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Age of Broken Shackles

A long time ago, the galaxy was once under the iron grip of the Yrrani, who were said to be god-like in nature, their power beyond any known species in the galaxy. They ruled for untold centuries, acting both as benevolent rulers, and terrible tyrants. They gifted many worlds wonderous technologies, uplifted species of their choosing, all the while they razed entire systems to any who would dare defy their rule and wiped entire species from the face of all of creation. They were both loved and feared, revered and reviled by trillions, it was known as the mythical age of Pax Yrranus.

However, nothing lasts forever, near the peak of their reign, a darkness fell over their empire that begun with the death of the Ascendant Emperor, a tragedy orchestrated by a usurper of the emperor’s own kin. The galaxy was soon plunged into a cataclysmic war that would span a hundred years and, in its end, the Yrrani were but a shadow of their former selves and had simply vanished from the face of the universe. The galaxy, long under Yrrani dominion was at last free. Five hundred years have passed since the Great Fall, the younger civilizations have long since prospered upon the ashes of the old age, allowed to control their own destiny and set out to carve their own path in the stars, the tools and technology of their old masters now theirs for the taking.

And it would begin on Tar Yrra, the home and throneworld of the Yrrani, thought to had long been lost since the Great Fall, was found once again fifty years from the present day, and had been the source of a series of conflicts collectively known as the Reclamation Wars. The main objective being to claim the bounties that lie within, as Tar Yrra would prove to be the greatest vault of lost technology to ever been found.

It having the power great enough to tip the scales in favor to whomever possessed it or doom the galaxy to another dark age. The Fourth Reclamation War would conclude with the Armistice of Jarila, giving a brief pause to the violence for the time being. However, the fight for Tar Yrra is far from over, and all the forces of the galaxy plot and scheme their next moves in the open and behind the scenes. Preparing for the grand battle to come.

Welcome to the Age of Broken Shackles! A Very Soft Sci-fi setting ripe for all sorts of possibilities. Filled with all sorts of political intrigue and thrills, space adventures, and all sorts of military shenanigans! One of main features of this setting is I’m going to be very loose on tech, stuff that has previously be limited, go for it! Dyson Spheres? Sure! Your own means of FTL travel? Have a whack at it, and whatever others.

However, regarding wonderous military technology and tactics, they for sure are allowed….buuuut! They will not guarantee you a perfect defense or offense. In the past millennium in-universe, everything you can think of has been possibility tried, won battles, and now has been successfully studied and countered. No one is invincible, and in the present, tactics and tech that have worked in the past still is effective, but the chances of failure are equally high. You will miss, your defenses will be breached, and so on and so forth.

Basically, as with previous rp’s, the tech and tactics effectiveness is dependent on an agreement between players. Remember foremost, this is a collaborative narrative story, for the fun of telling a story, not a game to win. Also to note is that the rp will be move in a relaxed pace, to better accommodate players with busy schedule.


Each dot represents a star system, and the big one is Tar Yrra.

Nation Sheet
Nation Name/Flag (The usual, provide a name of your nation(long version, short version, or both, you decide) and an option to post your nation’s flag.)

Map Location: (Post your claim on the starmap.)

Government Type: (State government type and provide a small bit of info on how things work, doesn’t need to be super detailed, just paint me a good enough picture)

Demographics: (The people of your nation, human, xeno or both. It could be as simple as a percentage list with pics, a small paragraph or whatever you feel is best)

Military: (The fun part! What’s defending your nation in these uncertain times? You can provide as much or as little detail as you like. Can’t also forget, showing tons of pictures of what their soldiers, vehicles and ships look like :P)

History: (Speaks for itself. It can as brief or detailed as you wish.)
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Hidden 1 day ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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I might be interested
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Sigma
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@POOHEAD189 It's been a while :D
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Hidden 23 hrs ago Post by Liotrent
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Liotrent Tabby Space Cat

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'll place my interest up here ;)
Hidden 6 hrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Excellent, excellent! Let's keep it going, anyone else interested?
Hidden 1 hr ago Post by Helios
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Good hook, good GM. Autumn just got cozier.
Hidden 31 min ago Post by Dark Light
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