Vocation: Doctor of Non-Human Technologies. Renowned scientist. Currently lead supervisor for RX3248's alien ruin excavation site
Personality: Clara is a seeker of the truth. Ever since she was a little girl she has sought to understand the world around her and sort the right from the wrong. She is a workaholic, often prioritizing research papers over social contact. When she does get round to talking to people, her broad intellect coupled with a cynical, esoteric attitude to her work sometimes make her come across as a smart aleck.
She was just a girl when the war started, and it hit her in a big way. Clara lost her entire family to The Nomad and now finds it difficult to cultivate a meaningful outside of work relationship with anyone. Her snippy and playful teasing is all part of an elaborate defence mechanism to help her cope. In her own way she has helped whoever needed it most, offering guidance and support to grieving people whenever the opportunity arose.
History: Clara was born on Cornucopia, a large and sparsely populated garden world. Colonised just one hundred years previously, it had experienced a period of rapid growth. Large swathes of its land area were set aside for hyper-efficient vertical farms; large structures which combined energy positive accommodation with genetically engineered super crops. Clara's father was a civil engineer and her mother a professor of pharmacology at the first university on Cornucopia so there was pressure on Clara to be somebody useful from the very beginning.
For the first 8 years of her life she rebelled constantly, running off into the vast alpine forests that surrounded Cornucopia's capital city with her friends. She shunned her parents attempts to get her into a vocation, preferring instead to draw and categorize the entire Cornucopian ecosystem on volumes of real paper that she stole from the small community of non-digital artists living near her.
The Nomad attacked when she was on one such outing. It was a brisk, clear morning and she could see the laser fire and explosions from orbit long before the sirens reached her from the city. A UWSC battleship happened to be anchored at one of Cornucopia's geosynchronous defense platforms, resupplying on the way to an outer world. It didn't stand a chance. The sight of the fiery maelstrom of wreckage from both the battleship and the defense platform was the jolt Clara needed to run.
Vocation: Naval Intelligence Officer - Special Operations Group
History: Callsign Loken is the name of an agent belonging to the Ministry of Defence's Department of Intelligence. Heavily involved in the events which followed the discovery of The Nomad by his department a few years before his birth. He, and those like him, were left to pick up the pieces of what had been discovered, and keep the truth of the extent of the damage hidden from the masses. He and his department had been those who, along with a few departments of scientists, had discovered the means by which to destroy The Nomad and disable its armies during humanities most desperate hour.
Prior to being known only as Loken, he was a thorough military man, having served in a airborne infantry regiment of the army, taking part in a number of colonisation efforts, quelling insurrections, crushing rebellions, scouring for insurgents, and otherwise securing the peaceful ways of the UWG. Having served for a decade in the army, he passed selection into a branch of the army's special forces, specialising in reconnaissance, counter-insurgency, misinformation, counter-insurgency, training loyalists in planetary separatist civil wars, and so on. He was a skilled soldier, observer, instructor, was at the peak of his physical fitness, and was brutally uncompromising, loyal to the UWG in ways that those outside the departments of intelligence or the armed forces may not understand. These skills and traits are what lead to him being tapped on the shoulder by Department of Naval Intelligence, the largest, most heavily funded and most authoritative of the intelligence branches. It was at that point that Loken was born, and the preceding life he lead ceased to exist on all records.
During his career in the Naval Intelligence Loken has trained anti-insurrectionists, taken part in assassinations, brokered clandestine deals with planetary leaders outside the UWG, and lead combat teams in numerous search and seizure missions in space. The most striking part of his career was his involvement in the recent defeat of The Nomad. Having taken part in the physical battle in space above Earth and leading a team in assistance of the weapon being deployed, Loken played a major role, as did those under his command. Following the war, Loken has lead a small team of five men aboard a number of vessels to numerous planets in efforts to gather evidence of their weapon, and to control the information that was exposed to the public.
Miscellaneous: Unofficially in command of the UWG Scythian.
Personality: Hark takes pride in his work and tries to complete any mission/task given to him to the best of his abilities. Although he misses his CE unit he takes pride in being the second in command of the marines in charge of the Scythian.
History: Hark joined the Marine Corps as soon as he turned 17 when his parents were killed by the Nomad. He was a combat engineer within the corps and his battalion was mainly tasked with destroying the Nomads factory ships in an attempt to slow down its production of weapons. On few occasions they went planet-side to help fortify planets that were being ravaged by the Nomad’s robotic abomination. His battalion suffered extremely high casualties and it had an 89% mortality rate. His two best friends were killed on their first mission to try and destroy a factory ship that was spewing out AI bombers that were bombing a metropolitan city planet with chemical weapons that would melt anything that was living. After their deaths in Harks rage he volunteered to be the point man for the breaching team so he could always be the first one it to fight against the Nomads robotic army. He served 113 combat missions as the point man until his unit was breaching the entrance to engine room and he was shot in the chest half a centimeter above the heart. The injury put him out for the remaining months of the war until the Nomad was finally defeated. In total Hark served in 139 combat missions before he was injured. After 6 months recovering and another 3 months of conditioning to by physically in shape again to accepted back into the corps he was assigned to the Scythian as part of their security detail to test him to see if he could hold up to the demands of the corps before being put back into his CE battalion. After the ship was commandeered by the Naval Intelligence Department he and the security force was put under command of the Naval Intelligence Agents as their personal security detail until further notice.
Valued possessions: "Lucky bullet" Keeps it on his dog tags.
Hark stands 6 feet tall and has a broad, and muscular build. He has a bullet scar on his left pectoral muscle right around where his heart is and a raven tattoo on his right shoulder and back. He has hazel eyes and a buzzed military cut. He has a knife cut down his right forearm from when he was a kid and another scar across his leg. He always looks alert and attentive and has excellent posture from his years of service in the corps.
Full Name: UWSC Portcullis Class Combat AI 0984-Thebes
Known as: Thebes
Species: Human Combat AI
Gender: Male
Thebes was created in the above state and will likely never deviate from the original design. When displayed as a hologram, his avatar is never more than 50 centimetres tall and usually either blue, yellow or red. Commands and complex segments of code are often visible moving around his surface area.
Age: 1
Vocation: Currently chief consultant AI (security) for RX3248
Personality: Thebes was built from a blueprint that almost guarantees greatness, but ensures conformity. AIs have very rigidly set personality vectors which allow a certain amount of spontaneity and irregularity, but anything beyond set limits is 'compromised','broken' or worse 'defunct'. Thebes is one such compromised AI. While technically a superb defensive minded combat AI, Thebes has been known to contradict, question and otherwise disobey orders, which is a big no no in a main-line military AI. He is brilliant in his tactical knowledge, stubborn once he formulates a plan, skittish and loudmouthed when debating with Humans. He can come across as very childish and extremely sage in the same conversation, with analysts theorising he has developed some kind of mild AI schizophrenia.
History: Brought to life in Jasek Heavy Industries' Tel Aviv AI mega factory, concerns were raised even from initial testing about his personality. However these were largely ignored as the need for functional AIs was too great to start throwing them away. Thebes was pressed immediately into service fighting The Nomad with minimal training.
His first mission was on a destroyer guarding transports carrying Helium-3 for reactor engines. They were detected coming out of FTL travel by a group of The Nomad's recon pickets, who turned tail and raced back to where they would be in range to contact a nearby fleet. Contradicting direct orders for the destroyer to remain with the convoy and remain on course, Thebes took control of the vessel and gave chase to the pickets, destroying them just before they could transmit. His prediction of success was well below the 95% margin for such a transgression to be even vaguely acceptable.
Thebes was taken in for further testing and found to have a compromised personality vector. Statutes protecting the basic rights of AIs meant that he was ineligible for decommission. The UWSC did the next best thing and transferred him to RX3248, a small colony with very limited defense infrastructure. Thebes was installed as its resident consultant AI. This meant he was charged with controlling the colony's defenses and liaising with human security officers. Because his processing power proved to be an asset in other areas, he was given clearance to assist the Science Station and logistics at the Spaceport too in no time.
Miscellaneous: Thebes loves playing games of any kind, and will accept any offer to take part in them. So much so that he has dedicated one substrate to the pursuit and will readily limit his processing power for the task. This gives the other players a chance and allegedly gives him a bit of a kick too. In the same grain, Thebes also loves gambling, but will only partake for favors as he is disinterested in other forms of currency.
History: Miranda was born on Wolf 1061c. Two years later, the Nomad struck. Miranda joined the military when she was nineteen. Although she was initially opposed to it, she eventually completed university and reached the rank of First Lieutenant in 2798.
In 2801, the Nomad threat loomed over a system she was stationed at. As the small civilian population was being evacuated, the Nomad struck, obliterating the command staff and half of the unit, causing local command to temporarily fall to Miranda. In spite of her orders to regroup with the remains of the battalion and aid in a desperate counterattack, she chose to divert the craft available to her and continue the evacuation. The Nomad emerged victorious and the remains of her battalion were among the few thousand survivors.
She was Court martialed for her actions, demoted to Warrant Officer Class 2 and reassigned as a security chief to a colony in Adhara, a backwater system where it was deemed she couldn't do much harm. Although being stationed in the armpit of the universe for three years didn't help her combat skills, she gained experience in civilian and other administrative affairs. After the war, she was sent to RX3248 to act as a security chief there.
Voiced by Anna M. Hollyman (Dylan Andrews, Red vs. Blue)
Miranda stands at 162 cm and is physically quite strong, due to stronger gravity on Wolf 1061c.
Vocation: Cleaner, nanny, anything that pays and lets her work.
History: Dalry was a member of the UWLA since she was sixteen, lying about her age and signing up, she served for twelve years, though in all that time, she only ever achieved the rank of Corporal. She was a follower, not a leader. Even the privates under her, she viewed more as friends together in a team than underlings. She was a well liked ally, and a damn good soldier. And then the Nomad came.
Her first ever mission face to face with them was her last. It was a massacre. She'd never seen anything like it. Dalry survived, but when she came back, she was broken. Even the doctors had never seen PTSD this bad. She was a gibbering wreck to such an extent that it took a year and a half of treatment and therapy before she was discharged and given a pension, as well as a room to herself in a hostel on RX3248. It's a quiet life, though she has had a hard time finding work due to her nervousness and mental state. She cannot deal with people in a professional manner lest she break down with no warning. She cannot work in any job where it would be inappropriate if her hands or feet started to judder uncontrollably without warning. She even briefly tried a soldier's role but the moment a gun was placed in her hand, she screamed and emptied the whole clip into a wall screaming "NOMADS!"
Appearance: Ro sports the most basic appearance of the Noxaara
Vocation: Nomad war veteran aiming to continue her Protector path among the human population.
Personality: (Only put something here if you plan to stick to it) This is a relief, since I've never been good at personality descriptions.
History: Ro was about ten years old when the Nomad awoke. It took a couple more years for the reverberations of its awakening to reach Noxaara space. Upon realizing the danger it posed the Noxaara dedicated a special unit among the Protectors to be trained, educated and instructed especially with the intent on fighting the Nomad forces. Ro was too young to join at the time, but she already knew that she wanted to walk the path of Protector. She enjoyed studying and learning new things as much as the next Noxaara, they were an inquisitive race in general, but she also enjoyed the additional physicality the Protector path required of her. She also liked learning new ways in which to move her body, to subdue an attacker, to provide security for her fellow Explorers.
As the years passed and the war against the Nomad raged on, Vokeera became more and more concerned that the unknown malignant entity was not only decimating human populated worlds, and the Noxaara were friends to the human race. But that it would eventually turn its eye to her people and rob them of the chance to explore.
So at 29, after having 7 full years of Protector experience under her belt she decided to undergo the special unit training and at about thirty she entered the fray. Rather than join one of the Noxaara squads, she requested to join a human unit. Insisting that fighting among the members of the race Nomad was targeting would allow her to better understand and feel the need for victory.
At the time she couldn't have know that this was her first step onto the Explorer path. Surrounded by human soldiers fighting to protect what was theirs, Vokeera soaked up their determination and dedication fueled by their pain and sorrow. Living, breathing, fighting and bleeding together with humans she came to respect and appreciate the species even more so than before.
A year or two before the end of the war Vokeera's platoon was sent to evacuate a colony of scientists studying ways to defeat the Nomad. They managed to arrive only hours before the Nomad deployed it's infernal robotic abominations. Her squad fought valiantly to protect the fleeing scientists, who were scrambling to salvage whatever data they'd managed to accumulate on the Nomad. They knew there was no battle won to be had. They could only hope to get the scientists out in one peace. It was a last stand if there ever was one. And after that it would be up to the ship crews to transport the scientist team to someplace safer.
Vokeera and her friends fought like mad dogs. Attacking almost savagely keeping the focus of the abominations on themselves until the very last scientist made it out. When the shuttles were airborne two of the weapons platforms disengaged and went in pursuit of the shuttles. Only one remained and so Ro and her team redoubled their efforts, hoping they would at least be able to defeat the one remaining opponent before it killed them all. They were slowly chipping away at the monstrosity and when it appeared they would be victorious the area was blanketed with bursting plumes of vicious toxins. The remaining robotic absurdity disengaged as well, her squad apparently left to die out slowly in the toxic mist of bio-weapons.
Vokeera knew her SEEM would protect her for a time within the toxins. A luxury non of her human comrades possessed. The platoon was all but decimated. With only a hand few remaining Ro could not bear to watch them all perish. So she did the only thing she could. One after another she dragged them out of the toxic plumes into safety. With each reentry into the mist her polymer alloy would itch more and more. Her rebreather laboring to clear out the toxins she was gulping down. By the time she'd managed to pull three soldiers from certain death she was all but spent.
The toxins she'd breathed in and that had seeped through her outer shell had caused severe damage. By the time she'd managed to fully recover Nomad and its forces were floating dormant in space.
Valued possessions: a pendant of Archangel Michael, patron of soldiers, the three squad mates she'd saved gave her as a token of gratitude. When she cannot afford to wear it, she fashions a pattern in its liking on her left breastplate, where the human heart is.
Miscellaneous: She can no longer afford to push the limits of her bio-hazard resistance as the doctors are not sure she would be able to survive another similar incident. After her injury and subsequent extended convalescence she discovered an interest in exploring and experiencing different cultures than her own. To that end she's decided not to return home to Noxaara space, but stay among the humans.
History: Natalia was born and raised on a world called Nova Odessa, the second planet of five in the Rostov system (formerly known as Gliese-180). She enjoyed the benefits of living on a planet with a strong trade economy, and lived very comfortably with her parents for most of her early childhood. Unlike many of the residents of Nova Odessa, she lived in a small community some distance from the capital. Even so, it wasn't uncommon to see ships flying towards the somewhat closer spaceport, and Natalia was always captivated and enthralled by the sight of a ship or aerospace fighter. She decided at an early stage in life that she needed to fly one of these craft.
Of course, news of the Nomad had reached her parents not long after she was born. They tried their best to keep such information from her, but it was only a matter of time until a sizeable colony was destroyed hundreds of light years away, and by then it was impossible not to know about it.
As she progressed through secondary school, the death toll grew exponentially as the Nomad proceeded through colonized space. Natalia became angry and determined to help stop it. Shortly before she turned 16, she reached out to the New Odessa Knights to express her desire to join the militia. As expected, they were more than willing to accept whomever they could get. She voiced an interest in being a pilot and was given preparatory classes to take throughout what remained of her secondary education, and began talking with a Navy fighter pilot. He saw great potential in Natalia, and trained her as best as he could before she finished school and entered the Knights Naval Piloting Program and began working to earn her commission.
Three years later, she emerged near the top of her class. She was a natural pilot and was given her choice of light vessels to fly. She opted to fly fighters, and volunteered to serve at the front lines of the war with the Nomad. She was a very confident flyer and proved herself in the next few months. Her confidence was contagious, and she earned a reputation among fighter jockeys everywhere, even UWSC pilots. She soon found herself at the head of fighter elements on a regular basis, leading other Knights along with UWSC forces against the Nomad's slaves and AIs. Throughout these years, she'd lose many friends and subordinates, but despite this she still found herself gaining a growing group of loyal followers, all members of the Knights. She became a quite famous ace pilot in the next few years. The name Lynx became one that every pilot had heard, and her very presence was enough to inspire confidence in her flightmates.
Of course, by this point the Nomad had made it deep into Human space, and was closing on Natalia's home system fast. Each battle she grew more anxious, erratic, and desperate. It came to a head when the Nomad's fleet arrived in the region, just days from Nova Odessa. Natalia had returned to her home planet some time beforehand to help train newer pilots in what to expect when facing the Nomad's forces. Though they weren't unprepared from a training and preparation perspective, there's still nothing that prepares one who is facing a seemingly unstoppable enemy who is about to destroy their entire planet. Natalia was temporarily promoted to Lieutenant Commander, with the understanding that the rank and position would only last for the duration of the battle, and was given command of the entire 76th Knights Aggressor Squadron. They had gone over their plans repeatedly in preparation, and were poised to defend the system at a moment's notice for over a week. Around that same time, Nova Odessa began a full scale evacuation of all civilians and nonessential military personnel.
Roughly a week after the evacuation began, the Nomad arrived. The evacuation was still underway, and another squadron was tasked with defending any vessels trying to escape. Even still, even knowing well in advance that the Nomad would soon reach them, Natalia couldn't help but fear for those still being evacuated, and knowing, after years of losing battles, she was all but certain this would be no different. As expected, losses occurred ceaselessly. Still, Natalia came out alive when so many others didn't. The battle lasted for four hours before Nova Odessa was slagged by one of the massive world destroyers. Only 80% of the civilian population was successfully evacuated, and Natalia had lost nearly everyone in the 76th Knights Aggressors. Not long after the planet was completely burned, what remained of the Knights and UWSC forces were ordered to disengage and fall back. Natalia discovered soon after that both of her parents hadn't been evacuated yet.
Natalia became distant, quiet, and distracted after the battle of Rostov. On top of her parents, Natalia had lost every other pilot whom she considered close to her, with the exception of one, and he became just as sullen after the battle. Them and a handful of others were all that remained of the New Odessa Knights. Even still, she had become a symbol of what the Knights were capable of. People were begging her to keep fighting, but after losing everything she had, she didn't know if she still had it in her. She kept flying, but her confidence was shot. What was left of her chain of command recognized this and sidelined her, along with many of the other Knights. They were sent to Earth to train until the final battle.
Natalia was thrown into the fray once more when the Nomad's forces finally arrived, and Natalia was placed in command of what was left of the Knights. All 17 of them. All still fiercely loyal to Natalia. In the moments leading up to the battle, Natalia found herself inspired by her comrades' continued trust in her, and was able to bring herself to focus on the fight one more time. They all fought with everything they had in the battle, despite the insurmountable odds and the inevitable destruction of humanity's home, or maybe because of it. They left everything they had in that battle, but just when it seemed the Nomad's forces were preparing to glass Earth, they just stopped.
In the aftermath it turned out that Natalia didn't lose a single Knight, and immediately after it was confirmed that the entire Nomad fleet was disabled, Natalia took her ship and, along with the rest of the Knights, mounted a search and rescue mission for anyone who may have been left stranded in the Rostov system.
After reporting back that they didn't find anything but some leftover infrastructure on Petrovsk, they were awarded the highest honors by the remnants of Nova Odessa's government and high-ranking military members, as well as given several commendations by the UWSC for their actions, and were given the option to be honorably discharged on the spot. Several stayed, but Natalia and a handful of the remaining 17 Knights split off to find work elsewhere. They were all given their own ships by the New Odessa government, and many struck out on their own to help other colonies get back on their feet.
Valued possessions: Nat wears a ring with her dogtags as a reminder of her home.
Miscellaneous: Natalia speaks with a slight Ukrainian accent, and is a good singer.
Nova Odessa was a terrestrial world, somewhat smaller than Earth and with a gravitational pull 85% that of Earth, along with an atmosphere about 77% as dense as Earth's, but with a very similar composition. Though quite a bit colder than Earth, with the average temperature being approximately 13 degrees centigrade colder, it was quite comfortable within 35 degrees latitude of the equator, and with an axial tilt of only 15 degrees as opposed to 23, the difference in seasons was far more subtle outside of the tropics. Everything above 56 degrees latitude was almost constantly covered in ice and snow, and as such was virtually inhospitable. There was also far less surface water; only about 48% of the surface was water (both in solid and liquid form), and as such the majority of the landmass was a massive continent wrapping around the planet.
Nova Odessa, and the Rostov system in general, was an important center of trade and commerce for the region, being a central hub for roughly 30 neighboring systems. As such, economic activity was high, and most who lived in the system enjoyed a steady living and good living conditions, regardless of what their occupation was. The capital of Nova Odessa, Svoboda, was by far the largest city on the planet, and home to roughly 50% of the system's inhabitants, with another 30% living in the outlying communities on Nova Odessa. The remaining 20% lived on orbital stations and mining settlements on other planets in the system.
The government of Rostov consisted of at least one elected official from both Nova Odessa and Petrovsk, the third planet in the system, and second most populous, along with three additional officials from either planet. Once the council is filled, a vote is conducted to determine the president and the vice-president. This council served as the government, though they were very restricted in what they could do. Common law is the only law; all the council does is serve as the final word in things such as economic concerns, civil disputes, and military control. That being said, Rostov maintained a strong and well-trained militia within the system, known as the New Odessa Knights, or simply the Knights, who served as a peacekeeping force, as well as a vanguard in the unlikely case that a neighboring system attempted to invade. This was separate from, but in the same interests as the UWG military, and it wasn't uncommon for units within the Knights to be sent to augment UWG forces in minor conflicts, and military participation spiked with the appearance of the Nomad.
Unfortunately, Nova Odessa was destroyed in the war, approximately 7 months before the Nomad was defeated. 80% of the inhabitants were evacuated, but the planet was rendered completely uninhabitable as a result, though the system is in the process of rebuilding some infrastructure on Petrovsk, as well as constructing a large station in orbit around the planet. The hull of a destroyed warship in orbit over Nova Odessa was repurposed to act as a memorial, with the names of everyone killed when Rostov was invaded, civilians and military alike.
Full name: Nelson Schor (find that reference) Known as: Nelson Species: Human Gender: Male Age: 36 Vocation: Lieutenant of the United World Space Corps, second in command of the Scythian Appearance: Personality:
Vain is the word best describe the young yet upcoming Nelson. He is a man driven by the desire to be noticed and be praised. He loves to decorate his uniform with medals and epaulettes of the UWSC, in order to get everybody's attention, and will get irritated and angered if he does not receive enough credits for his achievements. He is easily flattered by praise and is very vain. Due to his young age, he was only 30 when he reached the rank of Lieutenant, he has a violent side to him, triggered when his irritation reached its climax. The violent mood swing and impulsiveness, in some occasions, has an effect on his judgement.
But still, Nelson, in reality, actually deserves the rank of Lieutenant. Despite his arrogance, Nelson is a man with great confidence in his ability, and his decent knowledge about politics and tactics allowed him to achieve several victories for himself. That assertiveness can and had, several times, triggered Nelson to disobey direct orders whenever he felt they are unwise and can lead to disastrous results. Next to his rash personality is the calm and composed manner, in which he usually showed to his men. His orders are usually based on his soldier's needs, and love rather than authority. Because of this, he is widely regarded an effective leader, and his charisma often provides his men with considerable courage.
History: Born in a family whose traditions are closely related to the military, Nelson quickly followed their footsteps soon after he turned seventeen. He joined the UWG Space Corps and served as a gunner onboard UWG Zaetron, a UWG light cruiser for 2 years before beginning his officer training. His first encounter with the Nomad was in 2789, when he was appointed Chief Petty Officer on the UWG De Loan, a heavy cruiser. There, he met commander Alexander Mahan, who befriended him after the battle, impressed by his leadership. The battle was very brutal, as casualties in the two were painfully high, but the victory belonged to Nelson and Alexander. Alexander was later promoted to captain and was assigned elsewhere, but maintained contact with Nelson.
Nelson's first experience in a leading position affected him greatly, as his determination to continue in the military ranks was bolstered, and soon he achieved his first self-earned victory, at the Battle of Rantost in 2791, where he was appointed captain of the UWG light cruiser Arbenale. Soon before the battle commenced, he found himself at the weak rear of the UWG formation. Realizing the compromising position he was placed in, and that the Nomad would soon storm into where he was, Nelson purposely disobeyed orders to maintain formation and shifted his location, engaging the attacking vessels from a concealed position single-handedly. Casualties on the Arbenale were high, and Nelson suffered an injury to the right eye, but he managed to nullify the Nomad's attack, allowing the UWG fleet to counter attack and secure a win. Despite the victory, Nelson had disobeyed direct orders, and was officially reprimanded, but no punishments were given.
He continued to steadily climb the career ladder until late 2802, when he had already reached the rank of Lieutenant. He, while serving as a captain on a UWG small sized battleship, suffered from a disease and fell seriously ill. He was dismissed and sent back home for treatment, and did not take part in the final battle between the UWG and the Nomad.
After his illness subsided, Nelson reestablished contact with Alexander, who had risen to become a fleet admiral. Alexander used his influence in the UWSC to help him retain the ranks, but then appointed Nelson to a small, non-combat intended Cutter-class cargo transport for some unknown reasons directed from the Naval Intelligence. He was at first displeased with what Alexander had given him, given his ranks, but after he explained that the NI were the one who gave the order, not him, he couldn't continue the blame.
Miscellaneous: Nelson is born a sickly person who is prone to suffer from diseases, which had caused him to miss the final battle with the Nomad.
NPC: Alexander Mahan: A mysterious old friend to Nelson. He's one of the rare fleet admirals in the UWG Space Corps. Not much is known about him, but according to Nelson, Alexander is a highly professional leader, possessing a very calm yet calculative demeanor and has never once lost his temper. He is known for his significance in the resistance against the Nomad in the 27-year war. He helped Nelson after he fell ill, and assisted in his re-entry into the navy.
Name: Apis Designation: Extraterrestrial tribe 647, source: BZ2418, vessel Id: 00B8 4A05 4FE5 03AA, name of corporation (see section 4E of Apis integration charter for the details of using existing corporate legal codes to induct tribes as the equivalent of individual humans for the purpose of taxation): Apis Research and Trading Tribe 128
Vocation: trading, scavenging and robotic engineering.
Population: 140 members, collectively having a weight of 280 kg making them roughly the equivalent of 4 humans worth of biomass.
Fashion notes: The Apis of the Eclipse generally wear outfits like this but with the addition of a second set of sleeves and gaps in the back for their wings to extrude from. They sometimes wear hats or additional gear that indicate what information they hold. For example Tricorne hats are often worn by the ship’s bridge crew, the robot crews have pilot helmets, engineers wear welding goggles and wrist mounted computers etc.
History: ARTT 128 was one of the first byproducts of the massive increase in interest in extraterrestrial tribe creation by the Apis homeworld. Part of the first 200 extraterrestrial tribes formed and launched in retrofitted human spacecraft they were part of an experiment for seeing the results of long term absence from Apis collective and whether smaller ships where a viable species spreading method. The results of this experiment are currently inconclusive, as the small tribes have managed to survive the seclusion and still operate effectively but often develop quirks and eccentricities that might be considered unfavorable. While their survival has caused additional small ship based tribes to form spontaneously from the Apis whole, for the most part Apis expansion now makes use of specialised ark ships that often have permanent real time ftl links back to the homeworlds.
They initially began as traders, buying and selling goods from across the galaxy, primarily as exotic goods or in their own custom robots. They arrived on RX3248 and selling a large mining droid) they settled on the moon for a period of about 5 years, taking contracts for supply runs and performing various construction jobs in the thin atmosphere using their various mechas.
They were subsequently left trapped like everyone else by the appearance of the nomad fleet. After the surprises deactivation of the enemy the possibilities of being able to salvage parts of the vast fleet above have gripped the Eclipse, a desire which has brought them into conflict with the local security forces who understandably refuse to allow them to go anywhere near the ship graveyard.
The ship has more or less been sitting in the spaceport making everyone slightly more nervous than it usually does due to its armaments and drones, despite the fact that neither are a match for the planetary defences. They have occasionally done jobs for the colony while they wait but for the most part they have been hanging around in the port side bars and arguing with the colonial security forces.
Valued possessions:
a cargo-ship, 40m long, capable of spaceflight. Two thirds of it is taken up with various cargo holds used to store goods. It features 4 triple barrel mass launcher turrets, two swarm missile launchers and two double barreled laser point defense turrets. The ship was purchased from human manufacturers and has been modified extensively, sometimes rather crudely, to suit it’s small denizens.
an antiquated human tank unit which has had its weapons carefully removed and now acts as a glorified forklift for loading and unloading The Rapid Evening.
the Eclipse have 4 of these Volkswagen beetle sized vessels for external operations that require traveling away from the ship. Crewed by a team of 8 they feature a larger rear mounted propulsion system, magnetic connectors on their leg wheels for affixing to spacecraft and two manipulator arms. On the planet's surface they can skate around on their wheels and perform much the same duty, which is where the original manufactures intended them to operate. If needed they can have weapons systems, such as a mini-gun, mounted between their two arms.
They have 6 of these Apis piloted mechas that stand at twice the height of human and are used for engineering tasks that require heavy lifting.
They have 10 of these easily manufactured dog sized drones come equipped with a number of cutting instruments, used to assist in salvage operations by dismantling wrecks
Zek wears a mostly orange space suit with black trim, and has pale white skin with dark, nearly black, eyes and tusk. He always looks a little moist inside his suit, and most people look at him and assume he’s sad or angry. But, that’s just how Gulin tend to look. (Resting Gulin Face).
Vocation Zek is a frontier traveling doctor. Due to his interest in medicine and foreign species, this always seemed to call to him.
Personality Zek is fairly oblivious when it comes to many things aside from medicine. Zek cares about his patients, but it’s not always clear if it’s due to an emotional attachment, or a love of keeping other living things living. Zek is friendly, but does have some people he’d rather not speak with.
History Zek was born on Gauss Prime, in the city of Lenttaluka. As a young Gulin, he was raised by his community with the other children his same age. They lived in large underground caverns where adults who excelled at raising children would teach them the ways of the universe; maths, science, art, and recreation. Zek quickly showed promise in biology and began a apprenticeship with the local Gulin physician of Lenttaluka. There he learned everything there was to know about Gulin anatomy, but he craved more, he wanted to perform medicine on every living being he could.
For Zek's Celebration of Age (a tradition where 15 years old Gulin were tasked with broadening their horizons how they saw fit.) he visited the planet of Ha'Mdama where he felt at home surrounded by numerous foreign species. He returned with a purpose, after visiting a local school and applying for the next year.
A year later he returned to learn the ins and outs of modern galactic medicine. His primary instructor Cliff Henderson (a human), passed on his own medical tools to the promising young Gulin at his graduation. Zek left for the far reaches of the galaxy, to help little known species. Some years later Cliff and the school were destroyed by the entity known as The Nomad. Zek grieved as best he knew how, and attempted to help those he could in the situation without getting involved with military efforts directly. So, he found himself on RX3248, helping the remaining citizens of the once brilliant Ha’Mdama lick their wounds and move forward.
Valued possessions Zek has a small collection of mementos from every patient that has died in his care. Some people see this as morbid and strange, but it acts as a reminder for Zek to keep trying harder. Zek has a medical kit passed on to him from his human mentor 10 years prior.
Personality: William always puts up a smile even in the worst of situations. Cracks a joke at the worsts of times and has a problem with authority. He really is terrible for military life but then again when most of the military got wiped out they really stop being picky. Anyway The man does tend to have a good heart even though its buried under miles of concrete. In fact he isn"t even sure if he has a heart since he is 90% procent cybernetic. But at the end of the day he will always have your back. Though he does have a small distaste for scientist since they did kinda wake up a big scary monster.
|William was born on Luna as an only child in a military family. This kinda meant that he really had no choice in what he wanted to become. The choice has already been made for him and that, was the army. Now mind you his parents didn't care which military branch he joined just that he joined one. So he decided that he would become a fighter pilot. Just like his grandpa. That and it would shut his parents up from complaining. And so William joined the army. In all honesty it was pretty fun considering it was peacetime. He got to hunt pirate scum. Got to have fun with the girls when he got home and slowly rose through the ranks. Though it started to become boring at some point. And you might think that it wouldn't be that bad but the pirates were never really a match. William always described it as him being in a fighter jet fighting against a biplane. At the end of the day the jet pilot would get bored at some point. But then some scientist in some backwater system discoverd some weird ancient technology, awakened it and it then started to fuck shit up in more ways than one. Damm science geeks always touching shit they shouldn't. Anyway this nomad started screwing shit up blowing up planets creating massive fleets and essentially started wrecking humanity like it was trying to beat a record.
Humanity, not appreciating being blown the fuck up decided to sent its military to kill the nomad so they could get back to killing themselves like they had for centuries. William was part of one of the many fleets that was sent after it. Needles to say they got there ass beat like no one's businesses and William lost most of his body as his fighter got blown up. But due to the magical power of SCIENCE ! That, and a lot of cybernetic parts gathered together in the midst of a battle. William would continue fighting the nomad until its defeat at earth. After this William was done. He had done his part. He lost his body the sexy soldier girls and worst of all his parents were dead. Not that he practically cared since they never got along that well but still. So with his life in the military over he decided to help in his own way. He bought a small sized corvette with the necessary guns cargo space and passenger seats and started to help heal the human race in his own way. Now he has made himself to a small moon looking for a job. That and the ship kinda got shot to crap by some Shady characters.
Valued possessions:
The cricket:
The cricket is a small corvette specialized in transporting goods and people through solar systems. It has a large cargo space and some nice personal quaters for those that William is transporting. Besides that there is a small kitchen, coffee machine ( very important) A specialized engineering section for William himself. And a sand thrower. essentially what the sand thrower does is fire a massive amount of sand or small particles grinding though materials. Essentially its a flame thrower using sand. However the ship does not have a warp drive the frame simply cannot support it. The ship right now has some holes in the hull which is essentially bad for buisness.
Bertha: Bertha is a handcannon. Few rounds but they shoot with a noise that makes you think your firing an antitank rifle
Big Bertha: A heavy machine gun. No that's it its just a really big machine gun.
the only thing that's mentionable is that William needs a recharge once in a while or he will turn into a massive machine brick.