Spots have opened up in this here RP, and you're all next in line on the waitlsit. If you're still interested, please send me a VM, PM or leave a response here.
To the people already in this RP, I'm sad to say but the continued absence of @BunniesOfDoom, @Dragonydas and @Lupusintus - and the fact that none of them have been online for over 10 Days now - has led to me having to consider them inactive and, thus, remove them from the active cast.
If you're interacting with one of them right now, treat their characters as NPCs and just try to mimic their mannerisms and perssonality as best you can until such a time as I can properly deal with them.
I am going to be out of town with my fiancé for the day but I will try to have a CS up later tonight. I might pm you with questions though Xalt just due to the nature of my character. Need to know if I need to brainstorm a new one or just fix up my current one.
1. Everybody arrived at the village in the morning, from different surrounding areas.
2. They met in the village and exchanged some pleasantries and discussed what to do about the crumbling town.
3. Some people went on a firewood collecting expidition, some went to investigate the area south of the village and some stayed IN the village to do various things.
4. The firewood group collected firewood and caught a slime. 4a. The south-going people found some fields, a broken mill and a chicken. 4b. The people who stayed in the village moved some luggage to one of the still intact buildings, looted the old abandoned homes and caused a minor incident involving a smithy.
5. The south and firewood-gathering groups returned.
6. Drama ensued when the blacksmith Akitsugu saw that the treasure hunter MacKinnon had looted the smithy.
7. The situation was diffused, with Akitsugu going to check the state of the blacksmith and Brom offering to cook everyone dinner, as time had now passed to evening-time.
That's pretty much it, in a very condensed and glossed-over version.
@Xaltwind Thanks for the heads up. I think I'd like to rework my prince a bit, if that's okay?
Name: Prince Edmund Darrington - Defender of the Realms, Lord of the Wastes, Eminence of Skulls, the Exiled Prince of the Kingdom of Yavell (a.k.a. Bad Prince Ned) Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human
Height: 5' 9" (1.7526 m) Eye Color: Steel blue Hair Color: Bone White
Description: This arrogant man has almond-shaped eyes the color of steel. His luxurious, wavy, white hair has been crudely cropped by a blade. He is tall and has a graceful build. His skin is pale. He has thin eyebrows and a large mouth. His wardrobe is practically non-existent.
When tossed out of the castle, the only thing he was wearing was an embroidered linen blouse (that he had slept in), black canvas pants, and simple leather slippers. From the college, he packed a silk blouse embroidered with the college crest, hose, several linen handkerchiefs. An olive green wool cloak with a bronze clasp that he keeps rolled up behind his saddle to keep him warm at night.
He also picked up his training gear - iron chainmail with an iron chest plate and helm, a simple linen gambeson (goes under the chainmail), simple leather gauntlets, and simple leather boots (with two gold groats tucked inside).
Personality: Some might call him aloof, but in truth, he's just grim and moody, suspicious of others following the betrayal of those who turned the entire kingdom of Yavell against him. Normally well-mannered, there is an anger burning inside him.
He does have an organized mind, with an ability to plan.
Quirks: - Lactose Intolerance - Hay fever - Studious - Suspicious of all the overpriced coffee shops suddenly popping up all over the kingdoms of Yavell and Geodel (If you're not careful, they'll try to put cream into your cup claiming it's a flavor...! And charge you an extra three-bit for it!) - Believes slice bread to be unhygienic. (Haven't they heard of germs?)
Brief History: There had always been misgivings. If custom hadn't demanded it, they would never had shown their son to the kingdom, his hair so pale as to appear white. Their hopes it would turn dark as he grew older fled when Ned turned twelve.
It didn't help that James, his younger brother with his dark locks, was constantly pranking him while they were growing up. Ned's long suspected that James was the one spreading falsehoods through town about him, with the people calling him
Then there was fair Abigail, grand-daughter of the former king and his promised bride. She stood by Ned's side when they were burying his mother. Ned was in love with her, but her desire was to reclaim the throne.
When his father died while he was away in college in the kingdom of Geodel, Ned returned just in time to rescue Abigail from the bandit Drasvask Vrimryarko the Bad (he was just really bad at being a bandit), but already her cunning plan was in place. Even James didn't see it coming. Abigail staged a number of public escapes, then made sure Ned stopped her. While this was going on, her maid made sure to spread rumors of Ned trying to force himself on Abigail.
And so the kingdom rebelled, making Abigail their queen - and for his "crimes", she exiled him from the kingdom with only the clothes he was wearing on his back. Fortunately for him, Ned had left some things back in college, including armor, a good stout pair of boots, his weapons and what was left of his tuition. Geodel, however, not wishing to cause an incident with the new queen of Yavell, exiled him as well - but not before he could visit the market to find some suitable supplies and a wagon to carry it all - along with a few handy book his friends slipped him. (During his freshmen year, he took Exile 101 as an elective.)
His destination, a small village past Geodel's border that he and his father had passed on one of their trips.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Prince
Social Status: Noble
Skills: - Swordsman (Adept) - well-trained to fight with sword and dagger. - Archer (Apprentice) - Trained in how to fight and hunt with bow and arrow, some success at striking the target. - Swimming (Apprentice) - able to keep himself afloat, swim the butterfly or breaststroke.
Equipment: - Meteoric iron sword with a simple leather sheath - Meteoric iron dagger in a simple leather sheath - Yew bow and two quivers of 30 plain arrows each - A horse and a simple leather saddle with a simple wool saddle blanket - A small used covered wagon in fair shape. - Simple leather saddlebags - A simple wooden student letterbox, with paper, vellum, ink (some bottles are half-empty), a pen knife, various quills, sealing wax, and blotting sand. - A simple wooden apothecary medicine chest containing vials of various powders and herbs, mortar and pestle, a slim book of recipes, and a pill roller. He's low on headache powders. - A carpenter's tool chest with simple iron tools (and a really good lock) - Simple iron and wood gardening tools (rake, shovel, hoe, reaping hook, etc.) - A keg of various seeds and bulbs - A keg of nails - A simple shard of flint on a simple leather thong he wears around his neck - A simple leather coin purse holding 23 Geodel gold groats, 15 Geodel silver Dol, and 19 copper bits of various nationalities - A simple hide waterskin - A silver flask of simple brandy, half-full - A sack of horse feed - A week's worth of dried rations - The Exile's Book of Plain Living, Volume 1. (Property of the College of Geodel) - The Exile's Book of Basic Carpentry and house building (Property of the College of Geodel) - The Innkeper's Guide to Spirits (Property of the College of Geodel)