A family member has been in the hospital, so my next post will be delayed a bit.
Might as well throw my hat in the ring.M O O N K N I G H TMarc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley ♦ Vigilante/Entrepeneur/Cab Driver ♦ Murray Hill, Manhattan ♦ N/AC H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:"Welcome to the Midnight Mission. My name is Mr. Knight. How can I help?"What do you do when your god has you try to take over the world only for both of you to end up flat on your asses beaten by the Avengers?
You open a mission.
Moon Knight has been operating for ten years in New York City and all over the globe. Now, he's focusing himself on keeping his neighborhood safe. He runs the Midnight Mission, a place where the downtrodden can find aid with any problems they face. Especially the ones that need punching. Khonshu has been imprisoned by the Aesir in Asgard, but even still he is able to reach Marc and communicate with his fist, though he can't do much more than talk.C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:Marc's intent in starting the Midnight Mission is to atone for his role in Khonshu's attempt to take over the world. By going back to his roots as a vigilante in the Big Apple and opening a mission for the people to come straight to him with their problems, he hopes to slowly but surely make the streets safer. He does still venture out beyond his neighborhood a lot of nights, tackling anything from petty street crime to mob meetings.
My intent with this roleplay is to have fun and interact with other characters. I might tell a solo story here or there but for the most part I'm here to do crossovers and collaborative posts. I'm down for any and all kinds of plots.C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:Moon Knight doesn't have much at all in the way of powers, but he does employ a grappling hook, a pair of batons, and a near endless supply of crescent darts in his crusades. His cape also doubles as a glider, allowing him to soar from rooftop to rooftop.
He has two allies who work for his Midnight Mission: Reese, a young woman turned into a vampire who was rescued by Moon Knight, and Soldier, a former client turned friend who was also turned into a vampire in order to save his life. He also has an ally and rival in Yehya Badr, AKA Hunter's Moon, the other Fist of Khonshu.S A M P L E P O S T:"Welcome to the Midnight Mission. My name is Mr. Knight. How can I help?" The words come out of my mouth in a practiced cadence as I tug at my cufflinks.
The old man before me doesn't seem very impressed. "You're that Moon Guy? Thought you'd be wearin' spandex."
"An assumption many make about those in my line of work."
"Hmph. Well, I came here 'cause there's a real nasty son of a bitch who's been working over everyone in my apartment block. Comes by and threatens to stab ya dead unless you give him all the cash you got on ya."
"Say no more."
And that was how I found myself crouched on top of an apartment building a few blocks from my Mission, watching the parking lot for any movement. It's just getting dark. A car pulls in and takes the nearest open spot, the driver stepping out and grabbing her purse. I hear footsteps in an alley below me. A guy in a leather jacket and a ski mask makes a b-line right for the woman.
He grabs her by the wrist with one hand and flicks open a knife in his other. "Hurry up and give me that purse, bitch. I'll slice you open if you try anything." That's my cue to drop down right behind him.
I wrap an arm around his neck and pull him away from the woman. She screams and runs away, hastily unlocking her apartment door and slamming it shut. The man in my chokehold is whimpering. I twist him around and push him to the ground, letting him fall on his ass. "Oh fuck! You're Moon Knight! I heard you cut off people's faces!"
"Haven't done that in a while, but hey, might be nice to get back to it." I stalk forward, looming over him as I crack my knuckles. "There's two ways this can end: you put up a fight and I break a few bones, or you listen to what I tell you and walk away unscathed. Which will it be?"
"What do you want?!"
"I want you to stop harassing the people in this apartment complex. Instead of robbing people, you go get a job and become a nice, upstanding member of society. And if I hear tell of someone threatening to stab the residents of some other apartment block, then I come back for you. And maybe that time I will take your face."
"Okay! Okay! I won't do it ever again!"
"Good. Now run."
With that, he gets up and runs away. I sigh and shake my head, then pull out my grappling gun to pull myself back onto the roof. The night is still young. The hunt has just begun.
I'm currently in an irregular patch of my roster. Worked 14 hours today and have two straight weeks of mornings which have been rougher than usual for a bunch of reasons.
Got through the first, but I may still be quiet for a bit. I'm pretty much working, looking after my kid and sleeping with little time for anything else through this.
But as I said. This is irregular. Things will return to usual in about another week.
@AndyC Am I right in thinking that the fire Luke is responding to is the same as the one Morbius is responding to? I was setting things up at the end of my last one for Morbius to cross paths with any other heroes who were at the fire to see him and assume he had been feeding on the fainted woman. I'm happy to write another one in the fire either way, but I'm not sure how much I could write that isn't fluff if he's alone.