Normal Appearance:

Magical Apperance!:
Name:Mai Kazuki
Gender: Very Female
Personality:Mai is, if nothing else, energetic. It's rare to see her without a smile on her face, and as rare as hen's teeth to see her frown. She is loud! But she is not obnoxious. She speaks quickly and at high pitch most of the time, but not in the sense that she interrupts people or practices selfish conversation. She can just as easily say nothing...but ask her a question and be prepared for an intense answer! She is as interested in other people as she is in herself, and she will happily sit down and chat with you about literally anything at all. She values social interaction and friendship very highly, and places an emphasis on trust. Betray that, and she will make a conscious effort to avoid you as much as possible without so much as demanding an apology. In general, though, it's difficult to get on Mai's bad side.
Powers:(Your character's signature powers unavailable to the common folk e.g. pyromancy, power suit, etc. Use the superpower wiki for ideas if you need to)
Mai is a
Magical Girl! More specifically, she aligns with both the
Magic Idol Singer and Magical Girl Warrior sub-tropes. As her two pictures indicate, her magical form is not vastly different from her normal form, except for the noticeable change in clothing (to something far more suitable for someone at the center of the stage), hair style and color, and eye color. This is possible through
magic, and gives her Magic Idol self more influence (as if that was necessary). So: we've established that Mai is a Magical Girl whose alternate form is an irresistable idol singer (compared to her slightly-more-resistable DJ everday form). But what, exactly, makes her magic tick?
Unlike many magical idol singers, Mai's primary source of energy, power, and magic is a very specific high-energy genre of music, whose unrelenting beats and overwhelming energy coarse through every fiber of Mai's being.
Mai harnesses...
THE POWER OF EUROBEAT.This overflowing fountain of raw energy stems from the many similarities between Mai's upbringing and
Initial D. The Power of Eurobeat grants Mai a unique set of magical abilities entirely related to the musical genre. First, Mai is equipped with traditional Magical Idol Singer abilities, allowing her to bask in the adoration of anyone she chooses, so long as they hear her magical singing. In addition, any ears that hear her Eurobeat's infectuous beats will cause their owners to attain an unexplainable euphoria and desire to get down and dance!
However, those without souls or with souls tainted enough by evil are immune to Eurobeat's positive vibes. Thankfully, though, once Mai began to use her magical powers to fight evil in addition to further her musical exploits, she discovered an entirely unique combat style that draws entirely from the energy her Eurobeat creates. (When Mai's magical form is activated, her non-stop Eurobeat mega mix will continue to play is if she never left the DJ booth, even if she wasn't there to begin with. This can be very inappropriate for high-stress, serious combat situations, but is necessary for her to be able to utilize this combat style, as it feeds off the music.) She is able to perform a variety of different attacks and defenses based on her dance moves and singing, most of which involves
Rainbow Fire Manipulation, which is the primary offensive output of Eurobeat.
Weapons:Mai's only weapon is her microphone, which is an item combining magic and Disco Tech that materializes (with a suitable flourish) when Mai activates her magical form. If she throws the microphone, its destructive functions activate and it becomes a stick grenade much like the
Model 24 Stielhandgranate that the Germans used in World Wars I and II. Only when it explodes (with much more color than a normal grenade) will another microphone materialize for Mai to use, limiting its effective rate of fire. By flipping a switch on the side of the microphone (that on a normal microphone would be the power switch), Mai can modify what the grenade's effects will be. It can be a standard fragmentation grenade, a percussion grenade (explodes on impact with anything), or a flash grenade.
Mai must carefully choose when to use her microphone offensively, as doing so will prevent her from singing for the duration of its use as a grenade. While dancing is her primary form of combat, singing can grant her additional abilities over time, so she needs to determine when singing or throwing a frag is more tactically important.
Fighting Style:Mai calls it
Dance Combat Revolution, and it is a hand-to-hand martial art completely unique to her. Mai chains together combos of dance moves that, if not actually attacks, add to her overall energy level. While almost all of her maneuvers can be melee attacks like any traditional martial art, there are also moves that activate magical attacks, usually ranged. DCR (and thus Mai's combat tactics in general) employs a long game strategy - it is based on an increasing energy level system that has Mai
gaining energy as a fight goes on through move combos, verse and chorus singing completions, and signature dance moves that all heighten the Eurobeat energy inside her. Contrary to most fighters, Mai is weakest at the beginning of the battle, and plays the long game with the goal of eventually attaining Max Power - a theoretical maximum energy level she has yet to experience.
Signature Moves:Supersonic Fire: In a state of high energy, Mai times a jump with the music so that she slams back to the ground exactly as a huge drop occurs after doing a 360 spin in the air. This ignites a column of ultra-quick magical fire that launches across the ground in the direction her body is facing when she lands. Since it ejects for a couple of seconds, Mai can then spin her body again and cause the flames to shoot out in an arc.
Shock Out: Mai jumps high while throwing her microphone at the ground directly beneath her. The explosion sends her further into the air (via magical rocket jump physics), and the impact from her forcefully pile-driving damaged ground sends a seismic shockwave in all directions, easily dispersing large groups of enemies while simultaneously damaging them.
Impact Blue: Mai creates a gigantic missile fueled by blue Eurobeat flames. She stands still and holds it over her head, ignites the rocket, and lets it fly. The missile will pursue the target Mai's mind selects, and should it connect will result in an extremely massive explosion. This is Mai's longest-range attack (being as the missile is only limited to how far away Mai can think), but as you must stand still to use it, Mai must be at a high energy level to avoid a significant combo loss.
Over Drive (High Power Remix): After building up large amounts of energy, Mai yells "OVER DRIVE!" and jumps into the air while pirouetteing, and expels large quantities of superheated rainbow fire in every direction with the ferocity the most potent explosions. This is a last-ditch ultra-powerful attack that uses all of Mai's stockpiled energy and breaks all combos. Mai remains permanently suspended in the midair pirouette going faster and faster until her last remaining energy is expunged in one final push, at which point Mai falls to the ground, the music stops and everything goes dark.
More TBD!
History:Mai grew up in the mountains overlooking Megatropolis City. She had a fairly normal upbringing - her parents made average income, she had an older sister, and there was no magic involved anywhere. She always had lots of energy, and would frequently ask her parents if there was anything at all she could help with, even when there had been nothing for weeks. She needed an outlet for her bountiful energy more than helping out with odd jobs every once in a while, because the sleepy mountain village she grew up in didn't have much in the way of excitement. She began to earn money in the village any way she could, for the sole reason that it was something to do. When she was old enough, her parents had her get her driver's license and encouraged her to spend her mountain of savings on a set of wheels. She did so, and was soon running deliveries to and from neighboring villages at all (and usually odd) hours. Even though there was a gigantic city representative of what the 192nd century is supposed to be like in plain sight at the foot of the mountains, Mai was content living in the bastions of antiquity that were the mountain village communities. She became an excellent driver, and would partake in the village youths' pastime: night racing.
It was at about this time that Mai discovered that she wasn't quite as normal as the rest of her family. When driving in the mountains, it was customary for her to listen to Eurobeat, as it was the only genre of music she could find whose energy matched hers. It was perfect driving music too, and as she listened to it more and more she found she was always able to sing along with it perfectly, far better than she could sing normally. She figured it was just coincidence or her voice maturing or something, but one day she was driving and singing along with Eurobeat and glanced in her rear view mirror long enough to notice something...odd. She pulled over and turned the music off, but when she looked again she was normal. This continued for days until she became so bewildered that one day she got in her car and didn't do anything until she stared into the mirror and turned the music back on. And then it happened.
Four months later she had moved out of her parents' house in the mountains and was living in C-District, launching her magical singing career one club at a time. She grew to love the club life and energy, so she learned to DJ so she could still participate when Eurobeat wasn't present. She skyrocketed as a solo artist, going on tours and releasing albums and generally being successful, all at a young age. Once she discovered her magical combat, she began using it to help more than just herself, and is known today as a member of Megatropolis City's legions of heros and heroines (in addition to its Eurobeat idol singer of choice). She currently resides in A-District.
Skills:- Driving. Her experience driving and racing up and down the mountain passes has turned her into an expert behind the wheel - a skill that she rarely gets to use anymore.
- DJing. And not just Eurobeat, either!
- Making the meanest fried rice in town.
- Slaying video game high scores.
- Winking.
Weaknesses:It should be fairly obvious by this point that Mai is a rather conspicuous individual. Even in her normal form, she is still loud, flirty and full of energy. Being stealthy is not one of her strong suits (to put it nicely), so she is useless in anything but a campaign where the enemy already knows you're coming.
In addition, Mai has
no defense. Yes, some of her magical abilities can create temporarily shielding, and her dancing martial art can block as well as attack, but she has no armor of any sort and although her mental resilience is fantastic, her physical resilience doesn't compare.
Nemesis:TBD (but maybe Murray, because music)
Story Arc Ideas:TBD
Other:- Although most people live in the B or C districts, Mai is one of the few who lives in the A-District. She does so partly because she is famous enough to obtain and afford a penthouse there, but mainly so she can be as close as possible to the clubs and venues where she performs.
- In addition to her official hero alias, Mai is also sometimes informally known as the "Queen of Scene", for her ability to turn any mundane situation into a scene with bright lights and Eurobeat. As a performing artist, she is known simply as Mai.
- When Mai isn't performing or doing hero work, she's taking some downtime by clubbing, visiting her family in the mountains, or spending time in her holodeck.