Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Rue@Potter, Eris and “Valerie”(Raven)@Tae, Annya@princess,
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (a bit less than an ounce), rolling papers, and 191 amas.

Bowyn listened as Annya spoke, his expression stern but engaged. Was this really the entirety of the elves' plan? Have a nice little beach vacation, then train a handful of humans, and just hope the rest of Avalia joined up. As if that could be enough? It didn’t inspire any flicker of hope in Bowyn, he wasn’t sure he expected it to, doubted there was anything in Avalia that could. Not anymore. Roshmi had already been lost. Dark elves on both sides of the continent, they’d just work their way inward until nowhere was safe. And when had anywhere been safe? Maybe before dark elves, but never since. Even worse, worse than relying on something as intangible as hope, the elf wanted to talk peace, change the violent dispositions, of dark elves. As if monsters could be tamed, could ever be something that wouldn’t maim and slaughter those they came across. Bowyn knew better, and it had been a mistake to think that even a light elf could see that truth.

The rest of what Annya said, talk of controlling emotions and meditation was lost on him. All his mind could do was spiral down worst-case scenarios. Foolish light elves who thought they could change the nature of evil, putting all this wasted effort into peace talks and diplomacy, as if dark elves would listen, as if they contained any empathy in that void he’d seen behind dark elf eyes. Then every part of Avalia would be controlled by the Twin-Headed Dragon, and how long would it be before they reached his village? Before his home was overrun by creatures that relished in torture. An entire village of people whose very nature was to be kind and they would be left to suffer just as he had. That sort of evil wouldn’t spare any creature in Avalia, no matter how kind or good, until even people like Rue, would suffer.

“You think dark elves are ever going to back down? Listen to talks of peace, that evil, pure evil, can ever be reasonable? Did not watch their little show? A dwarven prince. A fairy prince. A demihuman prince. Slaughtered. So many innocent people who had no claim of royalty, not worth broadcasting, have been slaughtered. For years. Or maybe you’re willing to forgive all that because no one from your family was slaughtered the other night. Peace will come once every last dark elf has been sent to Aklenroth. Believe me when I tell you that these creatures have no shred of anything good in them and I would rather die than let that threat linger so that others will have to one day pick up this burden once more. That is how I feel.” Bowyn spoke his piece with quiet anger, his voice even lower than usual because his words held experiences almost too painful to voice. Because how do you explain what it is to look into the face of evil, to watch a creature that kills for the fun of it, that finds joy in torture, and to feel that same evil infect you? What words even existed to explain such murky things when even after he tried it sounded so hollow to his own ears?

“Every day I live in fear that that evil will make it to my home, to my people, and winter fae are not built for such horror, no decent creature is.” Bowyn’s next words were spoken in a shaky whisper, offered more to the breeze than any member of the group. He paused, pulling the anger back out of his words because he knew he could not just rage at Annya the way he had with Arn. Annya was one of the few that held true influence on how this would all play out, and Bowyn could not afford to have that bridge burnt to ash. He could not be banished from the conversation, from playing a part in this fight.

“And I am sorry for ruining the mood here. I am especially sorry for the humans who have been forced into this. Into a world and a war that is not their own but now, this might be the only chance to fix something that has been wrong here for so long. We must not rely on hope, or expect anything decent from this enemy. Because it will be innocent, unimportant people, who will suffer anytime we fail.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Dante @Alivefalling
Mentions: Ashari

As Ashari made his swift exit, Darius shrugged and looked at Dante with a grin.

“Looks like we don’t even have to pay the dude after all. And… we’re here.” Darius gazed upon the port town. The elevation where they currently stood was higher than the town itself. This gave them both a grand view of the town in front of them. Despite not looking as modern as he was used to, River Port presented itself with the familiarity of civilization. A vineyard? He spotted it to their immediate right as they entered River Port from the east. The sudden hum of an amora landing to their left caused Darius to flinch before he watched the odd aircraft land.

“Holy shit. You see that thing? It’s like a… a helicopter or somethin’” Darius and Dante would continue down the path with Darius stopping every few seconds to comment on something he’d never seen before. He never judged or scrutinized the different things he noticed. Darius’ notions leaned more towards his interest and curiosity of such things.

Before the duo truly entered the city, Darius stopped Danter with a single hand to his chest.

“Listen, before we go in there. We have to try our best to blend in with the regulars. If we see weird shit, we just smile and nod, okay? We gotta look out for ourselves. For instance, we need to grab a bite to eat. Time, now!”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival
Interactions: Leaf @Helo and Aurora @Mole

Just as Leaf had mentioned, the water in the pool felt quite “fine.” It was cool and clear, providing relief from the hot climate of Myriamor. It really is fine… Avalia really is somethin’ He thought as he led Aurora by the hand further into the pool where she would receive compliments from both Caelan and Sophie. He noticed the slight flush in their faces and smiled with glee. Slick had always enjoyed a good time, but something pricked him like a bee in the flower field. It was the way Sophie addressed him. Cowboy? He wasn’t sure if he should be offended or just wonder why she would call him such a thing. He briefly squinted at the lady and cocked his head to the side.

“Miss Sophie… I ain’t no cowboy. Sure I got myself a horse, but I ain’t a rancher in the slightest. I wouldn’t even know where to start when it came to milkin’ cattle.” He chuckled a bit. “I’m a little more in tune with lady folk.” He winked Sophie’s way despite Caelan’s presence. Besides, it was not like Aurora could see the gesture.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 11 days ago


Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: @helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka, @FunnyGuy Caelestis
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Xavier had been trying to focus on the meeting, yet Yuka was wild and unpredictable. He stiffened when he felt arms wrap around him and her voice in his ears. Being leaned back by her was uncomfortable and he wasn’t in control which frustrated him. Why was she surprised he’d protected her? Did this girl never know chivalry? Before he could reply, he was assaulted by tickles from behind and he yelped in surprise. What was she doing! Did she not understand the seriousness of their situation? They were on a land in the sky and he knew nothing about this world! Xavier felt sparks rise around him unlike anything he’d felt in his life. He looked down at his hands to see wisps of silver gleaming around them. What was this, he wondered?

Through the chaos, he barely heard these strange creatures conversing. The sun stopped shining over him but he did not look up to see why they had been cast into shadows. All he knew was he wanted to get back down to the ground now. Still, he had a duty to this crazy woman. He knew in their home she’d likely be cast out which only upset him. He wasn’t sure why she acted this way and knew there would be a good reason. All he needed was patien….

As he started to reflect on this thought, Yuka spoke and it was the last straw. She was calling their weapons, their means of protection, junk? She wanted them to surrender their weapons? What did that word junk mean? Xavier felt heat rise in his face and eyes. The sword had been a gift from his father that would have been presented to princess Jessamine and King Viktor as a gift. The sword had been used in the last war he’d been in and was the prize of their victory. Also, how would he defend himself from these winged beings? He burst free from Yuka’s grip finally but as he did, lightning flashed from his body towards her. He felt the power burst from him and turned in bewilderment to watch it strike her. The energy cracked around him as the silver wisps returned around his hands.

”What on earth was that!” He cried as it cracked around him and panic rose in his eyes. ”Are you okay? I’m so sorry… I don’t know what happened.” His heart sank. He’d hurt an innocent but crazy woman and now it was his debt to repay her. Xavier turned to eye the rest of their party with wide eyes.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Yuka@princess, Aiko@CitrusArms, Xavier@Potter, Captian Verencia@Funnyguy
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 107 amas

Orias studied the posture and movements of Captain Verencia, the winged man was visibly displeased with the four of them. The elf only listened as the other man spoke, his face neutral, thinking over the words. He did his best to match the other man’s posture, to look more the part of an ambassador, holding his head high, keeping his eyes fixed on the captain without a glance towards the Avians that circled above or any acknowledgment as the landed behind the captain. Orias made the effort to seem dignified and not appear intimidated, to give weight to his earlier claim. This wasn’t exactly helped by Yuka who began tickling Xavier. Aiko at least seemed composed.

He nodded as Yuka insisted they would turn over their weapons, focused on readying a reply to the captain but unsure of how to word it. Orais struggled to find a tone of authority to speak from, and the mere thought of doing so filled him with a sense of dread. The thought of being without steel, only his failing magic, as protection compounded that dread. There was so much uncertainty, and the images of those executed by dark elf hands replayed through his mind. All he could think of was how this situation would have been handled so much better by the late General Joxalim. The elven general would have known exactly how to speak with this captain, know the best approach to diplomacy, would have already had a plan in action to rid Roshmi of the dark elves.

And what did Orias know? How to make a situation worse, how to hide from any shred of responsibility or duty? How to disappear and watch from the shadows as others died in his place. A liar and coward would gain no respect from a man like Captain Verencia. He had to offer truth, that was what the Avian had wanted. Before he had a chance to speak the entire situation took a drastic change.

Orias heard the deafening crack before he noticed what was going on with Xavier. Saw the tendrils of silvery lightning returning to Xavier’s body just as his head snapped to the side to look at the man. The rest of his thought dissipated as he looked at the confused and terrified face of what Orias now knew to be a human. And the human had just unleashed a powerful display of magic in front of the Skyguard Captain of Avain City who already looked at them with suspicion.

“Calm yourself and see to Yuka.” He spoke to Xavier with an even tone, trusting the man to do as he said. As he spoke he quickly unfastened the sword at his side, removed the bow and quiver from his back, and dropped them to the ground. They could not afford to have the Avians think this was an act of aggression, so Orias returned his full attention to them.

“The fashion designer, as you call her, along with the vulpine, are among the few in Roshmi with the courage to stand against tyrants. These two have left their home, risked their lives to provide safety to strangers. And I, I am Prince Orias Biren of the radiant Sun Elf Kingdom, asking for aid, for a meeting with your leaders. If any of you have a health potion handy, it would be appreciated. The boy is untrained in his powers.” Orias spoke with eyes locked on Captain Verencia, his tone laden with gravitas, but lacking aggression, trying not to provoke them further. No lies or half-truths, this was what the captain had wanted, he could only hope it would be enough. He said nothing of Xavier being a human, if the Avians were smart they’d have figured that out too, but he wouldn’t risk speaking such a thing out in the open.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by hide on mana
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hide on mana Rusty Veteran Roleplayer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Morning
Location: Desert
Interactions: @Tae Mikazuki, @FunnyGuy Slick, @Potter Rosaria, @dragonpiece Uzul, @baraquiel Jomari, @13org Nuallán. and @Helo Leaf

Kuroi had mostly kept to himself throughout much of their journey so far. Sure, he had situated himself next to the princess but he didn't do much more than that. He acknowledged the others' words when they spoke to the group as a collective, replying with a quick nod. The fox mask he donned helped keep much of the sand out of his face. Occasionally, a grain of sand would slip into the small slits which he saw out of but no discomfort ended up being derived from it. There were times when he would feel someone's gaze fall upon him, causing his ears to flicker to and fro before returning to their calm, motionless state. Up until the princess had approached him, Kuroi hadn't spoken a single word to anyone, not even the princess.

He wasn't angry, per se, merely pondering about the recent events that had happened. He was vigilant but also very relaxed. After all, one's martial prowess excels when both the mind and body are calm.

When he was spoken to by Mikazuki, one of his ears turned towards her to show attentiveness, shortly followed by a turn of his head to meet her eyes. Kuroi stayed quiet as she spoke to him, letting her speak her apologies and her justifications for dragging him along their perilous journey. A small chuckle came from him as she apologized to him - he definitely hadn't signed up for this but it was hard for him to feel any negative feelings towards his student. There was definitely annoyance that their planned training session had evolved into a journey across the desert but all Kuroi could do was go with the flow. A small sigh escaped his mouth as he formulated his response, a couple of minutes passing before he finally spoke.

"I am not angry, Princess. Even if something were to happen that would affect me on a more individual level, I am merely doing my duty. I am to serve, to train, and to protect. I admit that I expected everything to go as planned but given your status as one of royal blood, I am also not surprised that things turned out the way they did. I appreciate your gratitude, princess. I am deeply honored."

Just like the rest of his demeanor and person, his voice was relaxed. Ears that listened to Kuroi would be able to detect no sort of negative emotion from him in the slightest.

"Although...we best start training you once we are able to settle down for a day or so. That was my original responsibility and I intend to keep it. A protector's job is to keep you safe, and by teaching you what I know, your safety will only be further assured. Do not worry about coin right now, either~." continued Kuroi, his last few words being that of a jest. A small chuckle came from Kuroi before he returned to momentary silence, awaiting the princess' reply.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Interactions:@Alivefalling Alaia @FunnyGuy Vrexen/Astra @13org Myra
Equipment: Crossbow, outfit, Backpack with hygienic supplies, two daggers, flask, skinning knife, trapping wire, rope, small cooking pot, transmission bracelet, water purifier

Maeryn glanced down at the white demon as she approached with spheres in her hands. He glanced down at her and remained still as she took in his scent as to not startle her. He offered his hand slowly and gently for her to smell to show. Did this being speak? It seemed more like an animal than the red one, but it managed to have make purchases at the stall. It was rather cute in appearance, like the pups of his hunting dogs, but he knew very well appearances were not to be trusted.

His gaze returned to the other two as they voiced their agreeance. They wanted to go south as well and to hunt humans. Maeryn was pleased with his luck. It had merely been minutes after his arrival. Soon he'd be able to save Avalia and they could be done with this. "We can move to River Kingdom next if River Port is unsuccessful. " He offered. "I would suggest we take a ship down the river, cheaper than an amora and arguably fast as it moves straight to River Port."

Alaia's voice joined the frey and Maeryn sighed. For a sweet girl, she could be so difficult. "I like to make sure we get as much information that is possibly available, Alaia. However if you refuse, I will not press. We can depart immediately then when everyone is ready." He was thankful as the girl did not try to pet the white creature but she was kneeling down close enough to it to make him slightly exasperated.

Maeryn looked at the elven girl and the red one, giving them a soft smile, "My name is Maeryn. It is a pleasure to travel with you."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport Beach
Interactions:@Potter Rue Bowyn @Helo Eris & Raven @Tae
Equipment:Outfit visible from Disguise Ring,Armor(Not visible); Chest plate is enchanted with Armor of Absorption, Map of Avalia, Water Flask, A bag of elf and demi-human ears and tails, Small book and pen, Ama pouch with 2000 amas on hand, Three large red potions, Wayfinder, Hygiene supplies, Rose-scented Perfume, Location Sender, Shower Tube, Transmission Bracelet, Bedroll, Water Purifier,Axes with returning enchantment,Her backpack

Annya had waved and smiled at Kharne and the others, "Yes! Hope you all are having fun. I will make sure your armor does not scutter away like a crab."

She turned and looked at Bowyn as he suddenly spoke up. Annya had not expected the young winter fairy to be so opinionated on the matter, but she listened and held her tongue nonetheless. She sometimes felt it would just be all the easier to just exterminate the dark elves and be done with the matter. What they were referring to was obviously genocide. Could they simply generalize all of them as evil and unworthy of life? After years of tension, sometimes Annya had trouble caring about the specifics. She understood what Bowyn felt and figured they were more similar than he realized. However, what irked her was that he seemed to be insinuating that she did not care about the deaths of the royals, those she had interacted with for years. But that was not the worst of it."Bowyn. Our general, who was dear to me, was also killed the other night. She was family to me. Her name was Talindra Joxalim. "

She met his eyes, her fists clenched as she thought about her words before speaking. Once upon a time, she would have unleashed her anger on him, the anger she kept buried within and now tried so hard to contain. But who was she to yell at him when it would only be hypocritical. "You do not deserve to live in fear. None of us do. Do not worry about the mood. Your anger is understandable and your pain valid. Yell at me if you need to. However, do understand that this war does not just have us debate over the lives of dark elves, but all of us. They are a formidable enemy, Bowyn. Those above me want to attempt diplomacy as avoiding war as it means less brave men and women need to die... But if I were to be honest with you, I would rather just skip the pleasantries. It is too late for compromise." Annya's expression and tone was like night and day as compared to few minutes ago.

"Do not scapegoat me for the problems at hand as it is not up to me. I have little say on the decisions made by my parents and those who rank over me. My goal is to prepare and protect the humans as well as all who accompany me. I plan to kill any dark elf I come across just as much as you do."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Aiko Yume

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City Landinng
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Omni5876

Oof. Not a fraction of movement. In fact, the man stonewalled harder. Folks like this were likely to catch on to any alterations to their mental facilities, as well. No relaxing their way out of this one. "Believe me, captain. I want my normal, peaceful life back as much as the next guy. One where I can walk down the streets without worrying if I'll be seeing more bodies today... The first day of this war had been harsh enough." They hadn't actually seen the bodies, but had enough hearsay from a night of dream walking to know there must have been bodies. Terrible, mutilated bodies. That was it, though...

"Forgive me. I'm a little bitter, but for others, I expect bitterness is only the beginning. I have little right to comp-" Zap!

Aiko whirled about, having yet to rejoin the shoulders of his companions. Surprised mostly, maybe a little spooked, he quickly pieces together... Approximately what happened. Their latest companion seemed shocked and Yuka seemed less well than she was before, and somewhat frizzy. Whatever had happened, Aiko hurried to the designer's side.

"Ooooh, sweetie, are you ok?" He tried to tame her hair, running a hand over her hair. "Looks like whatever that was roughed you up, what happened? I was turned away..." He looked up at Xavier for a moment, questioning but not aggressive. He didn't seem confident about whatever had happened, and he didn't run away immediately.

Despite the crisis, they had to resist the rising desire to shift. Something about how Yuka had called them her sweet fluff had made the urge worse. If they weren't careful, they'd do it without noticing.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier @potter

Caelestis awaited what would come next, and if he were being honest, he wouldn’t have expected the following events in a lifetime. Kicking the ragtag visitors out of the city seemed to be the more likely option, and the captain would have no qualms in doing so. His people had opened their gates to those escaping tyranny with a reasonable requirement. Sure, if the shoe was on the other foot, he might find surrendering his weapons unfavorable but just being here in Avian City means you have already surrendered to Malthemoor.

“Believe me, captain. I want my normal, peaceful life back as much as the next guy. One where I can walk down the streets without worrying if I'll be seeing more bodies today... The first day of this war had been harsh enough.”

“Death is the price of war. Compliance is the price of entry into our city. These are things you cannot escape.” Caelestis replied in a manner much opposite of Aiko. Direct and with a chilling cold tone. His eyes found the weapons of the group again before Yuka piped up in her excited tone that was beginning to pick at his tolerance.

“Oh that’s what you’re going on about? The weapon thing still. Are you really giving him an issue over that? He’ll give them back and even if he doesn’t, it’s just a hunk of junk. I can just fetch you new ones.” Despite not enjoying every moment she spoke, he did value her being agreeable to what was requested of the group. He wondered if she could convince her allies, but the defiant elf’s expressions said otherwise as she held him firmly in her grasp.

Steel blades are not worth hoarding… Too heavy.” He was a little offended that anyone would think the Sky Guard would be involved in stealing swords from civilians.

“Well of course we love that idea!” It was too bad that Yuka was not the ringleader of this group. There seemed to still be more to address.

“Forgive me. I'm a little bitter, but for others, I expect bitterness is only the beginning. I have little right to comp-”

When Xavier suddenly burst free from Yuka’s grip something unbelievable occurred. Electricity crackled and flashed from his body towards her. The contingent of Sky Guard reached for their weapons in reflex. If the situation was taken without much context, Yuka had just been assaulted by Xavier.

“Assault…” One of the Sky Guard behind the captain uttered.

“Hold!” Caelestis commanded. Though he had never witnessed the magic that was just displayed, he knew what it was. Fire, air, water, earth, and lightning. These were the elements that could be tamed by the very beings summoned to Avalia. Information like this might have escaped him if not for the refugee operation. The Sky Guard were informed to seek out spies, intelligence, and humans. But why these beings? Xavier appearing as surprised as anyone else present almost answered this question. Caelestis could hear the voice of Augus from his memory.

“They are an asset, but they are also a threat! The magic these humans possess is highly volatile and without proper training or guidance, they can bring catastrophe! I am sure some of you are aware of the story, The Fury Gale! An almost mythic tale passed down through the generations. A wind that tore through our people and homes after a foolish act of cruelty! If you believe it is a myth, you are a fool. If you believe it was natural, you are simply ignorant…”

While Yuka was being tended to by the fox and the assailant, the captain turned his gaze to the scarred elf who had surrendered his weapons. It appeared as a moment where a deceptive culprit realized the gig was up. And though Caelestis desired the truth, he was not sure he was prepared for it.

“The fashion designer, as you call her, along with the vulpine, are among the few in Roshmi with the courage to stand against tyrants. These two have left their home, risked their lives to provide safety to strangers. And I, I am Prince Orias Biren of the radiant Sun Elf Kingdom, asking for aid, for a meeting with your leaders. If any of you have a health potion handy, it would be appreciated. The boy is untrained in his powers.”

Indeed it was too much and for the first time in the exchange, the captain appeared flustered and even worried.

“P-Prince? Prince Orias Biren… No, impossible.” Caelestis knew of the slain prince of Sun Elf Kingdom. Humans, dead princes… This was way above the captain’s paygrade. The best thing to do was solve the issues he could address. He reached for a pouch on his waist and removed a vial of deep red liquid. It was finally that he stepped forward with the remedy for Yuka in hand. He quickly looked back at one of the three behind him. “Inform General Maximus that I’ll be arriving shortly with something of great importance!” He shot quickly and just as swiftly, the ordered avian took off. Caelestis faced Orias’ scarred face once more. Under different circumstances, he might have laughed at Orias and his companions, but their discretion made sense. That and the display of magic was evidence enough that the group was aligned with the Sun Elf Kingdom’s higher-ups. To be responsible for one of the most powerful magical beings in Avalia was not a task easily assigned.

“Here.” He handed over the healing potion. “And pick up your weapons. Confiscation will not be necessary. I do request your party follow me to someone who will provide you with the assistance you need.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location:Avian City
Interactions:@Potter Xavier @Helo Orias @CitrusArms Aiko @FunnyGuy Caelestis
Equipment: Dress and thigh-high socks(Slits on the inner sides of the sleeves), Black boots, Pouch with amas, Lipstick, Mysterious bag of fun drugs

Strands of Yuka's hair stuck up into the air as a zap went through her body, causing her to cry out in surprise. Her knees unbuckled and she struggled to catch her breath, winded. She blinked rapidly with a frown, puzzled as she gazed down at her arms, which were mildly toasted. Xavier was apologizing in the background. Oh yeah. He's a human... Guess I forgot they could do that. It's been a long time since I've felt pain like that.

The kind coo of Aiko made her shake her head as if waking out of a dream. She put her arms around him with a sniffle, laying her head on his shoulder, "No! It hurt! My pretty skin is burnt and it hurts!" She whined, "It's fatal! Death is imminent! I see the light!" Yuka dramatically collapsed against Aiko before she pointed at Xavier accusingly, her countenance that of a kicked puppy, "He zapped me!" She paused in her complaining to reconsider it as the adrenaline of the pain had been kind of exciting when she revisited the memory. Her expression changed and it was if hearts had formed in each of her irises, "Actually...Can you do it again sometime?"

There was not much time for Xavier to answer the bizarre question she had posed as Koldar had a bomb to drop on all of them. She tilted her head in momentary confusion. Prince Orias Biren was long dead. Like way long dead! But it all made sense once the avian lapped it up like warm milk. She was so impressed with Koldar's ability to come up with outrageous lies on the spot. Things were going even better than they had planned now as they were being brought to General Maximus. Avian men were so pretty; she couldn't wait to meet another.

Yuka's lips turned up in a smile as the Captain handed her a healing potion, "Why thank you, Captain."She gulped it down as if it were a shot. Her arms slowly began to heal and she felt a sense of amazing relief. She smiled pleasantly. This situation had seemed to move about so much that she did not have a clue what was happening, but it sure was exciting. "Oooh which of you handsome boys are going to carry me to see the General!? I am a poor wounded maiden in need of dire assistance!"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 11 days ago


Time: Morning
Location: Surfside Cafe > Beach
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn, Annya @princess, Raven/Eris @Tae
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue sat and listened while her companions discussed recent events. She continued to play with the sand and collect seashells to occupy herself. It was hot and becoming uncomfortable for her, but the cool sea air breeze brought much needed relief. Once the conversation turned to the war, Rue cleared her throat and began to fidget. Bowyn’s words came off rough with truth within them. Her heart ached to see him struggling with his anger as he spoke. Losing his wings had likely been brought by the dark elves which explained his animosity. Rue scooted closer to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder and continued to listen. His words brought a chill to her spine. Why did there need to be hate or evil anyway? Didn’t they all want to live their lives in peace and quiet? He sounded so pained that it was hard to fault him for his extreme opinion. However, it was also hard for the others to understand without more context. Losing your wings was horrible when you were meant to fly.

She was grateful Bowyn tried to soften things with his last statement. He truly was a good man at heart and she was sure the group would see that. He just wanted to stop the death like they all did. Respectfully, she held her tongue to listen to Annya’s reply. The princess seemed like she also suffered with the death and pain, therefore she was quick to correct Bowyn. The poor general had been her friend too? How awful. She couldn’t imagine what it would have been like if they had murdered one of her siblings like Helio and the rest.

There was truth in her words as well. War did not just mean death of the dark elves; it also meant the other races were at stake too. She now understood that Annya laid out why the elven King and Queen might be attempting a peace talk, even if it was fruitless. Rue also appreciated there was kindness and understanding in Annya’s words. It became clear that the issue was that they needed to know more about each other before debating these things so that neither of them made assumptions.

”Um… You both sound as though you’ve endured suffering and loss, and for that I commend you both for continuing to move forward. I’m also sorry for your losses. You both have valid points so I’m grateful we can agree on the main points which are peace and to stop the suffering. However I think both sides jumped without attempting to know each other. It was cruel for the dark elves to be banished because of their race. It’s as if the winter fae were banished because we enjoy the cold and thrive in it, or because we control ice. It wouldn’t make sense and I can see why they’d be upset. Now I believe they let that become their scapegoat and be their undoing, while the light elves let their fear guide them and kill their poor Twins' father. I do understand this was all centuries ago and it doesn’t excuse the dark elves’ current behavior, but this all started because of hatred. Hate isn't going to win this mess, because as long as someone sees the other side or race as the other enemy we won’t have peace. No, there’s been too much bad blood. Peace is a resolution we’ll never have and genocide of the dark elves isn’t the answer either. No, I think we need more meditation and talks because we can’t resolve hate with more hate.” She took a deep breath and continued.

“I think if we had tried to talk it out and incorporate them into our lives, we might have been able to avoid this war. Innocent lives will be lost and I as a healer and a member of the resistance sent to help in the war, will be there to help prevent as much of it as I can.” Rue finished speaking and stretched her wings. She didn’t realize for a moment her secret had slipped and blanched. As she glanced at Bowyn, she offered a reassuring smile and allowed him to decide if he wanted her arm to remain there or not.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 11 days ago


Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: @helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka, @FunnyGuy Caelestis
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Xavier froze in shock as the sequence of events played out. For some reason, lightning exploded from him and hurt Yuka. Before he could aid her, Aiko had beaten him to the punch. The look from Aiko stung Xavier as he turned away. His chest felt as if there was someone stepping on it and had twisted his ribcage. The guilt poured from inside of him and was threatening to drown him. Why had he done that, especially to a kind woman like her?

As if matters couldn’t worsen, Yuka began her theatrics. For a moment he saw a tall curly-haired blonde with blue eyes and the voice of an angel; she, too, began theatrical as she despaired over what dress she should buy. It brought him some comfort, but Yuka’s voice overruled it and he scowled as she turned back to the blonde-haired maiden. His heart ached as she carried on and only made him feel worse. Then her request at the end caused him to do a double-take and he stared at her. Concern was evident in his eyes. Why did she enjoy pain…? Wait, did she ask me to zap her again? What in the world?

There was not much time for Xavier to answer the bizarre question she had posed as Koldar had dropped a bomb on them. So he was in the presence of a long-lost elven prince, a fashion designer, and a fox. Xavier stared at Orias with the utmost respect mixed with awe. It was now his duty not to only aid Yuka and protect her, but to help guard this prince. He didn’t see a reason for it to be a lie either. He looked stern and honest. Xavier swallowed as he was mentioned now. He clenched his fists in worry and concern as he supported Yuka from Aiko and began to rub her head gently and soothingly.

The Avian seemed incredulous, which only helped soothe Xavier’s mind. He presented a potion with a mysterious red liquid meant for Yuka. He watched with curiosity as it was distributed to her and watched to make sure it wasn’t poisonous. God must have been on their side because the Avian now directed the other three to inform their General. He let out a sigh of relief he hadn’t realized he had been holding. Fortunate kissed them now as they were no longer giving up their weapons.

Furthermore, Yuka had recovered and was back to her lunatic self. He sighed in exasperation again and smiled down at her. ”Are you okay? You seemed as though you recovered. I’ll help you as I owe you an apology. I am so very sorry and will not do that to you again, despite your bizarre request.” He scooped her up easily in his arms and brushed hair out of her eyes. His voice became light and teasing. ”I know for a fact you won’t mind this at all but please let me know if it’s too much. Can’t have our fair miaden falling apart on us, can we? I need a fashion designer to create me a better disguise.” Xavier then began following the Avian guard into their city, making sure to not trip or stumble with Yuka in his arms.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Yuka@princess, Aiko@CitrusArms, Xavier@Potter, Captain Verencia@Funnyguy
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 107 amas

As he expected both Aiko and Xavier aided Yuka while he spoke with the Skygaurd Captain. For a moment his own heart sank as he heard the lioness's cries of pain. Except these only proved to be another show of dramatics, and he had to bite down on his tongue to keep from smirking. Such an expression would not help their tumultuous situation with Captain Verencia. The Avian’s stonefaced expression had dropped a bit, the disbelief clearly written across his face. Orias didn’t expect his claim to go unchallenged, but it had at least given pause, the risk of harming elven royalty was not a risk a Skygaurd Captain would want to take. At the Captain's request, he retrieved his own weapons from the ground and fastened them back to their rightful place. This was not the man he needed to convince, and they were now being escorted to someone with the authority to speak for Avian City.

“I can assure you, Captain, that much of what you think impossible is already a reality.” And this was true; humans again walked Avalia, dark elves controlled Roshmi City, and the honorable Captain was indeed speaking with a dead prince. “And I thank you for your generosity in helping Yuka.” He added as he followed Captain Verencia. Orias’s own serious expression broke into a smirk as Yuka played the part of an injured maiden who needed to be carried. He felt a pang of pity for young Xavier, the kid was in way over his head with this one.

“Do your best to a calm head, that will keep your magic in check. I’ll address any questions or concerns you have once we are alone.” Orias spoke placing a hand on Xavier’s shoulder. The kid seemed level-headed enough that Orias hoped Xavier would be able to keep from unleashing any more magical attacks.

What Orias understood now was that his first priority had to be keeping Xavier safe, even more so than attempting to free Roshmi City. Even without speaking with his sisters, he knew that was what they were doing, protecting and training these humans. Why Xavier was not with his sisters was a puzzle he’d have to solve later. Rosaria was one of the few elves with the capabilities to even bring humans here, and somewhere out there both she and Annya were risking their lives for this cause. How could he live with himself if he gave anything less?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Caelan Knight

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: @princess Sophie @Mole Aurora @FunnyGuy Slick
Equipment: A D&D miniature, a blunt, and the clothes he was given

Caelan was happy that Slick and Aurora were joining. She was pleasant with her words as she joined them, telling them they would go gambling after swimming. It would be a lot more fun with all of them together, but he was not sure why the cat man was standing over by the horse away from them all. He hoped he’d come join too, at least for the gambling. ”Let’s gooo! I’m about to become the richest man in Avalia!” He said laughing he was starting to really feel the alcohol as his vision began to sway and blur in and out.

Caelan looked towards Sophie as she spoke and just listened he didn’t have much to say but she was still very cute. He smiled at her, nodding eagerly as she spoke as if she was saying the most important thing in the world. Slick started telling them how he wasn’t a cowboy in the most cowboy accent ever. ”Pfft!” He glared at him as he winked at Sophie. What!

”Cowboy, cowboy, cowboy.”He taunted, frustration building inside him as a rock flung up from beside Slick and nicked him in the head, making his hat fall off. ”Don’t do that ever again!”

Dante Blackbourn

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: @FunnyGuy Darius
Equipment: Old hat, Clothes from a dead elf, Steel Sword

“Good, I never wanted to pay him anyway; he may have saved us but he said what like ten words to us before leaving.” Dante said in an annoyed tone after being left so suddenly. He stared down at the town before looking up at Darius. “Dude that looks like a helicopter blimp… That shit looks crazy. I need to ride one of those sometime.” He was in awe of this vehicle but Dante continued to walk beside Darius looking at their surroundings.

Dante stopped in his tracks and Darius put his hand on his chest. “Dude I am not dumb. I know how to blend in. Can you stop trying to act smart? Yeah, I am hungry as fuck. Also if you have something to cover those big ears of yours, do it cause they don’t fit in dumbo.” He said laughing.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Aiko Yume

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City Landinng
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Omni5876

It didn't take Aiko long to confirm Yuka's well-being. No, this didn't seem very fatal. The lioness was acting, and poorly at that. The demon in disguise couldn't help but roll their eyes. "Ah, yes, so grievously injured. So much so you'd do it again, is it?" Mm hm. It probably hurt, more than anything.

Xavier took the bait. Not everyone could see through cheap acting, apparently. Maiden? Aiko didn't have any hard evidence, but you'd be hard pressed to fool a succubus on such matters. They wouldn't say anything about it, though. Perhaps it was best to let the poor fool believe.

More importantly, he zapped her? Aiko took a look at Xavier. Elemental powers marked him as human. And, wait, what was that, from their elf companion? Orias? Hmm. Yes, his face was scarred enough to be that of a man who'd died once. The magic he'd been so scarcely able to offer unto the light above... Did that scrap of magic have something to do with the stories of his death?

What an amazingly rag-tag group of heroes they'd turned out to be. Where had Yuka even found this human? It was good to get him out from Roshmi, at any rate.

With Yuka well and the whole mess sorted out, Aiko straightened themselves out and have their parasol a twirl. Yes, this had gone smoothly. Now, they supposed it would be time to find out if this really was Prince Orias. That would certainly give them the leverage they'd need to gather allies.

"Perhaps you can give us a tour after we've met the general, Captain?" The fox followed along with the others, very carefully keeping their form. Military personnel didn't tend to let unknowns go by, so sneaking in a gender shift probably wouldn't go well.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Bath time (~11:00 a.m.)
Location: Riverport - River Port Beach -> The Baths
Interactions: Kharne, Bane of the Meek @Kazemitsu, Arn, Slime Connoisseur @Omni5876, Kaleb, The Trickstar @FunnyGuy, and Saoirse, the Liminal @potter
A full suit of Steel Half Plate & a
Steel Targe
Steel Half Plate
Steel Longsword

Inventory: A rogue-ish set of clothing, his dog tags, and a set of faux demihuman Wolf ears, a Ring of Disguise, two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.

Ismael had lost some of his focus on his slime killing, he now had to worry about the man who had used his powers in the midst of the Slime Slaying Festival. Ismael knew the man didn't mean it, he hoped, but his work now became an acting practice to make himself look like a bit of an ass to others. Scoffing and making remarks about Kaleb to other Slime Slayers as he is like a child and needs more training to not be such a show-off. Trying to throw off others in any way he could about the possibility of Kaleb actually using fire magic. With some people they looked at Kaleb like he was some kind of idiot who couldn't control himself, with others they just looked at Ismael like he was making an ass of himself, which was the point. They had different thoughts about Kaleb and that's all that mattered.

Once the killing was done, Ismael had finally found himself covered in slime goo. He was upset for a bit of time, well until he heard that they would be going to be given a free bath and armor cleaning. Ismael knew that cleaning his gear of this horrid mess would be a true hassle, he just hoped they would properly care for it afterward though, as he knows slime gunk would eat through many things, and the polish and oil on the armor would be torn through quickly if not given some care. Upon the regrouping, Kaleb seemed to look towards Ismael and ask if he was with the group. Ismael gave a moment and saw who was looking, as he noticed that some people were a little close for comfort. He thought for a moment as the proper action, as he made the initiative to continue his act. Ismael let out a snarl and bared his fangs and tilted his head as he spoke "Unfortunately I am". Ismael let the moment sink as he continued, "Yes Red is out here with us. She just knows when to be quiet". Ismael left that sting there as he moved along, he knew he was probably making a serious ass out of himself with Kaleb, but he thought this was the best way to make sure that those who might be watching for them would not see them.

After a bit of walking, Kaleb seemed to have taken the initiative to set himself as the center of attention, as he called to see what everyone's kill count was. Kharne was in the 90's Kaleb was 67, Ismael knew what his count was, 59 on the dot. Ismael wasn't gonna say anything though, as right now he needed to keep up his image as some kind of Alpha Male figure, and saying you are 8 under the person you are trying to be 'superior' to would just make you look like an idiot. Even though this was just a role Ismael was playing, he didn't want to make himself look like some idiot clown, well more than he feels like he is, he does like to think of his self-image a bit.

Once they made it to the washing area Ismael noticed that their group was given an area all to themselves, he let out a silent sigh, as that means he could more relax of others spying. Ismael seemed to relax once he got to the area. Here he began going to one of the showers near Kaleb and says to him in a tone only he could really hear. "Hey sorry for the bad introduction. My name is Ismael". Ismael's voice is much less harsh and snarling as he looked completely relaxed in comparison to his earlier tall and imposing demeanor.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza
Interactions: Champ the horse
Equipment: The clothes on his back and a pouch of amas.

Leaf kept a good grip on Champ’s reins and wondered for a bit what exactly he was supposed to do with the horse. He supposed pets unusually needed some walking so that’s what he settled on, walking around with the horse and keeping an eye on the elves, well elf, and the humans. Then he started thinking all about how everything he had thought he knew about Slick wasn’t true at all. Not an elf, not a bounty hunter, heck he’s probably not even the princess’s bodyguard. When he really thought about it, humans were in a lot of danger here in Avalia. Dark elves wanted them captured, probably even killed, it was no wonder why Slick wasn’t honest about who or what he was. Despite how well he lied, Slick still seemed like a good guy.

“Hey now, I bet it’s really those lovely princesses who are bodygaurdin’ Slick.” Leaf whispered to the horse. Leaf had a good chuckle on that one, imagining a guy like Slick needing protection. The horse continued to stare with blank, flighty, eyes that showed little signs of intelligence. Then Leaf worried that humans might have super hearing and gave a quick check to make sure Slick wasn’t glaring daggers at him. He wasn’t.

Leaf wasn’t exactly paying close attention to Champ, his mind occupied with thoughts of humans, dark elves, war, and what that all meant for him. So he wasn’t sure what set the horse off but before he knew it the horse was stomping. kicking up sand, and making all sorts of huffing and puffing noises.

Great. He thought. Slick had asked one thing, not to scare the horse. And Leaf wasn’t sure why he was worried about letting Slick down, he definitely wasn’t getting a job from Slick now. Leaf tried to keep the horse from hopping all over the place, speaking calmly, petting the creature's long puffing nose.

“Easy there Champ, I bet your a wonderin why I gone off and left ya with some big ol’ cat. Don’t go a worrying yer purdy empty head there Champ. He ain’t gonna eat ya. I just found me some real purdy womenfolk that need looking out for is all.” Leaf did his best interpretation of Slick, even tipping an imaginary hat as he spoke. The horse did not seem amused. In fact, it just stared at him with those flighty, empty, prey eyes.

Now when it came to prey animals, Leaf found their eyes a bit unnerving, something about the expression and the eye placement just prickled his fur. He could never really tell how they’d react, they just weren’t rational the way a predator was. Now Leaf had met centaurs and similar creatures of Avalia and they were loads smarter than their animal counterparts, always had a story to tell too. Maybe Champ the horse had a story to tell but Leaf couldn’t speak horse, which made finally getting the horse to calm down some quite the challenge.

Never again would he agree to horse sit.

Once Champ had finished his tantrum Leaf stopped to buy the creature a snack. Maybe it was just hangry. Eventually, he found a stall nearby, The Fresh Stall, selling all sorts of fruit, vegetables, and worst of all salads. None of this was what Leaf would consider real food but it would do for Champ. He traded a handful of amas for some apples and carrots and went ahead giving the horse some snacks. This at least seemed to help some as Champ seemed calmer, but it left a bit of slimy horse saliva on his hand.

Gross. He thought as he stared at the foamy slime on his hand.

"You know I could best you any day in a race. Leave you right in the dust ol’ Champ.” He said as he wiped the horse’s slobber from his hand onto the horse’s fur. Champ only shot a puff of air through his nostrils as though he disagreed.
Disrespect from a horse. Just what I wanted.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: The Harem
Interactions: @Alivefalling Barboda @princess Helio @Infinite Cosmos Tesoro @Helo Nym @Potter Tigerlily @FunnyGuy “Two Lesser Known Twins”

Tigerlily had moved and told everyone to cover their ears and Lizzie found herself doing so against her own will. The shock of the action made her uncomfortable and she found herself looking at the woman with some alarm. She was beginning to understand part of why Tesoro had such an adverse reaction to the siren. To be made to do something against your will was unsettling. There was no time to question it now, though, as the were in the midst of battle.

A boar demi-human had just boarded the ship and Lizzie knew that they needed to be taken care of swiftly. There were also several others who looked to be prepared to head over. Before she could shout orders, however, there was another that had been knocked over that had just climbed up the other side of the ship. She reached out, desperately grasping for that magic she’d felt from earlier, but there was nothing. How she’d created that wave was a mystery to her. She cursed in frustration as she began to stand once more, ignoring the fire in her arm still. ”We’ve got company! Someone cut those lines!” She shouted at her crew as she pointed to the grappling hooks before pulling out her sword. She looked at the demi-human, grinning sadistically.

”Perhaps we’ll feast on boar tonight.” She said tauntingly to him, readying herself for the fight ahead. One thing she excelled at was sword fighting, having a natural affinity for it. She was swift and sure on her feet, though she also wasn’t one to fight fairly, as some would say. She was fond of dirty tricks, anything to help her gain the upper hand. She suddenly ran at him, making a few strikes as she worked her way closer into his guard. When she was close enough, she reached for his pistol while sweeping at his legs. Pistol now in hand and boar man trying to catch his footing, Lizzie showed no mercy as she shot him point blank.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Dante @Alivefalling

“Big ears? Bruh, you’re lucky those dreads are nerfing those things you’re hiding under there. You know when we were kids you scared the absolute shit out of me, right? Had me thinking a CAR with the front doors open was gonna run into me.” The younger of the two shot back, but knew Dante was right about hiding his ears. That was the thing about them. Sure, they talked shit to each other most of the time, but they fed off each other, even if they’d never admit it.

Darius couldn’t say he didn’t miss it. In his world, Dante was… Was he here? The elves had mentioned their ability to create rifts into other realms was dangerous due to how little control they held over the skill. They could bring in anyone from any place and any time. Even with that explanation, arriving with his living brother seemed like a fantastical desire. Whether it was luck or fate, he was here and that’s all that mattered now.

“Hey, how about you pass me that dingy hat you took. Wouldn’t fit that melon you call a head anyway.”

Once Darius received the hat, the two would venture into town where they’d see more than just the elves and orcs they saw previously, but fairies, demihumans, and even the occasional dwarf were a new sight for both brothers in this world. Taking his own advice Darius tried not to portray too much of a shocked demeanor. He did stare at some a bit longer than he should have, but luckily only received an awkward stare back.

“Look at that place. Seafood Sensations! And this is a port town. I think I’m game.” Darius was just glad there was some normalcy in this alien world.

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