Manny Ryi
Day 1 ◈ Time: Evening -> Night ◈ Weather: Light -> Moderate Rain ◈ Location: Artificer Workshop -> Ballroom Balcony
◈ @AlfhedilCorrine Marchesi ◈ @FrettzoLisa Goldheart ◈
Though her friend said not every event was like a Docking Festival, and Manny agreed, "dressing up in costumes, eating lots of food, dancing, and music" were all obvious Docking Festival things. She'd even seen the ballroom before and it had a big hole in the roof to let the bonfire smoke out. She was sure it'd be a little different of course, but it couldn't be that different. The ex-nomad had no idea what it was they were celebrating though, she hadn't seen any harder-than-normal work being done that deserved a party.
Putting curiosity off for later, Manny took Reiny's advice and used a pair of pliers to try and twist her copper segments into springs while the older girl cleaned up her station. Success was unfortunately quite limited, and the results were more zig-zag than coil and at most wobbly rather than properly bouncy. It did look cool though, it reminded Manny of lighting! Thus, instead of trying to fix them, she went about attaching them to the leafy mask.
"Ailmost goddit," the younger girl called when Reiny inquired about leaving together, and completed her project only a bit after the older girl was prepared to go. Putting her mask in the bag with the sewing kit, she swung it over her should and grabbed the older girl's waiting metal hand. As they exited the workshop together, the engineering student's casual manipulation of the metal rod into a fully functional umbrella had Manny reaching up to the lilac mark on her neck, the raised skin feeling similar to a callus. In truth, the young girl was very satisfied with her gift, but sometimes seeing the gifts of others had her wishing hers was also something she could do, rather than just be. Like having an extra liver when everyone else had an extra arm.
Manny quickly shook off the melancholic thoughts though as she always did and instead skipped alongside her friend, enjoying the sound of the slowly intensifying raindrops upon the tree leaves and metal umbrella. When they arrived at the Seraphine dormitories, she gave Mr. Puffy a farewell pat on the everything before dashing down the hallway towards her room, waving over her shoulder.
"Laist'un to th' bawl essa 'nemone!" she chirped.
- - - - -
The girl's door was waiting unlocked for her, as she rarely carried her pendant and thus never bothered locking it. Despite Manny's unorderly nature and easy fascination with interesting things, her dorm room was sparse and clean. Oddly so, as instead of the furniture being tastefully arranged throughout the room like most dorms, her bed was pushed into the corner and the bookshelf, desk, and wardrobe arranged around it like the walls of a tiny room. Within that nook were haphazardly hung drawings and writings, with various knickknacks piled on the shelves, but outside was left completely untouched. After all, space was to be utilized as efficiently as possible when one lived on a ship, and Manny still half-expected that she'd be getting a roommate at some point. Or maybe just hoped.
Dropping the borrowed sewing stuff on her desk to be returned sometime, Manny turned to the heap of fabric laying atop her bed. The costume she'd been supplied with to wear for the ball was sleeveless, colored a soft yellow with orange flame-like gradients along the bottom of the skirt, which seemed more like a pile of frills than anything meant to be worn. Even peering up the bottom just revealed endless maze-like layers! The costume looked uncomfortable, but she wasn't going to be wearing it long and it was excellently goofy. The people sure picked a good one! Unfortunately, she now had to figure out how to put it on.
An... amount of time later and a miraculous lack of torn cloth, Manny sat kneeled on her bed in front of the mirror, the makeup that came with the dress arranged in front of her. She normally didn't bother with it, but this was a special occasion! Popping the cap off the red lipstick, she rubbed her nose in thought about how best to use it, keeping in mind that the top half would be covered by her mask. Eventually, she drew a happy diamond face on her right cheek and an angry square face on her left cheek, then colored them golden-yellow with eyeshadow and pink with the blush respectively.
"Yeir loukin' redieculous!" she giggled at her reflection, satisfied with the result. Popping her homemade mask into place and a hooded jacket for the rain, she sprung to her window. Manny often saw other students flying through their windows instead of taking the hallways and often wished to do so herself. Unfortunately she was on the ground floor so there really wasn't much point in the flying part, she could just jump out normally. This time however, she wasn't just dropping to the path, but cutting past the hedges and flower garden to the building across the way containing the ballroom. The entrance was on a different side, but she spotted a lit balcony through the rain that she could fly straight to.
Hopping up to the sill, the girl leaped through her perpetually open window and circulated her vitesse. A feeling like countless tiny threads surrounding her like a harness took hold and lifted her through the air toward her destination. The distance turned out further than anticipated, and she got wetter than anticipated, but the hood kept the newly applied makeup from getting washed off, and as she neared the balcony she saw a familiar figure standing outside.
"Goldy!" Manny crowed as she dived down beneath the balcony roof and clasped her arms around Lisa's neck, sharing her new collection of raindrops with the probably unenthusiastic recipient. She tried wrapping her legs around the older student's waist as well, but the numerous frills of her dress got in the way, so she tolerated letting them hang instead.
"Wut're ya doin' ouat 'ere ienstade'f iensiede pahrtyin'?" the younger girl asked curiously, appreciating the warmth radiating from Goldy's body now even more than usual. That rain was surprisingly cold! But after a few seconds Manny reluctantly let go and dropped to her feet, taking a few steps back to look at the musclebound girl properly.
"Aind wheire's yer mehsk?" she asked. She'd been looking forward to seeing what other people had done with theirs. Goldy's dress was also surprisingly normal as far as dresses went, though Manny understood that not everyone would be as into dressing up funny as she was.