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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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@LegionPothIX when did you get in my head? :O
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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@sep When I learned how to read all caps?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Spent a bit of time on that, hope y'all enjoy. If you don't, or if there's something you think I've missed or is wrong. Let me know.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 4 days ago

Wow..."Rita Hayworth" as an Admiral? Geez, I'm on the wrong ship ;)

(And I know it's a slightly different spelling, but still...hawt)

Seriously though, @Sep, great job and looking forward to a fun story.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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@Rawk I now feel like I need to change her name if it's a real person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Sep Oh she's real...or at least was...

No biggie though, maybe the Admiral's parents were big into classic movie celebrities (??).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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@Rawk I got confused as I read Admiral and immediately thought you were referencing Locke and was like 'Why would that matter?'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 24 days ago

There really was No Turning Back anymore.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Rawk I got confused as I read Admiral and immediately thought you were referencing Locke and was like 'Why would that matter?'

That's what you get for "thinking".

I shall dismiss this infraction and allow you to carry on with your life...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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<Snipped quote by Sep>

That's why I did it :P

I was toying with doing it in the opening post, but it didn't really work for the scene I was setting.

<Snipped quote by Sep>

That's what you get for "thinking".

I shall dismiss this infraction and allow you to carry on with your life...

If I don't think all our characters are doomed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedLeather
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RedLeather Disciple of the Glow Cloud

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More fun with google translate, along with some morbid Earth-hating.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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@RedLeatherWELL. Earth doesn't need your negativity anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

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posted biotches
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

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Nice post @vietmyke, bout time too ;)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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@LegionPothIX when did you get in my head? :O

When you leave the door open all manner of undesirables can just wander in. /._.\

@vietmyke I'm looking forward to playing with some of that tech.

Also, @Sep I don't know how to go about getting S.A.S.H.A. set back up, in character, or who Xaith should ask about doing that; let alone when a good time to ask would be. It's my assumption that the admiral has full clearance to know about, and ability to authorize, anything going on on his ship, but beyond that i'm at a loss.

I do know, however, what systems I'd like to hook her into, and am thinking about how the RP opportunities that may create. I imagine that, time-wise, it'll have to wait until there's a lull in the action.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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@LegionPothIX the Admiral is the one to speak to about implementing a new system yes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedLeather
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RedLeather Disciple of the Glow Cloud

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So once we go through the eye, what exactly will be the goal?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Draken
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Draken Undead Rights Activist

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The Vitae has some form of artificial gravity, right? The most recent post implies that there will be 0G, but that simply wouldn't work for Eden, and could cause massive disorientation and accidental chaos at first. (Not to mention large numbers of injuries if the Vitae flies long enough for a new generation to be born before settling somewhere.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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@Draken I imagine the HUB will have gravity- I meant specifically the Hangar would most likely have 0g. Why worry about your expensive spacecraft falling out of their slots in the hangar? And traversing the extremely wide hangar would be a lot easier if you could just travel in a straight line instead of pfft, walking everywhere. Besides, all the pilots wear EVA harnesses anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Agent Jacob McCalister

Male - 45

A middle aged man that appears perpetually tired, but always clean, Jacob stands in at 6'3", putting him typically several inches taller than the majority of others. Jacob has a sinewy build and broad shoulders, but is neither bulky nor lanky. His dark brown hair is short and out of the way, with the odd streak of gray and somehow manages to appear neat, yet casually unkempt at the same time; and his chin occasionally sports a stubble that is likely several days old. His eyes are a sharp gray, his piercing gaze analytical and critical but belie a lurking sadness. His facial features are strong and defined, and his mouth is often pressed into a thin line. His strong facial features and build would lead one to believe that in his heyday, many would consider Jacob fairly attractive, though years of work and being a single father have clearly taken its toll.

Most of Jacob's wardrobe consists of well fitting, slim suits, mostly black and gray often with a monochrome tie. The vast majority of Jacob's footwear are leather dress shoes, clean and professional enough to wear with his suits, but comfortable enough to walk or do activity in for days on end. Jacob wears a leather shoulder holster over his shirt, and typically makes no effort to hide it. On his left hand Jacob wears a silver wristwatch, along with a golden wedding band on his ring finger. He keeps a picture of his daughter in his wallet.

Profession: Lead Investigator
Nationality: Roslin Federation

  • Work Ethic: None can deny Jacob's almost excessive devotion to his work- once he's put on a case, he rarely ever stops. Jacob sports a clearance rate of 80%, near unheard of numbers for investigators.
  • Perceptive: Naturally keen-eyed, Jacob makes sharp notes of most details, and can easily pick
  • Savvy: Street savvy and smart, Jacob knows his way around streets, and does especially well at night, when most decent folk have called it a night- his stature and attitude often give the seedy types pause. As an investigator, Jacob is capable of many tasks, from surveillance, to opening doors that aren't meant to be opened, and even a bit of interrogation. He's no slouch with a firearm, and can keep up with the best of them.


  • Vices: Jacob is a smoker, and smokes several cigarettes a day. Despite his good shape, and regular workout habits, its clear that the years of smoking have taken a toll on his overall stamina. Jacob has also been starting to develop a drinking habit, and has begun using cigarettes and alcohol as a vice.
  • Single Parent: While unable to spend a lot of time with his daughter, it is clear to many that his life revolves around her. Jacob is extremely protective of his daughter, and will often react aggressively when something involving her well-being seems to be threatened.
  • Jaded: Jacob has seen a lot in his life, and he is slow to trust, and has a rather cynical outlook on life.

Personal Effects: Several, sets of suits, both designer and workplace suits, a personalized leather shoulder holster, and a custom Field and Sons Killinger Series XII.

Prosthetic and Cybernetic enhancements:

  • Smart-Vision: a high grade cybernetic implant implanted directly on the irises, these implants give Jacob the perks of a multi-function HUD while in his field clothes. Useful for when in civilian clothes or on duty, Jacob can receive accurate and precise readouts about her situation and others. Neural wiring allows her to manipulate the HUD without need of buttons and vocal commands. The implant is fairly common and is very unintrusive as far as cybernetic enhancements go. When activated, one can see the lines of data, crosshairs, etc crossing over the irises. Jacob's set is further enhanced to provide advanced targeting data when using a firearm.

Born and raised in Seattle, Jacob Mcalister was born the oldest son to the Seattle police officer, and a doctor. His childhood was not one of major note, he went to public school, got relatively good grades, got into a few scraps, and eventually went to a University to study Criminal Justice. He graduated from his university when he was 22 and got a job with the Seattle police department as a police detective. He met the woman of his dreams shortly afterwards, and got married at the age of 28. 4 years later, his daughter was born. The family lived a rather mundane life, with a small house in the suburbs, plain and quiet, but happy.

Jacob proved to be an excellent detective, sharp witted, and boasting one of the highest clearance records in Roslin Federation history. He had been recommended for higher positions many times over, but declined every time. He liked working the field, he got things done, and put away criminals. Needless to say, many criminal organizations were not a fan of Mcalister and his effectiveness. For the most part, Jacob paid caution, but no particular mind to the mutterings and rumors of crime syndicates.

At least not until 3 years after his daughter was born.

One late night, as Jacob was returning home from a long night at the police department, he found the front door to his house unlocked and ajar. Rushing to into his home, Jacob found the house a mess, with signs of obvious struggle. In the living room, he found his wife dead, shot twice in the the chest. Jacob's life spiraled apart after that. The next several years of his life Jacob spent scouring the criminal underworld for his wife's killer, and put away- and down, countless numbers of mobsters and organized crime members. He nearly lost his own life three times before he finally found the man that killed his wife- and put a bullet between his eyes, earning himself a lengthy leave period from the Seattle PD.

It was during this leave period Jacob was picked up by the Genesis program- interested in his abnormally high clearance rate, the program offered him a spot on one of the Arks, which Jacob almost turned down before they offered accommodations for his daughter as well. Begrudgingly agreeing, Jacob was transferred directly to the Vitae, and spent a year getting oriented with the ship and its new crew.

Jacob now resides in the Vitae with his eight year old daughter, working as the Vitae's lead investigator, head of a small team of 10.

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