@smarty0114 & @LovelyComplex
TIMESTAMP: Between 7 AM & 7:25 AM
Homeroom begins at 7:30AM
Some students, like the Morning Show & Jamie/Trixie
have hall passes//clearance to come in late
TIMESTAMP: Between 7 AM & 7:25 AM
Homeroom begins at 7:30AM
Some students, like the Morning Show & Jamie/Trixie
have hall passes//clearance to come in late

Monday 10/14 ✓
The Breakfast Club: PJ Day - Pancake Eating Competition
Tuesday 10/15 ✓
Dodgeball: Sports Attire Day- Student VS. Staff Dodgeball Game
Wednesday 10/16 ✓
Wild Wild West: Cowboy/Cowgirls Day - Field Day Activities
Thursday 10/17 ✓
Austin Powers: Hippie Day - Yoga & DIY Craft
→ Friday 10/18 ←
*Start of RP*
Bring it On: Red & Black Day - Pep Rally, Homecoming Game
☆ Saturday 10/19 ☆
*The Green twins: Risky Business Party*
Homecoming Dance: Hollywood
BEVERLY HILLS - The first chill of fall. The first touchdown of the season. Crowning the king and queen. This is what homecoming is all about. For current students, homecoming is a time of rest where teachers usually put on a movie rather than worry about a lesson plan. For graduates, they’re revisiting old memories and reconnecting with old friends. Take a breather and enjoy this freedom while it lasts.
We’ve seen students explore themes from the Breakfast Club to the Wild Wild West. We’ve seen trendsetters use this time to exhibit their latest fashions. We’ve seen teachers get hit in the face by a ball or dunked in a tank. Wouldn’t you say that’s a good week? Today is the day we watch our annual homecoming game, where we invite our alma maters to celebrate the bond we all have with our school and see the Pirates make the Musketeers walk the plank.
But first! We will end our school day, yes leaving class early, to attend an assembly, where we are led to the gym by the Marching Pirates. Look forward to a performance from our cheerleaders where they will give us nothing but booty. Coach McCain has a speech prepared that will either make you cry or laugh so hard you piss your pants. Volunteers from each class, with the dancers and theater kids, have prepared an epic spectacle! I hear they’re assembling a group of heroes. Most importantly though, we will get to see the line up for this year’s fall sports teams. Cheer them on loudly so they can have enough tenacity and courage to go beyond their limits and WIN this season.
As for tomorrow, be prepared to walk the red carpet because —
We’ve seen students explore themes from the Breakfast Club to the Wild Wild West. We’ve seen trendsetters use this time to exhibit their latest fashions. We’ve seen teachers get hit in the face by a ball or dunked in a tank. Wouldn’t you say that’s a good week? Today is the day we watch our annual homecoming game, where we invite our alma maters to celebrate the bond we all have with our school and see the Pirates make the Musketeers walk the plank.
But first! We will end our school day, yes leaving class early, to attend an assembly, where we are led to the gym by the Marching Pirates. Look forward to a performance from our cheerleaders where they will give us nothing but booty. Coach McCain has a speech prepared that will either make you cry or laugh so hard you piss your pants. Volunteers from each class, with the dancers and theater kids, have prepared an epic spectacle! I hear they’re assembling a group of heroes. Most importantly though, we will get to see the line up for this year’s fall sports teams. Cheer them on loudly so they can have enough tenacity and courage to go beyond their limits and WIN this season.
As for tomorrow, be prepared to walk the red carpet because —
Beatrix Kingsley was in the studio room reading the school paper, where The Morning Show was preparing to go live, when a small, clumsy strawberry blonde freshman tripped, spilling black coffee on her red tank and jacket. Coldly, she looked at the now stained paper and her soaked chest and forced a smile at the girl, who was a deer in the headlights. “Are you…”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” The girl squealed, not providing solutions. Instead she ran off to hide in the side room.
“...kidding me.” Trixie exasperatedly breathed.


Bringing her attention to her best friend, Trixie complained, “Jamie, I take one sick day and this piece of crap gets approved? Where they give us nothing but booty. Laugh so hard you piss your pants. We’re lucky the teachers don’t read our shit or we wouldn’t have met the deadline,” Trixie tossed the ruined newspaper into the garbage and reached for a couple of napkins off a side counter. “Earth to Jamie, you hearing me?” She dabbed her chest, trying to clean the coffee at least off her skin.
Jamie Callaghan was not hearing her, at least not actively. His eyes were squinting down at his phone, where a picture of his ex-boyfriend stared back at him. It took another shout, this time louder and harder to miss, before he shook his head and met Trixie’s gaze. His brain tripped over itself as he processed her words, before the look of shock on his face melted into easy amusement.
“Yeah, I might've let the underclassmen take that one, and I pretty much just skimmed it. I thought the ‘booty’ line was kind of funny though.” Jamie winced, certainly not proud of blowing off his responsibilities, but definitely not ashamed. He didn’t tell her what he’d been doing instead, and he really didn’t need to. It was clear it involved the boy he’d been cyber stalking. Jamie gestured after the fleeing freshman, and asked, “You sure this doesn’t have more to do with the coffee that Bambi just spilled all over you?”
“That certainly doesn’t help,” Trixie grimaced, tossing the napkins away and sighing at her ruined outfit. Oh well. She had a spare top in her locker, she’d change soon enough. “There’s some background noise going on at home, I guess. Marcos might’ve gotten a girl knocked up which won’t look good on the family, at all. And my brothers are just annoying. I need a break, like an actual break, away from my family.” When the voices turned into a hush and they tested the mics, Trix knew it was time to leave. She gestured for Jamie to follow her out the room, “How ‘bout you? Anything new going on? You’ve… not been yourself lately.” There was a hint of worry in Trixie’s tone though she tried to mask it so Jamie didn’t deflect.
Jamie chewed his bottom lip for a moment, smirking ever so slightly. He did love a good secret, even if it was his own. “So, I know I said AJ and I were done for good last time. And we very much were. Well, now we…very much aren’t.” Jamie smiled, the kind of awkward smile that you can only manage when you’ve really taken a ride in the clown car. “It’s fun right now, and when it stops being fun, I’ll stop.”
Trixie observed her friend as he talked. She couldn’t necessarily relate to him, seeing how she was selective with who she dated and never felt the same passion Jamie had for AJ. Still, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Last year he had told her he needed to focus on himself and find direction, without the disappointment of AJ falling short or the self doubt he carried in himself. Time and time again she found him opening his phone and staring at his ex. Was he really ready to let him go? Why did he keep going back?
“It’s fun until someone gets hurt,” Trixie corrected, crossing her arms as they walked further and further away from the school studio. “Be careful, Jay. I know you like the company, and the cuddles, but like… what was the point of breaking up with him if you don’t want to let go? I don’t know. I just don’t want to see you get hurt again. You're... playing a dangerous game, babe.”
Jamie smiled and slung his arm around Trixie. She was probably right to worry about him. He and AJ had a tendency to take things to extremes when they were together, and the highest of highs were usually followed by the lowest of lows. Whether Jamie refused to see that, or just didn’t care, it didn’t really matter. When AJ Motherfucking Tyler got involved, Jamie wasn’t exactly reasonable. “It’s sweet that you care, Trix, but I am fine. Honestly, without all the pressure of the relationship, I don’t know, it’s just better this time around.” Jamie had grown very adept at lying to himself. “We can dissect my questionable choices literally any other time, what is the plan for homecoming? I will lay down on the 405 if I have to third wheel with Scott and Katie, I’m dead serious.”
Before Trixie could answer, Ethan Green, the leader of the Elite, was coming out of the bathroom with a brunette girl from the junior year, who was quick to rush away. She hid her face with her sweater as she did so. When the ‘king’ of the school noticed the dynamic newsie duo, he couldn’t help but grin. “Heyoooo Jamie, Trixie…” he greeted, as his gaze trailed down to her chest briefly, getting distracted.
“Hey. Eyes up here, asshole,” Trixie grumpily hissed.
“Yeah... my b. Did you know your nipples are showing?” Ethan chuckled, amused at how feisty Trixie was getting. Too bad she’d never give him the time of day. Trixie was extremely clear with her standards and expectations, similar to Naomi, the Queen Bee of the school. Some girls were more firm with what they wanted than others and Ethan was far too lazy to chase those kind of girls. Neither of them were interesting enough for him to play the chasing game anyways.
The editor-in-chief clicked her tongue in response, tightening her arms around her boobs. She glared and waited expectantly, obviously in quite a sour mood.
“Anyways, I’m throwing a party tomorrow, after the dance. It’s going to be lit. I’m thinking after they announce the king and queen, everyone head to the parking lot and we ride.”
“... where is this party going to be held exactly?” Trixie curtly inquired. Part of her was intrigued and the other part of her wanted this conversation to hurry up so she could change.
“My family’s vineyard, so like, plan an overnight bag! It’s going to be fun. Promise,” Ethan charmingly smiled and ran his hand through his hair, smooth and handsome. All things he knew he was. “And now that I’ve told you two. Please spread the word. Let our whole year know. You’re good at that.” Ethan clasped his hands together and sweetly pouted at his two peers. “Please,” he playfully begged. “It would be so awesome if you two did this for me and my bro."
“We are good at that, aren’t we?” Jamie smiled, and rolled his eyes at Ethan’s plea. He looked over at Trixie, and back at the jock, as if they needed to clear their schedules. “We can arrange that, as long as you get us our own room. We’re not bunking with the randos that find their way on the bus.” Jamie’s phone buzzed and his voice fell off as he slipped it from his pocket, a message from AJ front and center on his lock screen.
From: AJ Motherfucking Tyler
Here. I'll be at our usual spot... I got you breakfast.
Jamie smirked, and looked back at Ethan and Trixie. “I’m going to run, but I will tell my sources about your party, and I’ll see you,” Jamie pointed at Trixie, “at the rally, please, pleasepleaseplease save me a seat.” Jamie spun on his heel and made his way down the hall, practically skipping away. What was that thing they always said about the road to hell? Paved with good intentions, and all that jazz.
"Wait!" Ethan called out as Jamie sped walk down the hall like a bat out of hell. "The theme is: Risky Business!" Damn. He was gone. At least Trixie was here to make sure her partner-in-crime was on the same page as her. "Sheesh, where the hell is he running off to?"
"Disaster. Now! Risky Business, you say. Like the Tom Cruise movie?" Trixie asked, verifying her information so she wasn't spreading false information but also, that film was old and some of their peers may have never watched it. She didn't know if there were any other Risky Business items out there but she needed to make sure that her peers didn't make a fool of themselves unintentionally, especially not to the top dog of the school who was a film dweeb (even if he tried to play it cool).
"Exactly that," Ethan smirked as his gaze sparked with excitement. Truth be told, the theme for this week was entirely his doing. It was his last year so he wanted to make the last of everything count. Why not share his love for movies with his peers? "Since everyone is going to bring an overnight bag, they can change in the bathroom, on the bus... or at the vineyard, into one of the character's looks. It's gonna' be golden, baby."
Trixie glowered at the jock's words, "Don't call me baby but okay. Message heard. Send me the address just in case and we'll see what we can do."
"You got it, gurl. You two are literally the best. Life savers, honestly."
"Or you're just lazy and coming to us to alleviate stress," Trixie got to her locker and turned away from the Elite leader to focus on her combination.
"Alleviate stress you say..." Ethan impishly grinned, gently mocking Trixie a little, while he inched closer to see if the Gossip girl would bite.
"You can go now, Ethan Green. Don't you have a girlfriend to see?"
"Ah, yes. I guess boyfriend duties do call but I should probably check on my brother first," Ethan rolled his eyes in response to the wall Trixie put up and glanced at his phone to several texts. Some from his parents only causing him to give an exasperated sigh. No matter. He had to focus in on the day. Bringing his attention back to the beautiful girl, he added, "I'm surprised you're still, you know, available. Even with a wet top, you're—"
"Goodbye, Ethan."
He smiled at her response before dismissing himself, "See ya, Beatrix." He walked away and gave a one arm wave, heading to his next destination, "Thanks for helping a lazy boy out."