Reginald Keystone

Location: The Ferry (Bridge)
Skills: N/A
There was a sense of urgency regarding the matter of, as the Lord Major had put it, Theft and Vandalism aboard his ship. However, upon careful consideration of the fact that there was indeed someone who, for whatever reason, could not stay upon the solid planking of the vessel's flooring despite an ongoing desire to do just that,
his business was understandably more urgent. Between the crocodiles and hippopotami, ugly undercurrents in the shipping channels, and just plain drowning, whichever unlucky soul was whisked away into the watery arms of the Nile had more pressing business with the resources that the Captain could bring to bear.
Reginald had no desire to keep the Captain away from his appointed duties to the guests aboard his ship, or in this case the guest presently
not aboard, and stepped back easily to one side as the man gave his understandably curt statement to postpone their conversation.
A new conversation might be struck with Vera and this latest addition to their group.
"Ah! Lady Munn, Miss Benaszewski. I was just reporting our misfortune to the Captain. In addition to your quarters, as that fellow George had detailed to me earlier, our things in Cargo have been thoroughly searched. Nothing missing as of yet, mind you..." His voice started to trail as the general alarm sounded and lights hit water. Despite his advancing years, the Lord Major's eyesight was still fairly sharp, at least reliable enough at distance. He was a pilot, after all. In a fiarly distanr voice, Reginald agreed with Gene concerning Vera's nearness to the side.
"Yes, yes indeed Lady Munn, the railing is nobody's comarade today. I say, isn't that your assistant?" Oddly, in that moment he thought he heard something familiar nearby.
Haring Reddish

Location: The Ferry (Elite Deck)
Skills: N/A
Haring was having a wonderful time so far that evening; being
Off Duty was somwthing that he was a little rusty at, and he tended to ramble at times when protocol gave no clear stopping points to his sentences. Lacking in certain social experiences, it just seemed easier to assume that the person he was with should be treated as either a VIP outside of his chain, or as a superior. In that way, he could maintain a level of respect while not blithering on about whatever crossed his mind. The problem was, he kept rambling on
anyway. As an item of mercy, Josephine seemed not to mind too much. He would have to find something nice to do for her later.
As ideas attempted to present themselves, he was pleased to note that Josephine had taken it upon herself to thread an arm through his. He accepted it with a slight blush and stepped out from the lounge the same direction they entered, hoping to check in with Reginald quickly at his stateroom and return to his now epic level
Off Duty-ness.
General Alarm. The bastards.
Reddish had been through several General Alarms in his time with the army. This one sounded different than the ones to which he was accustomed, but it was unmistakable as anything else. His body stiffened, tense as a compressed spring might be, waiting to release energy at notice. The Corporal looked across the water at where the spotlights were pointed.
"Oh, by Jane Austen's beflowered and bestarched knickers... is that Mr. Zalil?" "Corporal?" called a voice nearby and above.
Reddish recognized it immediately, seeing as he had been saluting its owner for a good, long while now. Reflexively, the slender man straightened fully and took in a lungful of air, so as to better prepare for the vocal abruptness which was to follow.
"Yes, (cover your ears, dear) Lord MAJOR!!!" Thankfully, he turned his head slightly away from Josephine. On the plus side, they had located Reginald mere steps from the lounge. On the minus side, drama was unfolding that very well might take precedence over his evening. Still, he was a man of obligation, one of which was to his group. And a member of that group was bobbing upon a flotation device in the middle of the Nile like a waterlogged hoagie.
"Sir! The Corporal humbly requests a status update, and awaits orders, Sir!" Reginald looked from Reddish to Josephine, and back again. He was due for an update, and seemed to be missing for everything that had unfolded so far.
"In brief, Corporal, as the situation is fluid, you see: Our goods in Cargo have been searched by parties unknown, and the Lady Munn's stateroom has been burgled. I might recommend doubling rooms this evening, until it is sorted. Further, Mr. Zalil seems to be going on an impromptu moonlight swim, though the particulars of it are beyond me. Oh, and good evening, Miss Clarke. I apologize for disturbing your... ah, your walk, madame." "Scandalous, Sir! Scandalous! Is anyone hurt? And how may the Corporal be of service, sir?" "The Captain is in charge of this vessel, Corporal. If he has use for you in this emergency, you are allowed to lend him your service. Otherwise, I would check your rooms to see if any mischief was afoot and report. No one is damaged either, as of yet." He shifted attention to the shipmaster and asked politely,
"Have you use for my Corporal, my good man? What might we do to assist our soggy compatriot back onto the boat?" Reddish looked to the Captain expectantly. He was more than willing to assist in any way that he was able, but his knowledge of civilian shipboard protocol was limited at best. A big part of him wanted to launch a lifeboat and start paddling out to Mahendra immediately. Another part wanted to check his and Josephine's rooms to make sure they weren't gotten into. The briefest horror crossed his mind - what if these horrible ne'er-do-wells had pilfered his Aeroplane Cards? He hadn't even gotten a clear opportunity for The Lord Major to autograph his yet. It was a flattering picture, too.