Eve's Memories
Dark and cold, Kali glimpsed into the mind of a troubled soul.
The memories spun and wheeled around in a counterclockwise motion, asking to be unearthed. Reading all of them would be a complete overload, reading none would be a waste.
Whether it was Kali's intention or not, he saw into her life, her hopes and dreams.
By virtue of this, her soul.
It was all red.
The carpet was red, the banners were red bearing a new type of symbol embodying a swastika and symbolism from St. Portwell. The pictures of former nazi leaders hung in the massive Thorn mansion, arts from the era and artifacts swelled the dining hall. Though it was far from it's glory, bullet holes, bodies and blood littered the interior. Mostly of the Sun Wheel variety, slumped over, dead or dying. The fight for the most part was over, a majority of the guards, skinheads and cultists laid dead.
"God... Fuck!" Eve cried as tears fell down her face, slumped over by a marble statue of Hermann Göring with half of his face blown off. Lee stayed crouched over her, applying a tourniquet to her leg as he wrenched down on the device. Stopping the bleed rather quickly, Lee could be described as a six-foot-something blonde pretty boy. Except for that scar on his face over his lips, he could be described as devilishly handsome (for Eve's taste.) He wore surplus combat fatigues, Eve did aswell but it mixed and matched. Along with a plate carrier and some punk flair.
"You're okay, Eve. I got you!" He said, there was a reason she kept this stupid medic boy around. Eve got onto her feet, cringing in pain as she cried out. "Fuck.. I fucking hate this." Speaking to the situation and what was to come. Lee shoved that stolen Wolfpack AKM back into her tiny hands.
"You got this, we got this. Let's finish this." Lee grabbed onto her, Eve dragged herself along with a serious limp as they made their way up the grand staircase. Red tracers flew by, hot with phosphorus igniting the trail behind them as more 'soldiers' from the consolidated groups rushed past the pair to the master bedroom.
"...Think he'll notice?"
Lee said, now wearing a Wolfpack MC jacket along with Eve. He held out a hefty gold bar, stamped with the MCs logo along with "JUDAS." It seems like they were in a safe house deep in the woods.
"Lee Weaver you truly are insane." Eve responded her hand falling on the gold, it felt evil the gold particularly. They were going to steal from the rich, and give back to the poor. People died for this gold, killed for it and here they were looting Judas's stash. It was like taking candy from a baby, the MC thought they could just fuck over the people of St. Portwell and get away with it? Not while Everleigh Thorn and Lee Weaver were still kicking around. Her expression of shock and dumb foundness turned into one happy with joy and excitement, she couldn't help herself but kiss Lee.
"Fuck it Eve, we can leave this all behind us. Forget the Sun Wheel, the 8th, your dad-"
She kissed him many more times after that, if Kali could feel the emotion behind the memory he'd be able to feel that this was probably the best day of Eve's life.
The scene changed for one last time, Eve was wearing the clothes she had now. Jacket, jeans with the cuffs rolled above her boot. Inked arms and cigarette in mouth. She leaned forward against the cold metal railings of the Mt. Portwell Park as she overlooked the entirety of St. Portwell, the city went on with it's life. The port received more shipments, more fish were caught. People lived and died as she hung around the observation deck of the park. The crunching of boots behind her broke the silence as she took as a long drag from that lucky Grey Strike of hers.
"So that's it, you're not coming? After everything we did? After I got fucking greenlit by Judas, wasted everything I had just so you could hold onto this dream!" Lee said, a duffelbag over his back and his 'chopper' running, spitting out fumes minus all the Wolfpack decals he once had on it.
"It's not a dream Lee, it's a nightmare that I live every day. What exists here is getting out of hand, I don't want to lose you like I lost Tyler. Magic is dangerous, para-norms are dangerous. I know you have one-eye-open, it's hard to see it all but, no one should have that power. My dad was.." She trailed off, thinking back to the night at the Kaiser's Mansion before shaking off the thought. She choked up for a moment. "A good example of how good people go bad."
Lee walked up behind her, drawn by her commitment to such a hopeless cause. Like a moth to a flame, he hugged her from behind pulling her in. She felt so weak when he hugged her, she couldn't even fight back despite being so mad and full of rage.
"Everleigh, you have to listen. If you keep this up, this quest to protect everyone. Rid the world of evil, stop people from being people. Magic from flowing, it's going to kill you. I won't be there to save you. You will die in St. Portwell, alone." Eve eventually peeled herself away from Lee's tight embrace, taking another inhale of the cigarette she quickly exhaled it through her nose as she turned to face him as tears dragged down her eyes.
"Fuck.. Lee if that's what it takes then that's the price I'll pay. I can't go on living this lie any longer, I'm not my dad. People only know me as a drifter or a punk, besides you. If I can change St. Portwell for the better I will, it's the least I can do after ever-" Lee smiled, taking the cigarette out of her hand before he kissed her one last time.
"Find me in Seattle, once this is all over. I didn't steal all this gold, just for you to die doing something stupid." Lee chuckled, taking a drag from her cigarette before killing it. Dropping it to the ground and crushing it with the heel of his boot, he ruffled her hair like she was some kid. Eve watched him as he got on his bike and took off, heading out and away from St. Portwell forever.
Eve wiped the tears away from her eyes, but it didn't seem like it would stop. After a few moments, she stared towards Kali looking him in the eyes.
"I remember." As he began to get shut out from her mind and memories, like the invader he was.

A wave of emotion hit Eve like a brick, as tears visibly drooled down her face from both of her eyes. She didn't know why, or how but she was thinking about Lee Weaver again. Stupid boy, a stupid boy she still loved. Had it been a year? She began to block out the thoughts again, wiping her face with her jacket as she composed herself but to anyone watching her they'd definitely notice something had changed.
“A vote where the final call is made by the one with a gun doesn’t seem very democratic,” said Sloane. “I abstain.”
She didn't fucking get it, Sloane never seemed to get it even when she was the genius in the room. Maybe she should of clarified that she wasn't going to shoot Kali if he lost, it just made sense to take the gun from the babbling, self-calming & righteous FBI Agent. Eve focused on her hate of law enforcement to return her to her senses at the time. Kali was a threat, in some way. The people had to vote if they wanted him or not, she wouldn't stand in the way of that.
”Maybe no one should have a gun?” Luca suggested.
"Not going to happen Luca, better that someone who actually knows how to use it holds it for now. I'll give it back to Kali once things are settled on the books for good." She turned her a growing burning hatred towards Sloane.
"I'm only voting last because I value the opinions of the others here, gun isn't in play here. Karen." She gritted her teeth for a moment, days like today were hard without him.