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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Celestia opened the princess bedroom walls and greeted her woth a curtsy.
"Princess... Is there anything I can possibly do to engage in your amusement, I've such a mundane day, I wish to bring a rivit of excitement for the hour.
That is to say, shall we do something together until your brother awakes from his slumber?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Queen Avaline:

The Queen sat apon her throne as she did everyday, the day was slow so she asked her servant to fetch her a book she may enjoy. When the servant returned she simply lay across her throne, she was tiny compared to the giant throne. She saw Jurano and Maria come and go throughout the day and was happy that they got along so well.
Later on though her sons best friend and one her commanders Kort Greh arrived at the foot of her throne.
"What's up Kort?" She said, she acted almost like a teenage girl.
He groaned in annoyance at how she addressed him but she didn't care.

Kort Greh:

When he stood up at the throne he groaned at how the queen addressed him, he couldn't say anything openly though so he kept his opinion to himself.
"My majesty," he said bowing. "We have reports of Light movements, we suspect they plan on attacking the main city. Tomorrow." The serious look on his face only grew.
"I will require Juranos assistance for this, apparently they plan on sending in Avantina and Koat Light-Bringer to the fray. Plus I think he'll want to get out and do something entertaining." he said walking towards his room.

King Kurova:
After putting on his little charade for his children, acting like a caring father, he returned to the war room.
"LISTEN UP, Koat is leading the next battle, I don't care about what plans have been placed. You are to follow her every order, is that understood?" He asked his commanders with his over demanding tone. When he didn't receive an answer he nodded his head in reply
"Go find Koat and tell her that she is to attack today."

Reen Ocla:
When Reen was summoned by the King, she hastily made her way into the room. When he told her to report to Koat she ran full sprint out of the castle and found her with Avantina and Ryan.
"My princess and prince, sorry for the interruption but his highness wishes you to procceed with the attack right this very instance." She looked over at Ryan and scowled, she hated him for no reason with every bone in her body.
"And i suggest you pick valuable comrades to join you." she said half grinning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan raised an eyebrow at her comment. He knew she disliked him for some reason, but he wasn't sure why. "So long as the fewest number of people die in this attack as can be helped, I'm okay with it..." He looked at her, crossing his arms, "Though if you think their current comrades aren't good enough, then why not give your position up to someone better suited?" He frowned, "Why is it that you act like I'm the worst creature in the world, anyway? Did I ever do something to offend you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria looked up from her Rabbit doll and starred at Cel with an erey empty gaze. before S rounding herself with shadows.
teHehe..... lets Play hide and seek......."she said "NO cheating" she bellowed pointing a finger at Cel "it not as fun when you predict where im going to hide...." she said crossing her arms across her chest clutching at her Rabbit. before she threw her arm wide displacing a murder of Crows and Raven to fill the room. "your it" she whispered through the noise of the birds. dashing out the room to hide
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fort knocked on his door and he opened it for him with a flick of the wrist still laying in bed.
"What's up Fort?" he asked curiously.
"Well, i need your assistance in the next battle. Apparently Koat and Avantina Light-bringer are going to be participating, so we need you. At least then we wont lose much ground, you are the oldest Bringer child after all." Fort replied.
Jurano sat up and stretched his muscles and with a massive grin he simply said,
"Where and when my friends?"
Fort smiled, knowing he was bored and ready to put his training to use.
"Come, we leave right now, for if we don't soon we may be put at a disadvantage."
"Alrighty then, let's go"
They exited the castle, Jurano not telling anyone were he was going, for he knew his mother knew but he didn't want Maria to worry about him. They made their way onto a steam powered machine and made their way to the Foward camp and started planning strategies for defence.

When Reen arrived she was slightly suprised at the order her father had given, but she was ready to proceed.
"Now, now Reen, you know i can't go anywhere without you by my side," She smiled, "And on the note of comrades, I'll happily take Ryan along just to annoy you that little bit and I don't see your problem with him, he's almost similar to you but much more....what's the word.... AH-HA! Carefree."
Reen just grumbled in repsonse and looked back at the two males next to her.
"So shall we be off, we have a war to win. Hopefully they don't suspect anything and that Jurano person won't be there."
"Reports say that the dark-bringer children haven't been notified so we may have a chance of not running into him, and i doubt Maria will be there, she is young after all."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morpher


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Avantina was surprised at the order father has sent us. "The comrades i will take will be my best soldiers ready to attack the enemy after i have infiltrated their base." "I would belive sooner or later that Jurano will be on the battlefield after all of their losses during the war." said Avantina.
"Lets not keep our father waiting any moment longer."
And with that we were walking back to the palace to ready his troops for the upcoming fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan shrugged, figuring Reen would answer if she saw fit. He bowed to the two Lightbringer children as Koat said she'd bring him along even if it was just to annoy Reen. "I will do my best to ensure that I protect the light, as the light protects me." He said this, referring to his ability, and then raising himself back to a fully standing position. He glanced to Avantina, nodding and following behind him as he said that they should go to visit the king. I guess that means I'll be in the fight... I must ensure the siblings of royal blood don't die... But, if others are in any danger, I'll have to protect them as well... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anyone died unnecessarily...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Razil said
Maria looked up from her Rabbit doll and starred at Cel with an erey empty gaze. before S rounding herself with shadows.teHehe..... lets Play hide and seek......."she said "NO cheating" she bellowed pointing a finger at Cel "it not as fun when you predict where im going to hide...." she said crossing her arms across her chest clutching at her Rabbit. before she threw her arm wide displacing a murder of Crows and Raven to fill the room. "your it" she whispered through the noise of the birds. dashing out the room to hide

Celestia shook her head.
"I'm not cheating...."
Celeste walked over the princesses closet
"You just hide in silly places!"
Celeste opened the closet to find the princess huddled under some clothes.
"Princess, I was referring to your daily lessons, I must teach you many things if you are ever going to rule this kingdom of ours."
Celeste pulled the princess out of the closet and said;
"Come now, let us go to the library, it's time for some etiquette lessons! Perhaps then we can partake in some sorcerous spells, maybe a game of Liar King afterwards?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Noo" Maira said shaking Cels hand off her shoulder.
"i don't want to learn about running a country"she spat.
*chomp* Maria bit Cel and ran around the corner and down the stairs looking for her brother to hide behind.

"Huuugggooo" she sand running down the hall as her shadow Raven grew form her silhouette and flew beside her.
She rounded the corned and Jumped up again and again failing to reach the handle for the door.
"gah curses" she said giving up and trying to reach on her tipy toes.
Hugo saw her distress and landed on the handle his weight pushing it down and opining the door.
"big Brother??" Maria siad when she found his room empty.

she walked down the the servants quarters and hid behind the door frame. peaking her head around the corner to see inside.
"has anyone seen my Brother?"
"oh young mistress he left to go out to the battle fount. he wont return until his is no longer needed" one of the butlers said.
"oh....." Maria replayed as she turned and headed for the front gates. Hugo in tow
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"AGH!" Shouted Celeste.
(That little brat just bit me!) Thought Celestia, she bit her tounge and watched as the little girl ran off.
She looked at her pale hand, she wasn't bleeding, but there was a mark.
(She wants to play games huh? Well I'll put her in a game she'll never wake up from) celestia smirked as she stalked the princess in the shadows...
She saw the princess stand out at the front gates.

"Not so fast!"
The princess turned around to see Celestia with an unusual look on face...
"The Prince ordered me not to let you leave the castle when there is a war, as your guardian I mustn't let you get hurt... But I am going to punish you for disobeying orders!"
Celestia slid a card out of her sleeves, launching it at the Princess. It sliced through the air at such a high speed that it cut the princesses ear as it flew past and struck a tree.

"You will not be able to leave, until I deem you combat worthy, trust me princess *giggle* I won't miss you next time!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Queen Avaline:

The queen was taking a stroll along the wall of the front gate, she noticed Jurano and Fort leaving and said a quiet good luck to them. She rested at a tree and noticed Maria running out of the main entrance, she knew she was going to find Jurano, she almost got up when Celestia grabbed Maria and watched as she sliced a card through her ear and landed just above her head in the tree. She walked over to the pair and picked both of them up with ease, hanging them in mid air. Despite her height and frail build, she was considered a beast in bunny form.

"Now, now, now you two. First of all, Celestia, only a mother can punish her children like that." Her face smiling but hid rage beyond compare. "So Celestia, I am telling you to go to your room, this may seem childish but at least it's not the dungeon. Maria you are to not leave this castle, your brother will be home in time." She dropped them both making them land on their behinds and stood pointing towards the castle.

Jurano and Fort:

At the main camp on the front lines Jurano couldn't help but be excited.
"Now then, we know that Avantina and Koat Light-bringer are participating in this battle. What we don't know is when or where they will come from, so I want everyone prepared as soon as possible." Fort ordered the soldiers that were gathered around the main area of the camp. Jurano was standing off to the side witha slight smirk and fidgeted with some shadows nearby. The camp was dark and desolate, almost hidden from sight, that at a first glance you couldn't see it. They hid this camp well and made many fake along the ridge lline. If anything this camp will be hard to find...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"ok...mother....."Maria said slowly as she picked herself up and her shoulders sagged.
"come on Hugo lets go play by our self......." Maria wandered over to the castle front door and pushed with all her mite to push it open. she walked back up the stairs and sat on the railing humming to her self watching the brass pengalim on the massive grandfather clock swing back and forth in a never ending hypnotizing pattern.
"tick tock goes the clock.
and now what shall we play?
Tick tock goes the clock
Now Brothers gone away?

Tick tock goes the clock."

Hugo flew circles around the main hall leaving a shadowy trail behind him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Celestia returned to her room, as ordered by the queen.
"HYAA!" Celestia punched one of her brick walls.
"That little brat! How dare she insult me in such a way, attack me and get off without a punishment!?" Celestia walked back and forth plotting a devious plan...
"She's probably upstairs somewhere, singing, her songs are really starting to aggravate me..." Celestia could hear the princess singing from up stairs.
"HYAA!" She once again, punched her brick wall.
"I know!" Celestia said clenching her fist.
"I'll place a hex on her so she can no longer talk for the entire day! Ahahaha~" Celestia giggled with excitement, she walked over to her cauldron the back of her room.
"I'll have to cook up a nice piece of strawberry short cake, she'll never suspect a thing! Ahahaha!"

Celestia placed several items into the cauldron as it bubbled. Newt Tails, Bat Wings, The Feather Of An Owl and just for the scent, a Rose.
Celestia's cauldron bubbled, crackled and popped, the mixture melted away leaving only one slice of amazingly aromatic Strawberry Shortcake.
"Now to take this to the princess and 'apologize' "
Celestia placed the piece of cake on one of her very special black, crystal plates and carried it out to the princess.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morpher


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The time to the palace was short and Avantina went to the palaces barracks to get his troops ready now for the upcoming battle. When Avantina arrived
his soldiers weren't in their barracks. Avantina thought "If they aren't in the barracks then will be in the courtyard training". So Avantina stormed out of the
barracks and rushed over to the courtyard to find them practicing their weapon skills on the practice dummies. "Ok men lets go to battle we need to battle
today get your equipment and get ready to move out." said Avantina. So the men rushed to get their gear of body Armour and their weapons ready for battle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria had taken to sliding down the banister and running back up the stairs to do it again laughing loudly each time. but when she saw Cel she stopped and sat on the Rail at the top of the stair eyeing Cel.
Maria Frowned.
"your not meant to be out right now" she said turning back to the Clock swinging her head in time with the tick tock.
"caw caw" Hugo screeched landing on her shoulder.
Maria saw that Cel was holding something in her hands and leaned over to try and take a peek. looking over the continence of her hands.
what you got there...........??."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kiotra546


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Koat followed the group and made her way to her quarters to collect her weapons. She entered her room, Reen following close behind her. She found her rapier in its usual spot and sheathed it on her waist.
"The time is nigh, let us make haste to the forward camp." She said with her commanding voice.
She left the castle via a carriage and made it to the camp. It was close to night and they needed to attack now otherwise they would be discovered in the morning. She stood at the top of the wall surrounding her camp and made a speech.
"We must attack now, I don't care that your light powers aren't effective enough in the dark but I shall amplify your powers with my own. And so will Avantina when he arrives. Now the objective is to take their base and make our way to the city, if we don't take that camp we will be put at a massive disadvantage tomorrow night so we must take it today!" One of her soldiers made a salute and yelled,
"FOR THE LIGHT!" Others joined in and so did Koat.
"FOR THE LIGHT! We attack in twenty minutes, be ready!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan returned to his own quarters, being sure to pack everything he would need. This simply included daily supplies and his sword, considering he used light as his armor. He walked outside after retrieving the necessary items, got on his horse, and rode towards the gate, following the carriage that was bringing Koat to the forward camp. As they arrived, he got off of his horse, dropping to the ground below. He glanced to the night sky, expecting to wait until dawn, but suddenly hearing Koat say that they would be attacking soon." That seems a bad move, but if that's the plan, perhaps it is best... He joined in the cheer to their kingdom, before listening to what Koat said about when they would attack. Twenty minutes...?
Ryan began preparations for the battle, walking around and suggesting that people put out any torches or lanterns they had with them to use on the battlefield. He figured that if they couldn't fight in the day, they could fight with at least some light. He put out his own lantern, putting it on his belt, and picked up an unlit torch. May the light protect those only wishing to return to their families tonight, and guide those who fight for honor instead. He double-checked the belt for his sheathe before laying down, waiting for the call for the attack to begin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morpher


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The men took 7 minutes to grab their gear and ready for a battle. "Everyone ready?" Avantina asked. "Yes Sir" the soldiers replied.
"Then lets go to the camp before nightfall we have a lot of work to do"said Avantina.
Avantina has gotten a morph of a horse for a while now it was a White Stallion and so he morphed into the horse the men seem to be
impresses by it as well when he used his power.
"Everyone saddle up where leaving now." said Avantina.
The men gotten onto their horses and moving out of the the castle and going through the city gates to the camp with Avantina leading in front.
"The ride won't be long" thought Avantina.
It was 2 mins to nightfall when Avantina arrived at the camp and he told his men " be ready for anything" and he left them and went to see Koat.
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