enjoying their own meal. All to soon however, it was gone and the princess stood suggesting some courses of action. The choice was easy. The young soldier could not imagine an appropriate scenario where he could just go to the beach and enjoy the company of the lovely ladies.

Instead, he opted to try his luck with the slimes. He figured that swinging mallets around and eliminating a nuisance at the same time would be a better use of his time. Arn followed the big group out. He decided to go last. His girth would not allow others to pass next to him. He was no where near as big as the lizard warrior but he was not lite like the elves and demi humans. He managed to find the required mallet. The soldier wished he had his own mace with him but he figured clean up would be a hassle. Instead, he purchased one of the many offered by stalls.

Arn picked himself a hefty one one and followed the enthusiastic throngs to the starting line. Too late he noticed that Kaleb was not two people to his right. He was glad to see that the demi human whom he had heard call himself Ismael was also nearby. The big dragon kin was hard to miss also. The one named Kaleb proclaimed some bravado, to which Arn inwardly groaned. He could not place his finger onto why the young elf irked him so. He scolded himself.

With an effort he did not understand he nodded to the curly haired lad and called back. “Very well, one should always improve in the art of battle. To stay stagnant is to invite death.” The voice of the announcer once more was heard as the start of the rally began. Arn gripped his hammer tight as the advancing horde of slimes drew nearer.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Funnyguy "Boarding party" @Potter Tigerlily @Alivefalling Barboda @Hello Nym
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape

Everyone on the ship seemed to have an opinion to his plan. Cept the one that really mattered that is. First, it was the mermaid Tigerlily. Of course it was to be expected that her opinion and tone towards him is as harsh as ever. His previous outburst definitely did not elicit any sort of friendly response. "Count me in? Does that mean you would like to join me? And here I thought you didn't like me. I'll remember to keep my distance and wear earplugs, though. Don't want to be sold out as bait..." Tesoro quipped back. Hopefully his softened tone can be taken as concession or even an apology to her previous actions. Given the fact that Tigerlily hasn't attacked him or treated him poorly, aside from the very reasonable responses due to his earlier provocation.

Next was Nym, the de facto quartermaster. What he said made sense as well. Again, his feeling towards him was completely warranted. He has a job to do. He has accepted Lizzie as his captain and being the seasoned pirate, he understands his place on the ship. Tesoro, however, still hasn't fully accepted being a crewman again. Having fallen from a high place, it was easy to see why. "Aye, old friend. Of course I have a few tricks up my sleeves. Don't I always?" Tesoro said, giving Tigerlily a playful wink. "Though. I might need a knife of some sort that I know you keep hidden somewhere. That's all I'll need. I've got a plan, you see. And I don't intend on dying until I get myself some booty to brag about..." He eyed Lizzie up and down quickly and briefly at the end of his words towards Nym.

The captain then spoke up. The crew of the schooner made an extraordinary demand of 5000 amas. There was no way that gets paid. The Harem more than likely does not have that sort of treasury to her name anyways. Having been on the high seas for more than his fair share of suns and moons, Tesoro began to notice an unusual swelling of the tides. He made a mental note as Lizzie continued to speak. "Aye, captain. IF we get out of this without a fight. I'll be more than happy to fight you. Though, you must know, I fight up close and personal. Hand-to-hand, grappling, and the like. Given that I came up from the pits, it might get a lil rough for ya. Hope you're ok with that..." Tesoro said, the tip of his tongue brushed his left canine before his lips closed.

Barboda spoke up last. He mentioned that there are quite a few people in the lower area of the ship. Tesoro shrugged off his own questions as to how was he able to make that call. Just as Barboda finished his words, Tesoro peeked over the railing of the ship towards the other ship just in time to hear a single crossbow bolt being fired. The next thing he saw was the forest fairy dropping dead on the other ship. Tesoro draw in a deep breath, standing up and rolling his shoulders slightly to loosen himself up. The morning sun shone and reflected off his broad shoulders. If one was observant enough, they will notice golden traces of ink that coiled around the musculature of his arms. His eyes glinted and the air around him seem to shimmer slightly. If one was to approach him right now, they would feel that he is radiating more heat than normal. "Well I guess we're not getting out of this without a fight." He said, looking towards Lizzie with a devious smile that turned into a ferocious scowl for a small moment. "Though I'll be more than ready to handle you after this brief scuffle, captain..."

Tesoro quickly scanned the deck of The Harem, trying to find a short dagger of some sort. Sure Nym has a few blades but he would rather not feel him up to find one at this moment. His golden eyes stopped at Tigerlily. He chuckled inwardly. This will not go over well. She, conveniently, has a dagger hanging at her hip. He glanced up at the sun as if to say "Really? This is the damn option you're giving me?" before resigning to his fate. In three quick, broad, steps, he closed in on the mermaid. Without breaking eye contact, his right hand deftly reached down and plucked the dagger from its sheath. "I'll bring this back to you after, dear, promise." Tesoro gave her a smirk and a wink. Tigerlily would have felt nothing more than a feathery light touch and the slight rattle as Tesoro unsheathed the blade.

Tesoro then made himself available at the edge of the ship, near enough to a crate to use it as cover but also close enough to the point of The Harem that is the closest to the schooner so that he is the first elf the other crew would have to get through in order to make it aboard The Harem.
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