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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 13 days ago


Time: Morning
Location: North Pass
Interaction: @helo Bowyn

“As beautiful and fierce as the apex of winter, even Alysia herself trembles with envy.”

Bowyn’s words caused a fierce blush over Rue’s porcelain skin. For a moment she was speechless and instead, ducked her head and smiled fiercely. The compliment warmed her heart like the honeytoast she’d found in Riverport. Once it had finally passed, Rue giggled at what he’d said next. “That noisy bunch? Surely they’re going to scare off anything worth hunting in an instant. We’ll get a head start, show ‘em how it’s done.”

”They definitely will.” Rue agreed and headed off in the opposite direction of the group. It was cold, her favorite wolf and Avalian were with her, and it reminded her of old times. Times where they didn’t worry about a war or fighting for their land and the Twin-Headed Morons weren’t threatening their world’s existence. Times were easier than, sure the community struggled at times, but they’d all make it through whatever obstacle came their way. Bowyn’s next words pulled her out of her reverie and caused another fierce blush to cover her face.

“And there is no company I’d prefer to yours.”

”I agree, Bowyn,” Rue replied and managed a shy glance his way with an ear-to-ear smile. Moonlight moved ahead and began sniffing around for the scent of nearby prey. His head perked up and he trotted ahead of them into the woods. Momentarily confused, Rue hesitated, then quickly followed the wolf. Ahead of them was a moose. Moony squatted to the ground near a bush for cover, then looked back at them to see if they'd noticed. ”Good boy,” Rue whispered and patted his head affectionately. She took her bow out and quietly strung an arrow, then glanced at Bowyn. ”Do you want first dibs?”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 13 days ago


Time: Morning
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Interactions: @Helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka,

Rolling out of bed earlier than the others throughout the four months, Xavier had busied himself with training. He had focused mostly on magic, but also perfecting the art of the sword and bow. Learning the Avalian customs, specifically the fairies, had been a challenge. He knew how to take care of things his way which sometimes clashed with the fairies. The way they hunted, prayed and even existed were completely foreign to him. Xavier respected it and had started participating in the kingdom’s daily routines and rituals. Some of the fairies had inquired about his world and thus, began explaining how it worked in his world. He’d managed to befriend a group of fairy kids who hung out with him at night to listen to his stories.

When he’d learned about the execution of the fairy prince Echo and the plight of his older brother Helio, he’d found himself boiling with anger. Hearing the pain in the King and Queen’s eyes had caused his heartstrings to pull. What was wrong with these Dark Elves? He was extremely grateful only he had been brought here instead of Rose, Grace, or Jessamine. He didn’t know if they could handle the tragedies this world was experiencing. Xavier was somewhat bitter about being brought here due to worrying about his home life. However, there were a few light elves that lived here that reassured him no harm would come to his world and would be back within a minute’s time of disappearing. This had helped ease his worries and allowed him to relax more.

Today was a holiday for Avalia, one he couldn’t quite remember, but one he respected. Hunting had been on the agenda that day and thus, he had allowed himself to sleep in to conserve his energy. It had been his kryptonite though; his dreams were mixed from his world and Avalia’s. Some of his dreams were pleasant while others twisted into a nightmare and kept him up while the others slept. He looked around and found Yuka’s bed empty and knew the lioness was up. His heart hammered as he quickly got out of bed and readied himself for the day. Finally, he was ready to join the others and greeted them with a radiant smile.

Yuka had been a pleasant surprise for him. Though she had her antics and … quirks, as he’d prefer to call them, he’d patiently adjusted to her. She reminded him of Jessamine, but was also quite different. He’d been patient and kind, only occasionally losing his temper which drew out his dry and sarcastic humor. Xavier could tell she’d been through traumatic experiences by her actions and words, and he’d informed her that he was there for her unconditionally. The two had grown quite close eventually and he thoroughly enjoyed her company. There wasn’t much she could do to surprise him now, and he’d found that she had rubbed off on him with her humor. ”Looking as fierce as ever.” He greeted her and looked at the other two.

Orias had been hiding his secret and once he’d discovered why, couldn’t blame him. He was a valuable ally, with hundreds of years of knowledge and experience. Training with him had been a blessing and he looked forward to doing so. Since he’d been wary of Aiko earlier, he’d been tense upon learning he was a demon. Despite it, he’d learned to overcome his initial fear and befriend him. The dreamwalking demon had been knowledgeable and useful with helping him learn the darkness of Avalia.

”Sorry for being late.” He finally commented and tried not to show his tiredness by grinning even more. ”Are we ready to go?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 13 days ago


Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: @13org Nuallán, @FunnyGuy Slick
Mentions: n/a

Rosaria slowed to a light trot next to Slick and turned to face him. She ignored the lovebird's comment in order to focus, but her cheeks reddened. There wasn’t any time to think of that now….

Rose halted her horse and patted her neck while replying, ”I agree. I think we’re more than capable of handling whatever is ahead of us.” Her voice was lighter and softer than the breeze in Dugmaghord. ”I can make us invisible until we get closer. Do you want me to?” She glanced at Nuallan for his commentary as well.

While waiting for a reply, she dismounted from Sugar then tied her up next to Champ so the two could graze together.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 13 days ago


Time: 2pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: @Alivefalling Dante; @FunnyGuy Darius; @samreaper Menzai; @Blizz Isolde
Mentions: n/a

Listening to Menzai’s addition of the rules caught her attention. His seriousness was opposite from his careless indifference. Despite it though, she was rather sad about having to run away if they couldn’t beat this mysterious fog beast. Whatever the hell it was, had to be serious enough for this wolf to act this way. She sighed and nodded her agreement, unable to reply without being a smartass. Isolde and Darius further backed up the replies.

”I agree with the others.” Her voice sounded slightly painful, but she was ignoring what her old self would have done over the new one.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 13 days ago


Time: Morning
Interaction: Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo
Location: Roshmi City Streets -> Tavern

Tigerlily knew pain, both physical and psychological, and had endured over a decade of both. Life offered escapes through self harm, drinking, and drugs. She could both compel and forget memories through her magic. She could busy herself and work so hard her hands bled. She could be around Helio as a form of punishment towards herself. Lily could swim in the coldest water and come aboard the Harem freezing cold. At times she could get into fights and allow the numbness to overwhelm her. Being in Roshmi City brought all of these methodologies to a halt. Her mind had raced and recoiled as she was brought closer and closer to the shores of the city that brought her world tumbling down and forever changing her and many others lives. Needing to stay sane and aware had caused her to fill up more and more with anxiety and tension that she thought she could explode from.

Strolling through the streets and seeing the many merchants mingling with the Dark Elves made her want to scream. Her heart hasn't stopped racing for over a month. Tigerlily twirled the seashell she’d found over in her hands. The sharpness of it reminded her to stay present and not to drown in the memories she was holding back. With her hood over her face and her hair tied back into a net bun, Tigerlily surveyed the area. There weren’t any hints or whispers of the missing duo.

There was nothing but cruelty around her. Demihumans cowered in fear and ran their shops and nervously eyed everything around them. Light elves were hustling around to avoid the Dark Elves. A few of them were so nervous they’d knocked over someone’s drink and caused a fight to break out. Tigerlily didn’t look back to confirm the yelps and cries she heard and knew the dark elves had intervened. Her heart would ache, if only she could feel anything other than her own terror for the others.

Sighing, Tigerlily glanced up for the tavern her crew would be in and ducked into it. She arrived to find Helio on the ground and Barboda next to him. It didn’t take much to deduce he was drugged and acting like a fool, while Nym sat nearby. The Rat was absent, but she knew he was safe. Tigerlily kept her hood on as she strode through the patrons and over to Nym.

”Nothing,” she told him quietly. The mystery of what the subject was would confuse anyone listening. Nym though, would understand her message. Tigerlily let out a sigh. Pain was reflected in her eyes, though her expression was unreadable. ”And it’s getting worse by the day.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

War Information

After a few attempts by Malthemoor to attack the Sun Elf Kingdom and hit their supplies, the Sun Elf Kingdom decided to make a move of their own. At some point, they were able to receive intel from the spies that Malthemoor would attempt to capture Riverport. Thus the Sun Elf Kingdom prepared and stationed their navy fleets there before Malthemoor’s navy arrived. This initiated the second major battle of the war. The Sun Elf Kingdom ended up victorious and were able to secure this area from any future attempts of attack.

Though battling has been consistent over the last four months, some are more notable than others. For example, the Battle for Roshmi happened two months into the war. The Sun Elf Kingdom attempted to siege Roshmi and help the residents take it back from Malthemoor control. This was unsuccessful, as it had been already anticipated. The Malthemoor aligned Roshmi was ready for the incoming attack, easily winning with the strength of the numbers they gained from the combined might of dark elves and demihumans.

Roshmi City is politically and militarily allied with Malthemoor. Roshmi soldiers are now deployed to fight alongside Malthemoor and Aldrakh troops. However, sparks of rebellion have ignited, causing a small group of rebels to fight back, conducting disruption operations. They are secretly supported by an unseen benefactor only known as the Guardian Angels to the rebels. Rebels that are caught are put to public punishments that range from flogging to execution. There is a very strictly enforced curfew with Roshmi being under martial law.

Roshmi and Aldrakh were not the only Malthemoor occupied areas; Malthemoor had also secured Port Vanarosa, and Yenworth. Due to the harder lines being drawn on both sides, amora travel has been limited with helius travel being halted. Neutral territories were not (and still not) completely safe from Malthemoor and their allies. They continue to send spies to this day to gather intelligence on the location of humans and the intentions of their enemies.

Though neither side has the upper hand yet, Malthemoor is currently on the offensive with the Sun Elf Kingdom and their allies primarily on the defensive due to the slow commitment from their allies. The Sun Elf Kingdom and their allies have been able to fend off major attacks and disruption operations from Malthemoor.

Rumors of intentional crop burning and desecration of historical fairy sites have occurred east of River Kingdom. Propaganda is often aired by both sides, highlighting the worst of both species of elves. Security checkpoints have also been placed by both factions located on all well-traveled roads.

Very important to also note that official alliances have been formed. Those aligned with Malthemoor were part of The Shadow Coalition, and those aligned with the Sun Elf Kingdom went by The Union of Prosperity. All major areas involved in the war have a curfew and stricter laws, but Shadow Coalition-controlled territories have the most intense punishments. Meanwhile, only dark elves are subjected to harsh treatment and accusations under areas of The Union of Prosperity.

Ironhold is a significant ally in the The Union of Prosperity. They’ve held strong due to their advanced technology. With constant conflict happening with Aldrakh, they’ve delegated multiple research teams to even further their advancements.

The River Fairy Kingdom is also an ally. After a small period of hesitation, they joined the war and provided more force than others had expected. Fairies have always trained hard in the art of offensive chlorokinesis. Dark elves that come into wooden territory often find themselves at a disadvantage.

Dugmaghord is the third ally, but they have yet to be attacked due to being the furthest south. However, they have sent some orcs north to aid in the ongoing battle between Roshmi and Sun Elf Kingdom.

Though smaller territories, the winter fairies, and the Avian City have taken a strong stance and joined The Union of Prosperity.

As for the Seven Sins, they have been tracking humans for the past few months, sharing intel with the Demon Queen and The Twins. The Sins have recently located a few human groups and are preparing for the opportune time to strike.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Interaction: Aiko @CitrusArms Orias @Helo Xavier @Potter
Equipment:Yuka's Drip Pouch with amas, Lipstick

Yuka gasped at Orias’s fine suggestion. “A bell!” She repeated. There was a pause. ”YES! I want a bell! Buy me a bell, Orias! She could not help but imagine herself laying seductively with a collar around her neck. The little bell would jingle wherever she went, alerting everyone that there was someone cute nearby! The boys would go wild!

She was brought out of her daydream by the sudden pleasure of a nice head scratch. Her lips curled up and she leaned her head into the scratching, her eyes shutting as the delicious scratches moved behind her ear. “Oooo that’s the spot… How could I not get excited? I smelled an Aiko!”

At the question of Xavier’s location, Yuka stood up straight and began looking around as her tail flicked behind her. She took a long sniff, then suddenly twirled around and pointed in the direction of Xavier as he walked toward them in the distance. “Hello there Xavvypoo!” She called with a smile. He complimented her, as he should as “Boyfriend Number 1” of her harem. Yuka responded with a tackle-hug. She giggled and let go. “Wow! I’m so ready! All my lovers are here. Is this our first date together? I’ll make sure to bring back chunks of meat for each of you..." She paused to tilted her head at Orias, " Did you have somewhere in mind to go, Orias?“
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: The Nest
Mention: @HeloNym
Equipment:Black coat with fur trim on the hood, dark-colored, plain male clothing, sword with unbreaking and return enchantments, strength enchanted gloves, 2 medium red potions, hygiene products, timeteller, wayfinder, transmission bracelet, a flask, standard backpack, and an ama pouch with 1800 amas.

Helio groaned from his spot on the floor. His blurry vision soon centered on the face of Barboda above him, laughing. "Ah. You think you're so cool without your helmet, Helmet-Head, don't you...?" He climbed up to his feet, taking up more floor space than necessary to do so. The crowd moved back, interested in how this fiasco would develop. Helio felt angrier than he usually would have. Why the hell had Barboda tripped him? And in front of the crocodile demihuman? "It's like Nym said. ...My reputation precedes me.." He stood up and glared at Barboda.

"Fight, fight, fight..."

The crocodile demihuman was now starting a slow chant. Gradually, others started to join in trying to get Barboda and Helio to fight.

The idea of fighting Barboda was oddly invigorating. He was ever the talented opponent, but it had been a while since Helio had been able to strut his stuff. After all that happened, he avoided combat as much as he could. Though, Helio had spent the last few months getting drunk with pirates who had questionable morals. Who was he to act above it all? Maybe it was because the drug heightened his emotions, but Helio craved the rush. With a gleam in his eye, he grinned at Barboda. "I bet I could win a fight against you... Right here... and right now."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Interactions:@FunnyGuy Astra @13org Myra @Alivefalling Alaia
Equipment: Crossbow, outfit, Backpack with hygienic supplies, two daggers, flask, skinning knife, trapping wire, rope, small cooking pot, transmission bracelet, water purifier, disguise ring, flightless bird

Maeryn was not surprised by Vrexen’s response. Even though they were powerful demons, they most likely knew little of their world and the sheer threat a number of orcs could hold. “If they’re there, I am certain they’re well guarded. Dugmaghord has allied with the light elves. Going inside the settlement is out of the question, no amount of desire for violence will protect you from losing your lives. They outnumber us. ” He explained. His gaze set upon Vrexen as he sat upon his flightless bird, whom he had not cared to name. He had been referring for it to as “the big bird” ever since he had purchased it from the Sturdy Stables. “This means running head-first into an aggressive orc settlement to test them is an unintelligent move, but do as you will.”

He felt that had summed everything up well enough. “We should wait from a distance until they come out of the settlement where the orcs will not be in the way. I understand it’s hot but we need to move quickly as we do not know how long they will remain there or even if this information is already outdated.”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: Myra @13org, Maeryn @princess, Alaia @Alivefalling

“I agree…. And disagree…” Vrexen narrowed his eyes with a low growl. He wanted to crash into his foes with all his might. Stalking was enjoyable but wanted more than to sneak around. What if they ended up empty-handed? Vrexen shook away the thought. “Astra… speak.” He ordered her to give her input on what Maeryn had said.

“Of course Lord of Violence.” She played along with a grin. “I think Maeryn has a point. I mean, I still want to buy some stuff, but I can catch up if I’m fast. Not like I’m the combat type anyhow.”

“Yet. As my second disciple, you will be powerful… or you will die weak.” Vrexen was a constant reminder to Astra that she couldn’t be useless to the group.

“Understood. Allow me to grab some things so I might assist you Lord Vrexen. I may not possess the strength you do, the swiftness of Myra, or the skills of Maeryn, but I have a way to contribute. Trust me.”

“Trust? No, prove it. We will continue to Dugmghord with Maeryn’s plans leading us. He has proving to do as well, yes Maeryn?” Vrexen actually smirked. He wanted someone to give him a reason to spill their blood across the hot sand.

And so the whole group minus Astra continued on toward the ever-testing desert.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Tanithil & Amisra

Journey to Ironhold

A Slump in the Slums

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold

The next four months would be spent in Ironhold, staying as inconspicuous as possible. This proved to be quite the challenge as they were two taller dark elves amidst a majority of dwarves. While they were used to hardships, their time in Ironhold would prove to be quite difficult as they initially wouldn’t be able to find a place to stay. They tried a few inns and if they weren’t chased out of there, they were swiftly turned away. Many nights were spent among the streets, stealing food where they could and taking shifts to keep each other safe while one slept. They had little money to their name and so they attempted to find odd jobs from those that weren’t immediately hostile towards them.

Their luck would change however, as one day during Tanithil’s watch, he managed to stop a mugging in progress that happened in front of one of their hiding spots. Grateful to Tanithil for the rescue, the dwarf asked how he could repay him, to which he simply said ”A job would be great.” The man, later known by the duo to be Yukrem Boulderfinger, agreed and set the two of them to work. The man was a tinkerer who made custom projects for citizens that often were valued at high prices. This is why he often finds himself being targeted by robbers and muggers alike. Amisra acted as hired muscle to protect him on those late night strolls, and Tanithil would act as “insurance” if a client would try to stiff him on pay. This in conjunction with several other small house chores and duties earned them both a small cot in Yukrem’s toolshed and the occasional hot meal. As they grew to know each other, he even made an iron prosthetic for Tanithil’s busted hand, which he made specially for him to pilot with his magic should he need more ‘sophisticated motions’.

Tanithil wasn’t the only one to benefit from Yukrem’s generosity and hospitality. After proving she could protect him and proving she wasn’t a threat to him or anyone else within Ironhold, Yukrem decided to have two special short swords commissioned for Amisra. He even went as far as having a friend of his inscribe some runes upon the blades to add an enchantment to them. He had them imbued with an enchantment of returning, something she was quite excited about and began practicing using. She would throw the sword then speak the command word to have it return. She practiced until she had it down to a science and could swiftly throw both swords with deadly accuracy before they’d return to her.

In time, the dark elven duo began to gain trust within Ironhold as many realized they were little threat to them. Many remained cautious around them and they still weren’t treated the best by most, but at least they weren’t being chased out of town. They were associated with Yukrem and many respected the tinkerer and trusted his judgment. Amisra did a fine job protecting him and that’s what she was currently doing now as her and Yukrem were making their way back to the house. “How are those weapons holding up, Amisra?” Yukrem asked her, idly chatting as they went along.

”They’re doing well, honestly they are the finest blades I’ve ever owned. I’m still so grateful to you for purchasing them for me, Yukrem. It is a kindness I feel I’ll never truly be able to repay. That and what you did for Tanithil, I owe you so much.” Amisra said as she glanced at him, a genuine smile crossing her face. Her wound had healed up, leaving an ugly scar down her face that she always seemed to stare at and sneer. She hated it greatly and deep down she felt as if it made her rather hideous.

“You owe me nothin’, lass. You’re earning it by doin’ your job as you have today.” Yukrem said before his attention was caught by a rather alarmed looking guard running down the street. A friend of Yukrem’s whom the older dwarf waved down briefly. “Sifet, what is the matter?” He asked the guard who looked reluctant to stop. Sifet eyed Amisra briefly, clearly wary of her with what he had to say, before looking back to the other dwarven male.

“Scouts have returned and informed us there is trouble approaching the gate. An army of dark elves approaches led by a fierce looking general wielding ring blades. We need to prepare for an attack.” Amisra’s brows furrowed as the man spoke and she felt her heart begin to race. No, it couldn’t be…could it?

”Sifet, what did this woman look like?” The guard seemed to hesitate only briefly before Yukrem urged him on. The man began giving a description, but before he could finish, Amisra’s jaw clenched. ”Of course that bitch would be here. Yukrem, we’re not far from home now. You should be safe. I have something I need to take care of.” She said just before taking off in a sprint towards the gates of Ironhold.

Tanithil had been cleaning around the workshop when Yukrem barged in the door, slightly in a ruff and to Tanithil’s dismay, alone. “Yukrem….where is Amisra?” A brief pause and a confused look on his face only fed Tanithil’s fears as he spoke. “There’s word of some dark elf bitch with fancy ring swords is tramping about our area. Somethin’ about an attack bein’ planned. Amisra overheard my friend talking about it and took off like a bat outta hell.” Tanithil’s face worsened as his fears were confirmed. He dashed to the shed where they kept their things and began to re-pack the two newer backpacks hey had acquired during their stay in Ironhold.

“What the hell is all this ruckus? What are y’all not telling me?!” Yukrem stormed out of his workshop in a huff, now watching as both his hired hands began to leave on such short notice. He wasn’t going to stop them but he at least wanted to know why they felt the need to sprint out of here, where they were likely safer from the dark elf threat. ”I’m sorry for the abrupt departure. I really am. Amisra…she lost her family to that very general, and she is a vengeful woman. Knowing her she’s likely sprinting straight into the army to try and ‘lone wolf’ to get her revenge. I need to be the voice of reason and stop her impending suicide.”

He resumed packing their things as best he could, preparing two backs and slinging one over his back, the other slung over his chest. He made his way out into the yard where Yukrem was standing, dumbfounded by the sudden twist in events. Tanithil reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife that had a special red-tinted hilt on it. He handed the blade to Yukrem and spoke sternly and quickly. ”Look. I’m sorry to leave like this. I really am. But I need to go stop her before she kills herself. That blade belongs to a local alley clan called the ‘Blood Blades’. If anyone approaches you with intent to harm you, flash that blade and tell em that ‘no river runs deeper than this’. If they value their skin they’ll back off. If they press it then shout at the top of your lungs ‘the well is tapped!’ Someone will save you but ask for the blade back. I’m afraid it’s all I can do right now. If we meet again, drinks are on me.”

Before the dwarf could respond, black wings unfurled from Tanithil’s back. The elf took flight and moved as fast as he could towards the front gates. He moved as fast as the winds under his wings could carry him, hoping to stop his beloved friend from throwing her life away. Yukrem looked at the blade, then the shadowy mist that was left behind. All he could do was shrug and head to bed to rest off this extremely weird night he was having. “Yeah yeah. I’ll drink your wallet dry, young pint.” He scoffed as he was both bitter at the loss of his employees but oddly happy to have even had them in the first place.

Tanithil’s magic had improved over the months, his wings seeming fuller and sharper than previous iterations. His time working in the shop gave him access to several back alley dealings due to its proximity to so many ‘alley clans’ as they were called. They operated like gangs, with turfs and rivals to constantly bicker and fight for power with. His words to Yukrem were no bluff, as Tanithil made sure in his off time to make plenty of friends in low places. It was the perfect place for him to practice general trickery as well as his own magic, which had many uses amongst the slums of society. These skills he found would be useful in the coming times, especially now that the threat they ran from was very much knocking on their door.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: 2pm
Location: River Port
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy, Alaia @Alivefalling and Maeryn @princess

Even though Myra was playing with her shiny-spheres, she was still paying attention in what Vrexen, Astra and Maeryn were talking. Not only because she was a bit wary of them due to some recent events, but also because what they were talking about was their next destination and the issue of hunting the 'hoo-mans'... Which were still a huge mystery for Myra, both regarding what they were capable of and why pretty much everyone in her group wanted to hunt them so badly. The only reason Myra could think for her to want to hunt something was to feed herself, which made her wonder how humans tasted... Maybe that was the reason why they were after the humans? Because they were very tasty?

At that moment, her thoughts were interrupted when she overheard Maeryn talking about orcs. Having already observed a few of them back in Daka, she knew exactly what they were. Big, violent, tough, loud and very green, whenever they were around, chaos usually followed them. Even for Myra herself, the idea of having to fight against multiple of those orcs wasn't one she liked that much.

After hearing Maeryn's words, Myra nodded her head vehemently. Clearly agreeing with Maeryn as she looked at Astra and Vrexen. Fortunately, it seemed like Vrexen wasn't totally against the idea. Which was genuinely surprising for Myra, knowing how Vrexen usually only thought about violence.

When she looked at Astra, wanting to know what she thought about that though, she heard Astra talking to Vrexen that she would stay behind. Confused, Myra gave a few steps towards Astra, still keeping a little bit of a distance, but definitely closer than what she usually came since she saw Astra using shadow magic.

Leaning her head in an inquisitive manner, Myra looked towards Vrexen, Maeryn and Alaia and then to Astra again. Was she going to leave for good? The idea of staying in a group with two people whom Myra didn't know much about and Vrexen... Whom normally was very unstable, without Astra to try and keep things under control wasn't something that made her happy.

"No come?" Myra asked, looking towards Astra, with a confused and slightly worried expression.

Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Slick @FunnyGuy

While Nuallán did notice Slick's remark about them being lovebirds, at first, he chose to simply ignore it. That was, until he noticed Rosaria herself blushing, which made him react in return, turning his head to hide it. Fortunately, there were other things to focus on and as Slick mentioned that they could probably deal with any aggressive creature by themselves, should any unforeseen situation arise.

"There aren't many creatures which would risk going after a prey that can potentially kill them." Nuallán said, agreeing with Slick.

"With that said, an oasis tend to attract many types of animals. Some which might act in an extremely aggressive manner in order to defend their offspring. Even though the chance is small for us to find ourselves in such a specific situation, we should still be careful." He continued.

Just as he finished that, Rosaria mentioned that she could make them invisible so they could approach the oasis, something that only highly experienced and skilled photokinesis users could do. Which would definitely make their job of observing way easier.

"We would still need to stay upwind of the oasis in order to prevent any creatures from catching our scent, but other than that, being invisible would make our job of observing any potential prey much easier." He said, agreeing with Rosaria's suggestion as he smiled to her.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Oasis near Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Nuallán @13org

“You really gotta ask to grant us an edge, princess?” Slick looked over his shoulder as he took the lead on foot just as he’d done while mounted. Slick continued as he tugged on the sling of his repeating crossbow to ensure its presence.. “You need to quit bein’ so polite to the critter you’re fixin’ to bloody. Think like your butler if that’s what you’re fixin’ to make him out to be.” Slick turned completely so he could face Rosaria as she caught up to his place on the edge of the oasis.

“Take any and every advantage. Do that and you ain’t ever gonna lose.” Slick winked before his eyes met Nuallán’s accompanied by a grin. “Speaking of…” He turned back around to face the oasis as he slowly spread his arms out on either side. Exerting his will over his very element, Slick began manipulating the general direction of the wind toward themselves. Even when he dropped his hands down the wind continued to pull in their direction “No need to play fair, princess. Life ain’t a game.” His words were filled with a cruel type of wisdom.

“So make us unseen will you.” It almost sounded like an order… almost.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: North Pass, Out hunting
Interactions: Rue @Potter
Armor: Leather Vest with Armor of Deflection charm, Rest of outfit minus the gloves.
Weapons: Steel Short Sword with Shift Charm transforming it into a chain knife, and a small boot knife.
Equipment: a backpack containing: 1 large red potion, 1 green potion, 3 large blue potions, 2 small blue potions, a hunting knife, a flask, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, matches, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs (skaula and zemak), rolling papers, pipe, a gorestria gem ring and a pouch of amas.

“No,” Bowyn said, hesitation in his voice as he looked at the moose. He didn’t need first dibs, hunting was never about bragging rights for him. “But before you shoot, I have to ask, how do think we are going to carry that back?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. It was a huge animal; if they could bring it back to the village, it would feed many people, and that was a good thing. Maybe if Ishmael were here with his fancy cart and boar they’d be able to lug that creature back but there was no way the pair of fairies, even if Moony was helping, could drag that carcass around.

And, he didn’t want this excursion to be over.

If she shoots a moose now the hunt is over, there was more than enough meat for them, the group, and plenty left over to give some away to others in North Pass. Then what? Back to the village when all he wanted to do was be in the peace of the forest? Well, that was selfish, he shouldn’t be like that. “I guess we could use the snow and ice to our advantage, bit of magic to get all that back to town. Gods, Rue, we could feed a lot of hungry people with a moose.” He whispered with a smile. That was the sort of thing old Bowyn used to like to do, and it felt good to think like that again. “Go for it.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alaia Riluaneth

Time: 2 pm
Location: Myriamor
Interactions:@13org Myra @FunnyGuy Vrexen @princess Maeryn
Equipment: Outfit, Two short swords, a belt with sheaths, flask, transmission bracelet, small bag with 4 large blue potions, disguise ring

Alaia followed the group in silence, taking in what they were saying. Her head was filled with thoughts about what she would do to the humans when she got to them. Her vision was filled with the imagery of humans being ripped in half, guts spilling all over the desert sand. The elf princesses would scream, and she’d stab them both through the hearts before they could even move. Alaia could not wait to see the terror in their eyes as they realized that they lost. It was only a matter of time as they were hot on their trail. “I agree with father. It would be stupid to travel straight into an Orc settlement, especially the likes of Dugmaghord.” Alaia could not care less when Astra left. She figured that was the last they’d see of her, and she was too cowardly to go to the orcs. However, she was bored and needed someone to play with. Vrexen got too angry too quickly, and Maeryn was boring. That left…

She moved toward Myra and petted her head, ‘Hey little cutie. We should have some quality girl time together. Are you excited to go on a trip?” She wondered if this dumb demon would ever figure out how to talk like an intelligent creature.


Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: @princess Sophie

(White Dire Wolf)

Caelan’s heart rushed as Sophie returned his hug. He felt his happiest when he could feel her embrace. He was surprised to feel her lean on her and could not help but stroke her hair, “Well, I am glad you have this little pixie to protect you.” He replied to both of them with a laugh. Caelan stopped to take in the flash mob of orcs that appeared to dance to the song coming from Sophie's phone.

Caelan leaned in towards Sophie so she could hear him over the shouting and dancing. “Hey Soph, you think we could take a walk? I'd like to hang out.”

Dante Blackbourn

Time: 2 pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy, Menzai @samreaper, Isolde @Blizz, Aiden @potter
Equipment: Clothes, Steel Sword (Still thinking on what to do with Amas)

Dante nodded along with everyone’s answers to the new rules. “I agree with my brother here; we should stick together it is our best chance of beating whatever it is.” Dante replied to the others. He didn’t have much to add as he figured everything that needed to be said was said, and the sooner they dealt with the ‘Fog Beast”, the sooner they could relax and spend time doing more relaxing things,. “Well, we should grab whatever we need and get going.” Dante said before checking the backpack he was wearing to make sure he had everything confirming he did. “Alright, yup. I am ready lead the way Menzai.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Coming soon…

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 5 days ago

Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Interactions: Isolde @Blizz Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy Aiden @Potter

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


Each member of the group has shown to be of like mind with all in agreement to work together as a team. A decision that assured the highest chance of success but he chose to refrain from vocalizing this to prevent any of them to get overly cocky. A wise decision on his part with how confident the humans were already.

With the group decided and ready, Menzai led the way through the forest; walking at a casual pace taking them little over ten minutes to arrive at the edge of the sea of fog. Both a sea and wall of fog that seemed to morph and shift almost as if alive and so thick it could seemingly be mistaken as molasses in misty form while even standing on the fringes each of them would notice a heavy chill. A strong earthy and musty scent permeated within; not wholly unpleasant but for those unprepared might feel as if having their nostrils stung by a spray of lemon juice. A mere glance spoke of foreboding and ill omen that promised death for those unfortunate enough to find themselves lost within its misty grasps certain to leave most with shivering goosebumps.

And somewhere unseen within came a loud chittering clack breaking the ominous silence. Or was it a powerful crunch of wood cracking? Then multiple thumps like footsteps stamping in rapid succession in an almost slithering fashion though difficult to be certain without an astute sense of hearing. Whatever lurked within was definitely of considerable size, but most harrowing was that it was also very hungry for the flesh of cocksure and foolish intruders.

For the moment Menzai remained silent; staring off into the misty depths perhaps seeing what could not be seen or at the very least attemptiong to pinpoint its location or distance. His ears taut and perked flicking like feelers and chin partially lifted up while his acute senses probed through the thick wall and potent scent. Doing so to also give the humans the opportunity to prepare and steel themselves for this would be their first actual battle and doing so working together. A wicked beast that would serve the perfect test for whether this group truly was ready for what awaited outside the safety of this sanctuary would be far more powerful and insidiously dangerous.

Once Menzai pin down its location did the wolf turn to face them his face calm yet stern." The beasts lurk within to the northeast about twenty-two feet within. I shall lead you until we are nearly upon it then from that moment forth it shall be up to the four of you to determine how to handle the creature. Remember my rules and know that I will give no aid nor advice unless things go dire which I will give the command to retreat. One warning." Holding up a single finger to further state his point." Refuse and you will remain at the village. You merely need to knock it unconscious for victory though if you slay it then I will offer a bonus reward to each of you." A nod of his head as he slipped the hand back into the long sleeve as he waited once more to let what he told them sink in; if any chose to back out they were free to do so and would receive no punishment.

After two minutes the stern wolf turned with his back to them once more." Follow me. Keep your eyes on my back. Under no circumstance are you to wander off on your own." The last warning he would give before taking his first step within, the fog seeming to sink and coil around his shoeless foot as if stepping into swamp muck and with each step it encroached upward almost threatening to envelop and swallow those foolhardy enough to venture within whole.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Evening
Location: Fog Beast Lair
Interactions: Isolde @Blizz, Dante @Alivefalling, Menzai @samreaper, and Aidan @potter

The group of five venture forth into the wilderness with Mensai taking the lead. Along the way, Darius couldn’t help but feel anxious at the thought of getting into a real fight with what he could only assume from Menzai’s instructions was a dangerous creature. It was during the trek, that Darius attempted to be sly while walking closely beside Menzai. “So… I wonder if this fog beast is of fog or just in the fog y’know?” Of course Darius failed at trying to squeeze a bit of extra information out of Menzai as he always had.

Fortune slightly favored him as his question might have been answered when the group approached and stepped into an unnaturally thick fog. It was cool against his skin but not in a refreshing way. The cold touch of the fog threatened to form goosebumps across his skin. And the smell… It wasn’t awful but it made him ponder what could be producing such a scent. Shit is about to get real… He hadn’t said a word in a minute or two which wasn’t normal of him. Darius was just too nervous about the situation at hand.

Then he heard it, the sounds from the creature briefly stopping him in his tracks. He sighed as he realized his instincts took hold of him and continued with the others. Looking at each of them, he wondered how they were holding up. Everyone was quiet, so it was hard to tell, but if Darius were to guess, he might have been the most bothered by the situation. I have them with me though. We’ll beat this thing together. He tightened his grip around the knife he had grabbed earlier. He felt something run down his face. Am I really sweating? Come on it can’t be that bad. He wiped away the droplet that had run along his jawline just before Menzai came to a halt

“The beast lurks within to the northeast about twenty-two feet within. I shall lead you until we are nearly upon it then from that moment forth it shall be up to the four of you to determine how to handle the creature. Remember my rules and know that I will give no aid nor advice unless things go dire which I will give the command to retreat. One warning… Refuse and you will remain at the village. You merely need to knock it unconscious for victory though if you slay it then I will offer a bonus reward to each of you.”

Darius gave Menzai a silent nod as he looked into his left hand which he used to wipe his face. He raised his eyebrow for a moment. “Is..?” He looked around at the surrounding fog and for a moment wafting his left hand around as he did so. “Of course!” Darius covered his mouth after the exclamation. “Sorry, I thought I was so nervous I was sweating, but it’s vapor in the fog. I mean, I’m not nervous. Just thought that sweat equaled nervousness, which was kinda silly to think I was in the first place. Anyway, no more shouting out of me.”

After some time, the group continued. With each step, Darius slightly winced. He hated the feeling of mud under his feet, and that’s exactly what this felt like. Why couldn’t we have just fought a firebreathing dragon in a cave or a giant cyclops in the hills? I’d be away from my element but this kinda sucks.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: North Pass
Interactions: Annya (@princess), Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Two hand axes, grappling hook, 20ft of rope, three days worth of water and rations, green cloak and hood, lightweight leather armour, telescope, hunting horn, wooden pickaxe amulet.

Bron inspected the small snack that Annya had provided. It was certainly different to what any Dwarf would be used to eating, even one who tends to the Wilds such as himself. Regardless, he would thank the Princess for making the food for everyone before trying it. It was nice, especially the rich taste of salmon that provided the filling for his own snack. It would be something to keep him going, at the very least. His facial expression was less than impressed when Ismael started talking with his mouth full. Manners cost nothing, afterall. He sighed and let it go. "Very well, thank you. You seem chipper this morning." The Dwarf commented before following everyone into Yugi's shop. He would look around, though mainly window shopping as he didn't have much need for warm clothes and always kept his supplies topped up.

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold
Interactions: Amisra ([Tae]), Tanithil @Lava Alckon
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Bladedancer Sword, Bladedancer leather armour,, transmission bracelet, an empty coin pouch.

Sivaros wasn't happy when he was pulled away from the assignment of protecting Princess Mikazuki but... orders were orders. It would seem that the Dark Elves were moving far quicker than they would've liked and the young Bladedancer had been given the assignment of tracking a moving force heading to Ironhold. Using the transmission bracelet he was provided for the mission, Siv had been able to keep the Light Elf army updated to the best of his abilities. He hated this... All serious and no fun... It was his duty, but he was missing the adventure... the adrenaline. Boring scout work was necessary, yet alas... boooring. However, it would seem his outlook was about to change.

The Light Elf decided that he would get ahead of the approaching force and head for the gates of Ironhold, the hills and rocky terrain proving easy for the nimble soldier. However, in the search for some kind of Dwarven leader to offer his services, a curious sight had caught his eye. A Dark Elf woman running towards the gates from Ironhold. A curious grin spread across his face as he watched on. Now it was finally starting to get interesting! He noted the path that the stranger was taking and decided to say hello in a typical Sivaros fashion.

He found a spot ahead of the Dark Elf and sat upon the edge of the rocky crag, watching a few metres above the track before introducing himself. "Well, well, well! Aren't you a curious sight?" Sivaros called out to the woman below him before he hopped down and blocked the path ahead. "It's strange to see someone... like you... hanging around by themselves so far from Malthemoor. And within Ironhold, no less!" He questioned with a confident smirk. "So! Tell me... what is a Dark Elf doing on this side of the gate? You seem in a hurry. You here to let your friends waltz right on in? Very smart if so..." Sivaros surmised out loud, cockiness in his voice absolutely dripping in every word uttered.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Potter Rue @Helo Bowyn

Rue has taken a shot at a moose in the snowy woodland of North Pass!

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