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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: River Port Spa -> River Port Beach -> Leaving the River Port Beach
Interactions: Kharnold Schwartzeneggar @Kazemitsu, Peeping Arn @Omni5876, Saoirse, the Main Character @potter, and Slime Slayer Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Eris Bae & “Valerie” @Tae, Princess "On-ya" @princess, Inori @Shard

About a moment ago…“when Kharne had just saved that Saiorse girl from getting thoroughly scorched.”

"No one here is a main character...this isn't a story or a show, this is real life leading up to combat and war. Do not treat this as a game or you will die or get someone else killed."

Kaleb had nodded his head in agreement as if what the Kharne said didn’t apply to him. I like this guy. A little too preachy, but he can be added to the roster. He can be the pep talk guy or the P.R. guy. Kaleb was still nodding despite Kharne addressing his very specific comments and mentioning the idea of hiding. Even if he had clearly comprehended what was said, Kaleb would have just brushed the issue off. It didn't matter if it was Liam Neeson in dragon form, Kaleb felt he could take care of himself in the face of anything Av.alia could throw at him. The guy had just slain 67 monsters today and the clock hadn’t even struck noon yet! It wasn’t until Kharne started to go over what Kaleb anticipated to be a tragic backstory, that he actually tuned in.

"I'm a mercenary and have been for a little over forty years… Annya Annya Annya Annya…” Kaleb raised an eyebrow with his mouth agape, completely disappointed in the sentence long origin story.

What the fuck? He couldn’t even look to the others considering their status as supporting. Big L in that Liam but we’ll work with it since he’s a killing machine. And though he had been too distracted to listen to the rest of what Kharne had to say yet again, Kaleb could at least make out that Annya was a decent woman from Kharne's perspective.

When the broadcast played… Let’s just say it was quite the wake-up call for the young movie star. The sight of the unneeded mutilation of a human shook him to the core, leaving him almost catatonic. He looked down towards the water, thinking if that had been him, and it easily could have. In fact, if it weren’t for Eris, he would have been gobbled up by one of those giant snakes. Shit… that was… That was something. Kaleb was so absorbed in his thoughts, that he missed Kharne’s first few words shouted in addressing the sudden strong winds currently howling. Kaleb snapped out of his stupor to find the others jumping out of the water and dressing. Kaleb looked from person to person while he got out of the pool. One after the other, they left the spa, only for him simply poke his head out and watch the four of them run towards… a tornado? Again, he raised an eyebrow before shaking his head.

“Nope. Not doing that shit.” Even if the tornado was where the others had been, what the hell could he do about it?

“Sir, is your party finished?” An attendant asked from outside.

“Give your boy a few minutes and I’ll be out in a few.” He shot her a grin before going back inside and dipping right back into the water. “Ahhh all to myself… To myself? Heh.” He held a hand out, watching lines of steam rising from it due to the heat he was beginning to produce.


Thick steam escaped the spa tent like a dramatic entrance that Kaleb felt was only fitting for a man like himself. He stepped out confidently, first noticing the tornado or whatever he saw had vanished. People were murmuring in the streets while looking over in the direction of the beach. There were too many conversations to follow but there were several keywords that stuck out. Beach. Tornado. Magic. Human. He sighed as he was his delight of being in a beachfront town would surely come to an end.

“Sir, is your-”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m done.”

Kaleb made his way toward the beach. He’d get there much later than the others but he was sure a few would recognize him casually walking towards the scene. Upon arriving, of course, he had to speak. “Who was it that fucked things up for us here?!” He pointed over his shoulder towards the greater part of town. “People are talking and… Wait, what happened to Eris?! Kaleb approached his elven companion, noticing how exhausted she appeared. He put an arm around her while looking around at the others, appearing to want answers for a brief moment before guiding her away. “Come on, let’s get the hell away from here. And what even happened? I mean... you’re okay, right?”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival
Interactions: Leaf @Helo, Aurora @Mole, Caelan @Alivefalling, Sophie @princess

Slick’s hand almost found Aurora’s as she made her suggestion to leave before he felt the sudden shifting beneath him. His eyes caught sight of Caelan, questioning what was going on. Is it always somethin’ with this kid? Slick was not going to be an advocate for Caelan drinking in the future. It just spelled trouble. Then there was Sophie who he saw as just a mess, curling into herself due to seeing what occurred during the broadcast. Slick sighed. He was familiar with the reaction. Life’s spoiled her eyes… and now she’s seen its ugly face. No powder, make-up, or charm. Nothin.’

As the water drained from the pool, Slick finally took Aurora’s hand so he could assist in getting out. Several people in the pool were confused as to what caused such a sudden leak but the broadcast took the forefront of their attention.

“Cale, you best get Soph up so we can get movin.’ The girl’s sensitive to what we just saw but like our friends here suggested, we can’t stay here.” Leaf and Aurora hadn’t agreed on a location, but the mention of the blacksmith gave him an idea.

“Why wait to go to the blacksmith? We’re gonna need the extra protection and I think I can get us a discount or two seeing as I’m familiar with the owner and all.”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Inside the Schooner
Interactions: Lizzie @Tae, Helio @princess, Nym @Helo, and Barboda @Alivefalling

The four entered were met with two things that were impossible to ignore; The thick scent of blood that sickenly polluted the air and the large holographic image of Ardyn Croft looking upon them from the transmission stand before them. Besides the lantern set on the ground by the ladder, the live transmission served as the only other light in the pitch darkness that surrounded the rest of the hold. Even the source of the blood was difficult to pick up. Why did that even matter in the face of infamy?

Vellen was nowhere to be seen, likely escaped while he had the chance to. He knew he could not face this crew alone without a significant advantage on his side. With the rest of the crew already dead or worse, he chose cowardice.

Ardyn Croft, the man looked upon the four with eyes of interest. He barely recognized one of them. Nym. He’d heard more than he’d seen but he was sure he recognized a one-eyed shark when he saw one.

“Wow… I like this group, Captain” His eyes fixed on Lizzie. Vellen had filled him in on much of what had happened on the ship. His eyes shifted towards Helio. “Dark fairy. The first I’ve seen which is a shame. A damned shame indeed. You know I don’t want to kill you, right? But I have to now. I simply must, especially after what you’ve done. The cargo is ruined. My crew was murdered during a parlay.” He shut his eyes with a disapproving shaking of his head. “A fucking parlay.” He sighed. “You turn over the dark fairy and kill the helmet-headed fuck right now, and I’ll call it even. It’s a good deal. I’m only asking for two. You killed or captured what? A dozen or so.”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Aiko Yume

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City Landinng
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Omni5876, Augus @FunnyGuy

Things had certainly gone fairly smoothly until this point. Even a slip up and no questions. Yet. Just had to stay consistent for a little while longer. They knew she wou- hey hey hey, keep it up. Pride just killed the mood, it would be very bad to slip up again, especially now. Why couldn't we have met androgynous? Just wait until we're done at the general's.

Speaking of the general; it was like hearing dear brother's voice again. That was no good. "If you really must know what little their is to tell of me, fine."

"Orphan. Went out and tried isolation for a while, didn't like it. Came back, and found myself a little pub to get comfy in; work for my needs met in a peaceful place. Things were fine until just the other day, too. Were you expecting something more impressive? In return, I'd like you to work on that awful impression of unity. Perhaps you're just under stress, but people scarcely want to cooperate with someone so Proud. More so now than ever. It'll remind them of something." By this time, they expected to have the general's eyes. They would maintain eye contact for as long as he would, staring deeply. "I only want our success."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Maximus Estate
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier @potter

“The Fae…” Augus nodded and turned from Orias, listening to the rationale of his choice. He paced with his arms crossed at his chest while the elven prince continued with ideas he couldn’t disagree with. He stopped in front of one of the scorch marks on the carpet which only caused the general to produce another sigh. He then turned to look at the other singed hole, and then to the culprit who was embracing Yuka in a hug.

“I pray all of your kind aren’t so reckless as you. I would hate to decommission such valuable war assets due to them being unserviceable.” He was warned, or was it a veiled threat? And then the moment he had been waiting for occurred right on time. The vulpine spoke, and not just with flavored words either. They drew his complete attention, something Captain Verencia might have warned was an unpleasant thing to garner from the stern-faced general.

Augus arms dropped from his chest before he took a single step toward Aiko. He was closer, but still a few steps away so he could still address the rest of the group. He didn’t need to flex his wings like the captain to exude an intense presence.

Orphan. He pointed and called out as if it were their name. “My pride is the least of your worries if you continue with this insolence. I expected a name as you come to know mine. As I have come to know that of your companions! How can you speak of unity whilst creating an air of distrust with those you intend to ally with? With those you are requesting aid from?” He lowered his arm that had been used to point at Aiko. “Time and time again wretches of orc, dark elves, and demons have shown they cannot be trusted. Without trust, there is cooperation! And without that, then there is no hope for coexistence. Those before me chose to leave our enemies to thrive in their own lands and leave the few dozen demons be until they gave in to their evil natures. So when it comes to unity, and this is to all of you, I’d much rather with someone with all the pride in the world than a deceitful worm that lacks the decency to give a proper introduction. Success isn’t spoken into existence, it's a product of one's actions.”

Only his eyes shifted towards Orias while he carried the same intense demeanor.

“I can spare you a place on one of my transmission bracelets. Do you possess one for yourself? If not, I can have you escorted to our market to purchase that and anything else you might need on the journey ahead of you.” He raised his left wrist and pressed a button on his transmission bracelet. The button’s light flashed a few times before a holographic image of an attentive blue-eyed teenage boy appeared.

“Greetings father.” Augus IV spoke while attempting to mirror his father’s serious expression.

“Son. Be prepared to escort very important guests of mine to the market.”

“Can I go too!?” The image of Augus IV blurred before an even younger boy bearing a resemblance to Augus appeared with a warm smile. “Please dad, I don’t want to stay here with Lyrah. She’s being so weird. I pro-”

“Quit it!” The transmission blurred again with Augus IV’s face looking down to his left in annoyance. When his eyes returned to face his father, he gulped with widened eyes as he was faced with the man’s unfazed sternness.

“Get ready. Both of you.” Augus ended the transmission while doing his absolute best to remain stoic after that transmission. “My sons will be your guides. There’s no need to waste manpower on a shopping trip.” Augus planned to meet with the governor as soon as the group left with his sons.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Time: 11 a.m.

Location: Beach in Riverport

Interactions: @potter Rue, @Helo Bowyn

Mentions:, @potter Saoirse @Tae Raven

Equipment: Axes

Amas: 899

Arn had still been massaging the lovely winter lady when she began to stir. One of his big calloused hands went to her forehead. The back of his hand pressed against the soft skin. At first he was concerned because she was cool almost cold to the touch. Then he remembered that for one of her species, that was probably normal. A thankful sigh escaped his lips as he brushed back Rue’s hair the more she came around. Finding a dish cloth from the counter, he had begun to dab at the fairy’s forehead and face.

“It appears you fainted due to heat stroke, Rue. Please drink this.” The dwarf said in a calm bedside manner and handed her a drink. “Please drink it slowly, I am not sure how much liquids you lost but we don’t want to overburden your stomach.” He gave her a smile, glad she was ok.

His arm crossed his line of sight and he managed to see his hairy appendage. A sudden realization dawned on him…he had no shirt on. What would Rue think waking up and seeing him leaning over her with no shirt on? A red flush painted his face and he stood up not knowing what to do. Thankfully, the sudden appearance of the wolf, Moony, monopolized the winter fairy lass attention. He moved away as Bowyn approached.

“Good work. Thank you.”

The sheer effort in that statement would have allowed Bowyn to move mountains or shift the very core of Avalia. The compliment had painted an expression on the winter lad’s face that was akin to extreme pain. Arns brown eyes held widened at the world shattering realization that Bowyn had actually paid him a compliment. The dwarf blinked a few times before returning the nod of understanding. It would not do to push his luck in building upon that statement to pursue a deeper bond with the lad.

Instead he instead quickly told the fairy. “Keep her calm, her heart rate is still elevated.” He walked off to find an orange, or pickle or something salty to replenish the sodium the winter lady probably had lost. He also tried looking around for something that could pass for a covering but short of wrapping the table cloths around him like some sort of checkered and colorful cloak, there was nothing he could do.

Resigned to his unceremonious appearance, he came back with a pretzel lightly dusted with salt. He noticed that Bowyn had gotten another drink for Rue. He silently commended the lad for his concern but as a medic he had to voice his warning as he offered her the pretzel. “Miss Rue, please don’t drink that cold water too fast. It would not do to change your temperature dramatically.” Then remembering these were fairies who probably did not have the same biological processes as warmer blooded beings added. “That is…unless cold is actually beneficial to you.”

The young soldier noticed the winds starting to die down and walked over to the windows. There was no danger of flying debris anymore but the sand that had been picked up still lingered in the air. It appeared that the red headed lass was holding the white haired one. Turning to Bowyn and Rue he said in the most innocent and confused voice they had probably heard. “I feel I missed something important.”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Desert
Interactions: @hide on mana Kuroi, @Tae Mikazuki, @Potter Rosaria, @baraquiel Jomari, @13org Nuallán
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul felt reassured as everyone had managed to at least walk on the dunes. Being able to walk was the least they would have to accomplish if they wished to make it to Dugmaghord. Time will tell how long they can endure the heat before they begin to complain. The heat doesn't bother Uzul anymore like it used to. Maybe he has just gotten older or maybe it was one of the other benefits of the hammer tail.

Uzul was paying attention to the group dynamics as the desert could stress your bonds as much as your body. The sand. He tried not to listen in on more pleasant conversations. He still felt a bit awkward listening in on the princess in the bathhouse. But he was keener on the friction between Jomari, Rosaria, and Nuallán. It caused some pause in Uzul. Uzul tends to believe that speaking more openly about things is better as it can quickly clear up misunderstandings but it seems that there might just be an issue with the 2 parties' personalities and how they interact with each other. Those are things that take a while to iron out on any team. Back in Dugmaghord, they could simply settle it through a bout. It was a terrible system but mostly effective for orcs though Uzul doubts it will have the same effect for them. Well for Jomari at least. Nuallán on the other hand seems like he would love to just beat Jomari up and move on. Jomari seems like he will remember it and get back at Nuallán, something Uzul is very familiar with.

Uzul noticed Jomari heading towards the front and tilted his head to greet him with an acknowledging smile. Jomari's question was worrying for Uzul as it has only been a few hours. But what could he expect, they headed off at the worst time to do so. So Uzul pondered for a second looking around and turned to Jomari, "I would say maybe 2-3 days depending on our pace. It is one of my favorite spots. Plenty of shade and a small cave that is usually very cool. I remember visiting there 5 years ago with some other people I guided. They couldn't believe how close it was to the city. A little gem outside the city. I'm sure you will be able to go for a little swim there." Uzul could go on and on about the spot having been there so many times but stopped himself as it might ruin the true spectacle of it.

As the sun drifted closer to the horizon, Uzul started to guide the group closer to a rocky outcrop. Sleeping on the sands risked being buried alive if a sandstorm kicked up during the night. The rocky outcrop will serve as a barrier against the nighttime winds. Uzul wasn't terribly concerned about the danger this far away from the city, they were less than a day away from Myriamor after all. He still would like to set up a watch system during their rest to start prepping them for the rest of the journey. Princess Rosaria and princess Mikazuki wished to be on the first watch as they had to catch up on some things. Uzul was unsure but decided not to show it. It was best for them to see that He trusts them after all. Uzul was working off the framework that his advice may be trusted by the group but he was not.

They packed 3 tents to save room meaning people were going to have to bunk up. Rosaria and Mika were obviously going to be together as they were planning on talking and being on the first watch so it was fine. Uzul assumed that Nuallán and Kuroi would prefer to stay close to their respective princesses leaving Jomari and Uzul. Luckily for Jomari, Uzul rarely sleeps in a tent preferring just his cloak. However with the 2 princesses wanting to chat he would feel like an eyesore so he got in the tent. Uzul looked awkward as he got into the tent. He knew he was big and that he takes up a lot of room. He couldn't help but feel bad for Jomari who seems to believe his life has less value than the others here. Now he has to share a tent with an orc. Uzul turned to Jomari, "Sorry if it is cramped. Normally I would stay outside but I don't want to interrupt their conversation. I hope you understand." Uzul would keep to himself for the rest of the night. He still felt unsure having the both of them on the first watch but it should be fine he hopes

Later that night Uzul awoke to a scream. Uzul was wide awake and would have bounded to his feet if he had not been confined to the tent and potentially hurting Jomari in the process. Uzul squirmed out of the tent to see the bow laying there and footprints heading in opposite directions. Nuallán was already trying to come up with some sort of plan. Uzul listened to him but didn't give him too much mind. He was more interested in the footprints. The size and depth could tell us a lot about what took them. If it was orc then Uzul knew what the general strategy of them would be when it comes to kidnapping. If it wasn't then he had other ideas on how to best get a lead on the situation. The footprints seem to be mixed indicating a bandit group. Not killing the sleeping party means that they are most likely planning to sell them. Uzul believed that no matter what tracks they follow they will end up finding them.

Uzul listened to Nuallán's basic way of communicating and tried to speak up before he dashed off but it was too late. Uzul looked at Kuroi and Jomari, "The communication system is only helpful if you know where other people are going to be. The desert changes in level and if someone is on the low side of a dune they can't see it." The first thing to do is to figure out the general direction the bandits are heading. They wouldn't separate so long with their goods on the line. Uzul started to go to the rock outcrop to climb it to get a better sense of how they are turning their course. It was hard to get a direction even from this height. Uzul looked at Kuroi, "Do you mind helping me Kuroi?" Uzul asks him offering a hand. "I think if I throw you high in the air, we should get an idea of where they are heading before we head out." Uzul hoped Kuroi will trust him on this. It takes little time and could give them valuable information.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location:Avian City
Interactions:@Potter Xavier @Helo Orias @CitrusArms Aiko @FunnyGuy Augus
Equipment: Dress and thigh-high socks(Slits on the inner sides of the sleeves), Black boots, Pouch with amas, Lipstick, Mysterious bag of fun drugs

Yuka hugged Xavier’s side in response to his embrace. Humans were so cuddly! She nuzzled his chest with contentment, her ears laid back. He would hear the dim sound of her soft purring. She was going to have to keep him close to protect him from the big ol’ demon lords. If demons were truly getting involved, this whole war was going to be quite the mess. As enjoyably chaotic as that might be, Yuka was well aware of the downsides to such a thing. She made a mental note to make sure her goals were achieved as early on as possible.

Though Yuka was happy to cuddle her new pet, she was getting bored of the inaction. To make matters worse, the conversation had not revolved around her for a really long time. She took Xavier’s hand and examined it with interest as everyone spoke. His nails are so short but his hand is so big! Yuka placed her palm to his, comparing the sizes with furrowed brows. It would have seemed to everyone else that Yuka was not paying much attention, but she was quite the multitasker, hanging on every word spoken. The topics at hand, however, were so far pointless in Yuka’s opinion. The problem at hand was an elephant in the room that everyone was averting their eyes from!

Nonetheless, a smirk pulled at her lips as she heard Aiko get addressed. Ohoho. Auntie talks to me like this all the time! They're in trouble!

Soon her attention was briefly pulled towards the holograms. Baby bird boys! She considered for a moment if they would be a tasty lunch, before shaking away the idea as they would be guiding them on a shopping trip. As much as she wanted to shop, she felt like this plan needed a little something else to it.

Finally, Yuka waved her arm in the air as if she were in a classroom raising her hand. ”Yooo!”She greeted as she let go of Xavier and moved forward. Once in the center of the room, she declared, ” Now I love fairies. I really do. Those oversized flies know how to party.”She giggled at her own words then adjusted her position to address everyone in the room. ” So believe me when I say I looove your plan! But…We’re going to need more than that to stand up to that Pride thing, especially if he’s brought his scary friends. Fairies, elves, demihumans, even humans... I don’t think they compare to beings that we have little knowledge of.” Yuka mused thoughtfully, ” In fact, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever even seen a demon! Aren’t they from another plane? Who knows what they are capable of? We have to think out of the box here. Maybe find our own demons to team up with us, but oh no can we even trust a demon?” Yuka winked at Aiko subtly. She was nonetheless careful to keep an eye on them for their reaction.

She was certain no one else thought anything of their fluffy fox friend. Yuka had a feeling something was awry from the moment she saw Aiko essentially shapeshift their sex, as she had never seen a demihuman do such a thing before. Given the others had not been demihumans, she knew perhaps that’s why no one else had questioned it. Yuka had not been sure just quite what Aiko was and still wasn’t, but she had a hunch towards a possiblility. Not that she’d accuse them or even speak of it aloud. That would ruin the fun.

She then glanced around the room, examining their reactions. Yuka pleasantly smiled as she concluded, ” Basically I think we’re all fucked!”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Potter Tigerlily @Alivefalling Barboda @Helo Nym
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape. Dagger, borrowed from Tigerlily

Tesoro scanned the deck of The Harem, noticing that most hostile combatants are either dead, dying, or have gone overboard. He drew in a deep breath as the sun shined overhead. Exhaling slowly, the pain and fatigue of the battle was creeping back throughout his body. The gunshot wound from earlier, obviously only bandaged, began to throb and sting. He would have to get it properly treated, with salves and balms, lest it festers, and cause him to lose his arm or worse.

Just why in the hell did he jump in front of Tigerlily and take a bullet for her? His previous 'life' started to reappear in his mind. His former crew, the ones that he used to trust with his life, the same ones that he went through so much with. The same ones that marooned him and left him penniless and shipless. It, for obvious reasons, left a terrible taste in his mouth. It caused him to lose trust, to vow to himself to never fully trust someone again.

Yet, he let the mermaid, a species known as the scourge of seamen, bandage and treat his wound in a moment of vulnerability. One that he accosted and insulted. Who accosts and insults him right back.

Just what was he feeling or even thinking about that woman?

Gathering his thoughts, he moved as quickly as he could and dealt finishing blows to any enemies that were still clinging to dear life, ones that they forfeited as soon as they boarded The Harem. Quick strikes with his borrowed dagger made sure they met their makers. Satisfied with his work, he quickly wiped the blood from the blade of the dagger before securing it to a small sheath he pilfered off of one of the hostile combatants and tied it to his left upper arm.

Having noticed that the a good number of the crew had boarded the other ship, he naturally started to tend to whoever remained behind, giving water to those that needed it, bandaging wounds as much as he could, and moving the dead off to the side. He thought to himself that he noticed the captain, Nym, Helios, and Barboda had gone to the other ship, surely to finish the job and count the plunder. There was one missing, one that is very important to him. Tigerlily. His own curiosity took him to the end of the ship, to see if she had jumped into the sea. He spots the mermaid and slid to the side of the ship and cast a line for her. "Hey! Here! Use this to get back up!" He called out "The captain, Nym, Helios and Helmet-Head have all gone to the other ship if you haven't noticed. You aren't hurt are you?" He waited to see if she would take the line so he can pull her up.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Barboda Teff

Time: Morning
Location: The Ship
Interactions:Lizzie @Tae, Nym @Helo, Helio @princess, Ardyn (Transmission)@FunnyGuy

Barboda looked at Ardyn on the transmission. “Your cargo was ruined by your own crew killing them so you can’t blame us.” He paused before speaking again. “Captain Ardyn Croft your head is worth a lot more than mine ever will be. I know at least a dozen who would pay more than fifteen thousand Amas for you alone. You have been a plague on the waters for far too long and don’t worry I will kill you just like I did to most of your crew. And worry not, you will be writhing around on the ground in agony wishing I killed you outright.” Barboda’s tone had a sense of fury that he had never shown to anyone in a very long time. “I will make sure that you suffer.” He stopped and raised his arm to his helmet, grasping it tightly in his fingers.“This will be the last thing you ever see when I inevitably find you”Barboda lifted it off his head and revealed his face, his snake-like eyes void of emotion despite his lethal tone, “and I kill you.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

🌀 Morning.

🌀 Riverport - Cheap Inn.

🌀 @Helo - Bowyn.
🌀 @Tae - Eris and Raven.
🌀 @Potter - Rue.
🌀 @princess - Annya.

🌀 N/A.

🌀 Regal clothes.
🌀 Tome.
🌀 356 Amas.

Having to put his hands together, and prevent his tail from wagging, Inori was left in a position where every natural reaction was curbed. Watching chaos unfold was for an Azure Fiend like the beauty of a flowing dance across starlight. He was almost thankful to see one of the particular things he feared; Light Magic. It grounded him, helping the demonic boy center himself. ’If I fight these people, I will have failed in my assignment,’ a thought encircled him, one surpassing the notion of anyone’s safety or wellbeing. ’But if I was to fight them..,’ he pondered, claw rising to tap at his chin as the lad pictured the scene. He was still young, still growing into his Azura, and surely couldn’t combat a user of Light Magic while simultaneously fighting a handful of other opponents, despite their fractured and unstable mental states. However, Raven was a ticking time bomb, and thus using her to his advantage was paramount. A simple nudge would push her over the edge, allowing Inori the opening he required to scratch out those who posed the biggest thr-.., the boy shook his head. There was no reason to entertain that right now. He was making friends, wasn’t he?

It was going splendidly.

Tilting his head, the demon continued watching. He really did want something to drink, something to imbibe while enjoying the sight before him. Chaos, panic, anger, aggression, a crucible of destruction. Pride had done exactly what he intended, and it worked without a hitch. From what Inori knew about the Sins, he could narrow down their immense strength, and found respect in the power they possessed. However, the reptilian demon had not taken Pride for a tactician, and while this act was a far cry from calculated master plans, it had sent the surface races into disarray, something they were already struggling with; and this was rather interesting. How could an army so divided ever hope to defeat Pride and his compatriots? Inori’s desire to linger had grown ever more present, and despite the threat he received, despite the yelling he endured, he was captivated by these panicked individuals. No, perhaps ’because’ of the response he had witnessed, the infernal was intrigued. What fun was there to find in an army collected beneath a tyrant’s thumb? No, this was a boiling pot, and Inori was going to see where it led.

He would proceed to converse with these individuals, for a part of him had already grown to like them. An expert would be able to pinpoint that Inori’s stance on current events did not hail from malicious intent, but rather his biology. Perhaps the lad’s position would change upon growing closer to surface dwellers, but could anything surpass biological wiring? These were thoughts taking hold of him, despite the series of disasters swirling like a tempest. Would it have been a good idea to offer his aid? To present his own powers as a means of containing the chaos rapidly expanding? A boring, and horridly atrocious decision, but one that could further his research, and his curiosity. Even so, he was currently considered an enemy by virtue of Pride’s actions, and catering to a less impulsive approach, while hard to stomach, was the most sensible decision.

Besides; Inori had promised drinks, and it was only proper to follow up on that notion, wasn’t it? Following this sequence of thought, he pondered approaching this issue from afar, taking note from a distance. An immediate flaw presented itself in how he wouldn’t be in the thick of the issue, but the added distance allowed for a more nuanced view. A difficult decision, but one he could consider. After things died down, he could allow for some space between himself and the others, an attempt at letting emotions settle. With chaos drifting away in the breeze, Inori crossed his arms. He had chosen a hilarious, albeit bad time to approach this lot.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aboard The Harem
Interactions: Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess, and Ardyn @FunnyGuy
Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, pouch of amas, various jewelry.

The air was thick and damp with the scent of blood, despite his most recent meal, the smell only made Nym's stomach burn with hunger. It was a constant struggle to keep focus, his gaze shifting between the projection that glowed and flickered with the image of Ardyn, and the darkness, looking for any potential threat. It seemed like the other elf had fled, but it remained just as possible that Vellen lurked somewhere shrouded in his element; in darkness and shadow. Was this the sort of crew Ardyn Croft employed? Weak and cowardly creatures. Had the tales of the great Pirate King been exaggerated? Ardyn’s offer was a joke, expecting them to turn on one another, hand over Helio, and kill Barboda, ridiculous. It was loyalty that made a group of sailors a crew.

Barboda’s reply contained venom just as potent as what laced his arrows. Nym’s ears twitched at the mention of the bounty on Ardyn’s head. Fifteen thousand amas? That amount of amas was more than enough to pull his attention away from blood, away from any potential lurking threat, and directly towards Barboda. Fifteen thousand amas! Nym was nearly salivating at the thought of having even a fraction of that.

His thoughts of piles of amas were broken only as Barboda removed his helmet. He really did have a face underneath the bucket. And what a face it is. He thought as he watched the light flicker off deadly fangs, reflected off serpentine eyes.

“A parley? Call it what it was, a failed extortion attempt, mate. Yer crew started something they could not finish. Weak, cowardly, pathetic, surprised the Pirate King would have such a gutless bunch.” Nym shot back. Barboda, technically, had fired the first shot but even if the bucket head had not killed the fairy the outcome would’ve been the same. “Best tread carefully, Croft, lest you too try an’ bite off something ya can’t chew.” Nym added, his mind still thinking of amas, and of the grand tale it would make, for their little crew to take down the Pirate King himself.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Location: The Harem
Interaction:@Tae Lizzie@HeloNym @Tae Faye @Alivefalling Barboda
Equipment:Black coat with fur trim on the hood, dark-colored, plain male clothing, sword with unbreaking and return enchantments, strength enchanted gloves, 2 medium red potions, hygiene products, timeteller, wayfinder, transmission bracelet, a flask, standard backpack, and an ama pouch with 1800 amas.

Helio sighed. What awaited them all was the image of a holographic man. What a joke. I don't have time for this. His foot tapped anxiously as the man spoke, making his demand for him and Helmet-Head. He figured the others would most likely agree to this. It was not like they all knew each other that well. If he had to fight more to get to Faye, then so be it. Barboda was quick to answer first, speaking more than he ever had. Helio could not help but whistle out loud at the sound of fifteen thousand amas. Glancing over at Nym, it was easy to tell he could practically taste those amas already.

He glared down at the floorboards. No way were they going to want to go to Roshmi now. Barboda statements rapidly got more intense. He picked his head back up to stare at him with surprise. He sounds mad. I can't believe he has emotions... Kind of hot. I dig it. His eyes widened even more as Helmet-Head actually took off his helmet. Well shit! Nym did not falter either, going on to say some badass lines. Helio cared for none of it however for more than a split second. Every moment that passed by, was another moment he could lose Faye.

He had to hurry this along.

"Well. Based on the fact you seem to be threatening us and it smells absolutely disgusting, I am gonna take a wild guess that your hologram isn't the only thing down here."Helio could not hide the irritation in his tone. In fact he might have even sounded as furious as Barboda, but perhaps it wasn't necessarily even aimed at Ardyn Croft. He waved his hand impatiently, his eyes narrowed. "Tell your stupid son of a bitch to come out so we can kill them and move on."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport Beach
Interactions:Rue@Potter Eris & Raven @Tae Inori @Shard @FunnyGuy Kaleb
Equipment:Outfit visible from Disguise Ring,Armor(Not visible); Chest plate is enchanted with Armor of Absorption, Map of Avalia, One truth potion, Water Flask, A bag of elf and demi-human ears and tails, Small book and pen, Ama pouch with 2000 amas on hand, Three large red potions, Wayfinder, Hygiene supplies, Rose-scented Perfume, Location Sender, Shower Tube, Transmission Bracelet, Bedroll, Water Purifier,Axes with returning enchantment,Her backpack

Annya could not believe Eris had made a portal. She had done a double-take, rubbing her eyes. She wasn't sure she had even seen Rosaria do that yet. Just how old is she? She let the thought roll off her as she watched Raven calm down with immense relief. That was one crisis averted for perhaps the next five minutes. Still, she was proud of herself. She had managed to handle that all on her own. Maybe she'd even pat herself on the back later. Someone had to. She noted the others returning but her focus remained on Raven, her expression softening as Saoirse had collapsed at her side and hugged her, comforting her. She was glad to see those two together again. Exhausted from the situation, she approached and collapsed to her knees, and hugged both the girls. "I'm on your side, girls. I promise."She told them, embracing them tightly. As she did, the two of them seemed to disappear from sight to everyone else. She focused on keeping them invisible for the time being.

After a brief silence, she whispered, "I'm afraid... I cannot really give you ladies much time to recuperate here. Others have surely taken notice."

She stood up and offered her hands out to the girls to help them up. She waved her hand as visibility was returned to Kharne and Ismael. She wanted everyone out of the area as soon as possible. "Kharne, Ismael... Can you please accompany these girls back to the Inn or even just anywhere that isn't this beach? They need to lay low. I feel that we should leave this town as soon as possible. "She glanced towards Eris's back. A portal was going to definitely be a much better option than anything else, but she knew how awful the familiar feeling of complete mana drain was. Considering the woman had put all that into making sure Rue could get away safely, she felt compelled to at least thank her. "They should remain invisible to others for the next few minutes, but I will not be able to have the effect remain once they are a far distance from me, so, please... All of you move quickly. I want to meet you back in the room for a meeting as soon as possible."

With that, she started over to Kaleb and Eris, her gaze lingering briefly on the blue demon as she moved. She wondered if this was all just a show to him. For a moment, she had considered taking out the sole truth potion she had and getting answers from him. Considering he had done nothing to help, she felt satisfied in her initial answer of "no" to him. She kept her expression towards him neutral nonetheless. She made a note to herself to simply keep an eye on him to see what he did next. Though she wanted to kill him and be done with the threat, she had no idea of knowing his capabilities.

Annya moved over to the Eris and Kaleb as they were moving away. "Hey, is she okay?" She asked with concern. "I appreciate what you did there, Eris. I owe you a drink for that one..."She said with an exhale and glanced at Kaleb, "Mind if I help so we can get her out of here faster?"

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Desert
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Nuallán @13org, Mikazuki @Tae, Uzul @dragonpiece, Kuroi @hide on mana
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, and a bag full of supplies

The princesses might have said some more regarding Jomari's reaction but at that point in time, he didn't care enough to listen anymore. "2-3 days?!" He shouted in reaction to what Uzul said about how long it will take for them to get out of this sandy hell. "Ugh, gross. At this point, I'll end up getting fried by the sun before I even meet our enemies. Heck, I haven't even 'tried out the delicacies' of this weird world... You know what I mean." Jomari grumbled while walking. Complain all he wanted, he had no choice but to continue trudging forward to their next destination. If his Nanay Minda would be here, she will surely smack his ass for having a loud and foul mouth.

During their journey, Uzul guided them to a rockier part of the desert. Jomari was at least thankful that he could finally walk comfortably on solid ground and he didn't have to constantly worry about slipping down the dunes they were walking on. He did help in setting up one of the tents and he quickly came inside as soon as he was finished with it, leaving the rest to go work their own tents themselves. He let out a sigh of relief and laid down on the comfortable cloth. He could even already feel the chill creeping in, remembering what Uzul said about the desert being cold as ice in the nighttime just as it was hot as fire during the day.

As he was stretching his arms and legs out and relaxing from the stress of being under the sun all day, Jomari was surprised when Uzul went into his tent and explained his predicament. "Oh you got no complaints from me, big guy. Besides, with your size, I'm sure you used to squeezing in tight spaces." He flirted and giggled at him. Jomari could still hear muffled voices outside the tent but he didn't care about them, especially when he got Uzul all to himself. Someone in the group will sleep happily and peacefully tonight.

Of course, it did not last long. Jomari was also awoken to a scream as Uzul got out of their tent to investigate. Jomari peeked his head out and gasped when he realized something terrible happened: the princesses had been kidnapped.

He got out of the tent and listened to Nuallán explaining what to do in the case they find the princesses. While it was very wrong of Jomari and it was not the right time, part of him enjoyed seeing the smug look on the elven dog's face be replaced with stress and discomfort. Nuallán then ran off to follow one of the tracks in the hopes that it would lead to the princesses' kidnappers. "We'll think of something for that. Right now, our priorities are to make sure we find where they are and make sure they're safe!" Jomari shouted at Uzul and Kuroi as he sprinted off to follow Nuallán. As much as he didn't want to, he thought it would be better if Nuallán had back-up just in case things went south.

"W-Wait up!" Jomari yelled at Nuallán while running to catch up to him. He remembered what Rosaria said about him being a geomancer, someone who could control the earth. While he still wasn't sure how to harness that power, he could already tell his ability shall play a key role on their mission.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Inside the Schooner
Interactions: Lizzie @Tae, Helio @princess, Nym @Helo, and Barboda @Alivefalling

Despite the threats. Despite the insults. Despite the enmity towards him, Ardyn kept a smug expression on his face. The hint of a proud smile was not one a defeated man wore. It could have been a mask used to discourage his enemies but it was simply his overwhelming confidence. His eyes looked upon each face, one at a time without a word in response. It would only be a waste of time to engage in conversation with dead men. They had sealed their fates with their responses.

“My condolences.” He nodded, nearly chuckling. “To all of you.”

“BOO!” The familiar pop and flash of a black powder pistol transitioned Ardyn’s taunting exit to Vellen’s surprise attack. A snicker could be heard deep in the darkness of the cargo hold where limp, slumped figures scattered the ground. Though they were silhouettes, the thick scent of rust surely identified them. This schooner was not only tasked by Ardyn with approaching the Harem. Amas is everything after all. The slaves numbered in the several dozen, packed nice and tight to make the most out of the room on the smaller vessel.

It was sickening to ponder on Ardyn’s request of Vellen, but the elf saw no other choice in this matter. The ship was being overtaken by the commotion overheard outside and Vellen alone would be taken prisoner and possibly killed with the others. How does a dark elf stand their ground against so many?

The lantern that had been placed by the ladder in the hold had been nothing but a lure into the lair of darkness. Ardyn’s grand and fleeting appearance was just the distraction Vellen needed to fire at his intended target.

Burning, searing pain is what Lizzie felt in her abdomen shortly after she’d seen that flash. “Fuck.” She said through gritted teeth as she fired her own pistol back in the direction the flash came from. Having no shot left, she dropped the pistol and unsheathed her sword as her other hand went to her wound. She scanned the room, looking for the enemy and feeling her heart sink as she realized what the slumped figures were. She’d never been fond of slavers and it only fueled her hatred for these people even more.

“Well I was considering letting this turn into a hate fuck situation, but then ya had to go and do this?” She called out to the man, listening for any movement. There was no immediate reply back. Instead, she soon heard a thud. The pistol that had been fired. The accessory to her wound.

“Is that so? I think all of those eyes might make me shy. They’re better this way.” Vellen was a predator playing with its food in this darkness he could see so clearly in. “But to take a captain… right in front of her dying crew. That type of audience would be a treat... Oh, did you not notice them? Their silence is not due to their absence, captain.” His voice started and stopped in different places. The placement of his voice was deceivingly inconsistent yet his words rang true. Three black giant cocoon-like structures bumped by Lizzie before becoming more revealing near the light of the lantern near the base of the ladder. The three Lizzie had with her were drowning in darkness. Darkness he pulled away from himself, just barely revealing his silhouette as he laughed at Lizzie’s dilemma.

“I will kill every single member of your crew in front of you. Then I’ll chain you up in my quarters as mine. Now that will make for a true hate fuck situation.” The different directions of the voice were disorienting and she found herself looking all around until her eyes landed on the sarcophagi of darkness that trapped and smothered her crew. Her heart began to pound as she tried to figure out what to do, anger rising. Her eyes then found the silhouette she'd been searching for.

"Too bad it won't work out that way for you." She said as she lunged at him. She ignored the pain in her abdomen as she rammed her sword through his. He yelped from the surprise pang of pain before he felt Lizzie press her body up against his. She wrapped an arm around him as if in a hug, and grinned at him wickedly. "It's over now, let my crew go." She growled at him as water seemed to swirl around them, but he was not afraid. There was nothing left for this elf… Nothing left but…

The darkness that had been suffocating Lizzie’s crew pulled away and forced them to drop as it returned to its master. Water and darkness swirled violently around the two. Black tendrils gripped Lizzie while water from the sea burst through the ship to strike Vellen with blunt pressurized blows. “I’ll… just… have… you.” He could barely get the words out, but managed a grin.

Lizzie briefly glanced back to make sure her crew was alright, but she quickly turned her attention back to her enemy as she twisted the blade. She lost her grip on the blade, however, as the black tendrils gripped her. She clenched her teeth as she tried desperately to pull away from them, but she was losing strength fast. So she focused instead on her barrage of water attacks in Vellen, pulling in more and more water. The wood of the ship creaked loudly as she did so. "How's it feel to have lost to a ship with far less crew than you? Pretty pathetic for someone claiming to be part of a crew that rules these waters." She went on to taunt him through clenched teeth before giving him a wicked grin. His expression was weak but there was a hint of amusement.

“We're nothing…” When he should have chuckled was but a cough up of blood. “They're…” His eyes looked past her to her crewmates “Nothing!” The last of his strength was with his untamed magic with tendrils that writhed like dying serpents.

"Wrong." Lizzie grimaced at him, feeling the darkness loosening its grip on her at last. "They are everything!" She ripped her sword from his gut and grinned as she watched him drop. Her breathing was heavy as she turned to her crew now.

"It's over now. Are any of you ha-" She let out a shocked and pained gasp, eyes widening as her words were cut off. She glanced down to see a tendril of darkness protruding from her abdomen. She let out a dry laugh as she slowly looked up at her crew. "That's probably not good." She said before collapsing onto the floor.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Barboda Teff

Time: Morning
Location: The Ship
Interactions:Lizzie @Tae, Nym @Helo, Helio @princess, Tigerlily @Potter Tesoro [@InfiniteCosmos]

Barboda held his breath noticing those around him gasping for air in the darkness; he couldn’t see anything but the heat signatures coming from those around him. This could go very wrong quickly. He could feel water was now at his feet. Was the ship going to sink? Barboda had been trying to figure out a plan to get out of this situation when the darkness finally dispersed from around him. He watched Lizzie get impaled by a tendril of darkness from the dark elf and fall to the floor shortly after.

Barboda looked around and ran towards Lizzie grabbing her limp body and slinging it over his shoulder. “We need to get off this ship now or we are going down with it.”He stated in an almost demanding tone. He did not waste time as he climbed back up the ladder and to the deck. He made his way back across to the Harem and laid Lizzie on the floor and knelt next to her. “I am sorry, Lizzie..” He said to Lizzie. It was obvious she wouldn’t make it. “I will avenge you, Ardyn has taken too many lives. Now he is taking those who do not even belong in this world.” Barboda stood up and looked towards the other ship waiting for the rest of the crew. He briefly glanced at Tesoro and Tigerlily, ” Lizzie will pass soon. I do not think there is much we can do.”

Caelan Knight

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: @princess Sophie @Mole Aurora @FunnyGuy Slick @Helo Leaf
Equipment: A D&D miniature, a blunt, and the clothes he was given

Caelan stood up and picked Sophie up onto her feet by her forearms. He felt upset and angry seeing this affect her so deeply. “Come, we need to go.” He looked towards the others. “So where are we going? The blacksmith or the inn.” Caelan awaited an answer but looked back at Sophie, “Listen I know you are scared but we need to stay strong at least until Princess Rosaria returns. She said she can send you home if that’s what you really want. I am going to stay and help these people who are in dire need of saving from creatures like those.”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Location: The Inn
Interaction: @Omni5876Arn @Helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue could have laughed at how Bowyn choked out his thank you. When he told her about the demon, she frowned. She was thankful she had missed it. How were the others feeling though? Was he upset by it? She needed to find out. ”That’s terrible.. The poor humans didn’t ask to come here.” The story about Valerie made her realize she was a human and pondered the thought; how many more were hiding here?

Motion behind her made her glance up. Arn massaged her shoulders and wasn’t wearing a shirt. Her cheeks flushed as she sat up slowly, while the dwarf went and found her another drink and a makeshift shirt using the tablecloth. Rue giggled and thanked him, and went to reply to Bowyn, when another dwarf came over. He whispered urgently in his ear and beckoned for Arn to leave. Her frown increased when Arn explained he had to leave urgently. ”Be safe, Arn, thank you for your help!” She called as he left.

Rue sighed and turned to Bowyn. He looked worried and worn, and it tugged at her heartstrings. ”I feel okay, a bit lightheaded but much better, thanks to you both. How are you?” Her voice was gentle as she looked at him. A sudden idea came to her. She held both glasses over her eyes and giggled. The cold felt refreshing and rejuvenating to her. ”Should I walk around like this?” Her voice was light and teasing, and she turned to Moonlight who huffed and set his head down on her legs. The wolf had enough of her antics and was recovering from being worried and afraid to deal with it.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Interaction: Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo,
Location: Aboard the Harem

Tigerlily watched the crew descend into Ardyn’s schooner and sighed. There wasn’t any need to join them and they could all take care of themselves. She waited in the water until she heard Tesoro. With surprise she listened to him and smirked. With a quick flick of her tail, she swam back to the schooner. Her long, iridescent pink tail glistened in the sunlight. ”Not leaving me to the sharks, huh?” She grabbed the rope as she waited for him to pull her up.

Once on deck, Tigerlily’s tail transformed back into legs with sickening crunches and pops while her bones returned to their proper positions. She stood up and shook her head. A grin crossed her face to continue teasing him instead of facing the fact he had been nice to her… again. ”Going soft on me?” She shook her head finally and replied, ”No I’m not injured, takes more than that." She paused as she realized she should be grateful. Her skin crawled as she added "Thank.. you...” Tigerlily struggled to find the words but managed to do it. She grabbed her braid and began ringing it out to distract herself. Then, her attention was drawn due to commotion over at the schooner.

The sight that soon laid before her confused her. Lizzie was… dying? Wide-eyed she faced the Captain and dropped to her side. ”What happened?” Her heart hammered as she searched for Helio. She grabbed her cape and tore more of it off to begin creating a tourniquet for Lizzie’s abdomen. Tigerlily wasn’t sure if she’d be able to help or not but it was worth a try. Sympathy filled her: poor Lizzie was a human, and shouldn’t have been here in the first place. That meant light elves were on Port Vanarosa and had summoned her. The shock radiated through her as she stared down at her. ”That bastard’s going to pay.” She clenched her fists and shook her head.
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