The planet Maldra is on the edge of civilised space, a desert world. A lawless world. Settled before the Clone War by people wanting to escape the hustle and bustle of a modern galaxy, escape the rules enforced by the Republic and the monopoly that spread throughout the stars. A haven of smugglers, bounty hunters and a home to people who just want to live under the banner of a free people. Some form of law has formed on the planet, a code of conduct and honour. ‘Law Makers’ existing throughout the various towns that spread across the planet. Only the most heinous of crimes punishable.
During the waning years of the Clone Wars a battle was fought between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic. The Separatists won the battle, creating the settlement of ‘Haven’ in the northern hemisphere of the planet, the closest thing thing Maldra has to a city. For a period of time it was a holdout for Separatist Generals fearing their fate within the fledgling Galactic Empire.
Then came the dark times. An Imperial Fleet arrived, declaring Maldra as the newest expansion in Imperial Territory. It’s lack of participation in the Republic meant that the senate could not protect the rights of its peoples or its resources, and it is now under the iron heel of the Empire.
The Empire seems to show little interest in the settlements outside of Haven. What happens when Law comes to a Lawless world? That’s up to you.
So this will be a largely sandbox game, with plot elements going on that will drag people in from time to time. Freedom of choice will be important, and players actions will heavily reflect on the Roleplay going forward. While the Roleplay will initially be set only on Maldra throughout the course of the RP we will expand on neighbouring systems with the possibility of expansion.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.