Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It began a century ago in the wake of The Great War. While the world recovered from its devastating conflict, scientists in the United States of America made a wondrous discovery; a mutant gene present in some individuals that granted incredible, unique abilities. The American government suppressed this information while simultaneously conducting experiments on these individuals.

The fruits of their research gave birth to the Super Soldier Project and its early successes during the height of the Second World War. Decades of continued immoral experimentation run by the US military and CIA finally culminated in the early 1960s, leading to a series of Congressional inquiries, and, ultimately, the public revelation of mutant kind.

Although a massive cultural and political shift in the American landscape, humanity would face an even larger encounter with the unknown just five decades later. In 2010, sixteen cities across the globe came under siege as an invasionary force from the stars descended on Earth. The Chitauri swarm, commanded by their queen, swept across these cities with unprecedented destructive force.

The Earth's military might proved largely ineffective against the seemingly unending hordes, and complete conquest seemed in sight. Pocket conflicts began to rise, however, across the globe as mutant kind began to rise up and take a stand against the invaders. A handful of individuals wielding mighty powers followed suit in New York City, taking the fight directly to the mothership above the United Nations building. The resistance was short and brutal, but ultimately effective as the Chitauri queen was killed in battle, causing the complete disarray of the invading army.

Hundreds of thousands lost their lives in the brief forty-four hours of that first contact war. Tens of millions more were directly affected by the devastation.

From there, the world quickly changed. In America, the enhanced individuals responsible for the defeat of the alien queen were recruited by the National Security Council into a fledgling initiative to defend the United States against future assaults. SHIELD, a former spy agency mothballed in the 1980s, was resurrected for similar purposes. Calls for new weapons of mass destruction capable of fending off planetary incursions led to the formation of the Sentinel Program. And a renewed spark in super soldiers gave rise to a superhuman arms race undertaken by private corporations and industrialists.

In the immediate months following the invasion, reports of vigilantism skyrocketed. Social media became flooded with the notion of the superhero. In the twelve years since the Chitauri's onslaught, acts of powered and costumed individuals became commonplace.

The world had entered the...

Hello, and welcome. Age of Marvels is intended to be a collaborative sandbox roleplay with linear story elements that will create a living, breathing world and narrative for us all to enjoy together. Previous comic fandom games have, in my opinion, suffered from a significant issue: too little narrative focus. While individual storytellers have been able to excel in writing their own arcs, these often prove to be isolated stories far removed from the rest of the world that the roleplays are set in. I have in the past attempted to solve this with strict linear elements, tightly controlled settings, and smaller groups. I feel my solutions then were too 'railroad-y' despite my desire to maintain player autonomy. So, in Age of Marvels, I have devised a new method to encourage greater collaborative storytelling and worldbuilding: mini-events.

Mini-events will be semi-linear plots initially crafted by GM hands and then opened to player direction. A 'checklist' of sorts will be provided in the OOC as a guiding tool for how to successfully resolve these events, but ultimately how each event is dealt with and completed is up to the players who choose to become involved. The freedom will be yours to decide how they are settled, regardless of how positive or negative the outcomes. It will then be my job as GM to take what occurred in each event and incorporate it into the narrative at large as well as let it affect which future events pop up.

These mini-events will be broken into three categories: minor, moderate, and major.

A minor event is just that; mostly insignificant in the grand scheme. They can range from simple jewelry heists or reckless driving to pedestrians suffering from a medical emergency. These lower-tier events won't require more than one or maybe two players to get involved, and likely can be wrapped up within two posts at most. The purpose of minor events is to encourage IC activity, allow for more mundane interaction between heroes, and fill in the world's narrative with smaller detailed moments.

Moderate events are ones that can accommodate a few players. They will often feature typical street-level events such as armed bank robberies, gang war activity, or a singular costumed villain putting civilians at risk. These events can take more than a few collective posts between all responding players to resolve, and the outcomes will have a more noticeable effect on the game's progressing story. These will be the most common mini-event and offer a decent jumping-off point for players unsure how and where to start with their characters.

Major events will have a more direct and lasting impact on the narrative of the RP. These city-level events might catch the attention of four or more players who have to separate into two or more groups in order to find a safe resolution. They'll also have multiple problems to them, and present a significant threat to the city they are located in. These events can range from devastating natural disasters to nuclear meltdowns or assaults on the government and planned assaults by powerful villains.

Furthermore, as the RP progresses, the fourth kind of event will be introduced. A crisis event will pose a nationwide, planetwide, or galaxywide threat. Much like the Chitauri invasion, these events will have massive ramifications and dramatically affect all player characters whether directly involved or not. These will be all-hands-on-deck situations and serve as a call to action for all actively accepted members of the roleplay. As such, crisis events will be few and far between, often posing as an endcap to previously established and enduring story beats or serving as the kickstart to a new direction in the narrative.

My goal for these mini-events is to always have one available every two weeks to a month, depending on how long the previous last. While you won't be forced to participate in any, it is highly encouraged. Collaborative worldbuilding will be the name of the game here, and these linear elements will be the most direct way to do so.


  • Players are allowed one character concept at a time. Group and team concepts are allowed. These concepts must be of canon characters pulled from any mainstream Marvel comics, shows, movies, or other products. This does not include franchises like Transformers or Star Wars that Marvel has been licensed to sell in the past. Likewise, these concepts must not be villainous in nature. Anti-heroes are acceptable.
  • Applications will be reviewed and considered 48 hours after their completed submission. If a competing character concept is applied for within that 48-hour window, all concepts will be reviewed and considered once it has been 48 hours following the final completed competing sheet's submission. An OOC statement of the intent to compete within that initial 48-hour window will be allowed, but if no completed sheet is submitted within 24 hours then the application review process will continue.
  • You are free to reimagine characters as you see fit, so long as they follow the previous rules. This means you can take characters that are canonical villains in the comics and turn them heroic (e.g., heroic Juggernaut), or gender bend (e.g., female Daredevil), or place another character entirely into a hero's iconic suit (e.g., Happy Hogan as Iron Man). All I ask is that you try not to warp the character so far that they're entirely unrecognizable from their original mainstream interpretation.
  • Once accepted, players will have a degree of say in the approval of concepts that constitute their 'legacies.' This means an already accepted Captain America player could inform the GM that a submitted Winter Soldier application conflicts with the story they are trying to tell, and as a result that concept may need to be changed. Please do your best to collaborate and compromise in this regard, but previously accepted 'parent' applications will have higher priority.
  • This is the Advanced Roleplay section. As such, Advanced Roleplay guidelines should be followed. That means a heavier focus on character development, longer posts (a minimum of two, although ideally three to five, well-developed paragraphs), in-depth and thought-out plots, and "a dedicated effort to minimize typographical errors and to use good grammar." While I'm not expecting anyone here to write a novel, I will hold you to a higher standard than what would be expected in other roleplay sections.
  • Posting once within a two-week (14-day) period is required. If circumstances prevent this, please let me know. While I will likely excuse the first instances, routinely posting late will get you removed from the active roster. A week after being dropped to inactive status without any further posts will result in your character concept being unaccepted and steps taken within the IC to resolve any conflicts with your character. While I am very understanding of life getting in the way, and I'll work with you on solutions if you inform me of issues, I do not take kindly to players ghosting my RPs. Please consider in advance whether or not you have the ability and desire to keep up with these expectations. When you submit a character sheet and I accept you, I am trusting you to be committed and consistent, or, at the very least, respectful to my time and the time of others.
  • All Guild rules apply here. Keep your smut locked away in the deepest recesses of your internet browser like the rest of us.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


  • 1918 - American scientists discover the presence of the mutant gene within some individuals. This information is classified. Research into the gene begins, eventually becoming Project: Rebirth over the decades.

  • 1941 - Dr. Berthold Sternberg reaches a breakthrough resulting in the Infinity Formula. This formula is administered to an elite Army Rangers unit, led by Sgt. Nick Fury and Cpl. Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan. Dubbed the Howling Commandos, these Army Rangers were the first known super soldiers.

  • 1942 - German defector Dr. Abraham Erskine completes his own research into Project: Rebirth resulting in the Super-Soldier Serum, a more completed formula, before his subsequent murder. Steve Rogers becomes the first test subject for the serum and joins the war efforts as Captain America.

  • 1945 - Captain America is declared KIA.

  • 1947 - The Roswell incident is humanity's first known interaction with extraterrestrial life in modern history as a Kree drone crashlands and self-destructs in the desert. Almost none of the wreck is salvageable.

  • 1949 - The Strategic Homeland Intelligence, Enforcement and Logistics Division is founded in the early years of the Cold War. Col. Nick Fury is given command of the spy agency.

  • 1950s - Attempts to replicate the successes of Project: Rebirth by the CIA and American military lead to the forcible recruitment of 300 black soldiers as test subjects.

  • 1962 - A whistleblower outed Project: Rebirth's increasingly immoral and illegal experimentations resulting in 10 months of Congressional inquiries and the termination of the program.

  • 1963 - The knowledge of the mutant gene is released to the general public. This leads to hysteria and civil unrest that spans years.

  • 1973 - Project MK-Ultra ends its illegal human testing. In its stead, John Sublime begins his illegal mutant experimentations as a new clandestine program; Weapon: Plus.

  • 1980s - Renewed efforts for mutant civil rights lead to mass protests. The Brotherhood of Mutants forms, initially as a political activist group, and quickly transitions into a violent revolutionary group preaching about mutant power and superiority. Likewise, the Purifiers, a violent anti-mutant hate group begins committing acts of domestic terrorism against mutant civilians. The conflict between the two lasts the whole decade until both organizations' leaderships are arrested by the FBI and disbanded.

  • 1989 - SHIELD is mothballed as President Reagan's final act in office.

  • 2010 - Sixteen cities across the Earth are assaulted by an alien invasionary force. The Chitauri, led by their queen, cause widespread, unprecedented damage and terror in a war lasting 44 hours. This incursion is ended largely due to the efforts of mutants across the world, and a ragtag strike team of enhanced individuals attacking the queen's mothership over the United Nations building in New York City.
    • The acts of mutants in defense of the planet cause a massive decrease in anti-mutant sentiments and an increase in public approval ratings for pro-mutant politicians.
    • The individuals responsible for assaulting the alien mothership and defeating the Chitauri queen are recruited by the National Security Council to a new initiative meant to defend America against future attacks. These individuals become publicly known as Earth's Avengers.
    • SHIELD is resurrected to be a proactive bastion against possible threats, absorbing the Department of Homeland Security, with Dum Dum Dugan appointed director.
    • The Sentinel Program is created, led by Bolivar Trask, to create new weapons of mass destruction capable of fending off planetary invasions.
    • A superhuman arms race is heralded by private corporations and industrialists in a bid to create and sell the next super soldier. Norman Osborn declares his corporation will be the first to design a new, stable super serum.
    • Vigilantism by enhanced individuals becomes commonplace. This soon develops into the first known acts of superheroism.

  • 2012 - The first helicarrier, the Triskellion, is constructed and becomes SHIELD's flagship and mobile headquarters.

    2018 - Mutant terrorist Franklin Hall, AKA Gravitron, becomes the Avengers' first genuine enhanced threat.
    • Anti-mutant sentiments rearise as conspiracy theories, courtesy of radicals like the Friends of Humanity, begin to spread across the internet.
    • Graydon Creed, a known member of the Friends of Humanity, is elected to Congress.

  • 2020 - Robert Kelly, vocal proponent of the Wideawake America Movement - a pro-human, anti-mutant movement - is elected President of the United States.

  • 2022 - President Kelly announces he is backing Congressman Creed's proposed Mutant Control Act.
    • Bolivar Trask, a man credited with creating Earth's greatest defense in the form of the Sentinels, purchases a social media site and begins peddling conspiracies of a mutant replacement theory. This move is hailed by Congressman Creed and others of like mind.
    • A new Brotherhood of Mutants forms in the wake of resurging Neo-Purifier beliefs.

  • January 2023 - Present day.

This timeline will be regularly updated as GM events unfold. It will also be updated to include significant player-driven moments as well as crucial lore presented in character backstories. GM canon events will be in blue while non-GM canon will be in yellow. This is because non-GM canon is subject to change with the acceptance and withdrawal of players over the course of the roleplay.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

S P I D E R - M A N

P E T E R P A R K E R P H O T O G R A P H E R / S T U D E N T N E W Y O R K C I T Y D A I L Y B U G L E / H O R I Z O N L A B S
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

""You say you don't want the responsibility? Guess what? People like us... we don't get a choice.""

Peter was eight years old when death and destruction descended from the stars. It wasn't long after, amidst the looting in the chaotic aftermath of the 44-Hour War, that he lost his Uncle Ben. A little more than six years later, an incident during a school tour of Oscorp Industries' research division resulted in Peter gaining spectacular powers. At 15, he entered the rapidly growing world of superheroes. As Spider-Man, he has spent the better part of nearly six years contending with the Maggia's substantial influence over New York City. Currently in his sophomore year at Empire State University, he must balance the growing responsibilities he's facing as both Peter Parker and Spider-Man.

The recent death of Silvio "Silvermane" Manfredi, the longtime head of the Maggia, sent a ripple throughout the New York underworld that is about to make that balance that much more difficult to maintain.

* * *

My version of Peter Parker isn't too different from the classic renditions we're used to. A little more modernized; a little less cloned. His rogues gallery isn't quite as expansive yet, but he's tangled with quite a few of the regular offenders over the years. There's not much about Spidey himself that is reimagined, but I will be taking some of Peter's supporting cast and some classic stories in a slightly different, more streamlined direction. Over the decades, Spider-comics have introduced a metric ton of characters and lore, and I have zero desire to touch upon them all. Instead, I want to take a handful that I think will either be fun to revisit or that could be reimagined in a less chaotic way and expand upon them in a steady, unrushed fashion. With just a few twists to make it my own.

The decline of the Maggia and the rise of new organized crime will be a particular arc I intend to cover.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I am not sure what everyone else is thinking and I don't want to step on any toes (the interest check filled up quickly and I don't want to maneuver through it again), but I am leaning towards doing either Domino or Jessica Jones. If someone has their heart set on either or both of those, I can always fall back to someone else.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I am not sure what everyone else is thinking and I don't want to step on any toes (the interest check filled up quickly and I don't want to maneuver through it again), but I am leaning towards doing either Domino or Jessica Jones. If someone has their heart set on either or both of those, I can always fall back to someone else.

No one had publicly expressed interest in either character in the interest check. You are also allowed to apply for the same character as someone else as your concepts will likely be different, and both will be weighed equally and fairly. Most of those who were in the interest check are familiar with the idea of competing and won't consider it to be toe-stepping.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Retired Good to know. I am leaning towards Domino. I think I can have fun with her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Retired Good to know. I am leaning towards Domino. I think I can have fun with her.

I look forward to your application.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 20 min ago


D U C H A M P : M A N T L E O F
T H E M O O N ' S K N I G H T

J E A N - P A U L D U C H A M P R E S T A U R A T E U R
N E W Y O R K U N A F F I L I A T E D / F O R M E R L Y L . E & D . G . S . E
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Marc told me death was boring. The man had no taste, but in this case I'll trust his review."

Jean-Paul DuChamp joined the French Foreign Legion as part of the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment as a sniper, rising to the Section de Tireurs d'Elite (STE). He found himself having a whirlwind romance, first with a young pilot named Phillippe, actually on loan with the 62nd Air Force Escadre for Helicopters with no transport escadre pilots available to spare, and then with the nature of flight itself, where Duchamp discovered that his steady hands worked just as well behind the helm as they did behind a rifle and that he far preferred flying aircraft than jumping out of them.

Over the following months he was able to log enough hours to get his pilot's licenses both in standard fixed wing aircraft and helicopters, in addition to his other intense training. It was a labour of love.

Phillippe would be recalled back to active duty and Jean-Paul would never speak to him again. He would receive only a package with his Air Force pilot's cap, and a letter explaining that his family would never understand their love.

His unique set of combined skills saw him fall into the interest of the DGSE, who had been called upon to provide EXFILT for an allied mission in South America. In preperation he was taught a number of espionage and counter-espionage techniques.

The mission saw the extraction of one Raoul Bushman, a hyper-violent mercenary from the African nation of Burundi who was being used to foment dissent and train locals against a dictator against Western interests. The mission was written off when Bushman went AWOL, tiring of training villagers and assassinated and decapitated the dictator himself, his head found prominently mounted on a flagpole. Orders were to remove Bushman and sever all potential involvement. This could be done more easily with a bullet, but instead with the aid of a former U.S Marine with C.I.A ties by the name of Marc Spector, the pair was able to remove Bushman from the field with minimal bloodshed.

The pair would soon find the bullet would have been simpler and better all around.

Bushman had a line on a revenue-stream robbing, pillaging and "offering protection" to local archaeologists, Western journalists and aid workers out-of-their-depth in Southern Egypt and Northern Sudan. Wanting to pay the pair back, and always looking for able bodied warriors, he invited them to tag along and take a cut of this month's take.

This once again went FUBAR when Raoul Bushman once again showed his barely controlled violent streak. He murdered archaeologist Dr Peter Alraune which immediately soured the mood. Duchamp and Spector could not abide the unnecesary murder, Spector confronted Bushman only to get himself stabbed, Duchamp fled as did the daughter of Dr Alraune, Marlene.

What happened next is not entirely clear. Spector himself claimed that he died, and was restored by the Ancient Egyptian god Khonshu - claiming that he did so to make him the Moon's newest avatar of vengeance.

Marlene claimed she found him at the foot of the statue shrouded in a white cloth of some kind which seemed to have aided in clotting his most severe wound, and that he'd lost quite a lot of blood.

Regardless of what really happened then and there, Spector claimed he had found new purpose, the three returned back to his American home to find that the mercenary life had agreed with Marc. He had amassed great wealth, and requested that Jean-Paul fly for him. Like Noah, he spoke of his God asking him to create a great vessel which would carry the pair of them.

Maybe it was curiosity, maybe it was infatuation... but Jean-Paul did just that. And Marc Spector would indeed become the Moon's Knight. A violent force of nature, dispatching vengeance on behalf of a beaming god, to protect those who would travel by night.

Over time Jean-Paul would find himself deeper in the darkness and madness. With his own heritage and ancestry as the "Bloodline" of the Knight's Templar, and attached his own responsibility to beating back the types of darkness they would face.

And one by one... strange foes would descend upon them from that darkness and fall. The Black Spectre, Morpheus the demon of dream, even Raoul Bushman would come back into their lives.

And all would crumble, all would fall. For who could stand against a god and a true believer?

The answer would come six years later. Another god, another true believer.

A brutish figure wearing a goat-like war mask, representing his South American god Hachezma, brutalised and murdered Marc Spector with an axe.

And just like that, the edifice fell. Jean-Paul, Marlene, Crawley, would drift apart on the winds. Until the will reading of Steven Grant would once again bind them.

Another package from a loved one who he would never speak to again.

A mask, a handgun, a truncheon and the unblemished C.I.A file of Jean-Paul Duchamp. Unredacted meant Marc had done legwork and unearthed it himself, rather than requested it by regular channels.

With it, 'Frenchie' saw how their lives intertwined, their missions one. And Jean-Paul Duchamp would don the mask, the cowl, the vestments of Khonshu's Moon Knight, even if it were for his own reasons.

The Moon's Knight is back at work, once more.

At this point, the Moon Knight has been public knowledge for a half dozen years, even if they don't know who is behind the cowl.

Jean-Paul DuChamp is using the mantle for his own purposes, to target dark and demonic forces known as the Hellbent, monsters on earth that he's seen with increasing prevalance over the past two or three years. He also fights street level crime, as it appears, but it's not his primary purpose.

Jean-Paul DuChamp has never seen nor spoken to Khonshu, the god Marc Spector believed drove him to his calling and whose bidding he felt he was doing.

Marc Spector is dead... but he's died before.

Other backstory/origin details will be added here as revealed.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Skills and powers:
* Expert Pilot
* Elite level marksman/sniper
* Trained in hand-to-hand combat
* Trained Paratrooper
* Trained in Espionage/Counter-espionage techniques
* Expert wine connoisseur
* Capable of seeing the Hellbent - Dark forces unleashed upon our world
* Is of "The Bloodline" from the Knights Templar. Once honed it would enable him to fully take the form of any of his ancestors in their ancient unending task of eliminating the Hellbent. Presently, it takes great focus for him to merely access their memories, knowledge and on very rare occasions, skills.

* Marlene Alraune - A friend. Former lover of Marc/Steven's.
* Bertrand Crawley - A friend of Marc's Jake Lockley persona. Somewhat mysterious homeless man of New York's streets. Keeps contact with Duchamp mainly out of connection to his friend and the legacy of the Moon Knight.
* Rob Silverman - Jean-Paul's lover. Physical therapist and business partner in their restaurant.
* Gina - Diner operator, who owns and works at the diner that Crawley frequents. Well aware of the exploits of the Moon Knight, and tries to keep her two kids out of that nonsense.

* Numerous villains who'll be added as revealed.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Heels clack up the stairs to the 215th Street Station.

Linda's friends had long been telling her they couldn't believe she still took the subway at nights. "It's out in the open. It's well lit." She would reply, about the least used station in Manhattan.

Tonight, as her fingers curled around the keys in her purse, she began to have second and third thoughts on the matter.

Lights flicker and she felt a harsh wind coursing northbound, but there was no train there yet.

She felt... a presence.

In no particular sequence, the lights flickered and failed. The station gave way to the night.

Linda's breath quickened, as she desperately tried to adjust her vision to what light there was. Light cast by the full moon, standing vigil overhead.

Then, a streak of movement. A flash of silver darted across in front of her and dove, tumbling down across the subway tracks, with a thud that suggested more weight than merely a person. With a small gasp, she edged slowly across the line to peek down at the commotion on the tracks below. A white figure was throwing repeated heavy blows with some kind of silver club, before raising its head, and firing a line from somewhere within the metal club device and quickly grappling away. The subway came barrelling through and she heard a blood curdling shriek, as if from something unhuman, and a splatter of viscous liquid across the front of the train, before she stepped back away from the tracks.

She looked the silver figure but it was gone. The open subway carriage standing in brightly lit mundanity to the scene that just took place in front of her.

She quickly got onto the carriage and found herself a quiet spot to sit and contemplate everything t
she'd just seen, or thought she'd seen.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 20 min ago

Gotta read some of these apps and spit out a sample... but yeah, there ya go. Frenchie Moon Knight.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Retired Are we allowed to edit sheets once submitted for approval? I am noticing some typos and I would like to add maybe some more NPCs and notes. Just curious.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 8 days ago

Gotta read some of these apps and spit out a sample... but yeah, there ya go. Frenchie Moon Knight.

Muy bien
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Nova will be done either tonight after work, depending on how it goes or tomorrow.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Master Bruce
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Master Bruce Winged Freak

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I've written and rewritten a couple concepts to pare down what I want to do with Daredevil. Bare with me as I get an app together.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Retired Are we allowed to edit sheets once submitted for approval? I am noticing some typos and I would like to add maybe some more NPCs and notes. Just curious.

Yes. You already have a completed sheet, so as long as no new information is added I'll go by your original post time when determining the 48 hours.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

To those who have already included this, thank you, but this is a reminder that a rough idea of how many years your character has been active as a vigilante/hero is part of the character sheet. I don't need exact details, just a general "they first began their career X years ago" or "their giant futuristic tower appeared in 20XX."

Determining where in the last dozen years your character fits in helps me with behind the scenes machinations.
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