Lhoren Ashdale
Day 1 ◈ Time: Evening ◈ Weather: Light Rain ◈Location: Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom, Food Table ◈ Participants: Lhoren Ashdale @Silver Carrot, Raffaella Struna @Emeth, Kaspaan Mustaven @Deja◈ Mentioned: Wolfgang Weiss @Aeolian, Lady Penelope Upperton @Aeolian
Lhoren watched with anticipation as the spread was brought out, cart after cart. The sparse food table that had hitherto only contained nibbles was now adorned with extravagant and colorful plates of classic Lekëon cuisine. Many of these dishes were moreso associated with the food of the nobility, or were typically dishes of the Western Sky Isles. She recognised the few Eastern Isle dishes, however; Nectar fritters, honeyloaf slices, Pelloan-fried fowl, sunrise rolls with various savory fillings, glasses of peachade. It brought back memories of the festival food stalls of her childhood, and she gleefully took a plate and began piling it with food
The comnversations around her blended with the thoughts people were thinking around her making a cocophany of noise that barely seemed like sentences. Still, she could pick out the most common topics. Wonder at the food that had been brought out, curiousity at why Headmistress Minerva had to leave suddenly, people worried about how well they were dressed compared to each other despite everybody thinking everybody else was well dressed.
Somebody was either thinking or saying something about mind-readers, and Lhoren zeroed in on that to discover that two of her fellow House Ivar members were standing beside her. Raffaella and Kaspaan. Lhoren was always taken by surprise whenever she noticed Raff. It was uncanny how she could stay so close to you for so long without being noticed and very often, Lhoren couldn't even pick up her thoughts unless they pertained to her or a relevant topic, such as mind-reading. It wasn't that she was transparent or silent, just very hard to perceive or notice. Still, Raff always seemed surprised with Lhoren did notice her so her telepathy may give her an edge when it came to perceiving her.
The boy beside her, Kaspaan, was currently thinking about Lhoren's dress. Lhoren had been picking up that thought a lot from the boys so far. Especially the younger ones. It was tiring to hear a lot of them get rather unsavoury thoughts but it was nice to know that her efforts to dress up for the ball were being appreciated. It was hard not to secretly be a little vain when you can hear every time a person thinks you're pretty.
She listened to their conversation out of curiosity, hearing their internal dialogue as well as their spoken. When Kas mentioned that she would let them know if Raff is a mind reader, Lhoren looked over with a sly smile and a twinkle in her eye. Without opening her mouth, both of them would hear Lhoren's voice in their heads;
'She's not a mind reader'
Lhoren stifled a giggle as she turned away and left them to it. They seemed to be getting on well and she didn't want to intrude. Raff was shy and Kas was, appropriately, cold, so to see them both managing to get on well together was a nice thing to see. Lhoren picked away at her plate as she idly walked through the gradually filling ballroom.
Finally, Wolfgang flew into the air, marking that the Ball was about to officially be underway. He began addressing them. Lhoren only half-paying attention as she continued eating the food on her plate. He was too far away for Lhoren to hear his thoughts but even she could see that the speculation on the Headmistress' wherabouts slightly annoyed him. Lhoren herself had grown over the past year to develop the habit of ignoring any situation that doesn't directly concern her. Overhearing other people's drama and potentially life-altering secrets was almost a weekly occurence and she had fast learned it was far healthier to turn a blind eye to it all.
The announcement that Lady Penelope Upperton was their special guest, though. That was a surprise she cared about! Lhoren's eyes lit up and she started cheering and screaming with everybody else. Good surprises this big were a rare thing to be kept from her, but she was so glad she hadn't accidentally picked up on this! When the legend herself graced their prescence, floating down from the sky, Lhoren's cheers only got louder and her own eyes sparkled brighter. It was seeing Lady Penelope Upperton dance for the first time as a child of five that made Lhoren herself want to learn to dance, after all.
She had to find a partner to dance with if LPU was going to the one performing the music! She looked around for good dance partners, but most of them naturally already had partners of their own. Lhoren's smile started to fade slightly and her eyes began to dim, as she continued to scan the crowd. She was unlikely to find a partner before the first song started at this rate, but surely she'd find one to dance the rest of the songs, right?