Janelle Gauger

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A
Things were not going well at all, and she listened to what Zeke was saying, "Sensahry ahverload is naht a good din... I'd really 'ope dat I dahn't 'ave to use dem again ahr whatever in dis place. It isn't great... Was fine to use to track you down in dis place, naht so much fahr anythin else," she said to him with a shrug. Then came his brief explanation of the connection to the Odyssey, and she nodded, "Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I 'aven't read de Odyssey, dough readin in braille is likely a bet defferent den what you're used to. I know about de lotus flowers and stuff, guess de name o' dis place makes sense now."
Her attention shifted to suddenly being handed something to drink, before someone (guessing from what she heard Zeke) instantly grabbing it from her hand again and doing something with it. "Naht bein able to see might actually be an advantage... I can't see de flowers ahr de objects i'm 'anded... Sence so far I 'aven't exactly felt de urge to eat ahr drenk anythin so far..." she then said, but it was hard for her to tell where everyone in the group was or what they were doing still, the sounds and noises were still overwhelming to her. "where is everyahne anyway?" she then asked, unsure of where everyone was.
Jason Gauger
Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: N/A
He probably shouldn't be too surprised that other gods aside from the Greek Pantheon existed. Though he was still somewhat getting used to all of this insanity at points. Of course still there was the chaos that followed them everywhere they went no matter what happened. That was something that he wasn't entirely sure that he'd ever get used to. He followed along after the others to see where they were heading up the mountain, and they passed by a few normal people as they went along.
That's when he looked up to see the eagle, which was a bit bigger then he would have expected, it was when Persephone said they should find some cover that it definitely was made apparent that it wasn't a good thing, and that's when he saw the harpies. He headed over towards the restroom area so that they could hide there for the time being, when he looked over and saw a few familiar faces. "Where ded dat group go to again ahr sahmethin? Because pretty sure it wasn't 'ere." he ended up saying.
Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth -> Sierra Trail
Skills: N/A
She was very much a bit concerned with how Andy was doing, but she was rather glad that she had seemed to get her own revenge on the monsters by killing them with lightning. Killing monsters can be very therapeutic when it came down to it. Though Mary didn't exactly need Damon telling her to hurry up to run through the opening. She had already been planning on doing that, so she ran as fast as she could, making sure Andy was keeping up a bit, and exited the Labyrinth and out into the open air.
Once they were all out, she turned to look at Andy, "Are you okay?" she asked her, before her attention shifted to the air above them and heard the sounds of harpies. "I'm fine, and I know we're all tired... But we need to get out of the open..." she started to say, before hearing someone calling to her and she turned to look, seeing Jason, Niah and Stella, along with Persephone? Well that was interesting to say the least. "...Well looks like we're going to have to talk to at least one of those two sooner rather then later... I've got this Andy, I need to give Niah something anyway..." she said as she led the way, hurrying over to where the others were now. She gave Stella a slight wave before walking straight up to Niah, before handing her the gem that Madalyne had handed her. "...I'm sorry... She asked me to make sure this got to you and Nancy..."