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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 5 days ago


Location: Sorian Beach Bonanza
Time: Morning
Mentions: Charlotte,@princess Lorenzo,@FunnyGuy Olivia,@potter and Ruby@SausagePat


The following day, Farim awoke to see a neatly wrapped newspaper sitting in front of his door. He smiled and immediately began to pour over its contents. He chuckled at the very on brand compliment for himself and his cousin Munir. It would seem the lades do indeed love a little exotic spice in their life. This line of thought continued as Farim spotted the ad for the beach bonanza. He nodded in agreement with his own mind as an idea began to form. He turned to his wardrobe and looked through its contents to procure a particular swim suit he felt would definitely draw some eyes. A short yet slightly maniacal chuckle separated his lips as he changed into the not-so-appropriate clothing. He knew he had to make good impressions, but he could still have a little fun here and there while he had the chance. He slipped on some fancy woven flip-flops of his with a simple beige color and made his way to the nearest carriage by the stables for his trip to the beach.

As the driver pulled up and Farim stepped out into the bright sun, the first thing people would notice is his lack of headwear. Farim almost always kept something to cover his hair, almost out of force of habit at this point. But here at this place, with the rumored "lax" swimsuit attire that King Edin himself approved, Farim decided to go all out himself. He carried with himself a small bag with a simple lunch and a deep blue towel draped over his shoulder. His head scanned along the shoreline until he spotted a particular group of individuals he almost immediately recognized. He kicked off his footwear and reached down to grab them in his free hand before briskly walking over to the group.

The music filling the air filled his footsteps with an infectious rhythm. He couldn't help but shimmy along the sand as his toes sank between the grains. This atmosphere had a nostalgic feeling to it, something like springtime back home when the oppressive desert heat would yet be revealed to Alidasht. Approaching the Vikenas as well as a woman whom Farim had not yet met. He smiled at the trio and planted his feet, looking at each of them and noting their various attires.

"Well well well, some among you here look rather familiar. But all three of you are fine looking folks in your swimwear if I may say so. I rather enjoy Sir Lorenzo's bold choice of attire here. Lady Charlotte you are of course a gem to look at, with your well tailored dress. It really matches your body well. And to you third unknown mistress, it sure is nice to meet you. My name is Farim, and I must say your hair and dress are both quite gorgeous. If you all are wanting extra company, may I perhaps join you for a while? The sun is rather good today." Farim laid on his honeyed words while talking to the group, keeping himself ready to either join or move on should they request privacy.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Date and Time: Sola 21st, Midnight
Location: Bedroom balcony
It was late into the night, but though the day had been thoroughly tiring, sleep had evaded the prince. He’d distracted himself with paperwork and planning. Eventually, he went into his room – but not yet to bed.

Wearing a luxurious dark blue nightgown, the thin silk of it caressing his skin, Wulfric retreated to the balcony attached to his bedroom. He brought along a glass with a drink he’d mixed, and a bottle of spirits.

He set the items on the railing. Then, leaning his hands on the rail, he jumped onto it in one swift, graceful movement. He settled himself on top; one leg folded at an angle, the other hung freely, swaying minutely. Not once did he glance down, unconcerned at the height. Instead, he tilted his head upwards, gazing at the starry night sky.

“To Midsummer,” he intoned. Any celebrations of such would be held in some three days, but astronomically, the solstice was on this very day.

His hand sought the chilled glass next to him. As his fingers made contact with the cold surface, he grasped it, and held it aloft. A strangely nostalgic smile formed as he lifted the drink, angling it this way and that. In the amber liquid within, he captured the image of the moon and the stars.

Wasn’t that the dream? To reach the stars?

An amused huff was issued as he suddenly remembered something. Is that why the moniker? He couldn’t help but wonder as he recalled the name ‘Starcatcher’.

“All the possibilities imaginable and not
” he murmured.

Perhaps it really was an indication of man’s unquenchable desire and ambition. To look up in awe, witness an amazing sight, and think, I want this.

Sometimes, Wulfric felt like his very spirit could get enflamed by such a fantastical notion. To have, and to conquer, to set forth a bright blazing trail–

But for what? Vengeance? Justice? Glory?

Just to see if he could?

Questions like that were what made him feel old. At least ten years too old. But no, even back then

He shook his head to dismiss the notion, as confounding as it was melancholy.

“Longest day of the year, indeed,” he commented. With a dry chuckle, he took a sip of the cocktail. A long sigh left his lips, a note of pleasure colouring his tone. His eyes shut, lashes gently fluttering close, laying to a rest upon his cheeks.

When he opened them after a moment, his expression was tranquil. Yet his gaze was distant as he stared far, far beyond.

“What would you think of all this?” he queried quietly, the question seemingly directed at the sky.

What followed was a long period of silence. Though, interspersed with it was the occasional soundless movement of his lips. His expression remained largely blank with the exception of very minute changes here and there.

He reminisced on key events of the past several months, though largely focused on the present day. This was how these one-sided ‘chats’ tended to go, when he cared to have one.

Years ago, he had, from time to time, dared imagine what it would be like to hold a conversation if they were both right there, side by side. But now, he could barely recall the voice. It was the faintest whisper of a memory, faded with time, and lost to the past. He only had the vaguest ideas of the possible responses; how could he predict how a person might have been shaped by events they never had the chance to experience? Even that visage, as clear as it had once been, was now as ethereal as a phantom in a dream.

He finished his ponderings with a rare short prayer, barely heard. The soft utterance was entrusted to the winds to be carried onwards. “To the living and the dead; may our troubles be allayed, may your souls be ever at peace.” He concluded by finishing the last of his drink.

Wulfric rose, standing on the railing, and briefly closed his eyes. The breeze ruffled his hair, and susurrated against his silken outfit. He listened to the sounds of the night. The song woven by the wind blowing through the trees, rustling their leaves. The waters offering a pleasant background melody, the gentle lapping of the waves reaching even this far in the relative silence of the night, the rush of a distant waterfall heard as a soft hiss. The intermittent sounds of animals; crickets chirping, the bark of a dog, the hoot of an owl, the braying of a horse. The sounds of people; hushed and muted segments of conversations of those still awake, the clip-clop as a lone rider rode along the empty roads.

Opening his eyes, he watched the city for a moment longer, then hopped down. Before heading back inside, he poured another drink. From within a pocket, he withdrew a lighter and, carefully moving it close to the glass, lit the alcohol on fire. It blazed aflame; sudden, powerful, and eager. Wulfric stared at its playful, whimsical dance as it consumed his offering. In the end, he clinked the liquor bottle against the glass. “Cheers.”

Finally, he returned inside, leaving the flaming drink behind on the balcony.

Maybe it was pure sentimentality, but it was his way of sharing with someone who was gone.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 5 days ago


Attire: Coat/Shirt, Pants, and Shoes
Time: 11pm -> Morning of 23rd
Location: Edwards Estate -> Castle Gardees
Mentions: Ariella @Tpartywithzombi, Kazumin @samreaper, Sadie, @Potter Alexander, and Lianna @FunnyGuy

Drake had spent the rest of the 21st in his study before retiring to bed. He had alot to think about over the confrontation. How to protect his sister, not only from his family but from herself. She would likely do something else to upset mother in their never-ending battle for who is right and who is wrong. Drake of course saw his sister as the more reasonable as the pair, but that did not stop Victoria Edwards from exacting any kind of tyrrannical parenting she was capable of onto her poor daughter. With a shot of brandy to calm his nerves, Drake made for his chambers and lay to rest for his day to come.

On the fine day fo the 23rd, Drake arose from bed with a long stretch and an ethusiastic yawn. He grabbed the paper neatly folded and placed onto his nightstand and reviewed the recent happenings. Nothing much caught his eye other than the strange drawing along the front. He found it distasteful, but with tabloids that was almost par for the course. He stood up, wandered to his wardrobe and began to pick out his outfit for the day. A brief look at the events and he already had it set in stone where he would be lurking. Firstly, the tea party in the gardens that Princess Sadie had invited him too would be a great start to his day. Secondly, the masquerade party was something he had been pining to attend. A night socializing and getting away from the usual hum-drum of the day's busy-work was something he could desperately use.

A quick carriage ride and Drake found himself standing at the entrance to the esteemed Castle Gardens. The day's weather simply was too good to pass up such an event. The blessed sound of strings plucked in the distance beckoned him inside the garden. He took a moment to close his eyes and simply take in the atmosphere, but before too long he began his paces into the seating area. He gazed up at the statues of the King and the various ancestors. For a moment he thought to himself If King Edin is nothing else, he at least knows how to make a regal setting. Something to set our noble minds at ease I assume. He hid a chuckle beneath a sligt smile and took note of who all had begun to enter. He noticed two particularly interesting individuals he barely recognized, Alexendar and Lianna Deacon he believed to be their names. They of course had quite the getups for such an occasion, and Drake would offer a courteous wave to the pair as he wandered to find his own area to sit in.

He took his seat at a table with a few chairs and decided to make himself at home, fetching himself a pot of tea beforehand with a few biscuits laid out near the chocolate fountain. The instruments continued to serenade Drake while he took small sips of his tea. It was a decadent lemon tea that held a refreshing taste to it. The tea was hot, just as he liked it, and he continued eyeing up those who would approach and offer a friendly greeting their way. He made no moves to turn anyone away but certainly didn't move from his graceful spot for the time being, soaking in the ambience and properly enjoying this organized and well-thought out gathering.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 30 min ago

Kazumin Nagasa

Time: Early morning-> late morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @SausagePat Ruby
Attire: To Be Revealed

(Narrated courtesy of Patchy}

Ah, the sea. Where beauty and life waits hidden beneath its waves; sun shining brilliantly against the glimmering ocean and its endless expanse. A gentle cool breeze soothing against any flesh exposed to its intense rays with a few scatterings of cloud drifting lazily leaving splotches of shades offering brief respite.

Truly a wondrous day that promised fun and adventure as activity was aplenty both under and above sea. Critters like crabs, starfish and many more skittered about the fringes of the sandy beach where numerous people of varying ages and sizes playing and relaxing, going about their day. Cries of children’s laughter and water splashing could be heard at times before the countless chatters drowned them out.

And among all the fun and carefree, most exciting of all were the endless little stories waiting to be told. Even now, plenty of stories were taking place; too many to count, but the most pertinent question one must ask.

What tale shall we focus on today? Perhaps the group of rock throwing punks getting pecked by angry gulls? Or maybe that strange old geezer digging deep into the sandy depth with his trusty hound? If that’s not your taste then mayhaps the cute toddler scrambling after a crab that had snatched its ice cream?

That and many more, but for those lovely folks joining me here today deserve only the most wild and unpredictable. In fact, there may be some going untold and unnoticed beneath the turquoise waters. What luck! A lovely and brave lady has chosen to brave the cold water and the mysteries lurking within its depth.

Who could pass up the chance to follow in her journey and follow along. A slim beauty with dirty blonde hair and multi-colored eyes with an adventurous spirit. One can only wonder what she may find or encounter; sunken treasure? Stumble upon an undiscovered creature? Or most exciting, a fated encounter?

I, daresay, think we may have found our story. Put on your bathing suit, nose plug (and floaty wings for the less swim savvy) and let’s di-

What’s this?!

A small dark spot appeared on the rippling turquoise waters, seemingly human in size had just swam right past Ruby; a passage where she would feel something slimy very briefly brush against her.

Oh dear! Is our lovely heroine in danger? Or has some poor, unfortunate soul drowned? Surely, there is something someone ca-

Just then, a figure broke through the surface and what followed was a loud gurgling howl as a shadowed humanoid figure of average adult size stood looming and screaming with arms covered in slimy dark leafy substance waving frantically with what appeared to be a spear clutched in its right hand. Its body was kept hidden and obscured beneath the thick layers of seaweed that stuck and hung to the creature’s body and its face completely hidden.

What the fuck is that?!

Has a sea monster found its way to the beach? Are the folks in danger?!

These questions and plenty more continued to rise with every slow lurching step the horrifying creature took towards the beach. It lumbered forward slowly; at times it nearly fell over from waves pushing from behind or uncertain footsteps almost as if the beast was shambling about blindly.

All while it continued letting out a loud gurgling howl and waving its weapon.

How peculiar and bizarre. Just what is this creature? And those terrifying howls
 do they strangely sound like cries for he-
Not long after its appearance, all sorts of different reactions broke out as would be expected of such an unexpected and hideous visitor who seems to have come to seek harm upon the humans who simply wished to enjoy themselves on this lovely day.

And yet, lucky for you folks for what exciting tale awaits. Let us see the events unfold and get to the depths of this mystery.

The seaweed creature shambled, clearly determined to make its way onto land only to be stopped short as it felt something hit its chest. A muffled cry of pain rang out as rocks, shells and other objects were being tossed at it by a group of kids and teens, who were screaming for the beast to leave and go away.

It could do nothing but howl and flail its arms to bat away what it could as the onslaught made it gradually stumble backwards. Barely keeping itself standing as muffled shouts rang out loudly from beneath the seaweed hiding whatever ugly visage waited just beneath.

“Shtof! Ib herbs! Shtof ib yu fokurs!” The closest thing to words could be scarcely made out, the rest of its screeching proved nothing more than gibberish painful to the ears.

A battle that seemed to be nearing its end as the creature was on the verge of defeat. A little more and it shall be repelled and with it whatever dastardly troubles it intended to wrought.

And then, a loud painful cry wailed out from the mysterious seaweed beast now strangely hunched forward and in immense pain. A long drawled out groan followed suit, the spear dropping from its right hand as it remained there hunched over with its hands clutching at something.

Minutes passed with no change in its state or pose until eventually those closest could see its head tilt up as a quiet growl rumbled in its chest. Those slimy hands then rose upward to slip beneath the slimy mask and then unexpectedly began to be wrestling with something and whatever it was gave one difficult fight.

Soon to be seen thrashing and growling heavily which had those that had been throwing things at it kept themselves ready for if it decided to attack.

Without warning, he finally succeeded in ripping the starfish from his face and immediately moved to throw his upper body and arms skyward revealing a normally plain, yet cute face sporting a semi-deep starfish imprint and countless tiny dots from its suckers suddenly came into view screaming a mixture of fury and pain.

-Kazu, the kids, teens and those within the immediate vicinity-

Each of them, Kazumin included, let out various terrified faces as they all screamed together in sync. How else could anyone involved react to such a weird and unexpected occurrence.

One known only to the seaweed covered Kazu now in the keeled over once more panting and coughing up seawater, his body visibly shaking.” W-Who
.” He forced himself to rasp out though it was barely above a whisper.

This prompted the largest of the gathered group to step forward, albeit hesitantly.” U-um
are you ok? Are you trying to ask for someone? W-” The person attempted to offer an apology from the group for throwing things, but upon seeing Kazu bend down to pick something up made everyone stop in place.

A deep, sharp inhale and a click of the tongue followed by a harsh exhale through the nose. His marked face nearly red as crimson further adding to the myriad of colors to his still heavily bruised face. Yet, most strange of all was his usual wide grin; replaced instead with a fuming rage as his fingers clasped around the last item that had been thrown at him.

He slowly stood up and with it held up the accursed football, that with a great squeeze of his hand popped beneath his vicious grip as those closest could swear fire was seething from his eyes and smoke billowing through clenched teeth.

“ Who
threw this?! Which one of you bastards
.got the bright idea
to shoot me in the DICK!” He bellowed out (in a high pitch voice at that to his humiliation) at the top of his lungs, exclaiming the undeserved cruel pain afforded him. Each word spoken became louder and louder that dripped vehemently from his now slightly swollen lips as bits of seaweed was sent flying all over.

Now huffing like a bull with clenched hands held out at his sides looking ready and raring to go.” Step forward
now! Come and accept your punishment you FU-”

Whoa-ho! Well isn’t this quite the development! Who could have envisioned such an unorthodox and might I add, quite humorous tale. What could have possibly happened for poor Kazumin finding himself in such an awful (and hilarious) predicatement?

A fascinating tale awaits..in part 2!

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by mantou
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mantou The Fried Kind

Member Seen 10 mos ago


CURRENTLY STATIONED: royal estate tea party
INTERACTIONS: tea party guests
MENTIONS: Prince Auguste@Inertia


Wystan, the second prince’s watchdog, had finally arrived at the tea party. He hushed his greetings with the previous guard, taking over his place swiftly. After exchanging more pleasantries and understanding that none of the guests thus far posed a problem, he felt more at ease. Today was the day he had to make sure that the new weapon-screening procedure was done properly and efficiently. Perhaps it would go smoothly.

Though attending the tea party had not been part of his agenda, he had been advised by the second prince to keep watch of the royal gathering until his arrival later in the day. Of course, due to the events that transpired recently, it was understandable for the prince to have to deal with an insurmountable amount of paperwork, so this was the least he could do while Auguste himself was busy.

”My apologies, Sirs, Madams.” He spoke with no signs of an apology in his voice. After the disastrous evening just the day before, this was naturally protocol. And so the watchdog was careful in his inspection of the guests, making sure that they didn’t harbor any weapons... but not many took too lightly to the sense of possible distrust, it seemed.

”As esteemed visitors of the royal estate, it is our duty to ensure that your safety is prioritized first and foremost.” He reminded the people in line, to which many were disgruntled. This puzzled the bodyguard– was peace of mind not something people desired these days?

” The nobleman rolled his eyes before raising his arms to allow the bodyguard to do a thorough pat-down. Wystan was silently pleased and paid the man’s grumpiness no heed, for he would simply not be having daggers flung about this day. Anyway, such was a normal attitude that cropped up on a daily basis.

”Thank you, please go on and have a seat.” He extended a hand to guide the man in the royal gardens’ direction. Truly, what mattered was that they cooperated in the end and did their best to not act as hindrances to the proceedings of what was supposed to be a casual event.

”Next in line, please.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction: @princess Charlotte, @Potter Olivia, @Lava Alckon Hafiz Jr.

Lorenzo couldn’t help but sigh. Though it sounded like a neutral exhale, Lorenzo was disappointed that no one volunteered to test the water for him. He refrained from mentioning it again as the two young women shared their exchange of wanting to play a game in the water later. He’d surely know if the water was acceptable by then. His sight being closed off to the world left him with the reprieve to imagine his homeland, making his experience at the beach all the more exquisite.

“Yes, just like home,” He almost purred with a satisfied smile on his face. To forget the previous days this morning was his objective but Sorian always found a way to slink him back to his current reality.

"Well well well, some among you here look rather familiar."

The now familiar foreign accent assaulted his ears. Assailed his peace. One of his eyes slightly opened to the voice so Lorenzo could identify its owner. For Lorenzo, it could be any one of the Alidasht men. Fariz. He thought confidently until the young royal introduced himself to Olivia. Farim, yes. Knowing it was Farim, Lorenzo could put himself at ease, but he couldn’t help but think the rest of his kin might invite themselves to his oasis amongst the sand.

“Greetings Farim, the gorgeous mistress’ name is Olivia, and she is a family friend of the Vikenas, particularly young Devan.” Lorenzo introduced her from what he was told by both Charlotte and Devan the previous day. “And I don’t see any issue with you joining us but please try not to block my sun. A nice tan is the most I ask for this day.” Lorenzo briefly peeked his one eye out once more, confirming Hafiz was alone. The sounds of screaming children filled the air with the duke assuming it was just the typical horseplay amongst the youth. His focus lay on the Alidasht noble who had arrived. “Are any more of you coming?” He tried not to let his feelings bleed into his words but the slight hint of concern still found its way into the inquiry.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Time: Late Morning
Location: Castle Gardens
Attire: Alexander and Lianna
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Drake

A few minutes had passed, allowing the smiling couple to indulge in tea and sweet treats. Alexander had grabbed himself a cucumber sandwich served on a small plate.

“How do you like the tea?”

“We've had better, but otherwise, it's quite good. These biscuits, however, are delicious!”

“I was going to say the same!” Her enthusiasm matched her husband's before she raised her teacup to her lips. To be out and about with Alexander is all Lianna could ever ask for. To her pleasure, he commonly delivered without complaint or denial.

Even with most of his attention on his bride, Alexander never allowed his surroundings to fade into the background. His eyes caught Drake Edwards, son of the resident duke. The young man gave a courteous wave as he passed which was returned with a nod of acknowledgement from Alexander.

“Duke Edwards' son says hello from a distance.” Alexander informed his wife who wore a brief look of displeasure.

“Duke Edwards. The weird one?” She asked in a hushed voice. Alexander chuckled.

“Love, I think you're referring to Duke Vikena.” He couldn't wait to meet the disaster of a man just to get a bit of a laugh in.

“Ugh, that man is quite something but no. Isn't Edwards part of the-”

“He is.” Alexander rested his hand on hers to keep her from continuing. “Let's not discuss that in public, love.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SausagePat
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SausagePat The Sausage Fiend

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Mid -> late morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @samreaper

Ruby’s body remained hidden under the water for a great deal of seconds. She was not counting the time that she sank into the quiet surges beneath the surface, but it would have been enough to worry any onlooker if they were paying attention. She continued to sink until her breath ran out, and then dramatically flailed back up to the confines of societal obligation, or back to the shore of Sorian beach. This was how Ruby felt as she returned her focus to the varying faces of those scattering the area.

It wasn’t all bad, though. In the grand scheme of things, she was just as ‘normal’ as they were now. She attended the same events, dressed the part for each one, and continued to make acquaintances along the way. She may have been truly divided from the working class for most of her life, but now she was just another among the crowd. Nobody even notices, right?

Feeling a new sense of belonging, Ruby thought that she ought to explore the parts of this beach more thoroughly. That is until she noticed a blonde, shaggy-headed boy with a beautifully freckled face whose eyes were lingering her way. ”What a dream!” she whispered to herself, sure this time that he was the one. The way his golden hair glistened in the sun and how his bony prominences stuck out perfectly right did not get overlooked by Ruby.

Eager to approach him, she noticed the worried look on his face. It was not her that he was looking at, but something behind her. Of course this was the case, she thought. But what was he looking at? She was too terrified to look behind her in fear of what she might see. Ruby loved the water, but she also knew what creatures wander within it. If she was about to die right now, she was to be fixated on the eye-candy staggering across the beach.

People along the beach began to focus their attention near and this did not soothe Ruby’s worry of some imminent danger. Her strength had been pushed to its limit. Without even looking behind her to ensure the thing in which she feared was there, she let out a cry for help.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Drake, @FunnyGuy Alexander and Lianna, @Mantou Wystan
Mentions: @Mole Felix, @JJ Doe Riona, @Lava Alckon Drake
♄ Dress
♄ Shoes
♄ Necklace
♄ Gloves
♄ Crown
♄ Hair

On Sola 23rd, Sadie was now preparing for the Tea Party. She finished getting ready and stood in front of the mirror. She adjusted her seashell crown and took a deep breath. ”How do I look?” Sadie inquired as she turned to glance at her lady-in-waiting and bodyguard, Genevieve.

”Wonderful, m’lady. The seashells you collected yesterday go nicely with the ensemble.” Genny replied promptly, a smile curling her lips. Sadie dipped her head in respect and then hugged her.

”Thank you Genny!” Sadie chirped, then spun in the mirror to watch her dress twirl and giggled. She stopped and readjusted her tiara and bit her lip. ”Is this--are you sure that my outfit is appropriate for meeting-”

M’lady,” Genny interrupted as she came over and fixed her dress and smoothed out her hair, ”You look dashing. Have I ever lied to you?” Sadie bit her lip and shook her head as she stared at the floor. Genny titlted her chin up to force Sadie to look in the mirror at their reflections. ”You look radiant. Now let’s go before you make yourself late.”

Soon after, the duo arrived in Sadie’s carriage to the Tea Party. Genny helped Sadie out of the carriage and nodded to the guards to follow behind her. With a deep breath and her heart fluttering, Sadie moved to greet Wystan at the entry. She paused, watching as he patted participants down and tilted her head to one side. Given the circumstances lately, it did not surprise her.

After the watchdog was finished, he took one glance at Sadie and then gave her a deep bow. ”Your Royal Highness. Please, you may proceed.”

Sadie beamed at Wystan and could barely contain her excitement. ”Wystan!” Sadie exclaimed. She pulled him into a hug unexpectedly and swiftly let go of him after. ”So good to see you! Thank you!” The bodyguard collected himself fairly quickly, and thanked his foresight that day to ensure that his weapons were double-wrapped around his torso.

”Likewise, Your Highness. Please enjoy the gathering.”

”Thank you! I will. This is a great day for an event like this; I hope you can relax after your duty to join us!” She bounced passed him with a smile on her face. She glanced back to ensure that Genny, and her guards, Eric, Holland, and Mikhail were behind her, and then continued forward.

Once inside, Sadie glanced around at the guests. She searched until she found Drake Edwards. Her smile graced her face from ear-to-ear, and the air seemed to become warmer and the sun shone brighter than it had moments earlier. Standing a distance away were Genny, and three of her guards. In the back of her mind, she could hear Genny urging her forward (”Go on, Sade, go on!”)

Sadie took a deep breath and swiftly approached him, but not without fault; she accidentally tripped on the hem of a lady’s dress near her and crashed to the ground. The table was near a man and woman in a wheelchair whom she didn’t recognize. Sadie gasped in surprise, then humiliation and pain washed over her. She quickly began clambering back to her feet as pain radiated throughout her body. Soft hands helped her up, and she knew it was Genny. A quiet fell over the party as everyone turned to glance at her. A blush crept up her face and tears were at the back of her mind, but she didn’t let them fall.

”I’m so sorry!” Sadie blurted out, looking at the man and the woman in the wheelchair she had nearly toppled over. She turned to face the woman and the dress she’d tripped on. ”I apologize as well. Are you all right?”

The woman and her friends sneered at her, and the lady rolled her eyes. ”We’re fine, but I doubt your pride is.” She replied bitterly, and the ladies laughed boisterously.

Sadie bit her lip and frowned in response, but then let a smile grace her face once more. ”I
 I am okay
.. Thank you. I am glad you’re well.” Sadie then marched forward and averted her gaze as she sat beside Drake, trembling slightly, and noticed from her peripheral vision, Genny glared at the woman with so much heat and force that it would have killed her if possible. Her guards even walked past them purposely and moved to stand a distance away from Sadie, but remained protectively nearby. ”...Do you want me to still sit with you?”

Soon after, a familiar voice can be heard addressing the unsavory group of women. ”Ladies, my sincere apologies. However in consideration of all our guests I will have to remind you that this is a formal gathering and proper decorum is encouraged. Please mind your volume, thank you.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Callum’s bedroom to Ezra’s Bakery
Interactions: Ezra @Potter

Callum was amazed and perplexed by Ezra’s extreme generosity but shook his head. “I insist on paying, you work too hard to give away your food for free.” He wandered around attempting to make awkward small talk with the baker, asking all about the variety of cakes, before finally picking a few out.

“You got a busy morning Ezra? The king is hosting a big fancy tea party, full of bored rich nobles who love sitting around drinking tea and eating cake. Would you like to join me? We can make sure everyone leaves knowing where the best deserts in Sorian can be found and I can stir up some family drama. It’ll be a good time.” He offered, fingers drumming against the counter. Making Edin look unhinged in public, while Cal was just bringing the old man treats from his favorite bakery, seemed like a good enough plan for first thing this morning. “I bet Ana will be there too.” He added, winking at Ezra. He was pretty sure the baker had a crush on Ana. Why else would he keep bringing free treats to the palace?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Stratya Durmand

Night of the 21st
Location: Slums
Attire: Leather and chainmail with simple clothes
Interactions: Callum @Helo
Mentions: None

"Oh fuck, he says." Had she been recognized? Why else would he be so upset to- Wait a minute. Ooooh. She"d heard his voice before, which helped her identify his face. He did recognize her, and her position. "Aaaaye, shyte," she groaned, obliged to see that the prince is well. "Ye well know I can't be goin' and ignorin' y', aye? Much as it seems y'd prefer tha'. C'mon, then. Le's away somewher' me eyes don' feel so robbed and w'll get ye patched up. Shouldn't dip in the river with an open wound an' all." A phrase from the country, emphasizing proper rest, care, and maintenance of things, lest they break worse.

She would lead the prince away from the slums, where at least the moonlight held more ambiance around them. Luckily for her, adventurers tended to be the prepared sort, so she had been able to bring supplies with her without drawing attention. This included a basic first aid kit. Treating relatively minor injuries like cuts and splits and scrapes was relatively easy. It was just cleaning, and covering to keep it clean. She learned a lot from caring for the boys back in her village, and she'd asked one of the doctors in the city to teach her more. If one of the men under her command was injured, she wanted to be able to try and keep their injuries from getting worse. Those that would suffer injury for their work should be treated with special care.

The prince's purpose here, however, was unknown. What had he suffered these injuries for? The lives of nobility and royalty were strange indeed, and she dare not assume something at surface value, but should she really pry, at the same time?

Maybe not, but she couldn't just ignore this, either. "The slums is certainly an interestin' place to find someone like y'self in such a state. And what a story ya left behind for me, too. 'Some nutter got himself a beatin' for bein' a rich pest.' Y'did go and buy it, too, I hear." Threw coins at the man. "Can't see the sense in it, but I won't pretend to understand that complica'ed web of complica'ed people you were dropped into. Jus'..." The knight considered how to phase her sentiment for a moment before continuing, "I don' think either of us wan' me involved in ya business, aye? Aye. Now, I'm sure ya don' want or need me to hold yer 'and. Good night. maybe get some rest?" It was best not to address him by name. He was quite a sight, and she didn't want to cause undo duress to the royal name. This was a delicate situation. One she wanted to distance herself from quickly.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Royal Gardens Tea Party
Attire: Outfit
Interaction: @mantou Wystan
Mentions: @Inertia Auguste

As Mina and her uncle, Count Sebastian Blackwood, approached the entrance of the royal gardens, their presence was met with a mix of admiration and curiosity. Mina's attire exuded an air of elegance, her flowing dress adorned with delicate lace and intricate embroidery that accentuated her youthful beauty. A sunhat, adorned with a satin ribbon, sat atop her carefully styled hair, framing her face with grace.

Sebastian, on the other hand, had taken extra care with his appearance for this occasion. His suit, tailored to perfection, hugged his form and accentuated his broad shoulders. The clean lines of his freshly groomed facial hair and his neatly trimmed haircut only added to his commanding presence. It was evident that he had regained some of the strength and charisma he had lost during his illness, and Mina couldn't help but notice the change in him.

As they joined the line to be inspected for weapons, Mina's concern bubbled up within her. She leaned closer to Sebastian, her voice laced with worry. "Uncle, are you sure you're feeling up to this? You only just recovered, and the sunlight..." Her words trailed off, the unsaid concern lingering in the air.

Sebastian turned his gaze toward Mina, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Fear not, my dear. I am feeling much better, and the fresh air will do me good. Besides, I couldn't let you attend this event alone. I promised to watch over you especially after the events from the other day." His reassurance washed over Mina, momentarily easing her worries as he referred to her strange vision and how she’d fainted. Because of that event, Sebastian had kept her in for the next day and had even considered sending her back to Kolonivka, but she managed to convince him otherwise. So here they were, together at a tea party during the day.

Their turn in line arrived, and Wystan stood before them. As he would begin the customary inspection, Mina couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and mischief. She cast a playful glance at the bodyguard. "Oh, I hope you'll be thorough in your search. Wouldn't want me sneaking any dangerous weapons past you, now would we?" Her tone carried a flirtatious undertone, a glimmer of amusement dancing in her eyes.

Her uncle gave her a brief, amused glance as he removed the sword Mina had noticed him wearing earlier and handed it over as he complied with the rule of no weapons. He’d never been fond of Mina’s flirtatious ways, but he also understood why she did what she did. He just wasn’t sure if Wystan was one she should be playing her games with.

Mina's lips curled into a mischievous smirk as she leaned closer, her voice a mere whisper. "I trust you'll handle me with care, Wystan. After all, I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a threat." She wondered if he’d be surprised that she knew his name or not, but she always made a note to try and learn everyone’s names, whether they were servants or nobility. Wystan was one she considered more important to remember as well as he was often around Prince Auguste.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Violet Damien & Lily Damien

Time, relentless in its march, continued its ceaseless advance while Violet, paralyzed by her own turmoil, remained ensnared by her mind. In the middle of the night, Violet had drawn the curtains tightly, finding solace in the illusion of confinement—a self-imposed cage, shielding her from the world or, perhaps, protecting the world from her.

The room exuded darkness, suffocating any traces of light that dared to enter. Thick drapes, heavy and impenetrable, clung to the windows, sealing within the monstrous presence lurking behind them.

As the sun rose, heralding the arrival of a new day, it cast rays that struggled to breach the inside of her prison. It was the first day of Violet's new existence, a day drenched in disappointment and dred. She had spent the entire night, lost in a disoriented haze, fixated on the haunting glow of the moon, drifting in and out of a nightmarish dream.

Through the veil of fabric, faint streaks of sunlight filtered into the room, painting the floor with a veneer of golden warmth that resembled liquid gold. The air hung heavy with silence, her sole companion amidst the echoing ticks of a clock. A relentless reminder of the night's emotions strewn across the floor of her bedroom.


A word laden with connotations of damnation, of being a demon or a monstrous abomination, as callously bestowed upon her by one of those men.

Books often chronicled the existence of such creatures, their titles resonating with vile horror, an apt description of her own story. And the world in all of its own twisted faults and issues would paint her the same way. She truly belonged in a cage or, better yet, dead—an eternal exile from the lives she threatened to ruin.

The taste of the man's blood lingered, stubbornly staining her mouth. She had rinsed it away, employing water and salt in vain attempts to purge the sweet nectar of life. Yet, it persisted, an insidious presence, clinging to the tip of her tongue like the memory of honey. She yearned for more of that intoxicating warmth, her mind succumbing to a false ecstasy, drawing her back to the moment of her first bite. But she pulled herself out abruptly, wrenching herself from the allure of the past, her body leaning forward in the chair, hands resting on her knees, while disgust cascaded down her spine.

Was this all she would be able to think about

Her legs propelled her forward, a slow and deliberate movement, carrying her towards the drapes. She extended her hand, fingers entwined around the coarse fabric, clutching it with desperate intensity. And then, with an eruption of determination, she flung them open, exposing herself to the cruel light of morning, as if anticipating her annihilation—her transformation into a pile of ash. However, the tales of vampires had deceived her. Violet's eyes fluttered, grappling with the assault of brightness, gradually adjusting to the bright lights. A faint tingling sensation grazing her skin as her hands relinquished their death grip, slumping lifelessly by her side.

Bathed in the morning light, her eyes, once a haunting shade of crimson, blazed like rubies, a stark contrast to her complexion. The sun's light was agonizing, a relentless torment that seared her flesh, turning it a furious shade of red, as if her very being was set ablaze. She stood there, subjected to the torment, allowing the pain to consume her, disappointment welling up inside.

She was alive.

The books she had so diligently absorbed had deceived her—she should have disintegrated, consumed by the light, reducing her to nothingness. But she remained...unfortunately. Tears welled in Violet's eyes, an embodiment of her anguish, while her strength wavered, causing her knees to buckle.

Violet released a cry, a sound that would only be heard as a whisper. Her voice cracked as the pain began to be too much.

Slowly, she closed the drapes, struggling against the relentless burn that had taken hold of her skin. As the sun receded, vanishing once more behind the veil of fabric, her flesh cooled, and the pain subsided with unexpected rapidity. A sigh of relief escaped her trembling lips, and she leaned forward, seeking solace, only to discover that her skin, once sunburnt, reverted to its pale tone, a cruel reminder of her situation.

Collapsing back into the plush chair, her body folding upon itself, Violet's mind spiraled, a whirlwind of tormented thoughts, while silent tears traced their path down her cheeks.

Lily had knocked before entering the darkened bedroom, the door slightly creaking in the silence. The room was heavy as she had stood in the doorway, the ticking of the clock filling the room as she came upon the view of her daughter slumped in the plush chair. Lily’s expression softened and she stared sadly at Violet, her eyes taking in the turmoil on her face. She held a tray with a large mug in it.

Tears had streamed down Violet’s face. Lily usually would have been wiping them and hugging her daughter in a heartbeat, but this was a different girl. “... Violet, dear. Would you like to talk? 
 Can I
 Can I help? “

Violet stared forward blankly unresponsive. She didn’t need to look at the shadowed figure to know that it was her mother. One of the last people she wanted to see. She could feel the blood boiling as her fingernails gripped deeper into the fabric of the chair.

Violet’s body shook slightly with rage, she didn’t acknowledge her except for a few choice words. “Get..out.” Her voice was dark and cold, the words hitting each syllable to ensure any confusion.

Lily stared at the floor silently for a long moment before stating, “I understand Violet... I am leaving you some ham and a mug of something you may want
 It’s not from a human. “ She set the tray down on a table near the front of the room.

Just as she was about to close it, she paused, her hand lingering on the doorknob. "Also, I wanted to let you know that you are not alone in this. With time, you will experience physical improvement as your body recovers. The darkness that surrounds you now will fade away, and you will emerge into a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow. I know you’re hurt and upset right now, but I promise things will get better.” She presented her with a smile full of warmth and love, before stepping back into the hallway.

Violets fingers broke through the fabric in her annoying and condescending tone as she left the scraps a dog would eat in front of her. The smell of the putrid blood flid her nose as it sends her into a furry. As her mother was about to step into the hallway, Violet grabbed the glass on blood. She rose quickly to her feet throwing it across the room as the blood splattered against her door, splashing onto her mother's clothing as she shouted. “ Things will NOT get better! You have cursed me for your OWN SELFISH REASONS! You brought me back just to kill me slowly.”

Lilianne stared at Violet and for a moment there was a gleam of something unreadable in her blue eyes. “It will be okay dear
 I will break the curse on you. This was just the best I could do for now.” With that, she left Violet alone and stormed down the hallway, a cold and determined look adorning her face.

I brought her back for you, Calbert. I accepted she may hate me if she found out the truth, though I had hoped it could be some time before she had
 But I cannot take this abuse from her. I must do something to change this too.

Violet let out a deep growl of frustration, pacing back and forth before she walked over to the door, grabbing her cape that laid across her bed along the way. She wrapped it around her shoulders and in a fury stormed out of her room.

Marching down the hall and to the main entrance she reached for a rather large parasol that was made from a dark lace. Removing it from the holster she stepped outside getting shelter from the lace parasol as it created an interesting pattern of shadow over her skin.

If the world wanted a monster, she would give them one

Violet's sharp canine made a short appearance as she flashed a smile to the carriage drive before stepping inside.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 5 days ago


Attire: Coat/Shirt, Pants, and Shoes
Time: Morning of 23rd
Location: Edwards Estate -> Castle Gardees
Mentions: Sadie, @Potter Alexander, and Lianna @FunnyGuy

Drake had enjoyed his rather nice tea, taking small sips as he observed the gardens around him. He couldn't help but notice the eyeing gaze of the Deacons who had previously greeted, and wondered if perhaps they were looking to interact with him. Nonetheless he would give them some space for now, as it would be rude to simply rush them first thing. Not to mention, he had a very important guest he was still waiting to entertain. He smiled and thought wholeheartedly about her once again, thinking back to their little meeting. Almost on cue, Sadie then appeared in the gardens and his head swiveled almost too quickly as he heard the voices of her and her entourage. Like something out of a movie he noticed her ensemble and the way she carried herself. What a work of art that woman is.

The cinematic experience took a turn however as she tripped on the carelessly laid out dress of some random woman. Drake hadn't the faintest idea who she even was, but the overall tone as the table scorned her prompted his fingers to clasp together for a moment, holding back an immediate remark. He stood up and moved a chair out for Sadie as she dejectedly approached. His hand reached into his breast pocket, pulling out a small handkerchief and handing it to her. "Of course, Princess Camilia. I'm always happy to have your company. Here have this to help wipe off any excess dirt." His gaze shifted to the table that laughed at his date, and he couldn't help it as they all seemed so pleased with themselves. Putting down a woman who had done them no wrong, shame on them. "I also would like to apologize. Some people seem to forget themselves around here and leave their overpriced, gaudy, and frankly poorly colored clothing out on the grass like animals. I sure hope everyone else knows to tuck their dress and coat-tails like proper ladies and gentlemen. But I suppose they'll let anyone into these events nowadays...."

His words weren't direct, but they may as well have been. He shot the table another look, daring them to say further after they had already been publically shushed once. Once the words were traded, he softened his expression and sat across from Sadie. He took a moment to hold her hand, the very intricate cloth surrounding her skin catching his eye. "I sure hope you have had a good morning aside from that little exchange. I'll do my best to make the rest of this event a good one for you, dear Princess. He took a moment to wave at a nearby butler who had a pot of tea ready to be served. "Miss Camilia, would you like some tea or perhaps a few pastries of some sort? I believe this right here is a chilled sweet tea but please if your palette requires anything else I am happy to retreive it for you." The butler eagerly awaited her request while Drake softly stroked the back of her palm with his thumb, simply lost in the look of this woman, but wouldn't hold on tightly should she wish to free her hand from his gentle grasp.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Online

Time: Late Morning
Location: Castle Gardens
Attire: Alexander and Lianna
Interaction: Sadie @Potter, Drake @Lava Alckon
Mina @Tae

More and more nobles arrived to attend the tea party, and one of particular note caught Alexander's gaze. Dark honey blonde hair and a petite frame adorned with soft shades of lavender purple. Though she was not Caesonian, Alexander recognized the Varian princess as it was important for him to know who the world's major players were.

Princess Sadie Lucille Camille
 and not alone it seems. His eyes shifted to her small entourage of bodyguards that accompanied her arrival. His eyes locked on the blonde, appearing to be the leader of the pack. He took a sip of his tea as he silently sized the woman up, more curious of the beautiful bodyguard rather than the princess herself. For him, it was a natural thing. To Alexander, positions in society were simple ladder rungs and a Varian princess was far too high for him to reach at the moment. However, Genevieve could be grasped. She was only a bodyguard, upholding a duty that would leave her unremembered by history. Yet it was this duty that granted something Alexander identified as just as important as wealth and power in his climb toward the top. Something could not be forced or purchased.

It was his fixation on the bodyguard that stole his attention from Sadie's stumbling and fall that nearly reached his table. Alexander's eyes shot open as Lianna jumped in her seat with a slight yelp as she didn't know what was happening. Putting down the tea cup, a gentle hand was placed on his wife's hand that was clutching one of the arms of her chair. She was tense and briefly reminded of her helplessness.

“Everything is fine. Princess Sadie tripped and
 fell.” It was strange for him to explain such a thing so simply about the extraordinary but that's exactly what had happened. Lianna eased up, especially as the princess started apologizing. “It's not a problem.” Alexander said with a forced smile. He clenched his jaw when she turned to the other woman as he thought about how she startled his wife and how she could have very well fallen into her. He himself was not sure what he might have done if that occurred.

Once the princess continued on, Lianna cleared her throat in an extra obvious fashion. Alexander raised an eyebrow as he addressed his wife.

“Hm? What is it?”

“‘It's not a problem.’” Lianna mocked with a disapproving shake of her head. “Speak to her.”

“I did. I was respectful.”

“No, you were forgettable. You merely replied. With such simple words too.” Though her brows were furrowed, she managed a warm smile. “Love, show the princess who you are. Go on.” She waved him off like a mother telling her child to go off and play with the other children. He hesitated and Lianna moved her hand from his. “I'll be fine.”

“I won't be long.” He said just before planting a soft kiss to her cheek. “I promise.” With that said, Alexander rose from his seat. He stole a look at the bodyguard flashing a friendly smile accompanied with a nod. He noticed Sadie had taken a seat beside Drake which made things all the more better. The progeny of a king and duke. Heirs of greatness.

He was on his way to approach when the voice of a woman caused him to glance at toward the venue's entrance. His eyes might have returned to his destination but Mina was difficult to steer his eyes from. Her image remarkably resembled Lianna when they had first met. For a moment his smile was nowhere to be found, replaced by a look of awe as he found something he didn't know he desired.
Who might you be? His eyes trailed to the unfamiliar older man with her. A potential obstacle to his lust. A needed obstacle to return him onto his path. The princess, he focused to the forefront of his mind.

Resuming from his brief pause, he approached the table of Drake Edwards and Sadie Camille. He kept his movements subtle so as to not give her guards reasons to intercept his advance. The two appeared to be rather close from Alexander's perspective. It was the way he caressed her in a moment of weakness. The look in his eyes as he gazed upon her as if he could enjoy simply doing so for hours. And how will she reciprocate? He would just have witness that for himself.

“Princess Sadie Camille.” He greeted with a customary bow, while being respectful to not just take a seat between them. “Drake Edwards, a pleasure seeing you again though we haven't been formally introduced. Alexander Deacon of Javaria.” His eyes focused on Sadie. “I do apologize if I'm intruding, but I wanted to ensure you were alright. Not just from the fall but also how rude those women were to you. You would think they would recognize your standing, and not just because you're a princess, your majesty. ” He looked upon with platonic admiration, being sure not to overstep between the two.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 44 min ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Potter Olivia @Lava Alckon Farim
Attire:Dress, Bathing Suit Underneath, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair tied back in a low-style ponytail with a lace ribbon

Charlotte's eyes had fallen on Olivia with a smile, "Of course." She told her warmly and set her books in her lap. She sat up and then reached for the picnic basket. Charlotte opened it and began taking out a few sandwiches. However, as she was about to hand Olivia a sandwich, she paused, her voice softer just for her ears, "You know," she whispered, her words filled with a tender sincerity, "...It warms my heart to see you so relaxed and with a smile on your face... I want you to remember that it's going to be okay."

As she had been in motion to give Lorenzo a sandwich next, a new voice filled the air. Her gaze flickered to find the man from the Alidasht from the other night, Farim. She had intended to speak more with him, so it was a pleasant surprise to find him here. "Hello there, again. Please join us." She greeted him, her tone exuding friendliness. She patted the blanket nearby. "Plenty of room for you."

Lorenzo's question, however, did make her pause with some concern. She didn't want to stumble upon Hafiz or, heaven forbid, Layla and her snake. Yet, after pondering for a moment, she realized it was highly improbable. Farim had come across as a nice person, albeit perhaps overly interested in women's appearances. It seemed unlikely that he would intentionally lead them into such a situation.

As her worry dissipated, she offered a sandwich to Farim with a large grin, "Here!"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning

The air was abuzz with the cheery buzz of lively chatter. Wherever Sjan-dehk looked, he saw only smiling faces and eyes bright with excitement. Booming, percussive music reverberated in his ears and the sweet, savoury scents – amongst so many others – of strange and foreign foods teased his nose. The former, he found to be discomforting; he much rather preferred the lilting notes of strings or the hollow, wistful tones of a flute. The latter, conversely, proved to be far more enjoyable. Beyond that, even. As he ventured onto the soft and pristine sand of the beach, he found himself following the smells more than anything else.


But he couldn’t fully enjoy them. That shout from the unknown boy still played in his mind. He didn’t hear it as much as he felt it throb like an old wound somewhere at the back of his head. Neither did it stay for too long in his conscious mind, lingering just long enough to cloak all that he felt in a muting greyness – akin to a heavy fog clouding a dawn sea – and disappearing before Sjan-dehk could even do anything about it.

He clicked his tongue with knitted brows. This was neither the right time nor place to deal with such banal matters, even if he was left free enough for his mind to start entertaining such nightmares. It was anyone’s guess when Lady Adiyan would need his services, and now that he was in an unfamiliar city, wandering unfamiliar streets, and amongst people who spoke unfamiliar tongues, he would need every last scrap of his wits about him to see his tasks through. He couldn’t allow his mind to hobble itself.


For now, he ignored the cloying scents calling to him with promises of delicacies. Instead, he made tracks towards the shore, where sapphire water washed white against land. The languid crash of waves and the bracing scent of ocean brine were together a stronger call than anything else in the world. Especially now, when Sjan-dehk needed his mind calmed and his sight clear.

A few people gave him curious looks as he passed, but not as much as before. Word must’ve spread that there were Viserjantans in Sorian. That, or perhaps he didn’t look as imposing as he did days before. For today, he had forwent his usual weapons and armour. His tassets weren’t lamellar, and were instead made to simply look like it with its stitching. In reality, they were simply padded cloth and did more to protect his azure pants from the swishing of his swords and pistols than anything else. Arm and leg wraps secured the loose fabric of his clothes to his limbs, and he had a scarf wrapped around his neck to protect the skin there from the irritation of sun-rash. And of course, his usual woven hat sat atop his head.


As he walked through the thronging crowd, however, he slowly began to get the feeling that he was a little too overdressed. Almost everyone he saw was – for the lack of a better term – in some state of undress or other. Not that he had any problems with that; Viserjantans from the inland cities approached the sea in a similar fashion, not being comfortable enough with the sea to jump in fully-clothed as those living along the coasts were wont to do. What Sjan-dehk had problems with, however, was that he didn’t quite know where to look. To allow his eyes to linger too long over a stranger’s naked flesh was simply rude. That was simply a matter of courtesy, really.

And so he kept his eyes directed straight ahead, at clear and rolling waters.


He didn’t stop until he felt the waves lap against his boots of hardened leather and soak his legwraps. The water was cool against his flesh, and the brine sharp in his nose. For several moments, he did nothing and simply stood there with arms by his side and took in the sea and her endless beauty. Undulating waves shimmered like precious gems in the sunlight. Gliding seabirds cawed overhead. A gentle breeze washed over his body, its light touch brushing past his cheeks like a lover’s caress. Sjan-dehk closed his eyes and breathed in deep.

For a moment, he was home. Not Viserjanta, not Jafi, but a home beyond them.

Then, he slowly lowered himself to a knee and slid a hand into the water. It still carried the barest traces of the chill of night, but it wasn’t icy. Neither was it dark; so clear was it that Sjan-dehk could easily make out faint scratches on the stones beneath its surface. The peaceful cold, calming and familiar, travelled up his arm and spread to every corner of his body. A soft smile spread across his lips, and he carefully scooped up a handful of water with a deliberateness that bordered on reverence.


Sjan-dehk never was one for rites or rituals. As far as he was concerned, they were little more than acts of pomp and vanity; simply ways for the nobility to make themselves feel even more self-important, as if they needed it. But when it came to the sea, things were different. The sea was the very thing that could see him safely to distant shores, or it could lead him to a sudden and abrupt end. She could be either a mother that nourished with love, or a mother that punished with furious anger. She was that which washed ships away from dangerous shoals, or that which dashed them into flotsam against shallows.

And above all, the sea was the domain of the Mother of the Waves. She, who became the Blue Serpent to protect Jafins of old; she, whose favour allowed Jafin ships to rule the open sea, and she, who all Jafins called ancestor.

Sjan-dehk drew in a deep breath, closed his eyes, and pressed his hand against his face. Keen seawater washed down his cheeks, and he tasted its salt on his lips. He opened his eyes and blinked several times as he exhaled sharply. His smile returned to his face. This was the sea which he loved, the sea which he knew would never let him down, and the sea which he would always find no matter where he was.


That ghostly voice still called in his head, but it grew muffled and soft. “Those who live, will live and see a new dawn,” Sjan-dehk recited beneath his breath, wiping his face dry with sleeves between words. “Those who must die, will die and be brought to calm waters and fair winds by the Mother Serpent and be granted the long peace. Such is the Jafin Way of the Great Harmony.” He squeezed his eyes tight and bowed his head. In the wind that blew over him, he heard the Mother’s whispered words, and in the waves that broke against his ankles, her soft embrace.

He slowly returned to his feet, knowing that he had likely attracted more than a few curious gazes, but he couldn’t care less about that. All he knew was that the unknown boy’s voice had vanished from his mind, at least for now. He knew it wasn’t gone for good – it would one day return as surely as the tides – but that would be a problem for another day. There would be more nightmares in his future, he imagined. Times of quiet always did that. But so long as he had the sea with him, all would be well.

All would be well.

He drew in a deep breath, and turned back around. Now his day could begin.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @princess Charlotte ★ @FunnyGuy Lorenzo ★ @Lava Alckon Farim ★
Mentions: John
★ Swimsuit
★ Dress

★ Hair & Accessories

"You know," Charlotte whispered sincerely, "...It warms my heart to see you so relaxed and with a smile on your face... I want you to remember that it's going to be okay."

Olivia smiled at her and nodded gratefully, after accepting her sandwich. A warmth spread throughout her, and she quickly squeezed Charlotte’s hand gently. Liv felt similar for her friend who had a tortuous day on the 21st. She began to munch her sandwich hungrily, only stopping to glance at the screams from the water and then turning back to face the others.

Soon, Olivia’s attention was soon stolen from the Vikena’s. A dark skinned male with light blue eyes and long wavy hair joined them. Liv had seen many handsome individuals, but this one took the cake. She admired his features and was for a moment, lost in a trance. This must have been one of the Alidasht. She remained silent as he spoke, and her cheeks reddened once he had addressed her. She folded her arms and waited politely for her turn to speak. Lorenzo and he exchanged pleasantries first, and she glanced over at him to ensure he didn’t mistake her relation. Whether it was Farim or the importance of the Duke addressing her, Olivia couldn’t decipher why her stomach was churning with butterflies.

She let out a quiet sigh of relief after Lorenzo spoke, so she glanced at Charlotte next. How would she handle this, Olivia wondered, after what happened at the dinner? She tried to scoot closer to Charlotte and accidentally crushed her hand. She bit her lip to restrain herself from swearing (unlady-like, Charlotte had told her) (how disappointing!) and took deep breaths to calm herself. Releasing her hand, Livy leaned back in her chair as if nothing had happened and bit her lip to keep from cursing. She eyed the man cautiously, and hoped for the Vikena's sake, the other Alidasht did not show up. She would defend them if so, but she saw no reason to become defensive yet.

”My name is...” she paused briefly. ”Olivia. You can call me Livvy.” She began focusing on eating her sandwich and tried to ignore the butterflies and nerves inside of her. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Though she was unsure of the customary Alidasht bow, she dipped her head respectfully, hoping this would suffice. Once she brought her head back up, she glanced at Charlotte out of the corner of her eye to ask silently, if she had been correct to do that.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Drake ♄ @FunnyGuy Alexander and Lianna ♄
Mentions: @Tae Mina ♄
♄ Dress
♄ Shoes
♄ Necklace
♄ Gloves
♄ Crown
♄ Hair

Drake’s gentle approach and tone helped to immediately set Sadie at ease. She accepted the handkerchief and began to rub off any excess dirt on her dress. Glancing up, her tiara slid down and she quickly picked it up and began examining it for any filth. She wasn’t sure if she found any, but with her shaking hands, she continued to inspect it. Drake’s next comment caused her to chuckle slightly, albeit a little nervously. She didn’t glance back at the women and quickly readjusted her crown as a reminder for herself. Sadie could feel glances on the back of her head and had a feeling his words had reached their table.

Without pause, Drake remained elegant and gentle. Sadie took quite deep breaths and smiled genuinely as she listened to him. His voice was a melody she couldn’t listen to enough. She nodded in agreement when he told her he’d make sure the rest of the event would be good for her. Thankfully, she hadn’t seemed to embarrass him. Gratitude filled her and she found herself staring at him with a silly smile on her face that she knew Genny was enjoying from her spot nearby. Before she could reply, he ushered over a waiter to give her tea. A delighted smile crept across her face as she glanced up at him.

”That would be wonderful! Thank you!” She accepted the tea and looked around with excitement when he mentioned the pastries. While half her mind begged her not to, Sadie couldn’t turn down the sugary delights. He beckoned over another waiter to provide Drake and her both samples of each pastry and sandwiches. ”Thank you so much! You two are the best. The BEST!” The two men chuckled and moved away to serve others and give them privacy. She began to snack on the food and despite the war waging in her mind, she sought solace with Drake.

Sadie’s attention was now diverted as he took her hand and rubbed it gently. She glanced down with surprise, a pastry halfway to her mouth before realizing how ridiculous she probably looked, and quickly set it down. Her cheeks flushed again. What did she do? Her mind raced with answers and she uncertainly glanced at them.

Then, a voice broke through their moment, and she glanced up to see the man whose female companion he’d likely tripped over. “Princess Sadie Camille.” The man greeted with a customary bow, while taking a seat near them, but not in between them. “Drake Edwards, a pleasure seeing you again though we haven't been formally introduced. Alexander Deacon of Javaria.”

What does he want? Sadie felt his eyes focus on her and quickly moved her hands to hold them together. She smiled respectfully once he’d introduced himself, but didn’t interrupt and allowed him to continue speaking. Out of the corner of her eye, her entourage watched intently.

“I do apologize if I'm intruding, but I wanted to ensure you were alright. Not just from the fall but also how rude those women were to you. You would think they would recognize your standing, and not just because you're a princess, your majesty. ”

He looked upon her and her cheeks flushed once more. ”It is an honor to meet you, Sir Deacon. I’m glad our paths have crossed.” She replied, her voice soft and kind. ”I appreciate you checking in on me. I am doing fine, though so thank you. Are you and your female friend all right? As for those ladies, well, it happens sometimes.” Sadie shrugged it off, unsure of how to reply to the end of his comment. She wasn’t sure if the quartet could hear or not, so she didn’t want to start fights. Sadie, despite being royal, wasn’t one to boast her status either so she decided not to elaborate further on it. It would be best to look forward to the rest of the day! ”I do hope you enjoy your time here. It’s great to meet people from other cities!”

It was then that Sadie noticed Mina and waved at her excitedly. Mina! Mina Bina! I haven't seen her in forever! And her uncle too! Not wanting to shout at them, she stuck to her wave and smile, then turned to face the others.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
Avatar of ReusableSword

ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: around noon
Location: the beach
Mentions in order: Charlotte @princess, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Olivia @potter, Ruby @SausagePat, and Farim @Lava Alckon
outfit: white button up shirt and kilt, swimsuit being a long loin cloth and speedo mix

Sola 22 /// WIP

Current day: Sola 23
Location: warehouse to the beach

A small letter with the Ravenwood seal marks the personal invitation from Roman Ravenwood to all Varian nobility and royalty as well as a few personal invitations to the nobility of Caesonia and Alidasht. It is not a private event and is open to all but he still felt it necessary to personally invite his friends and those he thought might enjoy one of their rituals. ((those that were interested in the event would receive one at any time during the day, as well as all of the Varian nobility regardless of if they wanted to come.))



It took Roman about an hour to fill out the letters and personalized invitations to be delivered today. The warehouse was a buzz of activity as carts were loaded with food and other things directed by the shaman, the older women lived for rituals like these and she was sure not to disappoint. The guards that volunteered for the night shift during the ritual had the day off and he intended to take them to the beach to let off some steam before the night’s festivities.

Erik was busy making sure that the letters he had just got done writing were being sent off to the right places. Roman knew the hardworking man wouldn’t stop until it was time for the celebration tonight. The ritual was on everyone’s mind including his. It would surely be a good ritual, he was aware that this was the closest that they could come to publicly using magic. The ritual itself was meant to promote good health, luck, and prosperity to his people and really anyone that attended.

He gave a nod to Erik as the two passed each other “Be sure that Jacob at the Damien estate gets one of those invitations as well as anyone else he would like to bring.” the lord knew he could go mingle with the rest of the civilized nobility at the tea party but today was a day for the barbarians. A day he would make sure that his men and his people enjoyed. So, he knew he had to start that by bringing the guards that volunteered to work the night shift tonight out to the beach to thank them and give them a break before their shift.

The group of Varian northerners wore light button up shirts with matching kilts and simple foot wear to the area everyone seemed to be using to swim. They found an un used small grouping of chairs and umbrellas in the warm sand. Roman could see a few other faces he recognized as he scanned the beach area.

He could see Lorenzo, Charlotte, a woman that looked familiar but wasn’t quite sure and one of the Alidasht people. He remembered seeing the Alidasht man before but couldn’t quite place his name. a scream from the shore turned their attention collectively to someone covered in sea weed and another girl calling for help. None of them saw any threat to this and all as one just laughed at the situation unfolding.

The group of Varian left their things on the benches and began to strip. The recent decree about beach wear from the king wasn’t surprising given the mans nature but none of them liked that clothing wasn’t optional. Back home no one wore clothes when swimming, then again, the water here was like a warm bath compared to the frigid northern water they were used too. In a few moments they had stripped down to what could be considered a cross between a speedo and a loincloth with two knee length strips of fabric flowing off the front and back of their waist.

The men didn’t need to ask and simply began to do what they wanted, the younger Varian men ran off towards the water while a couple of the old timers stayed with their things and the newspaper enjoying the Sorian sun. they were all fit men of taller than average heights and with varying degrees of battle experience but they were all dwarfed by Romans sheer mass. now with most of his skin showing others could truly get a firm understanding of just how much stronger he looked compared to others. Scars adorned his bronze skin with the majority of the large and small blemishes across his arms. His muscles were not completely toned but still held quite the amount of mass that put his physique somewhere between a body builder and power lifter.

Roman didn’t seem to bothered by the people calling for help as it looked like the situation wasn’t that bad but he would intervene if it was something serious. Right now, he just wanted to swim and relax before the coming ritual. Swimming at least was a little harder for him, with his added mass he did not float but was used to it all the same. With confidence he walked up to and slowly wadded into the warm waters of the bay.
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