Sitting in the backseat of Lorelei's car (eating the last of the donuts and not regretting it), Dezzie picked at her new hotpants with a small frown on her face. Sure, yeah, it was one of the woman's picks, and Barbatos had endorsed it. She trusted both of them to make a decision on street clothes way more than her. She'd even gone the extra mile and adjusted her height, dropping three inches and slimming down just a little bit just so she'd sell the oversized shirt look better. She hadn't changed how she looked for a while, and it was taking a little while to get used to her point of view being suddenly lower.
She hadn't known what she was getting into when she'd asked Lorelei for help. Some kind of mania had taken the woman, that was all she could believe, and each outfit had gotten more outlandish than the last. It was like being caught up in Hurricane Lorelei. She had been
sorely tempted to take the suit, but she knew that it would appear as either out of place, or like a gangster (and there
was a small part of her that
did want to wear something new). So she'd picked the one that was the least strange, and that Barbatos liked the most.
But it was just
weird! It had been ages since she'd worn street clothing. Honestly, she couldn't remember; in her thirties, before she joined up? She mostly wore her uniform now, or a suit when she was off work.
...Which was making this new clothing even stranger, given that it could
not be more different from the norm. People thought of stiff clothing as uncomfortable; she'd gleaned that. But she'd worn it for so long that the stiffness was almost comforting to her. Fabric this light and supple felt thin, filmy, not nearly substantial enough. Like she was walking around in her undergarments, especially with how short the pants were. She'd never worn glasses and couldn't get used to the extra weight on her nose, and something about the collar just felt
bizarre, which she chalked up to not having worn anything around her neck for as long as she cared to remember.
She'd spotted Lorelei out of the corner of her eye, examining things that she would never in a million years wear, and frankly counted herself lucky that she got by with 'only' something like this. One of those dresses just straight up didn't have a back, and the entire concept made her uncomfortable. Her uniform sat in the seat beside her in an unassuming boutique shopping bag that wouldn't arouse suspicion. Wouldn't do to risk security by having some two-bit walking around pretending to be a cop, after all.
Dezzie had always avoided the Floating District. She
was recognizable as a succubus, after all, and currently not a police officer by appearance at the moment; and she wanted to avoid any embarrassing misunderstandings or unwelcome contact as much as possible. Well, that, and she didn't really...
get it. But, she reflected as she stared up at the spiderweb of crisscrossing metal and glass that lay above, it was...
beautiful, she finished to herself. The whole thing felt almost surreal, with the grungy neon juxtaposed so sharply against wealth. But it was also beginning to grate on her. Everything was so
bright, and so
loud, and there were too many people, and all the smells and all the emotions--
"Well, welcome to the Floating District proper, Dezzie. How're you feeling?"She let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding and let her face relax. "
Overwhelmed," came her blunt, if slightly tense, reply. "
It's beautiful, but there's much. This is why I don't do field work," she finished with a
hmmph. Barbatos chimed in then, going over some leads he had and places that they could look. That was nice, it'd give them direction so they weren't wandering around this mayhem. She was content with listening, until he asked if they should split up.
Usually, Dezzie worked best alone, or maybe with just one other person on a good day. Her general competence and issues with people made it less of a pain for everyone involved. But this was distinctly
not a usual kind of day. The whole
heads exploding into flowers and
people becoming paste thing had her feeling a little bit out of her element, to say nothing about the fact that she might be in line for the same treatment. It was a day where for once, Dezzie wanted to be a part of as big a group as possible. So upon the question, she responded instantly in a sharp tone: "
Absolutely not. I might be on the list for the same fate as the Saniwas and I am not keen on that. We stick together." Perhaps Lorelei might catch the expression on her face as she looked around that might hint at a further motivation, that of the sheer energy of the Floating District being too much for Dezzie. But as she took a deep breath and schooled her face into its usual expression, the clues of that hesitancy vanished.
So," she added suddenly, "
shall we?"