Hi everyone. Here is the official character sheet for this RP. I'm a stickler for consistent aesthetics (as you guys can tell), so please fill this out accordingly. A High-quality RP begins with a high-quality character sheet, IMO. lol If you've already created your own makeshift draft (I love the eagerness ^_^), please import what information you need over to this form and then flesh it out where necessary. Thanks!
*Please use high-quality anime or digital character art here. I know it might seem insignificant, but it's important for aesthetics and cohesive immersion. So no hand-drawn sketches, chat room avatars, or real-life face claims. Thank you :)

◈ A p p e a r a n c e ◈
Describe your character's appearance. Any notable scars, accessories, glasses, missing a finger, heterochromia, etc.?

◈ A p p e a r a n c e ◈
Describe your character's appearance. Any notable scars, accessories, glasses, missing a finger, heterochromia, etc.?
◈ "Insert Character Quote" ◈

◈ N a m e
Insert here
◈ S p e l l c a s t e r N a m e
Like your X-men codename. Every academy student has one, which they are referred to as during training or combat. Many Mystics may even use it after graduation.
◈ A g e, H e i g h t, a n d W e i g h t
Age, Height, Weight
◈ R a c e
Mystic or Mystic (Seraph's Kiss) *Remember, narratively, having a seraph's kiss is pretty uncommon, so if too many players have it, I'll have to pick and choose who gets to have it based on the quality of their character sheet and how many players there are total.
◈ G e n d e r
Insert here
◈ S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n
Insert here
◈ Y e a r
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th
◈ P e t
Owlette, Blue Spotted Wink, Cait, Gupoo, Tree Monkey, or None. Also, include their name.
◈ H o u s e
House of Harold, House of Seraphine, House of Eusebia, or House of Ivar
◈ I l l u m i n a i r e
Yes or No. *Remember, there can only be one Illuminaire from each house within any given school year, so 4 in total each year. If multiple players from the same house want to be the Illuminaire, I will pick based on the quality of their character sheet.
◈ C l a s s e s
At least four, (no more than six for the REALLY ambitious students). *Please be mindful of certain class requirements based on your Year. For example, everyone must take Gifts, and 1st Years must take Sustained Flight.
◈ Gifts
◈ Class 2
◈ Class 3
◈ Class 4
◈ Class 5
◈ Class 6
◈ A r e Y o u O n Y o u r H o u s e ' s W a a g a T e a m?
Yes or No. This is basically the equivalency of a House Quidditch Team from Harry Potter.

◈ "Insert Character Quote" ◈
◈ P e r s o n a l i t y
Trait 1◈ Trait 2◈ Trait 3◈ Trait 4◈ Trait 5
1 to 3 paragraphs
◈ H i s t o r y
3 to 5 paragraphs
◈ R e p u t a t i o n
1 to 2 paragraphs. What is your reputation at the academy? Are you popular or known for being a troublemaker in a delinquent school gang? Do all the teachers love you for being a star student or are all the students scared of you cause you're a bully? Or are you just the shy invisible nobody-new kid? Let us know here.
◈ G o a l s
What are your character's goals, dreams, aspirations, or ambitions after graduation?
◈ R e l a t i o n s
Family members, friends, lovers, crushes, enemies, rivals, mentors, etc.
Trait 1◈ Trait 2◈ Trait 3◈ Trait 4◈ Trait 5
1 to 3 paragraphs
◈ H i s t o r y
3 to 5 paragraphs
◈ R e p u t a t i o n
1 to 2 paragraphs. What is your reputation at the academy? Are you popular or known for being a troublemaker in a delinquent school gang? Do all the teachers love you for being a star student or are all the students scared of you cause you're a bully? Or are you just the shy invisible nobody-new kid? Let us know here.
◈ G o a l s
What are your character's goals, dreams, aspirations, or ambitions after graduation?
◈ R e l a t i o n s
Family members, friends, lovers, crushes, enemies, rivals, mentors, etc.

◈ "Insert Character Quote" ◈
◈ M y s t i c C l a s s i f i c a t i o n
Elementalist, Somatic, Psychiccer, or Astra
◈ G i f t
The unofficial title or name for your gift(s)
◈ M y s t i c C o d e
Please describe your gift.
◈ L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e s
Every gift has a limitation and/or weakness. Please describe it here.
Elementalist, Somatic, Psychiccer, or Astra
◈ G i f t
The unofficial title or name for your gift(s)
◈ M y s t i c C o d e
Please describe your gift.
◈ L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e s
Every gift has a limitation and/or weakness. Please describe it here.