Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood

Andy had been so tired since coming back to camp. She had gone through all the normal camp motions when she had to, but she didn’t want to. Only Stella made it possible. Her brother was missing, Arthur was with his dad, and her aunt was in Tartarus. Andy was friends with several people at camp, but she wasn’t close with them. Not like she had been with Ash or Arthur and both were gone now. With her brother missing it was even more difficult. They just didn’t know the outcome of what happened, and that was distressing.

Then Nancy and Janelle came to camp. In all the chaos there was no Demi or Zeke. Andy heard some of what happened, but in the end she wandered away. She was tired and her brother wasn’t there.

It was late at night when Demetri finally made it back into camp. Having parted ways with Zeke and making his way towards his own cabin. He hesitated before the doorway, the thought finally settling into his mind that not only had they been missing for over a month, Andy hadn't heard from him in just as long. Demi paced for a moment before the doorway, until finally deciding to make his way in. He tried to be quiet, in case his sister was asleep.

Andy was asleep. But she was dreaming of Mads falling. She was dreaming of being helpless, and the weight of the sky on her back. It had been a shared burden but that hadn’t made it light. She was dreaming of missing friends and vengeful gods. Andy was curled up into a ball, sweat beads falling down her forehead. Chocolate lay on top of her trying to comfort her. He licked at the sweat and when Demetri entered the dog gave a little woof.

”Shh. Down boy, or shit I don't know dog commands.” Demi whispered harshly as he placed his hands out trying to placate the dog. He looked towards Andy to see if she stirred at all the commotion. That was when he noticed the streak of white hair on her head. He knew she didn't have it before but…did she get her hair done while he was away? A sudden pressure pressed against his shoulders as his lower lip quivered. Did she have so much faith in him that she didn't think the possibility of losing him was real?

That much confidence in him made him feel both elated and terrified. Like he wasn't allowed to make a mistake. He couldn't fall down now because if he did it would be that much more devastating. Demetri pinched the bridge of his nose as he sat down in front of Andy, his new winter coat abandoned off the the side as he watched his little sister.

A sob wracked Andy, and as she woke from the nightmare Chocolate licked her face. It took her a moment, small arms wrapping around the dog to get herself under control. She didn’t notice Demi at first, her face buried as it was. When her tears ended and she was going to lay back down that was when she noticed the other person in the room, she froze for a second before registering it as Demi. ”You’re here.” She whispered almost unheard. The tears she thought had stopped, started again as she untangled herself from the dog and sheets to hug him.

Demi held her tightly, shoving his face into her hair as his own tears began to run. ”Yeah. I'm here. Sorry it took so long. Time moves differently where I went. That and that Roman has a few issues that held us back on travel.” He tried to say with a chuckle to help lighten the mood. ”But I'm back now, and you, me and Arthur can all hang out tomorrow and spend some much needed quality time before any of us are dragged away.”

Andy kept crying, but through the tears said, ”Arthur’s gone. His dad took him.” Andy slowly got herself under control again. Chocolate was pressed up against her back. ”I met Persephone and she told me he was there. She took Jason with her after Atlas killed him and Stella and I had to hold up the sky. Mads fell into Tartarus. So much happened and you didn’t come back.” She sounded so much like the little kid she really was. She was only eleven.

His heart froze, the next thud feeling more like a hammer than a beat. A lump formed in his throat as he tried to wrap his mind around what it was that Andy was saying to him. ”Is he…did he…” Demi didn't want to finish the sentence let alone the thought. ”It's fine. We know where the Doors of Death will be in a month. And my fiance is trying to find Thanatos, so one he does we can talk to him about giving us Arthur back. Right?” He couldn't even begin to touch everything else that was said, still mulling through the words in his mind.

Andy pulled back a little, still holding onto Demi. ”Fiance? She knew the word but it didn't make much sense. Had Zeke and Demi decided to get married?

Then the thought about the doors of death distracted her. ”Oh! We need to be there then. Where?” She hoped it wouldn't be far. ”Mads is there. We have to save her.”

”I guess a lots happened with me too huh? Zeus and Aphrodite made a pact. An arranged marriage of sorts. I am now betrothed to the God of Parties Alexios. He's handsome, but he's no Zeke. Though…they have a lot of similarities. Anyways, he's searching for Thanatos to see if we can reclaim the Doors earlier, other than that we have some time. It's not till independence day, and there was a stranger there as well. Nancy knows more about it…but getting her to talk about anything is hard.”

Demi let out a sigh of frustration. Hating how all of this played out. Before something clicked in his mind. Jason was dead. Janelles brother. Taken by Persephone. ”Jason died…you held up the sky?!”

Andy nodded, listening to what he had to say about what happened to him. ”Were you compassionate?” She asked. Andy knew that Nancy had a lot of responsibility, and was scared for her friends. Who wouldn’t be? But Mads and Niah were her best friends and they were separated and she was sent somewhere super scary for her. Andy couldn’t imagine being sent alone without her best friends anywhere, though now that had sort of become a reality. She supposed if she went to the Labyrinth again with strangers she’d be upset too.

”And yeah. Atlas had given it to Terminus but we needed his help so Stella took it, but she couldn’t do it alone so I helped her. That’s why this happened.” She pulled the rest of the way out of the hug and twisted the strands of white in her fingers.

”Here I thought you just really liked Rogue.” He joked as he looked at the strand of white hair. He tried thinking about what all had happened back there but he honestly wasn't too sure if anyone could say he was compassionate or not. ”I mean I tried to be. Even before leaving camp I've tried to be. But anytime we talk she just blows up. She won't listen to me or any Greek kid really. I understood that she had some trauma holding her back, and I know that this quest brought up a lot of it…but…in the end she pushed everyone away, endangered the quest, and was a total bitch. I don't blame her for it though, but she makes it hard to want to help.”

”The Romans are different from us. I mean I’m friends with Mads because she’s my aunt on my mom’s side, but the others are difficult to understand.” She patted Demi. ”Did you meet Stella before we left? I know she was super new and I only briefly met her.”

”Strawberry girl. Yeah. Didn't really get to know her much. Is she…is she OK? Did something happen?” Demis head was spinning. He wasn't even there for Arthur, like he was for Ash. He didn't see it happen, he couldn't stop it from happening. He felt like a failed guardian, even if it was a position he'd appointed himself to. His hand tightened around the silk fabric of his shirt.

”She’s okay. We held up the sky together and she’s been my friend. We’ve been hanging out and stuff. She stayed here a few nights but they couldn’t let us stay here for a long time.” She smiled, wiping her face.

”OK Hercules. How exactly does someone hold up a sky? Let alone two people at once. Did you fly? Jump real high? A ladder?” Demi was fully interested in hearing about all of Andy's exploits while he was gone. The friends she's made, goals she's achieved, all of it. Anything to keep his mind off of the fact that he'd lost another person in his life. To keep himself from realizing that even when they all had help from the gods themselves, they couldn't prevent a single loss on their quests.

Andy giggled a bit. ”No, a really tall mountain.” She felt better. Everything that had happened had been so much but her brother was here and that made her feel safe again. ”There is this spot at the top of Mount Tam in San Francisco area. That’s where Atlas is supposed to be. But he stole Terminus from the Romans and he was holding it. And we fought him. He had the Master Bolt. We got it back and I returned it to Zeus.” She explained. ”We also were in the labyrinth for a long time and found a lost camper and brought him back here. We got Hades’ sword. And when Persephone joined us at Mount Tam she took the sword.”

Demi whistled, impressed at her tale. ”So there's a mountain up there so tall it reaches the sky enough to hold it? That must've taken soooo long to climb. Not to mention the vertigo of it all.” He tried imagining what it was she was telling him, his hands splayed out behind him as he leaned back on them on the floor. ”And you got the Master Bolt and a lost camper? Who is he? How longs he been lost? Who's he a child of?- He gasped before he continued ”Is he Stella's boyfriend now?”

”What?” Andy asked super confused. ”No, his name is Damon. He was missing for a while, like a couple of years. Living in the Labyrinth alone. I think the mountain reaching the sky is just...magic. Like how the Empire State Building reaches Olympus.” She didn’t remember who Damon was a child of so she couldn’t answer that question.

”I'm just saying, finding a boy in a place can bond two people in ways they wouldn't know. Maybe even help develop a crush if he was like super strong or smart in a bad situation. But if you say they're not dating then I'll take your word for it.” Demi said with a shrug. ”So was this like…a maze made by Atlas? Or the Labyrinth. Ya know, Ye Olde Minotaur Cage.”

”She wasn’t with us when we found him. Stella went via a train with Jason, and Niah.” Andy tried to clarify. ”And the labyrinth was made by Daedalus a really long time ago. It apparently got broken, but it works now sort of. We got into it here in New York but ended up in San Francisco where we met up with Niah, Jason and Stella. At that point we had already gotten Hades’ sword and Mads had fallen and we had Damon with us.” She explained.

”Wait there's a tunnel from New York to San Fran? Where was this shortcut when we had to go from New York to Las Vegas? I had to ride a train until we got attacked by a Minotaur, which is very hard to fight when the only arena is a straight narrow tube. After that Nancy and Zeke all but abandoned us and I was stuck with Janelle, who by the way hates me, and Kristin who was basically on Janelle's side. Cassian was there too but…” His words trailed off having forgotten that he was now trapped in Tartarus as well. ”He was just annoying as always.”

”It was not a shortcut!” Andy yelped. ”It was scary. There were meat eating horses.” Andy explained. ”Why does Janelle hate you?” Andy remembered Cassian, she didn’t know him super well. ”That sounds like a lot too.” She yawned. ”Are you ready to sleep?” She asked, she was still sitting next to him.

Demetri didn't want to think about how man eating horses even worked. The idea of it was enough to give anyone nightmares given the size of a horse in general. He imagined a blood stained Clydesdale with sharpened teeth. ”Apparently she had a thing for Zeke, and the same day we got picked for the quest was the same day Zeke asked me to be his boyfriend. And when she found out through someone else she kinda put it all on me and him. Really I think if she wanted to date him enough she should've just asked him out. Though…then I'd be mad.”

Andy frowned. ”Do people get that hung up about people they want to date?” She asked. She knew she liked Arthur but didn’t know if it was date him like or what. ”How do you even know if you want to date someone?”

Demi blew out air between his teeth. ”Pshh. Beats me. I didn't realize I liked Zeke until at least my fifth time in the infirmary? And he realized it waaaaay later that he liked me…or guys in general. It's hard to tell to be honest, and even today after he and I went on a date in the city…it isn't easy. There's so much whimsy and light heartedness mixed with anxiety and nerves that you might mess something up. Like being afraid to lose someone or a part of yourself. At least, that's how it is for me anyways. I'm no love expert sadly.” It was late, but he didn't have an ounce of tiredness to him, no matter how much his body protested.

The days events still swimming in his head and keeping him smiling even in dark times. ”Why? Is there a boy you like? Who is he? I'll beat him up if he makes you cry.” He teased.

”It’s too late for that.” Andy sighed. Tears welling in her eyes. ”I don’t know, but I like Arthur. I like him a lot. I don’t know what to do without him.” The tears started to fall.

Demi pulled her in close, hugging her tightly before speaking after a moment of silence. ”Hey hey hey hey, none of that now. We're Demigods, if anyone can kick ads and bring back people it's us. Maybes he's just visiting there, no one's said he died he just left right? There's this cute Roman I know, Marco, he has this magical compact that allows him to talk to anyone. Oh wait!” Demi rummaged through his adventuring pack and pulled out a small prism he had. ”It's not as discreet as a compact mirror, but it does the same thing. Have it. Use it to talk to Arthur anytime you want. It'll be like he's just in another state. And if you ever want to visit him, I'm more than willing to go through the Underworld to visit him with you.”

Andy nodded. ”Yeah I know, but I miss him.” She took the prism. ”Thank you.” She put it in her backpack near the end of her bag. And whipped her face clean again. ”I’ve been crying a lot. I’m sorry. I thought I was stronger than that.”

”And what is that supposed to mean?” Demi straightened up and looked her in her eyes, placing one hand on her cheek as he wiped away a stray tear. ”If you listen to anything I ever say, listen to this. Crying is not a weakness. Holding back your emotions doesn't make you strong. It makes you vulnerable. True strength comes from embracing your emotions and working through them. Anyone tells you otherwise and they'll get a clean right hook. I'd like to see them hold back tears with a broken nose.” He joked.

Andy smiled. ”Thanks. I missed you.” She says leaning in for another hug. She had missed her brother. Without him she had felt lost. She had been alone. Stella had done her best and without Stella Andy probably wouldn’t have survived the month. She had come to camp a fighter without anyone to have her back. Here she had learned to have friends and trust people. But trusting meant letting people in and that hurt when they left, for any reason.

”I missed you too. Now go on, get some sleep. Otherwise you'll end up short and cranky like Coach Hedge. Don't want that stunt your growth do you?” Demi rubbed the top of Andy's hair, looking at how much she'd matured since they first met, as well as the physical changes like her white streak. Proof she held up the world.

”Pretty sure I’m already gonna be super short.” She said and gave one more tight squeeze before crawling back under her sheet. ”I’m glad you’re back.” Her voice cracked a little. Chocolate curled up next to her and she wrapped her arm around the hellhound.

Demi stood up and began to make his way towards his bed. ”Im glad you were here for me to come back to.” He said before sitting on his bed and removing his shoes just before speaking softly to himself under his breath. ”I'm glad I made it back too…”
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

It had been six months since the groups all had returned back to Camp Half-Blood, they had the funeral service for Jason, Madalyne and Leda in that time as well to. The Romans and Greeks had been spending time working on training together in some tactics as well to, in case any monsters decided to attack Camp Half-Blood like they had done to New Rome. It was the Fourth of July The Romans were having a trail for Leandra for her betrayal of New Rome as well to and were holding it that afternoon as well to, the Greeks were welcome to attend the trial if they wanted to as well.

Terminus would be seen around camp ensuring that the boarders of Camp Half-Blood were safe as monsters were frequenting the area in recent days. Hercules the Cyclops had made himself at home fairly quickly choosing to stay with the Hephaestus kids and had taken a liking to their forges there helping make weapons, armor and gear for other demigods. Also word around camp the Hunters of Artemis or Diana for the Romans were also coming over to camp at some point during the day.

It was around seven in the morning at Camp Half-Blood now as Coach Hedge could be heard in the Divine Cabins waking up all of the Greek campers for breakfast banging on the doors of every cabin yelling for everyone to wake up. Coach Hedge was also inspecting cabins making sure that no one else was other then those who were assigned to their godly parent cabins were there, and those who weren't were swiftly chased out as well to. For the Romans they were out already in their portion of Camp Half-Blood going about their usual duties and training as well to. The weather was pretty nice and comfortable for a summer day as the sun was slowly rising over Camp Half-Blood there wasn't a cloud in sight at all.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Kristin slowly started to wake up letting out a slight groan as she could hear Coach Hedge banging on the Athena Cabin Door. "Wake up time for breakfast!" Coach Hedge yelled loudly, one of the Athena kids had opened the door to let Hedge in and inspect the cabin for anyone that wasn't there that shouldn't be. When he was satisfied he had left and went off to harass the other cabins to get them all to wake up. Kristin started to wonder off to her cabin's bathroom to get herself changed which didn't take her to long to get ready as she slipped on her camp shirt as well as a pair of jean shorts.

Kristin was one of the first Athena kids out and started to make her way over towards the dining pavilion to get herself some breakfast she was pretty hungry as she walked over and took a seat after she had gotten her plate of food. She watched as more and more campers were slowly filing in and getting their food as they all started to talk amongst themselves about what they would be doing today at camp. There was a massive table set up for the Romans as well to as some were seen eating with them as well to and were talking amongst themselves to. She didn't mind the Romans at all and actually did like the way they ran things and liked to learn from them as well to. Her food started to appear on her plate which was scrambled eggs with some buffalo sauce on it and some sausage and a cup of water she quickly started to eat it.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Kiera slowly started to wake up and started to groan slightly when she had heard Coach Hedge knocking on their cabin door, she looked over at the corner of her cabin were Sera was sleeping. "Good morning." Kiera said as she slowly started to sit up slightly, it was really nice to have someone else to share her cabin with. Leda would occasionally come over and sleep with her and spend the night, Kiera really missed that. Even though Camp Half-Blood did have a service for those that were killed in their quest Kiera knew that Leda was still alive and somehow stuck in Tartarus. Whenever the quest for that happened Kiera would join them in a heartbeat and without a second thought, she wanted her girlfriend back.

Kiera slowly made her way over and opened the door to let Coach Hedge do his inspection like always which she found really annoying as he inspected the cabin. "There is no one here Hedge." Kiera said crossing her arms over her chest as she stared the satyr down with an annoyed look. "I'm just making sure no one is here that isn't supposed to be." Hedge said once he was satisfied he wondered off and went to the other cabins. "Did you sleep well sera?" Kiera asked her half-sister wondering how she was handling life at Camp Half-Blood.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Madalyne had lost track of time how long they had been in Tartarus for the sky was always very dark and very hard to see anything at all. She and Leda had been avoiding monsters as best they could however it was pretty difficult but the two of them had made it out everytime they had encountered a monster or a group of monsters. They had found a small cave that they had made camp for she had gone out earlier and did a little bit of hunting for the two of them. She managed to find a few small critters here and there as she made a small fire for the two of them.

They hadn't found the Doors of Death yet which was really annoying to her as she leaned back slightly while looking over at Leda as she waited for her fellow demigod to wake up. They needed to figure out what they wanted to do for the day, either stay here for a little bit and get some more rest or continue with their trek forward.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: CHB

Ezekiel was starting to stir before Hedge pounded on the doors to wake everyone up and do inspections. The satyr was relentless. Ezekiel threw back his covers and stood, scrubbing the sleep from his face before he made his bed. Bearmetri sat on his pillow for another day while Zeke went to shower.

It was finally July, which meant one of two things. Summer (thank Apollo), and they would finally get a second crack at the Doors of Death. Zeke tried not to think about this as he shoved the orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt over his head as he left the Apollo cabin, heading towards Zeus’ cabin.

After their date in New York, Zeke felt more relaxed and accepting of himself being in a relationship with Demetri. Honestly, it made Zeke feel normal. The first month had been rough. Mads, Leda, and Jason. All gone. However, there might be hope for Mads and Leda to return. Still, it was hard navigating that Zeke’s favourite punching bag was gone. He never thought Leda would just be… gone. The ceremony hit him hard and Zeke actually had to leave before it was done. It just felt so final, and Zeke didn’t like that. But it was July. Maybe he would see Leda again.

Ezekiel walked up to Demetri’s front door and knocked several times. ”Dem, Andy, you two up yet?” At least three mornings a week, Zeke would have breakfast with Demetri and Andy. Well, he would walk to the Dining Pavillion with them since they still had this stupid rule about dining at your cabin’s table only. The other days, Ezekiel usually went for a run first before having breakfast.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood Cabin -> Dinning area

Andy had been sleeping better since her brother had come back. She had slowly been adjusting to life at camp without Arthur. She didn't like it but that was the way of things. There had been no service for him as he wasn't dead, just living with his dad in the Underworld. She hadn't decided if she thought he was lucky for that or not. She hadn't been able to sit through the portion for Mads, but she had cried for Leda and Jason. She liked them.

Time had seemed to tick by so slowly and she sort of wished she wasn't a full-time camper and could go to school or something. Not that camp didn't have plenty for her to learn. She had made herself busy with Stella. Doing just about anything and everything to pass the time. When July finally came she was agitated.

July always meant her birthday. Andy didn't like her birthday much. Last year had been the best one. She had spent time with Arthur and done all sorts of fun things with him. This year she could only hope that by the seventh they'd have her Aunt back. When the knock on the door from Coach Hedge brought her out of her consideration of which camp shirt to wear she almost jumped, but then relaxed realizing who it was.

"It's just Demi and I in here Hedge." She shouted, pulled on the shirt, and left the cabin. Andy whistled and Chocolate was not far behind her. "Don't worry Coach we wouldn't break the rules." She smiled at him and headed to the dining pavilion. She had definitely broken the rules a few times, especially the stupid table rule. That was the worst rule. It was silly she couldn't sit with her friends and during the Summer Coach and Mr. D were both way more strict about it.

Andy grabbed a plate and it had a muffin and some scrambled cheesy eggs and her glass filled with chocolate milk. When she put her plate down she waved at a few people before digging in. Her brother would eat at his own time, if she waited for him she'd get a stink eye from him.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Roman area

Niah had fallen asleep the night before looking over any information she could get her hands on about the Doors of Death. They'd be nearby soon and Niah wanted to be prepared. She also researched everything she could about Valhalla.

If that was where her sister was...there was a reason. It meant a couple of things. First, her sister was definitely dead, second she had died fighting with a weapon in hand, and third, they had to have different mothers. She wasn't surprised by the third one, her dad had three children and none of them had the same mother. Her younger brother was pure mortal as far as Niah could tell. He hadn't been shipped off to either camp and he should have by now. He wasn't that much younger than her. But of course that made her wonder who Dalisy's mom was, and the temptation to call her dad had increased after that.

When she woke up her neck hurt; she rubbed at it and her face before taking a quick shower and changing out of the clothes from the previous day. Between running the Roman camp and trying to find out more about the Doors of Death, and her training, Niah had kept herself as busy as she could over the last six months. On the nights when she didn't fall asleep at her desk, she tossed and turned, and usually ended up reading all night anyway. It wasn't healthy and she knew it. But it was that or despair. Niah couldn't allow that. She had made an oath, she could feel it itching at her if she ignored it.

The oath didn't seem to care that they had a lead but it had to wait. The waiting wouldn't be much longer. She would be at that park on the 4th. She would get back her friends.

Nancy had been lost in her own way. It felt like there was a sea between the two of them now. Niah had wondered sometimes if that is what parents who lost a child feel like. A huge gulf between the person they love most in the world because someone dear to both of them had been taken away. Niah had considered calling her father and asking him. Then probably telling him what she had seen about her sister. They hadn't talked in two years though and she felt weird about calling him now, especially with bad news.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Zeus Cabin

The past months were a whirlwind of emotions. Demi had originally thought about asking Zeke to go on a road trip with him for Summer, just the idea of them not being a year round camper for once, but he knew how hard it would be to pry him that far away from Nancy. So he didn't bring up the subject. The services were hard, some he barely knew, but Ledas hit too close to home. She always seemed too fast to catch. An invincible rainbow light that brought positivity around camp where it needed it most. Now all those colors seemed to fade. He knew Arthur was just with his father, but felt that something should've been made for him still, even if just a farewell ceremony.

All things aside though, he had his little sister and he had Zeke. He took every stolen moment he could manage when his boyfriend was around. Having found several times since New York in which they could find themselves alone. He was dreaming of such a time when Coach Hedge suddenly began knocking on their door. Andy was the more responsible of the pair, having gotten up to answer it as Demi placed a pillow over his head and mumbled something inaudible into it. He heard as she left after Coach, and Demi tried to steal a few more moments of sleep. After all, his dream was just getting to the good part. There was another knock. Demi tossed his pillow to the ground, grabbing the other as a weapon as he began walking up towards the door as he spoke. ”Hedge for the last time it's just me in here. Andy told you…”

He stood there shirtless and in sweatpants, instantly using the pillow to cover his lower half as his free hand pushed back his tangled mess of hair. ”Oh uh hey Z. Sorry, I thought it was Hedge again. Mind giving me a moment while I get ready? You can come on in Hedge has already been here so it's free game now.” Demi stated as he turned around and began making his way towards his trunk where he kept most of his belongings.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 20 min ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Stella sat up bleary eyed in her bunk and yawned at that point as she heard the knocking and yelling at the Cabin door. She had gotten use to the sound of Coach Gleeson yelling, and had been chased out of the Zeus cabin once or twice a few months ago, before Demi had gotten back. She looked at the foot of her bed, to see Arbor putting his paws over his ears and whining a bit, as he still wasn't use to this, even if it was a daily ordeal now. Stella moved down the bed, and gently pet her beloved pet and nuzzled him gently. "I know boy, I know. He's loud... but we should get use to it. This is our life now, right?"

The last few months had been a lot, as Stella reflected on them as she got ready for breakfast. The funeral had been rough, and while she hadn't known Leda and Madalyne well, she had been bawling through Jason's funeral. She felt horrible for Janelle, and really had no idea what to say to her these days. She also had turned 13, and really felt like it had not been as big of a deal as she had thought it had been before she had arrived at the camp. Being a teenager, officially, didn't feel different now, as finding out that she was a demi-god had changed her life more than any age had.

She finished getting dressed in her shorts, and her camp shirt, and then braided her hair. She was hoping that she could spend some time in the strawberry patch that day, as it helped her think. She had had a nightmare again the night before, feeling the crushing weight of the world, the monsters... and she swore she had seen something else. She wasn't sure what she had seen, but she felt she had seen something bad.

She finished getting ready for the day and then headed to the dining pavilion with Arbor following her. She waved to Andy as she saw her, and went to get herself a muffin and some bacon for breakfast. She sat down at her Mother's table, wishing she could sit with her friend, but it seemed that Coach Gleeson was really on it that day, so she didn't want to risk it.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 1 day ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Seraphina woke upon the knocking, an annoyed groan since she was in a deep sleep, yawning as she sat up in bed. "Mmorning..." She stretches out. It usually took her a moment to wake up so when Kiera spoke again she blinked before responding. "Hmn? Yeah I was sleeping rather well actually." The young demigod gets out of bed, being careful not to trip on her blankets which normally happens about twice a week, sometimes more. "I'd go back to sleep but rather not miss out on a nice summer day. Now I just have to decide what to do after breakfast." She grabbed her hairbrush and ran it through her hair before putting it into low pigtails. "I've been getting better with sword fighting, everyone really puts up a good fight during training. Of course Im just glad I got my shield to counter anything that comes my way."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Hypnos Cabin
Skills: N/A

Janelle really didn't fully want to get up at the moment. However it was unfortunately impossible to ignore Coach Hedge running around and being fairly loud in the morning. But she didn't want to even really leave the cabin at the moment if she could help it. When they had gotten back, she had found out what had happened with the other groups. Namely, the part about what had happened to her brother, and that he was gone. She had managed to last a little while without any issues, ignoring the part of her that had wanted to scream when she found out, but the moment she ended up finally being able to be by herself she had completely broken down entirely. She literally didn't have anyone left. The parents she had grown up with had died a few years back, and they had gotten shipped off to an uncle they had never really met before in New York. He hadn't really seemed much like family, and he had never pushed it. That had just left her and her brother in a new country away from everyone she had ever known, and the whole demigod thing was still overwhelming at times, but at least they had both gone there together and weren't separated or anything.

And now she was completely alone.

She had gotten dressed for the day, but now she was just sort of sitting on her bunk in the cabin. Just sort of wanting to be by herself for a little longer before she'd eventually head out of the cabin and join everyone else. Sometimes it was just nice to be herself for the moment. It let her sit around with her thoughts for a little while without too many people bugging her. It was fine for the moment. Even though all of this had initially happened months ago, that didn't tend to make it any better.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@BlueSky44 Over in the Hypnos cabin most of Janelle's half siblings had all gotten up and left for breakfast, only Janelle and three others remained in the cabin who had decided to sleep in a little bit longer by the looks of it. Isaac White the head counselor for the Hypnos cabin was one of them as well to. He was just getting out of the shower and noticed Janelle sitting by herself, he knew that she had lost her brother which was really hard on her. He approached her and sat down next to her on the bed looking over at his half sibling. "Are you doing okay Janelle?" He asked her, loss was always a really hard thing to go through and whenever that did happen to any of his siblings he would always do his best to help them.

@KazAlkemi @Trainerblue192 Coach Hedge was still very much in the area making sure that everything was still okay as he was about to leave the cabin area he stopped and couldn't help but over hear Demi and yelled as loud as he could. "I heard that, you better not let him enter or you are going to get the bat you aint pullin what you did last summer!" He told them, and just to make sure that Zeke didn't enter he stood still within eyesight of Zeke crossing his arms over his chest staring him down.

@Kirah Over where the Romans were they were all doing their thing really some were busy training and others were cleaning making sure that their tents were nice and clean. They didn't really put any permanent structures in their area of Camp Half-Blood knowing that they were here temporarily until the Greeks got sick of them and kicked them out or they were ready to return home and retake New Rome and Camp Jupiter. There was a soldier around the same age that Niah was who stood just outside of her tent and coughed slightly to get her attention. The boy was named Maximus Nixon, the leader of the Third Cohort he had short brown hair and wore their camp shirt as well as some leather armor. "Hi, not sure where Nancy is at the moment but was wondering if you had any plans to deal with Leandra before her trial later." He asked her knowing that she was close to Nancy and wondered what she wanted to do.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Kristin continued to eat her breakfast as she enjoyed her food she looked over to see her cabin councilor coming over and was sitting down next to her Alannah looked over at Kristin and smiled. "How are you doing?" She asked Kristin as she gave her a slight shrug as she finished eating her food. "I'm doing alright how are you?" Kristin asked looking over at her sister and smiled back towards her. "I'm doing pretty good thanks, just going to do some training later, want to come with?" Alannah asked offering Kristin and smiled towards her and nodded. "Sure thing sounds like it could be fun." Kristin said she was always up for it as she watched Andy coming in by herself without her brother. "I'll be right back." Kristin said as she grabbed her plate and went to the brazier nearby and offered the remaining to her mother saying a silent prayer to herself and approached Andy, "Whats up Andy?" She asked, she hadn't seen Hedge yet so she took a seat next to her.

[urlhttps://media.tumblr.com/23a0ba225… Vaughn[/url] the head councilor for Demeter was already at the Demeter table she was eating what looked like a veggie sausage patty as well as some berries, her attention turned towards Stella and smiled towards her as she sat down and waved towards her. "Good morning sleepy head, how did you sleep?" She asked Stella, Eva wore a tie-dyed version of the Camp Half-Blood shirt, she was sometimes mistaken for a daughter of Iris sometimes. "Got any plans for today?" She asked her.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Kiera smiled at Sera as she was putting on her shoes as she sat down across from her while tying off her shoes while she listened to her ever since she had came to camp Kiera hadn't really worked out this much. "Thats good to hear, and if you are up for it later after breakfast we could do some training or something together if you'd like." Kiera offered to Sera if she wanted to do it that is she didn't have that much planned at the moment really.

Once Kiera had tied off her shoes she got up and tied her hair into a loose pony tail and made sure that she had everything and looked at Sera. "C'mon lets get some breakfast." Kiera said as she headed out of her cabin and stopped for a moment hearing Hedge yelling at Demi and Zeke as she rolled her eyes slightly. "Cut them some slack, it's daylight it's not like they are going to do anything crazy." Kiera said as she shook her head slightly she decided to stay and wait for Demi and Zeke to come out just in case Hedge did anything. He grunted slightly and stared Zeke down for a moment doing an i'm watching you gesture towards him before wondering off.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: CHB

Zeke’s eyes roamed over Demetri’s half-naked body. He smirked when Demi shifted to cover himself with his pillow before walking back inside the cabin. ”Good morning to you, too,” he said cheekily. Zeke moved to follow Demetri but the roar of Coach Hedge had him pausing and holding his hands up.

Zeke turned around to face Hedge before he leaned against the door frame. ”I’m just waiting, Hedge! No need to stomp your hooves.” Zeke shoved his hands into his pockets before returning his attention to Demi.

”You’d think they wouldn’t be so uptight about relationships at camp.” Ezekiel glanced back to see Coach glaring at him until Kiera stepped in. Hedge finally left, and Zeke gave Kiera a grateful look.

”Hurry up, Dem. Kiera’s waiting for us.”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood Dinning area

"Hey Kristen." Andy smiled at her friend. "I'm alright." Andy took a bite of her food. Andy was telling the truth. She was doing better. Though she had some fears still and concerns. She didn't know if she'd be able to save her aunt and would Arthur come visit for her birthday? There was a lot on her mind.

"Hedge seems to be extra today." She laughed a bit. "What about you? How are you?" She asked. Andy liked Kristen. She was friendly and had taught her a lot, especially those first weeks.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Roman area

Niah nodded as Nixon spoke. "Thanks, Nixon. I'll see if I can find her." Niah didn't want to be a Senator. Not alone, and technically Mads and Nancy were still the Senators. "As for Leandra, is there an issue with the current set up?" She asked.

Leandra had escaped once before so it wasn't beyond reason to think she would again. They also supposedly needed her. Something Niah thought was ridiculous. Leandra had proven time and time again that she wasn't loyal to Rome. Niah had no respect for someone who had broken their vows. And Leandra had, in her twisted way broke her vows.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 20 min ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Stella picked a piece of bacon off the plate and slipped it to Arbor, whom happily munched on the crunch piece of tasty meat. Stella was still confused by the full anatomy and eating habits of her beloved pet, but it seemed for as much as he loved water and sunlight, he also appreciated meat it seemed, somewhere between being a real plant and a real wolf sometimes. Stella looked up as she heard her half-sister speak to her and offered her a small smile at that point.

"Hey. I slept alright." It wasn't a total lie, as the nightmares were getting less frequent, she wasn't having them near nightly, and she was sleeping through the night more frequently. "I was thinking of working in the strawberry field today, as I wanted to enjoy some time in the dirt and sun. Arbor is probably going to join me~" She reached down to pet her wolf and was rewarded with a small yip of affirmation.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Zeus Cabin

Demetri was more than excited to have Zeke alone in the cabin with him. Already turning back to enter when suddenly Hedges voice boomed over them. Demis shoulders slumped, a frustrated sigh escaping him with a hiss like steam jetting out a pipe. It appeared that even with Kieras help, Zeke still wasn't willing to budge. Afraid to get another taste of that bat as most campers were. He turned around once more to face his boyfriend, before planting a kiss on his cheek. ”Right give me a sec then. Just gotta brush my teeth and take a cold shower I guess. Since someone isn't coming in because a certain goat is a spoiled sport.” He said in a low voice so only Zeke could hear before sticking his tongue out in the direction of Coach Hedge.

He wandered back into his cabin and did just that. Pulling out a pair of clothes from his trunk to set aside for the day before deciding to save on time and brush his teeth while he showered quickly. After a small amount of time, he emerged with wet towel dried hair and his usual attire of black. This time he kissed Zeke in ernest, quickly pulling him in by the waist as he gave him a deep kiss before letting go. ”Morning babe. Hey Kiera! Thanks for trying to look out for me, that was Ace. Even if some people didn't follow through.” He said with a laugh as he bumped his shoulder against Zekes. ”Let's get some food. I'm starving.”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 1 day ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"Sure, I dont mind doing some training together or something else even." Sera gave her a nod while smiling slightly. Heading out of the cabin as well once shes finished up getting ready. The demigod was already thinking about syrup covered chocolate chip waffles and fruit with powdered sugar on top. Hopefully there would be plenty of waffles and fruits to eat till she was stuffed full. That train of thought got interrupted from the shouting in one of the cabins. "Jeez...Hedge sure does get serious about his cabin checks. Hope I never get caught in another cabin by him in the morning." Giggling softly as she continues off to the dining pavilion.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Hypnos Cabin
Skills: N/A

She didn't say anything at first to Isaac when he came over to talk to her. Honestly she still didn't care too much about talking about that sort of thing, at least not at the moment. Though she knew it was rude to not say anything in response to him. "Yeah, I'm fine," she ended up responding, not really saying much of anything else on the matter. Though she did figure that she couldn't just stick around in the cabin all day, so she might as well get up and head out.

Janelle grabbed her staff and stood up from where she was, "Prahbably should 'ead out dough, no use 'angin around in 'ere all day right?" she said towards him as she headed for the entrance to the cabin. This had been the sort of situation she constantly was in. Sort of more or less just going through everything until they had to deal with the Doors of Death thing and Tartarus, that was definitely going to be fun dealing with fully.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@BlueSky44 "Yeah being cooped up in here would be pretty boring, though sleeping all day would be pretty nice as well to." Isaac said to Janelle as he started to follow shortly behind her and offering his arm for her in case she needed it. "Was going to head on over to the Dining Pavilion and get some breakfast would you like to go or did you want to do something else this morning?" Isaac asked her though he was slightly hungry and did want to get some breakfast he just didn't want to leave Janelle alone by herself.

@Kirah Maximus started to think for a moment, Leandra was under constant supervision pretty much twenty four hours a day, none of Leandra's former friends were allowed to see her. They still hadn't figured out who was the one to let her escape in the first place, and not like she could talk anymore with her tongue removed thanks to Nancy. Leandra was allowed to get one hour of fresh air, however she was on a very tight leash and handcuffed to whoever was watching her. "She needs her hour of fresh air soon but other than that everything is fine so far." Maximus answered Niah. "Is there anything else ma'am?" He asked her.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Kristin looked over to see Hedge wondering off around in the distance around the camp grounds and laughed slightly and shook her head slightly. Hedge was always very extra and it did get annoying a lot of the time, but it was sometimes pretty entertaining as well to watch. "When is he not acting like that?" Kristin said with a slight smile as she leaned back slightly. "I'm doing pretty good thanks for asking." Kristin said as she turned to look at Andy. "My sister and Alannah were planning on doing some sparing was wondering if you wanted to come and join us?" Kristin offered Andy, she would be able to see Eva and Stella talking as well over at the Demeter table.

Eva looked down and smiled at Arbor and reached down to gently pet the little plant wolf dog thing, who seemed to be very happy with the pets as her attention turned back to Stella. "I was planning on going over there as well to after I ate breakfast we can walk down there together whenever you get finished eating." Eva offered Stella if she wanted to come with her, she could see the dining pavilion getting more and more crowded as some more campers came in and got some breakfast as more of their half siblings came to join them at their table to.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Kiera was glad to see Hedge had wondered off to do whatever it was that the satyr usually did during the day and sighed slightly as she looked at Sera and laughed slightly. "You'll get used to it, kinda harder to sneak someone in your cabin since it's just the two of us though." Kiera said to her half sister as her attention turned to Demi and Zeke and gave the two of them a friendly nod, understanding it all to well Hedge had hounded her and Leda sharing her cabin a few nights here and there. "Anytime you two now lets go get some breakfast." Kiera said as she quickly followed behind Sera catching up to her.

"Training and sparing matches it is then after some breakfast." Kiera said smiling at her sister as they made it to the dining pavilion and made it to their table she grabbed her plate as four strips of bacon suddenly appeared on her plate along with a bagel with extra butter appeared on her plate as well to and a glass of water to. "So how do you like camp so far?" Kiera asked Sera as she turned to face her.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: CHB

Ezekiel’s face flamed from Demi’s unspoken innuendo. He cleared his throat and shifted his feet to get rid of the jittery energy that zapped through his body, but Zeke remained firmly planted on the porch. He didn’t underestimate Hedge’s skills about coming after them even after Hedge had left.

Once Demi reemerged from his shower, Zeke was feeling calm again — at least until Demi kissed him. Taken aback, it took Zeke a second to return Demetri’s kiss, which meant it was over far too soon for Zeke. He blinked, staring at Demi while he talked to Kiera.

Zeke shook himself out and linked hands with Demi before leading them down the steps.

”How about next time you sleep in Apollo cabin and get hit with the bat? You tell me how much fun it is then.” He followed behind Kiera and Sera as they all walked to the dining pavilion.

”Are you coming to Leandra’s trial?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 9 days ago

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Tartarus was strange.

The strangest thing about it was how normal it was. She was on the run from monsters, fighting for her life (afterlife?) with a fellow demigod at her side. She didn't necessarily know where she would sleep next or where they'd get the supplies they needed, but that was always true of quests. And the dreams, the dreams were all the same - the dreams she'd been having her entire life, ominous whispers of the future, fragments of conversations that Leda couldn't begin to understand. If she hadn't known she was dead, it would have been all too easy to think of this as just another quest - that she was still a living, breathing demigod, and not a shade.

She smelled the crackling flames, slowly rousing her from her sleep. It might have been night - or maybe it was day. It was hard to tell here - the sky was always the same, an inky blackness. And it seemed like they were no closer to finding the Doors of Death than they had been at the start. "Please tell me it's not bugs for food again," Leda grumbled, opening her eyes.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood
Skills: N/A

Time had moved both quickly and not at all, the days melting and blurring together into an indistinct soup of dread and unease. The minutes stretched into hours and morphed into weeks and seconds, a nauseating internal whiplash that left Nancy spiraling, scrambling for any sense of security, of certainty. She threw herself into her duties as the sole praetor of the Legion when she could, but even when her mind was focused her body remembered - invisible tremors shook her, a howling pit demanding attention, a thousand gentle pricks of a blade lacerating her flesh, leaving her marked. If Niah and Mads were a part of her soul, then a void had been left behind in Mads' absence, a black hole that threatened to pull and pull and pull.

Sleep was the worst of it. When Nancy was not actively working towards the betterment of New Rome or Mads' rescue - when there was nothing to be done, she would stare off into space. She would study the wall of one of the Camp buildings, imagining Mads' face in the grain, twisted and trapped.

But sometimes Nancy would see herself instead - would see herself under the spell of the Casino, would see the men from that night, would see the blood that had stained her fingers.

So on the day of Leandra's trial, with Mads' rescue looming nearer and nearer, Nancy had woken up before the sun. She took the bow that her aunt had gifted her and quietly walked to the woods. It had become part of her routine, to loose arrows here while the sky was still painted soft reds and pinks. It was quiet and still, far away from the archery range, away from the rest of Camp - where Nancy could breathe a little easier, and the pain in her chest lessened just a bit.

She had been at it for hours when she finally put down the bow, and she stared at nothing in particular, her eyes unfocused, letting her see blurs of green and brown from the swaying trees. There were tears in her eyes, but she felt nothing at all. Just numb.

Her body grieved when she could not.

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood Dinning area

"Sure. I'll join. Do you mind if I ask Stella if she wants to join?" Andy had stabilized, especially after Demi had come back safe and sound. But she still hung out with Stella more often than not. The two had bonded. The streak of white in her hair was a testament to that.

She finished her food, minus the bit she scrapped off, as an offering to her dad. She still felt weird about that. Thinking of him as dad. She had realized that he had been the one to give her her first knife. He had given her a chance of fighting her first monster with that knife. Andy had never felt more abandoned by him then anyone else. Her mother's husband pissed her off, now that she knew the story. And she didn't blame her mother either anymore. Sure she wished Zeus had pointed her towards camp sooner, but she was already one of the younger campers at 10, soon to be 11 in a couple more days.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Roman area

"Make sure she gets some breakfast. But otherwise that is all. I'll see if I can find Nancy before the trial begins. I trust her to be there on time." Niah trusted Nancy with her very life and soul. Even now as she could see her friend falling apart at the seems. And there was nothing Niah could do to fix it. Nothing to make things better. Not until they got Mads back. And even then Niah was certain that her best friend was gone.

Niah hadn't even mentioned the vision about her sister. About how certain she was that her sister was dead and among those who claimed the Norse gods as their parentage. The focus had been on getting Mads back. On keeping New Rome, in it's broken state, afloat. She had helped as much as she could, as much as she was willing to. But Niah did not want the praetor's robes. Someone else would eventually have to pick up the mantles. Niah knew that once she was able she'd look for Dalisy. It was part of why she hadn't been willing to pick it up even knowing Nancy was there. Also taking the role officially would concede that Mads wasn't coming back.

She shook her head, and started off, first to Nancy's tent, even though she knew Nancy wouldn't be there.
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