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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Stratya Durmand

23rd, Evening
Location: The Masquerade
Interactions: Peter @JJ Doe
Mask & Masquerade
(Note: pants)

Mmm.” The jig-dancer's thoughtful response gave the captain pause. She took a slow breath, nodding softly, “aye. Aye, tha's.. cer’ainly possible. Unfortunate fellow, if tha's the case.

The fellow was either innocent or very good with a poker face. The nagging wonder of where his companion had gone made her inquisitive, but direct interrogations weren't really her thing. As a party-goer, however, she knew how to get to know this fellow better. “C’mon then, new friend, le's go drinkin’,” she slung a deceptively strong arm around Peter's shoulders and drug the man along with her to meet the drinking party-goers. “If yuh frien’ turns back up, she c’n join us. Naturally. Ack, nay, I invite her. Aye, aye.

That yer mate what just left, path as crooked as the arrow ‘e'd make? ‘ave ye all been keepin’ up, or did ‘e star’ snaggin’ drinks a‘fore you cou’ reach ‘em?” Stratya scooped up a pair of glasses in her left hand, one between her index and middle finger, the other in her pinky and ring finger. Held gently by the stems, she extended the hand to Peter. She curled her index and middle finger to draw the first glass closer to herself and into her hand, so Peter would have an easy time grabbing the one offered.

‘e’d ‘ave to ‘ave pretty fast ‘ands, and a faster gullet, there's no shor’age of flutes.” She turned her upper body a bit to check her hip, “still got mine? Good.” Well, not a flute, technically, but close enough. Not worth splitting hairs over.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ariella Edwards
Time: Evening
Location: The woods
Interactions: Callum @Helo
Appearance: No shoes | Thin white long dress | Heavy black cloak with hood

Still feeling as if she were suspended mid-air, Ari shifted slightly as she tried to keep her balance which admittedly she wasn’t very good at even when not under the influence of some strange drink.

She reached for her bottle and took it back from Callum before taking another swig to get the horrible taste from her mouth. The alcohol was starting to hit her as she reached out to Callum without thought, her hand gripping his shoulder for support as she wobbled slightly. Looking down at her red hair she smiled softly “ I always hated it… but when you put it like that it does look like fire.” She paused for a moment before realizing her hand was still on his shoulder. “ Oh! Sorry” She quickly withdrew her hand now that she was more stable on her feet.

” I read once that fire symbolized destruction and ruin…” she spoke softly “ which is true but I think it can also be a sign of power and change. Rebirth, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of its own destruction. “ she smiled “ I love fire for that reason…it’s very misunderstood.” Although to her, Ari was speaking quite well in reality, she struggled to get the words out, enough that Cal likely understood but in her drunken state the words were slurring together slightly.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lord Leo Smithwood

Time: Evening
Location: Masquerade Ball: Damien Estate
Interactions: Charlotte @Princess, Fritz/Riona @JJ Doe, Mr.V @samreaper, Cassius @PapaOso, Nahir @Rodiak
Daily Misfortune: An annoyingly high-pitched voice and random fits of laughter.
Predictable Costume: Leo the Lion

The bastard was a grating presence, entirely unfocused on the task at hand - his missing watch! Instead, Cassius was flirting with Charlotte, and it seemed Lottie couldn’t get away from the spawn of the dreadful count fast enough. Leo wasn’t the least bit surprised; Lottie had wits enough to see through the game house Damien was clearly playing at.

“Lord Damien, I feel left out. Will you not tell us how beautiful and strong we are too?”

And now Hendrix was teasing Cassius. As amusing as this mismatched love triangle might be on a different night, Leo currently found it infuriating.

“Surely you’ve noticed how this distinguished gentleman would be the heart of any pride?”

Leo’s eyes focused on Frtiz, a look of deep annoyance as the lid of his left eye twitched. For a brief moment, Leo was content that at least one other person here took the matter seriously as Lottie took her leave to focus on the case of the missing watch. Leo too, was more than ready to leave and continue the search so that Hendrix and Cassius could entertain each other without him.

Only to catch a glimpse of Charlotte speaking with a woman in an owl mask who wore not a hint of orange. Sure, Leo understood the desire to get as far away from Cassius as one could, but surely his having been recently robbed should matter a hair more than a social call. It seemed Sorian was no different than Stravy in that Leo’s problems would be his own to solve.

“What lovely shoes,”

Another grating voice joined in to further steer the conversation towards frivolity. Did he look like he wanted to chat about his, admittedly glorious, slippers right now!

“Lord Leo Smithwood! I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Do I-” He stopped as soon as he saw the brilliant flash of orange. His tone relaxed. Not only due to the possibility that this orange woman may have his watch but she was also accompanied by Shehzadi Nahir. Now was not the time to be so overtly agitated. He returned her cursty with a full and proper bow to her and Nahir.

“Shehzadi, a pleasure as always." He greeted the royal first while forcing a smile beneath the mask, making his tone sound far friendlier than it had been.

“Good Evening, Lady, are you maybe missing this bracelet?” With a calm hand he picked the item back up off the table and gingerly held it out for the woman to inspect. “Someone stole my pocketwatch and left this in its place. I’m not accusing you, of course, but I would be deeply grateful if you wouldn’t mind checking to see if the same tom-foolery was not done to you.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: Night / Last song
Location: the ceremony at lovers lake
Interactions: @Tae Mina
Mentions in order:(Party people)@Lava Alckon Farim @Infinite Cosmos Munir @princess Ana @Helo Callum @Tpartywithzombi Ari
outfit: plaid kilt in his family colors, wearing a snow bear skull headdress/ mask, bones of the bear down his arms back and rib cage, body paint in the form of runes, no shirt or shoes.

The solemn sounds of the song drifted through the area, the dancers and party goers taking a moment to share stories or dance slowly to the song. Stories of pain, laughter, love, and good memories. It was exactly what they had asked them to do. Now, however, it was time for the real reason Roman handed out an open invitation. The board was set and the pieces in place, what came next was going to hurt.

The last prayer of the song was sung nearly interrupted by a certain princess declaring after party activities. He knew she couldn’t see his eyes but the look she got from him was not amused even if a few of the party goers were. Honestly it was something that could be quite relaxing, all he had to do was not pass out after the next song. yet, All he could do was sigh as he knew that was exactly what was going to happen.

Roman had to fight to stay in the here and now, the spirit that hitched a ride with him wanted to continue the songs, but he still had a few more things to set before he could go back to auto pilot. This did show as he seemed drained and a little sluggish. The bear gave a few more moments for the music to end and the instruments to settle.

“Friends, we have one more song for you to be sung in just a moment. This song is old, older than our kingdoms, passed down through oral traditions and storytelling. It is one of our oldest and this time it will not be translated; the people of the north know this song and are asked to help us sing it.” A short pause before he began again. “it will take us and the musicians a moment to prepare, please enjoy the drinks and the food the drums will sound when we are ready.”

He waited a little while longer for the crowd to move toward the ale and fire roasted meats. The scent even made him a little hungry but there was time for that later. Wordlessly he checked on Mina offering her some water and making sure she was ready for what came next. He rested his hand on her shoulder pressing his mask to hers. “One more song, remember to let it flow through you don’t resist. Just like we planned I'll begin as the catalyst and be the engine you and the shaman are the conduits.” He whispered to her letting his hand linger on her shoulder for a moment.

The stones are set; the blood is paid.
Remember that we all are brothers.
All people, beasts, trees and stone and wind
We all descended from the one great being.
That was always there.
Before people lived and named it,
Before the first seed sprouted.

With this the next step would soon begin, words spoken in the language of the north, just loud enough for only the two of them to hear. This act, these songs, this gathering was not the first step. The shaman and romans people have been preparing for this since the day they left port for this city. Over the last few days the stones and patterns were not just set here but stones and markings were deliberately placed all throughout this forest and into the city.

Offerings hung from trees, buried in the earth, and dropped into the sea. Blood willingly given and words of magic silently chanted. All for this one last song and the spell being played through it. A spell to heal the mind and the soul, to heal the earth and the spirits, to bring luck and peace. A powerful spell being pushed over a wide area. The change would be subtle, and it would take time. loss, pain, and heart ache would still be prevalent, but this should ensure that this land remains prosperous for years to come and those that would do harm to it would find it harder to do so.

Now Roman just had to make sure they got it right. His strength and will were being used to gather the energy being spent around them and channel it into Mina and the shaman. The offerings and stones placed are there to help regulate and spread this spell so it would not kill anyone using it. The bear still understood that he would likely be knocked out for a while after this. If one could ask him why he was doing this and taking this risk, the answer would be the same one he gave Mina, ‘I care about my friends here and they are not in a good way. This is the best I can do to help them because I know I can’t save all of them. This place just feels off like its cursed, hopefully this should act to help to ward off whatever might be plaguing this place and its people.

It was a risk not just for their wellbeing, but it was likely that someone here or nearby could feel the gathering magic and its use. Those sensitive to this would be drawn to roman as he was soon going to be drawing even more magic into himself. but effectively everyone here was helping to give some amount of energy and will to the spell being cast whether they were aware of it was a different story. that and it could always be written off as the drinks that caused others to believe that magic was being cast.

Roman sat in the center of the stage still adorned in the bones of the bear he killed. Mina was joined on the stage with the Shaman, they would be dancing and singing together in unison. This is to share the burden of the spell. All the while Roman would be focused on his part in the spell chanting his parts while he sank into his trance. With the rest of the preparations set it was time to begin.

The drums began again to get everyone in position before they began the music for the last song. The shaman tossed pouches into the fire making the flames grow stronger, brighter, and more ravenous. Many of the northern people seemed to fall into a trance just as roman was as they sung the old words in the ancient language. to those new to this it could very easily come off as... spooky.

Hielung - Traust

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak 𝔪𝔦 𝔪𝔞ñ𝔞𝔫𝔞, 𝔪𝔦 𝔥𝔬𝔶, 𝔪𝔦 𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 5 days ago


D A M I E N E S T A T E , E V E N I N G

I N T E R A C T I O N S :
Riona @JJ Doe, Leo @Helo

M E N T I O N S :

“Lord Smithwood,” Nahir could sense the forced smile as she returned a small curtsey to Leo. The tightness around his mouth betrayed his attempt to appear pleasant, and his hurried manner did not escape her notice. While pocket watches were a common accessory among gentlemen, Leo's seemingly impatient inquiry to the lady struck Nahir as peculiar.

It was disheartening to learn that petty thief could so effortlessly penetrate the illustrious Damien Estate. Not only that, but the fact they had suffered another breach just days ago told of the inadequate ability to protect one’s very own home.

"A pickpocket here?" Nahir could not help but feel a tinge of sympathy for Lord Smithwood. She would have offered him a genuine smile, but it seemed he was not seeking comfort or understanding at that moment.

Amidst the extravagant decorations and the grandeur of the ball, Nahir had noticed little out of the ordinary during her rounds. With voluminous dresses resembling carriages and ornate masks concealing faces, it would have been easy for a petty criminal to blend in, hidden in plain sight.

Nahir's memory stirred as she recounted, "There was a couple who rudely bumped into this lovely lady." She strained to remember their attire, but all she could recall was a glimpse of deep blue. "A woman and a man, she was in dark blue... and gloves. Could they have been thieves?" She turned to her dance partner, waiting for her to check her person.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Night
Location: The edge of Lover's Lake
Attire:Dress, A crown of various flowers
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim @Infinite Cosmos Munir

As Anastasia and Farim had been swaying under the moonlight, the princess had taken notice of a subtle shift in the music and environment. She glanced over toward Roman as he had prepared the next section of the ritual, however, as the music intensified, so did the world around her. The fire now blazed with an intensity that seemed to reach toward the very sky itself. Colors danced and swirled around the area as people moved about, merging with the rhythm of the song to create a symphony of light and sound.

Everything felt and seemed intensified around them and it was impossible for Anastasia not to notice that the current song had taken a tone she found creepy and unsettling, especially combined with the overstimulating sights. She found it strange as if the song was having some sort of an effect on her. Though her grip on Farim's shoulders tightened, she slowed her movements and met his eyes.

"I don't know what's going on. It's weird yet kinda beautiful...I love Roman and I love what's going on, but those Varians are totally into some wilder shit than me. I kinda love it. "

Her eyes then fixated over his shoulder as Munir took shape in her vision. "...Your cousin seems ..." A frown graced her features and she shifted a step backward, her hands sliding down his shoulders to his hands. "Come," She took his hands and directed him forward, moving along the outskirt so as to not interrupt the mystique of what was happening around them. Finally, they reached Munir's side.

"Hey, you doing okay over here?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Edge of Lover’s Lake-Roman Ceremony
Interactions: Ari@Tpartywithzombi

Cal handed the bottle of whiskey back to Ari as she reached for it. Her hand, and its comforting warmth, held onto his shoulder. He wondered what made Ari dislike her shade of vibrant red. “I used to think he’d like me better if I looked more like him.” He half-heartedly gestured to his own dark hair, so unlike Edin’s or his brother’s hair.

Ari was quick to pull her hand away. “Oh, I hereby decree that Lady Ari has permission to touch the royal shoulder.” He stifled a chuckle so as not to disturb the ceremony. “But I hope you don’t think I’m that uptight that it needs said.” He added as Ari shared her thoughts on fire. Though her words slurred together, Callum followed them, his head nodding with their rhythm. He was fluent in inebriated speech and her drunken words held wisdom.

“Then may Sorian embody and be protected by the phoenix, loftiest of birds.” He whispered.

“People are like fires. Edin, a wildfire that destroys all in its path. But Roman, a fire that draws people in to settle and thrive around it. He makes incredible things in fires, sometimes deadly things, but always beautiful, always to serve a purpose.” Callum spoke softly and watched as Roman and Mina began their final song.

“And you, a fire that brings warmth on the coldest nights. I am lucky to have better fires near me.” Callum saw his own fire as one left out in the rain, caught in constant struggle not to be snuffed out, reliant on brighter flames to aid him when it dwindled to an ember unable to catch on waterlogged kindling.

As Roman’s song built, its words unknown to Callum, but somehow it helped shoulder his burden. He felt a profound gratitude for the friends he had who easily shared what warmth and light they had that he did not have on his own.

The real challenge remained; to build his fire up enough that it could help raze Sorian like a phoenix so that out of ashes it could rise towards something brighter.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 37 min ago

Time: The Evening of Sola 23rd
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Mentions/Interactions:[@Concord] Fritz (and technically Riona), @princess Charlotte, @Helo Leo

As Charlotte gracefully excused herself from the group to embark on her quest for clues, Cassius couldn't help but watch her retreating figure with admiration and even a bit of amusement. She was an enigma to him in ways…more than she seemed but also genuine in a way that few people were. Yet, as she disappeared into the crowd, his attention was swiftly redirected to the remaining company at the table. He pondered Fritz’s words with a grin.

“Lord Damien, I feel left out. Will you not tell us how beautiful and strong we are too?”

Fritz's playful request for Cassius to extend his charms in his direction brought a mischievous glint to Cassius's eyes. If there was one thing he excelled at…and let’s be honest, he excelled at so many things, it was weaving words into a seductive dance, regardless of the audience. With a smooth shift in posture, Cassius turned his full attention to Fritz...his lips curling into a devilish smirk.

"Well, Lord Fritz…it seems the stars have aligned in your favor tonight." Cassius purred, his voice laced with allure. "For you, my new friend, are about to have the full, irresistible Cassius Vael experience...At least the version that’s suitable for such a public soirée." Leaning in closer, Cas's gaze locked onto Fritz with the intensity of a man who knew the power of his own attraction…and he intended to wield it with absolute precision.

Cassius reached a tender hand out to gently brush some of Fritz’s hair behind his ear. “I wonder if anyone has ever told you that you have some of the gentlest eyes that could ever exist. You are beautiful, truly. In a way that most people are not. And soft…” He said as he allowed the back of his hand to brush against Fritz’s cheek. His voice lowered to where only the two of them were likely to hear. “But there’s something else about you…something I’m not even sure I understand well enough to properly articulate…you have the essence of someone that I would very much like to get to know.” He smiled that intoxicating smile, his eyes softening as he took in the complexities within Fritz’s eyes.

He then turned his gaze to Leo slowly, who had also been watching Charlotte leave. “And as for that distinguished gentleman as you called him…" Cassius whispered. He’s just so…so…bloody boring.” He stated sardonically as Leo engaged with the two women that joined the group, including the one who he’d seen the pocket watch dangling from a moment prior. Still standing intimately close to Fritz, he said his goodbye.

“Well, handsome…I think it’s about time I go look for the watch over…there.” He said, pointing to a wine station on the other side of the room. “Come ask me to dance in a bit, if you’re bold enough. But just in case you’re not feeling brave tonight, Lord Fritz…I guess I’ll bid you adieu.” Cas let his gaze and smile linger on Fritz’s black, mysterious eyes a moment longer before turning to leave. Without so much as a parting word to the others, Cassius took his exit from the table and elegantly worked his way through the crowd in the direction of a good drink.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 5 days ago


Location:Edge of Lover's Lake
Time: Evening
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, and Munir @Infinite Cosmos


The change of tone was something Farim needed to clear his mind. The feeling of dancing his worries away was somewhat helping the edging anxiety at the edge of his thoughts - but the raging colors and views he began to experience after his sighting with ghosts dwarfed his negative emotions for the time being. His hand reflexively grabbed at Ana's sleeves as she held onto him - the both of them likely staring off at whatever object, person, or thing they found to be the most colorful at the time.

"I will not say I hate it. I have mixed feelings with how this experience has been but if the rest of the night stays like this - perhaps it will be a truly enlightening time for me." He chuckled before turning to glance at his cousin. As soon as she mentioned him, Farim felt a sense of urgency run up the back of his mind. Oh not you too...

With his hands now gripped in hers, he couldn't help but admire the softness of them. His emotional state overall seemed to swing rapidly to various corners of his mind. "Perhaps we should...Also has anyone told you your hands are so soft? Oh we are going now!" He followed her and noticed the look on Munir's face, and stepped closer to greet his dear cousin.

"Aben am (Cousin), are you doing okay? You are much livelier in moments like these." He leaned in closer and whispered to the man. "Are you seeing the spirits of the dead too?"

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Interaction(s): Blue @CitrusArms; C-Bert’s Bastard Son @PapaOso; Zarai @Rodiak

Blue’s iron grip yanked Peter’s ass off the sidelines before he could blink. He didn’t resist, but he did clock how sturdy she was. Blue was a lot stronger than she looked. While not Karleen-strong (how many measured up to that anyway?), he still wouldn’t want to tangle with her barehanded.

The way she hauled him without so much as a by-your-leave, wanted to bring Olivia into the mix, and didn’t even bother hiding the fact she figured them both for thieves, her game was pretty clear. Either she’d get to make an arrest or she’d get to keep him in line. Pfft, fat f**king chance.

Going by how fast she was on their trail after the little fife swap, she sure hadn’t done much investigating. Sure, her gut had the right of it, but she had sh*tall for proof. Course, Pete knew the score. If things didn’t go her way, she could shove him in the brig for offending the nobility’s delicate sensibilities by just existing.

Peter scoffed, barely holding back the smirk. “Oooh, I get it now. This was just a roundabout way to tell me you’re cutting in on the girl I’ve been working, ain’t it? Damn, you’re shameless.”

He shook his head, “Claws off, Magpie, I had my eyes on her first.” Then he clucked his tongue. “If you’re so thirsty you gotta play dirty, maybe put in some actual effort picking up the ladies. I know hard work’s a foreign concept for Your Ladyship, but you can at least try.” Peter knew she was no blue blood, but he’d seen too many guards go crooked when they got a taste of what they could get (and get away with) by collaring themselves with the privileged. As the saying goes, pets start resembling their owners.

“Here, I’ll even help line up some more options for you.” Peter’s gaze swept the ballroom until he spotted a familiar figure already having a head start on the drinking.

Moving through the guests, he invited every man and woman he passed to the impromptu drinking contest, including C-Bert’s bastard son who was hanging by a wine station. Some sneered, others ignored him completely, but a handful were interested enough to gather around Blue.

The instant the glass left Zarai’s lips, Peter slipped his hands around the future Duchess, plucked the flute from her fingers, and knocked back what was left in one go. He let out a satisfied ahhh, before setting the empty glass on the table. He turned to Zarai. “Hey stranger, wanna help a friend?”

Without waiting for an answer, Peter steered her toward the gathering contestants. Leaning in, he whispered, “Need you to keep that lady in blue off my back. Think you can handle that?”

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Ceremony for the Summer Solstice

Sorian Guards

Time: Night
Location: Edge of Lover's Lake
Interactions: @ReusableSword Roman @Lava Alckon Farim @Tpartywithzombi Ariella, @Helo Callum @Infinite Cosmos Munir @Tae Mina

As the rhythmic beat of the drums filled the air, the serene ambiance of the woodland ceremony was suddenly disrupted by the arrival of city guards. Heads turned slowly, curiosity mingled with apprehension as the armed guards began to fill the area, their heads turning to and fro.

A hush fell over the crowd as one of the guards stepped forward. With a deliberate clearing of his throat, he ascended a nearby stump, commanding attention with his authoritative demeanor. With a respectful nod, he began to address the gathering.

"Good folk," he spoke, his voice cutting through the remaining noise, "I apologize for the interruption to your event. But it is with urgency that I must inform you that we are searching for Lady Violet Damien." Whispers spread like wildfire as people began to pass rumors back and forth. The guard proceeded to describe Lady Violet, " She is a short female, with black hair and is most likely dressed in dark attire. Additionally, she bears a distinctive scar upon her face."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the crowd, "If anyone among you has seen Lady Violet or has any information regarding her whereabouts, I implore you to come forward. And if, by chance, Lady Violet is present among us, my lady, please step forward."

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Online

Time: Night
Location: Damien Estate
Attire: Alexander’s attire / Alexander’s mask and Lianna’s dress / Lianna’s mask
Mention:@Tpartywithzombi Violet, Count Calbert Damien

With masks donned and tonight’s wickedness behind them, Alexander and Lianna approached the magnificent Sorian estate owned by Count Damien.

“The party doesn’t seem to disappoint so far. Even from out here, there’s a liveliness to it.” Alexander commented as he pushed his wife in her wheelchair down the neat rounded walking path, giving his beloved all the details she would miss.

“What else?”

“Well…” Alexander chuckled as he suddenly stopped. “Though they may be a small obstacle due to their lack of steepness, there are quite a few steps. Besides, that…” Alexander raised the wheelchair’s front wheels over the first leveled step, beginning their climb. “The shrubs and trees are trimmed to perfection. In a way, it's poetic from what I know of the count.”

“Large iron gates…” Lianna commented.

“No straightforward approach…”

“Complete and constant maintenance of all within his domain...”

“A man can only hold on so tightly to many things on his own,” Alexander said as he cleared the first round of steps.

“We’re rolling again.”

“Only for a moment, my love. Count Damien has graced us with more of his wonderful steps before we have the pleasure of reaching the front door.”

“More?” Lianna nearly whined but settled for an unpleasant frown.

“Worry not. My wife desires to attend this party, and so we will get there. Not even a thousand steps can stop me from making you happy. Brace yourself, my love. These steps are steeper.” Alexander turned the chair around to proceed scaling the steps backwards while Lianna held its armrests firmly.

Lianna fell silent from the affection. This unconditional love was all she ever needed. She cared little for what he did to others, how high he wished to climb up the social ladder, or what he'd become. As long as the two could cherish each other every day like it was their first being in love… As long as she felt undoubtedly that she was his and he was hers… Lianna would ensure Alexander kept hold of that ring of his.

“Sir, would you like assistance?!” A man at the door called as he noticed the two coming up. He moved to approach the pair but Alexander promptly stopped him with a few words.

“No need, good sir! A little exercise before engaging in a party is a pastime of mine… Last step aaand we have arrived!” Alexander announced with glee. He turned to the doorman, shooting him a charming wink. “Thank you for the offer but the door is where you'll shine brightest. Please.” Alexander nodded toward the door where the sounds of the partygoers and music leaked from. “Alexander and Lianna Deacon.”

“Welcome! Count Damien is delighted to have you.” The doorman bowed his head before opening the door for the couple.

"Our pleasure." Pushing forward, the two entered the open foyer and proceeded into the festivities. Though Alexander beamed as he entered, none could see it behind his mask, leaving Lianna’s modest smile to carry their fashionably late appearance. They dare not think to mention Violet or her absence. The situation was behind them and dealt with. For now, it was time to absorb any stares that came their way and mingle with the others in attendance.

Tonight is our night, but I can't but be curious.. where might he be?

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 12 days ago

Location: The ceremony
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Farim @princess Anastasia

Hakim had produced a small wineskin and given it to Munir. The cool water flowed from the wineskin and seemingly coursed through Munir's body and provided him a sense of stillness and calm. Munir blinked slowly, as he savored the tastelessness of water, using it to still his mind and heart.

Handing the wineskin back to his ever-loyal retainer, Munir looked towards the stage and saw that preparations had begun for the next song. The air was crisp but heavy. Munir cannot recount a time where he had been this quiet, for this long. He did not feel a need to speak, or to even move. He wanted to remain where he was, to chase after his mother, whom he misses and desperately wishes could be with him.

The emptiness of his mind was momentarily disrupted when two guests approached him. Hakim reflexively offered Farim and Anastasia the courtesy they deserved. "Aben am. I am fine. The atmosphere for the ceremony has affected me. The stillness... it is rather.... you know?" He said all of this while only turning slightly to be able to see who had approached. "Lady Anastasia... I see you have taken a liking to my dear cousin... I hope that means I would get to see you around, and perhaps one day in Alidasht. Your presence is always a welcoming sight. Turning his attention back to Farim, Munir said "Cousin. Yes. I saw her. She was here. She spoke to me... I...I miss her...
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate Masquerade
Interactions: @princessCharlotte
owl mask
dress and accessories

Olivia swallowed and shook her head. ”I don’t think so.” Olivia’s voice was quiet and barely audible over the ballroom noise. She took several deep breaths to soothe her racing heart. There wasn’t any need to panic although the way he’d approached her, both at the beach and now, held more sinister tones. It was as though he was trying to recognize her. Rejecting his dance had been wise, but Olivia worried he’d continue pursuing her throughout the night. Was the magic spell all for nothing? She gritted her teeth. Fear was overwhelming her. She had a few peaceful days but it was over. Was she meant to never be at peace? Was she meant to live her life on the line? It felt as though her whole life was one big cosmic joke.

”I don’t… I don’t think it was a coincidence, but we can’t continue worrying or it’ll be suspicious. Why don’t we - “ Her voice was cut off as a group of dancers split them up. Liv inhaled and reached for Charlotte when a gloved hand took it instead. She looked up and her eyes widened to the size of the moon. A man with jet black hair, gray eyes and a black and red tuxedo stood before her. His ominous smirk sent shivers down her spine as they locked eyes. Olivia opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out. He grinned as he released Olivia’s hand and swept into the crowd where Charlotte had been. She watched as Asher bumped into Charlotte, then he offered an apology and kissed her hand. Right after, he disappeared into the crowd. He moved like smoke from a fire; appearing one moment and disappearing the next, as if the fire had been extinguished.

If Calbert hadn’t rattled her nerves enough, this sent her overboard. Olivia grasped at her hair with utter panic and urgently tried to move towards Charlotte once more. She shoved a few people out of her way furiously, who turned glare and holler at her, but she ignored them. She grasped her friend’s arm and steered her off the dancefloor. ”Did he say anything to you? Did he do anything?” Olivia pressed urgently. Tears swam in her eyes and she struggled not to let them overwhelm her. ”I think we should go.”

The flashback pulled at her mind. She struggled to ignore it but she was unsuccessful. A starry eyed gaze filled her eyes.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Night
Location: The edge of Lover's Lake
Attire:Dress, A crown of various flowers
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Anastasia's enthusiasm bubbled over as she enthusiastically agreed, "Yes! My hands are soft!" Her infectious energy only amplified as they approached Munir.

"Lady Anastasia... I see you have taken a liking to my dear cousin... I hope that means I would get to see you around, and perhaps one day in Alidasht. Your presence is always a welcoming sight. "

Munir had then said to Farim before she could reply, "Cousin. Yes. I saw her. She was here. She spoke to me... I...I miss her..."

"Hi Munir!" She chirped and gave him a brief hug before addressing his earlier words "Yeah your cousin's freakin awesome. Adore him! And I'd love to visit you boys in the Alidasht any time."

Anastasia wondered if that meant Munir had also hallucinated a dead person. Curiosity piqued, she scanned the surroundings, half-expecting to catch a glimpse of ethereal apparitions. But then, she noticed the kaleidoscope of colors around her as she waved her head back and forth in tune with the drums. A stupid smile crossed her face that didn't dissipate until the stern voice of a guard cutting through the ambient filled the air. She looked over with interest as he announced Lady Violet Damien was missing.

"Oh noooo... What if the people who attacked Calbert's house took Lady Violet?" she wondered aloud, her voice carrying her concern.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by masterducky
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: Sorian Beach near Damien Estate

The black-haired girl was kicking her feet back and forth as she sat upon the Sorian docs.

As the strains of music drifted from the direction of a grand mansion nearby, Mie looked in that direction. She paused in her daily routine, her brown eyes glancing toward the source of the tune. She rose from her seated position. With hesitant steps, Mie approached the edge of the dock, drawn by the enchanting melody.

But it wasn't just the music that captivated her. Nestled at her feet were a few familiar faces - her companions of the docks, the rats. They seemed to sense her presence, their whiskers twitching in anticipation as she drew near.

With a soft smile, Mie crouched down beside them, extending a hand towards the furry creatures. They responded eagerly, nuzzling against her palm with affectionate squeaks.

As the music continued to swell in the distance, Mie found herself humming along. She reached out to the rats, gently taking their tiny paws in her hands, swaying to the rhythm of the music.

Together, they formed an unlikely trio - Mie and her rats.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SausagePat
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SausagePat The Sausage Fiend

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Evening
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @masterducky Mie

Ruby's heart raced as she watched Mie interact with the rats from behind a crate. She had been searching the docks for random treasures when she came across the scene before her. Despite her usual bravado, a surge of nervous energy coursed through her veins and she couldn’t help but yelp loudly, revealing herself. Since she was revealed, she decided she could not hide no more.

With a shaky exhale, Ruby took a hesitant step forward, her hands trembling at her sides. "Um, hey," she stammered. "I-I didn't mean to interrupt or anything. Just, uh, thought I'd come say hi."

But as she drew closer, Ruby's pulse rose, her chest tightening with each passing moment. Panic was rising up inside her, threatening to spill over at any second.

And then it happened - a sudden burst of noise erupted from her lips, a wild scream tearing through the air. "Aaaah!" Ruby cried out. She clapped a hand over her mouth, eyes wide with shock at her own outburst.

As she calmed down once more, Ruby's breaths came in ragged gasps. She forced herself to take a deep breath. Then she demanded, “ …How do you make the rats dance! “
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak 𝔪𝔦 𝔪𝔞ñ𝔞𝔫𝔞, 𝔪𝔦 𝔥𝔬𝔶, 𝔪𝔦 𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 5 days ago


D A M I E N E S T A T E , E V E N I N G

I N T E R A C T I O N S :
@CitrusArms@JJ Doe

M E N T I O N S :

After signaling Wulfric, Zarai raised her glass to her lips again, hoping to savor her last sip of the fancy champagne when it was abruptly ripped out of her hand. Her heart sank as she flinched, turning her head to the side to see that it was not Lord Monet trying to come back for a round two.

“Hey stranger, wanna help a friend?”

She swallowed down her initial fear and equal anger as she recognized that voice almost immediately. What the hells was he doing here?

“Need you to keep that lady in blue off my back. Think you can handle that?”

And what the hells had he gotten into this time?

A part of her wished he hadn’t recognized her. Zarai felt like she was hanging on by a thread, a very tiny hair-like thread. But fuck it. Peter was in need of help and Zarai was indeed a distraction, and that distraction was about to be a very good-looking woman.

“I got you,” She whispered back.

Zarai sauntered through the bustling nobles who either gathered to compete or to watch the spectacle forming before them. Immediately, she pulled one of the servants who had stopped by to watch the commotion, she requested a large bottle of strong liquor. The man nodded eagerly and rushed off to fetch something while she smiled up at the woman.

“Hi there, pretty!” She approached with a sway in her hips,“You look like you can handle your liquor.” she purred as she hooked her arms with the woman, pressing her chest against her elbow ever so lightly. "Care to join me for a little game?"

She then turned to the forming group, her smile widening. "Anyone else up for it?" Her challenge was met with nods and curious glances from the gathering crowd.Shortly after, the servant returned with glasses and a bottle of crystal-clear liquor. Zarai thanked him and began to hand out the glasses, making sure Blue was the first to receive hers.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 2 days ago

Fritz "Ryn" Hendrix
Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate’s Ballroom
Interaction(s): Lord Cassius Damien (Cassius Vael) @PapaOso

There was no denying the potent charm that emanated from Lord Damien—his calculated gaze from beneath hooded lids, rich velvet purr, and tactile approach held an allure. Ryn could only look on in admiration at such effortless magnetism, wishing he might bottle even a fraction of the lord’s self-assured charisma. Perhaps then, it would be easier for him to win people over.

Truly, there was much he could learn from this man.

Even while he savored the showmanship of Lord Damien’s florid flattery, some small part of Ryn’s mind remained coolly objective and analytical. He cataloged every detail to be dissected and assimilated into his own repertoire later. For Count Fritz Hendrix was but a studied composite of others’ idiosyncrasies.

However, when Lord Damien turned his compliments upon Ryn’s eyes, something shifted within. A surprised delight coupled with a dull, melancholic ache twisted in his heart. Seldom were his eyes the recipient of praise. More often, they inspired unease, revulsion, or worse—fear.

These bottomless grave-pits of darkness appeared soulless to some, hiding something monstrous to others. They were black mirrors reflecting whatever the viewer saw in themselves, including what they did not wish to see.

To have them called gentle felt… discordantly novel.

Ryn mustered a smile, a wobbly line at first until it steadied into a sturdier curve. “Thank you,” he managed, “you are too kind, my lord.” Channeling Lord Damien’s silver-spun eloquence would require far more practice and time for him, it seemed.

“Goodness,” he fanned himself with one hand, “is it just me, or did the temperature suddenly rise about twenty degrees? It’s a wonder you don’t have the entire ballroom swooning at your feet, Lord Damien. However is a mere mortal to withstand such devastating suavity in one go?”

Catching the pointed look Lord Damien sent in Lord Smithwood’s direction, Ryn remarked lightly, “Ah, but as the adage goes, ‘never judge a book by its cover alone.’ He has plenty of admirable qualities. He is one of Lady Vikena’s dearest friends, after all.” A conspiratorial wink. “If you truly want to steal her heart, as you’ve stolen mine, it wouldn’t go amiss to be on his good side.”

“Well, handsome,” Lord Damien announced, “I think it’s about time I go look for the watch over…there. Come ask me to dance in a bit, if you’re bold enough.”

This time, Lord Damien received a smile from Count Fritz Hendrix that was an uncanny impression of Cassius Vael’s mannerisms—from the heavy-lidded smolder to the teasing lilt in his tone. “Oh, I assure you, my lord, it’s not bravery I lack, but restraint.” He leaned in to trail his fingers along the other’s lapel. “Had I not needed to check on a friend, I’d ask you to dance with me this very moment.”

“Alas.” Stepping back, he withdrew his hand with exaggerated reluctance. “Should the fates prove so cruel as to deny us a turn about the dance floor tonight, maybe the next time our paths cross, you can show me the ‘irresistible Cassius Vael experience,’ not fit for polite company.” With a courtly half-bow, a piece of Cassius Vael slid into place. The count said, “À bientôt.”

Ríoghnach "Riona"
Time: Night
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Interaction(s): Lordling Smithwood @Helo; Shehzadi Nahir @Rodiak

Riona goggled at the nobleman as a high-pitched squeak piped from behind the lion mask. What in the hells was wrong with his voice? Had Cal and her botched potion caused this?

There’s no way Sh*tlord would’ve mingled with the cream of society sounding like a mouse without becoming the butt of every joke. He must’ve been forced to keep to himself all day. Oh, and how much that must’ve bothered the arrogant prat, unable to preen and suffocate others with his insufferable superiority. An unbearable blow to his ego. The thought of the prideful lion forced into sheepish silence tickled Riona to no end.

A snort of laughter broke free from her. “Excuse me, I am terribly sorry,” Riona pressed a hand against her smile and tamped it down. “Your voice is just...not quite what I imagined. Rather adorable, actually,” her gaze dropped to his furry feet. Honestly, she never expected he’d wear any of the replacement footwear. But there they were. Did it mean he liked them?

A distraction arrived in the form of a brown-suited figure. “Pardon me, but I must excuse myself.” Eyes hidden in the shadows of his mask, the man said, “I’ll make inquiries about the watch, see if anyone might’ve come across it. Should that prove fruitless, I’ll request Count Damien to reach out to the guests.” A reassuring hand rested briefly on Lordling Smithwood’s shoulder before the stag turned to Riona and Shehzadi Nahir with a deep bow. “Ladies.”

As he straightened, the light hit his face at the right angle and illuminated his eyes. Riona’s breath hitched. This man’s eyes were... black. Not dark brown, but pitch black. Only a few people had that eye color naturally, and they were very dead. Unless the Summer Solstice Ceremony involved raising the dead, she doubted the stag-masked gentleman was any of them… Could he? Was he a distant relative, oblivious to what happened? If so, she wouldn’t dream of putting his life in jeopardy out of curiosity. She kept silent as she watched him leave.

A shrill voice broke through her trance, drawing her attention to the lordling. He held up a bracelet, asking if it might be hers. Riona knew it wasn’t even before looking at it. “No, it is not mine,” she replied. Her accessories held her ensemble in place. Without them, her outfit would soon become a heap of fabric at her feet. A state which, she was pretty sure everyone, including herself, would’ve noticed.

Lordling Smithwood explained that someone switched out his pocketwatch for a bracelet and wanted to check if the same thing had happened to her. Shehzadi Nahir chimed in, reminding Riona of the weasel-man who bumped into her earlier and his owl-masked partner. “Could they have been thieves?”

“If thieves, they are an odd sort,” Riona mused, “leaving their loot behind like that.”

She did a visual sweep of her person, craning her neck over her shoulders to check behind. All she saw were the folds and layers of her dress. “Nothing appears out of place,” she concluded. “I suggest reporting the incident to a servant. They can assist in the search for your missing pocket watch.”

To the Shehzadi, Riona asked, “And you, My Lady? Has anything been added or taken from your person?”

“Your shoes?” Riona tried to catch a glimpse of her feet beneath the swath of pink fabric. She thought she saw Shehzadi Nahir carrying her shoes off the dance floor too, but she might’ve misremembered. “Given how long we left our shoes unattended while we danced, it is fortunate they were not spirited away.”

Which brought her thoughts circling back to Lord Squeakypants and his decidedly non-traditional party shoes.

“Although had they gone missing, it would have been the perfect excuse to borrow a pair or two from Lord Smithwood’s collection. I hear His Lordship’s selection is rather eclectic, everything from diamond-crusted pin heels to rustic clogs.” She met Lordling Smithwood’s eyes. “Is it true you have so many shoes that they spill out into the hallway? An acquaintance staying at the guest house said servants were gathering up scattered footwear outside your room.”

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Calbert's Estate
Interaction: @Potter Olivia
Attire: Mask, Dress/Wings

As Olivia's voice faltered, and she instinctively reached out toward her friend, but the throng of guests between them hindered her efforts, drowning out their connection with a cacophony of chatter. She disappeared from view completely, leaving Charlotte with a pang of unease as she searched the room for her friend's familiar face. "Olivia!" she called out, her voice tinged with urgency, as she navigated through the sea of bodies with rushed apologies.

Suddenly, a collision jolted her, and she stumbled backward, a pout forming on her face instinctively. Before she could regain her footing, a gloved hand reached out, capturing her own in a firm grasp. Startled, Charlotte looked up, her breath hitching as she found herself locking eyes with a stranger. His penetrating gaze sent a shiver down her spine. She withdrew her hand instinctively as he suddenly pressed his lips to the back of her hand. For a fleeting moment, their gazes held, and Charlotte felt as if she were peering into the abyss itself. Then, as swiftly as he had appeared, he vanished into the crowd, leaving her staring after the figure in confusion.

Then Olivia grasped her arm, and her gaze snapped to her. Relief filled her expression and she followed as she began to lead her off the dance floor. However, her relief quickly gave way to concern as Olivia's urgent questions pierced the air, her eyes brimming with tears.

But as she listened, her expression changed and empathy radiated from her gentle gaze. “Come here sweetie,” She murmured and pulled Olivia into an comforting embrace. “He bumped into me, apologized. Then he kissed my hand and left…But there was something... off about him…” Charlotte told her softly as she stroked Olivia's hair, her touch gentle against her friend's trembling form.

Furrowing her brows determinedly, Charlotte added firmly with resolve, “ I don’t know who that man is, but I won’t let him bother you.” When she received no response, Charlotte’s frown deepened.

"Olivia..." she pressed. Charlotte anxiously tapped her foot and took a scope of their surroundings before she leaned in closer and whispered, "Persephone?"
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