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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 2 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Atlantis
Skills: Hydrokinsis

"Oh yeah." She nodded gently, that would make sense having seafood for breakfast. She did like seafood and wasn't overly picky about eating shelled crustaceans or fish. "Morning, father." The girl sat down in a chair at the table close to her father. "Same here. I didn't get the best of sleep.... Nightmares and whatnot. It'll probably take some time before we get proper sleep again." She took some waffles and crab along with fruits. Sipping on juice as she ate the breakfast meal she placed upon her plate. Sera did hope the next time she went to bed that the nightmares wouldn't return but the mind could become rather cruel. Sometimes even making said nightmares far worse than reality. Was there some god she could curse at for that? Sera couldn't recall...probably was one.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

San Fransico, Sierra Trail:

"Alright then lets head on back then." Damon said as he turned back and started to head back down towards the little rest area that the group decided to take a break at. When Damon came back he noticed that the conversation that Niah had didn't look good at all, as Niah caught a brief glance of the little shockwave that Nancy had created and the Iris Message was quickly shut off. Persephone looked Andy and smiled at her.

"Of course i'll tell him." She said to Andy as her attention turned over towards Niah and quickly made her way over towards her sensing that something had gone wrong. "Is everything okay?" The goddess asked Niah, she didn't hear anything from the conversation that Niah had with Nancy.

"The area seems to be pretty clear for now if you all are ready to move out." Damon said he then went over and sat down on a nearby bench looking at everyone that was there. If the group needed more time that was fine he could wait as well to as Damon watched the two puppies playing with each other.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Atlantis
Skills: Hydrokinsis.

Poseidon frowned slightly when he heard that his daughters didn't get much sleep last night but he could understand the two of them did go through quiet a lot the last few hours. "I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully once you two are back at camp you'll have some rest then." Poseidon said to the two of them as he went about and started to eat some of his breakfast knowing that the two of them would have to head back to camp pretty soon. Kiera was more than eager to just get back to camp and to see everyone once they made it back home, she then started to wonder how everyone else was doing in their own quests right now then her father spoke up once again.

"I've also arranged transport for the two of you to get back to Camp Half-Blood safely." He said as Kiera smiled she was glad that he was willing to help them get back home safely. "Thank you." Kiera said as their father nodded towards her as she started to finish eating the rest of her breakfast. "Also Hercules has requested to join the two of you back if you two want him." Poseidon said Kiera wasn't expecting that but the cyclops seemed to be really nice anyway. "I'm fine with bringing him back home with us." Kiera said as she looked at Sera wondering if she wanted the same thing as well to.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino
Skills: N/A

Kristin was knocked back hitting against a nearby wall due to the shockwave that Nancy had created around her, she would let out a slight groan as she started to sit up slightly. Some of the nearby slot machines were damaged as well to as a bunch of coins came falling out of the machines and onto the ground. This sent some of the guests nearby to scramble and as many of them as possible, Janelle would end up bumping into Demi by accident of all people. "Is everyone alright?" Kristin asked looking at everyone else there, for Nancy the Iris Message was quickly gone due to the shockwave she made and she was able to hear once more from everyone around her.

Anya shot Cassian once more with her laser gun for good measure as he decided to holster his weapon and smirked at him as she shrugged slightly. "Been here for awhile now, but lets find my brother and go somewhere else." Anya said as she started to head further into the laser tag range taking out a few other players, until she found her brother pinned down behind some cover and noticed a few more trying to aim at him waiting for him to come out.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location: Sierra Trailhead
Skills: N/A

Stella tried to listen to Marygold explain that they didn't know how big the Labyrinth really was. She really did try. She heard about the magic compass which did sound pretty handy. However so much was drowned out by what was happening around them, especially when she turned to see that the Iris call had cut off after that shock wave, and Arbor ran up to her and whined. She reached out softly and rubbed his head lovingly, as if to try to assure him that everything was fine once more, that the noise was gone.

She rubbed her own ears softly, groaning a bit as she recovered from the loud sounds, and then stood up and stretched. She heard Damon, (his name was Damon right?) say it was pretty clear if they wanted to move out. They still had their own quest they needed to complete, and she was itching to finish it. She was so close to home... to her dads. It hadn't even been a month since she had left their sides, but it still ached like a hole in her heart. Maybe if they finished they could see them. She could hug them and be reassured it would be alright in this world of myths and monsters.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 38 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Lotus Hotel & Casino – Las Vegas

It all happened quickly. Ezekiel had been leaning in, willing Nancy to look at him, to look at the light and feel something, anything other than the pain that she was in. She eventually looked at him, and once she did, all the sound snapped back, and Ezekiel was flung away from Nancy and the group.
The light disappeared from his hands, and he lay on the ground in a daze. People shuffled and moved around him, having been thrown back as well. Ezekiel sat up and rubbed his head, looking at the strangers around him until Demetri’s face flooded his vision. Are you alright? Zeke looked away from Demetri and down at his hands. This whole quest was so messed up, and Ezekiel didn’t know how to fix it. He couldn’t heal this one. He couldn’t make it better.
”No,” Zeke said. ”No, I am pretty far from alright.” Ezekiel stood, grabbing Demetri’s hand and pulling him up. Ezekiel looked from the group of people he had fought alongside, weighing his options. Zeke looked back at Demetri, searching the demi-god’s eyes for something, anything to tell himself that this would be alright. But Ezekiel knew enough about this world to know it wouldn’t be. For the first time since going on quests, Ezekiel wasn’t sure he would make it out of this one. At least in the other quests, for every fuck-up there were two steps towards victory.
Ezekiel raised a hand and cupped Demetri’s cheek. Zeke ran his thumb along Demetri’s smooth skin, and he tracked the pattern with his eyes. ”I hope you get to meet my mom one day. I think she’d like you,” Ezekiel said.
Zeke released Demetri’s face and looked back at Nancy. She had murder in her eyes, and the words he heard next made his blood run cold. Nancy was teaching Zeke Latin, but she must not have taught him the words she spoke because he didn’t understand her. Ezekiel pulled Demetri back to the group but kept his distance from Nancy. ”Nanc…What do you want to do?” He couldn’t tell her she had to keep going; not after all this. If Ezekiel had to let her go and move on with the rest of the group, he would. Of course, Ezekiel didn’t want to lose his best friend, but he couldn’t condemn the rest of the group to death. The six of them were sent for a reason. Two of them couldn’t defect and still expect to come out on top, and they were still missing Cassian.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Nancy was there, but at the same time, she wasn't. Her body was numbed by anger, her pain and sorrow and everything else that she felt locked away, repressed in a way that allowed her to function. But it wasn't really Nancy, it was more like she was puppeteering her own body, rising to her feet with a rage that burned cold. She looked her brother square in the eye, recognizing distantly that he was just concerned for her, but the part of Nancy that felt compassion and empathy was too overwhelmed to come to the surface, too traumatized and hurt to communicate. "The job," she said tightly. "And then I'm going to burn it all down to the ground."

Maybe some people would've assumed she meant the Lotus Hotel and Casino - that she was going to burn down the place that had wrecked her life, had given her deep wounds that had scarred, never fading. But she meant it all - the Lotus Hotel, the gods, the monsters, all of it. They were all just as guilty for Mads' death, guilty for taking the life of a third of Nancy's soul. And what little love she had for the immortals was dying, had died. She didn't care what happened to her, if she walked away from this or not. All she needed to do was make someone else suffer the way she had - to hold the true culprits accountable in Mads' name.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demetri’s heart sank as Zeke answered back. He watched as his boyfriend's gaze shifted from his hands to his face, watching as what little hope for this mission they were given slipped between his grasp. He could feel his eyes wavering, his mouth felt dry and Demi had no idea how to respond. Every word got caught within his throat as he searched for anything to say to him. Zeke's hand graced his skin as he felt his soft embrace trace an arc across his cheek. The warmth spread across his face as he looked on with a muddled brain incapable of saying how he felt. All he could do was smile, and reply ”Then let's make sure we all survive this encounter alright? Then this break you and I, we'll go see your mum. I think we could use a little holiday of our own.”

His heart broke to think it, but the quest was falling apart. He wasn't sure if Nancy would continue, and honestly how could anyone in their right mind force her to? This place was worse than Tartarus as far as they were concerned and at least here she could escape. Find her way back towards Camp, but not alone. Demi-God's had a rule of three, Demi never got why but it worked. Cassian was lost in this Maze of Madness, Nancy was on the brink of a homicidal episode, and Zeke's heart wouldn't be in it if he spent all his time worrying about his sister. ”I hate to say it but…if you need an out Nancy, you're more than welcome to leave. Take Zeke with you, and either I or someone else can accompany you both back to camp. We need Alexios here to defeat the Titan but we have to remain in groups of three for safety.”

The thought of being separated once more from Zeke hurt him, but he knew it was the right thing to do. Having a child of the Big Three would only put a target on their back as they made their way to camp, and Alexios wasn't guaranteed to stay on mission if he left to help Nancy. He understood her want to demolish the place, to burn it all asunder and make sure no other is entrapped the way she is mentally and the way she was physically. But even then, he had to offer her the choice to leave.

Cassian rolled his eyes playfully as Anya shot him once more, gripping his chestplate and groaning as if he'd been shot. ”Mercy, I beg you.” He joked before sticking his tongue out at her. ”Alright, let's go find Aron. See what sort of mess he got himself into in here.” They made their way through corridors and hurdles, searching for a sign of her twin before they finally found him held up behind a half wall. A group of other players attempted to lure him out so they could get the score.

Cassian ran, crouched down to avoid the others before finally bursting into a small sprint and sliding next to Aron. His eyes looking up and over as is to signify what was lurking behind this partition. ”Seem to have gotten yourself in quite the pickle, haven't you? Lucky for you I'm a great shot, unlucky for you Anya snuck up behind me and tagged me out. What. A. Predicament. “ Cassian could help out, shooting the others, but it wouldn't be in the spirit of the game.

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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 2 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Atlantis
Skills: Hydrokinsis

Sera was very excited and curious to see the camp, at least they'd have safe travels there and not have to worry about creatures attacking them or who knows what else. "Thank you, father." She replied as well. Finishing her waffle as Poseidon spoke again. "Oh. I don't mind at all. Whatever Hercules wants to do is fine with me." The demigod pondered for a moment. "Is....the cabin even big enough for a cyclops or would he stay someplace else in camp?" She had no idea at all about where Hercules would stay once they did reach Camp Half-Blood. Cabins normally were pretty large but enough for a monster? Probably only for smaller ones, not huge lumbering figures. So hopefully there was something if a cyclops was unable to be inside the cabin.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Sierra Trail

"Thank you." Andy told Persephone. She also watched Chocolate and Arbor play. It gave her something pleasant to think about. When Niah rejoined them she stepped closer to her—non-verbally telling her that she was there for her.

"We finished our mission. Can we help you with yours? There are six of us, not counting Persephone. That is good right?" Andy was nervous about having an off-number. She didn't want another to be lost. Even though Mads' fall had been in the prophecy it didn't make it easier. And they couldn't afford another loss.

Location: Sierra Trail

Niah flinched at the shockwave. She frowned, upset that the connection had been lost. Maybe it would have been better to wait to tell Nancy. She shook her head to herself, no, telling her had been the right thing to do. She'd have been pissed if someone had kept it from her.

Returning to the others. "Nancy seemed to be in the Lotus Hotel. She did not take the news well." Niah shifted, "We need to continue." She did not know Nancy's vow as she hadn't said it to her, or within her hearing. But she felt a similar desire in her bones.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

San Fransico, Sierra Trail:

Damon looked at the others he wasn't sure who Nancy was but he assumed that she was a friend to some of the people here at camp and knowing that they had lost someone just moments ago. Damon made his way towards Niah and gently rested a hand on her shoulder knowing that loss was always hard, he hand lost his quest mates when he was trapped in the Labyrinth. "I didn't know her for very long but she seemed to be a great person." He said to her, he turned to Jason noting that he was pretty quiet. "Are you alright?" He asked Jason.

Persephone looked at Andy usually a quest of Three was always the prime number there was a large number of them here right now, she knew that a Giant was in the area and she'd help with their quest. "I'll help out wherever you all need it we should get going now." She said to them as she started to head up the trail slowly.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Atlantis
Skills: Hydrokinsis.

Kiera turned to look at Sera and smiled at her. "Theres enough room in there for Hercules trust me." Kiera said, she had been living in her cabin by herself for awhile now. Leda of course always did spend a few nights a week with her much to Coach Hedge's annoyance, she looked at her father she was glad that he had arranged transport for them to get back to camp. "Thanks dad." Kiera said to him as she finished up with the rest of her food. "We should get going now the sooner the better." She said as Poseidon nodded to his daughters. "I'll walk you all to the carriage then." Poseidon said as he led his two daughters down and out of the palace where a carriage drawn by four hippocampi.

Hercules was seen standing by the carriage feeding the hippocampi some seaweed that he had found and turned to look at the two daughters of Poseidon and smiled at them. "I'm ready are you two ready? I never been to the camp before everyone says its a lot nicer." He told them as Kiera smiled. "It really is nice you two will love it there." She said as she started to make her way over towards the carriage and got inside while holding the door open for her half-sister. Hercules was a little to large to fit inside and decided to climb on top of it.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino
Skills: N/A

Kristin felt really bad for Nancy she wished that there was some way to try and help her out or something, they needed to focus on the mission at hand still. Alexios was in thought for a moment as he looked over at Nancy knowing now that she had just lost a friend of hers, he knew the quest that they were going on. "There might be a way to save your friend, you all are looking for the Doors of Death right?" He said as he looked at Nancy. "You could simply walk through them and enter Tartarus itself that way. But it's very dangerous for mortals to go through only two have come out of there alive." Alexios told her, it might be a one way trip. Kristin thought about Alexios' proposal she knew the two had come out of Tartarus alive were Percy and Annabeth years ago. "It's up to you if you want to do that." Kristin said she'd help if Nancy asked.

Aron looked at the two of them. "Well about time you two showed up." He said shaking his head slightly as he briefly got out from cover and fired off a few shots managing to tag three people before going back down and Anya doing the same thing as well to. "So whats the plan newbie?" Anya asked looking at Cassian, there was a few ways that they could flank them through some cover.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Online

Janelle Gauger

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Things weren't exactly going all too well that was for sure, and once she oriented herself a bit so she could hear what was going on around her, she noticed the conversation with regards to what Nancy was wanting to do. Janelle felt bad for Nancy, but figured she likely didn't want to talk about what all was going on or what had happened. So there wasn't much else that could be said about it, aside from them needing to get going places and all.

Then Alexios decided to make the comment about how they could actually just walk through the doors to get to Tartarus even though they might not be able to get out of there again. Finally she actually had a chance to share what she had heard earlier since no one else was listening or focusing on anything. "I was goin to say dis earlier but I gaht destracted by de whahle people wanderin ahff cahnstantly and needin babysetters every secahnd to naht do anythin stupid," she said with a bit of a shrug, "I 'eard sahme o' de people 'ere mention de doors bein down in de basement."

Jason Gauger

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: N/A

Something had to have happened, at least somewhat anyway, when it came to what was going on. He was not too sure what to overall think upon hearing Nancy not taking the news well. That was understandable, he didn't really know Nancy or Madalyne really well, but from what he did know, Nancy was stressed out already from what their quest off that way was, so hearing any other bad news was not a good idea. Jason wasn't actually sure whether or not it was a good idea to have told Nancy what was going on now though.

Hearing Damon's question towards him, he shrugged slightly, "I mean, yeah fine, just thinkin a lettle bet. My sester is wit de ahther group, de one Nancy is in, so now wahnderin a bet o' what's fully goin ahn wit de ahther side o' dat message dat Niah sent," Jason ended up telling him, not entirely sure what else to really think or say about that sort of thing right now. Aside from that he didn't really see any reason to comment more on that whole situation.

Marygold Isley

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: N/A

From what little she knew about Nancy, the reaction wasn't super surprising. Well, at least in part, she hadn't expected a sound shockwave to shoot out and be super loud. Actually, the sound was a bit concerning, at least to her, as then they might have to worry about it drawing the attention of anyone to the area. Sure, Damon and Jason hadn't found anything in the immediate area, but that didn't mean anything, not in a world of demigods and monsters or anything like that.

They probably should get moving away from here, at least right now. They had been there for a little while now, sticking around much longer in the one spot probably wasn't the best idea. It actually was nice when Persephone more or less stated what she had been thinking about moving along now. So upon seeing Persephone starting to head along the trail, she figured she'd follow after her. Hearing Andy make the comment about the quest thing, "It all depends on what we come across, but we should be fine to help them out, otherwise it's a long way for us to easily get back to camp from here," she said with a shrug towards Andy, before heading in the direction after Persephone.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 38 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Lotus Hotel & Casino – Las Vegas

Ezekiel swallowed his fear when Nancy spoke. He hadn’t experienced trauma like she had, but Ezekiel knew what it was like to lose control. To lose a part of yourself, and he had a feeling this new Nancy was a result of that loss. He nodded to her and turned to face the rest of the group. The quest would continue, but Zeke wasn’t sure he would see Nancy again after that.
Zeke opened his mouth to suggest finding Cassian when Alexios spoke up. Ezekiel narrowed his eyes at the god. Sure, it was an idea, but it was reckless, and Zeke knew that was something Nancy would want to do. Who wouldn’t throw themselves through the gates of hell to save a loved one? Nancy had an unbreakable bond with Niah and Mads. Ezekiel wished Alexios hadn’t said anything.
Zeke looked at Demi, thoughts rolling around in Ezekiel’s head about what to do next. Janelle spoke up, offering up some helpful information. He had to agree. Her information would have been useless up until this point since they kept losing everyone.
”Okay, we just need to find Cassian, and then we can head down. Sunshine, do you know where the wayward demi-god went?” Ezekiel looked hopefully down at the orange cat. Up until now, Sunshine seemed to know where they needed to go and where the other demi-gods had gone when they ran off.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Sierra Trail

Andy took a deep breath. She could hold it together now. She had had her chance to cry. They had a job to do. She was a little worried about Arthur, but at least she knew where he was.

"Okay" She said simply, nodded, and started walking up the trail. She whistled and Chocolate came running over to her side. She patted his head. "Good boy." Now she knew why he had come to her instead of staying with Arthur, though since he was the type of 'dog' that he was he should be able to visit Arthur still. That was good.

Location: Sierra Trail

Niah nodded. She hated leaving things with Nancy the way they had been left. She wanted to be there for her friend. She wanted her friend to be there for her. However, she couldn't dwell on that.

As much as that had happened today, seeing her sister in some odd vision and being told Dalisy was probably in Vallhalla, Mads falling into Tartarus, there was still more to do. At least with Persephone here they had a chance against the Giant that was in their way.

"Yeah, I'm ready." Niah said and started walking too. She knew the way. This was where Mads had gotten turned into a werewolf. This was the place that had started it all.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location: Sierra Trailhead
Skills: N/A

Stella could feel the tension in the air, the anticipation to get this quest over with. Some wanted to return to camp and be done with this, and some... well it was clear that Niah wanted to be with her friend. Stella couldn't blame her, not one bit. So, the young girl whistled for Arbor to join her, and the young pup dashed over to her side as Chocolate ran over to Andy's. She pet her wolf's ears lovingly and cuddled in close as they turned to head up the path.

She pulled out the scythe from her mother, turning it over in her hands for a moment, since she had a feeling that she would need it. They were going to where more monsters and the Giant was. Yes, they had a goddess on their side, but that didn't mean that the fight would be easy, or that they wouldn't expect one at all. She picked up her feet, taking step after step to follow the other demi-gods and her two older sisters up the mountain, leading her towards this fight.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

If Nancy had a secondary fatal flaw, it was pride. And so when Demetri of all people offered that she could just leave - that she could abandon this quest and go back, escorted back really... Her nostrils flared. She clung to her shreds of dignity, even after breaking in front of all of these people. "Absolutely not," Nancy swore. "I'm not quitting." And when Alexios shared his idea - that she could rescue Mads' by simply walking through the Doors of Death, by going into Tartarus, her resolve crystalized. The Doors were here in the Casino - she couldn't leave, not when Mads was counting on her, was depending on her. If she could save Mads, then she had to at least try, even if it meant that she died as well. Apollo would keep his word at least, she hoped, and turn her shade into a tree.

Janelle then mentioned that the Doors were in the basement, and the plan solidified. All they needed to do was find Cassian then - and Nancy had to gather up her courage and her wits to keep everyone on task, away from the allure of the Lotus Eaters. She could do this. She repeated those words over and over again in her head like a mantra, like a shield. She had to do this. For Mads. For Mads. For Mads.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demi was momentarily taken aback by Nancy's refusal to quit. Her stubbornness would be the mental death of her. It was clear how hard this quest was hitting her, how close to home it was, yet she kept wanting to press forward, to finish it all. He didn't know how she could do it, he didn't think he'd be able to if the time came for him to face something of the same caliber. But thankfully Alexios offered up some information, to both shed light on what that Iris message was as well as how to help fix the situation. He could see the gears shifting in Zeke's head, but all Demi could do was grin his stupid dimpled grin. Janelle's information was the nail on the coffin for him.

”It's settled then! We find Cassian, head down to The Doors of Death, defeat a Titan, take back control, and then Nancy, Zeke, and I will enter in and find her friend in Tartarus. We've got food for the road ahead and some kickass tunes. How bad can that place be?” Demi said as he patted the Cornucopia he had slung around his shoulder. ”Are gods allowed in Tartarsauce?” He asked as he waited for the magical cat GPS to function and go.

Cassian melted slightly as he got closer to Aron once more. His cute smile momentarily distracting him from the group ahead that had pinned him down to this corner. ”Didn't realize you were in need of rescuing.” He playfully teased Aron as he unholstered his gun with a grin. He watched as the twins took turns in sync popping up from cover and pelting three combatants each before settling back down behind cover. Anya looked to him for a plan.

”Best plans a Flank and Gank. I'll go right, Anya you go Left, and Aron you cover us down mid. Take out what you can with caution and we'll strike from either side. They'll be saying ‘Clever Girl’ before they know it.” Cassian said with a smile as he referenced a Raptors ambush pattern. With that he slunk off behind cover on the right hand side, keeping himself from sight before finally popping up around a corner and beaming two of the four combatants with his gun.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

San Fransico, Sierra Trail:

Damon didn't really knew who the rest of the group were friends with but he simply nodded towards Jason, but he started to follow shortly behind Persephone as they started to head up the trail, the whole group would get the feeling that they were being watched right now. It took them a awhile to head up the trail along the mountain but the group would eventually make it towards the destination. The group would hear what sounded like some wolves howling as Lycaon and a pack of his werewolves had come up from behind him easily recognizing Niah several months ago. "What brings you all here?" He asked as he turned to Niah and smiled at her. "Long time no see, how is your friend doing?" He asked trying to get a rise out of Niah.


Leda when she died was somehow very unlucky and she would find herself waking up within Tartarus itself, Leda would appear to look like she never had a scratch on her at all despite being crushed when she died. Everywhere around her looked like something out of a horror movie. Blood appeared to stained on the ground around her, and there were various kinds of bones strewn around the ground as well to.

The air around her seemed to be very thick and heavy as well to and smelled a lot like sulfur as well to, she'd occasionally see different types of monsters flying around in the sky. Leda would also hear what sounded like a very human sounding scream and then what sounded like a howl maybe she should try and investigate it.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino
Skills: N/A

Kristin looked at Janelle as she managed to give out some really helpful information on where they actually needed to go in this place, the sooner that they get out of here the better. "Thats some really good hearing there Janelle." Kristin said to her giving her a smile as she looked at Nancy she didn't like the idea of anyone going into Tartarus but if thats where they needed to go in order to save her friend she'd probably do the same thing. "So we know where we need to go now and now we just need to find Cassian." Kristin said as Sunshine looked up at Zeke and simply flopped on the ground and would let out a meow clearly wanting more pets or food instead of pointing out where they needed to go. "The gods are allowed down there it's just really dangerous since you know there are some really bad monsters down there some that could take out a god probably." Alexios told Demi but if thats what Demi wanted to do he would go down there for him. "I'll go there if you need me to." Alexios said to Demi.

Over where Cassian was Anya managed to fire off a few laser shots at their opponents and knocking them out Aron took out the remaining ones as well to. "Well looks like we won." Anya said as she leaned up against the wall there weren't anymore players now as she stared at Cassian. "Hey you know what we should do? We should go into the basement I hear they have some really good games and stuff down there." Aron suggested to Cassian.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Nancy frowned sharply, as the cat refused to help them. However, Sunshine was not the only animal they had at their disposal. She didn't particularly want to grab Cassian, but recognized that the rest of the group was keen on his retrieval. Fine. She'd never asked Joanie to do something like this before, but perhaps her tiny dragon had a hunter's instinct. So she turned to Joanie, looking at her with complete serious. "Can you smell him?" she asked. While she was very much attached to her dragon, she hadn't actually owned Joanie very long - she'd gotten her during the Fall of New Rome. So maybe she could hunt.

Joanie considered her for a moment, before flapping her wings slightly and taking off.

Nancy took that as a yes. She moved after her dragon, assuming that the others would follow - someone would need to guide Janelle, but Nancy wasn't in the right headspace to do that at the moment. Someone else would have to. Eventually, Joanie landed on Nancy's shoulder, as they made it to where Cassian was - some sort of laser tag area. Nancy didn't remember it from her time in the Lotus Hotel. It might've been there and she'd forgotten. There were a lot of things she'd forgotten - and a lot that she remembered.

"Cassian!" Nancy yelled sharply. "Snap out of it or I'll have Joanie set you on fire. We don't have time for this."

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation

The last thing Leda remembered was throwing Kiera and Sera to safety. She had prayed to every god that would listen to let those two survive, and her last thoughts had been of Kiera - how sorry she was that she'd have to leave her like that. But that was the way things went for demigods - the way that Leda had always known her story would end. She died a hero, and as she opened her eyes, she expected to be in the Underworld - mentally prepared to have to stand before the judges and ideally be granted a spot in Elysium.

But as she opened her eyes, she wasn't in the Underworld. The scene around her was gruesome, blood and bone littering a desolate landscape. The air burned, difficult to breathe. Monsters circled up ahead like birds of prey. And nearby, she could hear a scream - and a howl.

Physically, she felt fine. And she looked down at her hands, summoning up tiny balls of rainbow light. Her powers were still working. She was just extremely pale. Everything was pointing her in one direction, one answer. Tartarus. She gritted her teeth. This was where monsters went why they died - not demigods. Whatever had redirected her soul to this place had a messed up sense of humor.

But there had to be a way out of Tartarus - she knew that halfbloods had made it out before, so she'd do that. Maybe steal some more time with Kiera, before Hades dragged her to his domain.

She didn't have any weapons, just her wits, as Leda moved quickly in the direction of the scream - not at her full speed, though. She'd have to figure out a way to make herself smell more like a monster and not like a demigod - did demigod ghosts still have strong scents? She didn't know. Leda would have to deal with that later. She found the source of the scream quickly, finding a group of monsters attacking a wolf.

"Oi, pick on someone your own size!" Leda shouted, before throwing a ball of rainbow light at the attackers. She missed, but on her second throw she was able to hit one of them, the monster crumbling.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Sierra Trail

Niah tensed. Then she glared at the man. She considered for a moment being diplomatic. Niah could be when the time called for it. After all, she was a Senator, even if New Rome was limping along in the charity of the Greeks.

"None of your damn business." She snapped. "Bastos ka" She cursed at him, telling him in her native tongue to 'fuck off'. Wishing her sword wasn't on her back, but at her hip instead which would make it easier to draw and attack in a smoother motion.

"He is a werewolf, do not let any of them scratch or bite you." She told the others, warning them of the danger they were in and that the men before them were all monsters, not human.

Location: Sierra Trail

Andy was surprised at Niah's tone. She didn't understand what she said in the strange language that sounded vaguely like Spanish. But she could make an educated guess from the tone. Everything else was fair. She placed her hand on her bracelet ready to draw her knife. Missing Arthur and how they could fight together. She'd have to get in close to use the dagger or call lightening again. And after the storm, she was a little nervous about that.

Andy didn't remember what quest the trio that's destination had been Mount Tam. She knew that this place was sort of like Mount Olympus and had something to do with Atlas, but other than that she honestly didn't remember the quest for here. She did know now because of what Persopheny had said that there was a Giant here though, that's why they'd need her help. But for now she kept her mouth shut, watching the werewolves to be ready to fight.

Hidden 9 mos ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location: Sierra Trailhead
Skills: N/A

Stella turned the scythe over and over in her hands, feeling the smooth handle in her hand, and traced the indents in the heft of it. She took step after step, even as her pup seemed to hide behind her, as if he sensed what was up ahead. Stella reached down and pet his head, to try to calm him as she heard the howling as well, and her steps started to go slower as her body tensed up. These howls didn't sound friendly and it clearly didn't fill Arbor with feelings of friendship and welcome.

As they walked up and saw the pack of Lycans, Stella tensed up, especially as he spoke. His voice sounded wrong. Everything about them was just wrong. She held Arbor close to her, and her eyes narrowed. He was clearly trying to get a rise out of Niah, and Stella could tell that this wasn't going well. He had done something to one of her friends. Was it the same friend that was gone? She didn't know. She couldn't ask now. All she could do was hold her scythe tighter and wait, and hope that this wouldn't turn to fighting. It probably would... but she could hope.
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 38 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Lotus Hotel & Casino – Las Vegas

Ezekiel didn’t think things could get worse. Well, they still could. Nancy had gone robotic and was hell-bent on saving Mads, which made sense, but still frightened Zeke, and then there was Demetri with his everything is sunshine and rainbows attitude. Ezekiel slowly turned to look at Demetri, eyes widening. Nancy headed off with Joanie to find Cassian. They couldn’t get separated, but Demi was being dumb. Ezekiel grabbed onto Demi’s arm, bringing up the rear behind Janelle and Kristin as they followed Nancy.
”What the hell are you thinking?!” Ezekiel hissed at Demetri. ”This is your first damn quest, and now you want to go into Tartarus and save Nancy’s blood sister? Are you kidding me?! You can’t even make that decision anyway. It would be Nancy’s choice who she brought with her. Even if we could convince her to bring people with her.”
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