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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the Decepticons unloaded in the City of Heroes, Gaia himself took notice. He had been tasked with protecting the city from those who would do harm to it, and from what he had learned about the decepticons, they were quite a harmful group. Both good and evil were welcome here, however, the ground rules applied to all in the city, including the giant robots who called themselves the Decepticons. As such, Gaia moved through the layers of marble in the floor, before shooting out of the ground in front of Megatron, launched upwards by a large pillar of marble, upon which he sits at eye heigh with the giant robot. "I am the guardian of the City of Heroes. Do you wish to harm the city in any way? If so, I will have to stop you."
The flare launched into the sky indeed did draw someone's attention, as Rift looked towards it. The being's facial expression was unreadable to humans, however, Bob would happily have translated it as curiosity had any been around to see. Instantly, Rift moved locations, disappearing and then reappearing in a flash of the purple energy that was trademark of the Void, from which he drew his power. He looked the strange boy over. He himself stood quite tall, his two long arms ending in many tentacle-like fingers, completely hairless and with three eyes. His mouth was a long lipless slit in his face, reaching far wider than a human mouth, and his ears were, much like the ears of a bird, not visible to the human eye. His skin was bright purple, to match his signature energy.

Rift bowed down, with all the manners of a true gentleman, his elegant Italian suit fitting even his oddly proportioned body perfectly. He had had it custom made, and saved the creator from Bob's wrath as a reward. Money was never a problem when Gaia could transform almost anything into gold. The memories, however, had nothing to do with the current situation, Rift thought, as he spoke up. His voice was gentle and disciplined, more fitting to a politician than a Chaos Sliver. "Why hello there. It is surely a pleasure to meet you, dear sir. You appear to have been attempting to brutally murder the birds in the sky, and it drew my attention. Whomever, I had thought, would do such a curious thing, when there are so many birds in this forest?"
Solus wandered through the forest, until he came upon a small group of individuals. After the witches had returned to their own realms, he had been left with nothing to do, and been forced to wander this forest alone. However, luck had guided him towards another group of people he could manipulate towards his will. Smiling, he walked up to them, already watching their minds, looking at their opinions and thoughts, their hopes and emotions. To manipulate people was easy, once you figured out what they wanted and what they feared. Either could be used to control someone. "Why hello there! I hadn't expected to meet someone else in these woods. I had begun to believe that I was the only one here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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ShadowVentus said
Inigo raised an eyebrow at this, a bit puzzled by what Suzaku means by what she says. "What do you mean? Do you know another man by the name of Stein?"

"Well, yeah, we kinda met in another world." Said Suzaku.

Spartan2961 said
"What me oh i'm fine" the man said getting up to his feet.....only to fall backwards into a sitting position. "Hey Sheila you mind comin over a second got a question for ya?" the man said to Suzaku. "That fool over there is named Chu don't underestimate him." Hiei said to the other giving out Chu's name.

"Yes, what is it Mr. Chu?" Suzaku got closer, whithout minding her being called Sheila.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kael Taiyou said
"Well, yeah, we kinda met in another world." Said Suzaku."Yes, what is it Mr. Chu?" Suzaku got closer, whithout minding her being called Sheila.

"I see...yes, that makes sense." Inigo says, nodding in understanding.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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[Kazuma, °Abandoned Building°]

Kazuma flew off the building and landed on the ground. He decided to go and look for more people whom either knew where they were or just to talk to them.
[Rin, °Forest°]

Rin woke up on a tree branch, he quickly got up to find that he wasn't in Japan anymore.

-"Where in the Hell am-"

Rin didn't finish his sentence because he quickly fell down off the brach and face planted on the ground.

-"Damm! Where am I, and how come Yukio isn't here, he never leaves me alone.."

Rin sensed that there were more people. He unscathed Kurikara and his Blue Flames came out. He began to walk around to find the other people whom were here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Dark Elsa said
"Oh..I am..." Weiss said getting control of herself.

"If you say so. But for now you should come with us and I'll introduce to the other people here," Zerith said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"In that case I need to go back and get my team. I am not alone...." Weiss said walking back towards the cabin. "Wait..or would you want to come with me back? " She asked him.

During all the chaos Blake managed to break free from Mia ' s lab and had exited a portal back into the forest. She headed towards the town which looked...not like a town at all to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

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Sofyia watched as Kazuma flew off and while Sanji and Chopper weren't paying attention she slipped away. She was now wandering the city alone, not the best idea especially if this place was filled with people with abilities like Kazuma. She definitely needed some time to recollect her thoughts, this world would drive her mad if she wasn't careful. Her own home had lots of people with powers but she rarely if ever met one, she had kept her own abilities a secret, though people always thought it was strange how she knew about something before it happened. She sighed and continued walking aimlessly and occasionally killing the creepy dummies that got too close to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Can you tell me where it is I am?" Chu asked Suzaku looking up at her while making direct eye contact which was unlike the average drunk. His voice also didn't slur it was as if in just a second he was sober. This was one of Chu's talents able to go from being dead drunk to sober in no time. This was because alcohol didn't affect Chu like it did most..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Dark Elsa said
"In that case I need to go back and get my team. I am not alone...." Weiss said walking back towards the cabin. "Wait..or would you want to come with me back? " She asked him.

"Yes I will like to," Zerith responded fallowing Weiss back to the cabin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Weiss slowed her pace so he could catch up. Her mind was telling her to kill but she just kept walking to the cabin.

Yang and Ruby were napping Ruby cuddling with her sister.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

((FYI Wizard, the ideal of "speed of thought" in terms of the vimana, which is the speed that Enkidu's replicating, refers to "when a location is thought of, the user moves to that location". It's comparable to instantaneous transport, which can either be faster or slower than light depending on the distance. For instance, travel to the Sun would take less time at speed of thought, but travel by a few meters would take less time by speed of light. That changes if Thought Acceleration and Memory Partition are applied. Servants also aren't bound to chemical processes, even without TA/MP. Sorry if that was confusing, seeing as one probably wouldn't know that if they didn't know about the vimana.))

It found itself somewhere where it was previously not, after allowing itself to fall through a tear in reality.

The girl was now a non-factor, as location had been shifted. Thus...

-Original objective would need to be fulfilled. Subdue the tyrant.

There was no time to react. Moving at a speed even greater than Gilgamesh's own vimana, it acted.

Little strategy was employed. Rather, this was an opening sequence, a test of how far the tyrant had come since their first meeting.

A fist, driven by a force greater than even the Divine Bull's and moving at a speed beyond comprehension, was drilled into the body of the golden king.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 9 mos ago

This was certainly not in the standards of "normal" as opposed to what EMBR knew. This living being before him was otherworldly...and it was starting to make him think that he wasn't exactly in just a random forest.

"Scan complete. The lifeform most likely not human, but is organic," CEE had already done a scan on Rift, but there wasn't much to get from it as CEE's analysis would no comprehend on what Rift exactly was on the matter.

"So, it's just birds. Before now, I was pretty convinced there was no living things around here. Yet, I'm not so sure on what you're supposed to be..." EMBR said as he was quite unsure on how to respond to Rift, a being that even technology that he possessed couldn't give him the answers to this questionable being.
"It must be hard, almost alike to how I tried to protect Sota from execution due to being an unlucky host for a powerful demon. As much as the Spiritual World isn't so okay with my protection over him, I know that he could use those powers for good and that he would overcome the demon that's inside him," Kaika said, seeing that both Hiro and Sota had similar stories.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Stella, Àgnes and Kaguya

Although Kaguya won in attack numbers, her danmaku wasn't effective against the moves from a Dark Knight. She was being hit by the Dark Bane that Àgnes was using. The other, however, knew how big was this price. She was getting more and more tired from using her techniques. How can this be? My danmaku is supposed to eliminate her? How is it possible that I am losing for someone that can't even move?!, Kaguya thought. Àgnes' way of battle was different. She didn't had the speed to evade all of the danmaku shot at her, but she was gaining an upper hand over the lunarian.

Stella looked at both of them, and wanted to intervene. Even a pebble, if shot, could stop that fight. However, she knew that another thing must be done. "Maybe we can rest in this building for a while. What do you think, Lord Charr?", she asked.

Magio, Cruxis, Flandre and Yuuka

Each of them had to deal with both problems. As Cruxis tried to defend Magio from Flandre and attack him at the same time, the dimensional traveler was trying to protect the vampire from his servant. To make matters worse, Flandre was not interested on Cruxis. All that she saw was Magio and only him. At this rate, both of them are going to crush me! But, I'm out of ideas!, he thought. As soon as Flandre tried to dealt a slash on Magio, a big beam hit her. When he looked, it was Yuuka that shot the beam at her. "Let's make this more fair. You and me against the boy and that girl. What do you think, Magio?", she asked. Cruxis, who was already angry, spoke. "No!! I'm not siding against Prince Magio!!", he said. Yuuka smiled at Cruxis. "You're putting yourself into contradiction there. Until now, you were attacking him too. I don't see what's the case for you to say this.", she responded. Cruxis tutted as he admitted that Yuuka was right. After that, the smoke cleared and Flandre released a red pillar of light. "AAAAAAAAAAH!!! THIS IS SO UNFAIR!!!", she said, flying back at Magio. However, Yuuka jumped into the front and blocked with her parasol. Magio, seeing that, nodded at Yuuka, who understood the message.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Oh, Enkidu, my one and only friend, how has it come to be that we are once again mortal enemies? Gilgamesh lamented. Had we not done great deeds together? Was it not together that we destroyed the great bull of heaven and slew the fearsome Humbaba?

Enkidu's punch had not penetrated the body of the king - had it been anyone else, without a doubt the blow would have been the end of them, but Enkidu was facing the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk - and his one true friend. This was not something that was new to Gilgamesh, for he had once fought Enkidu before, and as such had come to expect such things.

As a result, Gilgamesh had forseen Enkidu's imminent attack from the moment that the strange... girl, for lack of a better term had transported the two away from the mongrel Enkidu had been challenging, for he knew that in this state without the mongrel to attract Enkidu he would surely come for him. As such, Gilgamesh had been able to take a pre-emptive measure, as opposed to a reactionary measure which he certainly would have failed. It was this pre-emptive measure that protected Gilgamesh from Enkidu's strike, which had been stopped by the shield of the gods.

"However, Enkidu, my only friend, if you wish for a battle, then I shall grant it to you."

And with that, Gilgamesh pulled from the Gate the sword known as Ig Alima, the mountain felling sword. Wielding the great sword, Gilgamesh let out a massive strike which would be enough to level the surrounding area in the hopes of bringing down Enkidu, the clay weapon of the gods.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

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On the other side of the table, another Witch sat, drinking her bitter matcha tea. She couldn't understand how her fellow consul could enjoy hot chocolate that sweet, but it would be rude to tell the other that she ate too many sweets, especially since she is the Witch of Sweets,

Good thing Witches don't gain weight.

Watching the King and the Mud being transported to the city, Carmilla let out a sigh. While this was supposed to be one of the greatest fights someone could observe, Carmilla knew she wasn't going to be pleased with it.

" Another Gilgamesh versus Enkidu? Everyone knows how this fight shall end. No matter how interesting the actual fight will be, knowing the outcome greatly diminishes the entertainment value. No matter how many times the two of these great beings collide, Gilgamesh will always be a victor. "

And that was when Carmilla got a "great" idea, and a smile appeared on her face.

" Now, if we made this fight a bit more. . . interesting, maybe it would get a different outcome. While a 2 v 1 is boring, wouldn't you agree that a 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1, et cetera is far more entertaining? Better than that, shouldn't we grant the winners something great? "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro listened to Kaika tell more of Sota ' s tale. "I could not sence a demonic presence from him. I see even cursed humans suffer. My father was not well liked by humans but he was a kind king...He only caused dark deeds to keep the balance. With him gone my world became unbalanced...All due to a foolish hero slaying him.."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"You know how balance is, it's like the Ying-Yang concept. If there's light, there has to be darkness. If there's darkness, there has to be light. From what I can remember from my lessons while training, both of those opposites can't live without each other. If one's gone, the other will crumble apart. At least...that's what I can say from the top of my head," Kaika said as she recited a bit of her learnings from her mentor Nero.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spartan2961 said
"Can you tell me where it is I am?" Chu asked Suzaku looking up at her while making direct eye contact which was unlike the average drunk. His voice also didn't slur it was as if in just a second he was sober. This was one of Chu's talents able to go from being dead drunk to sober in no time. This was because alcohol didn't affect Chu like it did most..

"We are all in a big, unknown forest in an unknown world." said Suzaku.

Dark Elsa said
Weiss slowed her pace so he could catch up. Her mind was telling her to kill but she just kept walking to the cabin.Yang and Ruby were napping Ruby cuddling with her sister.

"Well, i'll stay around a little longer, there people waiting for me." Said Haken.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ig Alima struck the ground, letting out a thunderous roar within the city that stood inside of a forest.

The power to level a mountain reverbrated throughout the city as its mystery was imposed upon the world,bringing buildings down from the sheer force of the strike as the city itself began to crumble from the one swing of a blade.

-Enkidu however was unharmed.

The reason was simple. With the capability of thought acceleration fueling his mind, his speed had become simply incomprehensible. By the time Gilgamesh had pulled his newest weapon from the vault, his opponent had already taken to the air, effortlessly evading the strike.

You cannot beat me like this. You know that. Last time it took every treasure you possess to bring me to a draw, why do you hold back and spit out a mere one treasure at a time?

These are the unspoken words as a piece of the Berserker breaks off, writhing into a spear-like shape. The prototype for the weapon Gae Bolg. The Shield of the Gods is a "wall" of ultimate defense, but armor is meaningless to this spear. A second piece breaks off to form a bow. The technique known as "Nine Lives" is a feat of Hercules, but nonetheless a weapon exists which is capable of achieving "the same result" as Nine Lives, even if "Nine Lives" is not within Enkidu's access due to a lack of analysis.

The spear is thrust forward to pierce the heart of the King. An unavoidable shift of causality that takes the form of a "certain kill".

The bow simultaneously fires nine lasers, each in the shape of a dragon and carrying the same strength as a charge of the Divine Bull, the power to destroy a country in a single strike.

Fight me, Gilgamesh. Fight me with everything you own.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dark Elsa said
Weiss slowed her pace so he could catch up. Her mind was telling her to kill but she just kept walking to the cabin.Yang and Ruby were napping Ruby cuddling with her sister.

Zerith quickly caught up to Weiss.

MagusDream said
Although Kaguya won in attack numbers, her danmaku wasn't effective against the moves from a Dark Knight. She was being hit by the Dark Bane that Àgnes was using. The other, however, knew how big was this price. She was getting more and more tired from using her techniques. , Kaguya thought. Àgnes' way of battle was different. She didn't had the speed to evade all of the danmaku shot at her, but she was gaining an upper hand over the lunarian.Stella looked at both of them, and wanted to intervene. Even a pebble, if shot, could stop that fight. However, she knew that another thing must be done. "Maybe we can rest in this building for a while. What do you think, Lord Charr?", she asked.

"Sure I'll go check it first," Charr said entering the building his blaster pistols raised.
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