Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"How nice it is to see you, Light Girls. Actually, if I'm being honest, I have no strong feelings regarding you. Though we are enemies by nature. You with your having friends and hopes and whatnot, and me with my none of those things."

The Lovers in a reversed position... That's not the only prediction I can make~

Fear. Delicious, palpable fear. So much of it in such a close proximity. Tsubomi turned her head towards the source just before an arrow came flying from its direction. Even the emotional highs of her fellow club-members paled in comparison to what was felt by the girl who came following the arrow. She couldn't help herself, she had no choice but to draw in much of those emotions for her own ends. Homura's fear and confusion alone were enough to feed Tsubomi's magic for quite a while. Sure, it might be a bad idea to lessen the fear that a potential enemy felt, but it was just too tempting. Then came the order. "Capture the target." Not the greatest of missions, but still. While her aunt and uncle did feed her, the food was usually bland, so it would be a nice change of pace to get something better. As long as somebody else killed less than two Miseria, she wouldn't even have to pay for it, either.

Still, despite her shortcomings and inability to understand others, Tsubomi wasn't a bad tactician. She knew better than to blow her stores of emotions on a quick advance. She also knew that the first to get to the Light Girl most likely wouldn't be the one to bring her to Schrade. So she carefully made her way out of the target's line of sight, hiding between buildings as she approached her general location. There were a few of the weaker Miseria on her way, so to be sure that she wouldn't have her pocket money taken away, she slew them. A count of five ought to be enough for now, in her mind.

While Rei might be able to jump to a lamppost untransformed, it was simple for a transformed Magical Girl to get to the roofs. But before she could, another Light Girl appeared, on a... frog? Did this girl have frog magic? And another... were there three girls on the side of Light in Hibusa Town? To be honest, Tsubomi didn't know. She didn't keep track, but she could have sworn that the other members mentioned only one, maybe two. Well, that explained the "new blood" comment, at least, from Schrade. Still, this complicated things. Tsubomi wanted things to be simple, to catch the pink haired girl with as little effort as possible. But now she had backup, and the confidence radiating off of the one on the water tower was intense. So she helped herself to a bit of it. As she did, she checked her surroundings more carefully. She could barely see the girl on the water tower, so she moved a little closer to the wall so their line of sight was broken.

Well, hopefully this doesn't get too out of hand... she thought as she stayed in her hiding place.

Tsubomi decided to stay where she was, and wreck havoc the way only she could by draining the battle-positive emotions from the Light Girls. That, and hope that Oros didn't put her in a position where she herself would have to use her greatest, and also only, technique.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@TheWendil @BrokenPromise @Ponn @KoL @CamiCat @FroggRFlowR @ERode

A figure entered the fray, cutting clean through a Miseria with one of the dual swords it wielded. Not a magical girl, nor even a living being - the streetlights revealed it to be a horse-headed construct, with a doll-like jointed torso and arms, clad in black armour. Its lower half was a cone, like that of a chess piece, hovering a short distance over the ground.

Above her knight, Himea leapt down from a rooftop, landing in a catlike crouch next to Yayoi. She stood up tall, holding out a gloved hand and absorbing the wispy remnants of the Miseria, while glaring over at Oros. As usual, the vampire-like magical girl couldn't keep her hands to herself, and was all over Rei this time. The shudder running through Himea wasn't just from the thrill of bolstering her power - possessive people with no regard for boundaries gave her the creeps, even if they were on the same side. "Down." She pointed her sceptre at Oros, then gestured with it at the ground, like a royal giving orders to a subject. "You heard Rei. She's not your feast tonight. They are." She swept her sceptre towards the Miseria gathering in the shadows. The Miseria which, one by one, exploded in splatters of goo as the psychotic new girl struck them with bolts of neon lightning, before unleashing a verbal assault as vicious as her physical one.

Putting her free hand on her hip, Himea kept her expression neutral, coolly eyeing the foul-mouthed Nyxia. "Now now, I know the hunt is exciting and all, but you'll want to keep a level head about it. Tactics are just as important as strength." She gestured to Yayoi. "Take Mercurial's example. She knows a thing or two about finesse."

A worse annoyance than Nyxia, however, was rapidly approaching. Himea felt it before she saw any signs, an aura of sickening warmth and positivity, like too-bright sunlight peeking out from behind clouds. The next moment, a fiery pink streak sailed through the sky, narrowly missing Rei as it hit the street lamp in a burst of flame. With a huff, Himea beckoned the knight to her side, giving the newcomers a condescending stare. A pink-haired girl with wings, and... Two girls on the back of a giant slimy toad? One of whom wielded a massive hammer and had gore smeared on her clothes? Himea wrinkled her nose. And she'd thought Nyxia unrefined.

"Just what do you think you're doing," she demanded, tilting her head, "interrupting a banquet fit for a queen?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago


Holy FUCK… Nyxia thought to herself as Earthshaker returned from having a bit of fun in the street to go right back to lecturing her about “being a team player”. I thought these girls were supposed to be delinquents, and here THIS bitch is acting like a fucking head disciplinarian… Yet, when the shamanic girl made her quip about Nyxia’s outfit, the Neon Tempest couldn’t help but smirk, a smirk which only grew wider when Earthshaker mentioned her chest.

“Really?” Nyxia sneered. “You actually get smaller when you transform? And here I thought magical girl forms represented our ideal selves. Or are your boobs not the only thing that gets bigger when you change back?” she inquired with a smirk. “Well, whatever. It’s not like I’d ever be attracted to a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen with a stick the size of a redwood up her ass,” she added. “Oh, and speaking of wardrobes, that little attempt at an insult wasn’t half bad, but my outfit is still a thousand times more practical than yours. Hate to ruin your fucked up fantasies, but not only is this not painted on, it’s fully armored,” the Neon Tempest explained, tapping a finger against her abdomen. “I’m pretty fucking agile, but I still wouldn’t want to take the chances you seem to be fine with.”

As if to prove her point, a glowing, pink arrow chose that moment to arc through the sky towards where Rei and two other girls were standing. Although the trio swiftly vacated the area before it hit, the impact still caused the lamp post to be engulfed in pink flames. Idly curious as to the source of the projectile, Nyxia turned her head to see that it had been fired by a pink-haired girl in a frilly dress. Something in the girl’s demeanor led the Neon Tempest to believe this was not simply another member of Rei’s little fan club, a suspicion that was confirmed a moment later, when the green-haired club leader issued an order to capture the newcomer. There was even a reward to be claimed for being the one to do so, in the form of choosing the establishment at which the club would have dinner, but (contrary to Acid Drop’s internal musings) even this incentive did little to motivate Nyxia to take part in Rei’s little game. She had never shared a meal with anyone other than her brother, and had no desire to change that now, especially not with a collection of annoying strangers for company. Besides, if everyone was competing to capture little miss cotton candy over there, then who would be left to take care of the Miseria? Slaying them would always be Nyxia’s top priority, and if their uninvited guest helped to keep the others from getting in her way as she did just that, then she would have to thank the clueless-looking girl once someone finally managed to capture her, a task which seemed to have grown a bit more challenging, now that two of the girl’s apparent allies had just shown up.

The Neon Tempest was just about to return her full attention to her glorious slaughter, when another of Rei’s bothersome brown-nosers called up to her, offering words of advice in a particularly condescending manner. If anything, this royal-looking girl was even worse than Earthshaker…

“Why, thank you so very much, your highness,” Nyxia replied in a tone practically dripping with sarcasm, while dramatically placing the splayed fingers of one hand over her chest. “Whatever would I do without your oh-so-valuable advice?! I mean, taking thirty seconds to kill just a single one of these pathetic fuckers is obviously far more effective than annihilating over two dozen in the same amount of time!”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Villamvihar
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Villamvihar Shocking Developments

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Before the two could begin to converse in earnest, or the new girl could heed the advice disguised as a threat, two more nuisances joined the fray and Shatterscape became the minority rather quickly. Even worse, they were familiar faces who knew some of her tricks along with that of her team-mates. This meant she had to weigh the loss of this Khir... that is, if she had wanted to attack in the first place. However, she merely closed her eyes and let out a sigh, then focused her gaze upon the two.

"Have we not handed you enough concessions already?" She opened her gauntlets wide, almost as though she wanted to encompass the city. "This is our sacred ground and the only reason you are permitted to touch its soil is because of our mercy. And yet despite such showing of goodwill, why do you bring another one of your kin amongst us? You know very well the price." She flashed a grin that did not reach her eyes, instead serving as a way to reveal her teeth.

"Indeed, the whole of your world is within your hands while this is the only sanctuary we claim as ours. And as it is, we are never remiss in its cleansing, its purification, its rituals and its groundskeeping. So why do you keep violating its hallowed nature? You would find a much warmer welcome elsewhere, in a place where your world shines brighter than ours." A breath. Shatterscape moved her fingers against each other, creating an unsettling noise of metal grinding on metal. A step forward followed, bringing her further into the light, not to mention closer to engagement range.

"But maybe I only repeat myself without reason. You have never heeded my mercy in the past... Will this new blood be enough for you to reconsider the offer?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Ponn @KoL @FroggRFlowR @ERode @Villamvihar

With a sigh, Himea rolled her eyes at Nyxia. Yes, she got it. Power felt good. She knew that better than anyone. Yet that didn't mean this girl had to be a walking electrical hazard, or waste the night bickering when they could all be feasting on Miseria. The light girls were causing enough of an issue as it was.

At least this made for an opportunity.

"Keep them distracted," she whispered to Yayoi, before dismissing her knight in a swirl of black mist, and striding over to Nyxia. As she did, she discreetly formed another chess piece in her left hand and flicked it into a dark alleyway, where it slowly grew.

"More effective in terms of not taking out your teammates in the process," she replied. Good thing she hadn't had a pawn out, she thought. A stray lightning bolt could have prematurely detonated it and caught anyone nearby in the blast. "And, y'know, actually saving some for the rest of us. We may not be big on the whole selflessness thing, but we have some manners here."

By now, in the alleyway, another figure hovered. One with a cross for a head, and a robe that looked to be woven of shadow. Nearby Miseria hunched, shrinking in on themselves, murky mist streaming from them towards the Bishop chess piece. "After all," Himea continued, lowering her voice, "you really, really don't want to get in our leader's bad books. So watch as I do the opposite." She swept her sceptre in Rei's direction, or at least, that was what it looked like she was doing. In truth, the gesture commanded the bishop forth, a black and purple energy sphere forming in the centre of the cross.

"Now!" Breaking away from Nyxia and leaping to the bishop's side, Himea pointed her sceptre forward and willed her summon to unleash a beam of destructive magic, being careful to avoid Shatterscape. "Get the frog!" The blast crackled, shooting upwards. If it hit, that'd be the perfect cue for Shatterscape to make her move, then they'd be able to subdue the light girls and bring them to Rei.

Choosing the venue for a celebratory dinner certainly did sound appealing.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CamiCat
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CamiCat Mad

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I'll show you the beauty that your hatred has blinded you to."

"Ah... I'm so very sorry!" Her actions had finally processed, she'd almost shot a fellow magical girl! She bowed repeatedly, completely oblivious to the order that Rei had given to the rest of the posse. "I'm really new here, please forgive me. I wasn't sure what this strange feeling was!" Her apology continues, for far too long almost. Strangely, she felt her fear slowly begin to subside despite the immense feeling almost crushing her heart as she approached. "It just turned out to be some new friends!"

She looked around the group of Dark Magical Girls, the only word she could use to describe them in her head was 'deranged'. But to her, an ally was an ally, if they were going to take out the Miseria, they may as-well work together right? It seemed others had a different opinion on the matter. The roof shook with the power of a category 1 earthquake, not incredible, but enough to almost throw Homura off balance as a giant frog appeared behind her.

Wait. A giant frog?

"What!" Homura's first instinct was that this could've been an attack, had her battle conviction not been wavering, she would've fired straight at the source of the frog. Just moments later, she found herself greeted by another magical girl. How the hell she had frog magic was well beyond her. So many new faces and new friends to make, Homura was beginning to feel slightly overwhelmed at the unintentional greeting party the dark magical girls had set up.

Then there was Nonsuch, giving Homura unsolicited but indeed helpful advice. She didn't quite want to be watched, let alone by a strange, ugly floating eye creature. "This is all nice, and everything, really-" Homura stated, confused. Were the magical girls not all working in tandem? Why were they so split like this, surely everyone had the same goal in mind. Surely. "But I don't understand what's going on." She adds, almost interrupting Shatterscape's rant at the other magical girls, and perhaps at her.

"No- You've got it all wrong! I don't know anyone. I'm new here-"


Homura's heart sank as Himea attacked, the first to strike if you ignore Homura's blind shot at the well of negative emotions. She looked back and forth and in that moment, she went to ready her bow. But she couldn't. Something was draining her emotions, someone was attempting to stop her from striking back. With so many dark magical girls in the area, it would be pointless to fight back. It was at that moment, Homura chose to make her move.

"If only this meeting could've been under better circumstances..." Homura stated to nobody in particular, all she hoped was that Sayuri had heard her words. Besides Nonsuch, who was far out of earshot, she was the only one that offered Homura some kind of grace among the power-horny band of girls.

If they intended to fight, they could. Elsewhere. Homura had her eyes set upon the mountains, wooded, steep. It was a perfect location for an archer. Whether the other light magical girls chose to follow her or keep some of the dark magical girls back, to prevent them from making chase, was up to them. She leapt from rooftop to rooftop, darted from alley to alley, she attempted to make her pattern difficult to recognise, difficult to follow.

But she knew they would follow eventually.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Nyxia proved herself a willful one, and quick to lash out at the slightest criticism. Were she any less acerbic then she might have conceded that they were being overbearing in singling her out....at least, internally. Saying that aloud even were it warranted was just not how Roche operated with juniors and subordinates lest she compromise her own position.

"You're the only here talking about attraction, Nyxia, but good to know you are fitting nicely into the Thunder stereotype. I'll take your word on the efficacy of that armor that leaves your most vulnerable areas exposed. I myself am rather keen on inviting attacks, so armor like that is more a hinderance than anything." The shamanistic Magical Girl offered an exaggerated shrug, stepping up to the roof's ledge and watching the spectacle of an unfamiliar Magical Girl having not just their first encounter with the Detention Club, but any Dark Magical Girl.

The sheer hubris of her existence would have made the old Roche want nothing more than to take Homura under her wing and explain to her the error of her ways. To spare her the pain that would come from her path. But now she knew well enough no Light Girl would abandon their sanctimonious ways without it being beaten out of them by the cruelty of the world or their fellow Light Girls.

"Us twisted reflections can only incense and disappoint the Light Girls till they either die or succumb as we did." Earthshaker saw no reason to give chase, already contenting herself to pay for the meal as a good sempai would. She gave a brief wave towards Kriegspiel as the bishop's attack wound down, leaving the area crisp from the lingering energy.

"A fine showing, but you'd best hurry off if you have any desire to choose our dining place. I'll make sure new girl doesn't find herself a Miseria's latest meal, and have a portion of the feast for you." There was a warmth in her gaze, for just as a mountain was an imposing obstacle it could so to shield and nurture those in its shadow. "Run along or all you'll have to show for the hunt is a popped frog or two."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FroggRFlowR
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Sayuri felt something happen as Homura was trying to grasp what was happening. It was a feeling she felt before... no, not a feeling - magic. She was being drained. So be it. Let them drain away, for they would discover that Sayuri had enough positivity for the whole lot of the Depression Club if they wanted it.

Her attention was fixed on Shatterscape, though, even as Nonsuch pitched in, probably trying to get a reaction out of them. Sayuri was glad she had accompanied her here, though. They were attracting a lot of attention and things to come were sure to be easier with support. Fight or not.


Kaeru was brought back to the discussion at end with Shatterscape first bit of monologuing. At first, Kaeru's whole face expression seemed to suggest surprise and awe at the discourse that was presented to them. it stayed like that until Shatterscape finished speaking, after which... Sayuri simply started laughing. A frank and honest laughter. The massive Frog behind her also seemed to actually accompany her in this, letting out amused croaking.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... You mean to lecture me on the sanctity of 'sacred grounds' and 'shrines'? I'm sorry, but who made you this city's keepers if not yourselves - and for no other's benefice but your own selfish desires, too. Your grand discourse could be impressive - if it wasn't so sadly misguided and deluded! Let me tell you what this city is, apart from your 'sacred grounds'..."

Kaeru straightened up from her previous crouched position to launch an accusative finger at Shatterscape; "My Home!"

"You might hunt Miseria, but only to spread just as much misery and selfishness around you. I will be dead before I leave this town and it's citizens, which my family has been watching over for as long as memory serves, to decay under the rule of a few girls too weak minded to understand the definition of duty - or uphold their original promises!
A taunt, a threat, a challenge and, perhaps, a vow. All in one. Though regular Sayuri was indeed a ray of sunshine to those around her, it felt as if she had given up on the fallen magical girls. She saw them as nothing more than an added misery that fell on her home town. She knew the Miseria and it's dangers - she did not know what kind of permanent damage the Dark ones could possibly do, and so she treated them like another threat to protect the town from.

But the talks were ended right then and there. Kaeru felt it before she saw it, though it was all she needed. The massive frog behind her was already in motion, jumping forward. While in the air, Kaeru's magic enveloped it, twisting it's form in a way barely visible through the light of her magic covering the creature. The beam of Kriegspiel's magic found a target - but not the intended one. The Frog had changed to perhaps it's true intended form: as the dust settled, it was revealed the frog now stood on two legs. One of it's hand held a great Gong like a shield, which was what blocked the laser. The other held a great spear. From it's agape mouth flowed it's breath as it exhaled, rainbow in color and a great, longue tongue that whipped at the air.


"Kero-kero!" it answered with a deep, cavernous croaking voice in agreement.

Kaeru jumped atop it's back, giving the briefest of look back at Nonsuch trusting she'd know what to do. With Homura already on the move and Kaeru about to leave, she'd hope Nonsuch might keep Shatterscape here busy from potentially coming after her. The now Yokai-looking frog then jumped high and towards the source of the attacker - aiming to thrust it's spear directly at Kriegspiel upon landing.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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To Acid Drop, Kaeru’s emotions may have been palpable, but Nonsuch’s were scalding. It was a fiery sense that scorched the Empath, as if biting into fresh peppers; the sting, then the burn. An obstinate righteousness, one that transcended the reason of philosophers and lawmakers, one that brooked no compromise. T’was not battle-confidence, not even battle-readiness, that filled the blonde paladin up.

T’was a brilliance of such intensity that it chased all else away. T’was the eye of a nuclear reactor, terrible in its unforgiving self-destruction. Brilliance, suited for casting the stark shadows within which the Detention Club dwelt.

And yet, the only hint of that madness that leaked through was the applause of Nonsuch, her steel gauntlets clanking together as Shatterscape’s tirade, eloquent as it was, found its match in the emotional outburst of Kaeru’s. It didn’t have to be Hibusa, that the Dark Magical Girls dwelt. They didn’t even have to be together, mucking about together in school and after school. Light or Dark, they were magical girls all the same, and their TV-headed mascots didn’t make a distinction whether they lived with their family still, or if they made do with cardboard boxes and almost-expired bentos. If there was a single reason for this…well, Nonsuch spoke it out pretty clearly.

“Aren’t you getting things mixed up here? There’s more evil in the world than good, Shatterscape. We’re the ones that have it hard! Isn’t that why you’ve fallen?”

Like that, what tenuous peace could’ve existed was broken. A destructive beam rippled through the night sky, striking Kaeru’s frog a moment too late to capitalize on its more mundane form. From the cloud of debris kicked up by the collision, the ever-chivalrous Bakegama emerged, ready to become the guardian of the shrine maiden. The new girl made the correct decision, extricating herself from the chaos expediently before the full ‘might’ of the Detention Club emerged. Nonsuch called out behind her, a cheery cry to send her off: “Remember! Shoot the eyeballs!”

Then, there upon the water tower, Nonsuch leapt up as well, sailing high into the sky. The night wind whistled in her ears, the city lights sparkled in her eyes, the world opened up dark and bright. She reorientated herself, feet planting upon the haft of her Warhammer, and then kicked off, an arcane repulsion launching both Maiden and Armament away at incredible speeds.

One flew down, with a vicious, destructive roar. Acid Drop had not escaped the paladin’s gaze at the apex of her leap, and between the near-immortal Shatterscape and a random weirdo who didn’t wield any obvious weapons, it was obvious who the weak link was. She was going to be crushed flat, splattered against the rooftops like a tomato, unless something was done.

Another flew forth, with a glorious, banshee-like laugh. Evil Eye’s minions were well-dispersed, but the Detention Club was never all that talented when it came to hiding. In the split second of Nonsuch flying by another of the Mogall’s, she made sure to look right into the monster, right into the maiden behind the monster, and flash a grin that was wide eyes, bared teeth. A naked threat, to give Shatterscape, that immortal on the rooftops, another option.

Save Acid Drop and then chase the new girl, or return and protect Evil Eye before Nonsuch crushed her real eyes. And there wasn’t all that much time. Shatterscape was immortal and could seemingly appear from nowhere, but Nonsuch was just plain fast, a shooting star with a hammer attached!

“Oh shoooooooooooooooot!” The Doppler effect made it almost incomprehensible. “Kaeru, we didn’t even get her nameeeeeeeeeeee!"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ShadowSunRisen
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ShadowSunRisen Final Prophet

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Willow of the Wisps

Willow wasn't sure to kill Oros then and there or return the kiss back to her. Her scattered mind leaving her dazed under the assault of the girl's kissing. Her cat ears flick up in surprise and interest. The girl wasn't a terrible kisser, and this fact more than anything spared the girl from any retaliation. Willow licked her lips.

"Hmm. What a daring sort you are. You'll be a perfect little acolyte. Dumb, eager, and powerful. Tastes of sour apples. My favorite."

She'd make an exaggerated show of licking her lips, and promptly shove Oros's mouth with a suddenly summoned green apple.

"Don't do it again in front of my death angel, tart." She'd hiss, flipping from flirting to hostile on a dime. "Or I'll give you more than just an apple."

Rei's challenge would distract her from any further reprisal, tilting her head as she quickly reappeared at Rei's side with her violin immediately nearby. Her string was at the ready, playing a familiar and popular tune.

"Rei, you're already pushing all the rats into the maze. I detect some lovely light girls too, they're coming along in this gathering of witches and crones. Should we capture them? Maybe coerce them to join our club? I know a couple already are chomping at the bit to get started. If you don't give them something, they're liable to pounce on you~"

"So many lost souls all in one place. So much noise and sight and sound. I feel with all of this life, it'll only be natural that death will come soon for one."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Emeth
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Emeth Fluffs Responsibly

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Evil Eye sighed as she watched the other members of the Detention Club bicker amongst themselves. Oh well, perhaps it was harder to keep one's eyes on the prize when they only had two eyes to keep on it. She snickered at the thought. Pink-hair had bolted, frog girl had just finished what was probably a pretty lame speech, and was now leaping down into her general area. "Nope, not dealing with this shit again," Evil Eye said as she kicked her motorcycle back into gear. She wasn't going to stick around for another dramatic re-enactment of the second Plague of Egypt. "Sayonara, girls~" she called back with faux cheer and a middle finger for Sayuri as she ran down another crowd of bottom-feeders, tearing through alleys that she hoped were too narrow for amphibious biological weapons to follow.

Indeed, the front line was no place for her, and Shatterscape's original target had just scurried away. The onus was on Evil Eye to give chase. "Pink-hair's surprisingly smart for a blind girl, don't you think~?" she inquired of her partner's still, unconscious body. Her maddening eyes glowed bright red as she watched Homura's flight through the all-seeing eyes of her Mogalls, driving her motorcycle with a third-person, bird's-eye view. Additionally, Nonsuch had just killed another, and, in her personal fashion, flashed a killer grin at Evil Eye that inspired one of her own. "I hope you wake up soon! The fun's just about to get started!"

Ah, Nonsuch—the only one who walked in the light, yet was not blinded by it. She was a fascinating one. Evil Eye could hardly wait to make that girl fall to her side. Yet, she had to respect her, for several reasons—the first being that, unlike her dumb friends, she didn't spout nonsense. Second, she could squish her like a bug, and that might just make a couple of members of the Detention Club a little bit sad. Third, and perhaps most importantly, she was the one force for good in this town that could actually catch up to her motorcycle. It was with this thought in mind that she had to abandon the idea of following Homura's path directly. The Mogalls would have to do the bulk of the work of tracking her, or in the event that she killed them all, at least slowing her down. Evil Eye needed to get on a highway, and she needed to do it five minutes ago, but right this instant would just have to do.

She drove up an exit into oncoming traffic, which for any normal person would be a terrifying prospect, but given that both she and her bike were invisible to all but the miseria and other magical girls, it was a much safer proposition, as much of the danger of doing such a thing would come from the unpredictable reactions of other drivers. This way, at least, everyone's movements were predictable, which would serve her needs in crossing several lanes of traffic and a median to get to the proper side so she could properly floor it. Taking an opportunity to check back on the others, she watched Homura's flight. "Of course—how polite and chivalrous of you, wanting to take this away from the so-called innocents, ahuhu~!" she chuckled. Then, suddenly, she threw her head back and looked right at the one who had given chase to her, her eyes mad and aglow with such. "Hello, friend~! Did you miss me~?" she called out.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

“Evil Eye, pleased to see you. Those count by the way,” Rei mused, the sound of crushed Miseria mixing with the screech of tire.

An engine’s roar crackled the sleepy streets of Hibusa Town, the point of noise reaching the group of dark girls second by second. One had to wonder if the bike’s loud sound was also rendered “invisible” to humans. Certainly, the bike and its riders were but who was to say the rulings applied to noise as well? Perhaps to the superstitious folk that inhabited the town it was merely the distant calls of a long-passed spirit, a Youkai. But that was neither here nor there.

Rei regarded Evil Eye’s words with a steady smile and a, “Well, that’s not quite what I meant but who am I to deny your wit?” Her appearance sparked the presence of the two, now three light girls conglomerated on a nearby rooftop. With all three suited together, it made the Miseria restless and turn much of their attention towards them. A need to consume the light, to hunger and taint those pure emotions, drew the shadowy masses to slither up buildings.

The last of the Detention Club swiftly arrived, Kriegspiel residing beside her watery partner. Rei would have wandered what kept her so late had her thoughts not been drown out by Nyxia’s incessant whining. Kriegspiel was swift to threaten the new girl, pointing at their leader; in turn, Rei only remained with her painted-on smile. Even if it held something off. As if true to Kriegspiel’s words, a creeping chill stirred the air around Nyxia whenever she looked upon the Detention Club leader. Not that Kriegspiel bothered to explain as she moved on the offense.

“You’re too nice with people,” Rei chimed in to Earthshaker’s conversation. Of course, she meant the newcomer, leaving Rei to chuckle to herself. As usual, this contest was rigged. At the rate they were going, it’d fall on herself to pay for whatever sort of late dinner her group chose. It wasn’t an uncommon notion among them. Even Evil Eye would have gotten some slain Miseria in comparison to Rei. Maybe she was too used to playing benefactor.

A great deal of sound and clashes were heard up above and Rei swore she caught the trail ends of a silly little speech being propagated. No doubt from the resident frog eater. “She always makes me hurl,” Rei sighed, leaning on her lamppost beside Willow. Her deranged little partner played a melody as if unconsciously soothing the sudden spike of venom and disdain in Rei’s voice.

“Those girls are way too stuck up in their views. There’s no use talking reason to them,” she told Willow, crossing her hands behind her head and stretching. “Kaeru’s a sappy little shrine maiden and Nonsuch’s a bad parody of a paladin. Either way, recruiting them is a waste of our time. That newbie though, well, she’s got an interesting sort of magic. Can’t you feel it?”

Rei had a perfect angle of the streetlamp above her in her position. Perched at its top among the pink flames was a Mascot. Its static screen of a head illuminated light on Rei’s face. Coupled with the streetlamp, she could barely make out was written on its screen. How curious indeed. Rei wandered what dragged their enigmatic contractors out from their late evening nap. Surely, it couldn’t be this new girl?

“Hey. Why don’t you go help them out,” she suddenly told Willow. Whether she chose to assist Evil Eye or Kriegspiel was her choice but the former already departed to no doubt cash in on the challenge prize. Rei held in the ghost of a sigh. Despite the club being divided into teams, actually committing to a goal seemed troublesome. Such was the price of having so many souls lost in darkness among their number, minds deluded and deranged.

All the same, they were still a team. Even if some of them didn’t act like it. Rei turned her one eye on Earthshaker and firmly said, “Put a leash on your partner.” She was gone before the tanned Dark Magical Girl responded, already fading into thin air. One of their own was in danger after all and Acid Drop would feel a rush of wind tear her off the ground.

Whether it was from Nonsuch’s attack or Rei’s appearance was hard to say. The gust of force was fast as it was violent but Acid Drop would find her body shielded by another, swept off her legs and carried away from the light girl’s Sweet Arm rupturing the rooftops in its descent. Acid Drop in her arms, Magical Girl Schrade landed a good distance away, transformed.

“Hey Tsubomi. I ran into your partner earlier. Pretty sure you two got split up,” said Schrade with her usual low smirk. The empath dark girl would feel the usual coldness that always surrounded her leader. It was a peering hollow sensation that directly opposed Nonsuch’s burning drive and passion. Whether Acid Drop made way to use such feelings to her advantage was her choice. After all, it was always a hassle when Rei transformed. Only Willow seemed to enjoy the deep chill in her chest.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
Avatar of BrokenPromise

BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 38 min ago

"An apple a day keeps the Suki away!”

— Suki Oyama

It was always interesting for Suki to see how people reacted to her magic. The most common of such emotions was embarrassment. The sudden flush of passion wasn’t something most were used to, and they would hide it by averting their eyes. But Rei seemed to be embracing it. But was this something she was going to want more of?

It wasn’t clear.

The next words out of Rei’s mouth were a suggestion that Suki should feed on miseria, and that Suki's close proximity to her might set off Willow. But what Suki found interesting was that she didn’t tell Suki to stop outright, only to wait until later. She may have a shot at Rei.

Though her impulses kicked in before she could think.

But things turned out fine. Willow also didn’t seem to mind Suki’s touch, and also had some adorable expressions to boot. For just a moment, she had to wonder if Willow and Rei would be okay with a paligamous relationship. But her thoughts were derailed when Willow fed her an apple, followed by a warning, and then she teleported out of her arms. Suki grabbed the apple in her mouth and took a bite out of it.

"Eyy, I do taste great!”

But there was little time to finish eating. A pink arrow streaked across the sky and slammed into where Rei's former squatting place. It startled Suki enough to make her drop her apple. Had She not moved away from Rei earlier, the arrow might have hit her instead. Suki stared, wide eyed, as the pink flames crept all over the lamp post.

"Whoa!” She exclaimed. "I wonder how that would feel running over my skin.”

It didn’t take Rei long to put a bounty on the newly arrived light girl. That bounty being getting to eat what you want with everyone else. A neat little reward for something Suki already wanted to do. Club members were great and everything, but there was something about the light girls that tickled Suki’s fancy. You just couldn’t deny that it was insanely hot when the bad guys and good guys started making out with each other. It didn’t matter what franchise you wanted to talk about, the bad x good ships were always the hottest.

However, Suki wouldn’t have long to daydream about her fated encounter with the new light girl. Rei was quick to add that the person who slew the least amount of miseria would be paying for the dinner arrangement.


Suki’s eyes went blank. Earlier, Rei told Willow that nobody present was a light magical girl without a home, but that was only half right for Suki. Paying for everyone’s night on the town might as well have been a death sentence. Playing around with a new light girl sounded fun, but survival came first.

It didn’t take Himea long to admonish Suki’s behavior, and urged her to start killing some monsters already. It was just enough to snap her out of her thoughts. She blinked her eyes and turned to the chess girl with a smile. "But I always give you a head start! Otherwise I’d end up overeating again.” She looked at the “new blood” before speaking again. ”I guess I can’t let the new cutie show the rest of us up.” It wasn’t long ago when Suki was the new blood slaying miseria like crazy. Regardless, it seemed like she was due to a return to form. Suki looked up at the roof where the light magical girl should have been. It was just one girl. They’d have her in the bag before Suki even scaled up to the roof.

The bottoms of Suki’s feet grew bloody blades. They weren’t too different from a pair of ice skates. The tendrils that held her to the lamp post released and formed a pseudo ramp beneath her. She lined up her feet with the ribbons of blood and disappeared in the blink of an eye. She was unleashing her inner Shadow the hedgehog.

Elsewhere, a side street was teaming with miseria. They dragged their tar-like bodies around looking for their next victim. One tipped over a garbage can while another peered through a window into someone’s home. Then the sound of skates scraping against pavement made them turn their heads. A flash of crimson, a few kicks, a few swipes, and the target rich environment was empty. Suki left one side street just to dive into another. Remnants of her previous victims still clung to her claws when she started swinging again. A few kicks, a few swipes, and the alleyway was empty.

The miseria could sense their own falling, and crept out into the street. They gurgled and bubbled at their foe, who’d be upon them before long. This time they wouldn’t be ambushed. They generated tentacles, arms, and other appendages to fling at the red and white blur that was coming for them. An army of shapeless tar monsters against Suki’s shapeless blood.

Suki dove over a pair of black tendrils while her own coiled around her aggressors. She hadn’t finished crushing them out of existence before using her claws to rend the next one. A giant fist with tentacles for fingers grasped for Suki, and she yelped. The blood witch jumped onto the side of a building and slid just out of reach. At the peak of her slide, she jumped off the wall and dropped her heel on the massive arm. The miseria was split top to bottom, and its remains were absorbed into Suki’s blood.

Baseline miseria weren’t enough to get the best of Suki. The only reason why she wore a frantic expression was because of her kill count. She hadn’t been keeping great count, but she felt like she had killed at least twenty, maybe thirty if her counting was bad. But how much had everyone else killed? She knew a lot of the other delinquents were not specialized fighters. But if they worked as a team- Oh crap, did Tsubomi have enough kills? The delinquents might have been known for their selfishness, but Suki didn’t want to hang her own partner out to dry. Damn! She had gotten too nervous about having to pay for all that food.

The last mob of miseria on this street had all huddled together. There were quite a few of them, and they were all flailing their limbs in an attempt to defend against their magical girl aggressor. A confident smile appeared on Suki’s face. She’d sweep up these guys before returning to her bestie. Blood red tendrils shot out of Suki’s palms as she raced towards her target. An (admittedly squeaky) warcry slowly rose out of her chest as she built up more and more speed. She spun like a lawnmower blade. Then her ears started to pulse.

A sapphire beam of light passed in front of her.

One of Nyxia’s crazy death beams bent like a curly straw and slammed into the remaining miseria. Their bodies sizzled and popped one after the other. Suki could only watch, unless she wanted to risk joining them. When the beam faded away, there wasn’t anything left of the miseria.

"Heh!” Suki’s shoulders were shaking. "I guess ya can’t give the new kids a head start anymore!”

Suki was about to head off to kill some more miseria, but she decided she should at least check in on her partner. Magical girl or not, every girl packs their cell phone with them. Though Suki had one specifically for her magical girl persona and one for her true self. Suki didn’t like texting while out and about. It was too distracting. Yet she didn’t picture Tsubomi to stop what she was doing to answer her phone mid-combat either. so she decided to send “Acid Drop” a short voice message.

"Hello, Rainbow! Sorry I missed you, just let me know where we can meet up and we can slay some miseria together. Who ended up nabbing the new light cutie?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Oh my god. I thought Schrade was the most intense person I've ever met, but Nonsuch is giving her a run for her money."

I hope you've been observant and have been clicking on each of the header images~ Only the first had no secret...

Just as the violence began between Light and Dark, Tsubomi felt it. As if struck by a great pressure pouring down upon her shoulders, like Atlas himself had left his weights on her back, Acid Drop clutched her stomach in pain, visibly shaken and shaking like a sugar-loaded toddler. The thrill was just somewhat offset by the immense feeling of depthlessness that came alongside it. Homura was a great source of power, with her previously considered overwhelming emotions, but whatever the other Light Girl's name was, she blew that out of the water. The confidence had been one thing, but the rush of w̴̛̳̰̆̿̄̾ḧ̸̡̞͙̘̏̍a̸̼̱̾̒ţ̶̮̩̰́̀ḙ̴͎̟͈͋̎̓v̵̡̹̯͓͔̈́̇̇̀̚̕e̶͉͈͎͇̟͐́̋́͂͠ṙ̸͎͚̤̘̿̇̆ ̴̺̭͙̘̮͖̏͋̓̓͝t̵̛͍̲̞̮͗h̸͎̋̇̄͗́̓ǎ̶̡̺̘͌͠t̷͖̰̳̪̯̾̋̆̍͘ ̶̨̞̞̙̝̝̊͊̊͂̈́͂w̶̤͚͉͔̻̥͒͆́͑̋̚ạ̸̦͔̣̰̲̌̅̎̾̚͠s̴̘̦̆̔͘ that lay under it... It was scary. Like gazing into an abyss, if it were flashing enough to be seizure-inducing. Tsubomi, for the first time in a long time, decided not to take from the wellspring of emotion available to her. A choice that might have caused her to lose her life. Without activating her magic's ability, and distracted by the force of what she was feeling, she had no chance to dodge Nonsuch's attack. It was only thanks to Schrade's appearance as a Magical Girl that she was saved.

"... Huh?" was all that escaped Tsubomi's lips as she was forcibly removed from the danger and the shock of the force she was moved with took her concentration off of Nonsuch. She looked up to see Schrade holding her in her arms, something that would probably make Tsubomi's partner envious. Once again, Boss Lady got to be the cool one. Tsubomi couldn't help but notice her own slight blush at the situation, though she couldn't pinpoint if it were the adrenaline, the appreciation of the coolness of her savior, or embarrassment from having to be saved. Maybe it was all three, maybe something else altogether. Nonetheless, she let herself down from Schrade's arms and bowed slightly. "Thanks, Boss." The close proximity to the other Dark Girl forced her to feel some of Schrade's emotions, and curiosity was, as they say, a bitch. A small probe led her to the fathomless depth of her boss's feelings as well, a stark contrast to the Light Girl who paralyzed her. It was somehow more welcoming, the deep cold of Schrade versus the burning heat of Nonsuch. She knew that the Boss didn't mind, so she helped herself to a bit of it. Maybe helping alleviate the no doubt troublesome emotions would be welcome.

Acid Drop was more full and high on energy than she'd been in a long time, and was deciding whether or not to put it to use now, to catch the new light that had shown itself, or to save it in case the old lights decided to fight her, when she got an alert that she received a voicemail message. Unlike her partner, Tsubomi had only one phone and it was set to convert voicemail into text for her. She gave Schrade another slight bow and checked her phone. A moment after reading it, she spoke. "Yeah, Boss, we did get separated. I'll fix that." She turned on voice-to-text as she started moving in the direction the "new blood" had ran.

"Don't worry about the miss, the Boss saved me. With any luck, the one to nab her will be me." She paused and sent the message before closing her eyes and focusing. When she opened them again, she had locked onto the pink-haired girl's desperation. "Just gotta beat EE to her. Looks like she's headed towards the mountains. Meet on the way? Cool if not." With the press of the screen, she sent her second message to her partner and leapt to the rooftops herself. Sure, Evil Eye had the raw speed advantage, but she also had to stick to roads. "The shortest distance between two points is a straight line," she remembered learning several years ago, and it would give her an advantage. Still, she decided to save her real magic for an encounter, even if it cost her the race. Five Miseria wasn't a lot, but if she decided what the meal was, she could choose something cheap anyway. Besides, she had to pay the Boss back for the save.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Tch." Stepping aside, Himea blocked the spear with her sceptre. "Keep those cheesy speeches of yours to yourself. This is our home too - and not just that, our domain." These light girls were proving tougher than she'd thought. It was almost sad, how they wasted all that power serving others. At least the frog girl had unwittingly brought herself and her steed within the bishop's range.

She cast a glance at her summon. "Drain them both." It floated closer, its shadow cloak billowing, as it made to draw magical energy from frog and rider towards the cross that was its head. The amphibious abomination, being the faster mover, would probably hop out of range, but with any luck the bishop would siphon a fair amount of power beforehand.

"And don't forget the small fry either." Some of the lesser Miseria crawling up the wall like slugs shrivelled to nothing, save for a few smoky wisps of essence, which Himea beckoned forth and absorbed. Even if she had the money for it and then some, having to pay for tonight's dinner was a prospect too humiliating to let happen. Plus, the more powered up both she and her summon were, the better.

Revelling in the rush of dark magic coursing through her body, Himea raised her arm and swung her sceptre towards the warrior frog's head - in a feint. Changing its course before it could hit, she aimed for its belly instead, in an attempt to knock all that rainbow-coloured breath from it, and hopefully destabilise its rider.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago


From her rooftop perch, Nyxia sneered down at Kriegspiel as the queenly young woman approached. Once again, the Neon Tempest forced herself to listen through yet another tedious sermon about looking out for her teammates, and the value of sharing, yet, even so, she couldn’t keep from giving the girl an annoyed roll of her eyes. “I am so very sorry, your highness,” Nyxia “apologized”, even as her “baby’s” writhing beam gruesomely disposed of a dozen more Miseria. “I was led to believe this was a gang of rule breaking delinquents. If I’d known I was being asked to join an old hags’ knitting circle, I would have laughed in our fearless leader’s fucking face! If you and your pals are so inept they can’t kill these pathetic shit stains fast enough, then that’s your problem! I’m here to murder Miseria, not pander a bunch of weak-ass rejects from a cosplay club! Oh, and thanks for the warning,” she added with a contemptuous smirk when she was told how bad an idea it would be to piss off the club’s revered leader. “But if Rei doesn’t like how I do things, then she shouldn’t have begged me to join her little fan club in the first place!”

Still, for all that, The Neon Tempest watched closely as Kriegspiel demonstrated how a “proper” Detention Club member did things. She had to admit, her summoned chess piece’s beam was somewhat impressive, at least, for a pale imitation of what The Omega Obliterator could produce. But the choice of target, combined with the wanna be royal’s loud announcement of said target to all in earshot, was far less impressive, although it did manage to cause a wide smile to spread across Nyxia’s disdainful visage. “Hahahahahaaa!!! What the fuck was that supposed to be?!” the Neon Tempest mockingly inquired as the forewarned frog metamorphosed into a more humanoid form and fully absorbed Kriegspiel’s blast with a gong-shaped shield. “What’s the point of a fucking sneak attack if you’re gonna warn your target it’s coming?! Or are you just trying to scare them off, because actual violence frightens you?”

After having her fun at “Queenie’s” expense, Nyxia turned her attention back to her primary source of annoyance, who was even now going on about stereotypes and how she actually enjoyed taking damage from enemy attacks. “Wow, I never would have guessed you’d be a masochist,” Nyxia replied with a taunting grin. “I guess you really do learn something new every day.” And speaking of learning new things, Earthshaker now moved on to a short infodump on the relationship between Dark and Light Magical Girls, something The Neon Tempest had given little thought to, and honestly couldn’t have cared less about. Indeed, the fact that there were two opposing factions of Magical Girls in Hibusa Town was one she had only just recently discovered. Up until then, she had thought that all Magical Girls were like her, vengeful reapers of the Miseria that infested the city. Not that the revelation made much of a difference. Growing up isolated in her family’s palatial mansion, the sickly girl who would become Nyxia had never experienced socializing with others her own age, had never known the joys of making friends, or the horrors of being bullied, although her parents and their servants did their best to make up for the latter. As such, she was wholly unfamiliar with high school politics, the idea of clubs, cliques, and the other myriad demographic groups which, in their own way, carried over to the mystical realm of Magical Girls being utterly foreign concepts. The only reason she’d agreed to join the Detention Club was because Rei had been so insistent. Really, she was only here to see what all the fuss was about, and as things stood, she was less than impressed.

“Oh you will, will you?” The Neon Tempest inquired in a mocking tone after Earthshaker had declared that she would keep her from being eaten by a Miseria. “And what makes you think I’ll need saving? she added, while placing a hand on her hip, her harsh voice suffused with indignation. “Hell, even twenty of those fucking ass wipes couldn’t even make me break a sweat!” True enough, every Miseria she had ever encountered, while admittedly a serious threat to mundane humans, were nothing more than pathetic jokes as far as The Neon Tempest was concerned, ineffectual globs of filth that didn’t have even the slightest chance of withstanding the staggering power at her command. As such, she had not even the slightest fear for her safety. “If they really want to harm me, then let ‘em come!” Nyxia declared, grinning fiercely as she lovingly ran her fingers over her enormous death ray. “My precious baby is always hungry for more! Hahahahahaaa!!!”

The Neon Tempest’s peal of psychotic laughter continued even as Rei commanded Earthshaker to “put a leash” on her, the aura of unsetting coldness emanating from the Detention Club’s leader doing little to dampen Nyxia’s deranged amusement. Yes, there was no doubt Rei was a total control freak, one who wouldn’t be satisfied until every last member of her ever growing harem was wrapped tightly around her finger in submissive adoration. After all, Nyxia was well-acquainted with that type of neediness. Indeed, she herself had been the same way in regard to her dearest brother. Yet, that had been just a single person, a single cherished shining light in the darkness that threatened to suffocate her. She could only imagine the emotional anguish Rei had endured to be so embarrassingly desperate for companionship and adoration, all while hiding it under that stoic facade. Honestly, she almost felt sorry for the club leader.


“I’d like to see you try, Nyxia told her rooftop companion darkly. “My baby’s never tasted a Magical Girl before, and I gotta say, I’m kinda curious to see what he’ll think of it…”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 38 min ago

"The new girl’s kinda cute I guess.”

— Suki Oyama

After Suki left her message, she went right back to killing more miseria. They might have been getting more agitated, but their numbers were shrinking fast. It didn’t look like there were any more giant groups she could just throw herself at. At the very least, there weren’t any in Suki’s part of town. This only made her more anxious, as she hoped that their numbers weren’t thinning out due to everyone’s diligent hunting practices.

It didn’t take long for her phone to beep with a text message. Suki finished absorbing a miseria before ducking into a side street to look at her phone. She hadn’t seen any light girls yet, but it would be unfortunate if she got hit in the head with a giant hammer or it rained frogs while she was off guard.

Tsubomi’s message was brief, but it didn’t paint a nice picture of what was happening. Acid Drop needed to be saved? It was a little embarrassing that Boss Baby was the one to do it, but that was all the more reason to meet up with Tsubomi and figure out what was going on. But the mountains, Suki couldn’t remember, but she was pretty sure that was the direction she went to hunt miseria.

Suki’s eyes shot towards the heavens as something passed overhead.

It had to be the new light girl. Her hair breezed through the wind like a pink comet, and the silhouette of her bow stuck out in the darkness. But Suki wasn’t paying too much attention to that. Once the girl moved over the crest of her jump, her skirt opened up like a flower and revealed everything to Suki. Delicate legs clad in pink stockings. Winged slippers as white as snow. Panties adorned with enough cute hearts to even make the most hardened souls squee with joy. Suki’s brain was firing every synapse it could. Her disappointment with herself, the text from Tsubomi, it all faded into the background as her mind descended into ecstasy. She reached for the girl’s far off shapes, as if to pull them out of the sky.

But in Suki’s delirious state, she noticed something else. It was hard to read, but it looked like something was hanging out of the back of the girl’s panties. If she had to guess, it was likely a restraining order or some other legal document. But far more upsetting was what looked like a masculine hand, hairy and thick with veins It was pointing a pistol directly at her forehead. Suki’s heart skipped a beat, and she blinked. But that was all it took for the girl to disappear from sight. Was that a spell? A trick of the light perhaps? There was no way that was real.

But Suki had no reason to question the next figure that jumped overhead. This time it was Tsubomi. While she was an attractive girl, her pants didn’t reveal much when viewed from below. She could use her imagination, but that was never as satisfying or accurate as the real thing. Suki was pretty sure no one would guess what resided under her red leotard. Underwear visibility aside, Tsubomi’s presence meant that they could hunt their mark together now.

Suki jumped, bounding off building walls until she was up on the roof. Tsubomi was ahead of her, but Suki’s gaze returned to the light cutie jumping ahead of them. The pink haired girl looked over her shoulder, and Suki’s memories returned. The stockings, the slippers, the heart covered undergarments. She didn’t look bad from this angle either. Her little corset top revealed her shoulder blades, her oversized skirt made her look like a runaway bride. Her translucent wings made her look like an angel. Every inch of this girl screamed purity, grace, and vulnerability. Three things that Suki wan’t, but desperately wanted to have.

She gave chase.

The night was cold, but it was only now that Suki’s breath was warm enough to be visible. Her skin had turned to a light shade of pink. Suki’s tongue flopped out the side of her mouth like a dog running in the wind. She was skating noticeably faster now, enough to where she was starting to catch up to Tsubomi. As soon as they were side by side, Suki spoke to her partner without looking.

"I, won’t let, Eyeball, get this one!” She managed between breaths.

Drool seeped out of the corners of Suki’s smiling mouth before being swept away by the wind. Her unblinking eyes were locked on her target. Everything else was a distraction.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

"Understood, Schrade." Earthshaker nodded towards the club president, as unlike her out of control partner, she had enough self awareness to not just ignore the aura of certain demise that radiated from their resident undertaker. That was a level of delusion that stern words and condemnation wouldn't address, so Earthshaker was forced to live up to her name in a burst of violence.

Once the others had turned to the pursuit of Miseria or the chase for the Light Girls that so vexed their club, Earthshaker vented her charged power in a burst of speed towards Nyxia. Her hand curled into the claw of an avian, spread wide as it took under Nyxia under the chin and swept her off her feet as she bounded off the rooftop and struck the monster splattered alley in a crouch that saw the laser obsessed girl indented into sundered concrete.

Her other hand closed over the barrel of the Omega Obliterator and prepared to counter its inevitable petulant firing. With a cold fury smoldering in her eyes she crouched over her 'partner', letting her hood cast her face into a shadowy aspect.

"No camaraderie and no respect for power. Without one or the other, you're just a mad dog, worse than any Light Girl, and in this town we are used to putting down beasts." The tribal Magical Girl ground the words out, enunciating the syllables with a creeping intensification of her grip on Nyxia's throat.

"I see it in you. That empty ache in your chest that you think to fill with buckets of blood and the heat of your death rays. Let me be clear; Whatever your dreams are, I will break them down and feed you their ashes till you learn to behave. I will wring every drop of power you've claimed in the night as payment for the headaches I endure listening to the filth coming from your lips, and you will starve here in a gutter till you learn some manners."

To make good on that promise the shamanistic Magical Girl planted a knee squarely on Nyxia's chest, finding it was indeed an armored leotard. Yet her focus was not on the girl, but instead releasing her neck to instead move to wrench away the Omega Obliterator entirely from Nyxia's hands. The dangers of having an Emblem that was also your weapon were twofold, and Roche was making no secret of how she wished to see Nyxia humbled.

"But I'm a fair partner. You can keep the energy you've claimed tonight. You just have to make good on your boasts and kill twenty Miseria as you said....without this toy ray gun of yours."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 7 days ago

“Don’t you know you shouldn’t ask a magician about their secrets?” Mercurial replied to Rei’s question playfully. “Anyway, I guess I —no, we’ll take that bet of yours and claim tonight’s big prize. I hope you are ready to fork out some big bucks, after all, I didn’t see you catch a single one yet,” she added, right as her partner, the ever-so-dazzling Himea, showed up.

“Stop, please, I’m nothing but a simple trickster. You are going to make me blush if you keep saying things like that,” Yayoi said after Himea’s praise.

Sadly, their light-hearted banter was interrupted by a much-undesired interloper. Or rather, a whole group of ‘em light weirdos.

“On it,” Yayoi answered to her partner’s request. While Himea didn’t explain what kind of distraction she wanted, improvising was part of the show so Mercurial was more than ready for it. She snapped her fingers, summoning a cane with a darkened sapphire in its head, spun it around a couple times, and tipped her hat towards the mass of congregating Miseria.

And then, she fired a stream of bubbles, from her cane, trapping any who would get caught in them, before quickly consuming the tides of darkness.

After taking care of the threats in her immediate surroundings, Yayoi turned her attention back to Himea. She seemed to be dealing with a less-than-ideal match-up against a certain frog maniac. It was right that Mercurial took a part in that as well.

“Let’s see what kind of surprise awaits a pawn like you,” Mercurial said to Kaeru after she joined Kriegspiel atop their elevated arena. As she did so, she threw her hat at the frog girl and her battle toad. Mercurial’s intention wasn’t even to hit them, just to have the magical hat be close enough for her real trick to take effect.

If Kriegspiel took the cue, all she had to do was concentrate on summoning whatever piece she wanted next right from Mercurial’s hat, hopefully making it come from an unexpected angle that would take their target with her guard down.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Villamvihar
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Villamvihar Shocking Developments

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

What use were words in the face of light magical girls? Apparently none as Kaeru went on about the city being her home along with the city decaying under the rule of Shatterscape's comrades. Or rather, her friends. Those who welcomed her with open arms when there were none, those who hugged her without intending to hurt her in the first time of her life, those, who despite being "twisted" were more human than the servants of light ever could be. And yet, she had still tried to talk with them, to have them open their eyes to the truth. Even if it always ended up in misunderstanding. Even if it always ended up with one of her sisters interfering.

The beam of darkness bit into where Kaeru used to be, digging a malicious chasm into the rooftop. It all but radiated the darkness of Miseria and with it, the cease-fire shattered into a thousand pieces.

Kaeru went for Himea. Nonsuch went for Acid Drop. Shatterscape hesitated for a moment before she braced her legs, then jumped with a crack of metal against concrete. Trusting in the ability of her friends to protect themselves and wishing to be rid of these intruders so they may leave them alone as they very well should, she fell towards the frog girl as there were simply more of them there. Boxing her in would be the order of the day.

Landing a second or two after Kaeru, Shatterscape swept her massive gauntlets from the side, intent on coralling the light girl away from Himea so the latter would have more space for her chess plays. Then Shatterscape's metallic hands would clash against whatever defence Kaeru put up, the savage force of heavy steel smashing into her opponent with almost unstoppable momentum.

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