Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

The Cozy Bear
Happily fed and caffeinated.


Talie took her coffee very thankfully, chocolate plus pancakes made Talies morning even better. She had not really eaten much before she left the house having not been very hungry. Now she definitely was and her sweet tooth was giving her happy brain chemicals. "Thank you, I do enjoy sweet things. " Talie bit at her doughnut and savoured some of her life giving coffee before she noticed anything else. Levi was a blatant flirt and well practised through his real intentions where unknown. Maybe he had a thing for one of the local women, or was a playboy. Regardless, the service was good and the food tasted good as it looked.

"Yes! That's the one. I'll look for them, it's practically a local legend it seems.`` Talie spoke before he vanished into the back and the kitchen. If it was half as good as it was known then it probably was pretty good to say the least. Glancing over at her work phone, she did not expect to be dragged into something but she had it in hand bag. The USGS was hardly a festival favourite, yeah she had a fair collection of pretty rocks at the office. But they were not exactly mainstream. It was sad that people don't appreciate a pretty rock. They made useful gifts like paper weights, door stops too or threw them at people who annoy you … in your mind of course.

"Thankyou again Jewel, I'll have to remember to say hi when I'm by city hall. Nice outfit by the way." Talie knew the platitude was pretty hollow but it was diplomatic to compliment the person who worked for the Mayor's office. She recognised a rich daughter if she saw one, she was kinda one just not in good standing with her family. People thought it was a walk in the park but the pressure could be real especially if you did not conform to the expectations.

Talies food arrival and Jewel being distracted by something moving in the distance ended that one. Sheriff in the dunk tank, might have to miss, he did help her settle in to the town. The pancakes were good as word and expected and soon had a rather happy Talie thinking she might get breakfast here more often. Looking over shoulder a large metal object was moving into town reflecting light across the growing collection of activities outside.

Spotting a familiar redhead Park Ranger outside, they had some disagreements. Maybe she liked the old man who she replaced too? She had not got him removed, he just got too old and was asked to retire. The office was a mess frankly when she took over, missed checks, the paperwork was all over place, old samples though the shipments were all rather regular. He got one thing right, Talie guessed. She still had to finish getting a proper inventory done.

Where else was she meant to find better samples than the old slag and dumps near the old mine and refinery that has long fallen into ruin, been recycled and was barely more than piles of rock, rusty metal too heavy to move and some old timbers stubbornly hanging on. The maps she had dated back over a century and the old man… she would just have to order new ones from the BLM and others to get up to date info.

Making a few quick notes in a notebook, she scribbled a short to-do list between pancake pieces. She would forget to do it on Monday so noted It quickly in a leather notebook. "I must leave a good tip" Talie spoke to herself without thinking.

Glancing over and outside, it would be rather interesting to see what happened. This seemed like a fun event.

@QueenBea@Almalthia@The Muse

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hanging up his apron and just about to leave the cafe through the back door where his Yamaha R6 was parked outside, Levi pause as he remembered something he nearly forgot and headed back out to the front of the cafe. "Oh, Alice, before I go I-" Exiting the kitchen, Levi stopped dead in his tracks as he spotted Phoenix greeting Alice at the register. "Nixie!" He lit up with a bright smile and opened his arms up in surprise, half expecting her to run into his arms out of excitement so that he could wrap her up into a bear hug. It had been so long since he had last seen her in person and Levi was truly delighted to see that his friend did decide to stop in for a visit after all. Chris wasn't glued to her side either, which also pleased him.

His smile dropped a bit when she mentioned not knowing he was in town until this moment. "Ma didn't say anything?" He looked at her quizzically, genuinely confused and wondering why his mother kept quiet on the matter - of all things to keep to herself, her son returning is what she chose? It was odd considering Levi's mother typically had the inside scoop on all things going on about town thanks to her friend Dorothy at city hall. And vice versa - anything his mother had to share, Dorothy was likely to tell the rest of the townspeople in her social circle and word would spread like wild fire from there. He made a mental note to ask his mom about this when he saw her next, but before he could get a word out to Phoenix she went straight to business and began making a large order with Alice. Admittedly, his ego took a hit in that moment. It was disappointing to have an old friend so unenthusiastic about seeing him for the first time in ages.

His bright smile completely failing for the first time all morning, Levi let his arms fall down to his side and resisted the urge to sigh. He supposed she did not think of him as a friend anymore. Tommy... I wonder how he's been. He thought as Phoenix mentioned his old best friend, making his way over to the donut display to begin helping Alice put the order together. Clearly they are still friends... that's good. In all honesty, Levi was happy that they were still friends. Still, he did feel a bit of resentment when she mentioned his name. Thomas had once been Levi's closest friend but it seemed that when the two of them left Sanctuary that it was impossible to stay in touch for one reason or another. His mind began to wonder why Thomas kept in touch with Phoenix and not Levi... Tommy has been back in town a lot longer than you have, idiot. He reminded himself, pushing the thought away.

Finished boxing up the two donut orders, Levi turned to help Alice with the coffees now, scarcely making eye contact with Phoenix as she raved on about Barney and Tommy. She did get a light chuckle out of him though with her last statement regarding his old friend. "Sounds like he hasn't changed much, hmm?" He turned and made eye contact with her now, handing over the food and coffee as Alice went into the kitchen to grab a blueberry muffin to complete the order. "It's good to see ya, Nix. Looking as radiant as ever too." He brought his smile back again, not letting his bruised ego take over his naturally friendly and playful personality. "Listen, er..." He moved out of the way as Alice brought in the muffin and began to package everything together neatly. "If you'll be at the festival later, I'd love to catch up." His tone was a bit more serious now, less playful than he had been all morning. "It's been too long." His blue eyes held her gaze for a moment before his playful smirk came back. "I bet I could still beat ya in a game of basketball toss too." He laughed a bit and then reached into the display to grab out something he knew she would enjoy - the perfect sugar cookie. "I've got to run to pick up some things from the clinic for my pop, but here. The whole order is on me this time." He handed her the sugar cookie and turned to head back into the kitchen so that he could exit through the back door. "Alice, I was going to say for you and Nathan to take the rest of the day off once my dad gets here, go enjoy yourselves. My dad and the afternoon crew will take care of everything." He paused and took one last glance over at Phoenix, "Nix, meet me for a sunset ferris wheel ride, would ya?" Without waiting for her answer, for both the exciting suspense of it all and also not wanting to be let down if she rejected him to his face, Levi disappeared through the kitchen doors, grabbed his helmet from the counter, and left the cafe.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kat Theodora

Closing the refrigerator door, Kat sighs, and giggles. "I can't believe I did that."

Her first foray into town, and she actually went up to the chief of police. And its sheriff? Kat pauses, frowning. Could one person be both?

Now that she'd gotten her immediate issue over, it was just the question of what was she going to do for the rest of the afternoon?

"It would be weird if I don't go now, right?" she asked. "Seeing how I just found out about it?"

And just what was a 'night market'?

She pauses, taking a glass from the cupboard and filling it with cold water, then gulping it down thirstily after turning off the tap.

Okay, it wasn't too far, and maybe those other people disliked her shorts or something. There were a couple of dresses, time to see what she could put together.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Looking down at his watch, he sighed. Two o’clock rang out to him as a sour candy tingling in your mouth. Dryness was behind his lips as he gathered the items that he needed from his work truck. Gathering the usual training outfit, he wore a black long-sleeve shirt with the yellow letters S.P.D. and his tactical pants and boots. Carrying them over to one of the porta potties in the area, Tommy decided to change into his training outfit for the police department as he went into the dunk tank.

After a few minutes, he was all ready to go as he began to string the laces up and tie the boots to his lower legs. He was securing everything. Socks and all. The man wasn’t comfortable wearing swimming trunks or being shirtless in the eye of the public. People didn’t need to see their chief and sheriff shirtless…

The man exited the moveable bathroom before dusting off his long sleeve shirt that complimented his athletic frame while he moved back to the police department booth. One of the squad members and he began to chat for a few minutes as he began to make his way over to the tank even more. Why did he feel so nervous? Tommy had no clue but he was.

Climbing up to the secure seat of the dunk tank, he sat down and he sighed while leaning back. Looking up into the air before looking down underneath him. The bottom of his boots were just touching the surface of the water and he began to allow his legs to swing as he waited for the inevitable to happen — someone was going to pick up one of the three softballs and whip it at the target. Placing a hit and making him fall into the icy water beneath. Ice-filled water during such a hot day sounded nice to a point. It was going to be a shock, he knew it would be, but he agreed to this.

It was about ten minutes after two o’clock when he climbed up into the dunk tank and not a moment later a child was already trying to dunk him. Each throw was a failure and he tried a few times before giving up. The chief tried to give the kid words of encouragement which made the kid flush out of shyness and the mom told him to tell the sheriff thank you. Another officer stepped in and gave the child a sticker.

Location Sitting in the dunk tank at the police department booth
Time Afternoon, beginning of festival
Mood Nervous
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eli ran a hand through her hair and put her head down on the desk she was sat at. She had spent the last three days organizing her arrival. It had not taken too long to unload the few things she had taken. Clothes, some personal items, some utility items. Most of her things reminded her of a time she was trying to forget so she had traveled light. But there were other things to do. She had had to change the address on her ID, stock up the empty house with groceries, sweep and dust the entire building, gas up her car, buy some new clothes so she wouldn't have to just wear things that now had Helena written all over them. She had had multiple calls with her parents, some just about herself (they had insisted on checking in on her every day for the past week) and some to be in the clear about her living in this rental house now. Luckily their land lord was alright with it and at least for the time being Eli did not have to worry about paying rent, water or electricity. Her parents would continue to be billed for that.

A tinge of guilt ran across her chest right where her heart sat. She had caused them so much trouble. In her youth and now. And she had never been given a reason to cause them such heartache. They had been as perfect as parents could be. It's in the past. It won't happen again. She scolded herself for thinking about it, being hung up over it and for ever having disappeared from her family's life like that. She missed her parents dearly but she'd be damned if she let them know just how desperate she was for some parental love right now. With a heavy sigh she lifted her head from the desk and trained her eyes on the laptop in front of her once again.

A few websites were open alongside a word document. She had researched about the annual summer festival of her own small town but come up mostly empty. Apparently there wasn't all too much info on the history of the town to be found online. Of course they had a website; that is to say the mayor's office and the city hall had a website offering up appointments and some information about the town. Events were listed in a specific section of the website, including the festival. Other entries about the festival that could be dug up online were mostly social media posts of residents or people who had visited the town during the annual festival as well as some meager blog posts.

What am I supposed to write that hasn't been written 14 times already.... She knew that was the wrong way to look at it. While once her journalism was meant to bring new, revealing and important information to people, this was not that. It was more of a spotlight entry; just write about how the festival was, mention a few of the attractions, bring across the good mood, stop hoping a murder would take place just so your article would have something of more interest to grapple. Eli closed her eyes and ran her hand through her hair once more. You're fucked up.

She slammed the laptop close and looked at the clock. "Oh shit!" With haste Elliot jumped up from her chair and grabbed her jacket. She threw it on, stuffed her phone and keys into her pocket and hurried down the stairs to get to her car.

It was nowhere near 2pm. The festival was not about to open for another two hours. But Elliot had wanted to spend some time watching people build up the festivities. It might not have been important, it might give her one-two throwaway sentences in her article. But she felt more like a real journalist if she went early.

It was a fifteen minute ride in her car until she was met with the first road block and had to continue on foot. Of course the festival grounds were not open to visitors just yet, not officially anyway. Elliot clipped her little "press" sign to her jacket and wandered onto the grounds, watching as people set up their booths.

By the time two o'clock was ticking closer, Elliot was thoroughly bored. The highlight of the day so far had been the chief of police injuring his big toe while seemingly being flustered by the woman who organized this whole thing. To her knowledge this was Jewel Navarro, the mayor's assistant. A personality she was sure she'd run into often. The brunette seemed to exist at every corner of the festival at once but seemed to pop out of reality whenever Eli played with the thought to get a comment from her about the organizational aspect of it all. She wondered if Jewel had been in town for long as Elliot had no recollection of her name or appearance, so she was fairly certain she had not grown up around here.

As Eli stood leaning against a wall of a booth, resting her feet as much as possible, her eyes wandered across the many displays ready and waiting for happy costumers and festival-goers. A soft smile played around her lips and her heart grew fonder. She had been to many events in many places, mainly New York, and could safely say: All of them could easily take the cake over this little get-up. With the exception that this was home. Memories of her childhood visits to the festival played like a dia-show in her head. She had always appreciated this event. The petting zoo, the many sweet, the laughter and happiness of a town coming together. Oh and of course the Ferris wheel! She made a quick note with her pen that this year's Ferris wheel had arrived spectacularly late. She wasn't sure if it was worth mentioning, but it likely was the only thing different from all the other years.

Fifteen years ago she had been nineteen. The annual summer festival had started right when she was college-bound. And yet, she somehow managed to attend almost every single year. Not due to her own care though. Her parents had insisted her and Silas would show up around this time of year, preferably for a whole week or longer, and they had dragged the two adult children to the festival every year they could. Of course, the last five years Elliot had not been home. It pained her to think the first time she'd come home after such a long time, their ritual was no longer happening. Her parents were somewhere in Greece at the moment, touring the world, and her brother... she had not yet talked to him but she was sure her parents had informed him about having been in contact lately. Silas would wait for her to call, she was sure. And she had not yet managed to face the music.

As the place begin to gradually fill, Elliot sunk into the shadows a little more. She saw many faces she didn't know but all too many she clearly recognized. Her elementary math's teacher Mrs Gooding, the old couple from three streets down with the tall tree in their backyard, the lady with the nasal pronunciation, Janet or Jeanie, who worked at the supermarket. She saw her next-door neighbors and made a wide birth to avoid them. She really didn't need someone bringing up her past fence-hopping right now.

By two-fifteen Elliot noticed she needed a coffee to get through this day. Painful as it was, she longed to reintegrate into the home town she had known all her childhood. She just hoped people wouldn't remember her missteps too much.

Location Wandering about the festival grounds
Time Beginning of festival
Interactions None
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As the festival began and people started to fill the streets where all the rides, games, and booths were set up. The doctor decided to stand up with the little amount of coffee he still had in his styrofoam cup. Gulping down the last of it before throwing it into the bin and walking away from the soothing sitting park. Making his way into the crowd of people, Archer already found himself in conversation. People were curious about why he chose to work in a little town like Sanctuary. The individuals he was talking to at the moment referred to him as a city doc.

Only being able to lightly laugh at the comments or references they used to refer to him. He definitely was known as a city boy with a big house and a big job in this town. Always being the humble individual he is or at least how he is in public, Archer thanked them for their feedback and was able to walk away from the conversations in an attempt to enjoy the festival that was around him.

Already spotting a handful of families and a ton of other people while walking around. He was scooping to see what Sanctuary had for population-wise, especially individuals who would come out for things. This was a way smaller area than Charlotte, North Carolina. Charlotte was the place that he lived and studied in during his bachelor's degree before transferring up to the northern area of the U.S. and grabbing an internship while working on his master's in Baltimore Maryland. The man found him working on his doctorate in a teaching hospital where he was working under another trauma surgeon and also teaching interns himself.

Someone approached him and he began talking to them. They were curious as to why he moved to Sanctuary and this individual did not have the best intentions while speaking with the doctor. A comment that showed that not everyone in the town was welcoming to new people but he barely had to try to keep that smile on his face. A warm and welcoming tone stayed consistent throughout the whole conversation even if it seemed to piss the individual off. Once the conversation was going to an end, the individual left Archer with a, “You should’ve stayed where you came from,” comment, and Archer nodded his head in response. Telling the man to have a good day and maybe he would see him again.

Turning on his heel, he sighed, since he knew there were going to be quite a few people that had that man’s mentality. The mentality of not trusting doctors or people from large cities. He added quite a bit onto Archer’s plate of thought for he needed to be careful with some of the townsfolk. They seemed to be on edge when speaking with him and that guy was probably the worst yet. The man wasn’t anything compared to what he had to deal with in the bigger cities.

During his first few weeks in his internship in Baltimore, he found himself in a lockdown situation and he had to help police find an active shooter in the hospital. An active shooter then came in for medical help and quote on quote, did not like what the so-called professionals were trying to do. Those so-called professions were Archer and two others, they were doing their best, but he came to a place of help and really didn’t want help at all. The man had some mental issues and one of the nervous people who was a very religious individual from South America stated the man had “demons” in him. Archer was somewhat of a religious man himself even if he wasn’t open about it or in practice, his grandmother was a god-fearing woman who went to church every Sunday to praise the lord. She was Christian and she loved the religion so much. Bringing her grandchildren along each and every time. It was pleasant memories in the church and listening to the music. It reminded him of his grandmother a bit, she would have probably said the same thing.

Archer has been stabbed by mentally ill patients in the ER before. Harassed. Attacked. The list could go on and on with the things that he could tell about his past in North Carolina, Maryland, and New York City. There were a few times that he had to physically restrain patients and one time he clocked a guy to knock him out. It was not the best way and he was written up for the ordeal though if his overseer actually was doing their job properly, Archer would not have had to take physical means as a solution.

The doctor has a few scars from working in the trauma center though it doesn’t make him shy away or any more nervous than he naturally was which isn’t much at all. A mother walked up to him and began to explain that she has an appointment on Friday in the afternoon. How her son and daughter are excited to finally go to the doctors for one of the first times in their lives and her son was looking around eight and the daughter about five or six. Archer couldn’t help the bits of concern that blew through his gentle look since he had so many questions. Were they vaccinated? Did they survive chicken pox? How have they not really been to the hospital before? A general check up annually? All these thoughts process through his brain within seconds and he sighed in a more content way while showing a warmer smile. Telling her that he will try his best to make their experience a good one. Once he goes back to the hospital tonight, he would check to see what they have for children. If they didn’t have much, he would go out and buy children-based bandaids. The ones with princesses and cartoons all over them. Maybe a bag of lollipops and small toys from the dollar store or something. Something that kids would enjoy.

Leaving that conversation, he was looking at all the rides and everything else, and he couldn’t help but notice how a certain individual looked on the dunk tank. He wasn’t going to dunk the sheriff, but he internally wished that man good luck as he passed. Going over to another game. A fish game. Archer was watching everyone participate and deciding if he wanted to participate as well.

Deciding that he needed another drink in his hand first. The man went over to one of the food trucks and ordered a freshly squeezed lemonade that had watermelon in it as well. It tasted amazing and he paid the worker and thanked them. Going back over to the fish game and deciding if he really wanted a pet fish or not. A fish wasn’t a bad pet to have and would keep the man a little bit of company in his large house. A large house that felt extremely empty because it was.

Then he went on to pay for a pitcher of balls and he began to play the game.

Location Festival, Fish Game
Time Start of Festival, around 2 PM
Mood Curious
Interaction Random townsfolk who are curious in him
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I know Ma, I knoooooowww..." Levi turned away from the disappointed face of his mother as she stood with her arms crossed in the entryway hall. She didn't have to say it, Levi could tell from the look on her face that she was wondering how he still had stacks of boxes to unpack that were taking up room in his new house. He sighed, walking into the kitchen to grab the little bag of medication he had picked up on his way home for his father. It wasn't like he was being lazy, it had been so busy at the Cozy Bear! And he had already unpacked so much...

"Levi, It's been two months. What is all this? Do you need help?"

Levi returned to the entryway with the little white bag and handed it to her. "No, no, no, no, no." He quickly answered, "It's fine, Ma. I'll get it done." His mom raised a brow at him as she tucked the bag of medicine away into her purse, clearly not buying it. Levi laughed then, "I will! I swear, next time you see the place. Tip top shape. It'll be spotless." He grinned back at her, feeling almost like a kid again as she shook her head and cracked the faintest smile.

"Mmmhm, I'm sure... Thanks for picking these up. I'll see you later, have fun at the festival... but not too much fun. You've got to work bright and early, remember."

Levi fought the urge to roll his eyes at her. It was as if she had forgotten Levi had been taking care of himself and handling his job just fine on his own in California. He was a grown man! Just because he didn't clean up at the speed she would have liked didn't mean he was irresponsible! Going from almost never seeing your parents to seeing them every day was going to be.... interesting.

"Oh, hey," Levi's mom paused as she opened the door to leave, "How come you didn't tell anybody I was coming back to town? I saw Nixie at the cafe and she had no idea."

His mother furrowed her brows at him and held a playful smile of her own this time, "Levi, am I supposed to take care of your friendships for you too? How come you didn't tell them? That's your job, kid." She laughed a bit before heading out through the front door. "See you tomorrow!" She waved at him as she got into her white Subaru Outback.

Levi thought on what she said as he headed upstairs to shower and change out of his work clothes. He knew she was right, he shouldn't have relied on his mom to tell everyone he was returning. He had just been so busy... it was easy to forget! Plus, who really cared that he was back in town except for his parents? That was evident in the welcoming he received from Phoenix. He hadn't had much communication with anyone here in years, so he didn't blame her, but that didn't mean it didn't sting.

When Levi was finished showering he looked through his closet and wondered what sort of outfit he should wear. He wasn't exactly the "flashy" type, so being the casual guy he was, he threw on some jeans, a white tee, and a light hoodie. Despite it being summer, Sanctuary could get frigid at night due to being so high up in the mountains. Not to mention that the heat here was nothing in comparison to a California summer, the light hoodie wouldn't phase him at all in this weather. Returning downstairs, Levi grabbed his motorcycle helmet and headed out back towards the festival.

Parking around back of the cafe again, Levi dropped his helmet off inside the kitchen once more and then walked himself over to where the main action was happening for the festival. He walked aimlessly for some time as he browsed all of the booths, games, and food trucks that were set up. Walking around the festival felt nostalgic to Levi, despite the missing group of friends that he normally ran around with during high school. It felt good and odd to be back at the same time. Sanctuary was a beautiful place, but at times he questioned whether or not he had made the right choice for his future. Unsure of what exactly his plan was today, besides his possible sunset ferris wheel ride, Levi decided he needed a drink and ordered a Dos Equis amber ale from one of the food trucks. Just as they were handing the drink to him, Levi noticed a familiar face sitting on top of a dunk tank.

"No fuckin' way." He said under his breath, staring in amusement and disbelief as he rushed himself to be the next person in line to try their hand at the dunk tank. "HA!" Levi dramatically laughed out loud as he got closer, a big smile on his face. Thomas Fischer! His old best friend, now sheriff, sitting atop the tank. Levi watched as Thomas talked to a child who was unable to hit the target, his friend not yet noticing him. He took a sip of his beer before he stepped up as the next in line, setting down his beer in exchange for a softball. Tossing the softball up and down in his hand, he patiently waited for Thomas' full attention. The softball was bigger than he was use to, but he was confident he could still get the job done. Unluckily for Thomas, Levi had played baseball in both high school and college. A pitcher, no less.

Finally, as Thomas turned his head to look at the next person in line, Levi's smile lit up even more with glee. He was absolutely giddy! "Hey there, old friend." The playfully evil tone was evident in his voice and his facial expression. "Remember me?" He tossed the ball up and down into his palm in a menacing fashion, enjoying every second of it. "It's been a WHILE!" With the last emphasized word, Levi skillfully chucked the softball as hard as he could towards the target. The softball clanged loudly against the metal target - BULLSEYE! Thomas was sent into the water immediately and Levi erupted with child-like laughter, along with some of the rest of the gathering crowd.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

At first, he did not hear the swearing man and kept to his own thoughts as he looked at the ice bobbing up and down in the water below. It was something that distracted him for the time being. Distracting till he heard a louder noise that sounded like a forced laugh at first and it caught his eyes. A familiar face. A familiar face… It felt like a semi-truck hit the man full force right in the chest. An uneasy feeling altogether. There was a fine line between wanting to hug the man and punching him.

Then he felt sick to his stomach when the thought came to his mind, Nixie… and for some reason, he looked around the festival quickly to see if he could spot the red-headed woman. She was nowhere in sight for the moment and his eyes went back to Levi’s face.

Watching as the man approached and stood up in line to throw the softballs. It might not have been obvious but Tommy was purposefully trying not to look at Levi for the first part of realizing that he was approaching. Then he had to. He wasn’t going to leave. Why did he want him to leave? He didn’t. Did he? His heart was beating so quickly in his chest, he felt like the organ was playing his ribs like a piano. Frozen in thought while his eyes scanned up to Levi’s and locked on. All of this emotion and Tommy was not projecting any of it. A stoic expression.

Hey there, old friend.

Those words stung when he remembered how Levi never returned any of his calls, text messages, or emails the whole time he was gone. His brows furrowed and he stayed quiet while letting that mischievous tone ring in his ears.

Remember me?

This caused him to panic internally. Remember me? Those words stung in so many different ways he didn’t know which mental and emotional location to lock onto. Thomas remembered all the good days and all the bad times within seconds. Every time he and Levi got in trouble together or did something stupid. When they were climbing trees and playing tree wars Tommy fell and broke his arm and Levi ran to get help. Every time they got caught skinny dipping. Talked to by the police. Got into fights in school with other kids. Everything.

Everything was flooding back in and then he remembered Nixie. All those memories. Each time he stayed up late with her on or off the phone. Each tear she shed for the man in front of him. How her face would get red and her eyes would be puffy. How she would pour everything out on the issues they were having and how they affected her. How Levi thought his behavior was nice and kind.
Every good memory with Levi had a corresponding one that was bad in Tommy’s eyes. A part of his chest stung while he thought about how upset Nixie would get over their mutual friend. His best friend. He wasn’t sure if he was happy to see him or not. His hand began to shake a little and he hid the shakiness with his other. Holding onto himself as he was trying to cope with all these emotions at once.

Aah…” Was the only thing that Tommy could get out of his lips before he felt the shock of ice water. Gasping from the initial shock his body went completely under and everything became soaked with the hose water on his body. For a second, he didn’t force himself up right away like the average person would since he felt like he needed to cool off and not be seen by Levi. He wanted to hide for some reason. Then he stood up and the ice water was up to his lower chest. Hearing how the water moved and the ice clashed together and against the metal tank. Oh god…

This was a shock. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, and he could only pray that the man wouldn’t be back in town leading on Nixie. Stroking a handful of fingers through his hair as he reset the dunk tank. “Aah didn't reckon ya would ever come back to town,” Thomas climbed back up onto the seat and looked over to his old friend with a warmer smile than he thought he could offer. He was happy. He was. It…


What was it…

Aah thought ya were too cool for us after ya left,” Referencing how the man never tried to keep in contact. It was disappointing. He wished they did. If they did, he probably wouldn’t have gotten so close to Nixie and so protective, especially with all those memories. The only thing that he truly knew was that he didn’t know if he could handle seeing Nixie cry over Levi again.

What was it one might ask? Thomas Fischer wasn’t the pushover he was when he was a kid. He already felt a small fire inside at the thought of Levi playing with the heartstrings of Nixie’s like a harp without any care. He was somewhat angry about the past. I hope he has changed…

Location Sitting in the dunk tank at the police department booth
Time Festival Time
Mood Mixed feelings
Interactions @The Muse
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Festival Grounds
Time: 2pm
Interactions: None



The squabbling of two siblings echoed throughout the grounds, both of their angry silhouettes hovering over the broken remains of a guitar. The poor instrument's neck was splintered, the strings all snapped, and there was a precarious hole in its yellow body. It didn't look like a stick thin young woman had tripped with it, rather it looked more a freight train had hit the damn thing.

"YOU KILLED HIM, EM! YOU KILLED JERRY! HE'S GONE!" the redhead brother fiercely pointed a long finger down at the wreckage.

"AND WHAT ABOUT ME, ZACK? MY KNEES HURT! I'M PROBABLY BLEEDING! ALSO STOP NAMING YOUR STUPID GUITARS!" the young brunette defensively pointed at her brother, a fire nearly radiating out of her eyes.

"...I am more important than your guitars, right?"

Her voice broke at that last sentence, and suddenly the fire was out, replaced by a quivering ocean that threatened to spill out. Em sniffed helplessly before starting to rub her eyes. Zack was struck like lighting by a guilt he had felt numerous times before. His sister always did have a knack for making people feel terrible, even if it wasn't their fault. 'Damn her and her stupid puppy dog eyes...' he thought to himself with a shake of his head.

"Okay, okay... yeah. You're right. It's just a guitar. It was just Jerry. I'm sorry I yelled at you."

He spoke more calmly this time while bending over and collecting Jerry's corpse from the sidewalk. Solemnly, the musical cadaver was placed back into back of his father's truck, parked near the festival ground entrance. It used just to be a hauling truck, but with a little conversion and technical know-how, Zack had turned into a mobile stage and storage area. Silently, he put a hand on Jerry and said a few words of remembrance to his ol' faithful honkytonk special. Hopefully he'd make it to Rock N' Roll Heaven or whatever was out there in the great beyond. Behind him, Em rubbed her knees and made sure she wasn't actually bleeding. Besides a few tears in her jeans and an aggravating burning sensation, she was fine. Good enough to keep going at the festival.

"...So, what are we going to do about the show?" she questioned her brother, wiping dirt off her clothes.

"Ehhh, I mean I still have the acoustic! We'll make it work." he replied enthusiastically back to her while digging through the truck and dragging out the battered case that contained his acoustic guitar.

"Oh... I forgot to put the acoustic back in the case. I was... practicing..." Em uttered hesitantly, backing away slowly from her older brother.

"WHAT?!" Zack snapped back at his sister while his fingers fumbled with the case's latches. Prying the lid open, there was nothing there, an empty musical casket layered with dust. There was a twitch in his brow as he turned to face his sister, a dumbfounded, furious look plastered across his visage.

"WHAT ARE WE GONNA GO DO, EM? YOU KILL JERRY AND YOU FORGET HALLE? I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" he uttered, starting on his feet to chase down his little sister.

Em was already running full sprint, her feet dancing across the green grass into the crowd with Zack in tow, the Snype siblings already causing havoc at the peaceful festival. Being more lithe and dexterous, Em ducked and weaved through the crowd easily, where her taller, bulkier brother was on a crash course to knocking someone down at this rate, a red blur trying but failing to follow all of his sister's movements. He'd get her though, one way or another!
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After leaving the Cozy Bear Cafe, the Russian man glanced up at the sign to remember the name. He enjoyed his short time in the building even if it did not appear that way. Walking down the street, he passed the empty sitting park. Only escaping conversation with the doctor by a few minutes as he continued to walk. The man knew that the festival was not starting till afternoon but he decided to walk through the whole thing anyways. Checking out the setup process and what everyone was doing.

Two children bumped into him, literally, as the one fell off their bike and Moxi’s brows knitted together as he looked at the child. The child looked terrified of the unknown man. “I-I I’m sor —” The kid seemed to be tripping over their words as they didn’t know how to apologize to the Russian.

Somewhat interrupting the child, “Do you trrruly mean zat apology? If not. Stop talking,” This caused an awkward interaction to happen between him and the two children. They stared at each other for what felt like forever. Why are these children not around their parents? Glancing around to see if there might be people staring at them. Some indication of parents being by. Nothing. Nothing at all. Biting the inside of his cheek as he looked back to the child who was picking up their bike.

Vatch out next time. Yeah? People don't like being bumped in knee,” The man stated as he took a drink of his tea. The child nodded their head before jumping on their bike and riding away with a yes sir. Moxi knew he had to try to be nice to the people of Sanctuary for multiple reasons even if he felt like he didn’t belong.

Deciding to walk back to his condo the man found himself relaxing on the balcony like always. Enjoying the fresh air mixed with a cancer stick as he pulled smoke out. Smoking to smoke. A bad habit. Probably one of his better behaviors overall, sad to say.

The festival began to start and he decided that he would walk back down to downtown, so he could check it out. The Russian man found himself quickly in a crowd of people. Being slightly shoved as everyone was excited and it was an uncomfortable stance to be in. Puffing on another cigarillo.

As someone bumped into him, he leached forward and groaned with displeasure as he decided that was enough and he flicked the ending part of the cigarillo to the ground and put it out under the tip of his foot. Under those shiny dress shoes that he wore. He decided that it was too busy to attempt to smoke and he swore that he already saw a sign that said no smoking area, probably put up by that idiot sheriff.

Talking about the idiot, Moxi found himself about thirty feet away with people passing in the crowd. He could tell that the sheriff was processing something while that familiar face from the cafe began to talk to the other man. One seemed way more excited in this interaction than the other. Pathetic… was what crossed his mind as he got bored and decided to move on with his life.

A few steps were taken before he almost ran into someone and tensed up. For someone who was in the business of the illegal world and being so social and calm in those aggressive and threatening situations — Moxi was anything but internally calm inside amongst the group of townsfolk.
The man moved around the person he almost ran into without saying a word and continued to travel around the festival as he got to an outskirt. An edge that he felt comfortable in and did not appear to be busy which was by one of the alleyways in between the buildings. He watched as the crowd moved and swayed in between games and booths. Everyone looked happy in some way shape or form. People were laughing. He felt like the odd one out. He knew no one and he wasn’t the opening-up type.

It reminded him of the schoolyard in Russia when his parents moved him from public school, away from all his friends, into a private school. Then his parents decided to send him away. Boarding school… It brought similar emotions and did that mean he cared to be recognized slightly in the eyes of these people? It must. Moxi knew he was going to be here for a long time, most likely. He should get comfortable while he is here and get some kind of fun out of it.

He noticed the game that was about forty feet in front of him. Two people were on each side. Each of them was taking turns throwing a hacky-sack type of thing. They had different colors and they seemed to be aiming for the hole in the middle of the board. A part of him wanted to play it. Then he realized he didn’t even know what the name of it was. The point system. And he most likely needed a partner. “I need another…” Was his reaction to his thoughts as he pulled out another cigarillo and began to drag on it after the initial light. The Russian man only smoked when he was stressed and sometimes casually, so he was stressed because of socializing at this festival. It felt stressful even though he was standing there doing nothing.

Location Near the cornhole game
Time Festival
Mood Stressed
Interactions None
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Festival grounds


Talie headed back to her home for a break as the festival was long, breakfast was nice but she needed some time to chill. Plus she needed to call her Brother, he had kept her sane even though her parents had her swearing even at the thought of them. "Kurva" Muttering under her breath even as put away the plates from the dishwasher.

"Jan, Jan i know you can hear me" she called happily over the sound of a dropping tool. "You idiot , you're one of the few good people In this family. Be careful." Laughing slightly as she chastised him, they were the faults but Talie always saw him somewhat as her little brother. He was 6'6, could pass for Thor with tied back blonde hair and could manual labour all day without tiring but she knew him far deeper and the real Jan. "Come on, how's things" Her voice softened and they soon fell into Polish, her grandfather taught them both and they kept the tradition going.

Her brother was a contradiction, painfully shy and despite that, highly confident and could repair a vintage truck and diagnose it just based on engine noise and trust he was right. She just hoped he met a nice woman, or at least kept up with his friends and so, he deserved some good luck.

The time to return to the festival was rapidly approaching, putting her dress back on and checking carefully in the mirror she had not caught it on anything. Talie even had gone to bother of doing her makeup more than normal, might as well least make a decent impression. Her phone had not rang and things seemed to be going smoothly. Maybe too smoothly…

Making her way to the festival was a challenge this time, the traffic was far worse and she even had to turn her music down to concentrate. It seemed the entire town was out and finding parking was a real challenge,

Talie did not envy anyone who had to keep everything running, one office was enough work. A shooting game caught her eye as she passed and there was no one to win her a cuddly bear this time around. Paying a small sum in cash she took the air rifle giving it an experimental look, the barrel and stock was straight but no doubt there would be some trick to the stall holder's advantage. "Little to the left…" Getting a satisfying ping to her success, her second shot striking a duck and a 3rd knocking down what appeared as a disturbed Smurf someone made by hand.

The second attempt was only a little more successful so I gave up finding other entertainment and things to explore. She did see the tall doctor from earlier wandering about too though was unable to catch him with more than a polite good afternoon. The crowds were too busy. Not all the people were as friendly to a newcomer to town though. It was like they could see into you and know if you were here for x generations. Kinda spooky. Talie shook the thought off and relaxed, she was assigned here and they would have to deal with it.


Reaching the dunk tank by meandering route, coffee in hand and carrying a paper bag of sweet treats. There was water on one side but not the other and a police officer who seemed to be entirely enjoying it. "Howdy Sheriff, I thought you might need a treat" bringing out an almost perfect replica of a doughnut off the Simpsons. She had a whole bag which the other officer was probably eying up and handed them out knowing it was inevitable they would ask ."Though I failed to win the bear and only got a rubber duck for shooting deformed Smurfs… I'm better with a shotgun" Talie grumbled and pouted slightly.

Her phone buzzed in her bag though it went unnoticed as she spoke, the work phone. But she was distracted.

Then Levi approached and got the impression they knew each other though it might not always be in a good way, avoiding a dunking splash by virtue of the clear wall even as an officer who pulled her slightly out of the way on reflex despite the "Safe" side. She had brought doughnuts for them.

*buzz buzz* The noise of the work phone was lost in all of the cheering of the dunk. Levi and the Sheriff had a history for sure. Raising an eyebrow at Levi, if he got her good dress wet, she might have found a creative use of rocks or a rock hammer. Her wardrobe needed improvement as it was. Academically of course.

*Buzzzzzzz* Came again but had no reply. Manuel would go unnoticed.

@Zora@The Muse
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Noticing that someone else was approaching, a familiar face, and it was his noon-coffee buddy, Talie. Offering a faint and warm smile. He was familiar with this individual and he found himself being relaxed around her in a similar way he was able to relax around Nixie and his coworkers. People that he knew allowed him to give off a better vibe than the one that he expressed when interacting with Jewel. That was embarrassing.

Before the man could reach down and appreciate the offered donut, he was dunked and as he threw shade to the man and climbed back onto the seat. He was able to give Talie the attention she deserved, “Aah didn't git ya wet did aah?,” That faint and warm smile stayed on his face when it came to Talie as he slowly ignored the man who threw the softball and hit the target.

He really appreciated the offer of donuts. The realization kicked in that the man did not eat anything and hadn’t had one thing today. It was after two and he was starving himself. You cannot keep doing this… was the thought that crossed his mind. Those words were stated about a week ago by Nixie herself. He needed to remember them and actually force himself to eat but some days he couldn’t. It was getting harder and harder for some reason.

The statement proceeded through his head even more. The one about deformed Smurfs and he began to laugh at the thought. A smile that showed his pearly whites appearing. He never thought of that carnival game in such a way but he was not going to unsee it. “They do look lak deformed Smurfs, don’t they?” Mainly speaking to himself as this realization hit him. Chuckling some more at the thought. How funny is that? He was going to play that game later and that would pop into his head.

Once aah'm off this forsaken seat, aah will try to win ya a bear 'n aah will have a donut. How about that? Aah'll put myself to shame if aah don't 'n it's a shootin' game,” That seemed like a fair deal. He couldn’t eat when people were throwing balls at the target and hitting. Tommy did not want to have to let all the water out of the dunk tank, clean it, and refill it because of a donut accident.

Stroking a handful of fingers through his hair again. He had to stay in this tank for at least thirty minutes, he promised his officers that he would do so. Maybe he would get back in it later?

Location Sitting in the dunk tank at the police department booth
Time Festival Time
Mood Happy
Interactions @PrinceAlexus
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

What a mildly pleasant day it is in Sanctuary,” strolling down the street while he admired the buildings of the town. They were all decorated for the 15th festival or at least all the ones in walking range of where the festival was being held. Almost missing it, he corrected his path around a roadblock. He has officially entered the festival and there were quite a few people. Naturally, he gazed around his environment and noticed little tweaks and fidgety behaviors that ran around the crowd.

Entering the swarm of people the doctor realized that some people needed more help than others with the conversations he could overhear. “Oh my…” Was his reaction to a certain conversation he heard a few older people having in the crowd? Lifting himself up on his tippy toes to see the individuals that the voices and conversations belonged to. AH! He thought as everything made sense. Luana Summers, an older lady has been coming to him for the past ten years since her husband died.

The man decided to proceed into a conversation with the lovely group of women. Complimenting their summer and festival dresses. As he was a charming man and they were quite charming women themselves, the conversation flowed like a river between them. Luan gave the man a kiss on the cheek upon greeting him like she usually did. The typical reaction of him presenting a friendly smile with a light blush. The woman introduced her friends, this was a handful of times that he has been introduced to them. She commented about his wonderful work as a therapist. “You flatter me! I am glad that you are feeling better compared to last week. I hope it continues,” He gently gave a squeeze to her shoulder before departing from the conversation and in the departure, they said their farewells and offered fortune in enjoying the festival.

What lovely women,” Doctor Fitkau mumbled to himself as he began to scan around the bend more. The games were laid out for everyone. The food stands. The whole presence of laughter and dopamine. What great fun! He couldn’t help that his smile grew and his cheeks turned jolly with a warming expression under that unique mustache of his.

Bumping into someone who was smaller than him, his expression lightened right away as he looked down to see a child who looked startled. “My apologies. Did I harm you in any way young sir?” He questioned as the child held the stick that had the lollipop which was in the child’s mouth. “That is quite fortunate of me, I guess Miss Luana has lucky farewells after all. Where are your parents?” The older man questioned since he realized the child was not holding onto anyone and no one around the child looked like they were trying to grasp them either. The child was awfully too young to be left alone in such a crowd.

The child shrugged as they kept enjoying their lollipop, “Let’s do this! Upsadaisy!” The older man picked up the child that looked to be around five and placed them onto his shoulders. “Now can you point out if you see your parents?” The child looked around quickly as he pointed in a direction. “Mama’s over there!” That was a quick fix.

As he adventures over to where the child said they spotted the mother, her face looked with many different emotions. She seemed to have anger, sadness, worry, stress, and relief being the last. “I’m so sorry! Anthony, you are not supposed to run off! I told you to hold onto me, I’m so sorry if he bothered you,” She could only feel the need to apologize and Fitkau chuckled at the reaction for the child was no bother. As he brought the kid from his shoulders and handed him over to his mother, Anthony was safe and sound.

I can assure you, he is no bother at all and I am glad we were able to find you so quickly, you might want to have a talk with him later,” Fitkau smiled at the child who seemed to smile back before becoming shy and hiding in the frills of their mother's dress. “Thank you. I appreciate it a lot and I can tell you, I will. Won’t we?” The mother seemed serious as she got her son’s attention and the little boy nodded. Fitkau gave his farewells to the duo before wandering around the festival even more than he had done.

Location Festival
Time Afternoon, Festival time
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reya hummed to herself as she walked from the tavern straight to the festival grounds, enjoying the fresh air and the warmth of sun on her skin. Luckily for her the tavern wasn't too far away from the heart of town, only a fifteen minute walk at most, and walking seemed like a better option than fighting over parking spots. Having planned ahead, Reya had brought her own change of clothing with her to the tavern so she could shower and get ready right there! Since the tavern was typically never at full capacity, Reya kept one room reserved for her own personal use just in case she needed to store anything or for special occasions such as today. This had come in handy more than a few times! For the festival she had decided to go with a simple outfit; high waisted short-shorts and an off the shoulder white shirt coupled with her favorite silver hoop earrings.

She had only one plan in mind for the festival - Martha's funnel cake! It was a necessity. Mandatory, in fact. If anything else grabbed her attention along the way then so be it, but she wasn't planning on anything else in particular. In truth, she was not sure how long she planned to stay at the festival. It felt wrong to go without her father, even though the past few years it felt pretty lonely even with him there. This was different, though, knowing he truly wasn't around any longer. The funnel cake would be as much for her as it was for her fathers memory.

Upon arriving at the festival, Reya passed by the dunk tank just as the local sheriff was sent into the water. She laughed along with the crowd, her eyes eventually finding the familiar face of the culprit responsible for the dunking - Levi Brooks. 'Of course.' She thought, unsurprised that he was the one to hit the mark. Levi had been one of the top players on the local baseball team and in turn that made him well known to the rest of the high school girls, much to his delight. She smiled and shook her head at the memory of how he flirted with her more than a few times at various high school parties they had come across each other at - usually at his parents house while they were out traveling the world somewhere. Levi took joy in making her blush, which he accomplished often. It had been some time since she had heard from him, but she made a mental note to stop in on the Cozy Bear to say hello when she was able.

Moving further down the street, Reya made a beeline for the exact spot where Martha's Bakery had a food truck set up every single year for their famous funnel cakes. Except....

Reya's walk slowed and her light brown eyes widened in horror as she arrived at the spot which was missing the key food truck. A whole line of food trucks around the street, and right in the middle was a gaping hole. A place where obviously a food truck was supposed to be, but it was nowhere to be found. Reya quickly surveyed the other food trucks lined up along the street. 'There's no way...' She thought, the jovial nature of her attitude for the day dissipating. She frowned when she was unable to find the food truck and began to wonder, outloud, what was going on. "Where the heck is the funnel cake?!"

"I know, right? I didn't hear about them going out of business or anything..." Another patron chimed in who had overheard her as he sat on a nearby picnic table, clearly waiting to see if the funnel cake would make an appearance. Reya scrunched up her face in a pout and folded her arms. This day was ruined! "Well that's just great..." She muttered to herself, standing there for a moment looking longingly at the empty space. What was she supposed to do now?

Sighing heavily, she shook off the disappointment and decided she would see if anything else caught her eye while she was here. Fortunately something did rather quickly at a nearby booth only a few stalls away from where Martha's food truck should have been. Glinting in the sunlight was one of the most beautiful amethyst crystal geodes she had ever seen! Reya approached the stall to browse the rest of the selection laid out on the table, making note that it was part of the local USGS team. She had seen their stalls every year as well and would sometimes purchase crystals or other pretty rocks they had for sale, but this amethyst was the most stunning one she had come across. The man at the booth she didn't recognize, but he smiled and waved at her while holding a cell phone to his ear. "Is this for sale?" She pointed at the crystal. The man looked down and then looked back up at her with a nervous expression on his face.

"Uhm, well..." His eyes darted past Reya and looked across the street, then back to the crystal, then to Reya. "I don't really... uhm... I don't really know." Reya furrowed her brows, wondering what he meant by that. The man quickly looked at his phone and redialed something, putting the phone back to his ear and looking past Reya once more. Turning, she followed his line of sight. Directly across from them was the dunk tank and a gathering group of people. She looked back to the stranger, "Is everything all right?"

The man sighed in an exasperated fashion and set his phone down hard on the table. "I'm sorry, I'm not supposed to be running this thing. It's..." He looked past her once more and pointed towards the gathering group of people. "It's my partner. She's over there, but she isn't picking up her phone! And I can't leave this stall." Reya followed his pointed finger again, looking at everyone in the group to see if she could identify another USGS employee. "She's the brown haired girl there, in the blue floral dress. You see her? If you could.. just... let her know, maybe? We'll sell the crystal to you at a discount!" Reya smiled at the mention of a discount. Sold!

Making her way back to the dunk tank, Reya was nearly run over by two red-headed maniacs chasing each other through the crowd of people. She barely made it out of the way as they sprinted in front of her, causing Reya to stumble backwards a few steps in order to make it out of their path alive. "What the hell?" Reya paused, watching the man chase the girl out in front until she realized who she was looking at. The Snypes siblings. Of course. Another notorious pair in town. Although Reya did not know the younger sister Emily very well, she did know all about Zachary. They had never been very close, but they often had the same classes together in high school. She'd never actually admitted it out loud, but Reya once had a massive crush on Zack in high school. She recalled the time that her father had discovered that Reya had written Zack's name with hearts all over her journal along with her own name paired his last name; Reya Snypes. Her father was not happy, especially because he had heard that Zack was the type to skip school and slack off at times. It was wildly embarrassing when her father sat her down and told her that was not the type of man she should be looking for and explained to her the type of man she needed instead. Not to mention her twin sister teasing her for the crush years later.

Moving on and throwing that memory back into the recesses of her brain, Reya ignored the two siblings and got back on track with her mission - get the discounted crystal! "Excuse me, miss?" Reya called out to the brunette whom she had never met before, dressed in the blue floral dress that the man had pointed out to her. "Do you work for the Geological Survey team? I think your partner is trying to get ahold of you?" She questioned, pointing across the street to the man at the booth who waved back in desperation.

Mentions:@Viciousmarrow, and Levi of course
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Upon hearing the words he was determining if she was being silly by calling him a spaceman in reference to Doctor Who or if she was calling him spaceman because he was no native to Sanctuary, Colorado, or the United States. It seemed to be a fifty-fifty reaction from the small people of Sanctuary if he was welcomed or not. Offering a polite smile as he threw another ball. “If a patient's friend runs into the operating room and yells at you, you have to stop. It's the Doctor's Code,” Archer teasingly said to test the waters on references towards the T.V. series as he stopped throwing the ball and put his attention on the red-headed woman.

His eyes found themselves on the ping pong ball, “It looks like you found yourself a free throw. You can throw a few more if you want. I don’t need a whole pitcher to myself,” offering for her to throw a few. He did not mind at all. There was about a seventy-five percent chance that the man was going to give the fish he won to some random kid. He was only playing the game because he enjoyed it and it reminded him of his childhood when his grandmother would take them to a local festival in Scotland except they had a few different things. You could win a lizard, a variety of easy freshwater fish, or a frog.

Hearing how two different fish could be so different to take care of, he glanced over to the fish bowls which a few had one kind of fish and a few had the other. Some had water. Some were empty. Chuckling at Bertie the Beta comment from her, “I can promise you that I would not get distracted about a fish, it would be horrendous if I did,” Laughing lightly with his own words because he could not imagine. Getting distracted by a fish in the middle of a trauma. That would be horrible for everyone involved. Disastrous.

Deciding that he could continue throwing, he grabbed one while he stepped over so the woman could grab at the ping pong balls comfortably as well. Tossing another one and he clearly tried listening to the woman. The ball went right into one that had a fish but popped out because he put too much force into it. “What is your name beta fish girl?” Teasing her about the fact that she seemed to lean towards the beta fish in conversation. The man has seen her around, she was pretty hard to miss with that vibrant red hair. He has never interacted with her or at least he couldn't remember if they had. Sometimes memories that included work were a blur on stressful days.

Location Festival, Fish Game
Time Start of Festival, around 2 PM
Mood Curious
Interaction @Almalthia
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Festival grounds. USGS Stall


Talie had taken a little time to get used to the Sheriff's accent though now she could translate without delay. Some had thicker local accents that she was not sure if they counted as English but the bulk she could understand. "All dry, i'm good" Talie gave a soft smile to the man who moved her out of the way if there was any splash. She threw him an extra doughnut in payment.

"A gentleman ensured I did not" Talie spoke softly and with a slight bit of mock accent from a period drama. Getting wet would not of made her day happy. Even less happy than running out of Coffee. Finally someone else saw it about the Smurfs, the person next to her had disagreed. "Smurfy, defeat Gargamel for me and win me a prize i deserved" Talie Joked as she was in a good mood and content. She felt safe and happy in the town for now. Her heart was lighter than when she was at her home town.

"Thank you, the game might be rigged but I still wanted to win. My Grandpa got banned for winning too much. I'd give you a kiss for luck but my makeups not waterproof!" Talie added a little more seriously. Her Grandfather taught her to shoot and he was good. She would never be that good probably. He just knew somehow. Teasing him a bit was kinda fun.

A simple outfit but a nicely dressed woman in casual style came up to her, she did not recognise the newcomer. The woman was sent over by Manny, her phone was in her bag, she could check if she missed any calls. "Kurva" She swore softly at the messages and missed calls she had listed all from Manny. Several missed calls, voicemail and texts.

Leaving the other officers the doughnut duty called though Manny had said he could handle the booth for a while. No one was as interested in rocks as cake. Much as she liked rocks, they had a point. Cake was cake. Funnel cake especially was a thing she would take over rocks. "Tak, i mean yes. I'm Natasza, Manuels Partner out here. I better save him." Talie gave an apologetic look towards Tommy checking her dress to make sure it was presentable. "Sorry, I have to go save Manny. Il talk to you later, win me a teady bear, i might be a little busy depending what's wrong" Talie the booth was a last minute job but they were only open till the afternoon and thought it would be pretry dead with the carnival on. They sold some excess items not needed and talked to people, answered questions more than serious business.

"We barely expected to wanted here. We only arrived a few weeks ago, plus I mean." Talie spoke to Reya who seemed to have joined her honestly. In all the bright carnival, games and so they were hardly stars of the show near Parks and so lacking a fun gimmick. "Finally Talie, ernough flirting, help me out abit. You wore your good dress." Acting more like his normal self though thankfully she had convinced to wear something less painted on but the man still had trousers on tighter than she wore and a shirt that really did not hide he regularly rode a trail bike. "I was just.. Doughnuts. I can dress up for no reason" Talie blushed slightly at teasing and gave a apologetic look to Reya once she got filled in. "I'll be back, I'll bring you a Coffee. As if i have to ask. No flirting n working." He added with a grin and got his revenge on her leaving before she could retaliate.

"What's your name? He is a character." Talie asked to be polite so could address her as more than someone while she looked at the price and box behind the stall, lowering herself carefully to find something and pulling out the second half with a grin. Her comment about her partner had no heat to it and was good natured.

"little game? I'll give you the whole geode for half on one if you can tell the real gold ore from the fool's gold?" Gesturing to a section of rocks they had a little box. Might as well make it fun for people plus she might know her rocks. Technically Talie was senior to Manuel though that was mostly on paper work more than anything as she had qualified before him. They mostly just worked together and that was that. The fact she was in charge was academic…unless Manny used it to his advantage.


@Zora@The Muse

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

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"Thank you, very much." Anastasia took a small cup from a man in a food truck labeled "Rockie's Ice Cream Parlor" and placed a five dollar bill into the tip jar. Inside the cup was an overflowing amount of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with two little pink spoons pressed into the top of the dessert. "Looks so good!" She complimented the food trucks handiwork, grinning despite knowing she would never be able to finish such a large amount of ice cream all to herself. Still, this had been one of the first enjoyable things she had experienced in weeks. Ice cream was her weakness.

Making her way over to a nearby bench underneath the shade of a pine tree, Ana tucked her blue dress neatly underneath her bottom and slowly began to chip away at her ice cream while she observed the rest of the festival from her quiet little corner. The atmosphere outside felt so nice, not at all humid like she was used to, and the people entering the festival seemed genuinely happy. Kids were laughing, parents were smiling, birds were singing, the sun was shining. Not much to complain about, it seemed. Still, her mind liked to wander back to Chicago. It was hard not to dwell, but she tried her best to redirect her thoughts elsewhere.

Ana's blue eyes quickly darted to her right as she heard the sudden eruption of screaming cut through the air, disturbing the peace. Her body tensed as her heart beat faster and she froze in search of the source of anger. Soon she found two red-headed individuals who appeared to be siblings, one of them was berating the other until the small girl took off and the brother chased after her. Ana let out the breath she had been holding on to and forcefully relaxed her body. 'It's nothing... relax.' She thought, focusing her eyes down on her ice cream as she took another bite.

Taken out of her own thoughts, Ana breathed in deep as she smelt a familiar aroma approach. A cigar. She looked up from her ice cream to find a man had decided to post up nearby one of the building alleyways, only a foot or two away from her bench. He wasn't currently smoking, but the smell followed him. She looked him over, noting his suit and the quiet demeanor. Handsome, too. She knew the type of man he was all too well. The smell of the cigar that lingered on his clothing was conflicting. It felt like home and yet it reminded her of the terrible times she had too. Old habits died hard...

Against her own rationality, Ana addressed him. "Are you looking for a quiet spot away from the crowd too?" She laughed a bit and offered him a warm smile, her golden blonde hair lightly flowing in the breeze as it passed through the trees. She looked back towards the crowd which seemed to grow larger by the minute. "It's a little over whelming." She paused and looked to her ice cream, still with one extra spoon sitting on top. "Want some?" She reached out to offer the cup of the ice cream to the stranger, pointing to the untouched spoon with her own spoon. "They must have assumed I was sharing with somebody. This is way too much!"

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