"Vote for whoever you want, it's a free dictatorship!"
Nation Creation:
- Let me know you need rolls; I will hand you the stats for those items that are randomly assigned.
- Create your character using the trait systems below -- pick a trait from each category.
The thing is, I kept the descriptions skimpy, but there is a law of unintended consequences attached to the various options. Positive and negative modifiers are given for each item (even the flaws) but it is a matter of me knowing and you speculating...that's to maintain a whiff of Murphy's law in this whole situation.
Once you've done this, it's time to do the rest of the nation...there are parts of this sheet that will be determined with complete randomness. You will create an island nation and also write some cultural details, but things like what sort of resources you have, including the military, will be rolled randomly. No, it's not fair, but yes, it ought to be interesting.
Name: (Such as England, the United States of America or France)
Demonym: (Such as English or Americans or the French)
Description: (A summary of your nation goes here; basics on what's going on and what the country is about.)
Government: (Type; Monarchy, Communist, Tinpot Pissditch Dictatorship, el Republico Bananos etc. The last of these gets extra style points -if- el Presidente wears aviator sunglasses, a gold braided peaked cap and the currency has pictures of palm trees and parrots on it)
Head of State: (Extra style points if the title is "El Presidente.")
National Anthem: (Srs or not, up to you. Extra style points if some sort of Salsa hit or Latin jazz number or it's Elvis)
National Religion: (Since we're using a slightly alternative Earth feel free to use real religions. Or come up with a zany one.)
Population: (Number, roughly; the cap is at 4 million. Don't bother trying to justify any sort of military mini-maxing on the basis of population, that's all random.)
Geography: - (If you want to name mountain ranges and the such, feel free.)
Demographics - (Languages, ethnicities, religions and so forth.)
Notable Locations - (An overview of important cities and other locations, merely list these places and fill in the blanks later.)
All of these are randomly assigned by me, using rolls and tables. Have fun! :)
Primary Economic Sector:
Secondary Economic Sector:
Abundant Food Resources:
Abundant Non-Food Agricultural Resources:
Abundant Mineral Resources:
Air Force:

"Vote for whoever you want, it's a free dictatorship!"
Nation Creation:
- Let me know you need rolls; I will hand you the stats for those items that are randomly assigned.
- Create your character using the trait systems below -- pick a trait from each category.
The thing is, I kept the descriptions skimpy, but there is a law of unintended consequences attached to the various options. Positive and negative modifiers are given for each item (even the flaws) but it is a matter of me knowing and you speculating...that's to maintain a whiff of Murphy's law in this whole situation.
Once you've done this, it's time to do the rest of the nation...there are parts of this sheet that will be determined with complete randomness. You will create an island nation and also write some cultural details, but things like what sort of resources you have, including the military, will be rolled randomly. No, it's not fair, but yes, it ought to be interesting.
Name: (Such as England, the United States of America or France)
Demonym: (Such as English or Americans or the French)
Description: (A summary of your nation goes here; basics on what's going on and what the country is about.)
Government: (Type; Monarchy, Communist, Tinpot Pissditch Dictatorship, el Republico Bananos etc. The last of these gets extra style points -if- el Presidente wears aviator sunglasses, a gold braided peaked cap and the currency has pictures of palm trees and parrots on it)
Head of State: (Extra style points if the title is "El Presidente.")
National Anthem: (Srs or not, up to you. Extra style points if some sort of Salsa hit or Latin jazz number or it's Elvis)
National Religion: (Since we're using a slightly alternative Earth feel free to use real religions. Or come up with a zany one.)
Population: (Number, roughly; the cap is at 4 million. Don't bother trying to justify any sort of military mini-maxing on the basis of population, that's all random.)
Geography: - (If you want to name mountain ranges and the such, feel free.)
Demographics - (Languages, ethnicities, religions and so forth.)
Notable Locations - (An overview of important cities and other locations, merely list these places and fill in the blanks later.)
All of these are randomly assigned by me, using rolls and tables. Have fun! :)
Primary Economic Sector:
Secondary Economic Sector:
Abundant Food Resources:
Abundant Non-Food Agricultural Resources:
Abundant Mineral Resources:
Air Force: