Zeke hadn't really responded to his question, more so speaking to the group in general instead of addressing what might be going on inside his head. It worried Demi a little, but perhaps now was the time. Maybe they could talk back at camp or on the way there. Really how had Demigods lasted this long and not invented a way to teleport from one side of the map to another. Sure he understood Glory and the Hero's Journey, but there had to be a Greek god of Transportation that could fold space in two and allow them to cover vast distances in less time right? Demi let out a sigh, squeezing Zeke's hand once more as he watched with bated breath to see if Nancy would recite the oath.
To his surprise she didn't. This was a shot to get out of Camp Half Blood and find her friends, yet she turned it down. Why? Demetri decided that trying to figure out why Nancy did anything was an exercise in futility. Artemis seemed to understand though, even going so far as to put Nancy on her PR list fully equipped with a welcome basket. As they made their way out of the Hotel and Casino, Demi watched as the sea of people parted ways for them. Only when they were truly outside did he feel safe, letting out a held breath of relief until Kristin pointed out the answer to what had been on everyone's minds. How long were they gone? ”Well that's not exactly brills is it? Gone a month away from camp with no word back to the others…I'm all for taking Alexios up on a ride but I understand if that's vetoed again.”
The pair of Demi-gods stood outside of Camp, one having convinced the other not to go back just yet. It had been over a month now since Zeke and Demetri had started dating, and yet it felt as though they hardly had any alone time anymore. The months leading up to the last quest had been the most peaceful ones, stolen moments in the flowers, glances taken at the infirmary, and wistful escapades that peppered the night as the two grew closer. All before they'd officially began to date, all before everything had gone to hell. Demetri wasn't ready to go back to camp just yet. Not that he hated it, nor regretted any moments spent there, but he knew that as soon as they entered under its protection, Zeke and him would never truly be alone again.
That was when he'd asked him to stay back, just for the day. Nancy, Janelle, and Kristin could easily finish the trek up, and after all their kind worked better in threes. All he wanted was some time alone with his boyfriend before everything went on its head again. Now they were alone, standing there out of view from Camp Half-Blood and within the protective area of his father's domain. Olympus towered over them, and Demi could almost feel his father's watchful eyes on his neck, but he shrugged it away as mere anxiousness for a date he never knew he could have. ”You aren't regretting this already…are you?” He asked nervously as he glanced at Zeke.
Ezekiel stood on the hill next to Demetri, watching his sister’s retreating form until he couldn’t see her anymore. He dropped his eyes to the ground, staring at nothing while Demi spoke. Zeke wasn’t sure what he was feeling. There were so many thoughts and emotions running around in his head. Part of him wanted to be with Nancy. He didn’t want to leave her side until she left his.
He wanted to help her form a plan to get Mads. He wanted to be there for her while she put Leandra on trial and talked to Niah. But Zeke also knew he missed Demetri. Standing next to him, Zeke could feel himself wanting to lean into Demetri, and share a private moment on the hill, but there was also this guilt pulling him towards camp.
However, Ezekiel knew that he couldn’t be with Nancy on this part of her journey. He didn’t understand Roman politics. He didn’t know how to serve in a Roman trial, and he couldn’t intrude on a private conversation with Niah. The two Romans needed to mourn, and make plans without Ezekiel hovering over his half-sister, worried she was going to break or disappear on him. The three days in a hotel with the shadow of Nancy proved that.
Ezekiel looked at Demetri, and shrugged. He turned his back to camp and stared at the forest around them. ”I’m not regretting it… I just feel torn.”
Demi wasn't sure how to respond. His eyes falling to the ground beneath Zeke's feet as he let out a small sigh. ”I get that…well, at least you're not regretting it.” He said bumping into Zeke softly trying to lighten the mood. ”Let's go. Doubt they'll leave us alone for long.”
Ezekiel knew Demetri was talking about the monsters that prowled outside the camp’s barriers. Zeke kicked at the ground, looking back at camp for a half minute more before he nodded and followed Demi into the forest. They had to move quickly. So there wasn’t much time for conversation.
For the most part, Demi was silent. Making his way through the forest and down the alleyways of New York, a single destination in mind as he remained vigilant to ensure no monsters had pestered them on their way. Luckily, it was quiet. Or at the very least as quiet as the city that never sleeps could be. It'd been over a month since their last mission begun, even less time since they'd taken down a Titan. A part of him dared any monster to try and get between him and Zeke. He'd be able to get out some frustration that way at the very least. But none came. Before he knew it they stood on the block of the Empire State Building, Olympus right above.
Demetri let out a sigh of relief. Hands on his hips as he leaned back a bit with a bit of a chuckle. ”Home free Z. Alright, so what do we want to do first?” He asked with a dopey smile on his face as he looked at his boyfriend.
Ezekiel stared up at the Empire State Building, thinking about going up there to yell at the gods, but that idea was literally pointless. Ezekiel looked back at Demetri, smirking at the smile Demi sported. On the way to the city, Zeke made a pact with himself to enjoy the date. He couldn’t do anything for Nancy, or anything about the Doors of Death right now. But he could have fun today.
Ezekiel looked up and down the street, running his tongue over his teeth and frowned. He lifted his arm and sniffed it. ”A drug store. And maybe a shower. It didn’t feel like a month but neither of us have brushed our teeth or showered or worn other clothes in a month.” Ezekiel looked back at Demetri. Suddenly feeling shy, Ezekiel shoved his hands into his pockets, looking up and down the street again.
It wasn't until Zeke brought it up that it clicked in Demi's mind. To him it felt as though they had simply jumped forward in time. A month gone by that never truly happened. But in reality, they had been gone an entire month inside the Hotel Casino. Whether it felt like it or not was a different story. His cheeks tinged red as the thought crossed his mind, crossing his arms before nodding in agreement. ”Right then. We can hit up a drug store on the way, I'm sure there's plenty of gyms to hit up that have showers we could use before going off on our date.”
The thought of it made Demi's heart skip a beat. He didn't know the normal time-frame for relationships, his last one having been a failed hoax by a now recently disintegrated Empousa. Was this too fast for them to be showering together? Too slow? Did Hotel time count when it came to measuring this? His face reddened more as he looked at Zeke.
Ezekiel nodded and picked a random direction to start walking in. His hands were still shoved deep into his pockets while they walked. For some reason, Ezekiel was terribly nervous. Sure, he and Demi had gone on ‘dates’ around camp, but that had all been hush-hush up until recently. This was technically their first date. And Zeke had no idea what to say or do.
Demi quickly began to walk in step alongside his boyfriend. Noting the way he seemed closed off, hands drawn in, and away from reach. He was quiet for a moment, just following at his side before remembering that this was all new to him too. Not just dating, but boys as well. He didn't say anything, but his hand gently tapped against the outside of Zeke's pockets. The same way he'd always brushed against his hand under desks to signal he wanted to hold his, even if just for a moment. ”Soooo you're paying for everything right? I mean you're the man and all that right?” Demi teased trying to ease Zeke up.
Ezekiel startled when Demetri tapped the pocket of Zeke’s pants. He looked down before remembering what that usually meant. Zeke swallowed, looking around nervously before he pulled his hands out of his pocket. His hand brushed against Demi’s as they walked. Then Zeke hooked his pinkie around Demi’s, then intertwined their fingers. The simple touch left Zeke with an odd mix of comfort and nerves.
Feeling slightly better, Ezekiel started looking for drug stores. He stopped walking immediately when Demi asked if he was paying for everything. ”I, um…Well, I can pay for some things, but um…”
Shit. Now what am I going to do? Great start to a first date, Kel, Zeke mentally berated.
Demi's smile faltered for a moment, feeling only the brush of skin at first before slowly progressing further as they walked. Was it different now that they were out in public? He didn't know how to help, but all that swept away as Zeke finally answered. Demi couldn't help but burst out in laughter as his boyfriend flustered about an answer. ”I'm just teasing you luv. I've got it all covered. Wouldn't’ve asked you on a date if I couldn't afford it.” He spotted a CVS down the street, nodding towards the Location. ”Ready to get ourselves some hygiene?”
Ezekiel’s ears warmed from the tease and being called ‘love’. He nodded his head, glad Demi was okay with splitting things. Zeke really needed to figure out a way to make more money.
He walked with Demetri to the CVS, stepping aside to let Demetri go first before following him inside. Zeke was looking forward to feeling cleaner. Maybe then could relax and enjoy the date.
It felt like a scene from an old movie for Demi. A young Kevin McAllister roaming through a store to purchase some essentials without so much as knowing what all he wanted. ”What a gentleman.” He commented as Zeke opened the door for him and let him in first. He made his way deeper in, figuring the layout was the same as any CVS's. ”What all do we want to grab? Maybe we should consider some new clothes too after the shower.” Maybe Zeke was right? They probably should've stopped by camp first.
”Um, toothpaste, toothbrushes…Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant,” Ezekiel said. He grabbed a basket and started tossing some things in. ”We could just use the same hair stuff and toothpaste.” Zeke grabbed two toothbrushes before finding the deodorant and debated on what he wanted. For some reason, this seemed easier to handle for Zeke then where they were going to go for food, or other date activities.
”Clothes would be great. At least a new shirt. And socks.”
And underwear, Zeke thought but didn’t want to say that part out loud. It seemed obvious enough.
Demi laughed as he threw in a small bottle of mouthwash. Full glad Zeke remembered the deodorant as it had fully slipped his own mind. ”Full outfit. Head to toes.” He said with a grin. ”And I'm fine with sharing them. No need to get more than what's necessary you know?” But at the subject of sharing shampoo, his face gained a pink tint once more. Clearly Zeke meant for them to share a shower together. Otherwise they'd need two bottles of Shampoo and Conditioner. ”Maybe we could snag some snacks for when we head back. Ya know, things we otherwise couldn't get.”
Zeke sniffed some of the deodorant, grabbed a couple of them, and tossed them into the basket. He felt his face warm when Demi suggested a full new outfit. ”I really just need a new t-shirt.” Zeke definitely couldn’t afford a full new outfit. Besides, he had splurged when his dad had given him money. Zeke had like two new pairs of pants and a couple of new t-shirts.
At the mention of snacks, Zeke nodded eagerly. ”Definitely,” he said and made a bee-line for the snack aisle.
As Zeke made his way towards the snacks, Demi fished out the multitudes of deodorants and smelled each one. The first one caught him off guard, the scent assaulting his nose in what he could only describe as a “manly” scent. He hoped Zeke didn't mind as he put that one back on the shelf. Trying out the other two until he finally picked one that smelled ‘clean’. Like if fresh rainfall and cucumbers had a child. It'd be good for Zeke, and would help with the feeling of feeling clean.
Demetri followed behind afterwards, not telling Zeke of the choices he'd made before arriving at the aisle with him. ”I was more thinking we can snag them on the way back if you wanted. Unless you want to be carrying a bag of snacks all day?” I mean they had their bags with them from the quest, but he doubted they wouldn't get crushed from weaponry alone.
Zeke scanned the shelves, mulling over if he wanted something salt, sweet, and a drink. Or maybe just one thing when Demi joined him. ”Oh…Ya, that makes more sense,” Zeke said and nodded. ”I guess a clothing store now?” Zeke asked, and took the basket from Demi, so he could pay for this shopping trip.
”Sounds brills. If you want to get that stuff I'm gonna find another employee and see about getting directions to something that's within budget for clothing. Meet back outside?” Demi asked, his usual dimpled smile present.
Ezekiel nodded, agreeing to meet Demi outside. Zeke glanced around, seeing no one else in the aisle with them, and he leaned forward to kiss Demi’s cheek before Zeke headed to the check-out. Once he had the items paid for, Ezekiel went outside and found a bench to sit at to wait for Demi.
Demi touched the spot where Zeke had kissed him, holding his fingers there as he watched his boyfriend go off to pay for their new toiletries. Without him watching, he grabbed a heart shaped box of chocolates with a variety of flavors, making his way towards a cashier after Zeke left and paying for them. He did, ofcourse, ask for information on what stores were nearby and what locations for food and gyms there were in the area. When all was said and done, Demi placed the sweets into his bag and made his way out, seeing Zeke sitting on a nearby bench. ”Alright! Got info on a gym, some food, and a clothing store. Though I'm not so sure it'll be my style but…we'll see.”
Ezekiel stood when he heard Demetri. Zeke cocked his head to the side and frowned. ”Don’t all clothing stores carry the same thing?”
Demi narrowed his eyes, unsure if Zeke was trying to be obtuse or simply didn't know. ”No. Each one has its own styles, that's why certain stores have specific clientele. You wouldn't expect someone who shops at Hot Topic to go looking into Hollister. But it should be fine either way. So…clothing then showers?” He asked.
”Oh,” Zeke said and glanced down at his clothes. What was his style, he wondered. ”Ya, sure. Lead the way,” he said, unsure of where they needed to go next.
Demetri took Zeke's hand, pulling him off the bench as he lead them towards the Banana Republic. He figured Zeke may like the look of them, but he wasn't entirely sure. If anything the clothes in there were certainly more expensive than what Zeke was used to wearing, but he deserved to have nice things. ”Normally I wouldn't suggest walking in there with how we are, but desperate times and all that.” He said with a bit of a laugh as the rounded a corner and made their way down the streets before standing in front of the display windows of the store. ”Tada!”
Ezekiel held securely onto Demetri’s hand while they walked through the streets of New York. Zeke knew that if they stayed close to the Empire State Building they were safe, but it was hard to not actively look around every corner and down every alley for a monster about to attack them.
Zeke was distracted when Demi pulled him to a stop. He stumbled back and looked up at the display window, and laughed. ”Ya, there’s no way I can afford what’s in that store.” Zeke had no idea what the Banana Republic was, but the pants had lines, and the shirts on the maniacs looked pristine. They definitely weren’t on sale at Target.
”Then it's a good thing you're not the one affording it huh?” Demi quipped before making his way into the store with Zeke in hand. ”Come on, if you think this is rich you should see the other stores around here.” Hopefully that remark alone was enough to get this stubborn mule into the shop. Lord knows Demi could feel the tension building inside of his boyfriend just from looking at the stores window display.
”What? No…Demi, no.” He stumbled into the store with Demetri and looked around, completely out of his element. He couldn’t just let Demetri spend all his money on Zeke. It wasn’t right.
”Sorry can't hear you, too busy looking at this clothing.” Demi sang as he ran a hand over a cashmere jumper. It felt softer than anything he'd held in a long time. Especially since being at camp. His eyes flitted about as he tried to find a semblance of dark clothing however. Most everything being earth tones or light colored clothing. Hardly a spec of black anywhere. It was fine, he'd manage somehow. He found a pair of pants fairly quickly however they appeared to only come in white. It was a pair of pleated linen pants with an offset wooden button. The texture alone was breathtaking, and it was so lightweight that Demi could only imagine how comfortable they'd be. ”Whatdya think about this?”
Ezekiel tried not to grumble or run from the store. Instead, he followed behind Demetri, barely looking at anything. When he did look, he nearly had a heart-attack over some of the prices. Who in their right mind would spend that much on a pair of pants? If Zeke got anything from here, he’d never be able to wear it again. Cashmere and silk did not go with monster hunting.
Zeke was staring at an overpriced t-shirt when Demi called for his attention. Zeke stared at the white pants. ”Think about what? Aren’t you normally black pants?” Zeke gestured to some other pants that were black.
Demi stared at the black pants for a moment, blinking slowly before offering Zeke up a smile. ”Those are cargo pants, and not even the Kim Possible kind. While I admire their attempt at the color it isn't nearly dark enough and just not my style. So compromises have to be made and I guess I can wear white for a while. Besides, maybe I'll have better luck at a black shirt so I don't feel completely naked. What about you? Anything catch your fancy?”
Ezekiel glanced around the store, fidgeting with the bag in his hands and shrugged. ”I dunno,” he said. He was still stuck on the cost of this place, and didn’t want Demi spending so much on him. Zeke would never be able to pay him back..
”Then I suggest looking around Z. Otherwise I'll find the most expensive pair of pants and get them in your size. I won't even care if it's the ugliest thing I've seen.” He teased as he turned a shirt over in his hands, inspecting it to see if it was something he'd like.
Ezekiel sighed heavily, acting like a petulant child, before he went off to find something on sale, hopefully. Zeke browsed the racks and found a really nice sky blue shirt. It reminded Ezekiel of the sky and, therefore, Demi. The brilliant blue of Demi’s natural eyes wasn’t a colour Zeke naturally gravitated towards, but this was a nice substitute. After he secured the long-sleeved shirt, Ezekiel wandered the store looking for a pair of pants that weren’t white.
Demi continued to browse, looking up sparingly at his boyfriend to ensure he was actively attempting to pick out some clothing instead of deciding that the intricacies of the flooring were more entertaining. He'd made his way over towards a rack, held inside a recess in the wall. A line of silk shirts in various patterns were hanging from the metallic bar. There he found a black silk shirt, thick white marbling splattered on portions of it, but not enough to take away from the darkness the black silk commanded of the shirt. He ran his fingers against the fabric and fell in love. Snagging it off the rack and folding it over the pants he had placed across his arm.
The undergarments didn't matter as much. Electing to grab the nearest pair of striped boxers, white socks, and calling it a day before he made his way over to Zeke who had seemingly found a shirt. ”Oooo, love the colour. What's it made of?”
”Merino wool? Whatever that is,” Zeke said and thrust the long-sleeved sweater into Demi’s hands. Zeke shuffled out to get himself some socks and heather gray boxer briefs as well before he returned. ”I’d prefer a lighter pair of brown pants or black,” Zeke said. ”But I don’t know what to get.”
”Very Sexy.” Demi remarked as he took the shirt from Zeke and followed him about. When asked for his help on pants, Demi began to circle Zeke. Looking at him and the shirt chosen back and forth before finally stopping behind him and giving his arse a gentle squeeze. ”Well there's a ton of slim fit Khakis on display that would look good with this shirt. Then again, you'd look good in anything. Besides, Slim fit will compliment your…assets.”
Ezekiel tried not to fidget while his boyfriend circled him. Zeke’s eyes widened when Demi squeezed his butt. He looked at Demi, narrowing his eyes playfully before Zeke shifted his attention back to the clothes around them.
”Ah, so you just want to dress me up so you have something to look at all day. I see how it is,” Zeke said. He spotted a pair of sand coloured, slim-fit pants and pointed to them. ”How about those then?”
Demi smiled a devilish grin as Zeke finally got it. ”Duh. First big date, we gotta look our best.” He went and grabbed the pair Zeke was pointing to. Pulling them off the rack and holding them up in front of Zeke to visualize how he'd look in them. He closed one eye, leaving only his good eye open before finally speaking again. ”Love it.”
Ezekiel rolled his eyes and shook his head when Demetri closed his one eye. He walked over once Demi passed approval and took the pants.
”Okay, I'm gonna go try this on then.” Zeke said and went to find a change room.
Once dressed, Ezekiel turned this way and that while looking in the mirror in the change room. Part of him felt like he was a little kid playing dress up, but another part marveled at how well the clothes fit. He pushed the sleeves of the blue sweater up, revealing smooth, tanned forearms. The colour of the shirt brought out Zeke's eyes and a natural tan Zeke didn't know he had. The white sand-like colour of the pants was comfortable and warm, fitting him like they were made for him. The black dress jacket felt like velvet and was definitely the nicest thing he owned. Zeke just hoped it was as warm as the bomber jacket he used to wear in Maine. Even when it was below zero, snowing, and windy, Zeke would sweat in that thing while he was outside.
Satisfied, Ezekiel changed back into his other clothes, feeling the difference immediately, but he didn't let it bother him. These fancy clothes were for a fun occasion. His daily clothes were just fine, and Demi liked him anyways, even if he didn't wear a hundred and sixty dollar pants.
Zeke left the change room in search of a nice scarf to take away the chill wind that always came off the water. New York didn't get as cold as Maine did, but it was still bloody freezing.
While Zeke was trying on his clothes in the fitting room, another customer came in. The biting cold air following them into the store as winters chill began to fill the store air. Right. He'd forgotten about what the weather was like outside for a moment. Having been shopping in a heated store it was hard to imagine yourself in a coat or thick clothing. He looked back at his shirt choice, silk wasn't exactly warming but it also wasn't so thin that it's freeze him. Turning it over he realized now why the tag price was lowered drastically, this shirt was out of season and they needed to get rid of it.
Demi let out a sigh and tried to find where Zeke had gotten his coat from. Taking another of the same in his size. He didn't bother trying his clothes on. He'd shopped enough to know his size in most stores and what's more his body was malleable, capable of fitting any size he needed to if it really came down to it.
After finding a scarf, Zeke worked on finding Demetri. ”I sure do miss my black beanie…It was always good at keeping my head warm,” he said, smirking at Demetri because Zeke had given it to Demi several months ago.
Ezekiel looked at the clothes in his hands, in Demi’s, and then Demi’s face. ”Are you sure this is okay? I can get my own socks and underwear… And I can make these clothes work.”
”It's fiiiiine. Most of my stuff is out of season anyways and heavily marked down.” Demi wasn't about to mention that the money was also mostly a courtesy of Alexios because he'd pinched pennies a bit too hard on the way back and had a bit leftover. ”Now stop fussing and give me your clothes before you get stink all over them.” He teased while sticking his tongue out before taking the clothes out of Zeke's hands and bringing them up front to pay.
Ezekiel's face flushed from the way Demetri was spoiling him. He followed along behind his boyfriend, shoving his hands back into his pockets, and stayed out of ear shot, so he didn't hear how much Demi was spending on the two of them.
Aside from the guitar his mother bought him, and the one Demi made for him, Zeke had never owned something so precious to him.
Once everything was bagged up, Demi made his way back to Zeke, a grin plastered on his face as he motioned for them to leave. ”Would you believe it? Gave me half off of everything because she said we made a cute couple.” Of Course that was a lie, but Zeke didn't have to know. ”I think the next place is down this strip, then we can get on with starting this date nice and proper yeah?”
Ezekiel looked up at Demetri and frowned. ”Ya huh.” He didn't believe Demi, but Zeke didn't push it. Demetri made it clear he was fine with spoiling them. It was a hard thing for Ezekiel to accept, since money had always been limited for him, but he had to try to be okay with Demetri doing this.
The cold air wrapped itself around Zeke and he frowned at the sky. ”Let's hurry then. The warmer clothes will be nice.”
”I'm more excited for a warm shower.” Demi quipped back as he lead the way towards the gym that was on the block. On the walk over he'd placed the clothes into his bag, hoping it would look more like a gym bag and less like their raiding their facilities for a free shower. The shopping bag disposed of in the nearest trash can he could find on the way there. He slipped in, motioning for Zeke to stay quiet as they used the distracted employees to go straight towards the locker room where the showers were.
The sneaking about was something Ezekiel was more used to. Whenever their water had gotten cut off at home, he and his mother used to sneak into truck stops or gyms for the same purpose. Ody, it brought back found memories for Zeke.
Inside the change rooms, Zeke grinned triumphantly at Demi before pulling off his shoes and carried them towards the showers in the back.
Demi matched his grin, equal parts mischief and pride as they managed to make their way into the showers. He followed suit, taking off his shoes as well and walking right behind Zeke before stopping outside the same shower, opening the door to it for Zeke to walk in. ”After you.”
Ezekiel turned and looked at Demetri. ”What? We're… we're not…what?”
Demi raised an eyebrow at Zeke, confused at first before laughing at the clear miscommunication. ”Z we got exactly one shampoo, conditioner, and soap. What exactly did you think would happen? We took turns showering?” He placed his hand on Zeke's lower back and attempted to gently guide him into the shower.
”Well, ya… Exactly, we can take turns,” Zeke said. He could feel his face flaming, and startled when Demi touched his lower back.
Zeke had a couple intense makeout sessions with Demetri, but it didn't go past taking his own shirt off… This was entirely different.
”Kel get your ass in gear or so help me. I am not waiting outside while you shower. Do you know how many weird looks I'd get just standing here? Outside some guys shower?” Demi said with a flat look. ”I'd rather not have to push you in because with the wet floor that could lead to an accident. So-” He said as he removed his shirt and tossed it over the top of the partition and stepped into the shower shirtless.
Ezekiel frowned at Demi. Clearly he didn't find it a big deal. Ezekiel watched Demi pull his shirt off before stepping into the shower. Zeke's eyes traced the muscle lines along Demi's shoulders from the shoulder movement, and his face flamed more.
Zeke looked around not seeing anyone around at the moment, but it would look weird if Zeke just stood here. Dammit.
Not giving himself enough time to think about it more, Zeke stripped off his socks, shirt, and pants. He piled everything into a corner next to the bag of new clothes before he followed Demetri into the shower.
Demi whistled as Zeke stripped down to just his boxers. Stepping aside so that he could enter the shower as well. ”I don't know you about you Z, but usually I don't shower with my boxers on.” He teased as he pulled his pants and boxers off in one fell swoop before kicking them off to the side alongside Zeke's clothes.
Ezekiel's face paled and he immediately looked away from Demetri. This was not what Zeke had pictured for the beginning of their date. Maybe at the end…
Zeke ran a hand over his face. ”You are going to be the death of me,” he informs Demetri. Ezekiel turned away and took off the last bit of clothing.
As soon as the last of his clothing was removed, Demi turned on the shower. Placing it to a hot temperature before stepping into it and letting the water warm him up. ”Didn't take you to be so shy. I'd say it's nothing I haven't seen before but uh…well it's actually nothing I've seen before.” He said as he kept his eyes closed with water running over his face. Maybe the steam would help relax Zeke, making it harder to see anything for them.
”I just wasn’t expecting…this,” Zeke said lamely. He stepped under the water shortly after Demetri did and stared at the wall for a long while until the heat eventually wore him down. Zeke shut his eyes and sighed.
Zeke hated the cold. So, at least with a warm shower, he could hold onto that feeling before they go back outside into the dead of winter. ”Where do you want to go eat?” Zeke asked, figuring that idle conversation was better than silence.
Demi could feel the presence next to him. The sound of water changed as another body entered it and created less dead zones for it to pass through. He opened his eyes, watching Zeke's back as he stared at the wall before them. A short chuckled escaping as he himself shifted within the water, wrapping his arms around Zeke's waist and pulling him closer and further into the shower. ”Could've asked me to move. Didn't mean to hog all the hot water. “ He joked as he felt his chest pressed against Zeke's back, head now resting onto his shoulder. ”I'm kind of in the mood for some Korean food. Heard there's a spot nearby. If you're up for it.”
Zeke froze when Demetri’s arms wrapped around Zeke’s waist, Demi’s hands resting low, and pulled them under the water more. Ezekiel swallowed the large lump that had formed in his throat. ”It’s…It’s fine,” Zeke said, having cleared his throat to sound normal after the weird high-pitched sound that had initially left his voice.
Ezekiel shut his eyes again and focused on the water and Demetri’s presence. It wasn’t so bad when Zeke was able to do that and just focus on what he was feeling. Zeke settled against Demeti’s chest, resting his own hand over Demi’s. ”Korean sounds good.”
”Good. Because I could go for some Bibimbap. I can practically taste the crisp rice and fried egg.” Demi answered in a dreamy voice. He could feel Zeke finally relaxing, resting against him, and he followed suit, pressing closer to him as he kissed his neck. ”Is this too much?” His tone relaxed, though a clear sense of concern underlying it.
Ezekiel snorted at the name. ”Sorry, I don’t think I’ve actually had Korean food before, but I’ve heard it can be spicy.” Zeke didn’t mind spice, and it would keep him warm.
Demi’s lips were soft on Ezekiel’s neck and more comforting since Zeke already knew what that felt like. He naturally tilted his head to the side, allowing Demetri more access if they wanted it. ”Ya, that’s okay.”
”It's delicious, kimchi is a must. Also flavored milks. I've heard that Soju is great buuut that's 21 and up territory. My dish isn't exactly spicy, so a side of Kimchi is necessary. That or a bit of gochujang to mix in would be great.” Demi spoke as his hand wandered a bit. Tracing the edges of Zeke's muscles.
”Mmm ya, that sounds good,” Zeke said, opening his eyes. He turned his head, looking for the shampoo. Demi tracing Zeke’s muscles was a distraction but also oddly comforting.
”Looking for something?” Demi asked as he noticed the change in demeanor.
”Shampoo,” Zeke said.
Demi rolled his eyes as he let go of Zeke and made his way over the the bag of toiletries, pulling out the ones needed for the shower. He squirted a bit of Shampoo onto his palms before rubbing it together slightly and then reaching over and lathering it all into Zeke's hair. Giving him both a scalp massage and shampoo in one. ”Could just ask Z. You know I'd get…and give you anything.”
Ezekiel felt cold when Demetri pulled away, but the water quickly warmed him back up again. He glanced back at Demetri but quickly turned back before Demi returned.
Zeke sighed, closing his eyes when Demetri started to wash his hair, not that Zeke couldn’t do it himself, but this was nice, too.
”I think I’m starting to realize that. You did just buy me an entire outfit that I’ll never be able to pay you back for.”
Demi pressed up closer, inches away from each other as he continued. ”And why would you ever have to pay me back? You don't owe me anything. If I get you something it's because I want to and expect nothing in return. Ok?” He punctuated his question with a soft kiss against Zeke's lips.
Zeke opened his eyes when he felt Demetri move closer. His eyes focused on Demi’s, his heart pounding in his chest while Demi spoke. Zeke nodded once after Demi kissed him.
”Okay,” he said before kissing Demi again.
”Good. But…I'm not all nice” Demi said with a wink before pressing closer into Zeke and pushing him against the cold tiled wall. ”I can be a bit rude too at times” He managed to get out with a chuckled before going to grab the shampoo once more for himself.
Zeke opened his eyes, raising his eyebrows in question to Demetri’s statement. Zeke startled when Demi pressed him against the tile. He gasped and jumped away from the tile as soon as he was able to.
”Incredibly rude,” Ezekiel declared. He huddled under the warm water, and rinsed the shampoo from his hair.
”Can't have you getting too excited now can I? Hear cold showers help with that.” Demetri said as he stuck out his tongue and began shampooing his hair. In truth he was trying to stop himself from wanting to do more. It was already taking everything inside of him not to glance down to see what Zeke's lower half looked like.
Ezekiel opened his eyes and frowned. He flicked water at Demi, not that it mattered. ”Oh, ha ha. I do have some self-control,” Zeke said.
Feeling emboldened, Ezekiel walked closer to Demetri while he was busy with his hair. ”Or are you worried about about yourself?” Zeke asked and kissed Demi’s cheek.
Demi blushed at the feeling of Zeke's lips, his eyes looking away from him as he tried not to fold. ”I'm not worried. You could do whatever you'd want to and I wouldn't be worried.” He smirked looking Zeke in the eyes before quickly flicking his gaze down and back up.
Zeke smirked and elbowed Demetri in the stomach before he walked around to get the conditioner. The brief glance down left Zeke feeling excited but also nervous. Demetri was the first guy Zeke had ever thought of in that way. He didn’t really know what to expect.
Demetri watched as he walked away, both elated and disappointed that nothing had happened. He moved under the water once more, rinsing out all the shampoo as he spoke. ”I guess that means I really shouldn't worry huh?”
”Are you worried or disappointed?” Zeke asked and walked back with the conditioner. He waited for Demetri to finish rinsing the shampoo out of his hair before Zeke conditioned Demi’s hair.
Demi was about to tease him more, to tell him to come over there and find out. But Zeke wasted no time retrieving the conditioner before putting it into his hair. ”Only one way to find out huh? And since your hands are already on my head.” Without so much as another word, Demi dropped down to his knees.
Zeke ran the towel over his head, soaking up more of the water. His eyes kept drifting over to Demetri while they dressed and got ready as well. Ezekiel certainly didn’t expect their date to go the way it had so far, but Zeke wasn’t mad about it. And although he felt a little weird, he felt good, too.
”Do you think there’s a hair dryer in this place?” Zeke really didn’t want to step outside with wet hair.
Demi was bent over, drying off his legs as Zeke asked about the dryer. He figured the girls locker probably had one, but wasn't too sure if the men's would. Wouldn't be out of the question though. ”If anything it's probably by the sinks or something. Doubt they'd keep it next to the showers where it'll spark up.” He looked back at Zeke and smiled, he hadn't planned for any of this, but it was a welcome surprise and one he hoped they could do again, and possibly in a less awkward location.
Demi shook his head, spraying water everywhere before he quickly ran the towel over it to help dry it off. ”Can't you use your light to dry it off? Like a sun lamp?” He joked.
Zeke snorted and shook his head. ”How much time do we have?” he asked sarcastically.
Ezekiel pulled on fresh boxers and his new pants. They felt even better now that he was freshly showered. After that, Zeke pulled on his sweater. He ran the fabric between his fingers, smiling to himself as he thought about why he picked the colour. This sweater was quickly becoming Zeke’s favourite.
”I’m gonna go see if they have a hair dryer,” Zeke said and headed to the front of the change room.
Demi grinned at the response, blowing him a kiss before he began to get dressed himself. He watched as his boyfriend walked away in search of a dryer, and he felt as though he was on cloud 9. Demetri leaned against the wall, tilting his head back, the smile persisting well past the sight of him. A part of him wondered if they could have a round two before heading back to camp, but he thought it might be too much too fast for Zeke.
Ezekiel wandered around, checking the counter tops and underneath to try and find a hairdryer. At this point, Zeke would even stick his head under the hand dryer to try and get his hair dry. He paused in front of the mirror and ran his fingers through his hair, willing it to take some shape, so it didn't look horrid for the rest of this date.
Zeke returned to Demetri empty handed and looked through the bag for deodorant and his toothbrush and toothpaste.
”No hair dryer,” Zeke announced.
”Well then I guess we just have to move quickly while out. Not much more to do about it.” Demi decided, grabbing the deodorant out of Zeke's hands before putting it on and tossing it back to him. ”I have a few ideas for what we can do besides food. But first food. I'm starving for something that isn't just gas station gourmet.”
Ezekiel stuck his tongue out at Demetri when he took the deodorant. In the meantime, Zeke put the toothpaste on his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth. Zeke nodded in response before heading back up to the sinks.
Once Zeke got some deodorant on and was done, he pulled on his shoes, jacket, and scarf. ”Alright, let's go eat.”
The feeling of wearing new clothes, looking like money, and roaming the streets of New York was exhilarating. Demi had gotten all the information needed from earlier, so he naturally lead the way towards the Korean restaurant that was mentioned. There was a small wait, but eventually they were sat down, drinks were served, and the food ordered.
Demetri drank from his Pepsi, an ice cube sinking down into his glass as he sipped at it from the straw. ”Are you enjoying yourself so far?...”
Ezekiel sat down after Demetri. He slipped his jacket over the back of the chair and shoved his scarf into the arm of the jacket before he tucked up his pants and sat down. Demi helped him order and Zeke was looking forward to a new meal. It seemed today was a day for trying new things.
Zeke drank his iced tea and looked at Demi over the rim of his glass. Zeke smirked, his mind going back to the shower. ”Ya, I'd say so. Are you?”
”I think you know how much I enjoyed myself.” Demi retorted with an eyeball before going back to his drink. He shifted in his seat slightly, adjusting himself as he began to blush. Normally the two of them could talk so easily, but for some reason now that they were actually on a date he felt speechless and awkward. Like if was the first time they'd ever met.
Ezekiel took a minute to settle his nerves and looked around the restaurant. It looked cool with traditional colours and set-up. He slipped his drink and looked back at Demetri.
”You'd think after the shower we'd be less nervous,” Zeke commented, staring at the table while he spoke.
A nervous chuckle escaped Demi. Looking down at the table. ”Yeah…somehow that felt easier. It was a conversation, but without words just action. Now…well I feel like I don't know what to say. Haven't really…gotten this far in the whole relationship business. Maybe we should just go back to the showers.”
”Why? So I can be the nervous wreck?” Zeke reached out and brushed his hand against Demi's, a silent invitation to take his hand.
Ezekiel found it funny that while clothed, he seemed to have the advantage, but when he was in the shower with Demi, they had all the swagger and power.
Demi took the invitation. All too eager to find some semblance of comfort in this foreign land. ”You didn't seem so nervous after it began” He said with a raised eyebrow, clearly teasing him. ”I don't think I'm good at this whole date thing. Planning sure, but execution?...” He sighed, looking down as his hair flopped in front of his face.
Zeke's face flushed, but he tried to laugh it off, squeezing Demi's hand. ”Well, it's a first for both of us. So, that makes it easier, doesn't it?”
Their food arrived and Zeke pulled his hand back so they had more room on the table.
Demi was glad the food had come. At least then he had an excuse not to say something stupid if there was food in his mouth. He thanked the waiter before grabbing his chopsticks and beginning to eat. For a moment he was about to take a piece of pork fat and toss it off to the side, then he remembered he wasn't at camp. There were no offerings. He paused for a moment, before taking a bit silently. ”So I was thinking, maybe after this we hit up a build a bear? Make each other something we can hold onto while in our own cabins. But if that's too childish or stupid we can skip that no problem!” He said rushing the last sentence before shoving a portion of cucumbers and rice together into his mouth.
Ezekiel helped himself to his kimchi and rice, finding the spicy kick to be quite refreshing. He happily ate before glancing up when Demetri started to ramble. Zeke looked back at his food and ate more before swallowing. He leaned back in his seat and sipped his tea.
”I'd prefer that to being chased out of your cabin by a bat,” Zeke declared. He would likely be picked on but he didn't care. He would have to deal with it.
Demi tried to think for a moment. Giving Zeke a puzzled look. ”There's no bats in Zeus cabin? I mean, a draft at times sure but bats?” He grabbed another mouthful of food before it finally dawned on him. Food almost flying out of his mouth as he choked back laughter. ”Oh you mean Hedge with his baseball bat? That satyrs a menace to society. I swear I've got more lumps from him than I do the climbing wall.”
Zeke gave Demi an incredulous look. How did he not know what Zeke was talking about? They were the talk of the entire camp that day. Ezekiel snorted and rolled his eyes when it finally dawned on Demetri.
”Mmhmm. Yes, well, I would like to avoid being chased by him again.”
”Good luck with that. It is you after all, I'm sure he'll find some reason to chase you around with a bat.” Demi said nonchalantly as he pointed at Zeke with his chopsticks. There was so much going through his mind at the moment, most of it he wished would just vanish from his head. None of which was good date topics. Like what'll you do when your sister becomes an immortal huntress? Or what if we fail again at the Doors of Death? Or what if Zeus and Aphrodite push harder on this Alexios business and he's forced to come between instead of idling by like he is now?
Demetri sliced the fried egg atop his dish with one swift motion of his chopsticks, watching as the yolk dripped out and down onto the other ingredients. ”If you weren't a Demi-god, What would you want to have pursued? What was your dream job as a kid?”
Ezekiel stuck his tongue out at Demetri before he resumed eating his food. He was halfway through his meal when Demi spoke up again. Zeke thought about it briefly before shrugging.
”Whatever made me enough money so my mom wouldn't have to work anymore,” Zeke stated. ”How about you?”
Demi didn't know how to respond to that answer. It didn't seem like a dream job so much as something forced upon him. A part of him expected to hear that he wanted to become a famous musician, but then again was that simply because of Apollo? Or would Zeke have gravitated towards that even without his lineage? ”A zoologist. Though not like the kind we have now. I wanted to live at the zoo, have all the animals be my friends and just take care of them. Like a mixture between George of The Jungle and Steve Irwin.”
Ezekiel smirked at the idea Demi painted. Zeke swallowed his food and finished his iced tea. ”Demi's Menagerie,” Zeke mused. ”Did you have animals growing up?”
”Demi's Ménage à trois? If you say so.” He answered with a shrug. ”Not really no. Saw lots on the telly, more so in the wilds. You should visit sometime, I'm sure the views there would take your breath away. Though…some say it's depressing and gloomy, which ok there is a lovely overcast almost every day and it literally seems like there's a blue filter applied to the woods, BUT I love that about it. Gives a sense of mystery to the area. Like anything could be out there.” He ate another bite of food before swallowing and continuing on.
”A writer took one look at the falls and imagined an entire scene for their book. The whole premise based on a singular view that was so awe inspiring they had to center an entire novel around it.” Demi leaned forward slightly onto the table, elbows rested atop it as he plopped his head on one hand and mixed his food in with the other before taking a sip of his drink. ”Camps nice and all…but I miss the forests back home.”
Ezekiel's ears pinked when Demi changed the name of his zoo. That was not entirely what Zeke had met. He watched his boyfriend's mood shift and smiled slightly. At least they were talking and Demi seemed more relaxed now.
”You mean the monster infested woods outside of camp don't make you want to go out and explore more? Shocking.” Zeke smirked but found himself nodding in agreement. ”I miss the forests in Maine. We usually had overcast days, too. You know, I don't think you ever told me where you grew up,” Zeke said, trying to recall some distant memory but he can't think of any.
”There were plenty of monsters out back home. Trust me, I mean you met one of my exs.” Demi laughed. ”I didn't realize Maine had forests, thought it was all lobsters and Old Bay. Or is that Maryland? I always get the two confused. But to answer you're question, well it's easier to say Seattle. Most don't know the other areas around it and it's close enough that it was practically home anyways. Not much more than a short drive and walk away from Pikes Place.”
Ezekiel snorted and shook his head. ”Yes, there is more in Maine than just lobster and ocean.” He shook his head, slightly annoyed but not overly so. Zeke finished his food and relaxed in his seat. ”Seattle? Wow. The complete opposite side of the country. Huh, guess camp was good for something after all,” Zeke said and flashed Demi a boyish smile.
”Yeah, were closer to home than camp when we were in Vegas. I was going to suggest a pit stop at my place before heading back but…I had a feeling the votes were stacked against me.” Demi finished off the rest of his plate, blowing Zeke a kiss. ”And what exactly would that be?”
Ezekiel shook his head in agreement with Demetri. Quests weren't the time for side trips home. Zeke knew Demi's intentions would have been pure in wanting to visit his family, but the others wouldn't have seen it that way, and for some people, camp was home for them. They didn't have a place like Demetri did.
Ezekiel laughed at Demi's second comment. ”You met me,” Zeke said with a wink.
”Biblically.” Demi replied, matching the wink.
Ezekiel laughed and shook his head. ”Did you want dessert? Or are you ready to go to Build-A-Bear?”
”I wouldn't mind dessert.”Demi said as he looked Zeke up and down. ”Maybe a little Hotteok for the road? What about you?”
Zeke blushed when Demetri looked him over. He quickly looked down at the menu and scanned it quickly. ”The rice cake sounds good.”
Demi couldn't help but smirk as the color flushing Zeke's face. He was so cute when he got flustered. ”Right then, one Hotteok and Rice cake coming up.” He declared as he casually flagged down their waiter before putting in the order. ”If you could go to one place, anywhere in the world regardless of money or monsters. Where would you go?”
Demi ordered dessert for them which allowed Zeke to regain his composure. He rested an arm on the table and fiddled with the blue sleeve of his sweater.
”I don't think I ever really thought about it. I took Spanish in school. They showed us on a map some of the places where Spanish is the first language so maybe Mexico or Spain,” Zeke said with a shrug.
Another question Zeke didn't seem to have an answer for. He hardly talked about his upbringing, and for the most part Demetri had assumed every Demi God had a similar childhood. But the differences couldn't be any clearer. He wondered why it was that Zeke never thought about that's things. Demi's childhood wasn't perfect, but that's part of where it all stemmed from. Escapism, the ideas he'd gotten from media and literature that made him imagine himself in another life, another place. He stopped drinking, straw still in his mouth as he came to a possible realization.
Was this why he was asking all these questions? Not just to get to know Zeke better, but because he wished to be somewhere else besides camp. He hadn't considered most of these ideas or questions until this quest. Like a mental defense mechanism kicking in to keep him from focusing on the horrors at hand. ” I vote we go to Mexico then. What's not to love? White sand beaches, tequila, temples, and tacos.”
Ezekiel chuckled, not really thinking he would get to go to Mexico, but Demi seemed excited by the idea and that made Zeke happy.
”Sounds like a date.”
With dinner wrapped up, and dessert finished. The pair made their way over towards Build-A-Bear. The experience alone was enjoyable for Demetri, watching as Zeke had to follow the instructions to make a stuffed animal, singing the chants, doing the dances, and then finally the heart ceremony. Demi's only request was to make sure the stuffed animals were a soft plush rather than hard. He preferred it that way. At the start of it all Demi was torn between two choices, should he make a bear look like him to give to Zeke? A little Bearmetri to keep in Apollo Cabin. Or should he pick a stuffed animal he loved and gift that to Zeke to show off his personality within the gift?
In the end Demetri chose the former. As much as he was eyeing that stuffed Loch Ness monster plushie, he figured Zeke would care more for Bearmetri. So he tossed the Nessie aside, Picking up one of the classic Bears before continuing the process.
Ezekiel didn’t understand why there were so many things that needed to be done to make a bear. Just stuff it and go. However, when Zeke held the little heart and had to make a wish, he found himself enjoying the process. Mostly because he was alone with Demetri, and they were doing their own thing. There was no annoying Alexios. No campers looking for drama to start. It was just them.
Zeke poked the heart inside the stuffed Loch Ness monster and gave it back to the attendant for it to be sewn shut. Zeke had gravitated towards the normal bears, one that was blue in colour, but he had seen how Demetri was looking at the sea creature and decided on that. Hopefully, Zeus wouldn’t freak out about having a stuffed sea creature in his cabin.
Demetri was elated to see which Zeke had chosen for him, he only hoped he felt the same about his gift. Once the certificates were made and the name Bearmetri was set in stone. He handed it over to Zeke, a massive dopey grin plastered on his face. A part of him didn't want this to end, he didn't want to go back to camp, just to live his life out here with Zeke and take out any threats that's said otherwise. But he knew that couldn't happen. Not yet at least.
Ezekiel managed to find a little dress that he could pull over the Loch Ness monster’s body. It looked dorky, but Zeke absolutely loved it. Zeke debated on a name for a while but eventually decided on something outlandish.
Once the stuffed animal was paid for, Zeke took the certificate and handed His Royal Zekeness over to Demetri, before taking Bearmetri. Zeke smirked, seeing the little outfit was very close to something Demi would probably wear.
”Thanks Demi,” Zeke leaned in and kissed Demetri’s cheek before Zeke slipped the bear into his bag.
”Thank you, my Royal Zekeness.” Demi said with a laugh before giving the little Nessie a kiss on the forehead and then planting one on Zeke's lips. ”Alright. Last stop of the night. A hotel room to practice a bit more.” He said with a serious tone, holding it for barely a moment before chuckling and elbowing Zeke in the side. ”Or at the very least a CVS to get snacks for the road like I'd promised.”
Zeke grinned, happy Demi found the name as humorous as he had hoped. Zeke was making his way for the door when he stopped and stared at Demetri. Were they serious? Of course, Zeke wasn’t sure when or where they would get an opportunity to do so again, but they couldn’t get a hotel room. They couldn’t be away from camp for a full day and night. Then Demi broke into a grin, and Zeke realized Demi was teasing. Zeke laughed uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck. He felt a strange mix of relief and disappointment.
”Yes, snacks,” Zeke agreed, taking Demi’s hand in his as they walked from the store.
The white fluorescent lights were bright in contrast to the night sky outside. The familiar electronic ding as they entered the store once more. Demi quickly making his way towards the drink aisle to snag some soda.
Ezekiel headed down the snack aisle to grab some chips and candy, before he joined Demi to get a drink as well.
”Hey Babe. Get anything good? I'd kill for some Combos and Maltesers.” Demi stated before opening the fridge after finally making his selection. He snagged a Coke out before also grabbing a Rockstar.
”Uh, I didn't get any chocolate. I can go grab you some,” Zeke said, grabbing a Pepsi Zero.
”Nah I'm fine without it. Doubt they have any here anyways, usually had to make a stop at Pub or something to get them from the ‘ethnic' aisle. Quiet silly really.” Demi closed the fridge door, holding the drinks in one hand under his arm while attempting to hold Zeke's hand with his free one. Making his way down the store and towards the register when he spotted the ‘health' aisle. A part of him wanted to ask Zeke if they should grab some supplies just in case they got free time again, but he didn't want to push his luck.
Zeke shook his head, watching Demi struggle to hold hands. Zeke followed Demi's gaze and noticed what eye he was looking at. Zeke blushed and cleared his throat.
”Do you…should we…There really isn't anywhere to…do that,” he stammered.
”I mean…if there's ever time…it'd make sense to…Ya know? Be…prepared? At the very least a lubricant. Could be handy in other situations. Like on a quest, which is coincidentally also another time we may have some alone time. Ya know…train restrooms are pretty roomy, or a private car.”
Zeke snorted and rolled his eyes. ”Train restrooms. How romantic,” Zeke said and pulled Demi down the health aisle. Of course, their first time was in a public shower, but that's besides the point.
Zeke stopped in front of the rows and rows of condoms. Why were there so many? Ribbed for her pleasure? Was that good for his pleasure too?
”And they say romance is dead. We'll, let's just get a few to be sure.” Demi said as he grabbed a few boxes of condoms. He raised his eyebrow at Zeke, giving him a wink as he grabbed a box of ribbed, another that was magnum, and then some that simply said ‘Ecstacy’. As well as two bottles of lube, one water and one silicone. ”Variety is the spice of life, and well…” Demi gave him a wink.
Ezekiel stared wide-eyed at everything Demi grabbed. It seemed excessive, but when were they going to get a day pass back to New York?
”You're going to have to keep all that in your cabin. There is no such thing as privacy in mine. Everything is free game.” And Demetri’s cabin only had two people.
”As long as Andy doesn't dig through my trunk we should be fine. I do not need to have that talk with her” Demi laughed.
Ezekiel laughed and headed back to the front to pay for everything. They split the cost this time, and left the store to head back to camp.
The trip home seemed quicker and before Zeke knew it, they were standing in the center of the cabins. Zeke kissed Demi's cheek before letting him go.
”Come find me later?”
”Always. Oh before I forget” Demi said, pulling out a heart shaped box of chocolates. ”For you.”
Zeke looked at the heart-shaped box of chocolates and laughed. ”I'll save them for us to share later. Thanks for today. I know I was hesitant before, but I needed this. Thank you.”
”Anytime babe.”
To his surprise she didn't. This was a shot to get out of Camp Half Blood and find her friends, yet she turned it down. Why? Demetri decided that trying to figure out why Nancy did anything was an exercise in futility. Artemis seemed to understand though, even going so far as to put Nancy on her PR list fully equipped with a welcome basket. As they made their way out of the Hotel and Casino, Demi watched as the sea of people parted ways for them. Only when they were truly outside did he feel safe, letting out a held breath of relief until Kristin pointed out the answer to what had been on everyone's minds. How long were they gone? ”Well that's not exactly brills is it? Gone a month away from camp with no word back to the others…I'm all for taking Alexios up on a ride but I understand if that's vetoed again.”
The pair of Demi-gods stood outside of Camp, one having convinced the other not to go back just yet. It had been over a month now since Zeke and Demetri had started dating, and yet it felt as though they hardly had any alone time anymore. The months leading up to the last quest had been the most peaceful ones, stolen moments in the flowers, glances taken at the infirmary, and wistful escapades that peppered the night as the two grew closer. All before they'd officially began to date, all before everything had gone to hell. Demetri wasn't ready to go back to camp just yet. Not that he hated it, nor regretted any moments spent there, but he knew that as soon as they entered under its protection, Zeke and him would never truly be alone again.
That was when he'd asked him to stay back, just for the day. Nancy, Janelle, and Kristin could easily finish the trek up, and after all their kind worked better in threes. All he wanted was some time alone with his boyfriend before everything went on its head again. Now they were alone, standing there out of view from Camp Half-Blood and within the protective area of his father's domain. Olympus towered over them, and Demi could almost feel his father's watchful eyes on his neck, but he shrugged it away as mere anxiousness for a date he never knew he could have. ”You aren't regretting this already…are you?” He asked nervously as he glanced at Zeke.
Ezekiel stood on the hill next to Demetri, watching his sister’s retreating form until he couldn’t see her anymore. He dropped his eyes to the ground, staring at nothing while Demi spoke. Zeke wasn’t sure what he was feeling. There were so many thoughts and emotions running around in his head. Part of him wanted to be with Nancy. He didn’t want to leave her side until she left his.
He wanted to help her form a plan to get Mads. He wanted to be there for her while she put Leandra on trial and talked to Niah. But Zeke also knew he missed Demetri. Standing next to him, Zeke could feel himself wanting to lean into Demetri, and share a private moment on the hill, but there was also this guilt pulling him towards camp.
However, Ezekiel knew that he couldn’t be with Nancy on this part of her journey. He didn’t understand Roman politics. He didn’t know how to serve in a Roman trial, and he couldn’t intrude on a private conversation with Niah. The two Romans needed to mourn, and make plans without Ezekiel hovering over his half-sister, worried she was going to break or disappear on him. The three days in a hotel with the shadow of Nancy proved that.
Ezekiel looked at Demetri, and shrugged. He turned his back to camp and stared at the forest around them. ”I’m not regretting it… I just feel torn.”
Demi wasn't sure how to respond. His eyes falling to the ground beneath Zeke's feet as he let out a small sigh. ”I get that…well, at least you're not regretting it.” He said bumping into Zeke softly trying to lighten the mood. ”Let's go. Doubt they'll leave us alone for long.”
Ezekiel knew Demetri was talking about the monsters that prowled outside the camp’s barriers. Zeke kicked at the ground, looking back at camp for a half minute more before he nodded and followed Demi into the forest. They had to move quickly. So there wasn’t much time for conversation.
For the most part, Demi was silent. Making his way through the forest and down the alleyways of New York, a single destination in mind as he remained vigilant to ensure no monsters had pestered them on their way. Luckily, it was quiet. Or at the very least as quiet as the city that never sleeps could be. It'd been over a month since their last mission begun, even less time since they'd taken down a Titan. A part of him dared any monster to try and get between him and Zeke. He'd be able to get out some frustration that way at the very least. But none came. Before he knew it they stood on the block of the Empire State Building, Olympus right above.
Demetri let out a sigh of relief. Hands on his hips as he leaned back a bit with a bit of a chuckle. ”Home free Z. Alright, so what do we want to do first?” He asked with a dopey smile on his face as he looked at his boyfriend.
Ezekiel stared up at the Empire State Building, thinking about going up there to yell at the gods, but that idea was literally pointless. Ezekiel looked back at Demetri, smirking at the smile Demi sported. On the way to the city, Zeke made a pact with himself to enjoy the date. He couldn’t do anything for Nancy, or anything about the Doors of Death right now. But he could have fun today.
Ezekiel looked up and down the street, running his tongue over his teeth and frowned. He lifted his arm and sniffed it. ”A drug store. And maybe a shower. It didn’t feel like a month but neither of us have brushed our teeth or showered or worn other clothes in a month.” Ezekiel looked back at Demetri. Suddenly feeling shy, Ezekiel shoved his hands into his pockets, looking up and down the street again.
It wasn't until Zeke brought it up that it clicked in Demi's mind. To him it felt as though they had simply jumped forward in time. A month gone by that never truly happened. But in reality, they had been gone an entire month inside the Hotel Casino. Whether it felt like it or not was a different story. His cheeks tinged red as the thought crossed his mind, crossing his arms before nodding in agreement. ”Right then. We can hit up a drug store on the way, I'm sure there's plenty of gyms to hit up that have showers we could use before going off on our date.”
The thought of it made Demi's heart skip a beat. He didn't know the normal time-frame for relationships, his last one having been a failed hoax by a now recently disintegrated Empousa. Was this too fast for them to be showering together? Too slow? Did Hotel time count when it came to measuring this? His face reddened more as he looked at Zeke.
Ezekiel nodded and picked a random direction to start walking in. His hands were still shoved deep into his pockets while they walked. For some reason, Ezekiel was terribly nervous. Sure, he and Demi had gone on ‘dates’ around camp, but that had all been hush-hush up until recently. This was technically their first date. And Zeke had no idea what to say or do.
Demi quickly began to walk in step alongside his boyfriend. Noting the way he seemed closed off, hands drawn in, and away from reach. He was quiet for a moment, just following at his side before remembering that this was all new to him too. Not just dating, but boys as well. He didn't say anything, but his hand gently tapped against the outside of Zeke's pockets. The same way he'd always brushed against his hand under desks to signal he wanted to hold his, even if just for a moment. ”Soooo you're paying for everything right? I mean you're the man and all that right?” Demi teased trying to ease Zeke up.
Ezekiel startled when Demetri tapped the pocket of Zeke’s pants. He looked down before remembering what that usually meant. Zeke swallowed, looking around nervously before he pulled his hands out of his pocket. His hand brushed against Demi’s as they walked. Then Zeke hooked his pinkie around Demi’s, then intertwined their fingers. The simple touch left Zeke with an odd mix of comfort and nerves.
Feeling slightly better, Ezekiel started looking for drug stores. He stopped walking immediately when Demi asked if he was paying for everything. ”I, um…Well, I can pay for some things, but um…”
Shit. Now what am I going to do? Great start to a first date, Kel, Zeke mentally berated.
Demi's smile faltered for a moment, feeling only the brush of skin at first before slowly progressing further as they walked. Was it different now that they were out in public? He didn't know how to help, but all that swept away as Zeke finally answered. Demi couldn't help but burst out in laughter as his boyfriend flustered about an answer. ”I'm just teasing you luv. I've got it all covered. Wouldn't’ve asked you on a date if I couldn't afford it.” He spotted a CVS down the street, nodding towards the Location. ”Ready to get ourselves some hygiene?”
Ezekiel’s ears warmed from the tease and being called ‘love’. He nodded his head, glad Demi was okay with splitting things. Zeke really needed to figure out a way to make more money.
He walked with Demetri to the CVS, stepping aside to let Demetri go first before following him inside. Zeke was looking forward to feeling cleaner. Maybe then could relax and enjoy the date.
It felt like a scene from an old movie for Demi. A young Kevin McAllister roaming through a store to purchase some essentials without so much as knowing what all he wanted. ”What a gentleman.” He commented as Zeke opened the door for him and let him in first. He made his way deeper in, figuring the layout was the same as any CVS's. ”What all do we want to grab? Maybe we should consider some new clothes too after the shower.” Maybe Zeke was right? They probably should've stopped by camp first.
”Um, toothpaste, toothbrushes…Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant,” Ezekiel said. He grabbed a basket and started tossing some things in. ”We could just use the same hair stuff and toothpaste.” Zeke grabbed two toothbrushes before finding the deodorant and debated on what he wanted. For some reason, this seemed easier to handle for Zeke then where they were going to go for food, or other date activities.
”Clothes would be great. At least a new shirt. And socks.”
And underwear, Zeke thought but didn’t want to say that part out loud. It seemed obvious enough.
Demi laughed as he threw in a small bottle of mouthwash. Full glad Zeke remembered the deodorant as it had fully slipped his own mind. ”Full outfit. Head to toes.” He said with a grin. ”And I'm fine with sharing them. No need to get more than what's necessary you know?” But at the subject of sharing shampoo, his face gained a pink tint once more. Clearly Zeke meant for them to share a shower together. Otherwise they'd need two bottles of Shampoo and Conditioner. ”Maybe we could snag some snacks for when we head back. Ya know, things we otherwise couldn't get.”
Zeke sniffed some of the deodorant, grabbed a couple of them, and tossed them into the basket. He felt his face warm when Demi suggested a full new outfit. ”I really just need a new t-shirt.” Zeke definitely couldn’t afford a full new outfit. Besides, he had splurged when his dad had given him money. Zeke had like two new pairs of pants and a couple of new t-shirts.
At the mention of snacks, Zeke nodded eagerly. ”Definitely,” he said and made a bee-line for the snack aisle.
As Zeke made his way towards the snacks, Demi fished out the multitudes of deodorants and smelled each one. The first one caught him off guard, the scent assaulting his nose in what he could only describe as a “manly” scent. He hoped Zeke didn't mind as he put that one back on the shelf. Trying out the other two until he finally picked one that smelled ‘clean’. Like if fresh rainfall and cucumbers had a child. It'd be good for Zeke, and would help with the feeling of feeling clean.
Demetri followed behind afterwards, not telling Zeke of the choices he'd made before arriving at the aisle with him. ”I was more thinking we can snag them on the way back if you wanted. Unless you want to be carrying a bag of snacks all day?” I mean they had their bags with them from the quest, but he doubted they wouldn't get crushed from weaponry alone.
Zeke scanned the shelves, mulling over if he wanted something salt, sweet, and a drink. Or maybe just one thing when Demi joined him. ”Oh…Ya, that makes more sense,” Zeke said and nodded. ”I guess a clothing store now?” Zeke asked, and took the basket from Demi, so he could pay for this shopping trip.
”Sounds brills. If you want to get that stuff I'm gonna find another employee and see about getting directions to something that's within budget for clothing. Meet back outside?” Demi asked, his usual dimpled smile present.
Ezekiel nodded, agreeing to meet Demi outside. Zeke glanced around, seeing no one else in the aisle with them, and he leaned forward to kiss Demi’s cheek before Zeke headed to the check-out. Once he had the items paid for, Ezekiel went outside and found a bench to sit at to wait for Demi.
Demi touched the spot where Zeke had kissed him, holding his fingers there as he watched his boyfriend go off to pay for their new toiletries. Without him watching, he grabbed a heart shaped box of chocolates with a variety of flavors, making his way towards a cashier after Zeke left and paying for them. He did, ofcourse, ask for information on what stores were nearby and what locations for food and gyms there were in the area. When all was said and done, Demi placed the sweets into his bag and made his way out, seeing Zeke sitting on a nearby bench. ”Alright! Got info on a gym, some food, and a clothing store. Though I'm not so sure it'll be my style but…we'll see.”
Ezekiel stood when he heard Demetri. Zeke cocked his head to the side and frowned. ”Don’t all clothing stores carry the same thing?”
Demi narrowed his eyes, unsure if Zeke was trying to be obtuse or simply didn't know. ”No. Each one has its own styles, that's why certain stores have specific clientele. You wouldn't expect someone who shops at Hot Topic to go looking into Hollister. But it should be fine either way. So…clothing then showers?” He asked.
”Oh,” Zeke said and glanced down at his clothes. What was his style, he wondered. ”Ya, sure. Lead the way,” he said, unsure of where they needed to go next.
Demetri took Zeke's hand, pulling him off the bench as he lead them towards the Banana Republic. He figured Zeke may like the look of them, but he wasn't entirely sure. If anything the clothes in there were certainly more expensive than what Zeke was used to wearing, but he deserved to have nice things. ”Normally I wouldn't suggest walking in there with how we are, but desperate times and all that.” He said with a bit of a laugh as the rounded a corner and made their way down the streets before standing in front of the display windows of the store. ”Tada!”
Ezekiel held securely onto Demetri’s hand while they walked through the streets of New York. Zeke knew that if they stayed close to the Empire State Building they were safe, but it was hard to not actively look around every corner and down every alley for a monster about to attack them.
Zeke was distracted when Demi pulled him to a stop. He stumbled back and looked up at the display window, and laughed. ”Ya, there’s no way I can afford what’s in that store.” Zeke had no idea what the Banana Republic was, but the pants had lines, and the shirts on the maniacs looked pristine. They definitely weren’t on sale at Target.
”Then it's a good thing you're not the one affording it huh?” Demi quipped before making his way into the store with Zeke in hand. ”Come on, if you think this is rich you should see the other stores around here.” Hopefully that remark alone was enough to get this stubborn mule into the shop. Lord knows Demi could feel the tension building inside of his boyfriend just from looking at the stores window display.
”What? No…Demi, no.” He stumbled into the store with Demetri and looked around, completely out of his element. He couldn’t just let Demetri spend all his money on Zeke. It wasn’t right.
”Sorry can't hear you, too busy looking at this clothing.” Demi sang as he ran a hand over a cashmere jumper. It felt softer than anything he'd held in a long time. Especially since being at camp. His eyes flitted about as he tried to find a semblance of dark clothing however. Most everything being earth tones or light colored clothing. Hardly a spec of black anywhere. It was fine, he'd manage somehow. He found a pair of pants fairly quickly however they appeared to only come in white. It was a pair of pleated linen pants with an offset wooden button. The texture alone was breathtaking, and it was so lightweight that Demi could only imagine how comfortable they'd be. ”Whatdya think about this?”
Ezekiel tried not to grumble or run from the store. Instead, he followed behind Demetri, barely looking at anything. When he did look, he nearly had a heart-attack over some of the prices. Who in their right mind would spend that much on a pair of pants? If Zeke got anything from here, he’d never be able to wear it again. Cashmere and silk did not go with monster hunting.
Zeke was staring at an overpriced t-shirt when Demi called for his attention. Zeke stared at the white pants. ”Think about what? Aren’t you normally black pants?” Zeke gestured to some other pants that were black.
Demi stared at the black pants for a moment, blinking slowly before offering Zeke up a smile. ”Those are cargo pants, and not even the Kim Possible kind. While I admire their attempt at the color it isn't nearly dark enough and just not my style. So compromises have to be made and I guess I can wear white for a while. Besides, maybe I'll have better luck at a black shirt so I don't feel completely naked. What about you? Anything catch your fancy?”
Ezekiel glanced around the store, fidgeting with the bag in his hands and shrugged. ”I dunno,” he said. He was still stuck on the cost of this place, and didn’t want Demi spending so much on him. Zeke would never be able to pay him back..
”Then I suggest looking around Z. Otherwise I'll find the most expensive pair of pants and get them in your size. I won't even care if it's the ugliest thing I've seen.” He teased as he turned a shirt over in his hands, inspecting it to see if it was something he'd like.
Ezekiel sighed heavily, acting like a petulant child, before he went off to find something on sale, hopefully. Zeke browsed the racks and found a really nice sky blue shirt. It reminded Ezekiel of the sky and, therefore, Demi. The brilliant blue of Demi’s natural eyes wasn’t a colour Zeke naturally gravitated towards, but this was a nice substitute. After he secured the long-sleeved shirt, Ezekiel wandered the store looking for a pair of pants that weren’t white.
Demi continued to browse, looking up sparingly at his boyfriend to ensure he was actively attempting to pick out some clothing instead of deciding that the intricacies of the flooring were more entertaining. He'd made his way over towards a rack, held inside a recess in the wall. A line of silk shirts in various patterns were hanging from the metallic bar. There he found a black silk shirt, thick white marbling splattered on portions of it, but not enough to take away from the darkness the black silk commanded of the shirt. He ran his fingers against the fabric and fell in love. Snagging it off the rack and folding it over the pants he had placed across his arm.
The undergarments didn't matter as much. Electing to grab the nearest pair of striped boxers, white socks, and calling it a day before he made his way over to Zeke who had seemingly found a shirt. ”Oooo, love the colour. What's it made of?”
”Merino wool? Whatever that is,” Zeke said and thrust the long-sleeved sweater into Demi’s hands. Zeke shuffled out to get himself some socks and heather gray boxer briefs as well before he returned. ”I’d prefer a lighter pair of brown pants or black,” Zeke said. ”But I don’t know what to get.”
”Very Sexy.” Demi remarked as he took the shirt from Zeke and followed him about. When asked for his help on pants, Demi began to circle Zeke. Looking at him and the shirt chosen back and forth before finally stopping behind him and giving his arse a gentle squeeze. ”Well there's a ton of slim fit Khakis on display that would look good with this shirt. Then again, you'd look good in anything. Besides, Slim fit will compliment your…assets.”
Ezekiel tried not to fidget while his boyfriend circled him. Zeke’s eyes widened when Demi squeezed his butt. He looked at Demi, narrowing his eyes playfully before Zeke shifted his attention back to the clothes around them.
”Ah, so you just want to dress me up so you have something to look at all day. I see how it is,” Zeke said. He spotted a pair of sand coloured, slim-fit pants and pointed to them. ”How about those then?”
Demi smiled a devilish grin as Zeke finally got it. ”Duh. First big date, we gotta look our best.” He went and grabbed the pair Zeke was pointing to. Pulling them off the rack and holding them up in front of Zeke to visualize how he'd look in them. He closed one eye, leaving only his good eye open before finally speaking again. ”Love it.”
Ezekiel rolled his eyes and shook his head when Demetri closed his one eye. He walked over once Demi passed approval and took the pants.
”Okay, I'm gonna go try this on then.” Zeke said and went to find a change room.
Once dressed, Ezekiel turned this way and that while looking in the mirror in the change room. Part of him felt like he was a little kid playing dress up, but another part marveled at how well the clothes fit. He pushed the sleeves of the blue sweater up, revealing smooth, tanned forearms. The colour of the shirt brought out Zeke's eyes and a natural tan Zeke didn't know he had. The white sand-like colour of the pants was comfortable and warm, fitting him like they were made for him. The black dress jacket felt like velvet and was definitely the nicest thing he owned. Zeke just hoped it was as warm as the bomber jacket he used to wear in Maine. Even when it was below zero, snowing, and windy, Zeke would sweat in that thing while he was outside.
Satisfied, Ezekiel changed back into his other clothes, feeling the difference immediately, but he didn't let it bother him. These fancy clothes were for a fun occasion. His daily clothes were just fine, and Demi liked him anyways, even if he didn't wear a hundred and sixty dollar pants.
Zeke left the change room in search of a nice scarf to take away the chill wind that always came off the water. New York didn't get as cold as Maine did, but it was still bloody freezing.
While Zeke was trying on his clothes in the fitting room, another customer came in. The biting cold air following them into the store as winters chill began to fill the store air. Right. He'd forgotten about what the weather was like outside for a moment. Having been shopping in a heated store it was hard to imagine yourself in a coat or thick clothing. He looked back at his shirt choice, silk wasn't exactly warming but it also wasn't so thin that it's freeze him. Turning it over he realized now why the tag price was lowered drastically, this shirt was out of season and they needed to get rid of it.
Demi let out a sigh and tried to find where Zeke had gotten his coat from. Taking another of the same in his size. He didn't bother trying his clothes on. He'd shopped enough to know his size in most stores and what's more his body was malleable, capable of fitting any size he needed to if it really came down to it.
After finding a scarf, Zeke worked on finding Demetri. ”I sure do miss my black beanie…It was always good at keeping my head warm,” he said, smirking at Demetri because Zeke had given it to Demi several months ago.
Ezekiel looked at the clothes in his hands, in Demi’s, and then Demi’s face. ”Are you sure this is okay? I can get my own socks and underwear… And I can make these clothes work.”
”It's fiiiiine. Most of my stuff is out of season anyways and heavily marked down.” Demi wasn't about to mention that the money was also mostly a courtesy of Alexios because he'd pinched pennies a bit too hard on the way back and had a bit leftover. ”Now stop fussing and give me your clothes before you get stink all over them.” He teased while sticking his tongue out before taking the clothes out of Zeke's hands and bringing them up front to pay.
Ezekiel's face flushed from the way Demetri was spoiling him. He followed along behind his boyfriend, shoving his hands back into his pockets, and stayed out of ear shot, so he didn't hear how much Demi was spending on the two of them.
Aside from the guitar his mother bought him, and the one Demi made for him, Zeke had never owned something so precious to him.
Once everything was bagged up, Demi made his way back to Zeke, a grin plastered on his face as he motioned for them to leave. ”Would you believe it? Gave me half off of everything because she said we made a cute couple.” Of Course that was a lie, but Zeke didn't have to know. ”I think the next place is down this strip, then we can get on with starting this date nice and proper yeah?”
Ezekiel looked up at Demetri and frowned. ”Ya huh.” He didn't believe Demi, but Zeke didn't push it. Demetri made it clear he was fine with spoiling them. It was a hard thing for Ezekiel to accept, since money had always been limited for him, but he had to try to be okay with Demetri doing this.
The cold air wrapped itself around Zeke and he frowned at the sky. ”Let's hurry then. The warmer clothes will be nice.”
”I'm more excited for a warm shower.” Demi quipped back as he lead the way towards the gym that was on the block. On the walk over he'd placed the clothes into his bag, hoping it would look more like a gym bag and less like their raiding their facilities for a free shower. The shopping bag disposed of in the nearest trash can he could find on the way there. He slipped in, motioning for Zeke to stay quiet as they used the distracted employees to go straight towards the locker room where the showers were.
The sneaking about was something Ezekiel was more used to. Whenever their water had gotten cut off at home, he and his mother used to sneak into truck stops or gyms for the same purpose. Ody, it brought back found memories for Zeke.
Inside the change rooms, Zeke grinned triumphantly at Demi before pulling off his shoes and carried them towards the showers in the back.
Demi matched his grin, equal parts mischief and pride as they managed to make their way into the showers. He followed suit, taking off his shoes as well and walking right behind Zeke before stopping outside the same shower, opening the door to it for Zeke to walk in. ”After you.”
Ezekiel turned and looked at Demetri. ”What? We're… we're not…what?”
Demi raised an eyebrow at Zeke, confused at first before laughing at the clear miscommunication. ”Z we got exactly one shampoo, conditioner, and soap. What exactly did you think would happen? We took turns showering?” He placed his hand on Zeke's lower back and attempted to gently guide him into the shower.
”Well, ya… Exactly, we can take turns,” Zeke said. He could feel his face flaming, and startled when Demi touched his lower back.
Zeke had a couple intense makeout sessions with Demetri, but it didn't go past taking his own shirt off… This was entirely different.
”Kel get your ass in gear or so help me. I am not waiting outside while you shower. Do you know how many weird looks I'd get just standing here? Outside some guys shower?” Demi said with a flat look. ”I'd rather not have to push you in because with the wet floor that could lead to an accident. So-” He said as he removed his shirt and tossed it over the top of the partition and stepped into the shower shirtless.
Ezekiel frowned at Demi. Clearly he didn't find it a big deal. Ezekiel watched Demi pull his shirt off before stepping into the shower. Zeke's eyes traced the muscle lines along Demi's shoulders from the shoulder movement, and his face flamed more.
Zeke looked around not seeing anyone around at the moment, but it would look weird if Zeke just stood here. Dammit.
Not giving himself enough time to think about it more, Zeke stripped off his socks, shirt, and pants. He piled everything into a corner next to the bag of new clothes before he followed Demetri into the shower.
Demi whistled as Zeke stripped down to just his boxers. Stepping aside so that he could enter the shower as well. ”I don't know you about you Z, but usually I don't shower with my boxers on.” He teased as he pulled his pants and boxers off in one fell swoop before kicking them off to the side alongside Zeke's clothes.
Ezekiel's face paled and he immediately looked away from Demetri. This was not what Zeke had pictured for the beginning of their date. Maybe at the end…
Zeke ran a hand over his face. ”You are going to be the death of me,” he informs Demetri. Ezekiel turned away and took off the last bit of clothing.
As soon as the last of his clothing was removed, Demi turned on the shower. Placing it to a hot temperature before stepping into it and letting the water warm him up. ”Didn't take you to be so shy. I'd say it's nothing I haven't seen before but uh…well it's actually nothing I've seen before.” He said as he kept his eyes closed with water running over his face. Maybe the steam would help relax Zeke, making it harder to see anything for them.
”I just wasn’t expecting…this,” Zeke said lamely. He stepped under the water shortly after Demetri did and stared at the wall for a long while until the heat eventually wore him down. Zeke shut his eyes and sighed.
Zeke hated the cold. So, at least with a warm shower, he could hold onto that feeling before they go back outside into the dead of winter. ”Where do you want to go eat?” Zeke asked, figuring that idle conversation was better than silence.
Demi could feel the presence next to him. The sound of water changed as another body entered it and created less dead zones for it to pass through. He opened his eyes, watching Zeke's back as he stared at the wall before them. A short chuckled escaping as he himself shifted within the water, wrapping his arms around Zeke's waist and pulling him closer and further into the shower. ”Could've asked me to move. Didn't mean to hog all the hot water. “ He joked as he felt his chest pressed against Zeke's back, head now resting onto his shoulder. ”I'm kind of in the mood for some Korean food. Heard there's a spot nearby. If you're up for it.”
Zeke froze when Demetri’s arms wrapped around Zeke’s waist, Demi’s hands resting low, and pulled them under the water more. Ezekiel swallowed the large lump that had formed in his throat. ”It’s…It’s fine,” Zeke said, having cleared his throat to sound normal after the weird high-pitched sound that had initially left his voice.
Ezekiel shut his eyes again and focused on the water and Demetri’s presence. It wasn’t so bad when Zeke was able to do that and just focus on what he was feeling. Zeke settled against Demeti’s chest, resting his own hand over Demi’s. ”Korean sounds good.”
”Good. Because I could go for some Bibimbap. I can practically taste the crisp rice and fried egg.” Demi answered in a dreamy voice. He could feel Zeke finally relaxing, resting against him, and he followed suit, pressing closer to him as he kissed his neck. ”Is this too much?” His tone relaxed, though a clear sense of concern underlying it.
Ezekiel snorted at the name. ”Sorry, I don’t think I’ve actually had Korean food before, but I’ve heard it can be spicy.” Zeke didn’t mind spice, and it would keep him warm.
Demi’s lips were soft on Ezekiel’s neck and more comforting since Zeke already knew what that felt like. He naturally tilted his head to the side, allowing Demetri more access if they wanted it. ”Ya, that’s okay.”
”It's delicious, kimchi is a must. Also flavored milks. I've heard that Soju is great buuut that's 21 and up territory. My dish isn't exactly spicy, so a side of Kimchi is necessary. That or a bit of gochujang to mix in would be great.” Demi spoke as his hand wandered a bit. Tracing the edges of Zeke's muscles.
”Mmm ya, that sounds good,” Zeke said, opening his eyes. He turned his head, looking for the shampoo. Demi tracing Zeke’s muscles was a distraction but also oddly comforting.
”Looking for something?” Demi asked as he noticed the change in demeanor.
”Shampoo,” Zeke said.
Demi rolled his eyes as he let go of Zeke and made his way over the the bag of toiletries, pulling out the ones needed for the shower. He squirted a bit of Shampoo onto his palms before rubbing it together slightly and then reaching over and lathering it all into Zeke's hair. Giving him both a scalp massage and shampoo in one. ”Could just ask Z. You know I'd get…and give you anything.”
Ezekiel felt cold when Demetri pulled away, but the water quickly warmed him back up again. He glanced back at Demetri but quickly turned back before Demi returned.
Zeke sighed, closing his eyes when Demetri started to wash his hair, not that Zeke couldn’t do it himself, but this was nice, too.
”I think I’m starting to realize that. You did just buy me an entire outfit that I’ll never be able to pay you back for.”
Demi pressed up closer, inches away from each other as he continued. ”And why would you ever have to pay me back? You don't owe me anything. If I get you something it's because I want to and expect nothing in return. Ok?” He punctuated his question with a soft kiss against Zeke's lips.
Zeke opened his eyes when he felt Demetri move closer. His eyes focused on Demi’s, his heart pounding in his chest while Demi spoke. Zeke nodded once after Demi kissed him.
”Okay,” he said before kissing Demi again.
”Good. But…I'm not all nice” Demi said with a wink before pressing closer into Zeke and pushing him against the cold tiled wall. ”I can be a bit rude too at times” He managed to get out with a chuckled before going to grab the shampoo once more for himself.
Zeke opened his eyes, raising his eyebrows in question to Demetri’s statement. Zeke startled when Demi pressed him against the tile. He gasped and jumped away from the tile as soon as he was able to.
”Incredibly rude,” Ezekiel declared. He huddled under the warm water, and rinsed the shampoo from his hair.
”Can't have you getting too excited now can I? Hear cold showers help with that.” Demetri said as he stuck out his tongue and began shampooing his hair. In truth he was trying to stop himself from wanting to do more. It was already taking everything inside of him not to glance down to see what Zeke's lower half looked like.
Ezekiel opened his eyes and frowned. He flicked water at Demi, not that it mattered. ”Oh, ha ha. I do have some self-control,” Zeke said.
Feeling emboldened, Ezekiel walked closer to Demetri while he was busy with his hair. ”Or are you worried about about yourself?” Zeke asked and kissed Demi’s cheek.
Demi blushed at the feeling of Zeke's lips, his eyes looking away from him as he tried not to fold. ”I'm not worried. You could do whatever you'd want to and I wouldn't be worried.” He smirked looking Zeke in the eyes before quickly flicking his gaze down and back up.
Zeke smirked and elbowed Demetri in the stomach before he walked around to get the conditioner. The brief glance down left Zeke feeling excited but also nervous. Demetri was the first guy Zeke had ever thought of in that way. He didn’t really know what to expect.
Demetri watched as he walked away, both elated and disappointed that nothing had happened. He moved under the water once more, rinsing out all the shampoo as he spoke. ”I guess that means I really shouldn't worry huh?”
”Are you worried or disappointed?” Zeke asked and walked back with the conditioner. He waited for Demetri to finish rinsing the shampoo out of his hair before Zeke conditioned Demi’s hair.
Demi was about to tease him more, to tell him to come over there and find out. But Zeke wasted no time retrieving the conditioner before putting it into his hair. ”Only one way to find out huh? And since your hands are already on my head.” Without so much as another word, Demi dropped down to his knees.
Zeke ran the towel over his head, soaking up more of the water. His eyes kept drifting over to Demetri while they dressed and got ready as well. Ezekiel certainly didn’t expect their date to go the way it had so far, but Zeke wasn’t mad about it. And although he felt a little weird, he felt good, too.
”Do you think there’s a hair dryer in this place?” Zeke really didn’t want to step outside with wet hair.
Demi was bent over, drying off his legs as Zeke asked about the dryer. He figured the girls locker probably had one, but wasn't too sure if the men's would. Wouldn't be out of the question though. ”If anything it's probably by the sinks or something. Doubt they'd keep it next to the showers where it'll spark up.” He looked back at Zeke and smiled, he hadn't planned for any of this, but it was a welcome surprise and one he hoped they could do again, and possibly in a less awkward location.
Demi shook his head, spraying water everywhere before he quickly ran the towel over it to help dry it off. ”Can't you use your light to dry it off? Like a sun lamp?” He joked.
Zeke snorted and shook his head. ”How much time do we have?” he asked sarcastically.
Ezekiel pulled on fresh boxers and his new pants. They felt even better now that he was freshly showered. After that, Zeke pulled on his sweater. He ran the fabric between his fingers, smiling to himself as he thought about why he picked the colour. This sweater was quickly becoming Zeke’s favourite.
”I’m gonna go see if they have a hair dryer,” Zeke said and headed to the front of the change room.
Demi grinned at the response, blowing him a kiss before he began to get dressed himself. He watched as his boyfriend walked away in search of a dryer, and he felt as though he was on cloud 9. Demetri leaned against the wall, tilting his head back, the smile persisting well past the sight of him. A part of him wondered if they could have a round two before heading back to camp, but he thought it might be too much too fast for Zeke.
Ezekiel wandered around, checking the counter tops and underneath to try and find a hairdryer. At this point, Zeke would even stick his head under the hand dryer to try and get his hair dry. He paused in front of the mirror and ran his fingers through his hair, willing it to take some shape, so it didn't look horrid for the rest of this date.
Zeke returned to Demetri empty handed and looked through the bag for deodorant and his toothbrush and toothpaste.
”No hair dryer,” Zeke announced.
”Well then I guess we just have to move quickly while out. Not much more to do about it.” Demi decided, grabbing the deodorant out of Zeke's hands before putting it on and tossing it back to him. ”I have a few ideas for what we can do besides food. But first food. I'm starving for something that isn't just gas station gourmet.”
Ezekiel stuck his tongue out at Demetri when he took the deodorant. In the meantime, Zeke put the toothpaste on his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth. Zeke nodded in response before heading back up to the sinks.
Once Zeke got some deodorant on and was done, he pulled on his shoes, jacket, and scarf. ”Alright, let's go eat.”
The feeling of wearing new clothes, looking like money, and roaming the streets of New York was exhilarating. Demi had gotten all the information needed from earlier, so he naturally lead the way towards the Korean restaurant that was mentioned. There was a small wait, but eventually they were sat down, drinks were served, and the food ordered.
Demetri drank from his Pepsi, an ice cube sinking down into his glass as he sipped at it from the straw. ”Are you enjoying yourself so far?...”
Ezekiel sat down after Demetri. He slipped his jacket over the back of the chair and shoved his scarf into the arm of the jacket before he tucked up his pants and sat down. Demi helped him order and Zeke was looking forward to a new meal. It seemed today was a day for trying new things.
Zeke drank his iced tea and looked at Demi over the rim of his glass. Zeke smirked, his mind going back to the shower. ”Ya, I'd say so. Are you?”
”I think you know how much I enjoyed myself.” Demi retorted with an eyeball before going back to his drink. He shifted in his seat slightly, adjusting himself as he began to blush. Normally the two of them could talk so easily, but for some reason now that they were actually on a date he felt speechless and awkward. Like if was the first time they'd ever met.
Ezekiel took a minute to settle his nerves and looked around the restaurant. It looked cool with traditional colours and set-up. He slipped his drink and looked back at Demetri.
”You'd think after the shower we'd be less nervous,” Zeke commented, staring at the table while he spoke.
A nervous chuckle escaped Demi. Looking down at the table. ”Yeah…somehow that felt easier. It was a conversation, but without words just action. Now…well I feel like I don't know what to say. Haven't really…gotten this far in the whole relationship business. Maybe we should just go back to the showers.”
”Why? So I can be the nervous wreck?” Zeke reached out and brushed his hand against Demi's, a silent invitation to take his hand.
Ezekiel found it funny that while clothed, he seemed to have the advantage, but when he was in the shower with Demi, they had all the swagger and power.
Demi took the invitation. All too eager to find some semblance of comfort in this foreign land. ”You didn't seem so nervous after it began” He said with a raised eyebrow, clearly teasing him. ”I don't think I'm good at this whole date thing. Planning sure, but execution?...” He sighed, looking down as his hair flopped in front of his face.
Zeke's face flushed, but he tried to laugh it off, squeezing Demi's hand. ”Well, it's a first for both of us. So, that makes it easier, doesn't it?”
Their food arrived and Zeke pulled his hand back so they had more room on the table.
Demi was glad the food had come. At least then he had an excuse not to say something stupid if there was food in his mouth. He thanked the waiter before grabbing his chopsticks and beginning to eat. For a moment he was about to take a piece of pork fat and toss it off to the side, then he remembered he wasn't at camp. There were no offerings. He paused for a moment, before taking a bit silently. ”So I was thinking, maybe after this we hit up a build a bear? Make each other something we can hold onto while in our own cabins. But if that's too childish or stupid we can skip that no problem!” He said rushing the last sentence before shoving a portion of cucumbers and rice together into his mouth.
Ezekiel helped himself to his kimchi and rice, finding the spicy kick to be quite refreshing. He happily ate before glancing up when Demetri started to ramble. Zeke looked back at his food and ate more before swallowing. He leaned back in his seat and sipped his tea.
”I'd prefer that to being chased out of your cabin by a bat,” Zeke declared. He would likely be picked on but he didn't care. He would have to deal with it.
Demi tried to think for a moment. Giving Zeke a puzzled look. ”There's no bats in Zeus cabin? I mean, a draft at times sure but bats?” He grabbed another mouthful of food before it finally dawned on him. Food almost flying out of his mouth as he choked back laughter. ”Oh you mean Hedge with his baseball bat? That satyrs a menace to society. I swear I've got more lumps from him than I do the climbing wall.”
Zeke gave Demi an incredulous look. How did he not know what Zeke was talking about? They were the talk of the entire camp that day. Ezekiel snorted and rolled his eyes when it finally dawned on Demetri.
”Mmhmm. Yes, well, I would like to avoid being chased by him again.”
”Good luck with that. It is you after all, I'm sure he'll find some reason to chase you around with a bat.” Demi said nonchalantly as he pointed at Zeke with his chopsticks. There was so much going through his mind at the moment, most of it he wished would just vanish from his head. None of which was good date topics. Like what'll you do when your sister becomes an immortal huntress? Or what if we fail again at the Doors of Death? Or what if Zeus and Aphrodite push harder on this Alexios business and he's forced to come between instead of idling by like he is now?
Demetri sliced the fried egg atop his dish with one swift motion of his chopsticks, watching as the yolk dripped out and down onto the other ingredients. ”If you weren't a Demi-god, What would you want to have pursued? What was your dream job as a kid?”
Ezekiel stuck his tongue out at Demetri before he resumed eating his food. He was halfway through his meal when Demi spoke up again. Zeke thought about it briefly before shrugging.
”Whatever made me enough money so my mom wouldn't have to work anymore,” Zeke stated. ”How about you?”
Demi didn't know how to respond to that answer. It didn't seem like a dream job so much as something forced upon him. A part of him expected to hear that he wanted to become a famous musician, but then again was that simply because of Apollo? Or would Zeke have gravitated towards that even without his lineage? ”A zoologist. Though not like the kind we have now. I wanted to live at the zoo, have all the animals be my friends and just take care of them. Like a mixture between George of The Jungle and Steve Irwin.”
Ezekiel smirked at the idea Demi painted. Zeke swallowed his food and finished his iced tea. ”Demi's Menagerie,” Zeke mused. ”Did you have animals growing up?”
”Demi's Ménage à trois? If you say so.” He answered with a shrug. ”Not really no. Saw lots on the telly, more so in the wilds. You should visit sometime, I'm sure the views there would take your breath away. Though…some say it's depressing and gloomy, which ok there is a lovely overcast almost every day and it literally seems like there's a blue filter applied to the woods, BUT I love that about it. Gives a sense of mystery to the area. Like anything could be out there.” He ate another bite of food before swallowing and continuing on.
”A writer took one look at the falls and imagined an entire scene for their book. The whole premise based on a singular view that was so awe inspiring they had to center an entire novel around it.” Demi leaned forward slightly onto the table, elbows rested atop it as he plopped his head on one hand and mixed his food in with the other before taking a sip of his drink. ”Camps nice and all…but I miss the forests back home.”
Ezekiel's ears pinked when Demi changed the name of his zoo. That was not entirely what Zeke had met. He watched his boyfriend's mood shift and smiled slightly. At least they were talking and Demi seemed more relaxed now.
”You mean the monster infested woods outside of camp don't make you want to go out and explore more? Shocking.” Zeke smirked but found himself nodding in agreement. ”I miss the forests in Maine. We usually had overcast days, too. You know, I don't think you ever told me where you grew up,” Zeke said, trying to recall some distant memory but he can't think of any.
”There were plenty of monsters out back home. Trust me, I mean you met one of my exs.” Demi laughed. ”I didn't realize Maine had forests, thought it was all lobsters and Old Bay. Or is that Maryland? I always get the two confused. But to answer you're question, well it's easier to say Seattle. Most don't know the other areas around it and it's close enough that it was practically home anyways. Not much more than a short drive and walk away from Pikes Place.”
Ezekiel snorted and shook his head. ”Yes, there is more in Maine than just lobster and ocean.” He shook his head, slightly annoyed but not overly so. Zeke finished his food and relaxed in his seat. ”Seattle? Wow. The complete opposite side of the country. Huh, guess camp was good for something after all,” Zeke said and flashed Demi a boyish smile.
”Yeah, were closer to home than camp when we were in Vegas. I was going to suggest a pit stop at my place before heading back but…I had a feeling the votes were stacked against me.” Demi finished off the rest of his plate, blowing Zeke a kiss. ”And what exactly would that be?”
Ezekiel shook his head in agreement with Demetri. Quests weren't the time for side trips home. Zeke knew Demi's intentions would have been pure in wanting to visit his family, but the others wouldn't have seen it that way, and for some people, camp was home for them. They didn't have a place like Demetri did.
Ezekiel laughed at Demi's second comment. ”You met me,” Zeke said with a wink.
”Biblically.” Demi replied, matching the wink.
Ezekiel laughed and shook his head. ”Did you want dessert? Or are you ready to go to Build-A-Bear?”
”I wouldn't mind dessert.”Demi said as he looked Zeke up and down. ”Maybe a little Hotteok for the road? What about you?”
Zeke blushed when Demetri looked him over. He quickly looked down at the menu and scanned it quickly. ”The rice cake sounds good.”
Demi couldn't help but smirk as the color flushing Zeke's face. He was so cute when he got flustered. ”Right then, one Hotteok and Rice cake coming up.” He declared as he casually flagged down their waiter before putting in the order. ”If you could go to one place, anywhere in the world regardless of money or monsters. Where would you go?”
Demi ordered dessert for them which allowed Zeke to regain his composure. He rested an arm on the table and fiddled with the blue sleeve of his sweater.
”I don't think I ever really thought about it. I took Spanish in school. They showed us on a map some of the places where Spanish is the first language so maybe Mexico or Spain,” Zeke said with a shrug.
Another question Zeke didn't seem to have an answer for. He hardly talked about his upbringing, and for the most part Demetri had assumed every Demi God had a similar childhood. But the differences couldn't be any clearer. He wondered why it was that Zeke never thought about that's things. Demi's childhood wasn't perfect, but that's part of where it all stemmed from. Escapism, the ideas he'd gotten from media and literature that made him imagine himself in another life, another place. He stopped drinking, straw still in his mouth as he came to a possible realization.
Was this why he was asking all these questions? Not just to get to know Zeke better, but because he wished to be somewhere else besides camp. He hadn't considered most of these ideas or questions until this quest. Like a mental defense mechanism kicking in to keep him from focusing on the horrors at hand. ” I vote we go to Mexico then. What's not to love? White sand beaches, tequila, temples, and tacos.”
Ezekiel chuckled, not really thinking he would get to go to Mexico, but Demi seemed excited by the idea and that made Zeke happy.
”Sounds like a date.”
With dinner wrapped up, and dessert finished. The pair made their way over towards Build-A-Bear. The experience alone was enjoyable for Demetri, watching as Zeke had to follow the instructions to make a stuffed animal, singing the chants, doing the dances, and then finally the heart ceremony. Demi's only request was to make sure the stuffed animals were a soft plush rather than hard. He preferred it that way. At the start of it all Demi was torn between two choices, should he make a bear look like him to give to Zeke? A little Bearmetri to keep in Apollo Cabin. Or should he pick a stuffed animal he loved and gift that to Zeke to show off his personality within the gift?
In the end Demetri chose the former. As much as he was eyeing that stuffed Loch Ness monster plushie, he figured Zeke would care more for Bearmetri. So he tossed the Nessie aside, Picking up one of the classic Bears before continuing the process.
Ezekiel didn’t understand why there were so many things that needed to be done to make a bear. Just stuff it and go. However, when Zeke held the little heart and had to make a wish, he found himself enjoying the process. Mostly because he was alone with Demetri, and they were doing their own thing. There was no annoying Alexios. No campers looking for drama to start. It was just them.
Zeke poked the heart inside the stuffed Loch Ness monster and gave it back to the attendant for it to be sewn shut. Zeke had gravitated towards the normal bears, one that was blue in colour, but he had seen how Demetri was looking at the sea creature and decided on that. Hopefully, Zeus wouldn’t freak out about having a stuffed sea creature in his cabin.
Demetri was elated to see which Zeke had chosen for him, he only hoped he felt the same about his gift. Once the certificates were made and the name Bearmetri was set in stone. He handed it over to Zeke, a massive dopey grin plastered on his face. A part of him didn't want this to end, he didn't want to go back to camp, just to live his life out here with Zeke and take out any threats that's said otherwise. But he knew that couldn't happen. Not yet at least.
Ezekiel managed to find a little dress that he could pull over the Loch Ness monster’s body. It looked dorky, but Zeke absolutely loved it. Zeke debated on a name for a while but eventually decided on something outlandish.
Once the stuffed animal was paid for, Zeke took the certificate and handed His Royal Zekeness over to Demetri, before taking Bearmetri. Zeke smirked, seeing the little outfit was very close to something Demi would probably wear.
”Thanks Demi,” Zeke leaned in and kissed Demetri’s cheek before Zeke slipped the bear into his bag.
”Thank you, my Royal Zekeness.” Demi said with a laugh before giving the little Nessie a kiss on the forehead and then planting one on Zeke's lips. ”Alright. Last stop of the night. A hotel room to practice a bit more.” He said with a serious tone, holding it for barely a moment before chuckling and elbowing Zeke in the side. ”Or at the very least a CVS to get snacks for the road like I'd promised.”
Zeke grinned, happy Demi found the name as humorous as he had hoped. Zeke was making his way for the door when he stopped and stared at Demetri. Were they serious? Of course, Zeke wasn’t sure when or where they would get an opportunity to do so again, but they couldn’t get a hotel room. They couldn’t be away from camp for a full day and night. Then Demi broke into a grin, and Zeke realized Demi was teasing. Zeke laughed uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck. He felt a strange mix of relief and disappointment.
”Yes, snacks,” Zeke agreed, taking Demi’s hand in his as they walked from the store.
The white fluorescent lights were bright in contrast to the night sky outside. The familiar electronic ding as they entered the store once more. Demi quickly making his way towards the drink aisle to snag some soda.
Ezekiel headed down the snack aisle to grab some chips and candy, before he joined Demi to get a drink as well.
”Hey Babe. Get anything good? I'd kill for some Combos and Maltesers.” Demi stated before opening the fridge after finally making his selection. He snagged a Coke out before also grabbing a Rockstar.
”Uh, I didn't get any chocolate. I can go grab you some,” Zeke said, grabbing a Pepsi Zero.
”Nah I'm fine without it. Doubt they have any here anyways, usually had to make a stop at Pub or something to get them from the ‘ethnic' aisle. Quiet silly really.” Demi closed the fridge door, holding the drinks in one hand under his arm while attempting to hold Zeke's hand with his free one. Making his way down the store and towards the register when he spotted the ‘health' aisle. A part of him wanted to ask Zeke if they should grab some supplies just in case they got free time again, but he didn't want to push his luck.
Zeke shook his head, watching Demi struggle to hold hands. Zeke followed Demi's gaze and noticed what eye he was looking at. Zeke blushed and cleared his throat.
”Do you…should we…There really isn't anywhere to…do that,” he stammered.
”I mean…if there's ever time…it'd make sense to…Ya know? Be…prepared? At the very least a lubricant. Could be handy in other situations. Like on a quest, which is coincidentally also another time we may have some alone time. Ya know…train restrooms are pretty roomy, or a private car.”
Zeke snorted and rolled his eyes. ”Train restrooms. How romantic,” Zeke said and pulled Demi down the health aisle. Of course, their first time was in a public shower, but that's besides the point.
Zeke stopped in front of the rows and rows of condoms. Why were there so many? Ribbed for her pleasure? Was that good for his pleasure too?
”And they say romance is dead. We'll, let's just get a few to be sure.” Demi said as he grabbed a few boxes of condoms. He raised his eyebrow at Zeke, giving him a wink as he grabbed a box of ribbed, another that was magnum, and then some that simply said ‘Ecstacy’. As well as two bottles of lube, one water and one silicone. ”Variety is the spice of life, and well…” Demi gave him a wink.
Ezekiel stared wide-eyed at everything Demi grabbed. It seemed excessive, but when were they going to get a day pass back to New York?
”You're going to have to keep all that in your cabin. There is no such thing as privacy in mine. Everything is free game.” And Demetri’s cabin only had two people.
”As long as Andy doesn't dig through my trunk we should be fine. I do not need to have that talk with her” Demi laughed.
Ezekiel laughed and headed back to the front to pay for everything. They split the cost this time, and left the store to head back to camp.
The trip home seemed quicker and before Zeke knew it, they were standing in the center of the cabins. Zeke kissed Demi's cheek before letting him go.
”Come find me later?”
”Always. Oh before I forget” Demi said, pulling out a heart shaped box of chocolates. ”For you.”
Zeke looked at the heart-shaped box of chocolates and laughed. ”I'll save them for us to share later. Thanks for today. I know I was hesitant before, but I needed this. Thank you.”
”Anytime babe.”
1x Thank