Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Lauren Ridgeway

Location: The Ferry Elite Deck (Vera's Cabin)
Skills: N/A

Lauren gave Vera a friendly smile and nodded towards her, after seeing this happen to Vera even Lauren didn't feel very safe at all if someone did end up breaking into her own room. "Whenever you are ready you are more than welcome to pack some of your things and you can stay in my room if you'd like." Lauren said, as she listened to both Nora and Gene as the two women started to speak and gave a slight nod, it was certainly a good idea to get as much notes from memory as possible. As Lauren started to do another quick once over Vera's room Lauren didn't think that there was anything else that was taken.

"So should we all go as a group or split into pairs to ask any crew or other guests about the break in?" Lauren asked, as she looked at Vera and gave a nod as she started to make her way over towards the bell that was in the room. Lauren started to give the bell five good rings and then stared at the three women in the room. She just hoped that there wasn't anyone else in their group that had their rooms broken into, she herself didn't have anything that was valuable worth stealing really.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills: Social cameleon

There was something off about the lady which he was standing with. Something...Mahendra didn't know what word could describe the lady beside him, even as he looked at her, listened to her in an attempt to put her into a context. Chill, cool, Mahendra was left without words to use. Her words and tone of her voice didn't leave him with an impression of origin, place or people. But the Bengali social cameleon was certain that she didn't hail from any lower classes with her clothing, and her remarkable posture did tell him that she was from an upper crust of people.

His observations told him nothing more though as the lady spoke again and posed his question back to him, even offering him a warning in the possibility of him lying. Mahendra looked from the lady with her chilled words and let his eyes gaze out on the Nile, resting his arms on the railing. Part of his tale he was more than happy to share, but the very recent one? "As you wish, my lady. The short tale is that of work, and the long tale of The war and work." Mahendra started his story, lifting one hand to scratch his moustache as he continued. "I fought here in the name of King and Country, as I am a colonial you probably have observed. 11th Indian Divison, and I served with the finest men of England and her colonies, first here in Egypt and then in Mesopotamia, before I was wounded in battle."

Mahendra stopped his story to let his right arm run down the lengt of his left arm, on something only he knew of the two of them presumably. His scar. But then he turned back to the lady and continued on. "In hospital I was given the oppertunity to go to England to recieve an education thanks to very kind family in my homeland. Geology, if that is of interest? Anyway I felt that Egypt could once again prove my fortunes, and so I sought employment here. Like I said, The war and work."

Richard Barker

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)

Richard didn't like the silence that surrounded the smug little brat that Franklin was, although he was not surprised at all. He had tried to play nice, but it would seem it wasn't working. He should have known, playing nice only worked with old grannies and helpful people, so playing hardball was perhaps the next logical step. Richard continued to smoke his cigarette as Franklin pushed the pitcher towards him. "...I'm sorry, what?" Richard asked with an annoyed tone, feeling that same sense of deja vu finally crash through the proverbial wall. He smelled fire, and felt his hand bathed in warmth.

"Oh shit..."

Richard grabbed the pitcher as fast as he could, pouring the liquid contents over his once again burning sleeve as if he was in some sort of Charlie Chaplin film. Luckily the small flame died as quickly as the pitcher was emptied, but the sweating private detective didn't feel any better. In fact, he felt like an idiot the way he had lit himself on fire TWICE and not managed to gain any valuable information from Franklin. Putting the pitcher on the table again and looking at his now even more singed sleeve, Richard grumbled for himself before looking back at Franklin. This really wasn't his day. "You know what, Franklin? This has been a shitty day, and I need a drink. Can I at least ask you what you're doing here, or where you're from?" Richard asked him, signalling for a waiter to bring him something before turning back to Franklin, shaking off the water and ash off his sleeve. "And before you ask, my answer is New York. Here to figure out why someone is dead. Good enough for you?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: The Ferry (Cargo)
Skills: Perception

Storage boxes upon storage boxes, duffels, rucks, and the like all set piled one atop another in organized, tidy rows and columns. To the untrained eye, it was merely a series of identical containers stored in some semblance of order. But to a military man, especially one of the British Empire, this was a roadmap as clear as any, minimizing the time required to locate any item which might be required upon short notice. As Reginald was a highly senior member of precisely that military, his sharp (if slightly ageworn) eyes studied over their practical supplies foremost with the intent to rule out anything of the sort, exonerating his own men from the suspect list. Or at least helping their cause in that regard.

What he actually saw did indeed do that, else showed the active, working intelligence of a man covering his tracks. Indeed there was evidence that someone had gone through their belongings, as far as he could tell, and attempted to replace the items individually in exactly the way they were packed. Unfortunately for their hopes at stealth, the British Military had regulation for every detail of such things, down to the manner in which socks were rolled together and rested in an individual's set of webbing for transport. Details were off. Changes of regulation attire put in with folds on the wrong side. Labels askew. Things which set their belongings apart as having been picked through and replaced, as if in systematic search of something. This would not do. "Mr. Benaszewski," he began in businesslike voice, "I've not gotten to the Museum pieces yet, but I do believe that thusfar nothing is missing. Be that as it may, everything has been pawed through by hands attempting discretion yet failing quite admirably - and I do not believe anyone from among my own soldiery is to blame, unless they were struggling to look like indigenous personnel. This is either a very crafty person (or persons), else very sloppy. Whichever route this travels upon, my good sir, someone needs to be clubbed about the face and head, then thrown overboard." After a second or two of consideration, "And we likely should inform the Shipmaster of these transgressions, as I've not official authority here, you see."

Haring Reddish

Location: The Ferry (Elite Deck)
Skills: N/A

Corporal Reddish was blissfully unaware of the drama elsewhere, merely content to spend this part of the evening in the polite and surprisingly eventful company of someone who, looking back upon it, no one would actually believe chose to associate with him voluntarily. It was shrug worthy, really. If the importance of the evening to him was such that getting a picture with her was the only reason, that being to impress others at a later date, then he would likely be horribly ashamed at himself. The fact that she was famous was not (in and of itself) due reason for the desire for her company. Though if Reddish were honest with himself, it did rather make the experience a little more exciting. Dangerous too, considering that the Lord Major's "Fellowship" had suffered casualties already. Josephine was the type that could inadvertently draw attention to herself. That being the case, perhaps it was a fortunate thing that she was seen with such an unlikely companion. No Hollywood star of the silver screen would be seen with a lowly Corporal on a riverboat. A mental shrug later, he figured that his comparatively workaday appearance was, in this instance, an excellent cover for them both. Subtle. And even if this lady was correct in her assessment of her ability to take care of herself, hopefully Reddish's presence would make such actions unnecessary.

Despite his slender frame and youngish features, The Corporal knew that he could handle himself quite well. His nickname on the Western Front, and the circumstances around how he got it, bore witness to the fact that a skinny kid from Nottinghamshire could accomplish much in the way of unbridled violence if he was too hungry and cold and desperate to be scared anymore. The touch of his own fame among the soldiery was a positive note, too. In a way, it was liberating. And in another, it was appalling. Replace him with any other young man crawling about in the freezing mud of the trenches, dealing with the same circumstances, and it was only a matter of time before they snapped and did something monumentally stupid, too. He just happened to live through it. Then develop a talent. But that wasn't exactly him anymore. Oh, it was still in there somewhere, but he was a vastly different man now, of which that was merely a part.

Reddish forced himself not to think upon specifics of the War, nor the details of his actions at that time. He had spent a glorious few moments with a charming young lady aboard a ship traveling up the Nile; an experience which he would carry with him in the years to follow. And to his credit, she did not run away screaming nor politely excuse herself for a pressing engagement elsewhere that she just remembered. So he would call this evening a success, overall. However, he did take a bit of a risk, offering further recreation in the form of acquiring drinks with Josephine, thusly extending the paired company of himself and the starlet. Well, as the saying went: "Faint Heart never won Fair Lady". He was never known to really have a faint heart, and while she was no one to be won, persay, Reddish would take her continued presence as something highly positive, and her bowing out as simply a woman's prerogative for respectful self-determination. Nonetheless, if he did not throw the whole of himself into the situation, he just wouldn't be true to his nature. In work or in play, Corporal Haring D. Reddish acted fully in the present, as completely and thoroughly as humanly possible.

But in that moment, as he awaited an answer from his deck strolling companion, he kept his smile polite and his face otherwise neutral, just happy to be out and about with such charismatic company.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Elite Deck
Skills: N/A

Josephine had been on many excursions with the opposite gender. Fancy dinners, cocktails and cigarettes after midnight, dancing and such. Still, during this exchange with Reddish, she found something different. While many of the men she had been with were nice enough, it had only ever been about status. She was almost forced to be seen with those of high worth. And they were, more often than not, jackasses.

It was not so much with Reddish. The man seemed genuinely happy to be with her. He did share his excitement of knowing her as the star she was, but even still he had treated her with kindness and understanding, putting her needs and desires far above his very own, which was unherd of in most of the male populace. He didn't seem to be doing it to gain attention from others (even then, they were quite far from the public eye). She found herself enjoying her time. Far more than she had expected when the loud man asked.

"Drinks sound lovely. Something strong preferred, not that I didn't enjoy that other drink." As soon as he mentioned the chill, she could feel it and shuddered a bit. The jacket didn't provide much cover. Tomorrow she would wear somewhat warmer clothing. "Let's go in, darling. You are right, I am now very chilly. Would you like your jacket back?" she asked, preparing to take it off to hand back. If they were going inside, she would be warm enough soon without it.

Faye Masterson

Location:Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills: N/A

Faye could tell the man was opening up a bit more, but he was still tight lipped. She could hardly blame him and she cursed her own inability to get men to open up. "That's fair enough. I'm in Egypt for work. I'm a journalist doing research on Egyptian history. I've always loved learning about it in school and I jumped at the chance to come here for more in-depth research."

Before she could continue with her story, she heard a small commotion to look over and see Richard's sleeve on fire. Again! He managed to douse the flame before any significant damage was done and Faye rolled her eyes. For a detective, he was very unobservant. She shook her head nad returned to her conversation. "Sorry about that, all seems fine now. So what brings you here?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Nora Kingston & Gene Benaszewski

Location: The Ferry - Elite Deck (Lady Munn's Rooms)
Skills: N/A
Nora nodded, stepping over a bit of the chaos that had developed in Lady Munn's rooms as she went to the bell and paused for a moment. No, it would not have been the purser. They would have had access to master keys and would not have needed to resort to jimmying the lock. Besides, what would they stand to gain? Lauren beat her to it, ringing the bell five times, as Nora's eyes drifted back towards her companions. Just as no one could leave the ship, Nora knew that there was a simply enough way to dispose of forbidden knowledge - chuck it overboard.

"Do you know if these waters are safe to swim?" Nora pondered. If they had gotten the information they needed and jumped overboard, even then Nora was not certain if that option was a suitable path. These waters could be infested with some life threatening creatures. If they had taken some method of transportation off of the ship, such as a life raft, one would be missing and unaccounted for. As long as they remained calm, they could solve this issue with reason.

Gene then considered Lauren's question - if they should remain in pairs or not as they investigated. "At the very least, stay in pairs - so that way, you won't be blindsided," she said, pulling a sweet out of her pocket and popping it into her mouth. She was really horrible at rationing these. "Talk to the crew first - I've got to stick to Lady Munn, as I'm her security. But don't make a fuss around other passengers. If the thief is one of them - and I think that's likely - they'll notice us making a scene."

"Of course, if they're still on the elite deck, then they might know we know already...Doubt it though. Why steal the journal just to peruse its contents here? If I were them, I'd've gone to the busiest, most crowded, loud and annoying place that I could fine. You can vanish into the crowd there and toss the journal into the bins afterwards." It was mostly Gene thinking aloud. At any rate, she wasn't letting Lady Munn go alone. They'd have to stick to pairs at least - if not going around like one large social group.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Deeper Than The Sands

Date: October 5th, 1924

Reminders: Same reminders but hey, we all forget shit - If you are changing decks at anytime while we are on the boat - roll in chat before you post. If you roll a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 - drop me a line because your ticket is missing. If you roll a 6 though 20, you have your ticket and can proceed without issue.

Same goes with leaving and returning to your characters room. If you enter your room, drop a roll in chat. 1, 2, or 3 drop me a line before posting. If you roll a 4-20 everything is fine and you can proceed without issue.

Please remember to do this every time you change decks and every time you enter your rooms.

Also remember - If you are Elite you can do to any deck. If you are Secondary you can go anywhere but Elite unless you are on record as working for someone with an Elite ticket. If you are Lower Deck, you can only enter Lower or Main deck.

It's Getting Late: And so the people on the boat are starting to feel the time. Less and less people are out and about and everyone is going to start feeling the fact that the hours are ticking by and it has been a rather long day. This was probably why Vera didn't see any problem with people breaking off into smaller groups. Granted, she also hadn't been privileged to the well known cartoon/horror film/DND adage - NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY! "Oh yes, of course, do let me collect a few items for the evening," she said in passing.

Standing up she began to rummage through the mess that was currently her quarters. A dressing gown, something to change into in the morning, a few items to freshen up with and tend to her hygiene, among other items of small un-note-worthiness. "We should go as it was my room that was broken into," she added as she tripped and packed. "Do go ahead and get some rest," she said to the others.

"Geology you say?" the woman said in passing as she continued to look out over the waters. Her body barely moving and it seemed that she was able to hold perfectly still but was that really an item of note right now? The ship was sailing and though it moved in the water things were rather calm on deck. It was hard to feel the movement other than the wind that was no more than a gentle breeze right then. "Do you prefer to peel back the layers of the earth to find her story instead of a person? Or do you just jump in hacking away at her and expecting the same of others?" she asked in a slow voice, each word coming forth as if paused for anticipation of the next. Dark eyes slowly moved to his and her body finally turned to face him as well. There seemed to be a deep arc of her thin brow over her left eye as she awaited an answer.

Franklin sat there and waited for the shit storm of flaming sleeve to correct itself by Richards actions. There was a slight smirk on his face. "I am here to drink, where I am from depends on what point in my life one would consider important. Birth and life are two different things but most recently outside of Egypt I called Scotland home for a time. That good enough?" he asked as he motioned for the waiter to bring over another glass. "And yes, it seems like you could use a drink," he added with a chuckle. Seemed the drinks were on him for the time, or at least this round.

George continued to go through his list, finding each crate that was marked on the list and giving it a once over. He worked through the isles, usually out of sight of the Lord Major. As the Lord Major spoke up he came from around the corner and handed over his list. "Mmm, completed sir. Findings are mmm the same. Moved but nothing opened," he said. The list was just as long as the Lord Majors but he had been completed with it quickly. Was it the old mans age that caused him to move slower? Most likely. George was far younger and still well able even with the missing of one eye and the way he carried himself and groomed did not leave one to figure he would skip over items.

"Mmm, would you like me to finish while you mmm report the situation?" he offered but he did not hold his hand out, not wanting to put the impression out there that he was assuming that the Lord Major would wish to pass off the duty on George but it could easily be figured that it would be simpler for George to remain here and finish alone. His face mask did tend to put people off and could cause a ruckus with the Ships Master if he was the one to do the reporting in person.

The man nodded and listened to what she was saying but cocked a brow as her attention seemed to be taken from him. Turning his head he looked to where she was looking and spotted the man with his sleeve on fire. He looked a bit shocked, no wonder she was looking over there. Someone on fire was something to see that was for sure. Seeing as the flame was quickly put out he slowly looked over to her once again and shrugged. "Yeah, least he didn't burn the ship down," he said before taking another drink and motioning for the glass to be refilled once again. At her question he shrugged a bit. "You know, now I am not even sure why I am anymore. Coming to figure maybe I am on a wild goose chase," he said as his shoulder slumped down a bit and he lowered his head. "Some shit should just be left in the past."

Vera shook her head a bit. "I wouldn't wish to, crocodiles are known in these parts as are far more deadly and larger creatures, though what awaits on shore might be worse," she mused to herself. Then her attention was turned to Gene and she perked a brow. She had forgotten that Gene was her bodyguard right then thanks to George. "Oh um, yes, of course. Lauren could you take my things to your room? Or call a persuer to?" she asked as she smoothed out her skirt and pushed her hair out of her face, the curls refusing to stay back.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills: Social cameleon

"Oh yes, the science of our beloved Earth. Mahendra let his words be delicate as to not interrupt the entrancing lady's words when she would speak back to him, as social etiquette demanded from a gentelman such as himself. There were no guarantee that she was interested in the subject or science at all, and that she was merely fulfilling her social duty to not toss it aside like some many people did those days, so Mahendra waited politely and patiently for her to take up the bar and continue on.

As he did wait for her and subsequently listened to her musing questions around his science, Mahendra looked at her in all her form and posture. Little, if nothing had changed in the way she spoke or stood, so Mahendra put on hold his curious thinking of the mysterious lady as she asked him the question. Mahendra looked her back into her dark eyes that he swore had been red earlier that night, and gave her a modest but proud smile.

"The first, but ever so carefully and expertly. The earth has much to show us, if only we proceed with caution and an outmost respect for the forces ever greater than us mortals." Mahendra answered, finding himsef think back to the various archeological digs and construction projects he had partaken in so far. "I prefer to slowly peel away her layers, if she so allows it. Brutes and amatures, they do not care. No, true science requires patience..." Mahendra continued, looking away from her for a moment to finish. "...and so do people. So yes the first."

Richard Barker

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills:Observation, People-reading, Deduction

"For that drink? Sure, that's good enough for me." Richard didn't like the attention his fiery sleeve had brought upon him, but he could take the drink on Franklin as a good enough step in the right direction. Same applied to his Journal-Man starting to let his gob start doing some talking. Richard watched as a waiter brought over a glass for him, thanked him with an Arabic phrase and turned back his attention to Franklin. Perhaps he was getting somewhere again? At least he had a drink.

"You sound like a person that trods the globe more than the Average Joe then, Franklin. Most of us spend their lives stuck in whatever dump God put us in, some of us even enjoy it. So Scotland you say?" Richard's question began as he witnessed Franklin with the observant eye of a private detective, but to no avail as he still felt unsure of what to make of the man. The New York detective took a swig of the drink he'd gotten, before continuing his enquiry. "Thanks for the drink, they really filled a hole larger than a rigged pooltable. Anyway, drinking is a good reason to up and move I suppose. Just sounds odd to my ol' ears to go from Scotland to Egypt just for the giggle juice: there's plenty of booze in England after all. But hey, what do I know?" Richard finished, taking another sip of his drink. How on Earth was he going to get through to this guy?

Going rough and direct was perhaps the needed route soon? He had seen the journal, and it still wasn't Franklin's. Then again, things were complicated. And Richard preferred playing 20 Questions with people giving straight answers.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Priscilla Harker

Location: Second Deck( Stairs to Main Deck) -> (Dining Area)
Skills: Great Observation

She looked about as she walked to the Dining area from the stairs. People were doing their own thing, everyone seemed to be having a good time. Priscilla couldn't really fault them for it, she herself had a decent time so far and even now, though admittedly she could have gotten a slightly better time if she had found a buddy for chatting. Well she was alone right now and that wasn't going to stop her from enjoying it. With a brisk pace she walked to the place where they served drinks by the looks of it and ordered herself a beer after a few moments of thinking about what to order. She paid for it quickly and took her beer, taking a sip from it.

She thought of ordering something stronger, but given the earlier situation with her stomach and stuff, decided on a weaker beer. With a few smaller gulps from it she sighed and looked about. She could spot nothing of interest really. People were still doing their thing and minding their own business as far as she could tell. Slightly shaking her head, she brought the beer to he lips and as she was taking a sip from it, her nose suddnely twitched a little as her eyes narrowed. Her face took this curious expression as she focused on what she just smelled. It was weak and vague, but she it felt like something had been burned and then put out. This was weird, but she couldn't spot anything around that was burned so who knew what it was. Still keeping attention on the smell, she then quickly drank the rest of her beer.

It was time for her to return to her room and call it a night. She felt weirdly tired, but then again that was probably because of that brand and the physical stress it put her through during the day.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Lauren Ridgeway

Location: The Ferry Elite Deck (Vera's Cabin) -> (Lauren's Cabin)
Skills: N/A

As Lauren listened in to everyone as they spoke, going in pairs wasn't the smartest idea but they would be able to cover more ground if they did it that way. As she eyed Gene for a moment as she spoke up and nodded towards her, she didn't mind going with Nora that is if she wanted to go with her anyway. "I can go with you Nora if you'd like." She offered, as she watched Vera starting to gather some of her things while tripping over things in the process which made her worry for her a little bit. Lauren shrugged a bit she hadn't been in the country to long, but she did hear that there was the occasional crocodile that would. "I think there are some hippos in the river as well to." Lauren pointed out, not to mention that if they did make it back to land they would have to travel through the desert as well.

Lauren turned towards Vera and nodded as she gently took some of Vera's things that she had packed up. "Of course, Vera." Lauren smiled as she started to turn and headed out of Vera's room and made her way back down towards her cabin. Lauren took out her cabin key and started to unlock her room, and then entered it setting down Vera's things on her bed. They would have to figure out somethings later as well on who's sleeping where if they would share the bed or not, and where Vera's belongings would also go.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: The Ferry (Cargo -> Venturing Above)
Skills: Perception

Though it seemed a little more of the labor than George should really have involved himself with, Reginald had to agree that, once they have established that their cargoes had been rummaged through, it was probably best to inform the authority aboard the ship that something was amiss. "Capital idea, Mr. Benaszewski." agreed the Lord Major. "And might I impart a brief congratulations on your work ethic, sir. Thank you. Indeed I shall locate the Shipmaster, or emissary thereof, and make report of this. Perhaps they have their own protocol that may bring some measure of resolution. I shall be off then."

Reginald handed over his section of the personal manifest to George, confident in the man's ability to perform the task admirably. "I've already made an accounting of this stack..." he made a motion to an area nearest the end of their allotted cargo section, "...to here. Again, I appreciate your efforts, sir."

As the Lord Major made his may around the aisle and out of the area, he fished out his ticket and held it firmly, ready to show it to any who required its presence. Clearing a security point to access the next level above seemed like quite the workable countermeasure to illicit doings, or as an example of the more likely reason, to keep the riff-raff away from influential or moneyed guests of the ship. Unfortunately, neither had occurred that evening, seeing as Vera's room had been ransacked and every piece of their provisioning had been pawed through. The moment he located a person of any standing upon the vessel, he politely but firmly demanded action.

"Lad! Lad? Ah yes, here we are. There has been theft, sir. Theft and vandalism, which must be accounted for, posthaste! It is imperative that I speak with the Shipmaster immediately, as this involves matters both academic and military upon his vessel. I shall be most happy to follow you, my good man." He stood ready to repeat his words in the local Arabic, if necessary to enact a speedy resolution. Otherwise, Reginald stood straight and tall, effecting courtesy as much as perceived authority as only a venerable officer of the British Military might.

Haring Reddish

Location: The Ferry (Elite Deck, Lounge)
Skills: Perception

The Corporal waved away the suggestion that Josephine return his jacket immediately. "Heavens no, Miss Clarke. I shan't even dream of having that garment back until after we've gotten you away from this unseasonable wind. No, no. I do perfectly understand that khaki drill is generally most unsuited to a woman of your inestimable bearing (let's face it, it was likely made in some textile mill in Woolwich, of all places)," He inserted a scoff into his thought, as if the location had greater meaning than it might at face value, "though I daresay it serves its purpose in this climate quite effectively and gives madame a lower profile here in this evening hour." Reddish gave a vigorous nod as accent to his reasoning. Though he had declined the return of his frock style jacket, he did make sure to link his arm in Josephine's and begin to make his way to the nearby lounge of the Elite Deck.

"I've spent many an evening in worse spots than a bit of chill. Though to be quite candid, I do apologize for circumstances that draw attention away from yourself. You are positively radiant in the spotlight, if you'll allow me a moment to gush. I shall try not to make it habit, gushing; at least not around people. Terribly impolite, that."

The Lounge seemed more barren then Reddish had figured it ought to have been at that hour. Then again, it was the first night of a three day cruise up the Nile. Busy day all around, people were likely tired from their travels just to get to the boat. The Corporal was no exception, but circumstances would have to be very different for him to express anything of the kind. They didn't quite have the bar to themselves, it seemed, but it was becoming quiet for a public place. He even had to make a conscious effort to pitch his own voice at a more socially acceptable volume, difficult as it might have been for him. When they had reached a spot not too out of the way of the persons serving, Reddish placed a quick order. "BARKEE... <ahem> ...sorry. Barkeep! This fine lady was interested in something formidable to sip upon. Whisky, perhaps?" he turned to Josephine for a second, "Unless you're a martini girl? I've no intent to overstep." And back to the bartender, "The lady's pleasure, of course, and a touch of the grape for me. German or Austrian, white and dry if you've got it." Be it that he was Off Duty, as the Lord Major had stressed more than once, a morning of headaches and lament was best avoided.

Then another thought hit him - be it that he was Off Duty, there still should have been some sort of communication between himself and his superior officer, as they were most certainly away from their assigned HQ. It was solid protocol, and a good idea anyway, as their mission had proven so far to be hazardous. He produced a pocketwatch, common but well kept and in excellent working order. As he noted the time, an eyebrow raised just a hair. Reddish smiled and tucked away his watch. "Miss Clarke? I would like you to know that I have had a positively wonderful time with you thusfar. Just amazing. I can fully understand why you are an unparalleled angel of the Silver Screen..." he had the good sense to lower his tone while mentioning the particulars of her occupation, "...and I am remarkably happy, giddy even, to see that it is robustly deserved in person as well. And might I add, madame, that you wear that dress with all the beauty of a symphony. Breathtaking, really; you are truly exquisite."

And then the other shoe had to be dropped. "But I must ask your forgiveness for something. A matter of military regulation, really. Following this drink, I must attend to receiving an 'All's Well' from my superior. Protocol for keeping in regular communication whilst away from base. You may attend with me if you like (it shouldn't take but a moment), or I could escort you elsewhere, if your preferences dictate. Oh, which I will understand utterly, of course. Woman's prerogative is a sacred and powerful thing, I do firmly believe. But until this drink has been sipped to its last, I would just adore hearing more about you. For instance, what was your favorite 'on location' site?" He smiled genuinely, if a little forlorn. His commitment to his duties were an important part of who he was, even if it did mean occasionally straining the boundaries of etiquette with those he had no desire to disappoint.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Nora Kingston & Gene Benaszewski

Location: The Ferry - Elite Deck (Lady Munn's Rooms) --> Lauren's Rooms
Skills: N/A
A thought then occurred to Gene, but she doubted that any of these women would particularly care for it. Crossing her arms for a moment, she debated whether or not to insist upon it. She doubted that these women would be killed tonight - of course, it was possible. She really ought to have looked more into where she was going before this entire business. At least the near constant migraine she had had before coming here had finally faded. Gene couldn't help but realize sadly it was bound to instantly return once she went back home. "If you lot are really worried about your safety, the lot of you ought to sleep in my quarters - no one who's anyone would expect that," Gene pointed out.

She put her fingers into her pocket to get another sweet - only to restrain herself with a mental Bad Gene! She had to ration them and she was doing horribly. "Very well - it's unlikely then that they would have swam overboard," Nora concluded, hearing the talk of crocodiles and hippos. However, she glanced at Gene, pondering the young woman's suggestion. She still could not help but be skeptical that such a tiny young thing was a decent bodyguard. "I don't think an attempt would be made on Lady Munn's life - the thief is likely nonviolent," Nora reasoned. After all, why ransack a room and come back later to kill its occupant? It made little sense to her.

Gene shrugged slightly. "Stranger things have happened - and are happening around you all," she emphasized. But if they didn't really like her idea, it was no big deal. Nora followed Lauren to her rooms with Lady Munn's possessions, while Gene remained behind with Lady Munn. She had made a promise to George and was going to follow through on it. She was half tempted to interrogate Lady Munn over her feelings for him.

"What sort of bodyguard do you make of Miss Benaszewski?" Nora asked Lauren softly, standing just a few paces behind her friend. She didn't wish to be rude and ask such a comment within earshot of Gene, yet she was still puzzling over it. George and Peter were both capable and military - in fact, there was a military officer on this ship. And yet, Lady Munn was being guarded by a tiny thing. It struck her as quite strange that such a decision would be made.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Priscilla Harker

Location: Second Deck( Stairs to Main Deck) -> (Dining Area)
Skills: Great Observation

Placing the mug down, she turned around one last time to check on this pesky smell that had caught her attention.' It's coming from the left...' She thought, lightly giving the air a little bit of a sniff. On the left it was getting stronger as when she tried to check on the right the smell was growing weaker. She had no idea where from the left it was coming from though.' Could probably sniff it down to the source if I went searching, but...' She thought and stood up from the seat she was taking, starting to walk towards her cabin.” I'm tired...” Mosi mumbled, as fatigue was her main reason to not track down that smell source. If she was in her normal physical state, she would have been on it like a hound though!

Tiredly she walked over to her room's door. It didn't take too much as she leaned on the door and started searching for her key. At first her expression froze as the key wasn't where she checked for, but she then remembered where exactly she put it in. Thus she pulled it out and went to unlock the door. With a steady and not overly hurried movement she put the key in the keyhole and then turned it over, unlocking the door. Pulling the key out, she walked into the room and quickly locked it behind herself.

“Home sweet home?” She mumbled a question to herself as she walked over to the bed thing and sat down, looking around. Her bags were fine and undisturbed just as she left them. Tiredly she started to change into something better to sleep into. While doing so her fingers traced across the brand, making her wince in the process.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Deeper Than The Sands

Date: October 5th, 1924

Reminders: Same reminders but hey, we all forget shit - If you are changing decks at anytime while we are on the boat - roll in chat before you post. If you roll a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 - drop me a line because your ticket is missing. If you roll a 6 though 20, you have your ticket and can proceed without issue.

Same goes with leaving and returning to your characters room. If you enter your room, drop a roll in chat. 1, 2, or 3 drop me a line before posting. If you roll a 4-20 everything is fine and you can proceed without issue.

Please remember to do this every time you change decks and every time you enter your rooms.

Also remember - If you are Elite you can do to any deck. If you are Secondary you can go anywhere but Elite unless you are on record as working for someone with an Elite ticket. If you are Lower Deck, you can only enter Lower or Main deck.

It's Getting Late: Overlooking the waters the woman had a pull at the corner of her mouth. Almost as if a smile would have formed if she would allow it. Resting each hand on the rail of the deck her long red nails curled over it and tapped gently. "Yet, even what you would peal back is only what she wishes to show you, the rest is lost to time and wear, as with people too," she commented coolly before turning her head to look at the man. "It is getting late, I should seek out my traveling companion. Excuse me Sir," she said before brushing past him. She moved slowly in her movements but her body seemed to move quickly without effort as she moved towards the main area of the ship.

Franklin eyed the man and shrugged a bit. "Not as much as you would like it seems. Knowing that is. Otherwise there wouldn't be questions," he countered as he leaned back in his chair and pulled out a cigar case. Opening it up there were several in it and he offered one to Richard before taking one for himself. "Though it is a bit of distance to travel, not near as much as America I would wager." Had Richard mentioned he was from America or was it the mans accent? Or both. Who could tell anymore. "So let me ask you something. Are you traveling alone? Or is there someone with you, that doesn't mind you setting yourself on fire. I will admit, it keeps things interesting but your laundry bill has to be hell," he chuckled before biting the tip of the cigar off and lighting it. Taking several quick pulls from it until it smoked and then inhaling deeply. Holding it in and then letting it blow out slowly.

The dining area Mosi had wandered into was not empty but it was was far from full. There were only a handful of servants and one or two guests milling about the place. None that would seem overly interesting on first glance. Seemed the guests were just not wanting to turn in yet and the workers looked as if they wanted them to go ahead and turn in so they wouldn't have to deal wit them anymore. The tables had been cleaned up and new linens were being set out. Seemed they were getting out as much as they could before breakfast come morning. More they do now, perhaps, the less they have to do later.

Vera was very grateful that Lauren didn't have a problem with taking her things to her room for her. And she was right there were hippos in the waters. Those would be very deadly indeed. Thank you ever so much Lauren," she said making sure to vocalize her gratitude. "Hopefully I shant be long," she added. Laurens room seemed in order. Nothing was tossed as Vera's had been but there was an odd smell in the room. It wasn't obvious at first but as one moved around the cabin it became more evident. It wasn't a bad smell but it was there. Like burnt wood almost. It was hard to put it into words but it was familiar.

The man looked over towards the Lord Major and his brow went up slightly. "Oh dear," he said in a thick Arabic accent but he seemed to understand completely what the man was saying. "Please, come with me sir, we will report this to the ships captain at once," he said motioning for the Lord Major to follow him. Whatever security they came across to change levels at stairs or places they needed to get through the man was waved through and made mention that the Lord Major was with him. Once they reached the bridge the man knocked and waited for a call to enter. Slowly opening the door he glanced back at the Lord Major before pointing to the obvious captain of the ship. The man was older with a thick white beard and dark ruddy skin, dressed formally with a white cap on his head. "Yes? Is there a problem?" he asked as he pulled the pipe from his lips.

The Lady Munn kept quiet as Nora and Gene seemed to exchange a few words before looking over towards Gene and nodded. "That they are," she agreed before leaving her quarters after the rest had exited and closing the door. She locked it, out of sheer habit but the thought crossed her ind that it was a bit late to do that. All she was doing now was securing a crime scene they had already messed up. Glancing around she wasn't exactly sure which way to go. "Do you know the way?" she asked, thinking it was better for Gene to take lead on this as she seemed more at home in general society than she was. It wasn't the first time Vera was on a ship but it was the first time she had ever sought out anyone to report a crime of this matter. Even at the museum she had only had to alert the people who worked there and they took care of the rest.

Over in Mosi's room things seemed in order. There was a small window in the room, a portal that was open and the smell of salt water could be smelt in the air. The boat was rocking gently as it tugged up the Nile and the moonlight was shining a tad brightly in the room. There was a splash that one could hear in the water below.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Elite Deck -> Elite Deck Lounge
Skills: Perception

Jo followed Reddish, linked via his arm. The night grew chillier, to be certain, and she would feel much better with some strong liquor and perhaps a cigarette. As they entered inside, she let Reddish speak and do most of the talking. Truth be told, it would normally have been annoying, but he was paying her compliment after compliment and Jo was never one to silence praise when directed towards her. Her face lit up more so though, because she felt he truly meant what he was saying.

Inside the lounge, they strolled up to the bar and Reddish began to order. "Martini's are for the soft, darling. Whiskey. Double. Straight up, please." Jo enjoyed a glass of the hard stuff from time to time, though any drink tasted good when it was bought for her. And pleasant conversation to follow, it seemed. "I can accompany you, if that's all right. I don't mind." She sipped her drink once it was in front of her, savoring the sting as it went down her throat.

"As for favorite 'on location' site, I've only ever been across the United States. New York was wonderful though, such a thriving city that is. Hollywood is never boring though."

Faye Masterson

Location:Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills: Perception

Faye observe her new companion (once she glanced back at Richard to make sure the man wasn't about to burn the whole ship to the ground). She noted he seemed to go from opening up about himself to clamming up. And the man was put together well enough. His clothing, she noted, was stitched together extremely well. To the point it looked like it was done on purpose. Faye made a mental note of that.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Truly. The past has an awful habit of coming to rear its ugly head at the worst possible moments. What's bothering you so much though? Perhaps airing it out to someone willing to listen and help will benefit you? I'm told I am quite a good listener." And that was true, to an extent. Her job involved listening as much as observing. And something about this man urged her to continue to find out what made him tick.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills: N/A

"Of course. Only what is allowed and meant for us is to be found. The earth and it's people hold many secrets to be found, but some can only be found within ourselves." Mahendra said as he stood up straight from the railing of the ship, noting the small pull in the lady's mouth's corner. Could it be that she approved of his thoughts on the subject, or did she enjoy her little line of puzzling questions that he had to answer? Mahendra could speculate, and so did as he looked away for a moment, twirling his moustache in thought. Her red eyes did not yet escape him, and so was this along the lines of Egyptian superstition?

Mahendra didn't get the satisfaction of coming up with any answer as the lady offered a goodbye to him and brushed past him. And with such an ease in her movements, gracious and yet quick in pace, that Mahendra was left standing a few seconds simply looking at her. But his wits came about him with him moving after her, calling out to her. "But my dear madam, could I at the very least know you na-AAAAAAA" SPLASH. In Mahendra's haste to aquire the name of the woman, he had stepped into his own two legs and stumbled. Not forward as would have been certainly embarrassing but less dire, but to the side and over the ship's railing. Within seconds he had hit the water, the very Nile that the ship had been sailing gallanty on, and now he was doing his best to swim in.

"He...help! I've fallen overboard!"

Richard Barker

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills:Observation, People-reading, Deduction

"Yeah, fair point there pal. Nothing that a boat can't fix though." Richard threw back to Franklin's attempt at diverting his question, eyeing the man and the very cigar case he had pulled out of nowhere, like a circus clown pulling out a penny from his ass just to impress the kids. Well Richard wasn't impressed. Questions, questions and more questions! None of which he was really getting any answers to, and it annoyed him. The temptation to do something rash and stupid was growing inside him, but for now he bid his time a little more. Just a little more.

Richard accepted one of the cigars from Franklin, looking at it with a trained eye while still finishing his cigarette, loosely dangling at the tip of his dried lip. Leaning back in his chair as he examined the cigar, but more intently on Franklin, he both heard and felt his chair creak beneath the sound of the people around them, but payed no attention to it. Was Franklin the type of man to afford cigars? Just who the hell was this Franklin-fella who had spent time in Scotland, then far too long under the sun in Egypt and now in the possession of a female journal and cigars? And why did he ask Richard about his companion? Richard finished his cheap cigarette and dumped it in the ashtray, starting on the cigar as he answered Franklin.

"Well since you persist, yeah I'm with someone. But they don't care about me turning into a freak-act in a circus, not so far at least. Perhaps they too find it as...intersesting as you, Franklin..." Richard said with a brief annoyance at the whole situation, leaning one again back into the chair as he inhaled the cigar. Then CRACK. Before Richard knew it, the chair collapsed underneath him and made him too-well aquianted with the wooden floor of the Main Deck. "...hmpf..." Richard muttered, feeling his fuse burn ever shorter with each passing failure. But as if that wasn't enough, he felt his bum touched by the breeze of fresh air, which wasn't normal. His pants had ripped open...

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Lauren Ridgeway

Location: The Ferry Elite Deck (Lauren's Cabin)
Skills: N/A

As Lauren entered her cabin once more she set Vera's things on her bed, figuring that it would be a better place to put them for now, as she ran a hand through her hair. She wasn't sure if being on the ship was safe since Vera's cabin was easily broken into by someone on the ship, it was certainly done by a guest of some kind on the ship to have the lock tampered and opened. Then Lauren turned her attention when she heard Nora coming into the room, and then started to shrug slightly. She didn't have dinner with the rest of the group so she honestly didn't really get a real opinion on the woman.

"I honestly wouldn't know, I sort of missed dinner with the rest of the group, or fellowship that the Lord Major likes to call us." Lauren said with a shrug. "I don't see to any women being bodyguards." Lauren said shrugging a bit as she stopped and started to pick up a strange scent coming from somewhere within her room. To her it smelled rather familiar, but she wasn't exactly sure what it exactly was or where it was coming from. "Hey Nora do you smell something?" Lauren asked her friend as she started to search around her room trying to find the source of it, she wasn't sure why it was starting to smell her room didn't have the scent before from earlier.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Priscilla Harker

Location: Second Deck( Mosi's room )-> Second Deck(Stairs to Main Deck)
Skills: Great Observation

She finally had the opportunity for a decent rest. Relaxing in bed, she slowly pulled off her top of the pajamas since it was getting stuffy in it and it was irritating her brand and then once more she covered herself with the sheet, it was soft and well suited for the situation aka it being Egypt and a boat on a river. There was also the little window that allowed her to hear the gentle song of the night. The chorus of the water, the relaxing smell of salt water and the gentle rocking of the boat. She also had to admit that the gentle moonlight here was so much better than back in the states where life usually was always so much busier.

Just as she was finally going to fall asleep there was a splash... It pulled onto her attention right away as she bolted to a sitting position, causing her stomach to hurt from the sudden movement of the branded skin. She realized something... the splash was very loud and probably from something big. This wasn't a random drop by mistake and the worst situation would be someone fell overboard!” DAMN!” She shouted and in hurry without changing from the bottom of her pajamas, she just put on the top quickly, buttoning up the few buttons as she dashed outside the room in her pajamas. If someone had dropped overboard time was of the essence and frankly she really didn't care if she was seen in it. She would have also ran out in just her underwear, but despite it being a desert apparently at night the temperatures weren't as hot as the day and it could get somewhat chilly and she wasn't a fan of being cold. She grabbed her ticket and moved outside, looking about to check for someone from the ship's staff to talk to them about it... the stairs there was always someone by the stairs to check their tickets right? She started moving from the room to the stairs to the Main Deck.

“Hey, something big just splashed down in the river!” She called to the guy that was by the stairs to check for tickets.” It sounded big enough to not be some dropped item by mistake!” She stated to them and gave them a serious look. She was also just about to start dashing to go see if she could spot what it was.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Nora Kingston

Location: The Ferry - Elite Deck (Lauren's Rooms)
Skills: Deduction, Intuition, Acute Observation
"I am sorry you missed dinner, I had assumed someone would have contacted you to join us on the second deck but I was mistaken," Nora apologized earnestly. She found Lord Major's dubbing of them being a Fellowship to be a bit odd - especially considering that some members had different ties to it. She and Josephine had both been branded originally, followed by Mosi and the other fellow. Some had had necklaces branded. Others had just experienced awful dreams. And if Neema was right, Nora feared they were going to be pit against one another in some way. What Fellowship was that?

"Yes, I do...I know this scent..." Nora frowned. It was extremely annoying, knowing that she knew what this was but being unable to identify it. At any rate, given that Lauren hadn't expected her belongings to smell like this, Nora came to the conclusion that perhaps someone had entered her room. "...Do you think someone might have come in here and caused this smell?" Nora asked, going over to the door to look at the lock and see if anything was amiss again.

Gene Benaszewski

Location: The Ferry - Elite Deck (Lady Munn's Rooms) --> Sun Deck
Skills: Quick Study
Gene raised an eyebrow at Vera before she smirked slightly. It was nice to have someone defer to her expertise - even if her expertise was being more knowledgable in the nitty gritty ways of the world than someone of the British Ton. Some people back home could, in her opinion, do well to remember that she actually knew things that they didn't. "I can figure it out, I'm a quick study," Gene explained to Lady Munn. She led her through the deck and took a few wrong turns, getting turned around and having to pause for a moment, before she finally made her way to the bridge.

Now, Gene would have gone and reported the crime herself but she figured it was best that Lady Munn did it. She hadn't said anything when Vera secured the crime scene. Sure, they had messed it up and removed items, but Gene was confident that it wasn't too terribly disturbed. At the very least, no one would come in and commit another act of robbery - or it was highly unlikely. Why return to the scene of the crime and steal something again? It hadn't looked like they were in a hurry or anything. "Here, the Bridge - we can report the break in here," Gene explained.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: The Ferry (Bridge)
Skills: N/A

Reginald remained the very image of a no-nonsense officer of the British Military during the walk up the decks, in tow of the boat steward (or whatever the man's job title was, he had only a moderate head for civilian titles of structured rank). Up and up, until the Bridge was in view. When allowed in, he did break with his stalwart attitude long enough to shake the man's hand and give him a hearty, "Oh, thank you so much, there's a good chap." He had palmed a bank note, transferred with the handshake in a manner that many used to tip with discretion, even if such things were cliched. "Indeed, thank you sir."

He immediately straightened back to his full height and addressed the Shipmaster in the manner one might an equal, when one was faced with a difficulty that occurred on their watch. "Thank you for taking my audience, Captain; I understand that you are a busy fellow. I am the Lord Major Reginald Keystone, commanding officer of the Qasr El Nil Barracks in Cairo. I shall be succinct, as befits the subject of my visit: There was been a breach of the security of your fine vessel, concerning at least one of the rooms used by my group, possibly more, and our belongings in Cargo. Thieves and vandals are aboard your ship, Captain. I believe that it may have happened while we were taking the evening meal, though I am no investigator. Captain, I require decisive action."

The tone and volume of Reginald's voice was kept respectful but direct. This was not a person who he could order about; indeed much of his influence evaporated as soon as he removed himself from the Barracks. He did still have a reputation in the area, and comported himself as a gentleman in any case. The Captain's cooperation was greatly desired. "I've a man checking against our group's manifest presently, though I cannot attest to personal effects in individual staterooms. I call upon your authority, Captain."

Haring Reddish

Location: The Ferry (Elite Deck, Lounge)
Skills: N/A

"Oh indeed, Miss Clarke!" agreed the Corporal with a smile. He had similar preferences as it came to hard liquor. "I am rather a devotee of the arts of Single Maltery, and/or barrel aged dark liquor, if you take my meaning. Not that I'd turn down an offered martini in proper circumstances, understand, but there is just something classy and powerful about a dram of good whisky, I've always felt."

Reddish looked down to his own glass, which held a moderate amount of pale wine. Almost sheepishly, he gave a little shrug and took a long sip. It was crisp and floral, dry as he had requested. "Only tonight... as I've already partaken a skosh earlier, you see, I should choose not to indulge too greatly." He let out a small chuckle, looking a little embarrassed as he attempted to phrase his thoughts appropriately. With a kind of lopsided smile, he leaned in and quieted his voice just a little, "I've the odd occasion to not have the best head for spirits, Miss Clarke. Makes me, ah... Impulsive. Yes, impulsive! Best word to describe, I suppose. Suggestible, almost. But only sometimes. You've probably a much better sense of self-determination than myself in that regard, I'd wager." Reddish nodded vigorously, seemingly agreeing with himself in hindsight.

Changing the subject away from his drinking preference, he mentioned, "Ah, but the 'States are such a big place, are they not? So many climates and natural wonders to take in. Never been, myself, though I do hear that New York is absolutely the place to be. I stand jealous, madame. Or sit, as the case might be."

As the conversation moved along, the glass in front of the Corporal emptied a little more by a little more, until there was but a small portion of its original contents. He hovered over it for a bit, seemingly unwilling to finish. But duty was a foremost thing, and he was, quite possibly, close to stretching his for personal reasons. Silently admonishing himself, he threw back the remaining wine and brought up the slightly uncomfortable eventuality of the conversation. "Apologies, quite... but I must check in with the Lord Major. If you still wish to accompany, I should be grateful for your presence. If you do not, I shall attempt to catch up afterward. Either way, I believe I should make for his assigned stateroom first, before I go bounding about the ship all willy-nilly."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Deeper Than The Sands

Date: October 5th, 1924

Reminders: Same reminders but hey, we all forget shit - If you are changing decks at anytime while we are on the boat - roll in chat before you post. If you roll a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 - drop me a line because your ticket is missing. If you roll a 6 though 20, you have your ticket and can proceed without issue.

Same goes with leaving and returning to your characters room. If you enter your room, drop a roll in chat. 1, 2, or 3 drop me a line before posting. If you roll a 4-20 everything is fine and you can proceed without issue.

Please remember to do this every time you change decks and every time you enter your rooms.

Also remember - If you are Elite you can do to any deck. If you are Secondary you can go anywhere but Elite unless you are on record as working for someone with an Elite ticket. If you are Lower Deck, you can only enter Lower or Main deck.

Man Overboard: The man looked over towards Faye and gave her a look as if she couldn't possibly understand. In his mind, it was clear that few could. Yet, after a few moments he shrugged and pulled the cigarette from his mouth. "A'right, I feel like I am constantly butting my head against the wall. I keep trying to tell people that the grass isn't always greener on the other side but they look at me like I am just some dumb animal. Yeah I might be a little hard headed but I rarely miss the point of things you know? I'm not a kid. Sure I might not be as long in the tooth as some but I know a thing or two," he said before putting the cigarette back in his mouth and taking a long pull from it.

Turning around slowly the woman that had been speaking to Mahendra looked back to where the noise had come from. A single hand coming up to the side of her cheek as she rested her index finger against the skin. "Oh dear," she said in a quiet tone. Turning back around she moved over the deck. "Help, help," she said in a whisper of a voice as she disappeared around a corner.

Franklin leaned forward and looked over the table at Richard and smirked. "You sir, should turn in before you do more harm to yourself," he said before chuckling and standing up fully. grabbing his hat from the back of his chair he placed it on his head and gave a nod before walking off and out of the room, heading down the hall and then around a corner as he adjusted his shirt a bit. J.C. looked over on the floor where Richard was and looked at the man slightly confused.

"That man seems a glutton for punishment," he said before taking a sip of his drink instead of downing it right off the bat.

The splash could be heard in Laurens room but the smell was starting to clear. A crew member looked over at Mosi and nodded before rushing off to the edge of the deck and looking over. "Man overboard!" he yelled. His yell carried and more crew men on other decks began to rush over to the side and look down at the water. It was about at this time that Vera and Gene reached the bridge, only to see that the Lord Major was already in there speaking to the captain. The sounds of men yelling about someone having fallen overboard coming up to the bridge as well.

"General alarm, all stop," the Captain said as he excused himself and walked out onto the deck of the ship. Lights were being turned to the water and one could see Mahendra there. Several life rings were thrown into the water. It would take some time for the boat to stop and it was pulling away, leaving Mahendra behind.

Vera looked at Gene and went quickly behind the captain to have a look. "Bloody hell," she said as she gasped.
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