Stealth was far more stressful than he expected, leave it to the old man to be throughout even when he didn't need to be, paranoid old bastard, witouth Fenna or Adam they would have been toast, even his idea of using the riverside would have been useless if it wasn't for those two, the worst moments oddly enough were when he had to leave the river, there was something calming about being completely submerged and he couldn't tell from whom did it originate. But after some heart attacks, the light at the end of the tunnel finally shone on their eyes and after a couple of agonizing minutes, they were en route towards the hospital directed by the Silver Arrow.
Then the situation turned hostile, the Gnome Druid decided to start a dick measuring contest with their Druid and sadly for him Adam had the biggest tree. He had to give props to the other man for taking the high road, even if his anger was starting to boil inside his veins. That's when the ever-reliable Kass and Zell came in, intimidating the shorter man.
The sight of the other party leader approaching them prompted him to do the same, but rather than getting involved directly he instead stood behind his party members with his arms crossed and a deliberately blank face directed to Wulrick, he hoped that the message was understood by the other party.
They were too tired to put up with shit like that.
Mackensi coming to calm things down was both unexpected and in character, and thankfully unneeded, he had to give props to his fellow party leader, the way he reacted showed he was protective of his own party member and the way he responded when no one else stepped up to defend the gnome spoke of familiarity with the situation, looking at the other members of Silver Arrow who watched the scene with irritation made it clear it wasn't the first time this happened.
"Ah, so he is their party idiot"
In the end, the other man decided to separate the gnome from his party, and judging by the way they remained behind when his party entered the hospital it was obvious someone was about to be scolded. Before he entered the hospital he made sure to cross gazes with the other man who looked at him with a cold look, to which he responded with a pointed look at the gnome then back at him, an exaggerated sigh, and a shrug of the shoulders. The other man appeared confused for a second before he seemingly caught on to what he was implying, dropping the hard look he glanced at the gnome who still sported a look of pride on his face, then back to him, irritation clear in his eyes, after a moment he let out a long sight and inclined his head towards him in apology.
He waved him off, it was clear neither side wanted to come to blows so as long as the gnome kept those comments to himself he doubted they would have a problem. He gave another nod towards Wulrick before turning to enter the Hospital, the sounds of yelling barely reaching his ears and bringing a smile to his mouth.
He looked at his chest, tracing the place where Zigmund had stabbed James, only some faint scarring remained from what would have taken months to recover back on Earth, he was no longer surprised by it but it was an interesting point of comparison nonetheless. Another example was the almost uninjured leg of one Zell Brooks.
He ended up next to James. "Well," he said to the Mexicano. "Another trip survived. Another battle on the horizon. How you feeling, bossman?" Zell was upbeat, but sincerely concerned for his best friend. "It must be fucking weird having all of that Zigmund-guy's memories, eh. You really got em all? Like; actually his whole life?" If James was up for talking about it, Zell would ask for the deets, "Who was he?"
He let out a sigh at the other man's words "It is extremely fucking awkward, I know things that no one should know about anyone else man!, as for who was he..." Talk about a loaded question, how would you describe yourself to people who you tried to kill a couple hours ago?
The answer? With honesty
He chose carefully his words, no need to make things awkward by referring to Zigmund as himself "He was a power-hungry moron" A pool of shame surfaced in his belly at the description, it was true and that was what hurt the most "The guy grew up in some of the bad parts of the capitol and had the kind of habits you can imagine, drugs, whoring, drinking, vicious motherfucker he was but a damn good fighter, sadly he was too blinded by the temptation of power to realize how bad an idea it was to firm that contract with The Black Goat in exchange for... a... sword....
His eyes opened wide, he forgot!, how could he be so stupid to forget that!
He directed a frightened glance at Zell, gulping he tried to speak as calmly as possible "Zell, please answer me this question, have you noticed anything strange lately, hallucinations? Bad dreams? anything? Please be honest this is important Gods please no.