Hidden 12 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lisa’s eyes were fixed on the massive, floating landmass above her, and she looked on in awe. The sheer size of the place made her feel impossibly small. Lisa strained her eyes; she could see the faint outlines of buildings - towers maybe - dotting the top. Though she turned to Yoko and said,

That’s the Kingdom?” Lisa pointed, laughing. ”It’s not what I expected at all.”

Yoko’s sigh brought Lisa back to reality, as she said, ”Yes, Turner, that is the Kingdom.”

”Why didn’t you tell us it’s floating in the sky?!” Lisa said.

Yoko didn’t respond.

”... Why didn’t you tell us it was in the sky!?

The silence stretched uncomfortably until Yoko sighed.

”... Because I didn’t know it’d be floating, Turner,” Yoko crossed her arms. ”The Pit is home to some extraordinary things…”

”Then how do we know its our Kingdom? It could be some other Kingdom for all we know!” Lisa said.

Yoko pivoted towards Lisa, and pointed up towards the Kingdom.

”One, I was tracking Autoknight movements for ages now, it all comes from and leads to this direction,” Then Yoko pointed at the Autoknight airships coming from the Kingdom, and returning. ”And two… aren’t those the Autoknight airships.”

"If Yoko says it's the kingdom, I believe it is! And those are Autoknight ships!" Ella said cheerfully.

Saskia had finally stood up, silently backing up Lisa in her questioning by standing behind her. "... I suppose it looks right. But how do we get up there without getting caught? A giant flying spider isn't exactly inconspicuous."

”We could try bouncing off…” Lisa tried to joke, glancing at Ella’s rear, but she ended up choking. She sighed… as she wasn’t in the mood after what they had done earlier. The screams of those children as Saskia put them out of their misery. It was for the greater good, Lisa said. It was to help them, Lisa said. Because death is a better alternative to living in the Pit and getting eaten by a monster… yet, the doubts clung to Lisa. The guilt clung to her.

Would she ever escape it?

”... Never mind,” Lisa said, turning away, and Yoko just nodded.

”We have four options,” Yoko said, before she raised one finger. ”One; we use Turner’s spiders to fly up there… I’m certain if we tried, we’d get riddled with holes before we made landfall.”

Then raised another finger.

”Two, we climb up the chains; some of them are close enough to the surface that maybe we can climb from there.”

Then raised a third finger.

”Three; we either hijack or stowaway on one of their airships… Which seems easier said than done because we don’t know where they land.”

Then Yoko paused for a moment and then sighed.

”And I know my decisions have put you three in danger two times already…” Yoko raised a fourth finger before she said, ”... We let ourselves get captured and brought into the Kindom.”

Lisa glanced up at the Kingdom for a few more moments as she considered Yoko’s words and then at Yoko herself. Something about Yoko's demeanor cut through the exhaustion Lisa felt. Then Lisa spoke in a low tone…

”... Is that really our best option, Yoko?” Lisa asked, tilting her head. ”Just hand our asses over to them on a silver platter?”

Saskia nodded in agreement with what Lisa was saying, standing right behind her and watching Yoko with narrowed eyes.

”Turner…” Yoko rolled her eyes, and sighed. ”Just why are you acting like I’m suggesting we just surrender? Like I don’t have a plan?”

Yoko's tone and the way she rolled her eyes all felt too dismissive for her liking. It reminded her of the way some members of the Old Coven spoke to her.

She didn’t like that.

”Because, Yoko, ‘Let’s get captured’ and ‘Surrender’ sound the exact fucking same to me,” As Lisa spoke, her gaze went upwards towards the Kingdom, before her eyes met Yoko’s. ”Say we agree to your plan… well, what exactly is it?”

Yoko met Lisa’s gaze, and for a brief moment, they were intensely staring at each other before Yoko turned away and took a few steps. Then, she explained her plan, ”It all revolves around a spell of mine… Compact. I can teach it to the Disc- Brooks, if needed. As the name suggests, it allows you to compact an item with Orange Lux for more accessible transport. From my testing, channelers do still work as long as you are aware it’s your channeler.”

Then Yoko glanced over her shoulder at Lisa, ”So, we compact our channelers and whatever artifacts we need. Let them bring us up there, and then we catch them off guard and break free.”

Lisa’s eyes remained fixed on Yoko, absorbing the details of her plan. She wasn’t entirely sold, but at least Yoko seemed to be thinking ahead.

Then Yoko shrugged before turning back to face Lisa fully.

”But, that’s only if we all agree on it,” Yoko began, taking a few steps forward towards Lisa, and once she was close, she put a hand on her shoulder. ”Because we’re in this together, Turner. If you, Brooks, or Otten are not on board, we’ll just have to find another way.” She smiled at Lisa, and Lisa smiled back.

”... Your breath smells terrible, by the way,” Lisa noted.

”... And I’m sure it does. Yoko answered, deadpan.

Both Ella and Saskia were silent for a moment, seeming to think. Even Ella seemed hesitant about the idea.

"I think… It's the best plan. If I learn the spell, we can probably bring all our artifacts…" Ella said eventually.

Saskia was still silent. They stepped forward, hooking their arm around Lisa’s and dragging her away from the other two. They pulled her enough away that they were still in sight of Yoko and Ella, but out of earshot.

"I don’t trust her," Saskia said quietly.

”I mean… it seems a little bit reckless… she seems reckless…” Lisa said… before the static-y voice appeared, opening with a very sarcastic snort.


”... I mean, what other option do we have?” Lisa just shrugged. ”I don’t trust her either - well, not completely - but I don’t have any better ideas right now. But, if you have a problem, just say something.”

"I don’t have any better ideas but…" Saskia frowned, folding her arms. "I want to make sure we’re on the same page. We do this plan, but she does anything out of line, we kill her."

Lisa was silent momentarily as the weight of Saskia’s words set in… On one hand, she was Ella’s friend and she couldn’t bring herself to hurt her. On the other, the Mother Will’s words were still fresh on her mind… Yoko didn’t care about her. Yoko didn’t care about any of them until they started being beneficial to her. She probably wouldn’t care if she was in the above world.

The Mother Will rose from the ground, yet only Lisa could perceive her - she laid her chilling hands on her shoulders and gave her a seductive whisper, “... Hatanaka is a fool. Only concerned about her family legacy.”

Lisa stood there.

“She sees the Pit, its offerings, as a proving ground. She wants to prove to not just the world but herself, that she is worthy. That she holds strength,” The Mother Will laughed. “Bah! She is using you like the others were… She only sees you as nothing more as a merit to prove herself.”

The Mother Will laughed lowly before saying,

“... You should show her what it means to have power.”

Then she disappeared.

It appeared as if Lisa was standing there saying nothing for about a minute.

”... Yes.” Lisa nodded at Saskia. Yet, there was something about that… it just didn’t sit right with her. Lisa tapped her fingertips together, ”Maybe we should talk to Yoko and the others about this.”

"... about us planning to kill her?" Saskia tilted their head, looking confused.
Took her glasses off.

Lisa facepalmed.

”Yes, let’s go full dicks out and tell Yoko we’re planning to eat her,” Lisa said, completely monotone. ”Did you have an Ella moment?”

"It's the blood loss," Saskia intoned, also completely monotone. "Fine, let's talk to her- them. Maybe she'll show her true colours, or do better. You do the talking, though."

The static-y voice appeared in their heads yet again.

… ?...?...?...means well…?...?... She wants-...?...?...?...you all.

Lisa slid her glasses back on. ”Who does- actually, I’m not in the mood right now weird voice.”

…?...?...?...Yoko. Yoko. Yoko-...?...?...?...How can…?...?... hurt her…?...?...?... biggest tiddies…?...?...?...see.

”Wait, what?” Lisa turned her head to the sky. ”Who does?”

…?...?...?... Yoko…?...?...?...-ko…?...?..?...Yoko.

”... Maybe hurting Yoko isn’t the right choice.”

Saskia tilted their head. "Yoko has the biggest tiddies? Bigger than Ella's? And she's hidden them this whole time? That's not very trustworthy…"

Saskia's gaze turned to Yoko. Then very obviously down to her chest. Then, they grabbed Lisa's hand. "Let's ask."

…?...?...? No, please-

The voice tried to plead as Saskia dragged Lisa right back over, not even waiting a beat before bluntly asking, "Yoko, are you hiding a pair of tits bigger than Ella's?"

…?...?... What have I started?

Yoko raised an eyebrow - though it was on Lisa’s mind.

Then Yoko sighed.

”... One, that is incredibly inappropriate, Otten,” Yoko started. ”Two, how can you two go from thinly veiled animosity to asking such a question?”

Yoko took a deep breath, raising a finger.

”And if it keeps you two focused, yes, I am. Wilson teased me all the time about them. Next question.”

Saskia looked at Lisa, then back at Yoko. ”It's important for trust. You-"

"They're bigger than mine?!" Ella interrupted with a shout. "Whoa- that's like, super weapons!"

”Elaborate, Disciple,” Yoko stared at Ella like she had grown a second head.

"We managed to defeat a dragon thanks to me taking my top off!" Ella elaborated.

"It's true, Ella's tits got him so excited he exploded," Saskia said, almost solemnly.

Yoko was utterly silent for a moment, tilting her head at Ella.

”... As a Hatanaka Disciple, you will be showing more dignity and respect to yourself here on in?” Yoko began. Yes?

”I mean,” Lisa looked off to the side. ”It worked. That’s got to count for something, Yoko.”

”But, Ella now has a standard to uphold,” Yoko nodded her head.

However, the static-y voice spoke clearly.

...?...?...In the Pit?!

"I’m sorry, Sensei… but I can’t make any promises," Ella said solemnly, ignoring the voice. "If my friends are in danger and it’s the only way to save them… I’ll have to do it."

Yoko smiled unnaturally wide, slowly turning her head.

”... I’m honestly at a loss for words here,” Yoko started before she looked at everyone one at a time. ”Were you three always like this? Or did your resurrection… change you?

”I mean,” Lisa shrugged. ”You all were alive for those ten years!”

"Right. Put yourself in our shoes, coming back to life ten years older," Saskia intoned. "Remembering your death. Not going through young adulthood. Really, we’re sixteen year olds in adult bodies."

"Ten years of anime I missed!" Ella wailed.

”... And the Hound threw you all straight into the Pit,” Yoko said with a sigh. ”No trainin- wait, you three had a different task, right?”

”Yeah, defeat Morningstar,” Lisa shrugged.

Yoko’s jaw dropped.

”... Was this dragon you mentioned earlier named Ignatius by chance?” Yoko asked.

"I think so? He kinda had a habit of going on and on, so I stopped listening to anything he said," Ella said, tilting her head and rubbing her chin.

"That was him." Saskia nodded. "We had to kill him twice. It was a pain in the ass."

”Hmph, small world,” Yoko laughed. ”Wilson, when she decided to save Bray from his own recklessness, ended up there and got into a huge fight with Moringstar’s Society. I saved her from getting killed by the Dragon, but we fled.”

”... Who’s Bray?” Lisa tilted her head.

”Don’t worry about it,”

"Sounds unimportant," Saskia shrugged. "But the Society’s gone now. We got rid of it."

"Yeah we killed that evil bastard and his seven slightly less evil bastard minions!" Ella declared dramatically. "Then we were thrown in here!"

”You did good,” Yoko said, ”Though, did you eliminate just Mornin-” Yoko cut herself off, before looking up at the Kingdom.

”How about we decide on a plan to get up there?” Yoko said with a sigh. ”The matters of the surface world are simply irrelevant right now.”

Then she paused momentarily, looking at Ella, Saskia, and Lisa.

”... And so is my chest.”

"... for now…" Saskia muttered ominously. She continued more loudly. "We’ll go with your plan. But I want to make it clear, outside of hiding your massive chest, we don’t trust you."

"I trust her!" Ella interjected.

"You trust anyone, Ella. Your opinion is invalid."

”... Then how do you expect for all four of us to make it through this, then?” Yoko asked Saskia, raising her chin as she maintained eye contact. ”We only have each other, Otten. Half the beings you will encounter here are monsters trying to eat you. The other half are psychopaths or people too scared to think straight.”

Yoko spoke, taking a few steps forward.

”... We only have each other.

"Incorrect." Saskia responded. They gestured to themselves, Ella and Lisa. "We have each other. That’s all we need. So stop treating us like we don’t understand the dangers, at the very least. We’re equals here. Trust is earned."

"That’s not fair, Saskia, she’s helped us a lot," Ella said.

Yoko narrowed her eyes at Saskia.

”Then tell me…” Yoko said, ”... What exactly was your plan before I came along? Wander around and hope you find the All-Blade?”

Then turned to Ella.

”... And that is a question for Otten, and only Otten,” Yoko said as she took a few steps forward towards Saskia. ”You moan about how much you don’t trust me, Otten, yet you seemed to be perfectly fine with my plan up until now.”

Saskia's eyes narrowed slightly, but they didn't back down. "We didn't have a solid plan. But we would have figured it out- torturing residents, investigation. I gave you the benefit of the doubt - Ella likes you, and your plan sounded sensible. But then you put them in danger. You care about yourself and your brother more."

Saskia took another step forward to close the gap between them, voice lowering to a hissed whisper. ”Do you trust us? Our capabilities? Because I think you just see us as extra bodies you can order around and sacrifice."

Yoko was silent, narrowing her eyes… Yet her lips curled into a grin.

”... If I was only concerned with my brother and myself, I wouldn’t have spent the time training Ella,” Yoko spat back in a barely muted whisper. ”And yes, I do trust you all… But, you clearly have the wrong idea about me, Otten.”

Yoko paused, looking at Lisa then Ella, ”Maybe Baksh, Devola, Reed, and Stone’s band of cheerleader fuckups were like that, but not I. I legitimately care about you all and I cannot, in good conscience, simply toss you all away the second you stopped being useful like they would.”

Yoko sighed.

”Look, we can all leave with what we came for, Otten. I am willing to do anything to regain your trust.”

Saskia just stared at Yoko for a few moments, eyes narrowed.

"Saskia, come on, at least give her a chance, even if you don't trust her!" Ella pleaded, reaching out to take Saskia's hand.

Saskia looked at Ella, down at their hands, then back at Yoko with a sigh. "Fine. Take this plan as you regaining that trust. It has to work, we all make it out. With what we all want."

Yoko took a step forward and narrowed her eyes as she said,

”... If any of you don’t make it out, I don’t make it out,”

Saskia stared back for a moment before nodding. "Fine. I can accept that."

Ella cheered, throwing her hands up in the air. "Alright, alright, now teach me the shrinking objects spell!"

”What’s the rush? So you can carry more sex toys?” Yoko grinned at Ella, ”How about we find somewhere safe, take a rest, and then I can teach you that spell.”

Then Yoko paused as she said,

”... And other spells you can use to protect yourself from your uncle.”

Ella opened her mouth, then closed it and hung her head. The excitement she’d shown just moments ago was completely gone and she gave a muted nod.

Saskia raised an eyebrow. "Trying to get closer to us by making sexual jokes? Very smart. Ella brought along the dildos for Lisa more than herself, though."

”Well, we can use them for sealing,” Yoko shrugged. ”And only sealing. Nothing else. Definitely not their intended function.” Yoko rolled her eyes.

"They were very useful for sealing! Otherwise I would’ve had to use something useful!" Ella said cheerfully.

Saskia snorted, rolling their eyes. "I don’t know why you took Lisa saying to bring them seriously."

”Turner is… wait, what’s wrong with Turner?” Yoko asked, turning to Lisa.

While this conversation went on… it got increasingly muted as Lisa felt an icy chill up her spine. Her gaze was drawn to the distance, to the side of a mountain. A gigantic and nightmarish spider, an ethereal being, was looming over them. Its white, wispy limbs and glowing red eyes were fixated on her. There was something about it, but it made Lisa’s heart skip a beat. She took a few steps back, grabbed Ella’s shirt, gave it a few tugs, and then pointed at it.

Yoko’s gaze went in that direction of, then narrowed her eyes before looking at Lisa,

”Turner,” Yoko paused. ”... What’s wrong?”

”There’s an Apparition right there,” Lisa said, ”Hit it with your swooooord….”

Yoko looked in the direction again before she said,

”... There’s nothing there, Turner,”

"Are you going mad?" Saskia intoned.

Ella looked around with wide, panicked eyes. She automatically wrapped an arm around Lisa, pulling her into a tight hug against her side. "I don’t see anything? Are you alright?! Maybe- maybe something’s haunting you!"
”I… swear! Can’t you all see it?!” Lisa shouted.

...?...?...?... I…?...?...either….?...?...deep brea-...?...?... Relax….?...?... Find…?...?...?...rest. The voice began. ... Maybe…?...?...Something….?...?... I believe you.

"We can’t…" Saskia frowned, looking around.

"I believe you, Lisa!" Ella declared. She then pulled Lisa closer in, pressing her face into her… chest. "Close your eyes, everyone, maybe this will help."

Then she lifted up her free hand and it glowed brightly until it was a blinding light illuminating the area.

The spider didn’t so much as flinch…. Yoko grabbed the Yokai Killer with both hands and then unsheathed it. The Yokai Killer was utterly dim. She narrowed her eyes. ”... There are no Yokai nearby. Yoko said it with the inflection of a robot.

Yoko slowly sheathed the Yokai Killer with a click. ”... Perhaps you just need some sleep. It’s been a lot lately.”

"That’s probably it," Saskia agreed.

"Lisa isn’t the type to make something like that up!" Ella said. She then looked down at Lisa. "... but if it’ll make you feel safer I’ll spoon you when you sleep!"

Yoko sighed as she turned away from the spider, keeping the Yokai Killer clenched tightly in her hands, ”From here on out, we’re going to be facing Autoknights from here in.”

Lisa didn’t take her eyes off the spider for a moment,

"We can handle them," Saskia said grimly, pulling out her knife.

Ella nodded. "Let's go…"

The red sky loomed overhead… as the four traveled from the desert mines to a new area. The dry and hot air was spontaneously replaced by the opposite, humid and cool. The area was dense with a white fog… the landscape seemed to twist and warp, with no sense of direction or logic. Towering ruins of what might have once been buildings loomed in the distance, their skeletal remains barely standing, covered in dark, twisting vines. The spider was still on Lisa’s mind as Yoko led the charge, her hand grasping the Yokai Killer, occasionally unsheathing it to examine its glow - but fortunately, it was always dim. But now and then, Lisa glanced over her shoulder to see if that spider was there.

After hours of wandering, Yoko suddenly stopped; a jagged and crumbling building stood ahead of them. The building looked simple, worn from time but sturdy, like an old outpost made of brick and metal. Its windows were cracked, and its roof was slightly sagging. Yoko walked over for a moment before unsheathing the Yokai Killer, and after seeing that it was dim, she sheathed it again with a click.

”That’ll do,” Yoko said, ”We can rest here until a monster comes to interrupt us.”

Ella nodded, pushing into the building first - she still had her hands in front of her ready to cast. Lisa was right behind her.

"I'll take first watch today," Saskia said, looking over at Yoko. "We need to share that burden."

”Very well,” Yoko said with a nod of her head, she quickly hopped on top of the building and knelt in the seiza posture. ”I will be meditating if you need me.”

The building's interior felt like a time capsule, illuminated by dim light filtering through cracked windows. Weathered brick walls were dotted with lichen, while uneven wooden planks creaked underfoot. Scattered remnants of rusted furniture and a dilapidated cabinet added to the sense of ruin. It felt like a forgotten realm, a haven amid The Pit's chaos, yet the spider's unsettling memories loomed in the back of Lisa's mind… Lisa sighed as there was nothing to sleep on.

”Let’s just…” Lisa said, ”Sleep on the floor, I guess.”

Lisa took her backpack off and then flopped down.

Ella put her backpack down too, and lay down beside Lisa, asking almost hesitantly, "want to hug while sleeping?"

Lisa awoke again… this time at the lair of the Old Coven. Well, it’s burned down remnants that remained there long after the Coven disbanded. Lisa looked around, confused, as she stood in the yard behind the building… a field of beautiful flowers that led up to a tree. Something was compelling Lisa over to it. She saw some strange letters, like a code on the side of it; she was perplexed by it.

“... LT GGA.” The Mother Will appeared out of thin air, her hand drifting to the mentioned code. “Does that ring a bell at all…?” The Mother Will trailed off.

Lisa knew Mother Will was a liar, but everything she said sounded right. She knew exactly what to say to push those buttons Lisa never thought would be gone. However, Lisa shook her head as a silent answer.

“That’s your name in their memorial…” The Mother Will said. “It was merely an empty gesture to ‘honor’ the toys that they disposed of.” The Mother Will laughed, tilting her head.

“You gave them EVERYTHING, and all you get in return is five letters…?

Lisa blinked, and Mother Will was right behind her… She placed her hands on her shoulders. The being’s touch was cold, unfeeling, and unnerving, yet Lisa welcomed it like her mother’s.

“Someone like you deserves far more than that, yes?” The Mother Will began. “For a woman of your potential. Your power. Your contributions…. You deserve to be more than just a passing thought.”

Lisa played with her fingers before she asked, ”... What do I deserve to be, then?”

The Mother Will’s grip tightened on Lisa’s shoulder.

“You deserve to be remembered,” the Mother Will began. “Not as a mere footnote in their history, but as a force that shapes it. They should have feared you. Respected you… worshipped you.”

Lisa’s heart pounded in her chest as the Mother Will’s hands drifted down her shoulders onto her arms. “They never saw your potential, but we know better. You were never meant to be the pawn but the queen on the chessboard. You were meant to be so much more.”

Lisa had always believed she was meant for more, but those thoughts had been buried beneath layers of doubt and pain. Now… those thoughts were clawing their way back to the surface.

“You deserved to be the one that determined how the story ends. The one who leaves a mark on the world,” The Mother Will began. “Ashley Stone. Daisy Hunter. Auri Auclair? They’re all frauds. They took all the credit for all the hard work you put in.”

The Mother Will appeared in front of Lisa as she said, “They held onto what little power they could until they just couldn’t - and burned everything behind them.”

Lisa’s breath quickened as the Mother Will’s words dug deep into her core, like tendrils wrapping around her soul. The old wounds, the bitterness she had tried to bury, began to resurface. The familiar names—Ashley, Daisy, Auri—echoed in her head, now tainted with a growing resentment. She had once admired them, worked alongside them, and even sacrificed for them.

“... They took everything from you.” the Mother Will whispere. “Your loyalty, your devotion, your love, your energy, your passion, your kindness, your power… it meant nothing to them. They left you with scraps, convincing you it was all you were worth.”

Lisa clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms until they nearly drew blood...

They used you, Lisa,” the Mother Will murmured, her hand brushed against Lisa’s cheek, the touch chilling. “You sacrificed for them. And for what? So they could walk away from the ashes and leave you here? Reduced to nothing more than a meaningless code carved into the bark of a rotting tree...?”

Lisa’s heart raced, and that anger she tried to suppress was dug up as she began shaking her fists. “Imagine what it would be like to take back that power? Be the one who decides who stays… and who goes?

A dark thrill coursed through Lisa at the thought. Her heart pounded harder, her breaths coming faster. She could feel the pull, the temptation to give in to the thoughts she had once feared. The desire to make them pay, to reclaim everything they had taken from her. Still..

”I don’t kno-” Lisa tried to say before the Mother Will placed a finger to her lips.

“Shhhh…” The Mother Will said, “You don’t have to be afraid of your power anymore, Lisa. Let yourself feel it. Let yourself enjoy it. You’re not weak like them. You don’t need to control yourself for anyone’s sake..”

The Mother Will laughed.

“... It’s time, Lisa,” ”The Mother Will said. “Let go. You deserve to be remembered. You deserved to be feared. You deserve to be whatever you want here in the Pit.”

The Mother Will chuckled softly, “After all… We laud power down here. And with power, you can do whatever you want. Be whatever you want because the Pit is more than just a location. It represents the primal desire of the human soul… freedom through strength.

The Mother Will paused.

"̵R̵e̷m̷e̵m̷b̶e̴r̸ ̷t̷h̵a̴t̵,̷ ̵L̵i̷s̵a̴ ̶T̵u̸r̸n̸e̴r̴.̴"̸

The Mother Will sunk into the ground… and Lisa was left with anger. She focused on the code—LT GGA—her hand hovering over the rough bark of the tree as her heart hammered in her chest. She closed her eyes briefly; her body trembled with the weight of her decision as she could finally feel the pull to let go. She closed her eyes briefly, and something had changed when she opened them again. The uncertainty was gone, replaced by something darker. Something fiercer.

Lisa screamed at the top of her lungs.

She slammed her hand into a fist and slammed her fist into her “name” on the tree.

The dream ended.

Lisa stirred, and a chill crept through her as she opened her eyes. Her heart raced as her eyes snapped open to the dim light of the building. As she adjusted to her surroundings, her gaze landed on a figure looming above her…

… It was the spider from earlier.

Lisa immediately opened her mouth and shrieked as the spider quickly backpedaled and mounted onto the wall right by the door - which was kicked open by Yoko Hatanaka, one hand on the hilt of the Yokai Killer and the other on the sheath.

”Turner?!” Yoko barked, ”Are you okay?!”

The spider quickly slinked out, and Lisa pointed at it.

”It’s right there! It’s right fucking there!

Yoko hopped in the air, hand on the Yokai Killer, and turned around. She pulled the Yokai Killer somewhat out of its sheath, glanced down at it, and slid it back in place. She shook her head as she said,

”... Turner, please go back to sleep,” Yoko said with a straight face.

"... There was nothing there," Saskia intoned, pulling blood back into their palm - they'd reacted immediately, with blood armour and blades. "I've been keeping watch the whole time."

”Would you feel safer if we all kept watch?" Ella mumbled, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

”Disciple…” Yoko trailed off, before gesturing at Saskia, We still need to sleep. Turner can’t keep watch by herself. But, I will remain in here if necessary.”

"That’s true." Ella yawned, looking at Saskia. "Should we swap? You hug Lisa, I’ll keep watch."

Saskia shook their head. "I’m fine for another while. You both sleep for now."

Ella didn’t argue, lying back down and pulling Lisa down.

How could they not see it? How could it not be there? She felt Ella’s arms wrap around her again, pulling her back to the ground, but Lisa couldn't relax. Her eyes darted to each corner of the room…

”... It was right there,” Lisa whispered. ”How could it not be right there…?”

She could feel the weight of everyone’s exhaustion around her, the doubt hanging in the air, but that didn’t change what she saw. She closed her eyes, but sleep was far from her. All she could do was lie there… and wait for it to return.
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Hidden 1 day ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yoko crouched beside Ella, watching her sleep for a moment before gently shaking her shoulder.

”Ell- Disciple, it’s time to wake up,” Yoko began. ”It’s time for you and Turner to keep watch for a bit.”

Yoko gently nudged her again.

”Then we will train. We need as many tools as possible in the fight against the Autoknights.”

"Mm- okay," Ella mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She was still sleepy but… it was something she was having to get used to. She gently shook Lisa to wake her too. "Our turn to watch."

Lisa loudly groaned, with bags underneath her eyes, as she waved her hand at Ella. ”... Five more minutes.”

”Five minutes isn’t going to make you or break you, Turner,” Yoko said with a roll of her eyes as she simply laid her backpack on the ground and rested her head on it as if it was the most comfortable pillow in the world. It didn’t take long for Yoko to begin snoring.

"Don't get too distracted," Saskia intoned as they found a spot to lie down, curling around their backpack and closing their eyes.

"I know how to keep watch," Ella grumbled. She took her bag closer to the door, squatting down in front of it as she fully woke up. Staying perfectly still, she began to expand her senses like Yoko had taught her too. Listening out for anything out of place…

”... It’s literally in the title,” Lisa said as she rolled her eyes and walked over and placed her back against the door. She sighed as she stared into nothing for a few moments. ”... Am I starting to seem crazy? You can be honest.”

Lisa just blurted out before she shrugged.

”You should have seen it! It was a giant spider, but it was an Apparition… I would think it’s cool, but….” Lisa shook her head. ”Maybe we should ask Yoko how her sword works.”

"I don’t think you’re crazy." Ella opened her eyes, extended sense cut off as her arms were thrown up in the air. Sure, Lisa’s words had been loud enough it was almost painful with the spell Ella was casting, but that was fine! Her friend was in pain right now… or, worrying at least. "Yoko herself said there were infinite possibilities with magic, right? There’s a possibility this spider-ghost-thing has magic that gets around Yoko’s sword! But don’t worry."

Ella reached out, putting a hand on Lisa’s shoulder. "I believe you. I know you wouldn’t make something like this up!"

Lisa slowly craned her head in Ella’s direction and stared at her for a few seconds. Before she asked, ”... Do you really believe that or are you just saying that to make me feel better?”

"I do," Ella said earnestly. She genuinely did - she trusted Lisa. She trusted all of her friends not to lie to her - and why would Lisa make something like that up? Maybe she was seeing things, sure but… wasn’t magic the likelier explanation? Saskia and Yoko were just looking at things far too realistically for a place with monsters everywhere!

"Infinite possibilities, Lisa, even a giant spider that nobody else can see. But why only you can see it… I don’t know! Maybe it’s cause you like spiders?"

”... If there are infinite possibilities these- I can’t even do it right now,” Lisa said, bringing her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. She sighed. ”I’ll just… ignore it next time. Pretend it’s not there.” She shrugged.

"Yeah, it doesn’t deserve your attention."

”I had an idea for a Joint-Cast we could maybe work on, just for the three of us,” Lisa began. ”Did you want to hear it?”

"Yes!" Ella turned, giving Lisa her full attention… well not quite her full attention, make like half her attention. She was still very much paying attention to keeping watch. "What is it? Tell me, we haven’t made a new joint cast in… well, ten years!"

”... I mean, from our perspective, it was like yesterday,” Lisa shrugged, ”The gist of it is if we get cornered by a group of enemies - like we usually do - we can take them out. But, not just a group of enemies, what about one big one, like that skeleton we ran into when we first got here?”

Lisa looked at Ella, ”I was thinking like… I make an underground web made out of, you know… human flesh. But this is filled with blood, corrosive blood that Saskia put into it. Then you shoot it with one of your gay bolts of lightning that causes it to explode and shoot blood everywhere and leave a crater.”

Lisa nodded her head.

”... I call it, Deathcrater.

Ella’s expression changed throughout the description. The whole thing sounded like a great idea but it also sounded… really gross! With the human flesh and corrosive blood! But that was fine, she could do the bolt of lightning, easy!

"That- that sounds like a great idea! So long as I don’t have to see the flesh and blood and I can just zap it with lightning!" Ella grinned at Lisa. "Oh, we should try it out when Saskia wakes up!"

Lisa just shrugged.

”Sounds like a plan,” Lisa began. ”But, let’s keep our eyes peeled and hope nobody crazy happens.” She awkwardly snorted, and glanced at Saskia and Yoko.

”We still have time to think about the details, I wonder what Yoko would think about the name, tho’!” She laughed.

Some time had passed before Yoko woke up on her own… she loudly yawned as she stretched before climbing to her feet. She reached into her hip pouch and pulled out the Yokai Killer, unsheathing it a quarter of the way, giving it a look before resheathing it with a poignant click. She looked at Lisa, then Ella,

”Is everything good?” Yoko asked before turning to Lisa. ”... Did you see anything out of the ordinary, Turner?”

Lisa shook her head.

”Good,” Yoko began, ”Should we let Otten rest more?”

Ella spun on her heels to actually look at Saskia, where she was sleeping a little bit away. Their expression was tight, but they were actually asleep. "Let's. They didn't sleep at all last time and… they took a while to sleep this time."

Ella then turned to Lisa excitedly. "Tell Yoko about your spell idea!"

Lisa glanced at Yoko, nodding. She sat up straighter.

”Right so,” Lisa began. ”"I’ve got this idea for a Joint-Cast... something we could use if we get cornered again like the last three or four times. It’s called Deathcrater.” Then she paused before continuing.

”Basically, I’d make an underground web out of human flesh. Saskia fills it with acidic blood, and Ella hits it with one of her gay-flavored lightning bolts, causing everything to explode - leaves a crater.” Lisa said that incredibly casually.

Yoko stared at Lisa as she continued, tilting her head.

Then she laughed,

”Lord,” Yoko began, ”Did you by chance come up with that during your nightmare? Yoko cracked a wry grin.

”Juuuuuuuust thinking outside the box,” Lisa shrugged. ”We’re in the Pit, after all. Might as well go full freak.”

”... And you approve of this, Brooks?” Yoko asked Ella.

"Weeelllll I don’t really like how gross it’ll be- but! Staying alive is more important!" Ella declared, a bit too cheerfully. "It’ll help us escape all the stuff we keep getting trapped by.”

Yoko facepalmed.

”… There are less grotesque ways to blow things up, Disciple,” Yoko answered, removing her hands from her face. ”But you know what? Just do you. We do not have time to waste.”

She nodded, before she added.

”That name is something, though, Turner.”

"They never want to do the less grotesque ways,” Ella grumbled.

"Agh, no!- Fuck!"

Ella spun around to find Saskia awake, sitting bolt upright with her chest heaving up and down. Their eyes were wild with panic that quickly disappeared, returning to their normal emotionless expression as they turned to look at the others.

"Saskia, are you alright, did you have a nightmare? Oh- do you want a hug?!"

"No," Saskia intoned. "The nightmare was that you had a flat ass. That’d be too triggering."

”… That’s a nightmare you live every day,” Lisa cracked a grin.

"My ass can be flat so long as Ella's isn't."

Yoko facepalmed.

”… I don’t get you three,” Yoko began. ”They’re just sacks of fat. That’s it.” She rolled her eyes.

"Oh Yoko… they're more than sacks of fat. They're what gets me through life. When I feel particularly awful, I stare at Ella's ass and think ‘ah. Life really is worth living.’" Saskia delivered a strange speech in a complete monotone.

"You can touch my ass if it'll help you understand!" Ella offered.

Yoko stared at Saskia.

Then looked at Ella.

Then back to Saskia.

Then back at Ella.

”… No thank you,”

"Your loss." Saskia intoned.

"It's okay, Yoko, I understand! I prefer animated women too!" Ella said cheerfully.

Yoko stared at all three of them for a moment, them said, ”Don’t you three have a Joint-Cast to make?”

"Joint cast?" Saskia raised their eyebrows.

"Oh yeah! Lisa came up with a really cool but also gross joint cast!" Ella grinned. Saskia was sure to love it… probably too much. Honestly she was worried if she'd be able to do her part of she could see all the gross flesh…

”Oh, sounds like my kind of spell," Saskia said, looking over at Lisa.

”Well, it goes like…” Lisa explained the Deathcrater. ”… Then it makes a wider hole than Ella’s Uncle did. I call it Deathcrater.”

"I don't want to do the spell anymore," Ella mumbled, looking down at her feet. She really wished Lisa would stop bringing up her Uncle… the more it came up, the more she remembered, and the worse she felt about it all. Like a million spiders crawling across her skin - except she'd prefer that!

"Ohhh, I like it," Saskia nodded. "Shouldn't be too hard. We can already coordinate for our blood rain, and Ella just needs to do her gay lightning like normal."

Yoko rolled her eyes, ”… I’m going to be keeping watch. You three should have plenty of room to practice.”

"You don't want to watch up close?" Saskia asked, hint of sarcasm clear in their tone.

”Long as I can look over your shoulder, Otten,” Yoko said with a wry grin.

"If you think you can handle it," Saskia shot back.

”... Let's start," Ella interrupted, snapping out of her slightly upset state after Lisa's comment. She clapped her hands together. "Should we go outside to do it?"

”No let’s just trash this nice little orgy shed- OF COURSE WE’RE GOING OUTSIDE! WE’RE NOT ANIMALS! Lisa shouted, and Yoko raised an eyebrow. Afterward, Lisa led the two outside, where she looked to the left and right, then laid down on her knees. She pressed her hands against the ground… taking a sigh.

”... Maybe you should be closer to me, Saskia,” Lisa said with a nod of her head. ”You’re the star of the show, after all. It’s hard to piece this together, you gotta like… I don’t know.”

There was a slight disturbance, a shake that could have gone completely ignored in their conversations.

”I’m building a web. You gotta fill it with blood. Or cum. Wouldn’t that be funny? Just standing somewhere, and then cum bursts out of the ground all over you?”

Yoko loudly sighed from the rooftop.

Saskia chuckled, moving closer to Lisa - so they were standing right behind her, practically looming… if only their height really allowed it. "Oh, that might take a little work but-"

"No! I'd prefer the blood!" Ella interrupted from where she was standing a bit away.

Saskia rolled their eyes. "Fine, fine."

They crouched down beside Lisa, thinking about it then putting their hand over hers. Then they changed their mind, and put it beside hers, trying to feel the web to start filling it with blood. They furrowed their brow. "Are you making it now?"

”Yeah, it’s spreading, can you feel it?” Lisa asked, and there was a faint rumbling. ”It just needs your special touch… Get it nice and juicy. Like a blood smoothie!”

Then Lisa glanced up at Ella, ”Do we need to put some glitter in it for you?”

Ella thought about it for a moment. It would make it more palatable… still blood, but shiny blood! She could handle that better! "Can you do that?"

"No." Saskia rolled their eyes. Their fingers dug into the dirt, and their eyebrows furrowed. They started to get paler as they concentrated. ”I'm feeding blood into it… I think I've got the feeling. Let me try do it faster."

They pressed their lips into a thin line, before nodding. ”Blood smoothie delivered. Next time we can do it more in sync."

Lisa nodded her head, then turned to Ella, ”Now all you have to do is shoot it with lightning?”

"Got it!" Ella rubbed her hands together, concentrating. She put all her love towards her friends into her thoughts and then… struck roughly the centre of the area with a massive bolt of pink lightning, and the ground cracked open with a deafening roar. Saskia’s corrosive blood shot up into the air like a geyser, and Lisa shielded her face with her arm. The crater widened, and the corrosive blood sizzled as it dissolved stone and everything else unfortunate enough to be caught in its blast radius. The sinkhole collapsed inward, pulling everything into gore and debris.

Lisa just laughed, as she turned around towards Yoko on the roof.

”... Check it out!” Lisa said to her.

Yoko just shook her head.

"I thought we were adding sparkles!" Ella wailed, having closed her eyes a moment after the corrosive blood came out.

"I said we couldn't," Saskia rolled their eyes, before turning to Lisa. "That was easy-"

"Because we're all super duper close and connected!"

"- sure. Do we even need to practice more?"

”We just need to run it a few times,” Lisa grabbed her chin, before she raised a finger and said, ”Just to make sure it’s perfect and we can do it like that.” Lisa snapped her fingers.

She stood up, brushed the dirt off her hands and knees, and deviously grinned at Saskia and Ella.

”... Let’s get to work!

They continued to practice, the sounds of explosions and the ground collapsing echoing each time the Deathcrater was unleashed. After several rounds, Lisa clapped her hands, dusted them off, and glanced at the aftermath of the last crater. She grinned at the two, giving them a thumbs up.

”Soooooooo….” Lisa began, ”... How do you feel about my joint-cast? Questions? Comments? Concerns?”

”... Call it a day, you three!” Yoko called out, sitting with her eyes crossed and smiling. ”You’re going to end up falling into one of these holes at this rate!”

...?....?...?... it’s cool. The static-y voice said.

"Thank you strange voice!" Ella shouted, stretching out her arms with a grunt. All of that lightning shooting was hard work! But they'd perfected it at least. "I don't have any concerns I think it's great! We all did great!"

"Yeah, sure, that," Saskia grunted. They'd collapsed onto the floor, somehow managing to look whiter than normal. They turned their head towards Yoko. "Anything in the area? We made a lot of noise."

Yoko paused for a moment, before she responded.

”... The area is clear,” Yoko began. ”Not for long, I bet. It would be wise to pack up and find another safe location.”

Yoko looked up at the Kingdom…

”I would rather not have the entire might of the Kingdom pouring down on top of us.”

”It would be great practice for our Joint-Cast!” Lisa shouted.

"Maybe the first group, but what do about the second, and the third?" Saskia pointed out. Then they looked at Ella. "Yoko still has to teach Ella that shrinking spell."

"Oh yeah!" Ella nodded, in the process of grabbing her bag. "We don't want captured yet! Not that I really want captured at all I'm worried what you two will try do to the Autoknights…"

...?...?...?... Oh lord. The voice said, and they could just feel the person on the other end facepalming.

”We’ll murder them, of course!” Lisa said as she went into and grabbed her bag. ”What else can we do?!”

”... I don’t think we want that question answered,” Yoko rolled her eyes.

”I know exactly what I'll be doing… it'll involved a lot of spit." Saskia intoned, before finally pushing themselves back to their feet and going to grab their bag too.

"EWWWW!" Ella's face twisted up into a look of disgust. She then looked around them all, seeing they were all bagged up. She pointed in a random direction - which was away from the Kingdom. "Let's go!"

”… Why are you going away from the Kingdom?!” Yoko shouted, facepalming before she pointed in the correct direction.

”Ella could get lost in a straight hallway,” Lisa snickered.

"... Well I thought we'd want to go somewhere safe while we fully figure out our plan!" Ella wailed.

”We’re in The Pit, no where is safe!” Yoko shouted. ”Actually, let’s just go that way then! It’s not like we don’t have a flying spider at our disposal”
Lisa tried to grin, but it faltered.

Ella's eyes widened, and she threw up her hands. "No no no, let's- let's not go in the wrong direction. I made a mistake! Don't we need all of our energy?"

Saskia narrowed their eyes, glancing at Yoko. "We're going the right direction."

”Yes, it was the wrong direction, I thought about it, and the closer we get to the Kingdom, the more Autoknights there will be,” Yoko explained, ”Thus, we should go where there are less-”

There was that low rumble in the distant, familiar to all of them…. An Autoknight airship. Yoko hissed something in Japanese as her gaze was brought to the line of the mountain, where there the sight of four airships came into view.

”... Let’s go,” Yoko said, sprinting in the direction that she had declared to be the ‘wrong way’ minutes away.

Ella brightened up a little at her plan - which was really just her lack of direction - being chosen. She followed after Yoko in a quick sprint… after grabbing Saskia and Lisa's hands to pull them along. "How far are we going to go?"

”… Enough to lose them,” Yoko shouted, looking over her shoulder. Up ahead was a downed tree, and Yoko pulled out the Yokai Killer a quarter of the way… before sheathing it as she gracefully slid behind the tree. Lisa was right behind her as she gestured for Saskia and Ella.

Saskia came in behind Lisa, immediately squatting down, while Ella just completely jumped over the tree and basically fell on her ass behind it. Then she rolled into her front… She wasn't as small as the others!

"What if we never lose them?" Ella whispered. "Like that time we were hiding and then they came with flamethrowers?"

”Then I hope you’re ready to get cooked like a thanksgiving turkey,” Lisa said.

”They won’t do all that,” Yoko shrugged. ”They’ll probably just carpet bomb every possible hiding spot and hope they get us.”

”Earth to Yoko,” Lisa began, ”There’s probably three or four hiding spots in this field!”

”So we can either hope they assume we already moved on, make a break for it, or…” Yoko’s eyes landed on Lisa. ”How fast can you make a flying spider and a few thousand spiders?”

”A few minutes…” Lisa shrugged, before turning to Saskia, ”… but with the Orange Stone, seconds.”

Saskia stared at Lisa, before shoving their hand in their pocket and pulling the Orange Stone back out. They held it out, at the same time a thin blade forming from their fingertip. "I'm cutting it out if you don't right after making the spider."

Lisa nodded, then grabbed the Orange Stone and shoved it into her palm. As commanded,, she created a monstrously giant spider armed with dragonfly wings in mere seconds.

”Okay, so the plan is to send the spider in that direction,” Yoko said, pointing back to where the Autoknights came from. ”Then we’re going to head in this direction while they are distracted by the spider. I would say make another flying spider, but that makes too much noise, Turner.”

"Make a non flying spider, that’s faster than us, and quiet," Saskia said. Ella nodded her agreement at that idea.

Lisa nodded her head, as she created a Huntsmen Spider. It skittered forward, and Lisa climbed on top of it.

“Perfect!” Yoko exclaimed, climbing on top of the spider behind Lisa, “Now, let’s get moving before they catch on.”

Saskia got on behind Yoko, then Ella got on the back, wrapping her arms around everyone she could reach in front of her.

With a nod, Lisa sent the flying spider in the direction the Autoknights came from.

Then they went in the other direction.
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