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Hidden 3 days ago Post by AvaP
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Observation was a cultivated skill of Alison. Something crucial to not just surviving, but thriving in her line of work.

"Alison, I'm so glad you came. How are you?" MacKenzie's voice greeted as Alison walked into the tavern. The lovely French accent put a smile on Alison's face. It was still odd how young MacKenzie was, yet how skilled she seemed to be in her craft. Source powers were certainly something else, but Alison suspected MacKenzie probably was familiar with the bow before arriving in this world. Something about her build, the way she carried herself and favored certain resting positions, all spoke to some athletic or professional ability. Alison gazed behind MacKenzie to see a crew more motley than she had anticipated, all gathered around staring up at her from an impromptu conference table. "Umm, guys," MacKenzie said to everyone. "This is Alison. Alison, meet my party, my comrades, and most of all... my dear friends," she said, endearment rining through each word.

Alison gave a small nod to the group, her face relatively neutral as she continued to size up the party. "Pleasure to meet you all. MacKenzie spoke highly of this group and I think her praise wasn't misplaced. I'm Alison Walker." Motley was barely scratching the surface.

"If you could not tell by that accent..." MacKenzie could barely contain her giggles. "...Alison is from the United States."

To this, Alison nodded again. "East Coast, for those interested. Hell of a situation we all find ourselves in." Alison said.

With that, the group began introducing themselves, starting with the well-armored man. His body language and demeanor already spoke volumes to Alison that he was not like her or the others. He carried himself more like a local and this was soon proven true. He stood and clasped her arm in an oddly familiar handshake she had exchanged with some of her team members back in her old world. She always thought it was a little much, but now it was a strange comfort of familiarity coming from him.

“Barracker Kassel, it is good to meet you Alison.” the man introduced himself, smiling warmly. “I am not as special as the rest of you all. I am a simple Valheim boy. But I’m here to help, and I can start by getting you a drink. What are you having?” he said in a jovial tone. The grip was strong, hiding what Alison suspected to be a far greater strength. There was a steadiness to it too, something she suspected came from experience. That said, his voice belied youthfulness. This combo, as Alison knew, was not uncommon in places like this world and beyond. Wars like this produced plenty of Barrackers, Alison knew all too well. She returned the warrior handshake with equal firmness and smiled.

"Pleasure Mr. Kassel, I'm sure we can use all the help we can get from keeping your city out of the hands of the enemy. I have some ideas, but that can wait. Though, I'll take you up on your offer, for now, a light ale would be perfect." Alison responded, gesturing to Frederick.

“Well, I’ll be! Ain’t that somethin’? Glad to have a fellow American in our midst,” A tall, tan man approached her with an accent that nearly gave her whiplash. He gave a friendly grin. “Name’s Clive. Just a simple farmer, but I reckon we’ll get along just fine. Welcome to Mytheria.”

Alison couldn't help but return that grin. "Nice to meet you, Clive. Texas, right? I worked with a lot of people from there. You're a reliable bunch, so glad to have one of the Lone Star's finest out here in this crazy world as well." she said, shaking his hand, though in a more common way. Clive was certainly fitting the "salt of the earth" types she had met when working on inter-border operations. She had fond memories of those ridiculous cowboy hats their police and rangers wore, dragging the HVTs from their cells for some enhanced interrogation on cartel movements. A small shudder ran up her spine as she then remembered clearing smuggling tunnels alongside them as well. A reliable group of people, it was a true comfort to hear that twang of the South in her ears again. She wondered what led him to be here.

"Zell Brooks. A pleasure." Zell offered Alison a one-sided grin and his hand to shake. "Any friend of Mac is a friend of mine. Boy, do we have a lot to talk about," he said. Alison returned the feigned ignorance and the handshake. Unlike Barrackers warrior handshake of trust and Clive's friendly shake, Zell's handshake was of profession and care. North London, Alison determined, was where he must be from. Plenty of times had she worked with his more clandestine brethren across the globe, and she was glad to know that much like them, Zell had proven to be a reliable man. He kept a good-natured appearance, one that was carefree, but Alison knew there was sharpness underneath that demeanor, one that was always on the lookout. Alison also noticed a bruising, the same on Barracker. A scuffle, a disagreement? Maybe that local somehow found out about the op last night. Well, whatever it was, she would ask Zell later.

Next was a woman more around Alison's age. There was a gentle yet firm demeanor about her, speaking to her experience. Alison took her offered hand as the woman introduced herself. Again, there was a firm yet gentle grip in that handshake. Confidence was read in her eyes as in turn she looked Alison up and down. Alison couldn't help but also be slightly distracted by the large bird on her shoulder.

"Fenna Postma, from the Netherlands. Mother of two, forest guard back home, Ranger here," she said, before gesturing to the hawk perched upon her shoulder. "And this is Sil, I met her on the first day being here," she said. A Dutch woman and a forest ranger turned Robin Hood ranger at that. Alison wondered how she compared to MacKensie in a contest of archery. Their builds and equipment seemed different enough to imply a very different approach from both.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Postma. Dutch? Lovely place and the real gateway to Europe when it comes to trade. Glad to meet you and your little companion here." Alison said in a friendly manner as she finished the handshake. If she had to guess, she was northern Dutch, either Fryslân or Groningen based on the "Gs", they were a dead giveaway, but beyond that, it was impossible to place specifics.

They took their seats while waiting for their drinks, MacKensie making it a point to sit down next to Alison as she took her seat in front of the remaining party. Next to introduce themselves was a very tall young man. Alison maintained her professional, neutral face but felt bad for the boy internally. "Kid's not even old enough to drink and ended up here. Never got to show his potential, grow into a full man before having his life cut short." Alison thought to herself as he introduced himself.

The young man's name was "Adam" and was from Michigan. Alison could never place specifics with that region. Too much linguist wandering with those guys in her mind. People from Minnesota sounded too similar to the Dakotas, Albertans, and so on. Then Ohio and Michigan were practically indistinguishable at times. Tangents for later, as he then posed a question to her.

“Have you been doing alright here in Mytheria?” he asked, a hint of concern in his tone. Alison chuckled and waved her hand dismissively.

"Surviving, to say the least," Alison said as she rested her head in her hand. "I suppose I should explain myself a little." she paused, and sighed, weighing what she should tell and what she should hold to herself. "I was... a data consultant back in my previous life. Before I passed."

Old habits die hard it seems. Alison continued

"As you all know, we came here in strange stone coffins. MacKenzie here told me as much, and I was no different. I woke up in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods, and had little to no idea what the hell was going on. Still don't. But, as was my job and knack was for, I began searching for answers. I eventually found civilization, and as it turned out, my abilities and disposition made me a good fit for the... less well-known denizens of this world. So I worked. I learned. " Fenna spoke up.

"It must have been tough, by yourself," Fenna said softly. Alison gave an appreciative half-smile to her and shrugged.

"I survived and found good work with the Thieves Guild. Made my path through this new life. I now have a good crew, people I have and can rely on in my life... I'll probably introduce you to them later. But anyway, I made my way, and during all this, I still couldn't even begin to understand the question I started with: What the hell am I doing here?"

Alison then gestured to MacKenzie, putting a firm hand on her shoulder and shaking her with a grin. "But then, this ball of light comes walking into the Brass Monkey. Now, the Second Chance, a great name by the way, really cute, was not exactly unknown. Great adventures who fell from the sky, carrying untold powers, and seem to be rapidly rising through the ranks toward greatness! At least, that was the narrative once we arrived in this sieged city. But then my crew and I put two and two together and realized I seemed to share a lot of the traits and match some of the rumors of you folk. So, we tested it, and low and behold I found this girl here is like me! And not only that, but there is a whole group of people like me." Alison said, finally releasing MacKenzie's shoulder.

Alison then spread her hands and leaned back in her chair, accepting the drink as Frederick returned with their orders. After taking a sip, she shrugged. "And so here I am, finally finding a piece to a very big puzzle." she then leaned in, eyes gleaming for the first time. "So tell me, do you have any more?"

@Loksfjoer@Dark Cloud@Zapdos@Jay009@Zool@Saiyan
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alison sure seemed to have a tough and somewhat lonely path since her arrival in this new world, Adam thought. Not that she admitted it in precisely that way, even when Fenna suggested as such, or that anyone at the table had it easy here. He felt bad, though he would not push her to reveal more than she already had. Maybe another time, if it was needed, but not now. Instead, he responded to her when she spoke about her occupation.

“Data consultant, huh? Never heard of that. Is that like programming? My brother does that sort of thing.”

Whatever her response, the Druid would let her continue until she asked a very pertinent question:

"And so here I am, finally finding a piece to a very big puzzle." she then leaned in, eyes gleaming for the first time. "So tell me, do you have any more?"
Alison Walker

Adam drank a little of his pixie juice - not made from living creatures, just a beverage that tasted like Sprite that he learned about from the lumbermen - and then proceeded to answer her question as best he could.

“Kind of? Most of us died before getting here. Some of the officials here think we were summoned from Earth to help them win this war. Which makes sense, because of the Source Mail message, which is basically like email back home. Anyway, we had to do a gold tier mission from the Adventurer's Guild to access that, but it turns out the Witch Queen hacked the message from the Emperor so we don't know what it said. And she had tried sending a water ninja to kill us, so she clearly wants us gone. So we know where to go next and why we're here, we just need to know how to get home. That's important, obviously.” This last, he said while looking at the Dutch woman.

Adam thought for a few seconds, then added “oh, did you get a special item when you got here, like the rest of us? Like MacKensie's gauntlet, James’ holy symbol, or my orb.” Saying this, the red-eyed man took out the item, showing Alison and anyone else who was looking the object with the rainbow-colored leaf inside. “That's one more thing you have in common with us, if so.”
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Hidden 1 day ago Post by Saiyan
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Member Seen 1 day ago

A data consultant.

Zell automatically wiped his eyebrow and forehead with one hard stroke of the heel of his palm. The lazy effort to rid himself of the blood only resolved to leave faded red streaks around his temple, but he didn't care as he was paying attention to the conversation. Now: Zell was not the brightest bulb in the box. He had no idea what the hell a data consultant was, but it sounded like nerd stuff (Adam voiced a somewhat similar train of thought.) And Alison may or may not have been a lot things - who could know, at this stage? - but one thing she definitely wasn't... was a fucking nerd. In addition to this hypothesis, the Englishman had seen, first hand, how slick she ran her team of Thieves' Guild agents, down in that tunnel. How they moved with military precision and timing, as a unit. How they responded to her words, her hand signals... how they looked at her. How she looked. Like she was in control of everything. Like she wasn't to be messed with.

Another trickle of blood made it's way from Zell's hairline to his eyebrow, in right about the same path as before.

A data consultant.

Zell would have to tease her about this at a later date. He smiled easily as Alison shook MacKensie, putting an arm on the back of the chair next to him as he relaxed, thinking how the two women with the attention of the table looked like 'Big Sis' and 'Lil Sis' right now. It was pretty funny. Nice to see too. Zell had a feeling already that Alison would fit in just fine with the group, should she choose to join Second Chance. And surely she would join? They had the same questions... and this world had the same answers, hiding in the same places.

One thing at a time, Zell told himself. Let's survive Saladin's showdown first.

"Cheers bruv," Zell said to Barracker as he recieved his drink, giving him a friendly pat on the back as the paladin sat down next to him.

"And so here I am..." Alison drew Zell's grinning face from Barracker back to her "...finally finding a piece to a very big puzzle." The rogue leaned in, eyes gleaming for the first time. "So tell me, do you have any more?"

Zell quietly cleared his throat and looked around to see if anyone else wanted to speak first. He wouldn't mind being the one to enlighten Alison on the situation, but would've preferred to let someone else, who hadn't already had the pleasure of conversing with the charismatic rogue over a drink, do the talking. Adam was the one to pipe up and Zell gave a couple of nods in confirmation of Adam's testimony before he took the opportunity to drain a little of his tankard.

As he was putting his flagon down, he knocked it lightly against Fenna's drink in salute, gave her a playful smirk and put eyes back on the conversation.

He was interested to see if Alison would unveil anything cool. Zell wasn't sure what Adam's orb did, nor James' holy symbol, but damn did Fenna's spear kick ass, and he was jealous as hell of MacKensie's gauntlet.
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Hidden 24 hrs ago Post by Jay009


Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Meanwhile, at the bar, Frederick was pouring the drinks for everyone and he asked what Barracker’s thoughts were on the new person. Barracker leaned up against the bar, “Her handshake was firm and true. She has the grip of a soldier and the eyes of one too.” Barracker strokes his chin, “It is strange that the source saw fit to make her a rogue though.” Barracker finished, thinking out loud. He shook his head, I do not know this woman, this is all just a feeling… Strange. He looked at Frederick putting the drinks onto the bar one at a time. The old man raised a bushy eyebrow at him.

Barracker started putting the drinks onto the two trays. “Don’t mind me, just a dumb soldier's intuition getting carried away”. He looked over at the table, watching Alison manhandle the sweet MacKensie in comical fashion. “She seems nice and MacKensie clearly likes her.” he smiled.

MacKensie was a good judge of character. Barracker thought back on the mission at the Temple of Hades. That day… He could remember clearly the shame he felt when MacKensie caught him taking his lamb’s blood vial. My exterior will now and always be a monster, but she showed me that in case my interior matches that exterior, it matters not. I am no monster. And so this was true for Hardul, the dwarf MacKensie had captured but stood up for, who had been forced to work for the cult. Sometimes people show hard exteriors or have hard circumstances surrounding their actions, but even this does not always show what their true heart is. MacKensie has taught this to me, and I trust her judgement. Whatever she had noticed about Alison, the Paladin had a good feeling about the Rogue.

“Frederick, all done, the drinks are all put on the trays and ready to go.” He said to Frederick and was answered back with a nod.

“Come lets go,” with a tilt of the head, the two picked up a tray each and made their way back to the table.

"Cheers bruv," Zell said as Barracker put the final drink down with a nod and took his seat.

Alison and Adam were talking, with Adam explaining what was going on, as it related to them specifically. Barracker did not know what to relay but left his party to fill in the gaps as he was not one of the ‘Earth people’. Barracker thought it was so strange how they all called their entire world ‘Earth’. To him Earth was just rock and soil and was just one of the six elements. But this was probably one the smaller things on the peculiar list of differences which split the two worlds apart.

Barracker enjoyed his drink, remaining attentive to the conversation. At a random point in the conversation, he made eye contact with James, who must have noticed, both Zell’s and Barracker’s facial injuries. His leader would have been smart enough to figure out what had happened, considering how angry Barracker had reacted to James’ information. While James was watching, Barracker patted Zell on the shoulder to show all was well and gave a slight nod to James. He would get the memo.
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Hidden 9 hrs ago 9 hrs ago Post by AvaP
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"Kind of? Most of us died before getting here. Some of the officials here think we were summoned from Earth to help them win this war. Which makes sense, because of the Source Mail message, which is basically like email back home. Anyway, we had to do a gold-tier mission from the Adventurer's Guild to access that, but it turns out the Witch Queen hacked the message from the Emperor so we don't know what it said. And she had tried sending a water ninja to kill us, so she clearly wanted us gone. So we know where to go next and why we're here, we just need to know how to get home. That's important, obviously.” Adam explained.

Alison for the first time in a long time, was at a loss for words. Questions overwhelmed her mind as the new information began filtering in from this explanation. As was her trained mind, she immediately tried to categorize and organize them from most to least important. A difficult task, but all of this seemed relevant and important. With a heavy sigh, "water ninja" was placed towards the bottom, a question for another day perhaps.

Either way, this was huge. She now had an idea of what may have been going on. As she had many times before, dots began to connect. There was this existential battle just beyond her view. Summoning people from another world took power and effort, otherwise, there would be far more of them. And they weren't set up to be nobodies. Each of them, whether farmhand, kid, or spook, was given special items and powers far beyond their previous lives. They were brought here to fight, to destroy this threat to this nation in the form of a Witch Queen. Realization further hit Alison as she began to think through the information again.

They were a contingency! The war was not in favor of the nation, that was obvious. The Witch Queen had the upper hand. So they spent some huge cost to bring them here. It had been deliberate too. Adam had said they had all died in some way. Perhaps that's why they were all chosen. Not for skill or ability, but because of their deaths. Someone, or more concerning, something was being careful in who they removed from the world and dropped into the next. Perhaps their being dead at one point played a bigger part in this "Source" aptitude they all shared. But something went wrong. They were scattered, their communications were disrupted, and left to fend for themselves. A shiver went down Alison's spine. Darkly, she almost admires her newfound foe. The Witch Queen. What had once been a vague name spoken by scared peasants and officials, now was a personal enemy. An enemy that was powerful, competent, and careful. This queen had the advantage, and for the first time in her career, Alison was going to have to play on the back foot.

God what she would give for a pair of MQ-9s and a DELTA team...

As she thought, Adam continued,

“Oh, did you get a special item when you got here, like the rest of us? Like MacKensie's gauntlet, James’ holy symbol, or my orb.” At this, Adam took out his item, showing it to Alison and anyone else who cared to look. The object was a small orb with a rainbow-colored leaf inside. If not for the context, Alison could have easily thought of as some cheap novelty item. “That's one more thing you have in common with us, if so.” he finished, stowing the orb away again.

Alison crossed her arms and leaned back, head tilting to one side. She debated how she should go about it. A demonstration would be impressive, speak for itself, and demonstrate some of her skills, but the limited uses of this ability caused her to hesitate. Finally, she shrugged to herself. It was for the best they knew exactly what they were dealing with if they were going to trust each other, and Alison wanted to get them on her side as soon as possible. She rose from her seat and took one step back.

"Here, be easier if I just showed you," she said before she pulled her hood and veil down. Her face was obscured by the cloth that now covered her face, but otherwise, she seemed fairly unassuming. There was a brief shimmer of light before Alison suddenly was gone from view. Carefully, she softly stepped around the table, each placement of her foot deliberate and chosen to generate the least amount of sound. To those with keen hearing, they may pick up a hint of movement, but otherwise, she remained silent as she moved. A whisp as she glided around the table. After but a moment, she placed herself behind Adam and reappeared as a hand suddenly came down on his shoulder.

Alison pulled back the hood and cloth mask with a smile and a shrug. "This cloak of mine isn't just for fashion. I woke up with it. Seems to bend light in a way to make me as invisible as possible. It's not perfect. I can still make noise and if I move too fast, anyone with a sharp eye will see it distort. That and I can only use it a few times a day, but hey, I'm not complaining."

Moving back to her seat next to MacKensie, Alison took another sip from her mug and leaned back into a comfortable spot. "So, Adam. A lot there to unpack for me. First and foremost, what's this all about fantasy email? I know this world isn't exactly straight Dark Ages, what with the magic and tech, but you're telling me we not only get magical email but that it can hacked too? Christ, and here I thought cyber warfare could be ignored here... Anyway, is this communication system only accessible through a magic computer or something?"

Alison then realized something and became almost embarrassed. "I uhh, also should mention I haven't worked with the 'Adventure's Guild', so these tiers and ranks are something I've never messed with. As you might imagine, Thieves Guild work isn't nearly as... 'structured' in practice, and I never saw any messaging system like that." she finished. If anything, she had even worked against their interest a few times. The Thieves Guild was completely opposed to the Witch Queen and her armies, that much was true. Undead are bad for business after all. However, that didn't mean they had to get along with anyone.

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Hidden 7 hrs ago Post by Teyao
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

He looked at the ceiling of his room.

He had awoken a couple minutes prior, and he slept little, for the first couple hours he had been plagued with ceaseless thoughts over and over again, even when he managed to drift to sleep his dreams had bordered on nightmares. The events from the last couple of days playing through his head in repeat and the general situation brought his mood down, so here he was, just staring upward in search of answers.

He was surprisingly... calm wasn't the right word, unperturbed sounded cooler. Perhaps it was the part of him that came from that bastard but his general disposition to bad news after the fact was to just shrug and move on.

Still, the other idiot made a habit of contemplating things when he was alone and this was a prime opportunity for it, the lunch was a couple hours away if he didn't misremember and he had no previous arrangements until later, he may as well use the time.

First of all, who was he?

He felt like he was James, he felt everything James felt before the whole blessing incident happened... but if someone were to call him Zigmund it would feel equally natural. Maybe that was the problem, he still was trying to be one while leaving the other by the wayside, not that it was that uncommon he felt, people only showed a facet of who they are after all and frankly, after seeing things from both perspectives there was little push to resume Zigmund usual attitudes, a lot of him had been steadily erased by the Black Sword for a couple of decades by now, all those negative traits of his youth pushed to stupid extremes with his survival only happening thanks to his not so fortunate encounters and opportunities. Zigmund could see that now and it provoked a spot of deep anger inside of him. Fuck Baphomet.

Yeah, on the second topic, fuck Baphomet and that fucking sword of his.

Even after Zigmund death, it continued to haunt him, he wanted to rip the head off the oblivion prince and shove it down his throat, after all it had taken from him death was too quick and not satisfying enough. At the very least the ritual should prove useful after Kass has his conversation with Zell and for that James was thankful. He didn't deserve to have such a great party, even if half of them threatened to give him gray hairs early.

And how could he forget about the last couple of incidents of course?

Zell being overtaken by that Fucking Sword™, Clive dying and coming back to life, Adam's self-recrimination tendencies appearing at the worse of times, and Fenna's sudden decision to take a dip on a motherfucking Source Well of all things. Only Kass and Mac had proven they weren't troublemakers so far. And even there he was crossing his fingers.

And that went without mentioning the group dynamics, he left HR because he didn't want to be subjected to stuff like that godamn it.

Before long it was finally time for him to go downstairs, his steps were lethargic but little by little he made his way until he found himself sitting at the same table as Fenna and Adam, from the voices he could faintly hear the rest of the party was still on the floor above and by the gods were they loud, whatever they had going on was rambunctious as hell. Shortly after Freddy came to take their orders and he asked for something light, after the last day he had his appetite was in shambles.

It only turned worse when the rest of his party came down.

Clive and Mac? Spotless as he could expect of them and he even returned their greetings, but the other two? Battered and bloody, almost as if they had been, no, not almost, they had been in a brawl, and seeing how unbothered the other two were acting, as well as his last conversation with Kass he could make an educated guess of what had happened.

Silently he started to categorize the injuries on both men, bruises, some lacerations, a slight limp, and winces on certain motions likely from strained muscles, from the looks of it neither was suffering from broken bones or grave internal injuries, oh it would likely hurt like hell once the adrenaline wore off but for now it seemed like neither man was in fatal danger aside from the concussions but really, what was a concussion to someone with brain damage already?

Yeah, Kass was going down the list, no matter how necessary this whole thing may have been.

As a stranger entered The Mended Drum he struggled with a new question.

Should... should he heal them? Common sense told him yes, Kass was an intelligent man and if he decided this was the path he settled on then it must have been for a good reason. On the other hand the injuries were not life-threatening, and with the natural healing Melee Classes like they possessed, it wouldn't take more than a day or two for them to go back into shape.

'In the current siege that is just a bad idea' said his common sense again and before his pettiness could argue back it continued 'You also don't want to see them hurt'

Then as he debated the man himself gave him a nod and signaled to Zell.

...Damn his bleeding heart.

Without a word he moved towards Kass and started treatment, meanwhile, he kept an ear to the conversation, his hands paused as he revised what he had heard, then he resumed his work, another one like them or not there were injured people here. Though it meant he missed his mark to introduce himself.

As he patched him up he remembered Kass's introduction and he couldn't help but murmur under his breath "Normal my ass, you could punch a tank and win" Making sure to bandage the laceration and apply some ointment, which should help dull the pain and soothe the swelling.

As he worked he listened as she talked about herself, finding herself alone must have been rough, Mytheria wildlife is not exactly harmless and the fact that she managed to make her way towards civilization and thrive was something to be lauded.

Finishing he turned towards Zell and started treatment.

None of the injuries he sported merited something like stitches or sutures, despite the bloody show they were pouring. Still, in the great scheme of things he just needed to repeat what he did for Kass.

Then when he was sure the other man was mostly fine he finally took the time for the first time.

"The Guild offers a variety of services such as the mentioned magical email, as well as rooms, affiliated institutions, and contractual regulations. The ranks are based on the criteria of merit and capability, with some of the aforementioned services tied to specific ranks" He tried to give a grin then settled for a light frown "Sorry to butt in, I was occupied when we were presenting ourselves, my name is James Sirius, from Mexico, and I am the current leader of Second Chance, nice to meet you"
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Hidden 1 hr ago Post by Zool


Member Seen 1 hr ago

Belle Trydant, MacKensie's mother, was everything a noblewoman should be. Although the aristocracy no longer existed in modern, liberal society, those of the upper class who could trace their bloodline back to the appropriate place - and who had the family fortunes and heirlooms to show for it - still, amongst themselves, recognised and practiced the way of life that was of the nobility of yesteryear. And Belle was a perfect representation of this. She was strong in her own way - in the ways of a traditional woman of class. A staunch supporter of her husband, doing all the little things in the background to make sure that he could go out into the world and conquer his lofty ambitions, shining as bright as he possibly could. He was the sun and she was the moon. Belle could be feeling ill or feeling down, yet still be able to tend to the emotional needs of her children and husband, and still find the energy to put on a brave face, go out into the world and conduct her charity events or formal social occasions with all the elegance and charm she was known for. MacKensie did indeed admire her mother. But, although there were a fair few adult figures in MacKensie's life worthy of respect and recognition, it was Sir Axel Trydant who was MacKensie's sole role model.

It might be that everything about MacKensie could be, in some way, sourced back to the desire to make her father proud. Her discipline, work ethic, self-control, spotless reputation, ambition... Axel Trydant didn't hand out praise easily, but MacKensie was not deprived of his approval. He let her know that she was a credit to the family name and this only made her more fierce in her determination to be the perfect daughter. The beauty and decorum of her mother, with the fire and backbone of her father, and a little something unique of her own to cap it all off. But since being whisked away to another world, MacKensie had been forced to grapple with the fact that she was not perfect. Far from it, in fact. Mytheria had tested her character, her limits and her courage. She had learned a lot about herself - grown in this chaotic but short space of time - but perhaps the most unexpected trait she had uncovered within herself, was that she was prone to hero-worship.

First, Fenna Postma. Right from the beginning, Fenna had attracted the admiration of MacKensie. The dutchwoman was a picture of feminine strength and beauty. Proud and firm, yet at the same time, humble and gentle. In spite of suffering great heartache, being a universe apart from her husband and children, Fenna dealt with everything that came her way with dignity, grace and resilience. Never once did the fire of determination to fight her way back to her family leave her eyes. Just being in her presence was of great comfort to MacKensie and the twenty-one year old looked up to her a lot.

And now there was a second woman who MacKensie had discovered an immediate desire to emulate. Alison Walker. She had connected with the American rogue so quickly, there was just something about her. A certain... je ne sais quoi - a va va voom. Just... so damn cool. Kind of like Fenna with a mix of Zell - a wild description, to be sure, and maybe not quite accurate enough, but it was hard to pinpoint, MacKensie had known the woman for less than a day. Whatever it was about her, MacKensie was detecting the seed of a feeling familiar to how she felt about Fenna.

"But then, this ball of light comes walking into the Brass Monkey..."

MacKensie was taken by complete surprise when she felt the iron grip of Alison's hand on her shoulder, wide-eyed as she was shaken about, forced to do her best impression of a human bobblehead. A smile slowly broke through the shock and she laughed as Alison finally relented, her characteristic nervous motion of tucking her hair behind her ear triggered as she shared her amused gaze with everyone around the table.

Alison asked for more answers and Adam sought to give them, providing a succint account of the most important details. "...So we know where to go next and why we're here, we just need to know how to get home. That's important, obviously.”

MacKensie's lips pursed in a solemn smile as she watched Adam's gaze fall on Fenna for that last sentence. The young man was so caring, always looking out for the best interests of others. His selflessness was a shining light - a moral compass for Second Chance, always pointing in the right direction no matter how the situation turned. Right from the start, when they had woken up in the village of Hommas, Adam had been the first to speak up and let everyone know that they should do the right thing and help the townguard fight the monsters that bore down on them. And since then, he was always - without fail - oriented towards that which was righteous.

What happened next was astonishing. MacKensie was put in suspense when Alison got up out of her chair and stepped back. Then... she vanished! MacKensie gasped a little and looked around half-expecting that the woman had teleported, as their party idiot was wont to do on occasion, but Alison was nowhere to be found. It was barely percpetible under the ambience of the tavern room but her sharp Ranger ears picked up the faintest trace of footsteps go past, behind her and she looked but saw nothing. Then Alison appeared behind Adam with that cool smile of hers and shrugged. "This cloak of mine isn't just for fashion. I woke up with it. Seems to bend light in a way to make me as invisible as possible. It's not perfect. I can still make noise and if I move too fast, anyone with a sharp eye will see it distort. That and I can only use it a few times a day, but hey, I'm not complaining."

Well that certainly answered Adam's inquiry! The conversation continued, Alison showing interest in the Source Comm system, to which, MacKensie chimed in. "I think it would be best if you saw it for yourself," she advised with an assuring nod before Alison went on to explain that The Thieves Guild didn't quite have the same level of amenities for it's contractors. "I see."

James, who had been listening in silence so far, entered the exchange here. MacKensie found herself glad that he did so. James was exceptionally intelligent and his input was always welcome and often illuminating. "...Sorry to butt in, I was occupied when we were presenting ourselves, my name is James Sirius, from Mexico, and I am the current leader of Second Chance, nice to meet you"

MacKensie smiled, not only for his good manners - something that was always appreciated by the frenchwoman - but for his characteristic frown. That was his happy face. And... his angry face. And, well... one tended to get used to it. The man underneath the expression was delightful.

"The Witch Queen," MacKensie began, her voice lowering a little. "She did not only hack the Emperor's message to us. She sent a message of her own." That message was as much for Alison as it was for the rest of them. "All of us were hit with quite a shock when we returned, tired and injured from our mission, to find that message waiting for us. Perhaps fresh eyes on the Witch Queen's words would gleen some new information from it?" She looked at James. "Although, I am not sure if Alison will be authorised for this. Do you think Lucy would allow it?" she was asking James, but then looked to the others too for an answer.
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