Actual thread:

Long, long ago, an otherworldly entity known as Galeem, the Lord of Light, coveted the marvels of countless worlds for itself. In an apocalyptic deluge of light, it swept over each and every one in an all-consuming flood, bringing the universe itself and its countless stories to an end.
In the wake of the total annihilation, Galeem created a new world, an anachronous amalgamation of countless realities not-so-seamlessly stitched together, over which it could preside for eternity. Into this World of Light the innumerable inhabitants of the devoured worlds were reformed, stripped of their memories of the end and rendered oblivious to the wrongness of their new reality. Then Galeem chose a number of Guardians whose existence would safeguard its own, and hid them throughout its brave new world.
Finally Galeem fell silent, becoming the engine that sustained its perpetual motion machine of a world. As it slept, its all-consuming desire for eternity gave rise to Moebius, its will accepted and embodied in twenty-six individuals who would serve as Consuls throughout the World of Light. Its denizens, in thrall to the Flame Clocks that meted out their lifespans, would live, die, and be reborn countless times, a cruel Life Service keeping their destinies arrested, stuck in a waking dream with no hope for advance–the Endless Now.
It’s hard to say how long it’s been since then. But through it all, a star of hope twinkled faintly amidst the dust of ages. Heroes with the power and will to challenge Galeem’s Guardians would rise, fall, and rise again, eventually stirring the Consuls from their listless complacency. In the wake of many Guardians’ defeat, the Consuls are on high alert, and things are more dangerous than ever.
In this massive video game crossover RP, you’ll play as a game character of your choice and join the campaign against Galeem in a grand journey through a tapestry woven of countless worlds, a series of battles, puzzles, and adventures, meeting friends and foes both new and old as you fight to reach and destroy the Lord of Light.

The Avenger is the ship that will be our mobile base of operations during the RP, once everyone reaches it. We’ll deploy from it on missions and return there once we’re done, though given how important it is, keeping it hidden from Moebius is our top priority. This huge ship has all kinds of rooms and amenities in it, and as long as you can find a roommate, you can even claim your own to decorate as you see fit. The Avenger is home to an NPC group called the Lost Numbers, the descendents of previous game characters unique to the World of Light, who can provide services for the group. Once the RP begins, information on both the Avenger and the roster of Lost Numbers will be available in the Characters tab.
EXP earned for posting is as follows: <750 words is 1 point, 750-1250 is 2 points, and 1250-2000 is 3 points, then +1 for every thousand after that. You will also get bonus EXP after successful encounters. Your level of contribution determines your growth. Please keep track of your own EXP, please be honest when it comes to reporting and don't use filler to inflate your word count.
If a collab happens (including one that involves only your characters) every participant will get the full EXP reward from the collab’s word count.
EXP gain is boosted during boss fights.
When your EXP total goes above the next level requirement, you can subtract the requirement from your total to give yourself a Level Upgrade. These can be spent on a new Ability or Skill from any powerset available to your character. Leveling up also gives your character a minor stat increase across the board. Abilities/skills gained by leveling up can Interplay with old abilities/skills if it makes sense. Please submit your level writeup to me for approval
In the World of Light, everyone starts out ‘gleaming’ under Galeem’s influence. This status prevents cognitive dissonance regarding the World of Light itself, seals memories of Galeem plus the apocalypse, and makes one unable to voluntarily back down from a fight once begun.
Any character who’s freed can spend (your level - 3) EXP to use a Friend Heart to free someone who’s gleaming, restoring their cognition, memories, and wellbeing to normal.
In the World of Light, every being has a spirit, a bundle of light that defines everything about that character. It’s represented as a mote of prismatic light with that character’s image nestled inside. When something dies, its body disintegrates into ash and the spirit manifests. Spirits don’t remain for long and will quickly fade if they’re not bottled up somehow, though that only prolongs their existence a little.
Our characters can use spirits for their own gain in a variety of ways. When you choose one, message me and I will write the results up for you
A special, optional way of further developing your character, not to mention bonds with other characters. Whenever two PCs are involved in a non-combat, non-progression collab together (both characters in a back-and-forth post) the EXP from that collab can also go into Rapport if both players are willing. Leveling up Rapport offers additional bonuses

Just as a heads up, this RP already has seven members accounted for, including myself:
@DracoLunaris, @Archmage MC, @Multi_Media_Man, @Yankee, @Zoey Boey, and @Double.
The RP will start on August 25th regardless of how this interest check fares. Still, I'd love to get as many new people as possible! All players’ characters will start spread out across a number of locations at the RP’s start, including three ‘starting locations’, and new characters will need to start at one of them, too:

Welcome back to the stage of history, eternally retold
Long, long ago, an otherworldly entity known as Galeem, the Lord of Light, coveted the marvels of countless worlds for itself. In an apocalyptic deluge of light, it swept over each and every one in an all-consuming flood, bringing the universe itself and its countless stories to an end.
In the wake of the total annihilation, Galeem created a new world, an anachronous amalgamation of countless realities not-so-seamlessly stitched together, over which it could preside for eternity. Into this World of Light the innumerable inhabitants of the devoured worlds were reformed, stripped of their memories of the end and rendered oblivious to the wrongness of their new reality. Then Galeem chose a number of Guardians whose existence would safeguard its own, and hid them throughout its brave new world.
Finally Galeem fell silent, becoming the engine that sustained its perpetual motion machine of a world. As it slept, its all-consuming desire for eternity gave rise to Moebius, its will accepted and embodied in twenty-six individuals who would serve as Consuls throughout the World of Light. Its denizens, in thrall to the Flame Clocks that meted out their lifespans, would live, die, and be reborn countless times, a cruel Life Service keeping their destinies arrested, stuck in a waking dream with no hope for advance–the Endless Now.
It’s hard to say how long it’s been since then. But through it all, a star of hope twinkled faintly amidst the dust of ages. Heroes with the power and will to challenge Galeem’s Guardians would rise, fall, and rise again, eventually stirring the Consuls from their listless complacency. In the wake of many Guardians’ defeat, the Consuls are on high alert, and things are more dangerous than ever.
In this massive video game crossover RP, you’ll play as a game character of your choice and join the campaign against Galeem in a grand journey through a tapestry woven of countless worlds, a series of battles, puzzles, and adventures, meeting friends and foes both new and old as you fight to reach and destroy the Lord of Light.

The Lost Numbers and the Avenger
The Avenger is the ship that will be our mobile base of operations during the RP, once everyone reaches it. We’ll deploy from it on missions and return there once we’re done, though given how important it is, keeping it hidden from Moebius is our top priority. This huge ship has all kinds of rooms and amenities in it, and as long as you can find a roommate, you can even claim your own to decorate as you see fit. The Avenger is home to an NPC group called the Lost Numbers, the descendents of previous game characters unique to the World of Light, who can provide services for the group. Once the RP begins, information on both the Avenger and the roster of Lost Numbers will be available in the Characters tab.
EXP earned for posting is as follows: <750 words is 1 point, 750-1250 is 2 points, and 1250-2000 is 3 points, then +1 for every thousand after that. You will also get bonus EXP after successful encounters. Your level of contribution determines your growth. Please keep track of your own EXP, please be honest when it comes to reporting and don't use filler to inflate your word count.
If a collab happens (including one that involves only your characters) every participant will get the full EXP reward from the collab’s word count.
EXP gain is boosted during boss fights.
When your EXP total goes above the next level requirement, you can subtract the requirement from your total to give yourself a Level Upgrade. These can be spent on a new Ability or Skill from any powerset available to your character. Leveling up also gives your character a minor stat increase across the board. Abilities/skills gained by leveling up can Interplay with old abilities/skills if it makes sense. Please submit your level writeup to me for approval
The Power of Friendship
In the World of Light, everyone starts out ‘gleaming’ under Galeem’s influence. This status prevents cognitive dissonance regarding the World of Light itself, seals memories of Galeem plus the apocalypse, and makes one unable to voluntarily back down from a fight once begun.
Any character who’s freed can spend (your level - 3) EXP to use a Friend Heart to free someone who’s gleaming, restoring their cognition, memories, and wellbeing to normal.
In the World of Light, every being has a spirit, a bundle of light that defines everything about that character. It’s represented as a mote of prismatic light with that character’s image nestled inside. When something dies, its body disintegrates into ash and the spirit manifests. Spirits don’t remain for long and will quickly fade if they’re not bottled up somehow, though that only prolongs their existence a little.
Our characters can use spirits for their own gain in a variety of ways. When you choose one, message me and I will write the results up for you
A special, optional way of further developing your character, not to mention bonds with other characters. Whenever two PCs are involved in a non-combat, non-progression collab together (both characters in a back-and-forth post) the EXP from that collab can also go into Rapport if both players are willing. Leveling up Rapport offers additional bonuses
- D Rank (<5 REXP): Just shows you’ve built up some REXP, but not enough to reach C Rank
- C Rank (5-9 REXP): Tag Team (a powerful, special team-up attack unique to these two)
- B Rank (10-19 REXP): Skill Share (both characters can copy a free Skill from the other(
- A Rank (20-29 REXP): Crossover (both characters can now switch to the other’s Job. Doing this switches your base powerset and base weapon out for theirs, as well as replacing an element of your outfit with one of theirs)
- S Rank (30+ REXP): Interlink (will be explained later)

Just as a heads up, this RP already has seven members accounted for, including myself:
@DracoLunaris, @Archmage MC, @Multi_Media_Man, @Yankee, @Zoey Boey, and @Double.
The RP will start on August 25th regardless of how this interest check fares. Still, I'd love to get as many new people as possible! All players’ characters will start spread out across a number of locations at the RP’s start, including three ‘starting locations’, and new characters will need to start at one of them, too:
- Mafia Town - a small island city situated near the Blue Hole, in the World of Light’s southwestern sea. It’s ‘run’ by the Mafia of Cooks, an organization of mostly harmless chefs, and it’s mostly just a bustling port town with a special emphasis on food, occasionally attacked by sea monsters, pirates, murlocs, and so forth
- Skyworld - a large archipelago of various sky islands floating above the Sandswept Sky on the continent’s eastern side. Its Greco-Roman architecture and divine influence is evident in its various settlements, temples, and cathedrals, set amidst white trees and autumnal leaves. Its angels always need help fighting off the Corruption
- Meridi-at-han - a fused acropolis city that stands above the Tyrannian Plateau and flood plains of the Forbidden Kingdom in the continent's north. A colorful cultural melting pot, it lies in a beautiful but untamed region filled with all kinds of creatures, including dinosaurs, and in lies at a crossroads between several regions. More fantasy in origin, it relies on magic and magitech instead of technology