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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm having a hard time picking either a technopath or a water manipulator
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 32 min ago

Either would be awesome.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 32 min ago

@Wisp Oops, sleep deprivation will do that to a guy lol. I've updated it to include her mutations :). Thanks for pointing that out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GhostReaper
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name:Jason Maddox
Nicknames/Aliases: Maddox
X-Men Code Name: Ravager
Age: 18

Physical Description: Jason is tall, about 6'1 with an athletic build. He has always been fit and tends to wear simple clothes. Jeans and T-shirt with a leather jacket. He also has a bit of a thing for tattoos, having one one covering most of his left lower arm, a kneeling night with an angle behind him and her wings spread up. A sword with angel wings on his left shoulder, a circle with eight arrows coming off and a skull in the middle, on his chest is a wolf head ingrained in a trinity knot. His body is also littered with some scars from accidents and injuries.

Mutations: Psycho kenetic energy. A form of sentient physical psychic energy that covers his body. This adds a form of armor that keeps him safe, as well as fueling his body. Any part of his body is covered by this armor is made stronger, and more durable. The energy enhancing his muscles and bone, even repairing anything damage. This is by no means a healing factor, more like the armor holds him together. Stitching up any lacerations, holding bone in place. The problem is that the more of his body he covers with the armor the more it takes, though the armor is sentient it is limited by his own capabilities, but will act of it's own accord. Defending him from threats that not even he knows about, if he is capable of it. The energy can also be shaped into different forms, making simple blades or shields on his arm.

The sentient nature of his power is also a down side. He can feel it like a presence scratching at the back of his skull and trying to push out and take control. Though it doesn't seem to be good or evil, but acting on base instinct more like a wild animal.

Personality: Jason can come across as very Stoic, even cold and distant at times. But to those who get to know him he is very much the opposite. Because of the uniqueness of his "gift" he is sometimes at odds with himself, random outburst of anger as more basic instincts are strong in him as he has to keep his rational mind in control, making him appear more . He is also a rather good artist. Drawing he finds is one way to keep calm, that and working on pretty much anything with a motor, cars, bikes, boats, jet-skies. He loves almost anything that makes a loud noise and can go fast.

Background: Madox was born in Arizona, his father owned a small motorcycle shop and he lived most of his life between that shop and school. His mother was native to the area, his father moved there after he got out of the military. You wouldn't know it by looking at him but he is actually half Mexican. Though he speaks the language fluently he mostly speaks English, most of his life was rather simple. His mother was a nurse so he would hang around his fathers shop after school was over. That is where he developed his love of motorcycles, working on them, riding them, he's even wrecked them a few times. Also some cars, some sea-doos...always trying to go bigger and crazier causing him to take more risk. He pretty much had life figured out, graduate high-school, join the military, do that for a few years and maybe go to school using the GI-bill.

Recap of your mutations awakening: Maddox's life took a different turn however. One day while racing down the free way with one of his friends they were diking around, speeding, wheelies, and darting in and out of traffic. Though while riding a car cut in front of him, but that wasn't the worse. That car hit a metal plate on the road sending it flying at him, forcing him to have to skid sliding his bike to try to avoid it. Hitting a pot hole he was sent flying. The world was moving in slow motion, he watched his bike crashing along side of him as the ground came closer. Tucking his head in he curled up into a ball as he hit the ground. There was a flash of light, he felt the impact but it felt like he landed on a cushion. Bouncing off the ground again he crashed into a car, rolling over the hood before landing and skidding along the pavement before feeling another hard smash and everything went black.

He woke in the hospital the next day, cast on his arm and leg from broken bones. Some new scars to add to his collection s he almost had to laugh some. He should be dead, but instead he left the hospital that night. His friend that he was riding with watched the entire event unfolding, even caught it on his Go-Pro. Though once seeing it, he deleted the recording. His parents found out about it as well, never being one to hide things from them. This was the first time he used his powers, and also the first time he felt the clawing at the back of his mind. The only thing he knew for sure was that his life would start to get more interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GhostReaper
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm having a hard time picking either a technopath or a water manipulator

I say Technopath!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 32 min ago

@GhostReaper Lol our characters share a last name!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 32 min ago

@AquaAzura I second Technopath :). I think that it would be awesome.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GhostReaper
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@GhostReaper Lol our characters share a last name!

Haha! Could be cousins. Since brothers would go against the whole "weird up bringing" thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 32 min ago

@GhostReaper Lol that would work :). I like that actually; they could be cousins that were close as children but our families drifted apart as we grew older mostly due to some weird things about my parents. If that sounds good to you I'll PM you some details about my character and his upbringing that you would probably know or at least be suspicious of. That would right off the bat create a relationship among the characters that could be explored :D.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 32 min ago

@GhostReaper BTW Jason is accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GhostReaper
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thank you and that sounds good to me man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Okay I get my technopath up sometime tonight!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Okay my character is done, and I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes a phone makes it hard to check for those.

Adam Sun

Know-it-all, sunshine, Sunny.

X-Men Code Name:



Physical Description:
Adam is short at 5'5", and weighing in at 141 pounds putting him at a healthy weight and he has a fair amount of lean muscle on his frame which can only be seen if he's shirtless. His skin is nicely tanned, smooth and free of blemishes and acne. He has dark brown hair which is cut short and he has a nicely trimmed beard which took months to grow out, his eyes are also dark brown which are almond shaped. He typically wears fashionable clothing but no matter what the weather is like he wears scarves at all times as well as a black wristwatch and he rarely wear a pair of black rimmed reading glasses.

Technopathy: Adam's mutation is his ability to manipulate technology and Data. Which allows him to at a basic level of control to turn off and on things, while more complex actions he can control entire security systems, streets system and even change terabytes of Programs data in a matter of moments. He can also sense technology around him in a certain radius, which allows him to be able to control technology even if he doesn't see it. When he uses his powers longer then a few moments he'll goes into a trance like state where his mind is fully occupied when controlling technology on a large or complex scale.

Adam is affable and flirty, most find him comfortable to be around even if one of his flirty comment failed to garner approval he almost always find a way to get out of possible awkwardness and offence with a few well picked words from Adam. Adam is a very causal person due to him being laid-back almost to being lazy, and he doesn't expect much from others and would rather relax with a person then do something exhausting while hanging out with others. He is an accepting person of nonstandard beliefs and appearances, due to his unusual state of being many things others don't usually accept, like his bisexuality and him having mutant powers. He doesn't hide either facts and he is honestly proud to be both, and hates the fact that these two aren't widely accepted, and although he would never say it he has a disdain for non-mutants for their treatment of mutants and even others non-mutants.
He also has a love of fashion and he wishes to keep up with them, even if they serve little use to his current lifestyle.

Background: To be revealed at a later point.

Recap of your mutations awakening:
Adam's awakening was rather underwhelming compared to most, he didn't even noticed his powers at first, his first use of his powers was simply making every streetlight he was riding though green. But when he himself learned of his powers it was the day after and he used his power to pull out thousands of dollars from an ATM and made sure no bank could ever learned he could do it, by getting away with it and making others believe he didn't do it.

He was discovered by luck when he accidentally caused a power plant to shutdown so he wouldn't have to go to school on what should've been a snow day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Jack Ashbourne

Nicknames/Aliases: Ashes, Firestorm, Pyro, Inferno, Blaze, Jack the Burner(a reference to Jack the Ripper, and Jack Ashbourne's ruthlessness)

X-Men Code Name: Firestorm

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Physical Description: 6'2" and muscularly built. He has wavy hair that is dark brown and usually standing up in the front. His face is angular, but not too sharp, leaving him with a nice cheekbone. His eyes are blue, fading between sky blue and ocean blue. Usually he can be found in a pair of jeans and a red hoodie

Mutations: Jack's power in pyrokinesis. He can control the fire the burns inside of him. Anytime he takes off his shirt a orange-red glow can be seen resonating from his chest. This red glow is theorized to be the source of his power and when activated flows through his veins. The brighter he glows the hotter he burns. The abilities that he has discovered so far include throwing balls of fire, heating up his body temperature to incredible heats, and even limited flight. As a side effect of this power, Jack goes through incredible amounts of food to burn for energy.

Personality: Despite his looks, Jack is strangely a gentlemen, and a confident one at that. He acts very polite at first, using his velvet voice to draw people in, but after getting to know him it starts to show that he is an egotist, constantly complimenting his own actions, and showing off for others. This is not to say that he doesn't have an appropriate reason to be so confident. His sharpened wit is in constant use when around him, as he is always thinking ahead of the situation.

Jack grew up in a poorer family. Parents who hadn't been to college, and an overabundance of siblings running around a tiny house in the suburbs. It's easy to say Jack disliked the life that had been gifted to him. He felt smarter than all of them, rightly so, though he loved them passionately. Despite trying his hardest to be like everyone else he knew, he just didn't fit in.

School was just as bad as Jack's flamboyant mouth and intelligence got him into a lot of fights. Jack didn't back down though. Each and every fight the bullies picked with him, he fought back. It wasn't often he won, but he kept trying, even antagonizing the bullies when were beating him on the ground. At such a young age, Jack was unable to defend himself well physically, but he more than made up for it with his cunningness.

Eventually Jack just ran away from home. He was only thirteen. He loved his parents. He loved his siblings. He loved his home. Many times Jack questioned how he was going to survive by himself out in the big bad world, but somewhere inside of him he always knew he never fit where he was. And Jack was hellbent on finding a place where he would fit. Naturally once he developed his abilities Jack ran into Ashford Institute for the Gifted. Finally he fit... Somewhat

Recap of your mutations awakening: "Hmm? Yes? Hello, 911? I'm on fire."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm really interested in this. I'll just put this here and finish it when I'm back from running errands ^^

Okay all finished :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 32 min ago

Awesome guys! I'll give these a look tomorrow because I have to work in 5 hours so I should probably go to sleep lol.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheTwistedOne
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TheTwistedOne 90s Starter Pack

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Daniella Lawson
Nicknames/Aliases: Dani
X-Men Code Name: Thorn
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Physical Description: Dani stands at 5’9”. She has a slightly toned physique, and is curvaceous in size. Her dark chestnut coloured hair falls in loss, wild curls to her mid back, while framing her soft round face. Her eyes are a light brown and almost look like honey, but change colour with her moods.

Mutations: Plant manipulation and enhanced senses. The ability to create, shape and manipulate all plant life (Think Poison Ivy)

Personality: Dani is the quiet type that likes to sit back and observer people. Calmed and collected, and clever enough with a sharp tongue to never find herself in a tight situation, she’d rather talk her way out of trouble than resort to any sort of violence. However, when it comes to protecting those close to her heart, she is relentless, fierce, and savage, and won’t think twice about unleashing nature.

Background: Her family is a middle class family, with a number of four children. Dani being the youngest and only girl. Coming from a very close and down to earth family, Dani never felt alienated despite knowing she was…. different. (I don’t want to reveal too much just yet)

Recap of your mutations awakening: “I was young and scared. Flowers seemed to blossom instantly in my presence. I didn’t understand how our garden grew so beautiful, and full of different colours…. I was creating life.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 32 min ago

@AquaAzura Adam is accepted :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 32 min ago

@Wintergrey Jack is also accepted lol!

@Heathen Cas is an awesome character! I do perhaps think that he may be a bit over powered for a starting point, I'd ask that you tone down his control of his abilities a bit since half the fun is getting better at using his powers, but other than that he's accepted :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 32 min ago

@TheTwistedOne Dani is totally accepted :)! Love the character.
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