Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold Gates
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Tanithil @GingerBoi123 Siv @FunnyGuy Kaleb

So much happened in a matter of a few moments, Amisra barely had time to process it all. One second, she wasn’t sure if she’d be fighting a light elf or not while on her way to do something stupid. Then she wasn’t sure if she was about to get in a fight with her best friend, but it was the appearance of a human that threw her for a loop…a very angry looking human. It was her bag being shoved into her arms and Tanithil’s voice that snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked at her friend for a moment, then to the other two men. ”Oh for fucks sake… She sighed dramatically as she dropped her bag to the ground, sheathed her swords, then picked her bag back up to sling it over her shoulder. ”You win, Tanithil. I’ll quell my vengeful spirit for now.” She said as she turned her attention to the other two again.

She eyed those flames closely, watching the man behind them for any signs that he was going to attack. She was fascinated by the magical display, but also secretly fearful of those flames. To have a human with them, however, could be a huge advantage. Amisra wouldn’t say it out loud, but she saw a useful weapon that she could use to eventually get to that bitch of a general. She looked straight at Kaleb, holding up her hands to show she meant no harm. ”Aye, my friend and I here mean you no harm nor are we with any of the assholes out there that want this war. You want to kill some dark elves? Well so do I, the ones that wish to bring harm to this world at least. Though I’m sure my pretty words won’t be enough to convince you, so I’ll instead offer my assistance if it means getting out of harm's way for right now.” She said to him before turning to Siv, but keeping Kaleb in the corner of her eye.

”As my friend has made clear, we don’t really want anything to do with this war unless it’s to kill General Zarra. Beyond that I don’t really wish to fight my kin nor do I wish to fight any of the other races of this world. War is not the answer to these problems in the world. It seems like our immediate goals align, though, and there’s strength in numbers. So I offer my assistance, if the human agrees, to get you both out of the city and on the path you need. After that, if we part ways then so be it.” She said before giving him a cheeky grin.

”So, Candlestick, think you can stomach working together with two dark elves?”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: Afternoon~
Location: North Pass, at Odds and Ends
Interactions/Mentions: Bron @GingerBoi123
A full suit of Steel Half Plate & a
Steel Targe
Steel Half Plate
Steel Longsword
Devil's Reach, an Adamantine electromagnetic Railgun

Inventory: A sturdy set of winter clothing, his dog tags, a set of faux demihuman Wolf ears, a Ring of Disguise, a set of Winter Boots, Eye Protectors, Dark Sight Glasses, Way finder.

Ismael listened as the plan was given, Annya and Bardulf were to head off together as he gave a wave to them once they headed off as he said, "Good Luck you tow, hope you guys don't get butt hurt about losing". Ismael said with a cheeky smile as he nodded to the Dwarf who talked to him, "Yeah I know we are to work as a team, I do want to beat them. However, I also think it'll be fun to compete with each other, it might make us try and reach higher". Ismael said with a more genuine smile as he took the Devil's Reach from his back and set it into his hands as he checked and loaded a steel projectile in before closing up the gun and nodding to Bron as Ismael said, "Agreed".

Ismael agreed with Bron that they should not be away for long, even though they were here today to have fun, if the enemy were here they would not allow them to just relax and have fun. This was war and they did need to at least take those precautions. As Ismael headed off with Bron, following the shorter man as he seemed to have some familiarity with this kind of landscape. His feet landed with such assuredness and deftness that someone like Ismael could tell that he was one to have frequented terrains like this.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: The Nest
Interactions: Helio @Princess, Barboda @Alivefalling, Tigerlily @Potter, & a New NPC
Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives, 1 dagger, a spyglass, a wayfinder, a pouch of amas, and various jewelry.

“Got plenty here lookin’ fer adventure, plenty lookin’ fer an easy way out of this city. But that ain’t who we’re lookin’ fer. What we need is folks who ain’t just lookin fer something easy. Folks who can sail, who can endure the seas, and willin’ to kill fer coin. That’s the sort we need.” Nym replied to Helio. Even a cursory glance around The Nest was enough to know that the vast majority of patrons here would make not just poor sailors, but lousy pirates as well. Too many in Roshmi slunk about in fear, hesitated, and tempered their actions to appease the occupying dark elves, and these were not men who would stand tall and face down a man like Ardyn and his crew. They needed to find those who walked the streets of this city without fear, and the added pressures in Roshmi would only make those of worth stand out more.

The entrance doors of The Nest opened, and a pair of orcs, one male and one female, entered and continued to hold the doors as another, this man a demifrog, strode through. The orcs let go of the doors, allowing them to close behind them, and then the two orcs followed a step behind the frogman, one at each flank. The two orcs remained vigilant, their eyes constantly scanning and studying the faces of those around them, alert for signs of threat. The demi-frog's attention settled on only Nym and those around him, just as focused and alert as the orcs but rather than searching for threats, the frogman searched for signs of worth.

“Now that there's Barnabus Bull, the man who made a pirate outta me. Went ‘n’ got himself a bit of coin and settled all the way up here to run rackets on land. Bleedin’ waste of a good pirate if ya ask me.” Nym shook his head but he’d been planting his sea tales about hoping to lure the old sailor out. He stood up and closed the distance between him and Barns.

“Heard some of yer tales floatin’ round here.” The demi-frog eyed Nym with the same look of disappointment Nym had seen the last time they’d parted ways, like a father at his wits end with a child intent on following the wrong path.

“Have ya now?” Nym flashed his teeth in a grin and shrugged.

“Aye, ‘n’ coy don’t suit ya none. Roshmi’s become nothing more than a pit of waste an’ ya’ve gone an’ washed yourself up ‘ere? Willingly? Thought I’d taught ya better.” The frogman spit upon the floor of the tavern. One of the orcs grunted and nodded.

“An’ what better place to find those who hunger for freedom than in men denied it?" Nym repeat words Barns had once said before continuing, "I got me a boat, a real beauty, and the starts of a fine crew, and-” Nym found himself interrupted as Barns snorted out a laugh.

“Am I to be impressed by that sorry lot?” Barns eyed up the group Nym had come from and laughed again. “Ain’t that the Scourge of The River Kingdom of himself? Heard yer sailin' with a bounty hunter now too. Not a proper pirate in that lot, always figured ya had more sense than this.”

“A sorry lot that faced down Ardyn’s men once and fixing to do it again. An’ this time, it’ll be rather final. Tell me Barns, ya still wanna kill a king?” Nym asked as if it were a question but already knew the answer.

“Got a worthy fight ‘ere too.” Barnabus answered but it lacked the same conviction Barns once had when he'd spoken of ending the reign of the pirate king, the fight in Roshmi was now but one of many lesser fights the frogman had settled for.

Still the same old Barns, always looking for a worthy fight over a profitable one. Today, however, the demi-frogs odd moral compass served Nym just fine.

“Ya mean a losing cause? Aye, now that sounds like a fine plan for a man with no future. Washed up on shore, fixin’ to die for the land folks? That ain’t us. Float until we sink, free until our last breath. Ain’t that what ya taught me, there’s no freedom ‘ere, mate.” Nym shook his head, it was his turn to show disappointment. The frogman glanced at the orcs at his flanks and nodded for them to move about freely through The Nest as he further considered Nym's offer.

“Fixin’ for Ardyn is it then?” The frogman said slowly, and Nym knew this was an opportunity the old sailor couldn’t turn down. Nym dropped the embellished sea tales, offering the full and honest tale of how The Harem had gathered a crew of misfits, their encounter with Ardyn’s men, and the death of their first captain the human Lizzie, all whispered in hushed tones.

“... An’ my word and hand to Cari, we ain’t lettin’ up till that bastard’s dead.” Nym promised. While Barns was tough as nails on the outside, he had more morals than a pirate needed, and Nym knew the frogman well enough to know that this was the fight he desired more than anything.

“Cap’n Nym, then, is it?” The demi-frog with a soft smile that seemed out of place on his tired, worn, face. “I think I like the sounds o’ that, ‘bout time I tested out the ol’ sea legs again anyhow.” Barns signaled for the orcs to return and, drinks in hand, they made their way back to the frogman.

“Welcome to the sorry lot, ya gonna introduce me to yer friends?” Nym asked.

“This here's Rak Vein Marauder and Vala Bone Shatterer, gotta love orc names eh?” Barns chuckled as he introduced his lackeys. “They can fight, they can sail, ‘n’ loyal so long as they get their fair share of coin.” The pair of orcs gave only a nod and grunt in agreement. “Now who exactly ya got workin' fer ya?” Barns asked, following Nym back to the group he'd come from.

"Barboda, Helio, and Tigerlily." Nym said gesturing at each of them before turning to gesture at Barnabus and the orcs. "Our newest recruits; Rak Vein Marauder, Vala Bone Shatterer, and ol' Barns, who'll be ensurin' that The Harem is wholly ready to take on Ardyn, each of ya is to go an' find yerself a recruit who can, at least, be trusted in a fight, and preferably know their way 'round a ship. We'll reconvene at the docks tonight."

Nym let Barns know where to find The Harem, and the frogman stayed long enough to entertain any question directed his way from the others but after that, he and the two orcs would be headed to the docks.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold
Interactions: Sivaros @GingerBoi123, Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Amber Eyes @Tae
Mentions: Annya @princess

The white-hot flames burning off the staff appeared to lose intensity as their stiff upward flow loosened. As if relaxing, Kaleb's conjured fire calmly danced along his staff while the heat emanating from the young man lessened with each word he listened to. In time he would become less hostile compared to his initial address but Kaleb kept stern eyes on his new company.

The dark elven man expressed the desire to avoid most things concerning the war, to include humans. He included his female companion who was silent at first, as her amber irises continued to study the situation

The light elven man was alarmed, concerned by Kaleb's very presence in Ironhold. He wasn't alone in his feelings as the dwarven guards stared in awe with one of them quietly using a transmission bracelet to report to his superiors while attempting to seek out guidance concerning the round-eared being flexing the element of fire like a muscle. The situation appeared to be under control but the capture and questioning of the peculiar group of four was certainly a possible option on the table


"What is gonna harm you is that big fuck-off army of Dark Elves about to storm this place. So I'm Sivaros, Bladedancer, and these are... Eh, whatever... They're cool. I think? You, mate, I'm gonna need you to cool down a bit, tell me your name, and we'll help you get to Princess Annya and her retinue... Wherever the hell that is. That clear?"

“Annya…” He uttered with wide eyes as his prior objective seemed to slap him square in the face. The dark elven man spoke up again as Sivaros had simply enlisted his help without his say. He both expressed his desire to leave Ironhold and the looming threat outside of its walls. He then addressed his silent female companion who expressed her dissatisfaction in "quelling her vengeful spirit" while sheathing her blades. She had also spoken the dark elven man's name. Tanithil.. His mind captured yet another strange name into his memory bank.

She next attempted to ease Kaleb's conjured flames but she spoke differently than Tanithil. She seemed more open to going out of her way to assist him. Almost as if she was offering a gesture made in good faith… or perhaps it was made for good leverage… Whichever it was, he was somewhat aligned with her thinking, even the mention of not being able to easily convince him. Her next words to Sivaros invoked his own.

Kaleb took a deliberate breath and with it extinguished the flames on his staff while he switched to wielding it in his right hand. He had waited long enough to speak, especially with what he needed to say.

“Sivaros. Bladedancer? That's a title or rank in the Sun Elf Kingdom military? And you're in the know of Annya's mission…” Kaleb paused as his eyes briefly looked between Tanithil and the woman. “The name's Kaleb. I ran into dark elves at North Pass where Annya is. They attacked me…” His eyes averted from them as his brow began to furrow. “But I was teleported here.” He pointed up at the city with a simple head tilt. “Anyway, you need to contact her or someone in the Kingdom! She needs to know North Pass isn't safe.” Kaleb had left out details to accommodate a short explanation to Sivaros. He just hoped he had avoided having to make a mad dash for the Ironhold throne with the information.

“And you two…” His gaze found them again with a tad harsher tone. “You want to leave and go where exactly? And don't just say 'away from here,' we need a plan… and the reason why we're leaving one of the most annoyingly fortified strongholds in Avalia.” He wasn't quite sold on the idea of leaving Ironhold to find safety elsewhere. Looming threat or not, Kaleb was not of the mind of constantly running from the threat. He may have calmed down some but in his chest, a beating vengeful heart remained.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: River Fairy Kingdom - Treeant Inn
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Aiko @CitrusArms
Mentions: Xavier @Potter
Armor: Adamantine Half-Plate and Steel Chain Mail (currently in his room)
Weapons: Apricus; a Mithril longsword, a steel sheild with barrier charm (currently in his room), and a steel dagger.
Mount: Cow, a black and white Oak Horse (at the stable)
Equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows. Small backpack: 1 large red potion, 3 medium blue potions, 3 medium red potions, darksight glasses, wayfinder, and fire kit. A transmission bracelet (connected to Augus) and a pouch of amas.

“No, no, we are not splitting up,” Orias shook his head, confused about how they’d all taken his speech on sticking together and decided it meant fracturing the group. Maybe that was his fault, speeches weren’t his thing, he was the wrong Biren for that, but he could recognize a good idea when he saw one. “But an assigned hunting buddy, that’s even better. Yuka will keep Xavier in her sights at all times. There are plenty of things that run amuck in the forests that have nothing to do with dark elves, demons, and war; we should not add unnecessary risk to this.” He added.

“Aiko is right, Xavier, diversity in your weapons training would be beneficial, you should take them up this.” Orias voiced his approval on the matter, then glanced from Yuka to Xavier again. Another thing that had not escaped the elf’s notice was how quickly Xavier had named Yuka as his partner and his eagerness to split off alone with her. “And if you and Yuka need time alone to make puppy dog eyes at one another I can assure you I have no interest in spying on that.” He added with a slight grin.

He soon felt Aiko’s hand upon his shoulder and the gentle breeze of the fan they waved. “I imagine you make an exceptional companion in just about any situation.” He replied and simply nodded a response to their next question indicating that he was ready to head out. Once the group was prepared to leave Orias led them from the comfort of the bustling fae city and into the quiet seclusion so easily found deep within the forests.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@Potter Rosaria @FunnyGuy Slick @13org Nuallan

Slick has taken a shot at an antelope in the desert as it was drinking from the pond. He hits it straight in the throat with an arrow, but he's not the only one hunting. A shadow looms over them as a creature leaps off a tall nearby rock structure and slams down over the antelope, crushing it beneath its claws. It is a huge bat-like creature with a spiked tail and humanoid face. With black stripes on its large body and a mane like a lion, it would be truly unlike anything Slick had seen before. It was ten feet in height as he raised his body up and his wings as well, glaring down at the trio with yellow eyes. His voice boomed as he addressed them, "Who gave you permission to hunt on my grounds? This is my domain!"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@Lava Alckon

Bardulf has taken a shot at an elk in the snowy woodland of North Pass!

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time: 2pm
Location: North Pass
Interactions:: @Lava Alckon Bardulf
Equipment:Outfit, Ama pouch, Transmission Bracelet Axes with returning enchantment,Her backpack, a few rice balls

"That was awesome!" Annya whisper-yelled as Bardulf nailed his shot. She hurried over to the body of the elk. It was amazing what the elemental magic could do. Even now, it was an amazing sight too behold. "Oh this is a great hit. Look at the meat on this big boy." She licked her lips at the image of cooked elk meat in her head. She patted the elk's body. "Thank you for dying for our bellies." Then there was the matter of leaving it there and marking it or...

"Should we take it back while we're still close?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: North Pass
Interactions: Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Two hand axes, grappling hook, 20ft of rope, three days worth of water and rations, green cloak and hood, lightweight leather armour, telescope, hunting horn, wooden pickaxe amulet.

As the pair moved out to follow the trail, Bron couldn't help but keep glancing at the strange rifle that the boy carried. He was familiar with guns, at least the Dwarven kind... but this was nowhere near the realm of something he's seen before. While he usually wasn't one for talking, the Dwarf's curiosity was piqued. "That is a strange weapon, boy. The ironmasters back home would give anything to fiddle about with a contraption like that." He mused, still keeping his eyes on the path ahead. It would seem the ever-dutiful Bron was trying to be somewhat conversational while focusing on the task ahead. Even if Ismael was hoping to create more competition already, he was sure that Annya and Bardulf wasted no time in finding tracks.

Unsure of the human's skill in hunting within the wilds, Bron silently took it upon himself to take lead. Despite having stubbier legs, he was able to keep a rather brisk pace as he stalked the frozen mountainside for prey. He grabbed the haft of one of his axes and pulled it from it's sheathe, aiming to keep it on hand and ready for a quick throw should anything... or anyone... would encroach on the pair.

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold
Interactions: Amisra @Tae, Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Kaleb @FunnyGuy
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Bladedancer Sword, Bladedancer leather armour, transmission bracelet, an empty coin pouch.

Siv listened to everyone talk and smirked towards Kaleb. "Aww, Annya didn't mention me or the bladedancers even once? I'm hurt!" He jested, his tone dripping in sarcasm. "And here I thought my reputation wouldn't have been lost on the Royals. Alas, no need to dwell on that. All that's important is that yes. I am part of the Military, and I am very good at what I do." The Elf grinned before spinning round to the Amisra and Tanithil.

"You two not wanting a part of this... I can understand it. Find it admirable even. Yet, I don't think this war will afford you that choice. Sooner or later, it's gonna force you to pick a side. Always does." He forewarned before he heard Kaleb mention where he came from before arriving at Iron Hold.

"NORTH PASS!? How the bloody hell did you end up here then!?" He yelled before mentally recalling how exactly they would get there back. "Oh... fuck me sideways and call me a Jackalope... the most direct route to get there would be... right bloody through the fuck-off army we're trying to avoid." He sighed aloud, before noting the same dwarf Kaleb had noticed talking into a transmission bracelet. He pressed down on the bead of his own and tried to transmit a message back to the Sun Elf Military.

"Command, this is Sivaros Talomyr. I need you to deliver a message to Princess Annya immediately. It is of the upmost importance. I repeat, this must reach the Princess as soon as possible. We have a human here in Iron Hold, Kaleb, and he says that the North Pass is no longer safe! The Malthemoorian Army is approaching Iron Hold now!"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Evening
Location: Fog Beast Lair
Interactions: Isolde @Blizz, Dante @Alivefalling, Menzai @samreaper, and Aidan @potter

Each step through the forest became easier for Darius as the group strode across dryer and dryer land. Dante getting his footing back also helped as he was able to run on his own.

“Dante! What did that thing do to you?” He wanted to know as much as he could about the creature he assumed was chasing him, not wanting to fall victim to its mysterious ability. Knowing more might also help the group find a means of combating the creature.

Moving swiftly, the group found the village just as they had left it. They were back at the marked trees. Marble, Darius' trusty mount was already looking their way as it already anticipated someone arriving from the sounds of crackling twigs and shifting leaves.

“What now? We have to warn the village, right?”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: 2pm
Location: Oasis near Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Slick @FunnyGuy

No matter how fascinating humans could be though, their tendency to start conflicts and their apparent tendency to always try to display dominance were starting to annoy Nuallán... and Slick wasn't an exception to that.

While there were some humans that were definitely more... sensible, a good deal of them showed themselves to be innately adept to start conflicts... Be it with their words or their actions. While this was something that the light elves might need right now, would the humans be able to keep themselves under control and learn how to live in Avalia, should they decide to stay...? Or they would end up being the embers to light the flames of even bigger conflicts and set all Avalia ablaze?

Staying true to Nuallán's thoughts, Slick's rough reply to his 'warning' was as far as anything could be from an apology, instead going as far as risking to offend them even further. Despite that, Nuallán would let it go simply with a warning in respect for Lady Rosaria. Even humans were bound to learn how to behave sooner or later. If they didn't learn despite Princess Rosaria's kindness... Only then he would act.

Finally taking his icy gaze away from Slick, Nuallán continued his task of escorting Princess Rosaria and her guest to their hunting trip, watching as Slick crouched, aiming at an antelope before shooting an arrow directly at it's throat.

The moment the arrow hit the Antelope though, a huge creature suddenly appearing, leaping from a tall rock structure and crushing the Antelope as it fell, facing the group as it demanded to know who gave them permission to hunt on it's territory.

"Lady Rosaria..." Nuallán said in a very low tone, giving a step forward and putting himself between the creature and the princess.

"Avoiding a direct confrontation might be possible, seeing how the creature did not simply attack us. It might be the safest option, seeing how it seems to be able to see us despite the spell..." he said, avoiding to put his hand on his sword but still ready to act if necessary, as he waited for Rosaria's reply and her decision on what to do.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isolde Ryder

Time: 2pm
Location: The Fog Beast's Lair
Interactions The Fuckwit Brigade... without Corporal Yiffenheimer

They ran.

And ran.

And ran.

Isolde could find that her footsteps became less and less heavy, meaning she could stop leaning into her spear so much. Eventually they retraced their steps through the fog enough that they could stop running, at which point everyone wondered what in god's name they needed to do about... that. She was still leaning into her spear because even Dante hadn't made them move that fast yet.

"We've- Fuck. We need to do something about that. Menzai just bolted and he's not here now. If he got himself killed I'm gonna drag him-" She ran out of breath mid-sentence.

"I read a lot in the library when we're not training- A lot. I know what a kiuroth or a basilisk could do, I haven't ever heard or seen anything about what that thing was!" We gotta go and tell the village about it and whatever Menzai's doing. Dante? You alright? Can you stand yet?" When they made their way back to the trees where they started, Isolde looked behind them to see if Menzai happened to be right on their heels, but she couldn't spot him. This went from zero to a hundred way faster than she imagined.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 11 days ago

Bardulf Siegfried

Time: Afternoon
Location: North Pass Wilderness
Interactions: Annya @princess, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, and Bron @GingerBoi123
Equipment: Leather armor over smallclothes, tooth necklace, warm boots, winter cloak, halberd, and

As Bardulf looked at the now slightly charred body of the animal that was teeming with life but moments earlier, he couldn't help but feel just a tinge of empathy for the creature. However, he knew it was the way of the wild...to hunt or be hunted. Annya's question grabbed his attention, prompting yet another moment of thought as he went over the options in his head.

"We are rather close. Maybe a quick jaunt back into town before we meet up with the others. They might think we're lost or something." He let out a single chuckle before leaning over and reaching a hand out. "Could I perhaps....borrow some rope?" He felt a tad embarrassed after seeming so prepared and not having something as trivial as rope with him. However, he knew Annya would have his back, and felt a sense of relief as she pulled the rope from her things and handed him a lengthy portion.

He moved fast, tying a harness of rope around the elk's torso. With a sudden "Hnnn!" from Bardulf, he began to drag the elk through the snow as he motioned the way they had just come. "Just make sure nothing is....watching us..." He said with a slightly ominous tone. Something was indeed there, just on the edge of his perception. It seemed to move with them so it clearly wanted to observe the pair. He kept himself alert and pulled the elk, finding it quite the hefty and obvious task as a trail of blood was left in the snow where the animal's wound was still emptying its bodily fluids.

After what felt like quite the walk, Bardulf and Annya made it into town, attracting the attention of several townsfolk. Some look at the sight of a dead animal carcass being dragged through town with disgust, others with admiration, and some with a look of hunger as they anticipated just what kind of a meal the meat could make. He took the game with Annya over to the hunting stall that was buying fresh kills and let the rope hit the ground. He let loose a strong pant as he looked up at her with a smile. "We did it! Our first actual hunt in such a long time. This is really...nostalgic."

Bardulf was cut off slightly as a man in a white robe rushed to the pair, a letter in hand. "Your Highness! A letter from the King! It is urgent!" A slightly surprised look came over Annya's face as she took the letter and hushed the courier. "Not so loud, would you! Now let's see what-" Annya's expressions continued to warp and change as her worst fears had been addressed to her. Everywhere war had broken out. Scouts reported Orc and Dark Elf collusion as well as several advancements on allied territories. Her presence was going to be needed in the days to come, so the King had sent for a royal escort to bring her back home post-haste, with or without her friends. Bardulf noticed the change in her looks, still trying his best to read just how serious this might be. She did not speak a word until she folded the paper back into its case. She smiled at Bardulf and spoke quickly yet directly.

"Bardulf...it saddens me to say this. But I am needed back home. I'm not going to lie. Things will be tough. The war is escalating and I don't want any of you in harms way yet. So I need you to tell the others to remain here. Continue your training. Follow every one of my rules...and don't even think of doing silly things like running about by yourself in the midst of night!" She paused to give Bardulf a serious glare, as if to scorn one of her children. But her tone returned to a more somber one as she continued. "I will send for someone to get you once I deem it safe, or you may inform me if you all leave the island. Just please...be safe and don't keep me in the dark if you all choose to leave. I know I can't force you to stay here forever but...I can't stand the thought of losing you all." Her eyes became slightly wet for a moment before she sniffed her tears back into her ducts. She breathed slowly, her chest filling with air before a slow and calming exhale washed over her. She reached her arms out and gave Bardulf a firm and unexpected hug, lasting several moments. His expression immediately changed as he seemed unsure just what to do or where to place his arms. An awkward attempt at returning the hug came from him, his arms slowly wrapping around her as if to join her in saying goodbye.

"I know what it's like to do what needs to be done. I pray you have the strength to see your people through this hard time. And know that we are all plenty capable. If we're going to get through this...it'll be because of you Annya." Bardulf smiled and released from the embrace, eyeing the courier who seemed to be feeling just as awkward for witnessing the heartfelt moment. Annya composed herself and immediately began commanding the elf to find her things and bring them to the nearest ship while she settles her affairs with the town leadership. Before he could say much more, she was heading off to do greater things. He couldn't help but feel sad to watch her go, but knew that it wasn't without purpose that she was leaving. She at least wouldn't be gone for good, like so many others that had left him in this shallow existence he called life.

He shook his head slightly and collected his pay from the gamesman for the elk, and began the trek back out to the meeting spot to share the news with Ismael and Bron about recent events. Even so, as he wandered further and further away from town, he couldn't help but feel that same feeling of being watched. Normally he wouldn't be so bold as to walk out into the woods alone with an obvious predator lurking about, but he knew his friends were still deep in the woods, and he couldn't just leave them. He pulled his hood over his head and began to shift through the trees as best he could, wanting to shake the tail of whatever or whoever felt the need to observe his every move.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Oasis near Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Nuallán @13org

Slick's moment of joy from striking his target clean was snatched away by the arrival of the ugliest meanest lookin' sonuvabitch he'd ever seen in his whole entire life! A winged barb-tailed beast with a face of a man. For the first time in a long time, fear took hold of dear ol' Slick's heart.

“Uhhhh….” He wasn't sure if he should respond to the thing or not. One thing for certain, this thing could see them. He could see them plainly as all hell too by the body language and such! He was slowly creeping back step by step with his crossbow in hand as the “Welp…“ While Nuallán was busy speaking to Rosaria, Slick did something he might regret later. The man slung his weapon faster than anyone's ever seen and beat feet in the direction the group came from without a word or warning. Now in a dead sprint, Slick was racing toward the outside of the oasis like he'd win a damned medal… hell, a damned trophy!

It was good knowing ya. Y'all were kinda sour but you weren't all bad. Hope y'all don't take it personal, I just… took advantage.

“Take any and every advantage. Do that and you ain’t ever gonna lose,”

-Charlie “Slick” Walker

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 11 days ago

Tanithil Malaggar

Time: Afternoon
Location: Outside Ironhold
Interactions: Sivaros @GingerBoi123, Kaleb @FunnyGuy, and Amisra @Tae
Leather armor, and two backpacks.

Tanithil rubbed his fingers against his temple as the new information was presented. Of course it's the opposite direction I'd love to be going. Oh well. He exhaled slowly, shooting Amisra a slight look as if to tell her this was her fault for them being in such a weird situation, but he ultimately shrugged and began to think of an actual helpful solution to their predicament.

"Well, I am somewhat versed in stealth-applied magics. However applying it to all four of us would be...a challenge to say the least. And for as long as we'd need it I think I'd run out of energy well before we made it to our destination." He brought his hand to his chin in a moment of perplexed thought, trying to think of various means he knew of to perhaps make it to the island in the north. "All I can really think of that's a reliable means of transport is a boat...and for the love of god if we have to sneak onto one again I think I will actually go mad. I don't suppose either of you have some kind of connection that would get us on the quickest sea charter there?" He openly asked the group.

He himself had very little connections in the way of sea-farers as most were only stopping in Ironhold for a few days at most. Not much of a repertoire to build with folks who would drink themselves dizzy and be gone before the next fortnight. Still, he figured that between the human who was close to the Light Elf princess and the actual "Bladedancer" or whatever title that meant of the Light Elf forces that surely someone had to have some idea or way to make their way onto the island.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 12 days ago


Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: @13org Nuallán, @FunnyGuy Slick
Mentions: n/a

The success of their hunt was quickly interrupted. A large, winged beast with a tail and face of a man had appeared out of nowhere. The Oasis was currently occupied. It didn’t surprise Rosaria to watch Slick retreat and was glad he had. That human had enough instinct and personality to survive Avalia. Fear gripped her and her heart skipped a few beats. Her magic wasn’t helping anything so she undid the invisibility on them.

Frowning, Rosaria took a half step back while glancing at Nuallán and nodding or letting him know she’d retreat too, and that they had to be careful not to upset this beast and allow Slick enough time to retreat so he wasn’t harmed. ”We’re terribly sorry, Sir.” Rosaria addressed the beast with a calm, measured voice. ”We’ll happily leave you to it, okay?” She smiled kindly, hoping it was enough to appease the monster.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 12 days ago


Time: 2pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: @Alivefalling Dante; @FunnyGuy Darius; @samreaper Menzai; @Blizz Isolde
Mentions: n/a

Running for her life wasn’t new to Aidan. There had been plenty of times she’d run from the law and other gangs. All of those times gave her adrenaline and had been an addictive feeling. This demon creature, however, was one of the most terrifying moments in her young life. She’d finally stumbled out of the minutes after the others and started to wheeze. She doubled over and set her hands on her knees and focused on catching her breath. It took a while, but once she had, she rounded on Menzai with a fierce glare. Though she felt enraged and panic-stricken, Menzai’s reaction told her that he hadn’t expected it. He held more knowledge than all of them, so she addressed him now.

”What the hell was that?” Then she added, as her mind began to whirl from the last incident. ”And is it going to follow us? We have to warn the village!”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 4 days ago

Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Interactions: Isolde @Blizz Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy Aiden @Potter

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


Menzai sought to go after the humans to make sure they were safe, but he had to hold off doing so due to having Sloth being on his tail. The great lumbering beast was thankfully dreadfully slow and with the use of his agile manuevering through the tree branches made luring it in a direction away from where the group ran off. He did so in the hopes of keeping Sloth from discovering the village and once he had lured it a fair distance, did Menzai stealthily break off from the purposeful pursuit.

First making sure the vile abomination wasn't on his tail before feeling it safe enough to make his way to the field where he hoped the group to be. Through the trees he dashed and hopped; not once stopping through it all; pushing through the exhaustion and ignoring whatever pain that throbbed through his body as the wolf sole thought and goal was to ensure the humans were safe.

Eventually reaching where the humans were gathered and dropped down a short distance away where he would be greeted by the fierce glare and panic-stricken question." A-Are you all safe and..well?" Was the first thing he said through heavy pants, his face damp and slick with mud, those dark blue eyes etched with concern, pain and relief to see that everyone had made here.

" I... do not know what that creature was or..where it..came from as it is..not native to these woods." Pushing himself to speak while trying to catch his breath." I can... only offer.. my apologies for failing to... notice the beast until it was too late." Bowing his head in shame for his negligence.

" Yes, for now we need... to get to the village." Nodding to Aidan's suggestion and attempted to step forward to guide the way when he collapsed to one knee. All the exhaustion and pain piled on from straining and pushing himself finally hit him all at once with the adrenaline no longer pumped through him. He knelt there struggling to breathe, the white haori caked in mud mixed with the faint crimson tint of blood spilling from the cuts made from the few times he failed to avoid the tentacles swipes and on closer inspection could see the soles of his feet were especially messy with blood soaked mud.

After a few tries to stand up to no avail, Menzai slumped down having no choice but to let his body rest." Go... Go and make your way to the village...I will follow shortly...need to...report this to the elders." He told the group through gritted teeth, his tone strained and tired hinted with pain.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Afternoon, 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord - The Pit to the Shaman's hut to the desert
Mentions: Pâsh
Weapon: Meliora a cobalt glaive with unbreaking and returning charms
Armor: Just the clothes on his back
Equipment: Lockpicking kit, small knife, 3 large red potions, and a pouch of amas.

Leaf sat loyally beside Pâsh as the orcs continued their pit battles. He studied how they fought and he cheered on the brutality with the same enthusiasm as his orc brethren. He feasted and drank with Pâsh and his innermost circle, orcs who held unquestionable loyalty to their Grand Chieftan. The orc world was simple, Leaf understood much of it, and it was easy to find one’s place and feel comfortable in it.

But today his place in the orc kingdom had changed, he was no longer a scrappy outsider who simply trained with them, now Leaf on the Wind was part of their society, today he was War Chief. He could feel the eyes of other orcs around him and he wondered if there had ever been a cat-orc here before or if he was the very first. Leaf, as was his nature, felt only pride at his new title and none of the fear that should come when so many orc eyes glared upon him.

The fights came and went, the food was eaten, the orc booze drunk and Leaf soon left Pâsh to conduct his business in peace. Or, as he figured Pâsh would prefer it, in a very orcish brand of organized chaos. He found a warm patch of sunlight to lay upon the sand, full and exhausted, to bask and nap. The brief rest was soon interrupted just as heavy eyes had finally closed by a sharp jab to an already tender spot on his ribs.

“Ya fight gud fer kitty.” A familiar voice spoke and Leaf smiled in presence of one of the few orcs who had been willing to train him when he first arrived here.

Räum was well into his elderly years and somehow none the weaker for it. He held the title of shaman and wore the bones and teeth of the creatures he’d defeated on his clothes and upon his staff. During numerous training sessions, Leaf had often been bruised by smacks from that very staff. Most orcs respected the shaman and even fewer dared to challenge Räum who, in his prime, had been a savage warrior, and who now freely gave wisdom and training to those who came to him willing to learn.

“Not bad for a scrawny, little, cat at all huh?” Leaf replied basking in the sun upon his spot on the ground.

“Don’t ya get bigheaded. Ya make problems little War Chief.” Räum gave a snort and shake of his head, his collection of decorative bones rattling as he did so.

“Problems? I’m not making problems. They love me now. I’m practically one of ‘em.” Leaf offered back, wearing a comfortable smile.

“Big orc, don’t want, little War Chief.” Räum spoke slowly like he was talking to a child who’d been knocked in the head too many times.

“Ah, Pâsh, don’t mean nothin’ by that he’s just-” Leaf stopped. What was he going to say? Pâsh was just being nice? That wasn’t true, Pâsh was a lot of things but nice, for no reason, was not one of them. You didn’t lead Avalia's strongest, most brutal race by being a nice guy. Whatever Pâsh’s intentions were it was now painfully obvious to Leaf that he had a target on his back for any orc who wanted to be war chief. “I guess I outta tell Pâsh I ain’t cut out to be a war chief around here.”

“Now little War Chief tell Pâsh wut he do?” Räum asked, his teeth and tusk displayed in a grin.

“Oh no, nope, little War Chief ain’t doing that.” Leaf shook his head and crossed that idea right off. “I guess that’s what Pâsh meant about getting a bodyguard…” Leaf wondered how he was going to find a bodyguard, and if having one would only make him look weaker to the orcs.

“Worry later. Today fresh little war chief hunts with best orcs, all war chiefs follow me today.” Räum spoke in a somber tone, one that Leaf missed because he only heard the word ‘hunt’.

“We’re going huntin?” Leaf asked excitedly as he hopped up off the ground. “Ya should’ve said sooner, I’m always ready for huntin!”

Räum grunted, unamused. “Important hunt, not fer cat-antics. Tonight Pâsh leads towards war. Today we honor harvest, day of sacrfice, day of preparations, powerful day. Good day to do it.”

“Do what now?” Leaf asked as he followed.

“Rite of Shaman. War needs strength, needs new Shaman to lead down new path.”

“So this is like, what, your retirement party?” Leaf asked and at this question Räum gave a dark chuckle.

“Yes, today, a fine celebration o' Räum.” The elder orc agreed.

Leaf was led to the Shaman’s hut which was already crowded with the other war chiefs. Leaf was careful to match the posture and attitudes of the orcs around him. Somber, and standing with the pride of a warrior, he watched as the door was closed, the windows sealed shut, and the hut was lit only by the small fireplace in the corner.

The hut was cluttered with a wide variety of dried plants that hung from lofty ceilings, dusty jars lined every surface, and sun-bleached bones decorated the walls. Plants and ingredients Leaf couldn’t even begin to identify, and bones from creatures he could barely name. He knew the war chiefs by name and reputation only but recognized Talyn, the grandson and apprentice to Räum immediately. Talyn stood expressionless by a table which held an intricately carved dagger of bone, a golden pot of water, a small bowl of powder, and a pile of dried plants.

The first stage of the rite began as Räum and Talyn started chanting; praises were first given to the orc god and then his presence was invoked. Leaf did his best to chant the proper replies along with the other orcs around him. Räum continued to lead the chanting as he threw a handful of powder into the fire which strengthened the flames. Talyn began tossing the dried plants into the fire. Thick pungent smoke filled the tent, and Leaf did as the orcs around him did and took in deep breaths of the smoke.

Each breath of smoke burned at his throat, and with each exhale he felt his primal nature rising to the surface. The need to hunt, to use teeth and claw to tear, to find strength from fallen prey; Leaf felt his nature reflected in the nature of the orc god.

Räum raised a dagger made of bone and clasped his hand to Talyn’s hand before stabbing the dagger through their joined hands. Talyn’s other hand added a handful of powder to a pot of water, then the two orcs plunged their dagger-joined hands into the water. Räum removed the dagger before both orcs pulled their hands from the water. Räum and Talyn each grabbed a handle of the pot and then tossed the water onto the fire, extinguishing it, before letting out a guttural roar.

The flames died out, and in the darkness, the orcs echoed the roar and Leaf too emitted the primal growl of a cat. He did as the orcs did, fist pounding against his chest, his glaive smacked against the ground, the sounds of both barely heard amidst the many orc fists, war hammers, and axes that all did the same. Talyn opened the door to the hut and led the orcs from the hut. Leaf followed along ready to hunt and ready to be a part of an orc tradition that few outside this tribe had seen.

He soon found himself walking near Talyn and Räum, the of which later seemed so intensely focused it felt wrong to bother him with more questions. He wondered if he even should ask questions.

“Speak, littlest war chief.” Talyn glanced at him.

“Just wondering what happens next.”

“We go deep in the desert, to kill a beast of worth, greater the beast, greater the blessing. Strong connection to War means strong shaman.” Talyn offered a straightforward and clipped explanation and Leaf nodded.

War was the word most often chosen to represent the nameless orc god. An orc worshipped through violence, War appreciated sacrifices, and War’s gift was one of strength. Leaf needed strength, the orc way was the most direct path to becoming what he wanted to be, a warrior.

Talyn seemed to wait for more questions but Leaf asked none. He followed, he watched, and he learned.

A party of orcs, and a feline war chief, deeply entranced in their primal natures set out into the desert for a sacred hunt; to kill a worthy beast and prove their devotion to the orc god and show the strength of the Shaman line within the Dugmaghord clan.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: 2pm
Location: Oasis near Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Slick @FunnyGuy

While Nuallán's attention was mostly focused on the creature's movements and protecting Rosaria, the fact that Slick almost immediately ran away after the creature started confronting them didn't go unnoticed. It was surprising on how much of a coward Slick proved himself to be, despite his sharp tongue. The fact that he didn't even think about repaying Princess Rosaria for her kindness and good will was appalling and infuriating. Slick's action would definitely have consequences, if not from his mistress, from Nuallán himself...

Rosaria's nod quickly told Nuallán everything he needed to know about how she wished to deal with that situation. While Rosaria gave a step back and apologized to the creature, Nuallán stood his ground, making sure to stand between the creature and Rosaria before he spoke himself.

"Neither I nor my mistress had the intention of deliberately invading your territory, disrespecting or challenging you. We have only recently arrived on Dugmaghord and our stay won't be a long one. I humbly ask of you to forgive any offenses or transgressions we might have inadvertently committed." Nuallán said, giving a single step forward with an earnest and polite bow.

Nuallán could only hope that the situation would be solved without any conflict. Not only because Princess Rosaria`s safety was his sole priority, but also because it would be undeniably dangerous to fight against such creature with just both of them.
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