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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival
Interactions: Caelan @Alivefalling
Equipment:Clothing,Backpack, Sketchbook with drawings, various drawing supplies, iPhone, a PBJ sandwich, charging cable, strawberry pocky, earphones, and a pouch with two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.

Sophie brushed wet strands out of her face as she emerged from under the water with Caelan's help. It was almost like being at their backyard pool in the summer for a moment. Her brother's smiling face before her as he cannon-balled in, her mother yelling his full name in anguish as the water splashed absolutely everyone. Before she could consider how she felt about her thoughts, she became aware of Caelan standing in front of her with his arms reaching out toward her. She felt strangely euphoric and light in mood. Coherent thoughts could not pass through her mind much at all. She could not tell if she liked being drunk or if it scared her, or if this was even the same as Earth alcohol anyway.

She giggled and took his hands, sliding herself into the pool. Her feet failed to take their footing on the smooth flooring beneath her so she fell forward into his arms. "Wheee! Ooh sorry! Floor is kinda slippery!" She exclaimed, laughing as she did. Returning his personal space, Sophie looked around at the animal-like beings in the water with them. She didn't bother thinking about how weird it all was and instead sunk herself into the water and moved her arms about. If there were half-animal people, were there mermaids? How amazing would it be to meet a mermaid? It made sense considering there were fairies and elves and whatnot. She opened her eyes again after a pause and looked at Caelan.

Her first gut instinct had been to ask where he had been from, maybe even when
considering she was getting the feeling that they had not all come from the same time period, considering Jomari's statements. But then Sophie felt it did not all matter anymore. Sophie knew deep down that this was most likely their home now and the thought gave her a dim anxious feeling.

Sophie gave Caelan a grin finally and asked, "So. Ever play marco polo?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Desert
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Kuroi @hide on mana Uzul @dragonpiece @baraquiel Jomari,, @13org Nuallán,

Nuallán had been quite kind in helping Mika up and she thanked him before he went on to urge her to be more cautious while also offering her a place under the parasol. ”I appreciate your concern, Nuallán, and I shall try to be more cautious. I do wish to request that you merely call me Mika, though. I may be a princess, but truly that was not my choice. I am no more special than anyone else in this group and I do not wish to be treated differently because of a mere title.” She said with a kind smile to the elven man before stepping out from under the parasol. ”That being said, perhaps someone else would care to take my place in the shade here to get some relief from the sun for a bit?” She went on to ask as her eyes scanned over her companions. Her gaze landed on Jomari.

”Jomari, perhaps you’d like to take my place?” She asked the human man who had seemed to be struggling just as much as she was. She then turned her attention back to Uzul as he went on to explain some of the dangers of the desert at her request. As she listened she moved into step beside Kuroi. Uzul suggested keeping their nose and mouths covered and, as if obeying an order, began adjusting the scarf to cover her nose and mouth. Whatever the man suggested doing Mika would be sure to follow as she was quite unfamiliar with this land.

He then briefly diverted his path to pick up a small scorpion and turned to show it to the group. Mika examined it for a moment, finding it an odd little creature. It was amazing to her that something so small could cause so much damage. The eight legged creature made her skin crawl a little bit and she found herself making note to be much more aware of the sand around them as they walked. She surely didn’t want to step on one of those or any other small creature that would be hard to notice.

Uzul then went on to explain how their journey was to go and Mika was thankful for this as well. It would be good to have everyone on the same page and to be watching out for the same things. One misstep could mean danger for all of them. ”Thank you Uzul, I really do appreciate you doing this. This journey would have been impossible without you.” She said with a small, respectful bow to the orc before continuing on. She was silent for a few moments before glancing over at Kuroi.

”How are you doing?” She asked him, and realized she didn’t specify if she meant with this treacherous journey or just how he was faring in general after their flight from both of their homes. She was putting him in a lot of danger and she briefly wondered if the guilty feeling she felt for doing so would ever subside. ”Thank you for everything you’ve done so far, Kuroi. I’m sure I’m not one of your favorite people right now as I’ve dragged you into numerous things you didn’t ask for, but I want you to know that I truly appreciate you.” She went on to say further.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza
Interactions: Slick@FunnyGuy, Aurora@Mole, Champ the hourse
Equipment: The clothes on his back and a pouch of amas.

Leaf found himself trapped between the two elves and feeling like a child caught between two squabbling parents. Slick wanted to gamble, Aurora didn’t want the group to separate. Leaf thought they both made sense and didn’t want to pick a side, but luckily Aurora was pretty crafty and quickly swung Slick to her side. Then he felt more like a third wheel as the two were basically flirting and-

Wait. Holy Shit. Were Slick and the other two, not elves? HUMANS? Leaf just sort of stood there for a moment, mouth ajar, as his mind ran circles piecing everything together. Before he had a chance to say a thing Slick was already back to fast-talking.

And speaking of Slick the little pixie’s goal of setting the man up with Sophie wasn’t going well because Slick was so wrapped in Aurora’s words that Slick even let the woman call him fragile. Leaf doubted many folks got away with something like that. So just like that swimming was decided as the group activity. Leaf still had no plans to dunk himself in a big pool of water so he shrugged and took the reigns of Champ the horse without complaint. He wasn’t about to stand in the way of romance between the human and elf by whining or playing the third wheel to some swimsuit shopping trip. Slick and Aurora went one way and Leaf headed off to attempt to bond with a horse.

Hold on. Slick probably wasn’t even a real bounty hunter! Leaf realized long after he and the cowboy had parted ways. He was starting to catch on as to why the man was called Slick.

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier@Potter, Captian Verencia@Funnyguy
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 107 amas

For a brief moment Orias starred at Yuka with a puzzled expression, then as he got the full picture of what she suggested, an army of birdwomen with ‘large bazooms’ distracting the dark elves, he chuckled. In a surprising stroke of good fortune just after they had discussed finding allies here a birdman approached, a Captian at that. While he was not someone high up enough to make a true alliance with he certainly could lead them to someone who was. Orias studied the man that introduced himself as Captian Verencia and asked them to hand over their weapons. Both Yuka and Xavier were quick to speak, Yuka being flirtatious and agreeable, while Xavier refused the request. He gave a nod of approval to Xavier, he didn’t like the idea of being disarmed any more than the other man did. He had no intention of allowing himself to be disarmed.

“Captian you have my word we will show no, unprovoked, aggression here. As representatives of the Sun Elf Kingdom, in a time of war, I hope you’ll respect our right, and need, to a means of defense, these are dangerous times after all. We had hopes of discussing an alliance between our kind,” he gestured to himself and Xavier, “And yours. The Sun Elf Kingdom would like to see Roshmi City sovereign again, and I’m sure you do not want these vermin beneath your door.” Orias spoke and as he did he moved forward, keeping his hands away from his sword, and addressing the Captain directly.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Dante & Darius

Location: Outskirts of River Port
Time: Late Morning
Interactions: Ashari @Shard @funnyguy

“Let’s go,” The lithe-bodied stranger spoke. He had cleaned up the remaining goblins with graceful and deliberate strikes. For Dante and Darius, their savior appeared to be capable enough to listen to. If Dante was correct, the three were fairly close to civilization. The thought of the settlement being so different than their own hadn’t crossed their minds. The two just wanted to be out of the brush where they had lost not one, but two parties of Avalians during their journey south.

“Sure.” Darius took a heavy breath as he glanced back at the bodies scattered across the dirt low vegetation. Another close call…

Dante quickly looted what he could from the goblins. He found 20 amas, a ripped old hat, 5 alaberries. He figured these would be helpful in his anxious mind state, given the fact they needed to get out of the area before more goblins arrived.

“The guy said to come on! What are you even doing? Their weapons suck.” Darius nagged looking back at Dante. He figured listening to the person who had just saved them was the best bet at survival now. Sure, he was a stranger, but he had gone out of his way to not only save the two brothers but he also started leading them in the direction they had originally been traveling in.

“Dude, I grabbed money we are going to need it.” Dante replied to him, who was now caught up to his brother.

“Ohh.” Darius raised his brows. “Why not give it to the guy who saved us. Y’know, like a reward or something.” Darius gave a nod towards the back of their savior who led the way.

“Bro look at him, he has money for sure. He’s from here. We can just pay him back when we get more.” Dante spoke in a hushed tone, leaning in as he did. Dairus shrugged.

“I guess so.” He said softly back to Dante. “Actually… Hey! What’s your name anyway? I’m Darius, and this is my brother Dante.”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

T I M E : M O R N I N G
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R P L A Z A
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , S O P H I E , L E A F , S L I C K
T A G S : @Princess, @Alivefalling, @FunnyGuy, @Helo
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T

"This..." Aurora turned around in the swimsuit. The fabric felt comfortable, and she could tell it was a little more revealing than she was hoping. All of her arms and legs were revealed. The light elf could feel the coolness of the air -- however warm the weather was. She felt naked despite having some cover. Her hands gently patted the make of her neckline and continued to her exposed shoulders. She forced a smile.

"This is the most modest that they have?" She felt at odds questioning Slick. She wanted to believe that he would not take advantage of her, but something about her revealing so much of her skin was taunting. Aurora felt out of sorts in a way. Her knees pressed together as her hands slowly fell to her sides. "Forgive me. It... is my first time like this." She spoke hesitantly, "Swimming has always made my senses a little distorted, and for this reason, I avoid it." Her milky eyes looked at the light shining within Slick. She could not make out his aura as well. There was something tricky about him, but she was willing to see the good in him anyways. Princess would agree with her judgement.

She could feel the whole city come to life as the smallest traces of the weather brushed against her skin. The sensation was odd. She was sensitive to it, and could almost feel the tickles of Sophie and Caelen having their own miss-happenings of fun. She felt a little guilty that the feline creature had not come with them. She wanted to understand his aversion to water, but her own aversions differed. Although, the group split, as long as the humans were safe, she would allow herself to be content. No matter under what conditions.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Dusk
Location: Desert
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter , Jomari @baraquiel, Mikazuki @Tae, Uzul @dragonpiece, Kuroi @hide on mana

Nuallán heard Uzul's explanation in silence, paying attention to his words. Even if he couldn't be sure of Uzul as an ally, seeing both his past and his reasons to guide them, he was still experienced in moving through such harsh lands. And experience was something the entire group needed more than anything as it became evident when Uzul warned them about the venomous animals that lived on the desert and the danger they could pose to the group and warning that it was almost certain that there would be dangerous animals on the oasis they would be stopping through their desert trip. Truth be told, that idea was undeniably worrisome. Not only they would be fighting on unfamiliar terrain and uneven terrain, Nuallán didn't know much outside the basic knowledge about the creatures that lived on the desert. Fortunately, he didn't seem to be the only one able to fight. Uzul seemed to be capable and experienced enough himself and he was sure that Kuroi, who joined the team a bit later, was also capable enough to take care of himself, judging by the way he moved himself and his eyes, which were still sharp despite being behind a mask, keeping a watchful gaze over everything around him, both the terrain and his own 'allies'. Just the type of person Nuallán himself would be incredibly wary of, should he not be Princess Mikazuki's close ally, that it.

As he heard Princess Mikazuki's reply and watched as she offered her spot under the parasol for someone else, Nuallán couldn't help but let out a discreet smile. It was no wonder that his mistress and Princess Mikazuki were such close friends. They were both incredibly kind, understanding and humble.

When she mentioned Jomari though, Nuallán couldn't help but to look at him with a mischievous smirk for a brief moment, before his expression suddenly changed his expression to the practiced, calm smile he always had.

"Mistress Rosaria and Princess Mika- Mikazuki's guests are my guests. I would be glad to offer you a spot under the parasol, should you want to rest from the sun for a bit." Nuallán said with a slight bow, definitely teasing Jomari, with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he did so.

"Mistress Rosaria, Princess Mikazu-" Nuallán began to say before he stopped himself, remembering her request to call her simply 'Mika' and still a bit uncomfortable on treating a royal by her nickname.

"Mikazuki, we should avoid any possible conflict with local fauna, in order to conserve our strength." Nuallán said, finally deciding on partially attending her request, dropping the title but refusing to address her by her nickname, out of respect.

"But should we find ourselves in a situation where conflict is unavoidable, I would ask that Mistress Rosaria and Princess Mikazuki to not put themselves into danger. Despite the uneven footing and the unknown terrain, I am confident that I can still fight well enough to protect our group. Or at least to buy some time." Nuallán said, bowing his head towards Mikazuki and Rosaria as he said so.

As Princess Mikazuki approached Kuroi to talk to him, Nuallán couldn't help but to lean towards Rosaria with a smile on his face.

"Once again I am reminded why you two are such close friends. She is kind and humble, just as you are, my lady." he said with a kind smile on his expression towards Rosaria.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Interaction: Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo, @FunnyGuy Ardyn’s Crew
Location: Aboard the Harem

Tigerlily’s attention had been focused on Helio when he had joined. For a moment she felt a surge of irritation rise and took slow deep breaths, remembering who he was. Then Captain Lizzie's order to drown the other crew if they fell in the ocean had drawn a wicked smile upon her face. She had gasped with shock at the tidal wave the Captain had created. Moments after, several shots rang out. She didn’t have enough time to look for where the shots were aimed. The voice of the assailant reached her too late and then the owner of it slammed into her. She cried out with shock and hit the deck hard with Tesoro leaning over her. His arm had wrapped around her waist to help brace for their fall. Wide-eyed, Lily stared up at him.

For a second, she wasn’t staring into Tesoro’s crimson red eyes, she was staring into cold, dead silver ones. His hair was similarly black, but longer and pulled into a ponytail and his skin darker and more ashy. Instead of him bracing for their fall, there was a knife being held to her throat. The blood spouting from Tesoro’s injury splashed across her as she lay frozen with terror. While Tesoro’s reassuring voice inquired if she was okay, the voice in her head spoke in a more menacing and cruel way. Tigerlily fought back the memory as her heart rate quickened and adrenaline surged through her.

”I… I’m fine..” Her voice came out shaky as she watched him stand up and crudely begin bandaging his wound. She sighed as sudden anger rushed through her. For fuck sakes, she owed him now. The bastard went from yelling at her, then stealing her dagger and now saving her life? What kind of trip was he on? Still, she frowned as she watched him and sighed. Being shot hurt like hell, but he was lucky it wasn't anything critical. ”You can’t fight with a bandage like that. Here.”

Shakily she pulled him down and made sure they had enough cover. She took it from him and gingerly began to create a tourniquet around his shoulder. She made sure to apply pressure in between to staunch the bleeding and ignored the blood squirting onto her face and stood up. ”Let me handle this.” She turned around to smile slyly at him. ”Cover your ears. Now.” Her pupils dilated as she ordered the last word as compulsion. Turning to face Helio, Nym and Captain Lizzie, she barked the same order at them with more compulsion. After giving them a moment to react, Tigerlily took a deep breath and released a powerful sonic scream at the other crew. Once finished, Tigerlily moved behind cover once more near Tesoro and took several deep breaths. Despite the chaos she was grinning like a madwoman as she prepared another scream.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival
Interactions: Aurora @Mole, Caelan @Alivefalling, Sophie @princess

Slick's back was turned while Aurora changed into her swimsuit in the changing room. The man didn’t consider himself a gentleman, but he had a little bit of decency. Besides, the woman had him tied. It was almost as if the string in the wind had been tightly tied to the stick in the mud. An interesting predicament indeed. He could have gone off and changed himself, but he wanted to make sure Aurora was settled first. It was not until she finally addressed him that he turned around.

“That…” He almost mimicked as he raised his eyebrows at Aurora’s appearance. He took the last sip of his second drink. Well I’ll be… Slick’s eyes were glued to her slender form, noticing how the sunlight met and shone across her fair skin exposed by her swimsuit. However, despite how pleasant her appearance was to the eye, Slick could clearly tell the woman was as uncomfortable as he was picking out the thing. When she asked if it was the most modest thing the swimsuit stall had, he sighed as he tossed the disposable cup, littering of course.

“Listen here. There were things up there that didn’t connect. Just be grateful your middle parts are covered.” Slick glanced over at the stall, spotting a frilled black bikini for sale hanging up. Slick was sure the woman would look quite nice in the thing but again, he wouldn’t take advantage of a sweet ol’ blind woman. “If it makes you feel any better, you’re more covered up than all the other gals out there. And don’t you worry about bein’ in the water. I’ll be joinin’ and assisting you. Don’t you worry.” He assured her before beginning to remove his own clothes right in the changing room. “Just give me a moment. I need to change myself and considering you can’t see and all…” He trailed off as he quickly removed his clothes. In a flash, he was in just his swim trunks and oddly enough wearing his stetson.

“Alright Aurora, let’s go experience this fine water everyone’s been talkin’ about!” He said with some excitement. He took her hand in his and gave her a nod despite him not thinking she could see the gesture. Leading her out to the pool Slick waved his hand towards the other two humans. “Hey Cale! Soph! Don’t you think Aurora’s the finest thang you’ve ever laid eyes on?!” Slick chuckled. The alcohol hadn’t affected as much as it did the others, but his inhibitions were beginning to slip. He smirked at Aurora, so sure she’d be embarrassed, but he just wanted her to be less insecure about the swimsuit.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aboard The Harem
Interactions: Tigerlily @Potter, Tesoro@Infinite Cosmos, Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess, and a rival ship and her crew @FunnyGuy
Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, pouch of amas, various jewelry.

Nym prepared to fire the cannon just as he saw seven riflemen take up positions to fire upon the crew of The Harem. He ducked down, taking covering against the side of the ship just as the shots rang out. He took a deep breath as the briny air now mixed with the scents of gunpowder and blood, not just the enemies, but from some of his own crew as well. The sea herself then came to The Harem’s defense, a mighty wave struck the enemy and only reinforced his own belief that the sea really did love him as one of her own children. Nym didn’t waste any time to stop and take stock of whatever damage the gunshots might’ve done to the others, firing the cannon as Captain Lizzie shouted the order, then covering his ears as Tigerlily shouted an order of her own. The boom of cannons blasted forth just as Tigerlily let out her scream, a combination of sonic power, cannonball, and shrapnel was sent forth towards their enemy.

The bits of metal the cannon spat out would be enough to do damage to flesh and sail but would at least leave the enemy vessel intact. Nym hadn’t chosen this fight, Barboda had, it wasn’t necessary but since they were already in it he would be damned if he was going to risk life and limb and see nothing in return. The enemy had guns, supplies, and at least a few over there who had to have at least a few jewels and he hated to see a single piece of that possible loot go to waste if it could be helped. As far as the crew of The Harem went, all but Tigerlily were basically strangers to him, and if the siren was screaming she was still breathing, so he kept his focus on the enemy and if anyone was wounded they could tend to themselves. There had been a couple of demihumans looking ready to board The Harem a few minutes ago, so Nym drew his cutlass and prepared to greet them.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 20 min ago

Aiko Yume

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City Landinng
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Omni5876

Ahh, the avian city was refreshing, despite the sun. (It didn't really seem to be that much stronger here, actually.) Much less doom and gloom, much more ambient energies. Staying in Roshmi for such a gloomy day and night had actually been somewhat draining. They hadn't exactly been measuring their use of magic, though, so maybe if they were more restrained.

Just as quickly as he had approached the worker, the worker was dismissed by a rather formidable presence. "Ah. Hello." Aiko turned his head to examine the captain, tail flicking with interest. Such a dutiful presence, what dreams filled his mind at night? It was always so interesting, the different things different dreamers found palatable. These things had to be balanced, for a balanced diet, and this man might be a source of rare "loyal ambition". Maybe.

"Luckily for both of us, I am armed only with good looks. Not something you can take, even if you search me." He chuckled, though he wondered. This type usually went one of two ways. Either they got hot and bothered or they displayed zero interest. If he was the second type, being too thick with it would only backfire. He wanted a good impression; it was the desirable way into the Captain's dreams

"Your city is invigorating, after even just a day in the dreary remains of Roshmi. Not that it's gone anywhere, just that it's a shadow. I hope our visit can be so pleasant as the change of scenery."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Annya @princess , Saorise @Potter Raven @Tae, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1490 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush.

Kharne had continued his rampage through the slimes until he looked like a giant slime himself. A signal was finally given for all contestants to stop their butchery and come get their rewards. Shaking himself, sending a good portion of slime flying off himself, he went off and collected the reward. Good pay for doing such little work, unfortunately this was only during the slime season. He'd have to come back again next year for such easy cash.

They'd have to wait for their turn in the bathhouse that was provided, not that it bothered him. His scales were tougher than the others skin so he rarely worried about rashes and such. Kaleb asked how many kills they got, which made him think a moment. "Somewhere in the nineties." He stated, given his physical prowess, and the advantage of being a mobile weapon, it was unsurprising he had killed so many.

The giant man took note of the globes and huffed quietly to himself. "Using my image but not paying me to use it..." He grumbled but shrugged. He wasn't aware of any laws saying no one could. Then again that was how your fame could spread which would net him other jobs later on. As the group approached the girls relaxing on the beach he gave them a lazy wave. "Enjoy your time relaxing?" He asked them while undoing the various clasps of his armor and letting it drop with a low thump onto the sand.

The joys of being so bit short of an orc there was almost no one who could run off with his armor. Which was why he'd wash it and polish it himself instead of using the service of the bathhouse. Speaking of the groups numbers and names were called out. A shrug, he kept the communicator bracelet on and started to move. "We'll be back in a bit. Please watch my armor." He requested before going to the cleaning zone. Each zone could only accommodate so many people so the group had their own. Each showering spot was walled off by canvas and a curtain so there was privacy between the sexes.

"So did you lot have fun on your first slime killing?" Kharne questioned as he stooped to let the magically heated water wash over him, dissolving and sloughing off the multi-colored slime chunks stuck on his white and gray body.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Location: The Harem
Interaction:@HeloNym @Tae Lizzie @Alivefalling Barboda @Potter Tigerlily @Infinite Cosmos Tesoro @FunnyGuyArdyn
Equipment:Black coat with fur trim on the hood, dark-colored, plain male clothing, sword with unbreaking and return enchantments, strength enchanted gloves, 2 medium red potions, hygiene products, timeteller, wayfinder, a flask, standard backpack, and an ama pouch with 1800 amas.

Helio flew up higher into the sky as a bullet narrowed missed his foot. Guns!He looked over his shoulder and his heart sunk as he watched both Lizzie and Tesoro get shot. The helmet head was luckily saved by his big helmet head. Clearly, their opponents were a decent enough shot though. With the numbers so imbalanced and with them having seven more guns than they did, Helio worried that this could all end badly.

He glanced down as he watched a wave hit the ship of their enemies. The water had been still, but Helio did not waste time trying to wonder what had occurred in that moment. He needed to think of his next move. There had to be a way to mess up their aim. He suddenly found his hands plastering themselves to his ears before he could get much into thought. He winced and watched as Tigerlily screamed from the deck of the ship. He nodded, impressed with the siren's powerful ability. It would hopefully deter them for a moment so he could get closer. This was his shot. He would have to make it so they couldn't keep their eyes on Lizzie, Tigerlily, and the others.

'I can't see with this fucking bug!' Bastian's voice echoed in his mind as a hazy image began to paint itself before his eyes of Bastian swatting at a fly zooming around his head.

That's me. The big bug man.

Helio knew this was a potentially stupid idea for his own sake, but it wasn't like his life meant much anyway. It was better he risked his worthless existence than those who still had so much to live for. Still, he let a grin stretch across his face as he began to propel himself downward, launching another dark energy orb towards the riflemen as he did. Once he reached a dangerously close range with them, he began to zoom around them, launching more. It didn't matter if most missed, he just had to keep them distracted. It wasn't every day a fairy could launch dark magic and now he was up close with his enemies. Considering the effect he still had on most city folk as the infamous prince-gone-monster, perhaps it'd come in handy for once. If that failed, well he still had the sword on his back. Whatever it took to ensure no one else got shot, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: In the vicinity of the Dreaded Isles
Interactions: Lizzie @Tae, Helio @princess, Nym @Helo, Tigerlily @potter, Barboda @Alivefalling, and Tesoro @Infinite Cosmos

The things were only going to get worse before they got any better, and knowing this well, Vellen headed to the cargo hold in a hurry. A crossbow bolt just barely missed him as he escaped beneath the deck.

“I don’t wish to do this, but… I have to swallow my pride.” Vellen voiced as he descended into the dimly lit area filled with countless eyes.

Meanwhile, upon the deck of the schooner, Barboda had successfully hit several of his intended targets. The large canine demi-human with the boarding ax being one of them. He stopped his charge towards the Harem and removed the bolt that hit his arm. If he was of subspecies with duller senses, he might have missed the foreign scent coming off of the bolt. The scent clearly wasn’t a perfume.

“Red potions! Those hit with the bolts, red potions! Now!” The gruff voice roared to those around him before grabbing a vial from his belt and downing it. The boar demi-human not having been hit, charged forward. He might have gotten a clean jump but the appearance of a large wave stopped him in his tracks. He dug his ax into the deck, and if he hadn’t he might have been washed overboard due to being the closest one to the edge of the deck. The same could not be said for two unfortunate souls. One being a gazelle demi-human, and the other turtle-like demon closely resembling a kappa from Japanese folklore. The rest of the crew were simply stunned by the sudden attack that resembled something that might only be witnessed in a storm. Some of the victims of Barboda’s crossbow shots hit by the wave were unable to consume their red potion, but they still maintained the ability to fight at the moment. The raccoon demihuman who had called the canine and boar earlier was now amongst the rest of their crew with a grapple hook and rope With a grand toss that would make his father proud, he successfully hooked the ship. The raccoon cackled, but it was short-lived as a sonic screech hit him, the canine, and two of the riflemen still fumbling for a healing potion. The canine howled in pain dropping his boarding ax to cover his ears. This time his sharp senses betrayed him. He knelt as he felt as if his skull was being split open with the very ax he dropped on the deck.

“Damn it! A siren!” A lizard woman winced after being hit by the screech attack. She finally had a healing potion in hand and this happened. She raised the potion up to her face only for her entire forearm to be blasted off by the grapeshot fired from the other ship. She screamed in agony and collapsed to the ground. Not only was she frantically bleeding out, but the potion she intended to use was long gone.

“Where's the large potion you had!?” A light elven man shout over her, a deep wound in his torso from the grapeshot. All the lizard woman did was scream. “Where's the large POTION?!” He not only needed it for his wound but the poison as well! Adding insult to injury, the light elf was struck in the head with dark magic from up above. He fell over unconscious until he would inevitably die. A feline demi-human rifleman that suffered a burn to her face from being grazed by the grapeshot fired attempted to rush toward the other ship. She figured she could board it while she had the chance and kill those aboard. She could make the jump and she had always been a great climber so using the rope wasn't necessary. However, mid-jump she was hit by one of the dark fairy's attacks, sending her right into the waters between the two ships. This might not have been an issue except she didn't know how to swim…

Only four of the original riflemen we're left. One dark elf was maimed badly by grapeshot but was attempting to fire on the dark fairy with his own bolts of magic from a kneeling position. One who didn't notice that Barboda's bolt grazing his shoulder would spell death soon. And two who had been luckily standing with Rellen who managed to defend against a few of the Harem's assaults.

Speaking of, Rellen was ready to turn the tables. There was a reason the bastard Ardyn and his crew were feared on these seas! He eyed the boar demi-human who managed to make a jump for the ship after the mysterious wave that hit their vessel and he had taken note of the demon that was sent overboard. As much as he wanted to go across to the other ship and gut the siren on the other ship, he needed to deal with the rare nuisance flying about.

“A fae with dark magic! Ardyn would've loved to have one of you… Too bad!” Rellen swung his sword coated in darkness, sending a wide slashing wave of dark magic in the fairy's way. “The rest of you board! Kill all of them!” Rellen barked to his shaken-up crew.

The raccoon, the canine, and four riflemen moved to board the ship. They through their grappling hooks, but that was not the biggest cause for concern as the boar demi-human vaulted himself onto the Harem's deck ready to chop someone in two. Then as if the gods were playing a cruel and disturbing joke, the sound of repeated strikes to the side of the boat not facing the schooner filled the air. With ease, the demonic turtle vaulted up with a black antler in each hand. Tufts of fur could be seen, leaving little to the imagination of what the demon had done to his crewmate.

The two were on either side of the Harem with more to follow them aboard. Rellen was prepared to face Helio alone.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alaia Riluaneth

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: @princess Maeryn
Equipment: Outfit, Two short swords, a belt with sheaths, flask, transmission bracelet, small bag with 4 large blue potions

Alaia looked at Maeryn, “Why would they know anything? They are random citizens wouldn’t it be best to go to River Port if the humans were or are there? We are more likely to get info from the people in River Port.” She did not want to waste her time talking to a bunch of oversized braindead green skins. She watched as the white thing approached Maeryn and Astra. It had not spoken much so Alaia wondered if it was more or less a mindless animal. She moved over quickly and knelt before her, “Hey there little puppy! Cutiepie aren’t you?” She listened as the others spoke, understanding now that they were allying with these beings to go to River Port. Though she was used to being alone with Maeryn, she saw the benefit of the ordeal. If she could have more opportunities with her new big red friend, she could get him mad enough to start havoc in a town of innocents. That would be fun!

Caelan Knight

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: @princess Sophie @Mole Aurora @FunnyGuy Slick
Equipment: A D&D miniature, a blunt, and the clothes he was given

Caelan caught Sophie as she slipped into his arms, laughing at how silly and outgoing she became after drinking. He felt strange himself. The Avalian alcohol was more potent than the ones he had on Earth. It felt nice to have the cute girl in his arms; her skin was very smooth as well. He wanted to get to know this side of Sophie more. “ I have played yes but now I really don’t think this is the best time to play. You may bump into people and they could get upset.”

Before he could suggest an alternative, Slick called them. He looked over to see Slick and Aurora were joining them in bathing suits too. ” Yeah I think she looks great! Nice of you to join us!” Caelan smiled at the two before looking back at Sophie to make sure she hadn’t fallen again.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Time: 10 a.m.

Location: River Port Beach-Slime Day-Bath House

Interactions: @kazemitsu Kharne,

Mentions: @potter Saoirse Rue, @Helo Bowyn, @princess AnnyaEris & Raven @Tae @FunnyGuy Kaleb

Equipment: Wooden Mallet

Amas: 899

As he stood in line, the dwarf solider replayed in his mind what he had done wrong. How had it turned out that he had so grievously alienated a new member of the company so rapidly and with such efficiency? Kaleb did not seem like a naturally aggressive person which made the sudden wall that risen between Arn and him more formidable than the Tri Murum of his own Ironhold. That was saying something as the walled fortress city was one of the wonders of Avalia.

Arn’s stocky legs moved heavily as his reddish brown haired head hung low. As a dwarf, his line of sight was already below many people. His current downcast mood made him seem even smaller. More like a shaggy stone than an actual humanoid. Kaleb’s mistrusting glare still burned into his mind. There was accusation in the elf’s eyes. A chill went down the spine of the medic. Had he been a regular dwarf, he would have cussed the elf, hefted his hammer and proceeded to exterminate more slimes as carefree as the hulking lizard man, Kharne.
As it was, the young soldier was also worried he had given the dragon born a bad impression of himself too. However it was meant, the dwarf could not help but feel that the hulking slime slayer had basically scolded both he and Kaleb like one would do quarreling children. A touch of shame could be felt on his cheeks as his turn to turn in the cores for payment came close. Kaleb had capitalized on having the last word as Arn moved away shouting after the dwarf that only a pint of drink could help forgive.

This was actually a good sign. Dwarves did not drink with other people unless they trusted them. By drink, one meant flagon upon flagon of ale or spirits until the room began to spin. If this is what the elf mean then perhaps there was a chance yet. This lifted the medic’s spirits some to the point that when it was his turn to exchange the cores, he was polite and speaking again to the pretty racoon demi human that attended the stall.

Somehow he began to drift towards Kharne, Kaleb and the demi human Ishmael. It was impossible to lose sight of the giant lizard man so it was easy to always know where the group was. The dwarf himself lagged a few steps behind. “I am the damn baggage train….” He muttered to himself. The trio in front of him were the real force where he was the almost forgotten beasts of burden that followed any army
They all made their way to one of the sponsoring places to get cleaned up. There was no doubt that the locales would offar services that would remove as much coins that had been earned as possible. Massages, hot stones, rejuvenating mud, etc. No doubt with hiked up prices. Arn was not interested in any of these added amenities. After all, a hot bath was already far and beyond what one received in the frontier.

As a matter of fact, there was a saying that the only difference between a deployed legionnaire and yak is that the yak smells better. Often times, only a freezing plunge in a glacial lake or river run off could be achieved. Remembering this, Arn felt ashamed that he could enjoy such lavish pampering while his brothers and sisters endured the cold norther climate.

The soldier heard Kaleb boast his kill count. Arn himself had only achieved 59 cores. Mainly because after his interaction with the elf, his hammer arm had felt sluggish and the fire in his heart had been no more than a kindling. Kharne did not seem to have had any problem becoming the bane of the slimes.

Any who had witnessed the slime ooze falling off him when he first made his way to the chasing tents had no doubts that he was perhaps the highest earner. The dragon born had been so avid at dispatching slimes that he basically became the un official ambassador for the Slime Day festivities. No doubt the organizers would invite him for the following year. If the war had not destroyed River Port…the dwarf thought darkly.

The solider looked around at the smiling faces of all the participants. How many of these faces would be solemn in death he wondered. His eyes then scanned that of the eclectic group that followed Princess Annya and he wondered the same. He gave a sigh. War and death were never too far apart. His cheeks reddened as he felt horrible that he had such dreary thoughts on such a lovely day. Especially as the group made their way to the lounging half of the group which had stayed on the beach.

His eyes could not help but catch just how lovely all the ladies were. He quickly averted his eyes and seemed to cross his gaze with Bowyn. The lad had mentioned wanting to fight in the war against the dark elves. Arn gave him a sad look as he wished that the white haired fairy would not be one of the ones that paid the price of peace. The soldier could not help but shift his gaze to Rue which seemed to be having fun. Her smile made his resolve to protect them all in any way he could cement.

The clang of armor as it thumped to the ground made the dwarf start, being wrenched from his dark thoughts. Kharne, the victorious smile killer, set his armor down and then made his way to the baths. Arn, the donkey’s tail, mumbled an apology and request to be excused to the lounging ladies and followed the trio.

The locales seemed to have been more than prepared to receive such a big crow, Tents had been erected that housed huge tubs that would accommodate ten or so people. In the ante room of the tents, one could remove their clothing and place it in bags for washing. Some undergarments were provided which fit the dwarf a big too tight but too long too falling past his knees.

Stocky as he was, his arms and chest were muscled. Calluses from years of wearing armor adorned his neck, shoulders, back and sternum. A nice patch of curly hair hung like a pelt from his chest. Scars crisscrossed his body. Not like tortured person but as befit a person who has seen combat for decades.

Arn settled himself into the tub opposite of Kharne holding his reddish beard with delicate hands making sure that it did not touch the water. Not that the hot water or the dissolving slime remains would truly hurt it but the dwarf could not go against millennia of pride in the facial hair.

Not knowing if the question regarding the enjoyment of the Slime Day was directed at anybody in particular and needing to give off a better impression than he obviously had, the medic volunteered an answer. “Yes, I was not aware that such an event existed. Though truth be told, my old drill sergeant would scoff at the idea that untrained people would swing mallets indiscriminately. He would probably say, ‘all your gonna do swinging your weapon around is cool off on a hot day. I prefer a cold drink me self’.” A slight smile appeared on Arn’s face as he remembered fondly the bastard of a drill sergeant. The man had survived plenty of battles and seen many of his friends die. This made him an excellent master at arms but a poor empath.

Looking around to those in his company he said, “I know we did no have much time to talk during the breakfast introductions. I am Arn Thurson. A medic in the Stone Shield legion of my Ironhold homeland. I hope I may be of service to Princess Anny and you all.” His voice was firm enough but his heart was not. He had never truly introduced himself other than when reporting in. Usually this was achieved by stating name, rank, and purpose. Though that may not be as well received outside of Legion jurisdiction.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

T I M E : M O R N I N G
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R P L A Z A
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , S O P H I E , L E A F , S L I C K
T A G S : @Princess, @Alivefalling, @FunnyGuy, @Helo
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T , B A T H I N G S U I T

"I... Aurora blushed. This was a like outcome of the situation. She was not too naive for this possibility to surprise her. The uncertainty that she dealt with was the integrity and control of Slick. She had a difficult time convincing him not to go gamble in the immediate moments, but Princess Rosaria would never have left them under her supervision if something erroneous were to happen. "I thank you very much," she spoke as she made a small bow of her head to Caelan and Slick.

There were tons of auras dancing about and reflecting with the water's surface. She could hear the waterfall pounding and splashing against into itself. She felt more afraid near the water than she had previously thought she would be, and with her nerves trying to stay sill, she admitted aloud, for the second time, as if trying to clarify a point now to Caelan and Sophie, "I thought it would be good for all of us to stay together..." She made her best effort to appear as if she had eyes. Her had turned to the respective lights shining within each creature's souls. She wanted to acknowledge them like this, to emphasize her serious and personal matter.

Aurora drew in a small breath before continuing,"And, why should I let you have the fun without me?" A humble laugh escaped her, surprising herself and catching her off gaurd that she almost forgot what she was going to say, "...After we swim, Slick and I thought it would be fun to take you all to the gambles." Principally, she was against gambling. She could go so far as it say that her father had mentioned a time when Spiritual Advisors were canonized against gambling, which he said he preferred. However, in modern times, the laws has loosened for good favor. It was said to spoil the soul; and a Spiritual Advisor should have a clean soul; for it was through a clean soul that an Advisor could help clear the path for another soul.

Carefully, she approached the pool and dipped the tips of her toes into the water. Watching and supervising gambling ought to be different than actually engaging in it. Even if the guilt might still be present... Besides, she was still getting used to being in a swimsuit. The coolness of the air was much to luxurious and frightening for her to loosen her purse strings at their next location. "The water feels so beautiful," she finally admitted to no one, feeling solemn sense of loss and discovery all at once. She felt that she had made a mistake in order to keep them together, and she wondered how long the situation would precipitate itself.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier @potter

Captain Verencia’s eyebrows perked up when the exuberant lioness took to the front of the group to introduce herself. He could not avert his gaze, and frankly, under certain circumstances, he wouldn’t want to. Now was not the time nor the place, however. In business and introduction, Caelestis believed a woman’s place was at the rear.

Her explosive personality that had taken him by surprise at first had seemingly lost its flare as the avian’s stern icy gaze returned. Hanami Designs… A staple in Roshmi. He’d have to be a hermit to not know the brand this close to Roshmi. From what he could see, the woman was not armed, and to be fair, his orders were to get rid of the more noticeable weaponry. Swords, axes, crossbows, war-hammers, polearms, and even bows had been confiscated, tagged, and stored in a makeshift armory. Those possessing items such as daggers, whips, gauntlets, and other weapons not traditionally used in warfare were instructed of their prohibited use. Anyone disobeying this instruction would be engaged by the Skyguard. He fought the urge to roll his eyes at Yuka’s invitation to her body. Not the time nor the place…

When the dark-haired elf pulled the woman behind him, Caelestis’ stance relaxed. Not only did his shoulders drop, but his facial expression was less scrutinizing. Finally, a… It was too good to be true, of course. That seemed to be the theme of light elves from his experience. Not only had the elf dismissed his questioning, but he also refused to hand over his weapon. And he had the nerve to claim he came in peace. To come to a foreign place and disregard the rules of the people who live there. The utter disrespect caused the captain’s right eye to slightly twitch. His hands dropped from his chest and he rolled his shoulders while allowing his wings to flare out. The disrespectful elf appeared to be trying to seek agreement from what Caelestis could only assume was his kin.

And agree he did, but with immensely more tact. It was a sign that he might have been longer-lived, especially with the faded scars he wore on his face. He claimed they were representatives of the Sun Elf Kingdom, yet why did his brethren control the Roshmi fashion designer. There were many possibilities why that was, but he would not simply leave that to his own imagination. The largest threat to a refugee operation was spies and infiltrators. This was a risk that Avian City was aware of and attempted to mitigate as best as possible. The biggest hole in their effort to safely shelter the refugees was magic. It was not the easiest thing to shackle down and could not be confiscated. It was fortunate most of the arrivals were demi-humans without any notable abilities to speak of. So when unnamed elves suddenly appear in this city while seeking exemption from the mandatory confiscation of weapons, being representatives of the Sun Elf Kingdom attempting to engage in talks of an alliance seemed… suspicious. Claims of non-aggression meant nothing to a liar and a permitted weapon meant everything to someone intending to commit violence. This elf was correct. This was a time of war. Unfortunately, his own words betrayed him as keeping the refugees safe was the current charge of the Avian City Sky Guard.

The last of the quartet spoke up, drawing tension away with their clever words. He may have entertained the fox on another occasion, but the elves held his ire. The fox demihuman had also failed to provide their background. Was this a ragtag company of people who met by chance? Impossible. It was more likely they were dark elven spies that had failed to get a proper cover story together. There were so many flaws. The only woman had the most sense and took initiative. Slightly too excitable but compliant. The dark-haired elf was simply defiant. His scarred brother was also negotiable. If they were spies, I would have had him speak first. And the fox came across as cool and collected. More interested in what he laid his eyes on than what was being said.

“Elf. You speak of vermin beneath our door, but I think you fail to see how that compares to you and your company. You don’t simply keep vermin out because they’ll eat your stock of food. It’s disease. That is what truly harms the people in their home.” His eyes scanned across each of their faces. “Stopping them entirely is mere fantasy. They will always get in, always. A vermin’s weapon is the sickness they carry and we of Avian City under these circumstances have the ability to remove and control this. The Skyguard is what provides safety for all in this city!” As if on cue, three armored and helmeted avians circled above. Their shadows danced across the five below. “Ambassadors, fashion designer, and… you there. Choose to forgo your weapons to my subordinates, and I will entertain your plea for an alliance between the Sun Elf Kingdom and Avian City. I assure you, we will return them once you are no longer under our protection.” A smug smile formed on his face, revealing how seriously he took the group and their explanations. The three Skyguard avians landed gracefully behind Caelestis. If the group agreed to give their weapons up, the three avians would move to collect them. If not, they would not advance beyond this point with their words alone…
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

🌑 Late Morning.

🌑 Riverport.

🌑 @funnyguy - Darius.
🌑 @Alivefalling - Dante.

🌑 N/A.


They were talkative, these humans. They always were. Always something to say, something to share. Always something to express. With each step, another statement echoed, another choice word lingering on Ashari’s mind. The boy deigned to spare a glance over his shoulder, taking a moment to collect himself. Social endeavors were battles he was ill suited for. Neither sword nor shield would yield him a victory on such a battlefield. Eventually, following a string of deliberations, an answer reached the surface, trickling past the lad’s pale lips as he decided to speak. ”Ashari,” the demon introduced himself, that long, slender tail swaying behind him.

He knew little of human history, or why the elves would tear a fissure in time and space to bring forth these remarkably mundane creatures as a presumed army of saviors. Allowing himself a deep breath, the Blackguard turned ahead, his gaze fixing itself on the path. Slowly, the sound of civilization began to peek through, and before long, one would witness the splendor of Riverport just up ahead. ”I have to go take care of this,” claws reached into a pocket to produce Ashari’s contract, the one indicating a request to save that of which was lost. He had failed before ever accepting the job, as it would turn out, and rather saved two unrelated individuals in its stead. ”See you around, humans..,” the boy finished, leaving his companions within the safety of Riverport as he started forth, slipping between the buildings. Someone was going to experience bad news.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location:Avian City
Interactions:@Potter Xavier @Helo Orias @CitrusArms Aiko @FunnyGuy Caelestis
Equipment: Dress and thigh-high socks(Slits on the inner sides of the sleeves), Black boots, Pouch with amas, Lipstick, Mysterious bag of fun drugs

Yuka stumbled back a bit as a strong grip pulled her backward. She easily and gracefully regained her footing and stared at the back of Xavier’s head with a raised brow as he spoke. Rude. I was doing a good job. After he had said what he needed to, she grabbed his arm and yanked him back into her arms to wrap her arms around him from behind and smile, leaning her head over his shoulder as her long blonde locks fell over his body, ”D’aw! Did you just protect me? Cute!”

A devious expression crossed her face as a wicked thought crossed her mind. She was distracted as Koldar started talking, barely hearing him as she started tickling Xavier from her position, Tickle tickle!She whisper-hissed in his ear. Yuka was not aggressive with her tickle assault. It was only brief. She was careful not to scratch him as well, using the tips of her fingers as her claws were sheathed. Whatever Koldar is saying, I’m sure it’s good. He’s got it.

Aiko piped up and she glanced over, giggling,”It’s true. Aiko’s my beautiful fluff! You can’t take it.”

The pretty angel man did not seem to like her friend’s statements as much as she did. He was acting pretty serious. The area around them was soon doused in shadows as he paused his speech. She glanced upward at the flying avians. Yuka could figure it took a well-muscled being to be able to fly with all that armor. Her gaze met the avian before her once again and she frowned her arms hanging over Xavier’s shoulders still, as she glanced over at Koldar, ”Oh that’s what you’re going on about? The weapon thing still. Are you really giving him an issue over that? He’ll give them back and even if he doesn’t, it’s just a hunk of junk. I can just fetch you new ones. “She couldn’t believe that they were going to be the ones responsible for setting up an alliance with the Sun Elf Kingdom and the Avian City. Yuka was certain none of them were really even valid representatives of the Sun Elf Kingdom. This day was shaping up to be exciting!

Looking up at Caelestis now, Yuka said enthusiastically, ” Well of course we love that idea!”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival
Interactions: Caelan @Alivefalling Aurora@Mole Slick@FunnyGuy
Equipment:Clothing,Backpack, Sketchbook with drawings, various drawing supplies, iPhone, a PBJ sandwich, charging cable, strawberry pocky, earphones, and a pouch with two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.

Slick's voice reached them and Sophie couldn't help waving excitedly over to him and Aurora, who she noted were now in bathing suits too. She hadn't expected them to join since they had not seemed eager earlier. "Hi cowboy! You two are joining us? I'm so happy~" She giggled drunkenly before setting her eyes on Aurora as Slick mentioned her. She nearly gasped. She hadn't thought that Aurora could get any cuter but she had done so. Sophie called back to them, "Aurora looks so beautiful!"

She moved to the edge of the pool to lean on it and listen as Aurora spoke, the sound of the waterfall filling the background,"Oh that would be fun. I am a little worried to gamble the little money I have but why not." Who knew fantasy creatures liked to gamble too? It was strange there were so many similarities between this world and Earth.

Aurora soon joined them in the pool, moving about in that graceful manner she always did; Sophie was sure Slick was to follow. It was going to be nice to talk to Slick and Aurora. She hadn't gotten to speak to Aurora much on their journey here and Slick was intriguing for obvious reasons. And of course, talking to Caelan was always pleasant as he was a sweet guy. Sophie wanted to get to know them all, but she was normally too nervous to speak her thoughts out loud. Whatever she had drank made her feel as if the words tumbled out before she could even process them.
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