Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 4 days ago

Miss Creme
Location: Music Room -> Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Miss Creme squeaked when she introduced her to Plum, only being able to muster up a timid wave, not wanting at all to draw this man's attention. This only furthered her feeling of unease with the Madame. Surprised that Envy hadn't made her way in yet, she decided to take this opportunity to leave. "I'm going to go check on the Madame." She said hastily, and took a quick step back into the breakfast room, turning her back to the situation she'd found herself in before it could go bad for her. That room just seemed to have a terrible cluster of bad feelings, it just felt like it wasn't the place for her.

She was surprised to see the room had been flooded with new people in the short time she'd been away. She gave a silent smilt to the masked men, and stepped out of the way of the doorway, in case they'd want to go through. Unlike herself, they were unmasked. She found this curious, but was not the type to prod at it. She touched her own mask self consciously, wondering if it was some kind of identifying mark for those here not of their own volition. She smiled over to Envy in the meantime, and quietly said, "It seems to be a bit crowded in there. Not quite my speed." Hopefully Blush would be back soon, and they could all find somewhere to explore, with a better crowd.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Alright this Master Plum fellow was quite quirky, but he didn't appear to be any danger for now. The way he rhymes was also entertaining to her actually. By the way he acted, dressed and the fact he was dealing with the piano when she entered the room, he seemed like a man of entertainment, which she liked. She herself wanted to play something, but she wasn't exactly trained to play the piano of all things. She hadn't had the chance to even touch one before so yeah.

Then Plum started to talk to Mauve and Rave wasn't really sure if he was just greeting her in a really confusing rhyming manner or if he was actually flirting with her. The more she listened of the poetry like speech, the more she blushed under the mask. That was pure flirting! What a talker too! How could he say all that with straight face? Actually maybe it was precisely because of his quirky nature he could talk like that? Maybe? Rave's mind was confused, embarrassed and she just wanted to not look or hear at the blatant flirting!

At least Mauve didn't seem to be into directly flirting as well, so Rave took a breath to calm herself and to get her blushing face under control. At least the masks were good for hiding that. Then again it was masks, hiding your face was the whole point of them after all.

With her embarrassment hidden for now, she sighed and wondered what to do. It was clear that Mauve and Plum were going to chat a little so she wanted to wait for them before she continues onward to the next room. Having nothing to do and kill a lil bit of time while that talk was being done, she turned her attention to the piano in the middle of the room. Walking to it she studied it, while her fingers ran gently across it's frame, stopping by the keys. She really wanted to try to play a really simple melody with a few keys too. Still the piano was just an ordinary thing. Nothing about it really as far as she could see.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Congee

Congee best served hot | perpetually bored

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Madam Envy
Location: Breakfast Room
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy sparked some small talk to the men, airing a pleasant and regal demeanour. "I didn't know you could come in bare face, or have you gentlemen simply just forgot to wear your masks?" She could only figure there is some sort of segregation between the real guests and those who are unwilling. To what purpose, she doesnt know, but more than compelled to find out. Madam Envy shifted her bearings , more harmless and approachable "Although I never really understood the purpose of these covers. I'm sure you men have some sort of idea, do you?" she asks them. "Do you know the Lord well? Surely someone being invited on such a gathering must at least have some positive of relationship with the host." she said in a seemingly affable tone, as she lean in closer to the men who were busy with their food.

Each of the men cast a gaze in the woman's direction but only one of them spoke. He had dark hair and light eyes. A slight smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth as he answered her question. "We are the Soul Quartet, what need is there in wearing a mask when once we entertain our voices will reveal exactly whom we are?" he asked of her before shrugging and popping a grape into his mouth. "Why you need to wear one? Perhaps you need to hide something, why don't you tell me?"

"A quartet you say. Interesting." The evening's formal entertainment, that totally blows her own cautious impressions, and had slightly eased down, yet disappointed it never directed them much on what they would get themselves in to. She thought about the man's query, she shrugs answering the question by instinct "Oh, don't we all. she said, as vaguely as she makes it appear. "But I'm guessing it has something more to do with satisfying the host's eccentric kinks."

Madam Envy hears the a woman speak, she turns to her to see a a short and meek young woman."Never been to a lot of soirees I pressume?" she asks, looking down at her showing her a face fully concealed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Captain Moss
Location: Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

As Captain Moss looked around the Central Hall he saw some flight of stairs, he wasn't sure which levels of the massive mansion were off limits to them. He knew that the servant's wing was off limits to them so he made a note to avoid going there, he was going to follow the rules as much as possible unless he had given permission to by anyone of actually worked in the mansion. As he headed up the flight of stairs he stopped when he noticed Blush there along with Jasper and another man as well.

Moss stopped for a moment and looked at the set of doors that were in front of them, he looked back down the way that he had came from that Madame Envy hadn't followed him. He felt uncomfortable being alone by himself with a bunch of complete strangers, before coughing a bit to get Blush's attention and gave her a slight smile under his mask. "Hey there, is everything okay?" Moss asked her, while looking over towards Jasper and gave him a slight nod, he wasn't sure if the man was going to be rude to him as well or not.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Holding out his hands, Cobalt smiled as he bowed his head slightly. He was glad to see that Chanteuse Amaranthine was no fragile flower, she had some bite at least.

"If only, Chanteuse."

Before he could say anymore, music sprung to life again, and Cobalt fell silent, allowing the complex and overlapping notes that the violin sung to dominate the room. Glancing around, Cobalt took his cue from the doctor, and settled down into one of the seats, albeit at the other table. Leaning back, he allowed the music to wash over him as he looked idly around the room.

His eyebrow raising beneath his mask as something caught his eye, he frowned slightly. Something to investigate further certainly. Cobalt hesitated. Ideally, he would explore the area of curiosity away from prying eyes, but perhaps this would be as good a time as any to potentially win over the trust, or at least the admiration, of his current companions. He resolved to wait till the end of the music at least.

On that note, Cobalt almost allowed himself to relax, leaning back in the chair and taking a deep breath. The music that Amaranthine played was more challenging than her first piece, and although it lacked some of the sweeping emotion of her first piece, the notes were clear, and exquisitely played. It was a certainly a talented musician that the doctor was doting over. As the thought of the doctor crossed his mind, Cobalt glanced across at the man, almost meeting his gaze. How interesting.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Master Plum
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room (Piano Bench) -> Music Room (Couch Left)
Skills: N/a
Hit Points: 6

"What a team of Mauve and Creme,
In high esteem quite a delight,
A thread unites us it would seem,
We look forward to more tonight."

A short bow accompanied the reply, the character of the beaked man certainly played out. The slightly cryptic rhymes masking his intent. The words more or less meaning that they appear to, peppered in with the double talk and internal rhyme. Anyone who could appreciate it would be perhaps a worthy adversary to match wits with this evening. Perhaps the doctor sporting a mask similar but not quite the same in meaning to his own. Plum ponder how long it would be until the masks came off, surely they did not think to sleep with them on. Unless of course, their faces were far more hideous beneath the mask and concealed such ugliness with falsehoods and lies.

Creme had shortly left, and Rave it appeared to wander behind Plum, moving past his perched position towards it. Although he could scarcely tell when Rave disappeared over his left side. An instinctual turn of his head tracked the movements that way for a moment as perhaps a learned measure of safety? Minding the positions of where Rave was within the short bubble of personal space. Was Plum not currently the maestro at the piano? His smile dropped and turned into a shallow frown, his form rising from his chair into some ineffective scarecrow. He turned around to see where Rave was, seeing the lady-man touch the rare instrument. Taking himself the left-side of long chair of a couch, Plum seated himself with an open hand gesturing to Mauve should she take the invitation. A turn then for Rave at the keys, perhaps they would play the reprise.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall (Just Outside The Starry Saloon)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

blush waited with antic motions. Her hands all but going every which way. Her feet wished to move, but her body and mind told her to stay. She had to play it calm and collected. If they saw a crack in the facade, she would be broken. Never let them get to you. Wasn't that what she heard before? She had come to adopt it as a life motto.

Soon, the man returned and palmed her a bag and whispered delicately into her ear. She nodded swiftly her understanding. She wasn't sure if the man understood the true nature of it, but she would not say anything. "Petal, you have my eternal thanks." Soon, she opened the bag and palmed one of the morsels into it, into her gloved hand. She felt it roll around before she brought it to her mouth and ingested it, letting the bitter liquid take form down her throat. It provided all the relief she needed. She quickly closed the bag up and made motions to move back.

Until she heard a nearby cough and turned to face one of the guests she arrived with. She hadn't met this one yet. It was rather odd to come up to someone like that, in a precarious position. Almost rude. Blush waved her hand as if to say "Why wouldn't it be?" before responding. "Of course everything is fine! Just needed help and the sweet man here has aided me. But, pray tell, we have not been acquainted and I find it ever so rude to question someone before introductions have been made. Madame Blush, a pleasure."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: the Trophy Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Professor Walnut took a moment, hearing the directionality of the music - it now seemed to be coming through via the opposing door. She nodded slightly at Titian's reply, though it was disappointing to be truthful. She wanted to know more about their companions. Several things hinged upon that knowledge. Yet for now, as she walked around the room, she took in the sights and sounds of the trophy room. The various stuffed and mounted creatures did not phase her. She had seen worse.

She then looked at the woman who had spoken and given them information. She wondered for a moment if she might enlist her help. Yet she knew that the odds that some servant would be able to do any job justice on such short notice were slim at best. "Shall we venture forth then?" Walnut asked Titian, looking up at him with her small stature at its full height. The music she could hear intrigued her. There was potential there.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

𝕂eep 𝕄oving 2

The man chuckled a bit and nodded. "That we do," he said before nodding ad excusing himself as they began to make their way from the breakfast room into the music room. "Excuse us," they would say in turn and in various ways as they moved from one side of the music room to the other in search of whomever was playing right then. They did have a show to put on but not like anyone of them in the music room would know that.

"Must be this way," the blonde added as he pointed towards the door.

Jasper nodded towards the woman. "Of course, wouldn't want any issues," he said before excusing himself and heading north towards the Starry Salon, the doors were left open. There was no point in closing them as this was an area the unwelcome guests were allowed to wander. "Everything in order?" Jasper asked as he adjusted the coats he was carrying and hung them up.

"Quite, how long?" Quinton asked the man and Jasper pulled out a small pocket watch from his vest pocket.

"Roughly one hour," he answered before slipping the watch back into his pocket.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Penance was glad to be able to get herself a bit of a drink once she had arrived in the room. She hadn't even thought to look back to see if Master Tack was following her at all. She did hear his words, so she did assume that he likely was. Glancing around the room, she noticed that aside from the four musicians or whatever they were, there were others in the room. Penance wasn't really interested in the other two, as she heard the conversation one had started with the quartet of sorts before they left the room.

She poured herself a drink and started to sip at it somewhat. It had been a while since she had gotten something, and it wasn't exactly the best of times that she hadn't had one for some time now. She glanced over at Master Tack, giving him a bit of a smile, "Well, do you want a drink Tack?" she asked, not too sure what else to say talk about. She did notice that the older, and taller, woman was starting a conversation with the shorter one, but she wasn't exactly wanting to be a part of it at the moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Madam Mauve
Location: Shadowell Manor - Music Room (Doorway β‡’ Couch)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Something seemed to change in the dark depths of Mauve's eyes, but it was hard to decipher exactly what passed her relatively stoic demeanor. Her head swiveled to look over her shoulder, her blue eyes watching as Miss Crème hastily darted out of the room. Her head tilted a bit to the side before her gaze came back to face Master Plum. "She is a flighty one, is she not?" she mused. She gave the man another once over as he spoke to her in cryptic rhymes again, before giving a small bow. He was indeed a strange one but not in any way that perturbed her in the slightest, seemingly unlike how Miss Crème and Prima Rave felt. No, he was more of a mystery to be unraveled to her.

Her eyes flitted to the side as she caught movement out of the corner of her eyes. Prima Rave seemed to have taken a sudden interest in the piano, but perhaps more interesting was Master Plum's sudden desire to vacate the piano bench. She watched as he made his way over to the couch instead, and the corners of her lips helplessly curled upwards as he silently invited her to join him. She quickly decided to take him up on the offer, elegantly strolling over to him. She took a seat on the couch, not too close to him but not too far either. It was a comfortable distance really.

She crossed her ankles and rested her hands in her lap. Her gaze then turned to meet his steadily. She found the color of his eyes striking, but their sunken nature less so. Her gaze then moved marginally to the side to take in the other set of eyes. Her lips thinned slightly underneath her mask. She could do without the raven. Her attention turned away sharply as she heard more people enter the Music Room. Her eyes settled on four unmasked men as they passed through the room. She presumed that they were the guests that had rang the doorbell not too long ago. Her eyes followed them for a moment, before returning to Master Plum.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: Charisma, Intelligence, Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

The notes continued to fly from the violin held by the woman known as Chanteuse Amaranthine. That was until she drew one last long note and removed the bow from the strings. The sound echoed slightly through the room as her eyes drifted open and she glanced around. There was a bit of a smile on her face. It was more than obvious, even behind the mask, that she enjoyed playing. It wasn't just something to do, there was a love to how she played and how she handled her instrument. Being very careful with it as she lowered it from her neck. Yet that was to be expected. Instruments like violins and piano's were rare things in this world, at least ones that were still playable. As few as could play there were even fewer that could restore such items if there was an issue so many sat on display, never touched.

Turning she quietly walked back over to the case and gingerly placed the violin back into the case, resting the bow down next to it and securing it before losing the lid and locking it back. It was only then that she finally looked back over to the two men that had been listening to her play. She let out a bit of a nervous laugh as her shoulders hunched back over. Whatever courage she had had whens she played seemed to leave her now. "I do hope that you found that enjoyable," she said softly as she fire crackled in the fireplace. It was not clear whom she was speaking to as her eyes went from one to the other. Perhaps she was speaking to both or even neither of them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Trophy Room -> Rocaille Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian looked back down at Professor Walnut and grinned a bit. "Whatever you wish," he said with a bit of a wink before nodding towards the other woman in the room. Making his strides shorter than normal as to not make the woman on his arm have to rush to keep up he made his way across the remaining part of the Trophy Room before opening the door to the next room on their little personal tour. They had been able to see a good amount of the place so far as far as he could tell but he was sure there was plenty they hadn't seen yet.

Stepping into the Rocaille Room he found he was right. This room was not like the others that was for sure. It was bright, cream walls trimmed in gold and the furniture seemed to match. The fireplace was burning bright and it was warmer in there than the rest of the rooms. It was interesting to him, this was the second room they had come across that was round in shape but this one was far smaller than ballroom. He narrowed his eyes a bit before looking down at Professor Walnut and grimaced a bit. "Bloody bright in here," he commented off hand before shrugging. His head turned as the music they had been hearing stopped.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Ciaran Lord's Blade

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Master Tack
Location: Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 5

Master Tack smiled self-consciously, in contrast to his usual, more confident demeanour, as he nodded and said "Yes, very much so," to Sister Penance. It was the truth; right now, he wanted something else to think about besides the mess that he'd no doubt gotten himself into. The odds were high that what he'd said in the Grand Vestibule would cost him his life, if he was right about it. if his death was inevitable, then he might as well try to have a pleasant time beforehand, if not then he still wouldn't regret some peace of mind, even if forced.

Tack had been far too serious so far today, he decided. He'd introduced himself to Penance with the intention of mutual benefit, by mutual protection. But so far he must have only been a burden and a stress to her. Really he ought to make things more comfortable for her, as he was trying to do for himself. Who knows, perhaps if they both survived this strange occurrence they'd be able to walk away calling each other friends. So he decided to start with some small talk. "This is quite the place, don't you think?" he asked Penance, tilting his head back and examining the room from where they were standing.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: Intelligence, Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

The first few notes of the Chanteuse struck him as an unexpected wind might, raising his eyes from the paper upon which it was focused. He sat attentive to the music, positive that the only reason he was not mesmerized by the performance completely was the nagging certainty of his overall situation - their overall situation - of pressing, mortal danger. There was a reason that he was in this place of opulence and wealth, and as fate decreed it, it was not for the reason he intended. Perhaps he could recover the situation in time, but before he could begin this in earnest, the overwhelming allure of the music had taken him.

Dr. Swamp could feel his head nodding ever so slightly at the notes as they clung to his senses. Regaining a degree of himself, Swamp allowed his hand to move in response to the emotion and precision of Amaranthine's gift. His hand swept across his paper, trailing a single dark line with each pass, a contrast to the light material upon which it was placed. First long, flowing lines, followed by a series of brief marks that served to illustrate detail. Monochromatic, yes, but done with anatomical precision and trapping an image of the feeling of the moment's emotional content. Dr. Swamp gave the room and its present inhabitants a quick look, moistened his lips with thoughtful pause, and then began to smudge areas of his drawing in a meticulous manner to provide depth and shading where it was needed.

He was finishing up right about the time that the Chanteuse had completed her display of musical prowess. His own work was no awe-inspiring masterpiece of epic work, though it was undoubtedly a well-crafted picture; done with a keen eye for detail and hands capable of reproducing that which was witnessed, but more than that felt in the room for those few minutes. A definitive work that called out the Doctor as an accomplished and well above average artist. Instead of drawing attention to his own work first, he sought to congratulate his fellow artist for a performance well done. "Without peer, madame. Truly without peer." The Doctor clapped his hands in the air in front of himself with slow, heavy cadence. "It is a spot of genuine light in what is otherwise a dark event; you have my service and gratitude, Chanteuse." He turned his drawing around and slid it in the direction of Amaranthine, a token movement to invite the young woman to observe it for herself. "I am afraid the muse did not strike me with the uncommon clarity it did upon our first meeting, but I hope this will suffice."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Prima rave's interest with the piano seemed to have made Plum leave the area of the musical instrument. She couldn't help, but admit his poetry skills from the way he spoke. A question she wondered was why he was only speaking in such a poetic manner? It probably took a time and effort to construct your phrases to be suitable. Why was he doing it though? Was he simply doing it to stay in an act of some kind to fool the rest? She didn't have an answer as she returned her attention to the piano. Currently only Plum and Mauve were in the room... correction 4 people she didn't know also entered. They weren't among the people that had arrived with them though. Maybe those were the ones arriving from just earlier when the bells rang?

β€œHello...” She greeted as the men entered the room. She was just about to try to play some kind of tune on the piano, but stopped with the arrival of the new guests. Rave slowly pulled her hands away from the piano as her eyes right away locked onto them, studying them.

Frankly she was just confused about the men. From what she could see nothing stood out from them aside the fact their clothing appeared of fine make and had good stitching. Granted that itself could indicate they were of rather good social standing, but one could never be too sure. Especially in situation like this one... Another mystery for her to be wary of.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 4 days ago

Miss Creme
Location: Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Miss Creme though for a moment, and then carefully said, "I don't know if I'd say that." She told her. She knew not to share much about who she was, so she thought it safest to hold onto that herself. She did like Envy though, so she didn't mind her inquiry. She was sure it was just out of kindness, to want to get to know Creme. She responded, thus, in kind with a "How about you?" She didn't know how Envy would respond, but she hoped she wouldn't mind her asking. Creme was still waiting for Blush to return, any was starting to get worried. She didn't know the woman too well, but she still wished for her to be well. With the theme of the night, she didn't know how safe any of them were.

As Penance and Tack made their way in, she did make her way closer to Envy, freeing up space in the room for the two of them. She didn't say anything, as they didn't seem very interested in the two of them. Instead, she simply continued talking with Envy, in truth being a little put off by the type of people who would march into a room and go straight for the bottle. She cleared her throat quietly, and continued to say. "What are you planning on doing thew rest of the night?" She asked, keeping her voice low as to not disturb the new couple in the room.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Congee

Congee best served hot | perpetually bored

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Madam Envy
Location: Breakfast Room
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy gave a short nod, her eyes following them amusedly as the men went on their way to the music room. She turned her gaze towards the the other woman at her response to her previous question "Why not?" . She thought about the follow up question, which made her smile under her mask "Oh, in a way." she said, "You could say I literally live for such conventions , though not as grand and sumptuous as this one." Recalling fond memories had always given her some self gratification. For a moment she dindt care to share something about it, she just likes to brag and hopefully without giving too much of it. "I used to sing back then. I was quite good too."She said rather proudly. Madam Envy dwelled a bit on the memory, coming back to her senses as she notices that Miss Creme was still with her.

Before answering her question, Madam Envy let out a tired sigh"Enjoy the festivity as long as I could before misfortune could reach me." she simply said, in a somewhat unbothered manner. "Though ambitiously, I'd like to keep my head till the next morning, if that's ever possible." Madam Envy said, if only her own boldness could actually make something happen. SHe thought where Moss went, only remembering him as she was engaged in a conversation with the mysterious 'guests' they wanted to meet earlier. She wondered if he'll ever come back. "For now I'd be very much interested in visiting the Music Room, see how this quartet could pull off a show. I suppose you'd care to come with, seeing as you've just left the room earlier."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Captain Moss
Location: Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss looked towards the man and gave a slight nod for a moment before his attention turned back over towards Blush when she sked him for his name and smiled a little bit. "Captain Moss, but I guess you can call me Moss for short if you'd like that is." He said introducing himself and extended his hand over towards her in a friendly manner. He really wasn't sure why she had gone all by herself at the moment he remembered seeing her in the Breakfast Room not to long ago. Moss rubbed the back of his neck for a moment and then looked back over towards the stairs for a moment and then back towards her.

"I believe you were in the Breakfast room not to long ago." Captain Moss said, he wasn't sure what she wanted to do, he did want to look around the mansion a little bit more, but he also didn't want to be traveling by himself either. "Did you want some company, or want me to protect you?" Moss said, trying to not make it sound like he was awkward. "At least after that warning to not explore the other areas of the mansion we aren't allowed to anyway."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Master Plum
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room (Couch Left)
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

The invitation accepted, though did they not accept one into danger already? His silent suggestion was taken as Mauve took a seat to his right, a smile crept across his lips, the lower side of his face revealed unlike hers in contrast. The curling horns of red and gold, matched by way the dull light casts the deep shadows over those dark-blue eyes. Veiled and pale, Red and black, white and gold, what mysteries beneath did she hold? It was all a game after all, here invited to this Masquerade ball. But he certainly brought airs of his own, a flair of the ornate cape over his right shoulder, the mismatched color of his eyes. Perhaps Mauve noticed, perhaps she had not, distracted by his rhyme and intricate designs on the mask. And then his raven shriek'd a rousing caw, fluttered wings to herald that which it saw as its master observed the good Madam.

Four strangers entered. Unmasked, Unknown, unburdened, perhaps part of the staff? A closer look was warranted, yet with such haste they already flew past Rave at the piano with nary a word of hello to spare. A stealing glance as they graced by, dressed in all decorum, fit for the stage if Plum had to gauge. For all the finery, perhaps a quartet or a more physical act, and perhaps if not for the well-worn nature of his dress and mask, he may find himself camouflaged amongst them. A hand calmed his raven, stroking the feathers of its crest with a two brushing fingers. These four men were the evening's secondary entertainment, perhaps providing more than Rave did, as much as Plum could care to fathom.

"With neither good looks nor talents suave,
How did this fool intrigue Madam Mauve?"

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