Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Recently, I have enjoyed writing with the wonderful people that I'm The Mundane RP with. Every single of these people are brilliantly-talented writers, and I love reading every post that they write. Even if it doesn't have to do with my own characters, they are always so good. I don't think there are words that could explain how much I love writing with these wonderful people! <3@McHaggis, @Undine, @Liriia, @Symphoni, @Kirah, @kittyluna45, @Nallore, @AcerRo, @Kimono, @Saltwater Thief

REcently, I have got into some RPs with @Dirty Pretty Lies, and @Qwerty. We have so much fun in our respective rps and I just am always on the edge of my seat whenever I am waiting for their next post. Sometimes I can hardly contain myself when I read them. <3

Oh and a special mention to @HushedWhispers. It's no surprise for those in the Casual section — specifically those of us who are drawn to Slice of Life — that she is, more often than not, the one doing those kinds of roleplays. Either she makes them, or is recruited as a co-GM. Putting that aside, she is a wonderful writer, and even more wonderful person. She's a legit badass.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HalfOfLancelot
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HalfOfLancelot What's worse: being heartbroke or roachbit?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, so I have quite a bit to say here. I think. I don't know, it's 3 AM in the morning. AAAAA.

Anyway, I think I'll start here: I've been on the guild for, well, a damn long time now. Since 2009 and, I haven't been all too loyal in the past year, but that could possibly be attributed to all my friends leaving because life demanded their attention. Regardless, I've gone through a few name changes, uh, there's Haemonculus, Sixsmith, and now HalfofLancelot (because Left Half of Lancelot doesn't fit QQ) and I think Bowl of Petunias, but don't quote me on that. Regardless, over the years I've made some damn awesome friends that I know I've spent more time and would give up more time than any of my real life friends. I mean, these guys know more about the me that I don't ever show in public, even the icky bits. Well, not those icky bits, ha... ha... I hope not, Jesus.

First on my list has to be @Undine: I met you on Blue Bloods a long, long time ago, and... wow... I just... you are probably my best friend here. At first, I felt so bad cause you were this little innocent Japanese girl who I was corrupting to my dark ways. Dark ways as in so much gay. So much gay men. Oh god. *Does 10 hail mary's* Regardless, you've been there for me through thick and thin and you've been pretty much a rock for any time I have any bad days, or any days in which I don't like my writing or think my characters aren't adequate enough. Here's this amazing writer telling me that I inspire her. I can't take compliments and just knowing that I do that for someone makes me want to cry. I have tears in my eyes right now, fuck. Lol.

Honestly, I don't know where I'd be in my writing if I didn't have someone like Miso there every step of the way, even when we both left and didn't remain in contact for awhile. I haven't RP'd in months before I came back to the guild and her post here, in this appreciation thread, as I was perusing one day because why the hell not, brought me to tears. And how could you deny that, you know? So, I didn't. I came back, stalked the hell out of her RPs and joined one of 'em and I don't regret a second of it. Not only have I rekindle the best friendship I've ever had, but I made new ones that I wouldn't trade for the world.

So, just know, Miso, that you've made at least one friend for life and I will not hesitate to ever be there for you whenever you need a helping hand. Plus, your writing, from the day I met you to now has gone from leaps and bounds. I still get amazed. Like. Wow. Who is this person and where did they take Miso Soup?! From your characters, to your ability to GM, to your writing in general and I am very proud to be able to read your stuff every day. Talking about GMing, this girl has kept me from flaking, from wimping out, from derailing RPs. 5'2" and she's intimidating as hell when she wants to be. So, I just wanted to so thank you, thank you so much for everything. There's nothing I can say that can express my gratitude enough. No words, honestly. I can't think of anything more.

You're my best friend. Don't ever change. And if you do, I hope it's always for the better. And don't ever stop writing Miso. I expect us to be RPing til we're 70. XD

Next, I think I'll touch base with @Ex: Dude, you're the... I can't explain what you are, tbh. You're nice without seeming too lenient and I've never seen you make any point without logic to back you up. And I will admit that, when I first met you and starting roleplaying with you, I kind of idolized you. That's awful. I don't think you'd like that at all. Regardless, it happened 'cause I was and probably will always be so self-conscious of my own writing. You definitely inspired me to be a much, much better writer and I owe a lot of what I can do now with my words, characters, plots, and ideas to you.

Not only that, but you're also an amazing friend and one I don't ever, ever wanna lose. Which is awesome that Skype is a thing. Regardless, Purgatory Heights is still my baby and, despite the lackluster writing skills, it's the thing I am most proud of. It's probably the best time I've had on the Guild up till now and I can't really say that it was a part of the guild, since it was entirely in collabs. And I owe that, as well, to you and a select few others (though I only know Fallout is here, not Lia or Dread. D; ). Regardless, I want to thank you for being a great, great friend and an amazing person to RP with and, I know it sounds weird, but I think I'll always look up to you. You're a role model whether you like it or not.

That's all. Bye guys.

No, I'm kidding, holy butts and nuggets. I want to get on with this next person, who is such a fabulous individual. @McHaggis: I've only really known you for two months, but I feel like we're already best friends. I mean, I talk to you and Miso and Liriia every single day and I don't ever want that to stop. Holy crap. I've had the time of my life. PH was my highlight from the old guild and what we all have now is the highlight of the new guild, and probably of my life. I know that sounds weird to say. Cause like, who there Hae, what about the rest of your probably 50+ years? Honestly, I hope this lasts that long. Well, at least pretty damn long. I think I've made life time friends here, and I want to believe that with every fiber of my being.

Anyway, on to the real bits. I've roleplayed with you for the first time... in, I wanna say that Walking Dead RP, but I just... I think there was one before that. I feeeeeel like there was one before that. Regardless, I thought you were a dude. A scottish dude, so I got that right. *cough* It's probably cause you play a buncha dudes and for some reason I acquit Aidan Turner to you all the time. I watched the Hobbit and all I could think about was 'Bilbo and Thorin are banging?' and 'that's mchaggis. that's mchaggis. why is that mchaggis wtf.' And I never really got to ever truly talk to you or anything. That's probably because you were in Scotland. But, man, I would have totally initiated conversation if I knew where it was gonna take me. I've never enjoyed myself or laughed about anything more than with you (and by extension Miso and Liriia).

Not only that, but you're one of the best writers I know here and someone who could definitely hold their own in any kind of writing environment. Your characters are all so multi-faceted and your plot lines are so fucking compelling and I'm so, so, so excited whenever I'm going to be RPing with you. Not only that but the way you write is fantastic and only slightly intimidating. >_> <_< I admit, I was very nervous whenever we first started our first ever collab (oh the sin) because you had this idea of who I was from back before I left (to do weird fanfic things) and that scared the shit outta me. Cause then that meant I had to impress you of all people and I was really like, "Oh god, what if I don't live up to her standards. She's going to dislike me and AAAAAAAAAA" but then suddenly we're all writing so much and have... goddamn 20+ pages in each of our weird crack collabs that we end up never using (more like can't use) and I'm thinking, "Why did I ever worry in the first place? These guys are amazing." And we all compliment and inspire us to be better writers and I don't think we could ask for a better friendship.

God, don't get me started on all the movies. I've never enjoyed movie watching as much as I have with you all. Jesus.

So, there's that. Cause I'm going to gush some more and if I don't leave a sizeable chunk for Liriia, she's going to kick my ass. But, regardless of the impending ass kicking I'm gonna get, thank you. Thank you so much for ever thinking I was worthy enough to be considered a friend, much less good friends. I couldn't ask for a better friend who's willing to get fucking pissed for me, who's willing to throw down because I was slighted. I don't think I've ever had a group of people get so 'Righteous Fury' for me. Like, this is the only instance I can recall where people have stood to my defense and I couldn't be any, any more grateful to have friends like these. God. You're all going to make me cry again.


Okay, gonna stop the caps before it gets annoying. You are one hell of an individual and one hell of writer. And, oh my god, I am so, so, so, so, so glad to have met you. Not only are you the most interesting person I've met in my life but you're an amazing friend. Like, in our little group you are the rock that keeps us grounded. You're so chill it hurts and then you're such a character sadist that it hurts. A relationship built on insulting each other? Fuck yeah. No, but really, our banter is the best and then our... I don't know what to call it, so I'm just gonna say sinful talk is even better. But, girl, not only are you an amazing writer, but you're an amazing artist AND I WANT YOU TO HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT OUT OF YOUR COLLEGE EXPERIENCE. It's gonna be so fun hearing about it all. AAAAAA.

That aside, I'm very glad to have become very, very good friends with you. Best friends even. I can say that we're best friends because you're among the people that I talk with every single day in the past two months. Amazing. I'm sure I've only done that twice and usually I need days by myself but when I'm with you all, I don't feel like I need to spend energy being someone entertaining or what have you. I don't feel like I'm wasting energy or time when I talk with you guys. I feel refreshed, revitalized, and so, so, so, so, so happy. And I owe that all to you guys. And not only that but you all inspire me. You make me commit when otherwise I wouldn't and I enjoy things I otherwise wouldn't.

Also, you introduced me to the most amazing game ever *Stares pointedly at my avie/sig combo* and I just. WOW. THANK YOU FOR THAT BY ITSELF.

But, also, thank you for being a wonderful friend. You're always so high on life and it's contagious as fucking hell and I love it. And I love you guys. And I'm gonna cry. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

So, I'm definitely going to get some kind of therapy and hopefully medication because I do suffer from anxiety and clinical depression. I have months where I feel like I'm going no where, where I don't want to talk to anyone. Where I can't even write. And in the time I've spent with you guys, I've not been as anxious as I usual am, and I've not once had a downward spiral. And I can't be happier. Like, I know I still have financial issues concerning college that I'm working through and other rl situations, but I can't be happier than where I currently am. I have to thank you guys for that. So, thank you. Thank you so much for being such amazing friends. I can't express how much you've given me and I hope to God that I've given as much as you guys have.

So please, keep writing, keep being the great people you are, keep salting with me, and keep just doing this amazing job of just being decent people. And of being amazing friends. Thank you, thank you so, so much.
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@Altered Tundra

Always wanted to try but never found the chance. Such shame, I always run into him on the guild
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

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@Larfleeze is a cuck
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Larfleeze is a cuck

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I would like to mention @Sini and @Keyguyperson, both of them have been instrumental in my time on RPG and more precisely NRPs.

@Sini, thank you for putting faith in a newb when I was only a week old here. I honestly expected that I would have to wait at least a month before people started to accept me in RPs. You've created something of a small addiction for NRPs in me and taught me directly and indirectly how to NRP. You were a great mentor in that.

@Keyguyperson-sempai, you are honestly an awesome sauce person having Stellvia be my first scifi NRP. Even if you might not be the best GM ever, you are an amazing person and RP being both funny and intelligent in a way that's unique. Even to this day I get a bit giddy when I see you in an RP I'm in or even just looking at the page as strange as that might sound

There's also the thing that its entirely thanks to you that I indirectly ended up with @RomanAria, so an infinite thanks to you!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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@Altered Tundra

Always wanted to try but never found the chance. Such shame, I always run into him on the guild

Damn man, well thanks. I had no idea you wanted to RP with me. :O If you ever feel the need to do one with me, my pms are always open. Or even to just chat. All you gotta do it hmu. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@ClocktowerEchos love you have two semi-contradictory words there. Indirectly and entirely. XD

But yes. @keyguyperson thank you for setting me up with Echos, however unintentionally that happened. And thank you for accepting me into an NRP when I had no idea what was expected of me. I am still slightly scared of you because you write so well but you're a really cool guy.

@terminal you are awesome, for all that you absolutely terrify me. But thank you for only occasionally eating my face/intestines or vivisecting me, and not yelling too terribly often. Even when I do dumb things like allow all five challengers to pass the Labor.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

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You know, I'm more proud of getting you two together than I am of most things that I do in life.

For what it's worth, I always love RPing with you two. You're both just really fun to RP with, it's that same giddiness you talked about, Clock. That voice in my head that's all like "Oh hell yes, RomanAria and/or Clock! This is gonna be a good one!"

(But stop complimenting my writing, Aria. Every time you compliment a Keyguy, a fictional character is killed off to make a point about nuclear weapons)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Keyguyperson then I shall compliment you until there is a fictionucleapocalypse. Because damn it I want to see it. I want to watch the world shrivel up and die in a cloud of ash and glowing radioactive waste, and I want to feel the anguish as every single life on it is slowly twisted and warped and altogether extinguished, leaving just a burned, charred husk on a burned, charred planet.

Mmmmmkay that got dark. I'm going to go get some ice cream. Want any?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Keyguyperson then I shall compliment you until there is a fictionucleapocalypse. Because damn it I want to see it. I want to watch the world shrivel up and die in a cloud of ash and glowing radioactive waste, and I want to feel the anguish as every single life on it is slowly twisted and warped and altogether extinguished, leaving just a burned, charred husk on a burned, charred planet.

Mmmmmkay that got dark. I'm going to go get some ice cream. Want any?

You okay love?...


You know, I'm more proud of getting you two together than I am of most things that I do in life.

For what it's worth, I always love RPing with you two. You're both just really fun to RP with, it's that same giddiness you talked about, Clock. That voice in my head that's all like "Oh hell yes, RomanAria and/or Clock! This is gonna be a good one!"

Everybody have some happy music!

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@ClocktowerEchos weapons concepts and story arcs have left me in a bit of a weird mood as you can tell, but I'm fine!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Keyguyperson then I shall compliment you until there is a fictionucleapocalypse. Because damn it I want to see it. I want to watch the world shrivel up and die in a cloud of ash and glowing radioactive waste, and I want to feel the anguish as every single life on it is slowly twisted and warped and altogether extinguished, leaving just a burned, charred husk on a burned, charred planet.

Mmmmmkay that got dark. I'm going to go get some ice cream. Want any?

You act like I'm not already on that. Since you all LOVED watching a mother pump the husk of her child full of lead last time, now you get to see someone kill someone they care for a lot AGAIN!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by RomanAria>

You act like I'm not already on that. Since you all LOVED watching a mother pump the husk of her child full of lead last time, now you get to see someone kill someone they care for a lot AGAIN!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Keyguyperson then I shall compliment you until there is a fictionucleapocalypse. Because damn it I want to see it. I want to watch the world shrivel up and die in a cloud of ash and glowing radioactive waste, and I want to feel the anguish as every single life on it is slowly twisted and warped and altogether extinguished, leaving just a burned, charred husk on a burned, charred planet.

Mmmmmkay that got dark. I'm going to go get some ice cream. Want any?

You act like I'm not already on that. Since you all LOVED watching a mother pump the husk of her child full of lead last time, now you get to see someone kill someone they care for a lot AGAIN!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Undine


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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Thought I'd share the top 10 RP partners I've learned from and would not be the same without:

@Morden Man@Bounce@Lord Wraith@Hexaflexagon@McHaggis@AndyC@Eddie Brock@Pachamac

Andy C / Eddie Brock (Perspective, Characterization) 2013-2016
This one is a tie since both of these individuals inspired me around the same time to give first-person perspective a try which completely changed how I looked at certain characters as well as how to characterize emotion as well as introspection rather well due to how they handled characters like Peter Parker, Barry Allen, and Clark Kent. Much like Byrd these are people I’m glad I can continue to write with and I’m sure there’s much we can learn off one another as time continues onward.

Bounce (Characterization, Lore) 2013-2016
Since collaborating with him in Ultimate DC, I’ve really got to know Bounce and reading his writing has taught me a bit. To be able to characterize you need a foundation, and while I’ve known this I don’t think I ever understood it quite like Bounce did. There’s also been a bit of learning how to embody the “voice” of the character that I learned from Bounce and I’m glad to be still writing with them as per the present because there is a lot more to grasp.

Byrd Man (Tone, Mood) 2013-2016
Probably the last in a long line of influences, not so much a mentor but a peer who utterly trumps me in detail and tone. I can’t write introspection or detective serials like Byrd can and I always find myself dissecting his posts new and old to try to learn something as I did with Master Bruce and others from the Hype games. He’s a multi-genre talent that can convey comedy, suspense, and action all on equally sufficient levels; to the point where I wonder who he learned from and what tips he can give me, which ironically I have actually asked him in private on occasion. I’m glad this is someone I can still write with and hopefully I won’t have to look on in fond remembrance for a very long time.

Hexaflexagon (Detail, Depth) 2015-2016
I wish I could write the amount that Hex does. He’s basically the person that reminded me that while brevity is good and all, but good descriptive detail isn’t overrated. While their characterizations are great, I just seem to get lost in the flood of words they churn out… and its not like these are needless, always feeling like each word has a point to the depth of the narrative. His CS’s have also taught me a lot about depth of backstory and push me really hard to be on par.

Lord Wraith (Lore, Game Design) 2013-2016
Vigilant. See what I did there? Wraith comes from a similar GM foundation that I do… yet we can never seem to get our co-built games to work. Despite that I find there is always plenty to learn from his capacity for developing a well-rounded and bullet-pointed backstory and there’s few better on the site when it comes to RP design in both visual aestetics but also mechanics and structure.

Pachamac (Critical Thinking, Game Direction) 2007-2015
An individual who has a deep vision for tone and a talent for bringing his characters to life. I haven’t had the chance to write with them for years due to my own complacency or ill-fated coincidence. We have very different views and influences, but I’d think of few people I’d just like to write with for a decent period again. But what I like the most about Pach is his talent for critical thinking and leading a game, he’s a gifted GM and has really helped me analyze my own writing issues and problems on more than one occasion. We started writing together around 2007 and our last joint venture was around 2011 or 2012.

Rico Underwood (World-Building, Character Development) 2001-2011
Though I know him beyond his pen-name at this point, Rico is and was the original source of inspiration for my collaborative writing. As a youth in 2001, I idolized and utterly respect him not for his detail prose but his distinct world-building, no nonsense attitude, and his stances against purple prose. I also consistently annoyed him since well, he was well into his adulthood and I was twelve – so it pretty much went how you expected it to. However, I was never shunned or isolated, being fully allowed to breathe in settings with acceptance despite by missteps in plot and prose alike. When my peers later on would criticize him I stood there in the shadow of this mentor and simply wouldn’t let that attitude be spoken in front of me. I just wish I could write with him one more time, but I imagine he’s moved on to greater responsibilities and focusing on his deeply enriched setting.

Tergonaut (Narrative, Detail) 2004-2012
Whereas I was taught there was quality in a mere sentence by my first ‘mentor’, from around 2004 onward Tergonaut showed me the full power of detailed narrative at the hands of a talented writer. A dynamic force on my first role-playing forum and probably the second most important to indirectly teach me what collaborative writing was about. Where Rico taught me about characters, Tergonaut taught me about narrative and pacing. I was still young by this point, but he was just as encouraging and supportive as any other person – which is something I wish I had myself as I can be admittedly selfish and too much of a perfectionist when it comes to my collaborative writing. Much like many people from the forum, life and interests shift.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Less of an RPer apprciation and more of a GM appreciation, I have to give a shoutout to @Theodorable. Holy shit this guy is a monster in the best way in terms of GMing his NRPs. While they are daunting from their use of stats and such (of which I can only assume that very few people besides of him ever really understand or keep straight), Theo's NRPs are perhaps one of the most interesting NRP's I've been in. At a first glance they look really constricting and railroaded, but it turns out there's a good amount of freedom in them.

The most amazing part however (for me personally) is how he runs like a computer AI for a game like EU4 or Vic2; I can't imagine how many PMs and posts he has to shfit through for god knows however many hours at a time to run his game. Lesser men would almost certainly try to outsource the job somewhat into smaller chunks, but Theo manages to some how to in his lonesome. Its not simple stuff either like "you made X amount of Y this turn", there's actual math and shit. A line from the turn action ledgers:


Considering things only get about 10 times as complex from there with the ledger orders and actions involving other stats and resources. Add on to the fact that he's handling about ~10 of us idiots these player ledgers on a near daily basis of varying quality and completion as well as a myriad of question, other informational posts/PMs and dealing with our shit, the word "impressive" is a bit of an understatement. Also given that he can consistently put up posts dealing not only the results of player actions, but also NPC action for many different NPCs is a feat in of itself which I will admit I'm slightly jealous of.

So, as a closing remark, @Theodorable], even if you some people might not think of you as the best GM on this site, you are undoubtedly one of the most, if not the most committed and dedicated GMs. Good work mate, may you go far in the world :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of Hearts
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Ace of Hearts fight me irl

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rose
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Ruby One of these days we're going to have to rp. Be my master, teach me how to be awesome like you. ;D
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