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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold
Interactions: Amisra ([Tae]), Tanithil @Lava Alckon
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Bladedancer Sword, Bladedancer leather armour,, transmission bracelet, an empty coin pouch.

The Bladedancer initially took a couple steps backwards to gain a little bit of distance as a second Dark Elf dropped in from above, shrouded with shadowy wings. However, as the two spoke, his lips curled into a curious grin. "You... You want to go kill her?" He inquired, unable to stifle a chuckle as he did so. He liked this woman's attitude. Perhaps a confidence that could even rival his own, but he could tell that she was deadly serious. "Ha! Good... very good, even!" Sivaros smiled as he drew his sword. This didn't seem like a threat, however, as instead Siv performed a twirling flourish of his blade and finished with a deep bow.

"Sivaros Talomyr! Bladedancer of the Sun Elf Kingdom and greatest swordsman alive to grace Avalia, at your service." He introduced himself, keeping his bow and his blade hand gripped on the hilt as he looked up at the two. "Anyone that is serious about hurting Malthemoor's war efforts is a friend of mine, though I would've expected it from you the least. Buuut... I don't recommend whatever the hells you were about to do." Siv would explain. "General Zarra's leading that force, and she's got a shitload of Aldrakh Orcs and Malthemoor soldiers ready to siege this place. I'm pretty sure not even I could cut through all that and still have enough left in me to take out, especially with two bloody Orc Warchiefs. So! What say you two that we come up with a better plan than running out like a bunch of suicidal maniacs, hmm?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold
Interactions: Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Amisra @Tae, and Sivaros @GingerBoi123
Mentions: Annya @princess

Kaleb scanned Ironhold with a pensive expression as he had no idea which way to go. For one, everything… looked… the same… Then there were the confusing walkways leading upward, downward, and upward again… Then there were the molten canals to navigate around… Then there was the lack of signs… Then there was a lack of sky because the entire city was in a cavern… Then there were the smells…

But surprisingly enough, Kaleb kept those grievances to himself. He had a singular objective: to get into contact with Annya as quickly as possible to warn her of what occurred in the North Pass.

“Outta the way or get movin’!” A dwarf hollered from behind him. He glared back at the dwarf but proceeded forward. Arguing would be a waste of time and he did not find it to be a luxury at the moment. Besides, he needed these fast-moving dwarves if he was going to have any chance at getting to where he needed to go.

“Actually, excuse me!” Kaleb stopped to turn slightly to address the dwarf. His expression softened, but not by much

“Hm?” The dwarf raised his eyebrows in anticipation of what Kaleb had to say.

“Where’s the king stay? I have business with him but I failed to liaise with the dwarf meant to lead me to him.” Kaleb caught the dwarf’s minor skepticism and proceeded to hammer down the lie. “If you must know, I am a Sun Elf Kingdom official with a dire and classified message for your king from none other than Princess Annya… And if importance doesn’t move you, perhaps amas will.” Kaleb raised an eyebrow and held out a hand to informally solidify the deal.

“All that talking and the only thing that mattered was the last of it.” The dwarf spat in his palm and took Kaleb’s hand who winced but tightened his grip. “Now for the specifics. I ain’t taking you all the way to the other side of Ironhold. This ward is the easternmost ward and you’ll need to head that way until you reach the entrance, and then you’ll need to take yourself up the center path. It winds about a bit but I think… Hmm, my cousin says he keeps right when going that way, but I always keep left… Hmm, the path forks and forks but just try to make it as far as you can until you reach the throne.” The dwarf was nodding as he scratched his bearded cheek with his free hand.

“Well fuck…” Kaleb frowned, but poor verbal directions were better than nothing. “Good enough, friend. 30 amas!”


“Fifty? You’re not even taking me. Thirty!”

“Me not taking you is a blessing! You’re wearing those zoomies, so me not accompanying you might be a good thing, yes?” His words caused Kaleb to scowl.

“Yes… Fifty then!” The dwarf had a point and Kaleb couldn’t keep wasting time negotiating payment. The two released their hands and conducted the exchange as quickly as possible. Down to the entrance and then back up through the center! With that in mind, Kaleb dashed forth.

The short work Kaleb thought he was going to make of the route turned out to be him underestimating its length. Zoomies made people faster, but your stamina was what it was and Ironhold was the real-life version of a treadmill’s interval setting. By the time, he arrived near the cave mouth, he had to stop so he could take a breather. But every passing moment meant the Malthemoor soldiers he encountered in North Pass were still… were still doing whatever they were doing without anyone’s knowledge. Kaleb narrowed his eyes at the thought of it before inconveniently hearing something that grabbed his attention. It sounded like an argument, and when his searching found the participants of it, his eyes widened at the sight of someone swooping down using dark magic. He couldn’t make out the words from where he stood but to him, it appeared to be an altercation. Between a light elf and two individuals below, one clearly being a dark elf. Swords were drawn and the definite dark elf was wielding his magic like some sort of clawed gauntlet.

Kaleb made eye contact with one of the Ironhold guards who simply shrugged communicating that what was going on wasn’t their problem. Aren’t they allies? Fuck ‘em then. I’ll step up… and maybe… yeah… that just might get straight to the king. No more hiding. Kaleb tossed his bag down and gripped his staff in both hands

“Hey shitheads!” He spoke as he generated a heat haze as he approached. With each step, the heat haze intensified until his staff was enveloped in white-hot flames. “You dark elf assholes want humans so bad, huh? Well, you got the strongest one, right here!” The fire on the staff almost begged to spread but he kept them tamed and focused on his weapon.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 17 days ago

Tanithil Malaggar

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold
Interactions: Sivaros @GingerBoi123, Amisra @Tae, and Kaleb @FunnyGuy
Leather armor, and two backpacks.

Tanithil felt a growing vein on the side of his brow. However, sensing the lest hostile energies between the two, he lowered his hand and straightened his posture. As he stood up he slung the bag draped over his front side towards Amisra. "You talk as if you can take on an entire army single-handed. You're good, sweetie but not that good. Now take your things so my back doesn't give out." He rolled his shoulder as the light elf spoke to them, almost confirming Tanithil's suspicions. He knew that woman fairly well despite his misgivings for her. She wouldn't be marching on something like Ironhold unless she had the means to rip it from the very mountain it rested in. He turned to Sivaros to address him, still wielding the darkness on his hand, yet not pointedly at him. "Don't look at me. My 'plan' is to get her and split like a log. I have no intentions of staying here with that crazy bitch running around wreaking havoc. Fuck the Dark Elf Army, fuck Zarra, and fuck this whole war to be honest."

He heard another voice trickle into his ear drums, along with a sudden rise in heat. He turned on his heel and saw what looked like a light elf, yet they wielded fire magic as a human would. Well fuck me. The summoning rumors are true and on top of that, one of the bastards is staring us right in the face. He stepped a few paces out from the other two to properly face the self-proclaimed human who was walking towards them. "Sorry to say you all have the wrong crowd. We aren't looking for any humans and we certainly aren't looking for any dark elf generals whom we wish to separate their heads from their bodies." He glares at Amisra before gesturing towards Kaleb with his shadow gauntlet. "Whatever business you have with them, count us out. They could all drop dead for all I care, save the few who have the sense to realize this war is stupid as hell. Now, can I help either of you with anything else or are we going to stand around flashing our bits and bobs until we're riddled with holes from dark magic and arrows?" He stood there, keeping a slight stance about him, but wanting to keep the two lesser-known men guessing what his next move could be. Truth be told, he hardly had an idea what his next move would be himself if things decided to flip upside down.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: The Nest
Interactions: Tigerlily@Potter, Barbuda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives, 1 dagger, a spyglass, a wayfinder, a pouch of amas, and various jewelry.

“To be expected, guessin’ there ain’t much to find.” Nym replied to Tigerlily. No murmurings of Helio's lost friends and after four months, and now, after seeing everything that was happening in Roshmi, his best guess was that they were far too late to find much of anything. He studied Tigerlily for a moment before he continued.

“I appreciate yer efforts, sorry fer the wild goose chase. I’ll break the news to the lad once he’s dried out a bit. This place ain’t good fer any of us, we’ll grab us some worthy hands and leave soon as we can.” He added. Roshmi had become a shithole, that much was clear, and it was taking far too much a toll on Tigerlily for him to justify looking for folks who were likely long dead.

He glanced back towards Helio and Barboda who seemed to have settled their dispute without a fight breaking out. Disappointing, Helio could use some sense knocked into him, but there’d be plenty of others roaming Roshmi City willing to oblige if Helio kept looking for a fight. Nym glanced at Tigerlily, nodded towards their other two crewmates, and headed over there.

“Any headway on findin’ yer mates?” Nym asked Helio. “If not, we best stay busy, get The Harem stocked and ready, find us a few more hands. This ain’t the port to be gettin’ too relaxed.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dante Blackbourn

Time: 2 pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy, Menzai @samreaper, Isolde @Blizz, Aiden @potter
Equipment: Clothes, Steel Sword (Still thinking on what to do with Amas)

Dante followed along with the group walking beside Menzai. “Hey, Addie stick close to me.” He urged as he turned to look behind at her with a slightly concerned look on his face. Feeling so worried about another person other than Darius was so unfamiliar to him. She had moved into his mind from the day they had met and had never left. Her face would appear before his eyes even when he was alone and he’d find himself wondering how she was feeling on a regular basis. It had been a process to understand what he had been feeling, but he understood now better than ever that she was important to him.

Even all the training on Earth and Avalia wasn’t enough to hold back the fear of fighting something unnatural or otherworldy. An uneasy feeling began to crawl down Dante’s spine as they continued through the fog which was now getting thicker and the mud becoming deeper with it nearly rising above their ankles. As Dante continued to look around, he started to spot blood on some of the trees that they could still see. His worry started to build more as the amount of blood was more than an average-sized animal would even have in their bodies. He could tell they would be dealing with something a lot larger than your basic animal despite this he carried on. “Yo, Menzai we might be close. We got a lot blood over here, We should follow the trail and see where it leads.” He said continuing on their hunt.

Before long the group had found the souce of the blood trail. In front of them, the large corpse of a Kiruoth was lying on the ground. The strange green insect-like creature, the aforementioned “Fog Beast” might have been a sight to behold, if it were not crumpled and broken in the mud. That, and the immense silhouette hidden within the fog behind it.



The gravity of the area increased slightly making those in the group feel slightly heavier “Ah yes, the humans….. have come to me, mother…….. Less walking….. for me……” A deep gutteral voice carried by a drawn out-of-breath cadence echoed through the fog. “Puny mortals…… you shall call me, Sloth……. Now kneel before me…. and die!.” He said as he pointed towards Dante, increasing the gravity directly around him. Dante who was unprepared was immediately forced to his knees under the heavy downward force. He struggled to lift his head and look up as the skin on his face contorted and pulled down under the weight of the gravity surrounding him. To make matters worse, he was now witnessing two humanoid-looking tentacles sltihering his way with high-pitched shrieks. Dante was unable to lift his arms up… Unable to defend himself.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 1 day ago

Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Interactions: Isolde @Blizz Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy Aiden @Potter

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


Not long after stepping within the foggy marshes did Menzai take notice of the air being unusually thicker than normal with the heavy scent of blood lingering ahead. Each step ventured had his wolfen survival instinct stirred in intensity, but he accustomed it to nerves with the dangerous battle about to take place shortly. Yet, a warning that started like an itch at the back of his mind gradually worsened until they came upon the mangled corpse of the Kirouth. In the split second his eyes laid eyes upon the mishapened beast did his mind scream.* Run!* It echoed like a terrified growl as Menzai quickly dig his sharp claws into his palm to the point of nearly drawing blood, the pain quelled the overwhelming urge to flee that his bestial instincts assaulted him with and had to do so lest he ended up abandoning the humans under his protection.

It also aided in getting the whirring of his mind under control. A decision that possibly proved to be the very thing to offer the group the one chance at surviving whatever ominous evil that lurked just beyond the dead beast as any reckless act or panic would surely spell doom.

Once he attained control of his trembling body once more, the wolf demi-human shot his right-hand up signaling for the humans to stop and cease any movement. He allowed himself only a second to glance back to make sure they were still close behind and to scan the way back to make sure it was clear before turning his attention towards the grotesque silhouette waiting just out of view obscured by the smokey thick fog.

Whatever it was; to be capable of killing a Kirouth in such a gruesome manner was sign enough to show this creature to be immeasurably more dangerous. One that this group could not possibly hope to defeat at their current level. This left them only one option, but Menzai could tell it would be no easy feat and that timing was most important.

And then the horrid abomination stepped into view its visage absolutely monstrous and grotesque with a nauseating and powerful stench of death oozing from its very being like a foreboding smock that threatened to choke them.

Following its reveal came a strange pressure pressing down on each of them as if the air had suddenly grown heavier. Menzai could feel fear trying to rip through him as he peered at the hideous creature with a look of both disgust and queer curiosity. Again, he forced himself to swallow it down as he could not afford to freeze up; not when the group needed him.

Then he..it spoke in a vile and unsettling guttural voice that sent chills down the spine as he kept his body partially lowered and right-arm raised in a defensive posture.

Ah yes, the humans….. have come to me, mother…….. Less walking….. for me……” A deep gutteral voice carried by a drawn out-of-breath cadence echoed through the fog. “Puny mortals…… you shall call me, Sloth……. Now kneel before me…. and die!.

The creature calling itself Sloth having confirmed its goal to be seeking and killing humans with what it said. The name Sloth sounded vaguely familiar and tried to recall if he had read of it from a book, but any and all thoughts left his mind upon seeing Dante being forced to his knees where two humanoid shaped tentacles were slithering towards him.

Without thinking or hesitation Menzai leapt towards Dante with as strong push of his legs as he was able to push through the increased pressure. The wolf almost vanished within the fog or seemed to glide with how fast he moved; bits of blood trailed from the soles of his feet hinting of the strength he forced upon himself to move at such a speed rush past where Dante was knelt grabbing hold of the back of his shirt and dragged him clear just before the tentacles could strike.

He had taken note of how heavy the human was as if he was dragging two of him and had nearly ripped the back of Dante's shirt in doing so. A hard shove pushing him back towards the others while keeping himself facing Sloth when his left foot suddenly kicked upward lifting a rotted log half his size up for him to snatch with a wide swing to push back the nearest tentacle sending bits of wood and mud scattering from the chunk that broke off though somehow still held together. It was at this moment he turned his head over his shoulder to look back at them." RUN! Flee and make you way back to the village!" He shouted the retreat with actual emotions in his voice for perhaps the first time since any of them had met him...fear.

Without another word he turned back to Sloth giving the log a testing swing before leaping towards the tentacles making sure not to remain in place for he saw how it pointed at Dante. Witnessing it had him surmise that moving around might make it harder to pinpoint with whatever strange ability it had used on the human. Menzai of course had no intention of actually fighting Sloth, the notion sheer ludicrous but he would at least distract and hold it in place long enough to allow the the humans to escape the marsh where they could run without being hindered and confused by the mud and fog.

Knowing too little of what Sloth was or what it was capable along with the tentacles left Menzai purely on defenses. All while pushing his senses to his limits and lithe agile body to leap and jump about with the use of any nearby trees to better propel himself around as he struck at any tentacle that tried to go after the fleeing group; each blow making the log splinter and crack until it shattered forcing the lone wolf to the use of his sharp claws.

Menzai maneuvered and swiped with pure determination to protect them urging him on. Just when his strength was beginning to fail him did his ears flick to the sound of their footsteps no longer muffled and muddy indicating they were free of the marshes.

With a snarl, Menzai dipped down and swiped his clawed muddied hands upward sending mud and fog spraying and in the next instant he was gone having leapt up to the nearest tree where he fled jumping from branch to branch after the others.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Evening
Location: Fog Beast Lair
Interactions: Isolde @Blizz, Dante @Alivefalling, Menzai @samreaper, and Aidan @potter

The moment Dante brought up the blood trail, Darius felt a tinge of concern. It was just another thing to add to his worries. Whatever his intuition told him, it would have never prepared him for what was to come. First was the corpse of the kirouth, and though Darius did not recognize it, he could tell it was a formidable creature by appearance alone. His attention turned to Menzai who looked frighteningly unsettled. Why is he making that face? Darius bit his bottom lip before noticing the silhouette in the fog, the culprit of the kirouth’s death.

As the creature pushed itself through the fog revealing itself, Darius’ eyes shot open as he wondered if the figure in front of him was the fog beast. Moisture drew to his palms as the being spoke to them all as if it was out of breath. He introduced himself as Sloth, and he intended to kill everyone.

First, he made Dante fall to his knees, a sight that nearly froze Darius in place before he witnessed Menzai’s hasty reaction. Menzai had not only saved Dante from the frightening humanoid-shaped tentacles but he went on to attack the titan of a creature despite the downward pressure everyone was feeling.

“RUN! Flee and make your way back to the village!”

That was all Darius needed to hear before he placed himself under Dante’s arm to help him up so they could all move forward. It was the first time Darius had witnessed Menzai actually display any kind of emotion since meeting him. Why couldn’t it have been humor?

“Come on fat-boy, let’s get the fuck out of here!” Darius grunted as the four humans were meant to follow Menzai’s instructions. Despite wanting to move quickly, Darius felt as if every step he made felt twice as difficult. Honestly, if it weren’t for some of Dante’s shitty training exercises, the struggle might have been a lot tougher, but together the group continued on, and over time, the pressure they felt diminished. That and being out of the swamp only aided in the movement on foot.

“Guys, listen, that Sloth dude pretty much folded our boss battle. You think Menzai’s okay?”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isolde Ryder

Time: 2pm
Location: The Fog Beast's Lair
Interactions The Fuckwit Brigade and Corporal Yiffenheimer

All through the fog, Isolde remained quiet and on edge. Between the near silent footsteps of Menzai and the rest of the group, and the weight of her spear in her hands, it was a completely different world from Gaurav. When you trained like they had in such a place for months at a time, it was easy to realize just how loud a forest actually was; trees swayed with the wind, birds fluttered through leaves, and insects chittered when the sun started to set. There were always a thousand different things someone could pay attention to when alone in the middle of the woods. This, though? Their footsteps felt practically choked by the fog, and Isolde had to strain to even see trees.

She definitely didn't have to strain when she saw the kiruoth. The dead kiruoth. Isolde had read a thing or two about them in the village's books. Large insect predators of the same caliber as fucking basilisks. Seeing one up close was a shock, she was honestly expecting this to be a trick that Menzai was pulling to reveal that he was the Fog Beast who knew all their combat methods. But something in this fog had killed the beast, and Menzai's sudden stiffness wasn't lost on her.

"Something's not r-" And then it showed up.

A monster more massive than the hills, vaguely human shaped, was staring them down from what could have been thousands of feet or merely hundreds, she sure as hell couldn't put it to words. It spoke like it was out of breath, and by now, Isolde was feeling close to breathless as well. For a split second, Isolde felt like blasting it was the best option, but that was before Dante, arguably the best fighter, was dropped to the ground. Isolde could feel it, the air pushing down on them, making them heavier. She leaned into her spear to stand upright, trying not to fall. Darius ran for Dante, and Menzai did the stupidest thing she ever saw someone do, he ran right at it, telling them to run.

Isolde had been training to fend for herself since she was dropped through the ground alongside these people, and now it came down to doing the exact opposite of that, or die. Seeing Menzai put up some kind of fight made her want to drag his scruffy ass away, but this was his village, his entire world. If he knew something about this that they didn't it was showing in the fact that he showed an actual emotion for the first time in months. She hauled on Dante with Darius to get him off the ground, and she ran as fast as she could with them, not even thinking about what was behind them.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Myriamor

“I don’t know if I like this.” Astra said as she looked down at the outfit she was wearing at the Odds and Ends stall. “Too shiny and gold for someone of my complexion…” Astra looked down at her body. How the warm colors held firmly to her stone gray skin, brought an ugly grimace to her face. “But it does what you say it does, correct?” Her eyes peered up at the faun store owner with a stern glare.

“Yes, of course. It fits all! It fits anyone. Any occasion, too… with some added protection of course. Just cross the greaves with some intention and… magic.” The stall owner nodded as he looked down at the 500 amas resting on his counter. He didn’t think he had to explain much to sell these but Astra kept up a front of skepticism. The type of skepticisim that made a person feel as if they weren’t offering up enough and had to overexplain.

“Hmm…” Astra seemed to muse just before she crossed her wrists out in front of her. With a quick flash, Astra’s appearance changed, not unlike what a disguise ring was capable of.

“Oh my! Look at you! You’re-”

“A lamplight cunt!” Astra cut the stall owner off, preventing him from absentmindedly insulting her. “Where’s your mirror? I want to see.” Astra demanded. She was quickly provided a mirror so that she could view her new appearance

“A pretty lamplight cunt.” Astra flashed a smile at herself before peering down at a caged Almiraj. “These things are loyal to their masters, yes?” Astra ask as she bent over to meet the horned rodent eye to eye.

“Yes, yes they are. Some might say, more loyal than a mutt!”

“Good. Loyalty to his master will keep him alive.” She poked at the cage, slightly rattling it.

Loyalty to violence

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Location: The Nest
Interaction:@AlivefallingBarboda @HeloNym @Potter Tigerlily
Equipment:Black coat with fur trim on the hood, dark-colored, plain male clothing, sword with unbreaking and return enchantments, strength enchanted gloves, 2 medium red potions, hygiene products, timeteller, wayfinder, transmission bracelet, a flask, standard backpack, and an ama pouch with 1800 amas.

“I don’t think you are funny. I think you are acting like a degenerate.” “ Helio mocked Barboda, copying his words in a tone similar to his. He then scoffed at Barboda's next words. "My reputation as THE Handsome Asshole of Avalia could never be tarnished. Look. Watch this.” He replied dryly. Then, he snapped his fingers as a ball of dark energy formed over his hands and started to grow. The matter was chaotically hopping out of its form. “Everyone ! I’m feeling evil!He announced. Nearby folk started to back away, some with wide eyes. “See… They remember my murders.”He assured Barboda with a sad laugh. He let it disintegrate, dropping his hand. His mood was ruined.

As a few people exited the bar, Floofa smacked her fist on the table, “You nitwit! Quit it or I’ll kick you and your friends out!” It was rare that Floofa reacted in such a way. Helio had crossed a line.

“Don’t get your panties in a twist, sweetheart. I’ve made my point.” Helio said with an eye-roll. He got up and moved over to Nym as Barboda had wished. He noticed Tigerlily in her hooded attire and nodded to her. Nym’s words made him frown.

“No such luck yet.” He told him and then averted his eyes. Nym had more than accommodated him already, but could he just give up on Faye and Wumong? There was a pause before he suggested, “Any luck on crewmates? Maybe we can ask around while we’re here if anyone’s looking for some adventure..”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Interaction: Aiko @CitrusArms Orias @Helo Xavier @Potter
Equipment:Yuka's Drip Pouch with amas, Lipstick

Yuka blew Aiko a kiss from her spot, “You’re my favorite meat!” Her ears then perked as Orias spoke. She didn’t really care to thank anybody. As far as she was concerned, she kept herself safe. She applauded his noble speech nonetheless, as Yuka liked to keep things fun after all. “Yes! Thank you River Kingdom! And thank you Orias for leading us! I’m so grateful for you all three.” She presented a warm smile.

“No objections! So are we splitting up then? Then who wants to be my partner? ” She couldn’t wait to tear through some flesh. It was going to be fun no matter what, but she wanted a good partner for this. Orias was too princely to wanna shred something up. He probably even brought a knife and fork knowing him. Aiko was more than adequate as they were willing to give her some meat. Then the last option would then be Xavier. She wondered if humans liked ripping open the flesh of prey too. She took a moment to inspect Xavier’s facial expression with an inquisitive look.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
Avatar of GingerBoi123


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: North Pass
Interactions: Annya (@princess), Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Two hand axes, grappling hook, 20ft of rope, three days worth of water and rations, green cloak and hood, lightweight leather armour, telescope, hunting horn, wooden pickaxe amulet.

The Dwarf listened to the plan of Bardulf, and subsequently Annya's, intently. Bron nodded along with all the points while taking careful mental notes of the planned routes and hunting areas accordingly. Fortunately for Ismael and himself, cold mountain ranges were his specialty along with forests. The Ranger quite fancied their chances truth be told though he certainly didn't show it across his face. His hands gripped the hafts of his axes and pulled them from their leather straps at his hips, nodding for Ismael to follow. "Come, boy. Didn't you hear Bardulf. We're to work as a team... though if you wish to make it a competition between us as well, I'd play along." He commented. It was hard to tell if Bron was joking or not with his usual no-nonsense, almost dour tone of voice.

"We should be away soon. As much as this is for fun, we shouldn't be away longer than we need to be."

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold
Interactions: Amisra (@Tae), Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Kaleb @FunnyGuy
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Bladedancer Sword, Bladedancer leather armour,, transmission bracelet, an empty coin pouch.

Sivaros whipped around on his heels as a new voice had entered the conversation, immediately declaring himself the strongest human. That's when the heat hit him... a warmth that dwarfed a summer heatwave of Myriamor in comparison. The Bladedancer's eyes widened in realisation as what the stranger said was half true. This was a human... Here, in Ironhold, with a Malthemoor army about to march upon it's very gates. "No... No, no, no. You shouldn't be here. You can't be here!" This development threw everything off-kilter... How'd a human end up her? Weren't they all meant to be with the Princess?

"Calm down, alright? No one here right now is gonna bring harm to you." The Light Elf would turn back and shoot a look to the pair behind him. "Right?" Siv would swing his blade into a reverse grip as he let out a cautious open hand out to the human. "What is gonna harm you is that big fuck-off army of Dark Elves about to storm this place. So I'm Sivaros, Bladedancer, and these are... Eh, whatever... They're cool. I think? You, mate, I'm gonna need you to cool down a bit, tell me your name, and we'll help you get to Princess Annya and her retinue... Wherever the hell that is. That clear?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 5 days ago


Time: 2pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: @Alivefalling Dante; @FunnyGuy Darius; @samreaper Menzai; @Blizz Isolde
Mentions: n/a

The walk towards the fog beast had set Aidan on edge. When Dante requested she stay close, she didn’t need to be told twice. Once or twice she nearly grabbed his hand to console him, but decided against the sudden movement. His seriousness had her attention, and she was not going to interfere. The appearance of blood made her frown. What the hell kind of monster were they attacking? Were they being led into a trap? The fog around them didn’t help her relax either and she began wondering what the hell they’d agreed to. Her skin began to crawl and she kept a tense guard up throughout their walk.

As soon as they reached their destination, Addie halted at the base of the trees. Shock didn’t begin to cover her reaction. Addie, who laughed when she was injured, joked about being in danger and had quoted Simba from the Lion King, stood with undeniable terror. The demon from four months prior didn’t surmount to the horrible sight before her. As if she’d been dunked in ice, her feet were frozen to the ground. When this horrendous monster spoke, its voice sent chills down her spine. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. She inhaled sharply when one of the tentacles grabbed Dante to quickly devour him. Addie’s hands immediately lit up with flames with two fireballs, ready to at least try to distract this disgusting creature when Menzai reacted faster than her. His first sign of emotion was absolute horror and his yell at them sent another wave of fear through Aidan. This was… This was not what they had come to fight, was it? Judging by the reaction, it was not…. So how did this … thing get here and what the hell was it? Menzai soon freed Dante from the creature’s clutches and attacked it to distract it from them. Isolde and Darius both had grabbed Dante and were running off with him. Breaking branches snapped Addie out of her reverie of terror, and she turned ot run, not even noticing the flames had extinguished themselves on their own due to the dense fog.

Aidan began to run, then wondered if this creature would chase them. She stumbled over her feet and ended up crashing to the ground. Normally she was graceful and catlike, as if she had nine lives. Addie scrambled to her feet as sticks and leaves caught in her hair and poked her cheeks. The only sound she was aware of was her hasty breathing, and her ears straining to hear if this gigantic disgusting piece of shit was following them. There wasn’t much she, a pyromancer, could do with the fog and the inability to see well. Addie struggled to see through the fog and began focusing on the sound of breaking branches from Menzai for a clue as to where the group was. Though not far behind, Addie lagged a few feet behind due to tripping.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 17 days ago

Bardulf Siegfried

Time: 2:20pm
Location: Odds and Ends
Interactions: Annya @princess, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, and Bron @GingerBoi123
Equipment: Leather armor over smallclothes, tooth necklace, warm boots, winter cloak, halberd, and

Bardulf felt a slight tinge of pride and accomplishment seeing this little event of his come together. He would've been fine with any pairing honestly, but thinking on it Annya likely made the best call. Having a hunter with each group would prove to be effective, and Bron was clearly in his element here. As a huntsmen himself, however, he did have some experience with snowy winters and heavy forests. The German winters from his home were none the kind to him and his village. Even in snowfall he had to make the trip with his dad to hunt game and gather what could be found, for food was much more scarce in the winter time. This town seemed to have no such problem, however he still found it somewhat nostalgic if he would be able to bring back a big elk...maybe even some smaller game to give something back to this lovely neck of the woods.

Bardulf took a single coin from his pouch and flicked it into the air, letting it fall into his palm before turning it over on the back of his other hand, hiding the result. "Right...if it's heads, Annya and I get the East Path. Tails, we get North." Slowly, he lifted his hand and smile grew on his face as the symbol of the face of the king of the Light Elves minted onto the coin was what graced their eyes. He nods and puts the coin away, packing his other things in a swift motion and looking to the group. "Well then, let's head to the starting point together then!" He took a few broad steps towards the door, heading out in to the frigid winds that were complete opposite to the warmth of the shop. He made sure everyone was following before leading the group towards where he had marked earlier in the morning.

Tanithil Malaggar

Time: Afternoon
Location: Outside Ironhold
Interactions: Sivaros @GingerBoi123, Kaleb @FunnyGuy, and Amisra @Tae
Leather armor, and two backpacks.

Tanithil spun around towards the Light Elf who had thrown around the term "we" so casually. "Hey woah woah woah there buck-o. 'We' did not forge any pact or agreement. All I said is that we plan to get the hell out of here." He pondered for a moment as he spoke. The addition of two more fighters, both of whom seem plenty capable to hold their own, would increase their chances if they got into an ambush. The human alone could probably punch well above his belt in terms of firepower. He let the shadows of his gauntlet recede onto his back, almost cloaking his clothes in a weird perception-defying magic that seemed to hide him from the back. He slung the pack of his front and thrusted it onto Amisra, making sure she held onto it before letting go.

"That being said. It would seem we all want to just simply leave the premises, and it makes perfect sense for us to travel together. Strength in numbers and all that. As for where the Princess is, I haven't the faintest clue. I hardly want to travel the land looking for her, so what I can promise is that we can maybe come along until it's best for the two of us to skedaddle." He looked at every one of them for a few moments before letting out a sigh, as if to signal he's finally relaxed some, despite the impending threat of being scorched standing about 15 feet to his right. His gaze fell onto Amisra, speaking in a much more calm and jovial demeanor.

"I mean...that's all assuming you're okay with that and don't want to go running off into the sunset to gods know where. Think you can quell the spirit of vengeance for sometime until we have an actual army to face off against the...actual army?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 5 days ago


Time: Afternoon
Location: River Fairy Kingdom - Treeant Inn
Interactions: @Helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka,

Xavier watched everyone interact silently. He was anxious to get a move on so he could distract himself from his thoughts. He nodded to Orias’ speech. This was a sacred holiday for them, and he wouldn’t wish to ruin it. When they spoke about getting Yuka a bell, his eyebrows raised, but he didn’t comment. Once she asked if they’d split up, his gaze slid to her. Orias and Aiko were good company, however he wished to speak to her privately. When Aiko asked him about the fan, he smirked at him and shook his head. "A little bit here and there, I'm more used to my swords and bows." He then continued speaking.

”If we split up, I’d like to choose Yuka as my partner. No disrespect to any of you,” he added, as he glanced at Orias and Aiko. He looked at her intently, hoping she could catch on, and then turned to the other two. ”We can meet back here later. If we need help, I can signal for you with the… transmission bracelet.” Xavier awaited their responses and fought back a yawn.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Time: 2pm
Location: North Pass
Interactions:: @Lava Alckon Bardulf
Equipment:Outfit, Ama pouch, Transmission Bracelet Axes with returning enchantment,Her backpack, a few rice balls

Annya and Bardulf had split off onto the North path upon arrival. while the other had taken the east. She had made sure to give them a few rice balls before putting the rest in her bag. The frigid wind lightly scratched at their skin with its cold claws as they made their way forward. She tugged at the fluffy white hood of her coat, pulling it over her head. Her steps were carefully quiet and calculated. After quite a few absurdly early morning walks through the area, she had a decent mental map of the area. However, she knew that there was a lot of ground that could be covered and it would be easy to wander too far. She could not help but worry over Bron and Ismael just a little due to this idea.

She tilted her head to look at Bardulf with a smile. "Bardulf, I'm really proud of you." Annya leaned her head in to whisper as she spoke, "You're a great leader. " She crossed her arms behind her back and underneath her cost, then pulled out her axes from their hilts in a swift movement, "But now it's time to be a great winner."

Just as she had been whispering, the sound of a rustle in a distance thicket immediately hushed her. Annya grinned and put a finger to her lips. Subsequently, she pointed in the direction of the noise. "Wanna give it a go?" She mouthed to him
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Location: Malthemoor - Castle
Time: 2pm

Amarantha had not been upset with how things had been going the last four months, but she had not been happy either. It felt as if they had been tugging at a rope from both sides without either being able to get an edge. They were staying still. And that wasn’t enough. If it had been four months, then that meant everything they were doing was still not adequate and she’d have to make some changes. But as always, Amarantha knew exactly what she wanted to do.

Her heels clicked as she stepped through the stone hall of the castle. Her dark hair billowed behind her in reaction to her haste movements. It was almost quiet. The guards stood up against the wall, eyes on her as she moved. No one had spoken.

She reached a transmission stand in the back of the room, just a few feet from the throne. It had a large purple gem on top of it. Along the side of it were thirty-one buttons. Amarantha carefully selected five buttons in particular. Then she waited.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Desert Wastes
Interactions: Myra @13org, Maeryn @princess, Alaia @Alivefalling


“Dark elf! How have your kind not blotted out this SUN?! It only strengthens your foes and dulls your power!” The extended time under the sun and in the desert heat was obviously getting to the demon. His acclimation to the passing of time in Avalia hadn't helped either. Each day Vrexen's nemesis rose with its near-inescapable vibrant brilliance, and each day Vrexen had no means to stop it from torturing his very being. He might have quit in stride if the opportunity of introducing humans to his manner of violence wasn't on the table.

“After I peel the flesh from the bones of these humans, I will make it my mission to undo that which plagues us, Myra! Our mother will not enter this realm with such a blight! I will bring absolute darkness to this world if that is what it takes!" Vrexen preached, which surprisingly enough helped to push him to keep going. With a dark and violent future in mind, Vrexen could be motivated to travel the ends of Avalia.

However, to the detriment of his company, Vrexen could barely keep his mind from slipping into madness… The need for violence would arrive far too early.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 17 days ago

Bardulf Siegfried

Time: Afternoon
Location: Outside Northpass
Interactions: Annya @princess, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, and Bron @GingerBoi123
Equipment: Leather armor over smallclothes, tooth necklace, warm boots, winter cloak, halberd, and

He made sure everyone made it to the starting point easily enough, and upon seeing the tell-tale sign of a red stained rope on wrapped around the trunk of a tree, Bardulf would nod and turn to the others. "Well we made it. I wish you both a happy hunt, and we'll see you at the other tree. Remember..." He points to the rope, which began to look mildly morbid in the more well-lit afternoon weather. "Look for the red rope. If we don't see each other by nightfall then just make it back to the village and we'll look for anyone missing. It shouldn't be that dangerous but, you never know." He topped the slightly ominous words of his with an awkward smile as he would turn and walk with Annya along the Eastern path.

The trees did somewhat remind him of home, and the weather would be akin to some of the more harsh winters he was used to seeing. He turned to Annya as she spoke.

"Bardulf, I'm really proud of you."

He would hide smirk crossing his lips as best he could. Amidst all the rough times he'd been having, some light-hearted adventures and kind words were certainly a pleasantry he would appreciate. "Thank you. I try. Frankly all that talking has already worn me out some but we still have quite the hunt ahead of us." He would pull his hood up further, hiding his long hair and his footsteps would grew light on the snow. Even with all his effort there was still the occasional crunch of freshly packed snow that sounded underfoot. He paused as Annya did, noticing the sudden rustling in the distance. He read her lips with a slight turn of his head, figuring that she was offering him the first shot. He slowly nodded and prepped some magic he had been meaning to practice more.

In his left hand, he pulled his fingers together, as if to make a gesture with his hands. A slight spark began to circulate around each fingertip as he slowly pulled them apart. A circular arc of lightning magic solidified between his fingers as he pulled them further and further apart. His right hand reached over, and as if drawing the string on a bow, pull the lightning back. His stance was firm and deliberate, as if to mimic that of someone using a longbow. However his hands felt not nearly enough tension as you normally would from a bowstring. He instead imagined and visualized the picture of an archer about to prime their killing shot. His left index finger pointed outward while his other fingers curled towards his palm. His right hand and hip rotated to position behind his right shoulder. A streak of lightning was formed and pulled from the pinching of his first two fingers from his right hand until it reached the pointed finger from his left hand. He smirked, seeing his imagination taking physical form as an arrowhead formed just in front of his left fingertip. He breathed slowly, and took aim for several seconds. The buzz of his magic hummed against the still air, but seemed to not quite hit his prey's eardrums yet. He used these precious seconds to line up his shot towards a rustling bush, and let his shot fly.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Aiko Yume

Time: Mid-Day
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Inventory: Lightly-ornate robes, pouch of amas, parasol, peacock fan
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Potter

"Perhaps I can show you how to use it sometime? It's not exactly an orthodox weapon, but perhaps- well, we can discuss your fighting style later." Now was not the time to dive into a martial discussion. However, when Xavier chose Yuka as his hunting partner, the succubus could not help but grin, "oh, yes? Mmm, hmhmhm, yes, I see. Ooh, very well." They stepped over toward Orias, taking up a position at his immediate flank as their body shifted.

A feminine hand touched his shoulder, "I shall accompany our good leader, then. I should make a fine escort to the royal hunt, no?" She leaned up gently against him, humming softly. She hadn't realized just how stifling it had been, to hide the shape shifting for so long. Had people really not noticed, or just been willfully ignorant? And maybe some pheromones helped.

At any rate. Aiko produced her peacock fan and began to lightly fan Orias as her arm draped over him. "Well, then. Do you have everything you need, Orias?"
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