Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


T I M E S K I P|1 M O N T H


Z e p p K i s a r a g i

In the wake of the Conomi Islands incident, "Zepp" has been observing the actions of both Vice Admiral Marxo and Lieutenant Anaru in order to better determine whether either of them can be trusted to remain assets to the Navy and, by extension, the World Government. To top it off, "Zepp" has been trying to repair the remaining 99th Divisions' damaged faith in the higher-ups, who essentially sent them on a suicide mission. For now, he has been awaiting word from the World Government while he's been stationed in the cold region of Drum Island.

F r e y a

Following the Conomi Island incident, Freya has submitted recommendations for Johnny and Zepp to recieve promotions: Johnny for helping to subdue the prime perpetrator, and Zepp for his leadership during the rescue efforts, and the both of them for charging to Anaru's rescue. She then officially resigned from her position as Captain of the Marines. After taking a week to settle her affairs, the Marines effectively haven't heard from her since. In reality, she's been wandering around the East Blue, doing odd jobs to keep her wallet from being empty as she tries to find some kind of a purpose.

A n a r u

After realizing how much destruction and pain went into capturing a bunch of c-list pirates, Anaru has declined his promotion, and instead vowed that he wouldn't take a promotion, or call in reinforcements, or other men, until he arrested a dangerous pirate for every single soldier injured or lost, during the Conomi Islands raid. a lot of marines have told him to stop being such an idiot, because his vow is stupid, and he'll very quickly die without any other soldiers, Anaru remains adamant.

A d r i a n

He couldn't wash the blood from his hands no matter what type word he used as soap. Guilt has sets itself comfortably on once newly promoted Captain along with shame. A rough patch the man is in, however others still stay in his thoughts, mainly his mother as he had caught word of what had happened on Conomi Island, he has forwarded a request to the higher ups for him to leave his post and to go see her and now he awaits, still weak, maybe weaker, he believes he will find a way to turn the tide to his favor, him and his lord.

V I C E - A D M I R A L S T. L A U R A N T

Marxo spent most of his time back at headquarters sparring with Father. He’d come to the realization that some marines were just to soft-hearted , including himself. Everyday, for almost 4 weeks , he went through excruciating tests and training exercises to strengthen his Armament Haki as well as his will. When the nights fell Marxo mediated using his fellow higher-ups and marking locations for how far he could stretch his Observation.

In the last week before the execution he decided he’d be assembling a team of three. He was honestly tired of undercover work and felt more at home being in charge of others. Based off what he’d seen in Conomi , the marines could use an overhaul, but two would do for now. He asked for a Lt. and a Cpt by the names of Anaru Kahurangi and Adrian Amadeus. Both had fallen in previous battles due to what Marxo thought was lack of knowledge and soft hearted kindness. He felt as though he could strengthen these men and they’d become proud Admirals their children could look up to.

A few days before the deathdate Marxo would go to meet the two in the Conomi Islands. They would board a ship heading to the new prison of Drum Island. While on board he went through a synopsis of wha they’d be doing on the Island as well as their new training regiment and the hardships they’d be facing as a team.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago



  • Solitary Cell of The Muron Prison

"I've been expecting you." the man began, smiling eerily.

"And who might you be." Xerxes replied, his muscles taunt.

"I'm you, and your me." he said simply.

"What?" Xerxes proclaimed, genuinely surprised.

"I'm you and your me, nothing more, nothing less. We experience Identity Alteration, and I want my body back." the young man explained.

Xerxes was taken back, he wanted…his body back?
"Take a seat Xerxes." he coaxed, gesturing to the seat on the black end of the board.

"If you think I'm going to give up my-"Xerxes began, but he was interrupted by the young man.

"You inhabit something that doesn't belong to you, and I want it back. You won't have to fight, just play." he announced.

Xerxes was confused, after being shot he was thrust into a game of soul vs soul, who would spend time on the back burner. He wasn't gonna let that happen.

"Table stakes?" Xerxes asked. The lines of the days battle had etched into his face were harsh.

"Not this time, I think," the man said. He wore black, a business suit so dark that it looked like midnight's shadow. Xerxes cocked an eyebrow.

"Your rules, then?" he asked. The man in black considered for a moment, then nodded. Without another word, the two set up the chessboard which lie between them. It was wooden, and set into the table they shared, each drawing polished marble figures from a case under the table. The man in black played white, and Xerxes played black. White king's knight to f3.

"Conservative," the man in black said.

"This is the game that matters," Xerxes said. Black pawn to d5.

"Who are you?" Xerxes prodded. White pawn to c4. The man in black looked over slowly, rheumy eyes thoughtful.

The man in black shrugged. Black pawn to e6. "I said you."

"Apparently, control of this body hangs on a game of chess, I should know we dares try to take it, another Devil Fruit user of the Marines, Cipher Pol?" Xerxes countered. White pawn to g3.

"Nothing you need to fret over," the man in black said. Black King's knight to f6. He waved a hand, half-distracted.

"Do you know what I've been through today!" Xerxes bellowed. White pawn to d4. The man in black shrugged.

"I said--" Xerxes said angrily, starting to rise.

"I'm Xerxes." the man in black said simply.

"What?" Xerxes gawked. When he said it there was a moment of perfect quiet. The man in black smiled, but said nothing. Black pawn to a6.

"You." the man in black said, glancing up. "Though I prefer Rayne. The old names are nice." Queen's bishop to f4.

"Don't mess with me." Xerxes growled. Rayne shrugged ever-so-slightly. Black queen to e7.

"Are you mad." Rayne said, cocking his head to the side.

"You bet I am, you bring me here to play a game of chess for my soul!" Xerxes bellowed once again.

"It's not that simple, Xerxes. It never is," Rayne said. Xerxes shook his head. White pawn to a3.

"It never is, is it?" Xerxes mumbled, leaning back in his seat.

"No Xerxes, it isn't." Black pawn to h5, an obvious error. White pawn to b4, swiftly, securing the center.

"Why? Why do you come out now, I was just starting to have fun?" Xerxes asked, seemingly unperturbed at the state of the board.

"You killed countless for 4 years, desecrate two islands, destroy three navy ships, and get shot in the chest." he explained simply, turning back to the board. Black king's rook to H6.

Xerxes looked surprised, "How do you know?"

"Just because you never heard anything, doesn't mean I was never there, you getting shot just gave me the opportunity."

"Damn smoke Marine." Xerxes said in dismay, and shook his head very slowly.

"No," Rayne said, with a sigh of savor. "Damn your carelessness.." White queen to a4. "Check." Xerxes leaned back and regarded Rayne, surprised.

"Is it really that simple for you?" he asked, after a time. Rayne nodded. "Well, then, I suppose that I've been playing defensively for long enough today."

And, slowly, Rayne tipped Xerxes king over.

"I don't claim that the rules I chose were right," Rayne said, Xerxes fingertips slowly fading. "Only that they were the rules I chose. I hope you enjoy watching on the sidelines."

"I WILL BE BACK, RAYNE!" Xerxes screamed, eyes still fixed on the fallen black king.

"Of course you will," Rayne mocked, and Xerxes faded from sight.

The body that was once Xerxes sat up, clad in a seastone chained straitjacket. Now inhabited by another, Rayne. He saw the world in the driver seat for once in a long time. His chest was numb, but was clad in medical bandages, it seemed that the Marine Medics, out of the kindness of thier hearts, saved him.

Rayne's roving eyes examined his cell, it was small, very small. It was a 5×5 cell with cushioned white walls and the only amenity was two buckets, one with clean water, and the other for his business. How long had he been playing that chess match? Where were they now?

After a few days of sailing, the two surviving members of the Sunny Massacre found themselves on Drum Island, home of the Muron Prison. Muron was a high level prison the functioned as a towered keep. Rayne could remember little of his trip to the island, as he had been unconscious the whole time up until is arrival on his cell, one week, maybe.

Suddenly, the grating of stone on stone awakened him from his stupor. "So your finally awake, Crimson Reaper." grunted the man from behind the bars.

Rayne remained silent, seeing as he was the prisoner, he had little to say.

"You've been sleeping on us for 3 days boy, been having to feed you through an IV, we're to loving, right?" The man jested, laughing horsey. Rayne remained silent. "Anyway, month till execution, I'll be happy to get rid of you." the man said finally before walking away from the door, he footsteps soon fading.

For the next month, Rayne remained mute, he had no intention of dieing, but he had little choice in the matter. Instead, he spent his time working out, with the little energy he had left, doing whatever workout he could im his stright jacket. As he worked out, he would try to bring back his past, struggling to remember who exactly he was, but there was only little success. He could remember poverty, the Revolutionary Army, training, blood, screams, agony, fury, death. If he couldn't remember his past, he would look to the future, or the one he made up. He would spend hours medicating, going over past battles and seeking a way to beat Xerxes' foes, he mentally created mock battles, utilizing techniques he created mentally to beat them, over, and over again.

Food and water was scarce, only eating thrice every two days. But he savored the meals, and made sure to save leftovers to fill up on if need be.

After a month and non-stop exercise and meditation, his execution day had come. His bald head now full of long, raven black hair that reached past his shoulders, his body taunt despite the small and rare meals. The man who had visited him the day he awakened, was now at his door.

"Today's the day Xerxes! So what do you want for your execution day huh, don't ask us to spar you!" the man mocked.

For the first time in a month, Rayne spoke, with a grin. "A black suit."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


x Drum Island x

Sabell waited in the isolated cell. The seatone walls were a meaningless additive for her though, she faked being meek and sick as she leaned slacked besides the heavy, seastone door. Her black and white garbs weren’t flattering and quite frankly she could do without being taunted by the guards. They acted as if she was a piece of meat, attempted to enter her cell at times, but they were halted by her savior before they could. The newly appointed warden of the new prison.

She was attuned to his host, knew when the essence inside of him was close by. So she knew that the Warden was there now, leaning precisely opposite of where she feigned weakness.

A educated, womanly voice belied the veteran, bearded appearance of the marine. “Please tell me, Boggy-Boy took the bait. It would be really, really vexing if he did not. I put too much time into getting you in and under Sunrai’s radar for you to fail, dear. You didn’t fail me, right.”

Sabell feared the person hidden inside the warden greatly but she interacted with the mastermind so much that living in fear was counterproductive to her missions. The girl leaned her head against the cushioned walls.

“Master Bogard took the bait just like you predicted. He really is without his memories and it's left him as green as an imbecile”

“Language, Sabell. Watch your insults.”

Sabell imagined that wisp of darkness seeping from the vessel eyes with his warning, the only hint that the warden was not himself. The dim but still powerful red glow in his pupil. The painful bright white of the room created silence and when Sabell realized the warden wouldn’t speak again, she continued.

“This jailbreak is dangerous. Jackal I can understand, at least he’s reasonable, but Xerxes is dangerous. Reckless too.”

The warden chuckled unsettling in his girlish voice. “Afraid, Sabell?”

“No, I could kill him but he’d maim me in the process. Are you sure you want your best friend coming back without a arm or leg?”

The voice became venomous. “Don’t play then," stressed the voice. "Do your job and leave, set them free and disappear like you usually do. The Red Hood’s commotion should be enough to cover your escape.”

Sabell frowned at his confidence in the fresh crew; they were still wet behind the ears. “Right, I’ll be careful and efficient as always. Just leave my things outside the door when you unlock it.”

The warden walked away then, leaving her alone in the prison. She felt deadly as usual but being locked up brought an unwelcome insecurity in her as well. She didn't like being imprisoned. Not one tiny bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JmerlRobot
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JmerlRobot This time i might just close walmart

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fadel Nobu

Drum Island

Fadel looked over his new crew. Scanning each and everyone of them. He wanted to get a good look at them. Fadel saw many wanted signs about this, Sunny. D. Bogard, that man who now happened to be his captain. Despite that fact that adel couldn't express himself like normal people, being unable to talk he was still able to make friends with the Red Hoods. Being mute made it harder for him to make friends when he was young, but on the crew, he was accepted because of his skills, which he was content with. After helping Bogard out, he was accepted as the crews official Doctor.

Fadel was snapped out of his trance when Bogard addressed him. Captain wanted to go to the prison? The Muron Prison specifically. But this likes of them going to a prison crawling with marines was like Ussaop trying to save Ace from Impel Down instead of Luffy, of so he thought. Fadel simply assumed it was a suicide mission, but nonetheless he didn't want to be the only one who didn't accept his captains request.

Since Fadel couldn't talk, he carried a white board around with him. He took the white board and uncapped the marker and wrote: "I don't mind, although I do think it's not the best of ideas." He then held up for Bogard to see with a frown on his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zepp Kisaragi

Drum Island, Muron Prison
@LokiLeo789 @Renny

Straightening the black tie around his neck, Zepp looked out from his position outside of the Muron and breathed a sigh, the cold giving his exasperation physical form in condensation. “Sure is awful cold in comparison to the East Blue…” he remarked, crossing his arms over his chest. He had been promoted to the rank of Captain of the 99th Division, an event that wasn’t met with quite as much ire as his previous promotion to Lieutenant Commander. Frankly, however, he was a bit annoyed that the higher-ups had heavily insisted on enforcing “proper dress” onto him. As such, instead of his comfortable track jacket and jeans, he was now wearing a burgundy suit and dress pants, topped off with a Justice coat. Of course, he also wore a new Marine cap to replace the one that had been damaged a month ago.

The newly-appointed Captain wondered what the previous Captain of the 99th, Freyja, could possibly be up to. She had always seemed like she had been phoning it in for quite some time, so it wasn’t incredibly surprising that she would resign after being put through the situation with Vice Admiral Marxo. But what was she going to be doing with her life going forward? Zepp shook his head as he spotted a ship heading towards the island. From what he could see, it certainly didn’t look like one of theirs. But, at the same time, it’d be a bit hasty to assume they’d be pirates, right? Considering that the former Sunny Massacre Pirates’ captain actually a Marine, there wasn’t much chance that they’d have allies coming to their rescue. Then again, it wasn’t like they were the only prisoners here. Just some of the new blood. “Ah, well. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” he muttered, turning back to re-enter the prison, with no resistance from the guards. Today was the day that Xerxes, the massively destructive masked man from the month prior, was to be executed. And Zepp was going to at least try a little bit to make sure said execution would be a success.

The Captain made his way through the prison complex at a casual jaunt, hands placed in his pockets.
"A black suit."
A familiar voice, albeit with a noticeably different tone, stated from within the cell. Zepp stopped walking and turned to look over the guard’s shoulder as he addressed the man inside. “Well, well, Baldy. It looks like you managed to grow quite an impressive mane,” he remarked, regarding the prisoner through his closed eyes.
“Shame that you don’t have much time left to enjoy it.” he added, deciding that he’d make a point to accompany Xerxes to the execution block when preparations were complete.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago



  • Solitary Cell of The Muron Prison

The look of surprise was etched into the guards face. He was used to hearing prisoner request for a woman, a drink, or even a gourmet meal, but a suit, that was a new one. Slowly shaking his head, the guard made a call on his mini Den Den.

"Bring a 2 piece black suit, which shirt, a black tie, and black loafer to the Crimson Reapers Cell, that's his final wish." the guard relayed, chuckling slightly before hanging up.

"Your a funny one, Crimson Reaper, a few guards will be up to help you change." He regarded Rayne with a cold stare, rage and hate boiling under his calm mask. He had heard of the horrors that the Crimson Reaper had wrought on the Conomi Islands with little remorse, even going as far as to try and usurp the chain of commands with his twisted words. He would be…no, they would all be glad to see this pirate dead, his head severed from his body, and the blemish that was Xerxes erased from the world.

All of the emotions that Rayne found useless or degrading were hidden deep within the flesh of his soul. As a result, for once in his life, all major emotions were almost entirely under his control. All it took was the shadow of death to seemingly be upon him.

"Well, well, Baldy. It looks like you managed to grow quite an impressive mane, shame that you don’t have much time left to enjoy it.”

Rayne recognized that voice, he gazed at the man who had appeared behind the guard, who jumped out of the way. "C-captain Zepp, sir!"he said quickly before saluting Marine.

Rayne remained silent, allowing himself to be impressed with Zepp's suit, just his style. Yes, he was the Marine that dragged him into the ship back on Conomi. " Time is the' ability' that allows us to perceive continuous changes in structure or quality. In that case I'll have all the time in the after-life." Rayne claimed, his grin slowly fading.

Two guards then appeared at his door, neatly folded suit in hand. They were quick, as if they had is size in stock. "You wouldn't mind helping me dress would you. Don't want me slipping out of those cuffs." he pointed out, gesturing with his eyes to the extra cuffs that the second guard held. Slipping past Zepp, the cuff guard began to unlock the locks on his straitjacket.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tmitche23


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The news of Kanki’s death struck Jax pretty hard. He couldn’t believe that he was gone just like that. If Jax didn’t go out ahead, then maybe he could have saved Kanki. If he wasn’t an idiot who thought splitting up was a good idea. Why did he think that? How dumb was he? Jax shouldn’t be here. He thought too much. It caused death. Blood is on his hands. Kanki falling.

Jax woke up from his rest in a cold sweat with these thoughts haunting him constantly. It was his fault for thinking about the future instead of the present. He needs to focus on his crew now and make sure the mistakes of the past aren’t repeated. Jax keeps telling himself that, but it’s hard to get the thoughts of Kanki out of his head. He needs to grow stronger to protect his crew. His teleportation has grown quicker and it doesn’t drain as much energy. On a good day he could possibly teleport another person with him. Luckily, if the teleportation fails it just leads to a lack of teleportation and no one being split in half.

The newest member of a group is a doctor that we found in order to save our captain. Fadel is his name and Jax could not thank him enough for saving Sunny. He seemed like a good enough guy, especially since he was willing to join on with the crew. The other new crewmember, Dirk, had the brilliant idea to sell and steal his devil fruit in order to make money. That was definitely something they needed, especially to get a new ship.

They sold it enough times to get the new ship and Jax had the honor of designing it. Honor might not be the right word, Jax just winged his design. He was lucky enough to hold onto the blueprints of his former ship. He basically just shrunk the size of the ship to fit their budget. The only change that was made was on the figurehead. The flaming woman who represented the spirit of The Rose Horizon will be our guiding light into the Grand Line.

Jax finally woke up from his daze of thought and realized that he was on the deck. He noticed his captain coming onto the deck and he listened to what he had to say. Sunny said that a piece of his past was in the prison and he was asking for our advice.“Yeah, it’s probably a mistake. But isn’t becoming a pirate a mistake to some people? They see us monsters who pillage and plunder. They see our existence as a mistake, but we are the ones who truly live free. You must follow your own path and you are my captain. That means I will follow you anywhere. A prison is also a great place to practice my powers. Breaking out of a prison fits into my repertoire of uses for my power.” With that last joke Jax looked at his captain with the intensity of his desire to not let anything happen to his captain or his crewmates during this jail break.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CannedBread
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CannedBread The Pupil

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adrian Amadeus

His view had been the same for an hour.. That is what other people would say if they saw Adrian in the same position like he had minutes to spare. No, the captain had a different view, it wasn't the sky with is fluffed clouds, if wasn't the jumping fish with slime shined scales, and it wasn't ripples in the water. He thought going to Conomi Islands would of made ticked a box off his list of things to stop worrying about but it didn't. However it fueled him.

He clutched the bars that held him from falling into the ocean, regretting the image of his now disabled mother. He remembered how she tried to hide the damage done to her behind her own quilts. The image of her calm face as she told him to have faith and stop worrying. This image had left a nasty movement in his stomach, The neighbors told him it was due to the explosion and that is what caused her to lose her legs. "I wonder what she does now", his thoughts were like rain about her, constant.

He broke thought hearing noise, a creak of some kind. It took him a while to notice that it was his own feet moving, he had been in the position for too long. He wondered how he would sleep tonight, the noise of the lieutenant, a bear of a man. Who stood taller than Adrian, and much more broader. He remembered the first time he had seen him, his hands huge, and hair sprouting from his knuckles as if he were some sort man beast. The thought of the image made him chuckle, "Total killer with women aye?" His mood had calmed a little, right now he saw Drum island.

"What happens now?" He asked himself, if he were a fortune teller, he wouldn't know whether to look at his own future or not right now. All the captain knew is that he'd have to wrap up to keep warm.
@Ira @NachoBachoPacho
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zepp Kisaragi

Drum Island, Muron Prison

“No need to be so formal, pal. I ain’t quite as uptight as some of the other stiffs in here.” Zepp clapped the guard on the shoulder and turned his attention back to Xerxes. There was definitely something different about the man’s demeanor. Though, whether that was on account of Zepp’s only interaction with the prisoner being in the midst of battle or some more peculiar reason was ultimately unimportant to him. If anyone could see the Marine’s eyes, they might have caught them rolling as Xerxes waxed poetic about time and the afterlife. At least his predilection towards speeches hadn’t changed at all. “Well, at least you’ve come to terms with your next destination. Though, I’m not sure whether you’re gonna get an enjoyable experience out of it.” Zepp retorted as two guards passed by him with a suit prepared for the prisoner. Sure was a quick retrieval, huh? Barely any time had passed since Zepp heard the soon-to-be dead man make his final request.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to pull a fast one on me.” the Captain remarked as the two guards that had entered began to undo Xerxes’ straitjacket. Moving closer, Zepp took hold of the cuffs and slapped the seastone bondings around one of the man’s wrists, allowing him, begrudgingly at least, to put his new tops on. “You make any sudden moves and I execute you right here. I’m sure I won’t hear many objections on that front.” he whispered into Xerxes’ ear, his facial expression in stark contrast with the gravity of his words. The newly appointed Captain of the 99th held the back of the prisoner’s neck as if he were picking up a naughty cat, watching his every move as he got his Sunday best on for execution day. He had considered tearing the suit to bits as soon as it’d been brought over, but decided against it. Ripping up a two-piece suit was kind of a petty jab in light of the situation surrounding Xerxes’ crimes.

Once the outfit change was complete and the prisoner’s bindings were once again secure, Zepp let go of the back of the newly-dressed Xerxes and chuckled. “Picked a hell of a time to decide you want to look fancy.” he snarked, nodding at the guards to start moving. The hour of the execution was already drawing near….
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

still doesn't know how to make his words bigger

Marine Ship, just outside Drum Island.
@Ira @CannedBread

Anaru sweat as he struck the punching bag over and over again, he needed to do this to distract himself, ever since he left the Conomi Islands, he couldn't stop thinking about his ships exploding, about his men fighting that dragon, and the look of confusion and horror on Ex-Captain Freya's face. he should have known better, as a marine it was his duty to do justice, but throwing away so many lives for a c-list crew, and then being offered a promotion, it was more than he could handle.

While in deep thought, Anaru wasn't restraining his punches, and with one blow, knocked the punching bag off its chain, through a wooden wall, and into the ocean. "Oh, that was, the third one this week." Anaru said with a sigh, before shouting through the hole. "Sorry about that, again!" Anaru sat down on the bench, drinking down a large bottle of water, before setting off to find the Vice Admiral.

Anaru rolled his neck, and exhaled peacefully, it was stupid of him to worry so much, after this execution, it would be behind him, he'd keep his vow of course, any self respecting gorilla-man would. "Haaahahahaha!" Anaru let out a booming laugh, as he stomped across the ship, to find the Vice Admiral, and the Captain that was on board as well.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dirk Messir

A month had passed, a month of glorious, terrifying freedom. Kanki's death had been mourned by Sunny and Jax; Dirk, having not known the fishman personally, and not really knowing how to act about the topic, remained quiescent about it for the most part. Slaves died, constantly, and they weren't mourned by anyone, least of all their fellow slaves. In less than a week, Dirk had already grown fond of his fellow crew members - Sunny was assuredly the same sort of nice as Chipper had been, and Jax seemed similar, though perhaps in a more reserved fashion. Even the new doctor, Fadel, seemed friendly, though he was completely silent.

So he'd revealed his Devil Fruit at about that time, and described an idea he had had to use it to get rich. What followed were a series of sales to various rich nobles on various islands, followed by treks into the buildings on Dirk's part to reacquire the Devil Fruit every single time. Each was fraught with peril, and the possibility that his Divine Purpose might fail him at that very moment; yet each was successful in its goals, and enough money was made to purchase a brand new ship, the Rose Horizon, far better suited to its task than the previous one had been.

But before that, there had been Reverse Mountain. If the retheft of the Devil Fruit had been peril-fraught, the battles that took place against various Marine crews during their bid to pass over those disturbed waters had been far worse. More than once did Dirk find himself hidden from sight only by the back end of a Marine soldier proper, and the old ship had been all but destroyed by the time they'd made it to the port that Rose Horizon had been constructed on.

But now that was over. The Devil Fruit remained in Dirk's coat, he'd discovered that he'd acquired a bounty of one hundred million Beli - nearly three times over what Sunny himself had been granted, likely for having killed an important person and stolen a Devil Fruit - and as of now, they were officially in the Grand Line.

And his captain was proposing they head to a prison island. Dirk liked the guy, but...

But he probably knew what he was doing. He was certainly strong enough to not be taken out so readily. And Dirk knew his Divine Purpose was generally reliable.

"I'm not fond of the idea," Dirk stated bluntly, after several moments of staring at Bogard. "I don't want to get captured again. But I'd like to be helpful. And maybe I'll be needed. Maybe my Divine Purpose will help shield you too. So I'll go in with you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Bogard Sunny x Drum Island
@BCTheEntity @Tmitche23 @JmerlRobot

It helped to have crew members that were your senior in a lot of ways. They were, most often than not, capable of seeing the core of what was going on a lot quicker than adolescents like himself. They were a wide well of knowledge and if not for his own, unique, instincts he’d be left behind when it came to most of the Red Hood’s problems.

Bogard had acknowledged Fudal’s writing first, so now he stood on Lady Rose, taking in, soaking up, and mulling over their answers. All of them seemed content with going with him. That made him happy. In some of the simplest ways, to know that he had friends he could count on just as much as those on Dressrosa meant the world to him. He felt a kind of excitement bubble up inside of him suddenly, one that urged him to spur the crew on.

He turned back towards Drum Island, the winter clouds that loomed over head spoke ill of his chipperness but it also egged them on in some form or manner. With a straight finger, he pointed towards the isle and let the wind take hold of his clothes.

“To hell with what's waiting for us, as long as we have fun while doing it the results doesn't really matter. Maybe we'lll find our first batch of treasure here, I wouldn't mind have gold on the ship.” he said that last part to no one in particular.

* * *

Time passed slow and agonizing for Bogard. They had been far too late to avoid notice by the island. But Bogard wasn’t so dumb as to simply plunder his way onto the isle. The Rose Horizon, with all its extravagant glory, docked in the meager harbor of the snow-capped habitat. Few was around to greet them.

Bogard pulled his red hood over his features and brought clarity to himself, preparing for the worst possible outcome while accepting the adventure ahead of them. “Let’s explore a little before heading to Mur-Moron Prison. I think I heard tales of Luffy stopping here along his journey at one point. It’d be nice to stepped in his shoes and see it all too.” mentioned the blonde as he hurried through the snow with jovial footfalls.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: Prison Cell

Ever since I had been captured and placed into this cell, I had refused to eat anything at all. I was starving sure, but I didn't accept the morsels they offered. Giving my rations to my two cellmates. I had gotten somewhat acquainted with them. the smaller, more frail one had the nickname 'Stinks' though his real name is Cory, and the other, much larger prisoner goes by the name of tooth. I had become somewhat popular with my fellow prisoners due to a polite demeanor and what they say is an abnormal behavior. I rarely speak, instead I just sit there and await my execution in silence. Only speaking when spoken too. The guards were generous enough to let me keep wearing my armor, as it didn't hinder their containment of me and was allowed to what I suppose was from good behavior. My knightly appearance only increased the oddity of my peers.

I had forgotten how long I had been in here, days or hours, hunger and anticipation does it works. I figured I'd probably die of starvation before I'd get my head around a noose. Only about a quarter of the prisoners here were on death row, the others were mere lowly pirates and thieves. I recall the first conversation I had with my roommates.

Tooth had said "Why they lock you up here?"

and I merely responded with "Once was I a pirate of the hellkites, then I was a pirates of the sunny massacres. I am responsible for the desolation of the Conami Archipelago." and the both of them went silent after that. Occassionally they'd ask more questions like my name, why I refuse to eat, and small talk. I kept my responses short and vague, I didn't want to get attached to anyone nor make myself popular, but due to my odd behavior that was inevitable, as many of the prisoners who's cells were near mine had already caught onto the legend that they have yet to decide to call on. I have heard myself being called on by other prisoners as 'Hellkite Jackal', 'Dragon Knight', and 'Lancelot.' but I have yet to see them decide on a single nickname as of yet, I had few stories of my pirating to tell, so many of them had already made up stories of my tales, be it of chivalrous robin-hood like heroism against the 'greedy' world government, or Savage and monstrous destruction of islands in the form of a great dragon, or even a 'slayer of celestial dragons', rumors and tales of my person being involved in grand fabricated stories became popular with the other prisoners and soon became one of their favorite pass times. Somehow I had gained the respect and appreciation of my peers with barely speaking. I could swear they treat me like a king or of some sorts, when in reality the only thing I deserve is the gallows. Though I will admit that the attention is a distraction to the regret and sin clouding my conscience. The guards will often shut up chants and excessive stories of topics about me, as their excitement were like children around a camp fire. A few guards seemed to blame me directly for such antics and would either give me a brief beating or jokingly insult me which, while I had no problem ignoring, would arouse the prisoners with anger.

I began to learn more about not only my two cellmates but also other prisoners that had managed to speak with me directly, usually if their cells are near me. I recall a man who stole a marine vessel before having it crash and become stranded on an island immediately after, two pirates of a former crew that had been crushed by marines, a thief that had stolen an entire crate of beli apparently, a sharpshooter pirate hunter, and other such variety.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago


  • Muron Prison

Rayne remained silent as Zepp spoke, there was no reason for him to. Making small talk with a Marine was the last thing he wanted to do. A hatred that seemed to spawn in the back of his mind was the reason, it was not the superficial hatred that Xerxes fed off of, but a deep seeded hatred, one that spawned from a past he knew little of, a frustrating predicament. One that he would have little time to solve with the way things were going.

As he wrist was bound to another guards, Rayne went through the difficult process of dressing with one arm, with the Captain breathing over him, even threatening him, Rayne could careless, in the end, Zepp was childish, or overly cautious to think he would try anything, but with Xerxes' history in mind, how could he blame him?

Within a few minutes Rayne was finished, taking a little time to tie his black loafers before adjusting he black tie. Putting on formal clothes made him feel powerful, it was a nice feeling to have before one was set to die. Quickly, the guard restrained him and walked him out the door, leaving behind the cell that held him for a month.

“Picked a hell of a time to decide you want to look fancy.”

"I was under the impression that at ones funeral, you dress the body in similar garb, I'm just making it easy on you." Rayne chuckled, a grin plastered his face as the guard's led him down the halls of the Prison.

On thier parade through, they happened to pass another solitary confinement cell, and cell that held three inmates, one of them being Jackal. Rayne made no move to call the man, that was Xerxes friend, by no means his, in the least though, he gave the armored man a smile before they passed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

V I C E - A D M I R A L S T. L A U R A N T


The Vice Admiral peered off into the snow, being instantly hypnotize by its pure white glow. It remind him of his days as a kid. At times the island owned by his parents saw a random bought of snow flurry. He was quickly snapped out of trans by Anaru sending a punching hurling across the room. They were currently located on a ship in Drum Island. In a few hours Marxo’s ex crewmate would know peace. It soothed him to know that one less pirate would exist in the world. Especially him. He always hated having to pretend to be evil just to get the man’s undivided attention, The thought sent chills to his spine.

“ Couple more hours till showtime. Whaddya say we make our way towards Muron and get a drink while we’re at it . Im quite parched.” It was about time to head up to the prison and Marxo was getting anxious. If he was permitted , he’d gladly be the man to send Xerxes head rolling across the floor. This thought pleased him more than anything he’d previously been daydreaming about.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Sancho F. Graham

Elfen Island - Grandline

A month had passed since they had gotten their hands on the Argo. It had been a intriguing month, exciting, even. Besides hearing about a massive massacre and big failure of the Marines, days after it happened, the Argo and the crew of the Golden Fleece pirates had been hiding out on a city island in the East blue, hiding their stolen Marine Ship long enough to drop the heat, a week and a half, to be precise. They had also gotten their pirat-y paws on a log pose, and would set for the Reverse Mountain, but, not before getting in a massive brawl with the Marine population of Kumalado Island, after they had rescued four works from execution at the hands of the Marines for unjust cause.

This brawl had ended with the Golden Fleece Pirates causing a lot of trouble, essentially toppling the marine base, but also getting a new Crew Member - Freya, formerly the Captain of the 99th Division of the Marines, whom had spent the last week drinking herself half to death at a bar, the morals of the Pirates far outshines the morals of the body of government - the Marines she had served her entire life.

They took to the Grandline, passing through the Reverse Mountain, they passed a lot easier thanks to the former Marine's navigational skills. Once on the grandline, they made their way to Elfen Island, the second island on their route, where the Log Pose would take three days to recharge, half of which had already gone by. Sancho looked out over his crew, as they had docked. They were five in total, he had a Navigator, a doctor, a cook and a gunner, all of them with their unique talents and personalities, and while half of the crew had been with them just short of a month, he felt like he could trust all of them.

Better than he had been able to trust someone for quite some time.

"All right, ladies, gentlemen. Let's go check this town out. We need more food and water, and I'm in dire need of a new coat." Sancho spoke, there being a very tiny rip in the one he wore. He motioned for his crew to head to shore, as they left the once upon a time- Marine vessel, now clad in the sails of their flag, the Skull on top of a cloud of golden wool. As Sancho headed into the harbor, he found a Wanted poster with his face on it, and he couldn't help but feel some sort of pride in seeing the wanted poster now read ten million higher than it had a month ago - on the grounds of them stealing the Argo, and their fight with the Marines. He ribbed the poster down and shrugged. "All right, fan out, let's scout the city. Meet back here in two hours. Try and stay out of trouble." He ordered, his voice a little bit hopeful - yet cynical about the last bit. He would head towards the town hall, where a lot of other people were going as well, there was some kind of gathering there. Once he had satisfied his curiosity, he would go find a place to get a new coat.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

The Messenger was her alias of sorts; what those that dealt with Terry knew her as. She was several things to various people. A dark angel, a crazed demon, a simple envoy at times. It was all dependent on how Terry felt about the person she was delivering the message to. On rare occurrences, she was sent out on very specific tasks, covert operations that could very well change the course of history.

Tasks like these.

As she stalked the very essence of those she hunted, hidden in a coarse but deep darkness conjured by her own armament haki, Sabell frowned at her targets. Dressed in a deep black version of the prison uniform, she could tell he had a weird sense of humor. Xerxes had donned a black suit for his own funeral. Sabell stifled a laughter.

Faster than a lead bullet, Sabell found herself between the four guards escorting Xerxes to his execution and Jackal’s cell. Her curved daggers, lined with a jade green along its blade made two successive motions across Rayne’s chains before she suddenly materialized in front of Jackal’s cell a moment later.

A second after her appearance, the guards escorting him jerked as if being hit with tiny, invisible fist before sinking to the ground. The obsidian texture consuming her form fluctuated like ink, the random splotches on the stone floor alternated sporadically. She giggled as if hearing Rayne’s potential thoughts.

Before gripping the bars on the confinement door, yanking it with a grunt, and dropping it with loud boom on the floor. She gestured for Jackal to leave the cell with quick twitch of her head. “You. Out of the cell. Now!” she said, turning to face any unknown assailants that could be around. “You two are free, I suggest you make quick escapes.”

* * *

Forsaken was the Warden’s corpse in his chair. The man seemed regardful with his figure turned away from the door and towards the singular, wall-sized window overlooking the snowdrift mountain. His door was closed, locked from the inside. Hopes that no one would intrude for several hours were high.

Meanwhile, the most prominent town on Drum Island was being looked down upon by a wee, flying, gray bunny. A wisp of black smoke raised from one of its red pupil, the animal raised a paw. It looked uncaring and despondent, kinda menacing too, even as it wrinkled it's cute bunny nose at the smell below something intelligent was there. It spotted the Red Hood crew making their way up the mountain before… smirking.

With a wave of its paw, a dozen, dark explosions rocked the town. Buildings splintered to pieces, waves of snow broke apart and slid down the mountain. Calls to the stationed Marines were made and blaring alarms shattered the once peaceful quiet.

The Bunny looked around once more, the black smoke that had begun to billow had almost reached the cuddly animal. Fires raged below, attempting to be smothered out by fur-clothed townsfolk. They screamed for water and more workers. They needed to quell the chaos before the mountain reacted with an avalanche.

The Bunny suddenly looked more animal before screeching as it fell from an impossibly far height.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tmitche23


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jax could not understand what kind of person would want to live on the frozen wasteland that is Drum Island. Jax was completely sure that this was not how humans were meant to live. People would probably be bundled up inside with a fire and in a bunch of warm clothes. The crew had none of those things, so it might be wise for the first step of the adventure is to find warm clothes. They could also probably help disguise anyone that isn't Sunny. Unless the crew finds him a nice read coat, and even though it was extremely doubtful.

It was amazing to be in the same place that Pirate King Luffy, again. Hopefully this time it would lead to a better ending. Jax didn't want anyone to find out who they were before that was necessary. The entire crews bounty went up, and Jax's even went up to 75 million beli. Being a rookie with that high of a bounty is a pretty news worthy achievement. Jax was sure his parents have heard about his exploits, and he couldn't keep himself from thinking about how might have failed them. He never dreamed about being a pirate, the life found him. He can only hope that his family just forgets about him. Whether he becomes part of the crew that becomes the new King's Crew or if he dies in battle, his family is no longer his family. His crew is.

The way to the top of the mountain might have been the worst experience of Jax's life. On the bright side, he was able to map out a lot of good fall back points. It was a slow treacherous hike to the prison. The town at the base of the mountain was quite nice for being on this awful island. The crew stopped to take a quick rest. They had a beautiful view of the town when out of nowhere flames were engulfing the town. Sirens were going off for the marines, and they would probably respond quickly.

"This is not good. If the sirens and screams continue, it could leave to an avalanche. We don't all stand a chance to get down the mountain quickly enough unless I teleport back and forth. And I'm betting I don't have enough energy. We also might never have a chance to get the the prison this easily. If we are lucky, the marines will mostly clear out the base to deal with the fire. It's a gamble either way. So what do you want to do Captain?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago


  • Muron Prison

Rayne was caught in mid-deep beath, unable to formulate words as if his brain short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. Around him, everything was in fast-forward while he was motionless in the middle of it all. Within a blink of an eye, a figure cut right through both his shackles before breaking into Jackel's cell, all before his cuffs made contact with the stone floor.

Rayne's face went slack, mouth slightly open, body unmoving, and color draining from his face as he stare wide-eyed at something no one expecting to see or happen. He just froze up to a point where he could hardly breath, but just as quickly as it came, the shock began to melt away, everything returning with a rush of wind and a popping in his ears. 

He let out a sudden smirk, realizing that the shadow of death was no longer upon him, and the thought of freedom, rushing through like a river rapid in his mind. Instantaneously, his energy returned to him, truly invigorating him for the first time in a month. Wasting no time, Rayne crouched low to the ground, his black loafers creasing as his knees met his chest and his arms pointing diagonal to his body behind him. He needed to formulate a plan, so he needed distance. Within the blink of an eye, he conjured a stream of pyro-electricity from his hands and feet, propelling him to the opposite wall within seconds.

"You gotta be kinding me, one moment, I'm ready for death, now I'm high on hope, that's not good for my heart." Xerxes bleated in his mind.

"So you finally pipe up after a month of silence, huh?" Rayne thought back, rolling and shuffling towards the back wall. The hallway they were in was a T-section, which could have led anywhere.

"Any ideas on how to get out of here?" Rayne chortled in his thoughts, unable to think up an escape plan under the current conditions. The woman gave them an opportunity, but no definitive help after wards.

"Want my help after throwing me out of my body." Xerxes remarked. With a sigh, Xerxes quickly came up with a solution, or an idea. "Shape clay into a vessel; it is the space within that makes it useful.  Carve fine doors and windows, but the room is useful in its emptiness.  The usefulness of what is depends on what is not." Xerxes declared, before silence created a void in his head.

Instantly, Rayne understood Xerxes' words, or his quote, which was unnecessary. With palms flat on the wall, he realized that the wall was a exterior wall, it was significantly colder than the others. Without a moments hesitation, a thrust of his signature yellow flames streamed out from his palms, creating an explosive burst that basically erased the wall behind him, throwing dust and bricks into the air. As predicted, a gust of frigid air confirmed Rayne's guess. Not only did he have an escape route, so did Jackal and his savour, if they could survive the drop, they were apparently on one of the top 5 floors of the prison.

Without as much as a goodbye, Rayne leaned back over the edge, and jumped.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zepp Kisaragi

Drum Island, Muron Prison
@LokiLeo789 @Renny @dragonmancer

This guy sure was full of quips. Rather than waste time speaking any longer, Zepp took point, leading the group consisting of Xerxes and three other guards. Everything had been going fairly smoothly for the majority of the trek. However, upon the procession passing by the cells which held Jackal and a prisoner unbeknownst to the Captain, it didn’t take too long for things to go remarkably wrong. Perhaps it was due to not expecting someone to break Xerxes out, but Zepp was unable to react when someone managed to break the seastone bindings keeping the prisoner in check. He turned on his heel swiftly, managing to catch a glimpse of the figure before she dematerialized, only to be followed by the sounds of another door being torn out of a wall. “You three keep the other prisoners from escaping. I’ll take care of this guy.” he ordered the other guards, cursing under his breath as the explosive man released a stream of flame from his hands and began to careen across the hall. Even the criminal’s movements provided an irritating level of destruction, a fact that made it all the more pertinent to slap him back in some cuffs as soon as possible. “Looks like I might need to take this a little more seriously.” he muttered, beginning his pursuit.

It wasn’t long before Zepp caught Xerxes leaping back out of a sizeable hole he created in the prison wall. With a sigh, the Captain of the 99th leapt out after him, apparently unphased by the height from which he’d be descending from. As soon as he spotted his target who was also in freefall, Zepp drew a flintlock pistol and used his other hand to hold his hat onto his head. Deciding to conserve bullets in light of the target’s known level of ability, Zepp fired only two shots, one towards the arm that had long since recovered from being broken by Lt. Kahurangi a month ago, and the other at the target’s right leg. If he had time to react, then Zepp expected him to use his ability to redirect his descent rather than simply eat bullets. Then again, there wasn’t anything preventing him from simply attempting a counterattack. Surely the pyro-electrical emissions the man created were more than capable of destroying some bullets and still having enough energy to try and blast through the freefalling Captain. How troublesome. While he wasn’t entirely okay with how much John had elected to use Rokushiki techniques in apprehending the man a month ago, “Zepp” had to admit that the versatility and firepower of Xerxes’ devil fruit ability made it a little dicey not to take advantage of their own set of abilities.


Black Shark

Elfen Island, Grand Line
@Hillan @Arakadin @j8cob @Pacifista

It had been quite a productive month since the crew left Loguetown, and the Argo, christened as such shortly after they so graciously received it from the Marines, served as a fine vessel for them to carry out their pirate business. In the wake of their demolishing of the Marine base on Kumalado Island, and Samehana’s nearly single-handed destruction of any Marine ships that attempted to pursue them (most of them before they could even successfully leave the port), their number grew by one more. It hadn’t even been that long since Spirillum joined their crew before Freyja, a former Captain in the Marines, had joined their ranks. While Spiril had proven to be a welcome addition to the crew in his short time on board, Samehana was glad that the crew could get another skilled combatant in their ranks. The more people to spar with, the better! Though, frankly, the woman was a little bit of a Debbie Downer, so to speak.

Most importantly, the Captain called upon Samehana and Church to engage in a most important task: To teach the golden-haired young man the secrets of Haki. Perhaps the idea of entering the Grand Line sparked some newfound motivation within him, but it was about time. Frankly, it was a little surprising that he hadn’t bothered to ask earlier. While Church was tasked with honing Sancho’s ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki, Samehana took care of instilling at least the basics of Busoshoku Haki into the young Captain. He was, in some ways, a quick study. But he hadn’t really taken his training too seriously yet. Though, that could possibly be chalked up to the importance of these abilities not being instilled into him firsthand. Sure, Samehana and Church would rough him up a bit as part of the training to hone his Haki, but it wasn’t as if it had any real consequences yet. Perhaps one day he would receive new motivation in the form of a rival or some other obstacle.

Once the Argo docked at the harbor of Elfen Island, the crew themselves made landfall. Frankly, after all of the seafood she’d been cooking while they were at sea, Samehana was in the mood for something a little different to eat. Of course, as the crew’s cook, her level of proficiency in cooking was high. But she could only really work with dishes that included some manner of fish or some other sea creature, collected fresh from the ocean by herself. Maybe she was a being a bit too prideful, but she had yet to try and learn how to make other things. Maybe one day she too would receive a spark of inspiration, broadening her range of dishes. As she walked through the town she, much like Sancho, spotted a wanted poster. This one, however, was for the Black Shark herself. She snatched the poster down and gave it a good look, chuckling at how much attention the artist had given to rendering her chest. The sight of it must have been the only thing many of the Marines paid enough attention to before they were knocked unconscious by Samehana and company. Balling it up, she tossed the parchment into a refuse bin after catching sight of the nine million beli bounty that had been placed on her. For having happened over the course of a month, it wasn’t too shabby. Though, she was almost sad to lose her clean record.

Feeling that someone or, rather, a few people seemed to be trying to tail her, Samehana simply smirked as she attempted to find a local eatery. ”Excuse me, ma’am. You wouldn’t happen to be able to point me in the direction of any popular food spots, would you?” Samehana inquired as she came upon a woman passing by. For a moment, it was clear in the womans dull green eyes that she was a bit startled by the Fishwoman, a reaction that Samehana had gotten used to. She was more than aware of her striking appearance, and even more aware of the fact that there were more than a few Fishfolk that weren’t exactly the most civil when interacting with humans. Samehana just smiled, dispelling the initial fear that the woman displayed and receiving a timid smile in return. “W-well, the Valiant Angler is a pretty popular spot. It’s all the way on the West side of town. Can’t miss it, on account of the sign being mighty large.” the woman informed her, stumbling over her words at first. The Fishwoman nodded and flashed the woman an “OK” sign.
”Thanks for the tip~. You have a good day now.” she chimed, smirking as she looked over her shoulder and caught a figure peering at her from out of an alleyway. He wasn’t wearing Marine garb, so it might have been safe to assume that whoever the people attempting to tail her were pirate hunters of some sort. If it weren’t for the clear malintent rising off of them, she might have assumed they were new adoring fans. As she began her casual jaunt in the rough direction of the Valiant Angler, she pulled out a Den Den Mushi with a black shell with a red swirl, the body of the creature itself being a lavender color. To top it off, it’s “teeth” were sharp much like Samehana’s. “If any of you guys need me, I’ll be over at the Valiant Angler on the west-side. Of course, I wouldn’t mind if any of you would join me.” she purred, figuring that most of the crew would be able to tell they were being tailed without her telling them. Whoever these pursuers were, they weren’t exactly super stealthy.
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