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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Outside Hallway

Tiffany nodded her approval and as the boy was brought to his bed, she made sure she could keep an eye on Ray as well. He looked like he was sleeping soundly, which was a blessing all things considered. The boy, after his initial fussing, was asleep as well. Both of them looking peaceful despite the situation they were all in.

She watched the boy and wondered what had happened. She was thankful the boy's leg was fixed up, such as it was, and that he actually had his leg. She couldn't imagine the sights the boy had seen. She always felt sorrier for the children that had to grow up in this world. Gone were the days of carefree joy and childlike wonder. Children had to grow up fast in this world. She remembered the few children they had at her old shelter in the high school. At the start, the kids could run around and play and enjoy themselves, but soon they were put to work, often overworked. She hoped this place wouldn't be similar in nature to that, though it didn't seem to be.

She cast another look at Ray before she sat down next to the boy's bed, in case he woke up and needed something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 2, Mess Hall

Ash eyed the man for a moment, considering his words about what he considered fair. Yes, it was hardly fair for his people to be waiting out in the heat and humidity while Beni fed his belly and enjoyed the cooler air. All the same, the stalwart Captain had been taught that it was very rude to decline the offer of food or drink, hospitality of any kind, really, when a guest in someone else's home. This would definitely apply to these circumstances. All the same, he declined in a manner that was respectful. Had to count for something. The man seemed to be genuinely concerned with the welfare of his own group of survivors, and if he was to be believed, the lives of others he had taken in.

If he could be believed, mind you, IF. Three dozen or so people living on their own, someplace not too far away. To hear Beni talk, it wasn't the first place they settled, either, and if he was impressed with the setup here at Newnan, that likely meant that they didn't have quite the same level of infrastructure built up. If everything came together, they actually had a lot more to bargin with than whatever was in that bag. All the same, formalities must be observed and the relationship between the two settlements must be allowed to take its course. This was a beginning.

Ash responded to Beni's observations about Newnan first. "I appreciate, Beni. It wasn't just me who set this place up, though. There were survivors already present, long before my group got here. Hell even "my group" was a combination of folk from Virginia, mostly distillery workers with families and Army personnel that followed me from Dobbins. In east Tennessee we met up with Lt. Colonel Leann McCormick, had a group of her own." Ash's face darkened when he spoke of Leann. He had great respect for the lady, bordering on actual fondness. She died for nothing, simply shot at a distance because she was standing in a doorway. The desire to set Eden on fire and piss on the ashes grew within the man in that moment, a feeling he pushed back, in only for the time being.

Emotion holding onto his speech, if only slightly, caused his native Virginian accent to "She told me her idea about Newnan; prime location and good growing season, high water table, preexisting infrastructure that could be readily adapted to function on a smaller scale... I'm getting off topic. We started out as a lot of different groups and became a family. Leann and I were both military engineers, in our own ways, before all this happened. She had big ideas, I had smaller ones. We both implemented them, and we had a lot of good men and women carrying it out. Leann made most of this happen. I'm just the jackass that inherited her title after she took a bullet, courtesy of some very unfriendly people east of here."

Ash sighed. He had spoken more than he had intended, and now he was holding up trade negotiations. It looked to be the time for light introductions. "My apologies. This is Astrid. Among other things, she's a Medic. Our Doctor is less available at the moment, but she is fully capable of speaking with you about what we can spare. I'd also like you to speak with..." he motioned for Sally to join them, "...Miss Sally. She is unofficially in charge of almost everything else. If you would though, give our Medic a few minutes before we get to business. I believe this is the first time she's eaten in a while."

Ash himself had already had a late afternoon/early evening meal earlier, but the smell of smoked venison did call to him. Maybe a little, if any were left, after negotiations had concluded.

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Florida? How in the hell had Meghna guess that he was from Florida? Maybe it was the manner in which he described his family wintering out near the groves, which admittedly would have keyed off any American with rudimentary knowledge of Florida geography. St. Petersburg. Of course. It was a fact that he had hoped to keep quiet for a while yet. Strangely enough, no one had even bothered to ask what his real name was. Let's face it, The Great Bazhooli wasn't really something that parents sit down and think about with any seriousness when discussing baby names. Well, unless you lived in Hollywood. Those people had a screw loose, even moreso than Bazhooli's circus folk. And his people could be wonderfully colorfully eclectic, like a kaleidoscope of cultural oddities. Take Bazhooli, for example.

The moniker that he used was really more of a title, anyway. One that he most assuredly earned over time. Sadly, it would very likely die with him. Even if he found someone with which he could bear a child, he would have to raise and train said child in the manner that he was raised and trained. It was a matter of many long years. He would most likely die by gunfire or ripped to pieces by snarling dead people long before he ever got the chance to have a family, let alone pass down the name. But it was his, as surely as his birth name.

At that moment of contemplation, he had two thoughts:

First, what if he had a daughter? It would be the first female Great Bazhooli. Not that women were forbidden, mind you. Just that no woman so far in the line had put forth the interest nor effort. A Lady Bazhooli would be an interesting thing indeed. Especially in this day and age, the same skills that he learned to entertain would be tasked from birth to survive and commit acts of general badassery. The Great Bazhooli, Hero of the Apocalypse. Yes, if he lived long enough, his successor would be a force to be reckoned with.

Second, where the hell was his cat?

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Gilbert Street near Building 5, Fabrication

Bridgette led Jack back to the Inner Wall, and inside without incident. She wasn't quite as talkative coming back as she was going out; a sense of cautious awareness kept her alert. That stretch of land within the Outer Wall was sparsely inhabited at best, with a few places where it was easy to get boxed in. The superior speed of Cadence would give her a advantage in case of a Walker attack under those circumstances, but she was traveling with a guest on foot. So she had to keep it nice and slow, follow the main road back. The instant the gate closed behind them, the felt better.

It was at that time that she responded to her helper's observations. "Fucking A right there, Marky. People suck. I mean, people have always sucked, but now there's a lot less to scare them into not being utter douchenozzles. I swear, some people need to be fitted for a twelve foot ass-stake and posted up in public."

She rode slowly for a few seconds longer before she realized that she hadn't actually answered Jack's question about the ladder. It seemed a trifle impolite to just have him follow blindly without knowing where he was going. And if nothing else, Bridgette did strive to be polite. It's what she was best known for. Or not. "Yeah, ladder. Just a little farther. We've got a building we use for fabrication. Like most of the crap around here, there's a whole lot of space inside we don't use. I think they're hoping for expansion. Eh... store a lot of our tools there. Dropping off my shit too."

In less than a minute, the pair arrived at Building 5. Bridgette unslung her saddlebags and walked up to the front doors, where she handed off the contents to a man just inside. Even less effort than she had anticipated. She returned and did the same with the ladder. "Thanks for the assist." she said with honest gratitude. "Hey look, I've got shit to do, but..."

It was at this time that she was interrupted by one of Newnan's agricultural staff, coming up in a huff. He was saying something about spooked or nervous horses, and how he needed her help. It made sense; Bridgette had good experience with horses. Mostly her own, but she had cared for others, with supervision, in the past. If the few others with livestock experience couldn't figure it out, talk to an equestrian. All the same, she had other things she needed to be doing at the moment. The additional duty irked her. Necessary, but she was looking forward to working in her forge, maybe cracking open a mason jar of Ash's sippin' whisky later. And so, she spoke with the twin attributes of diplomacy and restraint.

"Oh for FUCK'S SAKE! You don't think I've got shit to do right now?" The look of incredulous irritation across her features was obvious, even caricature-esque in nature. Let it never be said that Bridgette was not expressive, particularly in the area of rage. "Jesus McFucking Christ, can't you see I'm trying to wrangle me a fucking three-way with the new guy and my sister? Fuck am I supposed to do about it now?"

The modern day Valkyrie let out a loud, lingering growl. "FINE. Lead the way, I'll look at your horsey problem." She looked over to her recent assistant, and addressed him in more dulcet tones, "Hey there, Jack. Mind helping me a little more tonight?"

Without waiting for a proper answer, Bridgette reigned Cadence around and started following the man down to the main gate and toward the stables.

Black James!

Location: Building B (Zoie's House)

"Hells yeah, Miss Zoie!" started James, before he remembered that his old friend was supposed to be taking it easy. It's not everyday that you get a major artery clipped by a bullet and live to tell about it. While it was a torso shot, it wasn't going to change her dietary plan. Especially not when The Esteemed Mr. Grady comes calling with smoked meats and assorted post-apocalyptic epicurean sundries. But mostly the meat.

"Y'know, little lady, there's worse things out there than pillows. You an' me both know that. But hey, we got other things to deal with just now; that's right." James lifted the cover from one of the plates, handing it to Zoie. "That there's a piece of slow smoked goodness with a light spice rub and just a little bit of Ash's better hooch. It ain't my State Fair material, but it's worth chippin' a tooth over, I tell you what." He smiled broadly, glad to see some element of excitement in Zoie's face. "Just as long as that tooth you're chippin' ain't mine, we'll be ok."

His smile turned into a full laugh. When it subsided, he looked down at the remaining covered plate. Realizing that Dick probably wouldn't be back for a while, at least for as long as James decided to stick around. It was kind of funny, the ebon skinned man was beginning to believe that on some level, that guy Dick just didn't like him. Very sad. And here he had brought this heaping plate of goodies just for him, too.

Far be it for James to chalk this up as a loss, however. It had been a long while since he got any quiet time with his long-standing friend, and he had neglected to take a meal that day. Dick knew where the Mess Hall was. Instead, James popped the cover off of the second plate, grabbed up a fork, and dug in. If Ash needed him, both he and Zoie had an active walkie. He was heavily armed and a half block away, if that. He was going to have a really nice meal with his oldest living friend.

"So hey girl, how you been? Anything you need know 'bout what's goin' on out there? But mostly, how you been?"
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Gilbert Street near Building 5, Fabrication

"No problem," Jack assured her, nodding his head. "This place is wicked kind, 'least I could do to help out." The prospect of expansion seemed promising to him, but worrisome at the same time. Things tended to go well on a small scale, and blow up on the larger one, in his experience. But he couldn't help but hope Newnan really could grow, and that he could carve out a little piece of normalcy for himself. As it was at the moment, normal was just a setting on the dryer--he couldn't get any closer to it than that.

And then, Bridgette had another of what Jack was quickly coming to think of as her moments. He kept his face straight, having seen a lot of shit during his time on the force, and even more since the world had decided to go to hell. Working vice wasn't always easy, and it was never exactly what he expected. It prepared him for just about everything--except, of course, for the dead to start to walk.

However, he did a bit of a double take. He blinked, hoping that she hadn't really said that...His last girlfriend, Sutton, had a tendency to think he was too friendly with other girls. But that was exactly it--he was too nice. He didn't stray in the slightest, he just had a tendency to be everyone's best friend, the happy-go-lucky person that can easily be taken advantage of. Thinking of how to best express to Bridgette that while she was rather beautiful, and he was certain any guy would be happy to have her, he wasn't interested and that he was happily dating a Russian ballerina...She left.

He blinked again, before letting out a sigh of relief. She was an odd one, that was for sure. And he hated to think of what her sister might be like, if they regularly scouted for three-ways. He shuddered a bit at the thought, before trying to recall how to get back to the Mess Hall. Perhaps there'd be something else they needed help with.

Hopefully something that didn't come with sexual propositions.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Front of the School (Franklin)

Unfortunately, his comment didn't seem to get a rise out of Lyon. As much as Édouard didn't cherish being in pain, he couldn't help but notice the lack of effect his words had on the man. It was almost insulting, the way Lyon wasn't insulted. Even if he hated the man, at least he was able to provoke him with a mere roll of the tongue, a small way to enact his own power.

But this light mannered chuckling? It caused Édouard's mood to darken, until he heard what he assumed to be the name of the emaciated little brat in front of him. Ciel.

"Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bordel?! Ciel?! C'est un nom hippie," Édouard scoffed. "Comment s'appelle ta sƓur, eh? Lune?" He rolled his eyes, glancing at Lyon, hoping that no one had the nerve to give their children such a foolish name. His sisters, Alisanne and Darcey, had names that meant noble and dark one from the fortress respectively. His name meant wealthy guardian. They were strong names, proper French ones.

But Ciel?! He wanted to scratch his own eyeballs out at the thought of it, imagining that the kid's last name would be Étoile. With a name like that, the kid would have done well to be killed by the undead already. It was only right to put him out of his misery. And with him being brought to Lyon, Édouard solemnly realized that was the case. The kid would be the next in the series of victims of the butcher. He couldn't blame Lyon for the target as well--the kid looked like shit.

"Vous pensez mes cheveux sont amusants?!" Édouard growled, wounding more than he would care to admit. The girl was cute, he had to admit that. But with the quivering of her lip and the smile, as well as the foreign words, he hadn't the faintest idea what she said. His honor was at stake, and he would do everything he could to defend it.

So for him, that meant sulking in French and not understanding what was going on.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Unfortunately, Ciel knew quite enough French to get the gist of what the man with the tragic haircut was saying. He was only slightly offended. He didn't like his name much himself, though his mother always thought she was quite the genius for coming up with such an 'original' name. Ciel rolled his eyes, then looked up to the Frenchman, his head tilted slightly and his face a sardonic deadpan.

"I'm glad you like it. Now would you mind telling me your name?" He said briskly. Despite his parents both having been European, Ciel carried a more local southern accent. Not quite as a bad a drawl as if he'd been raised in Texas or god forbid Alabama, but rather a warm, lilted intonation riddled by the high pitch of prepubescence. He raised an eyebrow, silently anticipating an answer. He imagined the Frenchman would be named something that would be easy to make fun of. The French often named their children after royalty, and Ciel knew quite a bit about the rule of France from the 1600s onward. It was the kind of thing his tutors thought it important to teach.

The Frenchman had gone on to snap at Sana, and Ciel went back to quietly looking around. He still wasn't feeling well at all, and but decided to refrain from asking for medical treatment and only take it if it was offered. Besides, he was pretty sure that if he got some food into his system and kept his injuries relatively clean, he would be fine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @Morose - Sana cocked a brow as Ed spoke and then just shook her head, still chuckling. "Now, no reason to get your feathers ruffled. I was simply stating I have been through the same treatment but mine had orange bleach stripes as well. You got out easy," she giggled in French before motioning over towards Leon. "Uncle Leon seems to like to reuse the same punishments," she laughed in French before hearing Leon growl a bit and her face was wiped clear of any amusement. "Sorry Uncle," she said in English before turning her attention back towards the actual reason she was inside of the school instead of out on the wall. "Ciel is in need of medical attention and probably several meals," she explained in English.

"Right, well Medic is out with Beni on a run currently. Take him to get some food after you get him cleaned up a bit," Leon instructed. Sana nodded, wrapping a protective arm around the boy.

"I will," she confirmed before giving Ed a bit of a glance as she started to walk passed him with Ciel. "Come on, let's get you washed for dinner," she said in a softer than normal voice. Moving around the corner back towards the medical area she stopped before pulling out a small bag of pecans out of her pocket and handing them over towards Ciel. "Alright, eat those down right quick while we head over to get your cleaned up," she said.

Leon shook his head slightly before looking back over towards Ed and crossing his arms over his chest. "I wonder if one day you will learn that the better you treat people the more likely they are to help you," he commented in French before motioning for Ed to follow him down the hallway towards the other end of the school; away from the cafeteria and the infirmary.

@Morose @Sigil - The streets are pretty clear with the day starting to wind down. More people are starting to come out and make their way towards the Mess Hall, the smell of James cooking is over riding the fear and so as it goes, just follow the crowd if you want chow. Over at the stables the man shows Bridgette that the horses are indeed not happy at all. Trying to get out of their stables. Seems they were given feed and water that morning but they hadn't been tended to since they broke out really, so it was no wonder their nerves were shot.

@Sigil @Nallore - Zoie took a big bite of the meat and let out a satisfied moan of foodgasm pleasure as she rested back on the pillows that remained in the bed. "Couldn't chip a butters tooth on this bit of fine eats. Sweet baby Jesus this is sum good works Mr. James," she said with a half full of food mouth before laughing and covering her mouth with the back of her hand. "I's be fine Mr James. Froggy don taken care of me and whipped me intos goods as news he done did. Astrid done kicked me out of the infirmary, knowin' down goods and rights that I ain't be happies in their place. Tolds me I gots to rest but I tells ya, other thans some pain in mes shoulder and a little light-headedness I feel rights as rain," she said before hearing a knock at the door.

Before James could say anything she had pushed the tray over to one side and was carefully making her way over to the doorway of her room peeking her head around the corner and calling out down the hallway. "It be open, comes on in," she yelled out, her voice carrying out like it always did when she yelled. The woman seemed to have a way of projecting her voice that she could be heard screaming over a tornado if she wanted to. Waiting for the door to open she leaned against the door frame of her bedroom down the hall. "Meg! Comes on in! Comes on," she said waiving the woman to follow her as she ducked back into her bed room and slipped back into bed before going back to eating.

@Sigil @Nallore - "Yes of course," Tatiana said as Meg said that she would be right back. She wasn't exactly sure what to say to the other Russian in the room and she didn't like being left alone with the man, not that they were truly alone, there was still a guard there but she didn't know the guard any better than she did Bazhooli. She wished Jack was there with her but there was nothing to be done about it, he was off helping out with the town, probably taking care of much more important things than a show. Keeping to herself she finished putting on her tow shoes and went over to a large open space in the room. Taking a deep breath, she began to dance just basic movements to limber herself up and get herself acquainted with the floor. It was odd, as soon as she started though all the fear that the little bird seemed to possess left her and a look of fierce confidence took over her features. She had a commanding presence even just during her warm ups that showed a life time of being in front of an audience, knowing exactly how to move to ensure that all eyes were on her.

@Sigil - Beni listened intently as things were explained to him. "Eden..." he muttered as Ash spoke. "Yeah, if those are the fuckers you are talking about I have had my runs in with them. One of the reasons I am here, a trap they laid out caused a man to loose his leg. We are trying to ensure that he doesn't succumb to their asshattery," Beni stated flatly as his jaw clenched. Astrid just sat there in silence as the men conversed and Beni lifted a brow as he was told she was the resident medic for the area and that they had an actual proper doctor as well. "Well I would be happy with any assistance you could provide," he added, looking at each of them in turn.

"What do you have and what do you need?" she asked bluntly, not even looking up from her plate as she spoke. Figuring she could eat and handle this at the same time. Astrid wasn't one to beat around the bush.

"We need antibiotics and if by some miracle you have it, plasma. What I have in trade is Epinephrine, Diazepam, Salbutamol, and Captopril," Beni informed her. Astrid stopped eating and set her fork down.

"Lost leg you say? Sounds like he needs blood, not plasma. We have both," she said before turning to Ash as she stood up. "Give us a minute," she said before stepping away and motioning for Ash to join her. Once they were out of earshot of Beni she turned her back to the man so he couldn't see her face. "Those are decent meds but the one I want the most is the Captopril. It's a heart medication, we need it for Froggy. Thing is though, we know how bad limb loss is. The guy probably doesn't stand a chance without an actual doctor looking over him."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building E (Kristina's Apartment)

"I agree with Niesha, you should join us tonight." Sophia said with a soft smile she hated being alone herself even spending the last month in the infirmary she still had some company with Froggy since he lived in the building he sort of kept her company the last month during the evenings. "And it could be fun, when was it the last time you had gone to a play or some sort of stage show?" Sophia ended up asking Kristina who seemed to be thinking about it. She then looked over at Niesha and smiled at the girl she was so adorable, she was really happy that they were together now. Sophia started to look down at her hand then over towards Niesha as she wondered how she could protect Niesha she couldn't even hold a rifle anymore or do a simple job with one hand.

Sophia got up from where she was sitting and moved over towards the window she could see that the streets were getting active once more as people headed towards the mess hall. She did remember getting the scent of the smoked deer that Black James had been cooking for everyone, she was really craving deer even though she had just eaten just moments prior to coming here. "C'mon Kris you know you want to go." Sophia said urging her friend to come and join them.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building E (Room 2 Kristina's)

Kristina sat there as she thought about it, she really was getting pretty bored just laying on her bed and simply just reading the whole time, she looked up at her two friends and sighed slightly to herself and then gave a friendly smile and nod. "Alright the two of you win i'll come with the two of you. It's not like I have anything better else to do for the evening other then reading." Kristina finally answered as she sat up and stretched slightly, she then got up from her bed and reached down to put on her shoes. Kris then looked at the two little lovebirds in front of her.

"I don't think it's started yet, so what do you want to do in the meantime?" Kris asked as she looked at the two of her friends as she grabbed her crutches just to bring them closer to her for whenever they are ready to leave the apartment building. She then moved over towards her bed and picked up the book that she was reading and opened up a drawer putting it inside to read for later.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building B (Zoie's House)

Meghna stood outside of Zoie's house then she could hear the southern woman's voice to her into her home, Meg opened the door and let herself inside. She followed Zoie into her bedroom as she looked over she saw Black James in the room as well eating away at the deer that he had been smoking all day. "Hey Zoie, how are you holding up?" Meg asked as she moved over and sat down at the end of Zoie's bed, she met the southern woman's eyes and smiled softly. "So, Ms. Sally earlier came up with a little show for tonight, just to lift up the spirits and moral a little bit." Meg said. She felt bad seeing Zoie had been shot, but she was actually glad that Zoie was still alive and kicking.

"Two new residents agreed to do it Tatiana and a man named Bazhooli to do the show. Seeing as the rec center doesn't have anything to play music on. I was just wondering if maybe I could borrow your music player? At least for tonight i'll bring it back to you and I promise it will be taken well cared for." Meghna hoped Zoie would agree to let her use it just for tonight, she then looked over towards Black James. "How are you doing by the way James?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

“I guess...” Amelie said quietly as took Mike's hand while her cheeks got visibly flush with red. She was fine with some more food even a little bit. She was starving for the past few days as she had ran out of food while traveling, so any food right now was quite welcomed. She smiled and followed as the two men led the way forwards back to the cafeteria.

On their way, Amelia noticed something she REALLY didn't want to right now. It was Ed... who despite his new hairdo which in her mind was well deserved, made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't want to be anywhere close to that man. She had the feeling he'd try something bad soon and preffered to not be dragged into his shaenanigans when that happens.” Be careful around him... he's unstable and really damn lucky...” She replied back to Mike, urging him to be very careful around the blasted frenchman.' I so shouldn't have slipped...' She thought in anger recalling Ed's devilish luck in surviving things.

“Alright, good luck..?” Amelia said, unsure of what to say to Rodger, but going with good luck was always good... right? The man was heading near idiot Ed so he'd need all the luck that was out there! With that she quickly nodded and followed after Mike who gestured her to follow him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel would have liked a chance to poke a little fun at the Frenchman's expense, but they were quickly ushered in separate directions. Ciel followed Sana towards the medical area, murmuring a quick 'thank you' when she handed him a small bag of pecans.

This was the first time he'd seen fresh food in days. His rifle was running low on ammunition so he hadn't been able to hunt the last few days he was alone in the woods, and was instead forced to subsist off of dead animals and the few edible plants he knew. He also quickly discovered he wasn't quite as good at making fires as he thought he was, so a lot of what little he had to eat was raw and likely riddled with bacteria. There were no streams or bodies of clean water in the area he was in, so his best option had been to collect rainwater using his hiking boots. And even that was risky.

Ciel quickly swallowed down a few mouthfuls of pecans, ignoring the pangs of nausea which quickly turned into intense cramping. Even if it hurt, he knew he needed to eat something and not throw it back up. If he were in the habit of giving in to his discomfort, he would likely already be dead by now. Survival was not pleasant, by any stretch of the imagination.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Building E, Kristina's room

Niesha caught Sophia's look, and she watched her rise, go over to the window. She bowed her head, feeling guilty. She couldn't help it. She rubbed her left arm with her right hand, unsure of what to do. She glanced over to Kristina, watching her get ready for amoment, looking to see if her friend had any idea what she could do. But it didn't seem like it, and she glanced down at her hands, puzzled and a little dejected. She couldn't even figure out how to cheer Sophia up.

"Maybe, um, we could see about getting you that ice" She said to Kristina, trying to keep her voice even, as she looked back to Sophia. She was just so bad at this. At any sort of relationship, really. She didn't know why Kristina seemed to like her, either. She just wanted to be able to comfort Sophia, but she didn't know how.

She stood there another moment, before she approached Sophia, and wrapped her arms around Sophia from behind, and hugged her close. She hoped it was the right thing to do, but she didn't know.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Gilbert Street near Building 5, Fabrication ---> Building 2 (the Mess Hall)

Jack glanced around, half expecting someone to rush over to him, exclaiming that he couldn't be walking around Newnan without supervision just yet. As much as he wanted to see the rest of the settlement, he figured that it would be best to do that later, once Tatiana and he were more familiar faces. Rolling his shoulders slightly, he followed his nose for the fruity taste that shows the small crowd heading towards the Mess Hall. It wasn't too far away, and he was able to recognize the building, knowing that the shelter he shared with Tatiana was just across the street from it.

Should he go and see her? The more he thought about that, the more conflicted he was. He wanted desperately to be there to keep an eye on things, to ensure that their happiest day didn't become their darkest one, but at the same time, he needed to give her space. Too much of anything was never good. Finding himself heading inside the Mess Hall, he didn't immediately see anyone he recognized.

Looking around, he hoped that he would spot Miss Sally quickly enough. Perhaps she'd have something for him to do--keeping busy was always best, kept his mind from wondering off and worrying about the little things.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Front of the School (Franklin) ---> Following Lyon

As the sickly child began spewing off gibberish in a wretched American accent, Édouard rolled his eyes. Typical. Not only was it the spawn of hippies, the thing wasn't even French! His national pride inflamed in him, as his eyes twinkled a bit with anger. It was bad enough the name itself--but the fact that the child wasn't even French crossed the line. As much as he knew, the Rivieres had always been a strictly French family, never marrying or joining other ethnicities or cultures. It was tradition, the same way that male heirs were preferred for positions of power over female ones. His mother leading la mafia française had only happened after her elder brother died under "suspicious circumstances".

"Quoi?" Édouard blinked, feeling dazed and confused. For years, the only other person he could communicate with had been FĂ©lix, as they were trapped in the dreadful country of the United States. And then, on this single day, it seemed just about everyone could speak French! He shook his head slightly, and had the thought occurred to him, he would have pinched himself to ensure he wasn't dreaming.

"Vous...vous ĂȘtes sa niĂšce?" Édouard asked, a bit stunned. He couldn't imagine Lyon doing anything beyond violence and killing. The thought that any sibling of Lyon lived to reproduced was shocking, and he blinked again, staring at Lyon, Sana, and then Lyon again for a good minute. "Je suis desolĂ© pour mon apparence. Comment vous vous appelez? Je m'appelle Édouard, mais vous pouvez m'appelez Éd si vous voulez." His tone was slightly dazed, but unlike his previous comments, practically good natured. As Sana glanced at Édouard as she left with Ciel, so did Édouard stare at her in confusion, puzzled by her existence.

He shrugged his shoulders slightly at Lyon's comment, still pondering exactly how Lyon had come to America, and then, how he managed to have a niece. The girl was stunning, but for once, that wasn't what his mind was pondering. "Je voudrais savoir votre histoire....s'il vous plaĂźt."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver - "You're welcome," Sana said before walking into the medical area that was set up in the school. Raising a brow as she saw the boy hurt getting some rest. hopefully Medic would be back soon to tend to him. He seemed like he was being taken care of so that was all that mattered and she could keep her eye on Ciel. "Hello," she said in passing to Tiffany before pushing through to the OR area and motioning for Oliver have a seat down on the bed in the room. "Let's get you clean up some. Can you take off your shirt and stuff so I can get a better look at you? I promise, I'll be gentle," she said in a calm voice as she set her cross bow down on the counter and started gathering some basic items together so she could clean his wounds and make sure any infection didn't get worse that he already had and perhaps stop anymore from setting in.

@Morose - Miss Sally is in the Mess Hall as per usual, ushering people this way and that as Ash and Astrid talk away from the new biker Man Beni. Seeing Jack come in Miss Sally smiles. "Well hey there, hope everything on the wall is going okay. Tatiana is over in the Rec Center with Meg and that Bazhooli character preparing for the show tonight. She said that she was going to stay there until you came and got her so you wouldn't have to go looking all over the place," she said before shoving a cart towards Jack and handing him over some plates. "Why don't you get some plates together for yourself, Tatiana, Bazhooli and Meg and take it over there? Doubt the performers will want to take many breaks before the show starts," she says kindly. Over in the Rec Center, Tatiana is getting more and more into her dance as she waits for Meg to return from Zoies place.

@Rivaan - Rodger nodded as the two headed off and followed Leon and Ed a few paces back as they went towards the other end of the school. Mike smiled and lead Amelia over into the cafeteria area and over to a line that was waiting for food. Leaning back against the wall he glanced around. "Ahh don't worry about dad, he can take care of himself. He is a tough old bird, more worried about me surviving this hell we live in now than him. He's kind of like Teddy Roosevelt. If death comes looking for him there is going to be a fight," he laughed a bit. "So tell me, what is up with that French guy you were with? Not used to seeing someone so loathed and still part of a group."

@Caits @Nallore - Still good girls, continue having fun. ^_^

@Morose - Rodger came up behind the two and then made a beeline for Lyon. "Anything you need help with boss?" he asked before glancing over towards Ed. "Yeah actually, head over to supply and grab some shovels, we have some work to do. Meet me out in the yard," he told Rodger before the man headed off ahead of them. Glancing over towards Ed, Lyon perked a brow. He wasn't expecting the man to ask such a question but after the little interaction between him and Sana he wasn't completely surprised. "And just all would you like to know? Besides about Sana being my niece?" he asked in French before waiving off his own statement. "She isn't my niece, just kind of looks at me as her uncle. I have been caring for her for about the last eight years. She was a lot like you when I met her. Head strong, the world was supposed to bow to her," he said thinking back before stopping and looking at Ed straight on as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Ask me anything, what exactly do you want to know first?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel blushed slightly, climbing up onto the bed and hesitantly tugging off his grey jacket, pulling his white t shirt up over his arms and tossing both articles of clothing to the side. With his shirt off, it was all the more evident just how much of a hard time he'd had with surviving alone. All his ribs were visible, his spine forming a ridge up his back. He looked as though a gust of wind would snap him in half. He had a large bruise across his left shoulder blade, as if he'd fallen or been struck by a large heavy object, but other than that his torso was unscathed. His hands and forearms, however, were riddled with small red cuts and thoroughly dusted with dirt and dry blood. Some of his cuts were still oozing blood and were bright red with apparent infection. He bit hard into his lip, knowing how bad he probably looked. As sickly and emaciated as he appeared, he only felt worse. A sharp stabbing pain wracked his upper abdomen, and aside from that he felt tired and lightheaded. He kept his face as straight as he could, looking down intently at the floor.

He said nothing, trying not to show his discomfort. He felt kind of awkward being examined like this, and mostly just wanted to get this over with as fast as possible. He kept his arms clutched around his stomach, but that was the only hint he gave as to his feelings of illness. His facial expression was blank and serious, almost brooding. He wasn't sure what he imagined coming back into society would be like, but he sort of hope that he'd be able to get right into helping out around the city instead of having to be tended to like a helpless child. Okay, perhaps he was a bit helpless at the moment, since he had no idea how to properly tend to any of his afflictions, but as much as he realized that in the back of his head, he was still in steadfast, arrogant denial. He'd be fine, he thought, if he could just buck up and schlep his way through.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 2, Mess Hall

Ash's private conversation with Astrid was taken as more of an information dump than anything else. Beni had something they actually needed. Maybe not them directly, but the heart medication for Froggy was in the best interests of everyone. There were a decided lack of decent medical professionals floating around Georgia in recent years, and no active schools to train more. That, and the older Frenchman was a good man. As far as Ash could tell, he was more than worth saving.

"Understood, Astrid. You're the next best thing we have here to Froggy, and you know the Infirmary's layout and inventory. You negotiate medical supplies with him. I'll extend an invitation to bring his injured man here. If these are good people, we need to be on friendly terms." A thought passed into his mind briefly, which he spoke aloud to Astrid a breath later. "Question: Any of you guys in Medical or Pharma know how to make antibiotics? I would devote resources if we could make that happen."

He shook his head. Thought for another time, very possibly. Hopefully now the thought was put into someone else's head. Before he returned to the table with Beni, Ash advised one point for the upcoming bartering session: "Don't mention specifically who the heart meds are for. Not at first, anyway."

"Sorry about that." said the Captain to their guest. "My medic has reminded me about those from our group who have lost limbs. It was very touch-and-go, even with stable care. We lost one after a forced amputation. Another was luckier, but she was in the Infirmary for a month before she was okay to go. Before we get into negotiations, sir, I am offering our medical resources to your man who lost his leg. Call it good faith."

Ashton gave Beni a moment for his words to linger, then continued. "Whenever Astrid is finished with her meal (and I'm not rushing her), she, you, and myself can head elsewhere and talk trade. If you have any surprises, I'm sure Astrid will protect me. She can be a frightening lady."

He was only partially being sarcastic with that last statement. Astrid could be a fearsome woman, true. Of course, Ash's .45 and the proficiency with which he used it wasn't anything to sneeze at, either.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Within the Outer Wall, Livestock area - Stables

Bridgette slowly rode her charger behind the nameless Newnanite, visibly miffed at being called upon to perform yet another task outside of her usual duties. She understood that, in these trying times, no one had the luxury of concrete job descriptions. No, what gave the foulmouthed lady of Scandinavian descent irritation was that she had plans, ones that she was hoping to finally be done with by nightfall. There was precious little daylight left. Obviously her projects would have to be postponed in lieu of difficulties that the combined efforts of the agricultural staff and that guy that Ash banished to shit-shoveling duty (wasn't he named Guy? Weird...) apparently couldn't figure out. Of course, in her mentally agitated state, Bridgette was almost completely certain that some of these people couldn't find their own ass with both hands and a map.

"Er du jĂŠvla seriĂžs?"1 she growled to herself. She directed her attention to the man she was following, "Look, can we pick up the fucking pace a little bit? Dunno about you, but I've got shit to do, huh? I mean, its not like I..."

Bridgette could have slapped herself right there. Given the fact that she knew precisely where the stables were, she sure as hell didn't need a guide. And of course, she had the benefit of being on a frigging horse. She had no need to wait on anyone. Just to make sure, Bridgette looked back to see if her recent assistant, Jack, was following her. "Marky got himself lost, hmm?" she mumbled to herself. Ok, now she had no need to wait on anyone.

"I don't have time for this. I'll meet you there."

The impatient lady nudged her horse into a canter and rode him down to the Inner Wall's main gate. From a block or so up, one might have heard the harsher intonations of, "How about you stop that "Who Goes There?" bullshit and open the fucking gate? I'm on the clock!"

By the time the gate closed back, Bridgette was already halfway down to the stables. When she got there, she tethered her own beast next to the troughs, got him a little treat, and walked over to the other horses. It had been a while since she had visited this part of the community; Bridgette concentrated on her responsibilities to her own four-legged companion and let whomever handled this do their own thing. Her opinion of this swiftly changed when she entered the enclosure built for the four equines now claimed by Newnan.

Of course they had problems settling down. At least one of them was spooked; she could tell this automatically. One spooked horse had a tendency to get others nervous. Not just that, but it looked like no one had provided them fresh fodder nor brushed them for a while, and if Bridgette was a betting woman, she would have put a big, shiny nickel down that no one had serviced their hooves in at least as long. The stables looked mucked out, at least acceptably enough for this time of the day. And speaking of this time of day - while there was a chunk of daylight left, she needed to get on it immediately. But that sense of urgency never quite removed her desire to gripe.

"...probably that girl that touched my horse..."

Whatever the reason, she had work to do. The horses shouldn't have to suffer because of the neglect of their handlers. With a look of stern care, Bridgette supplemented their feed and gave them fresh water. The second after, she jogged to the nearby toolshed, recovered various blades and brushes, then returned to the stable to groom and settle the unkempt, nervous animals. It might have been easier to accomplish were she to have shed her mail and shield, but in her estimation, taking the easiest path was the last option. It's nothing she hadn't done frequently, out on the open road. Her own plans be damned, those horses needed her. Fast, but thorough.

And she wasn't exactly in love with the setup they had for a stable, either.

Black James!

Location: Building B (Zoie's House)

"Why, thank you much, Miss Zoie." began James, talking through his own mouthful of venison and epicurean sundries. He swallowed hard and continued, "We gotta get a regular thing like this comin' in. I mean, them hogs' young'uns will feed us through winter, but we need us some fresh meat year round, you know?"

Upon hearing Zoie say that she felt alright, particularly after being shot earlier on in the day, James waved his fork at Zoie, emphasizing his words in a way that only an ebon-skinned man of the deep south could. "Now Zoie, you listen here. You go a'runnin' around and trying to do stuff, you gonna tear something open you ought not." Immediately thinking upon his choice of words, James couldn't exactly think of an instance where someone tore something open inside of themselves that they ought, but he stuck by it. Verbally heading her off, he followed up, "You know what I mean. You takin' it easy, if'n I got tape you down and give Dick all kinda pillows."

Meg's entrance came as a welcome surprise. It didn't stop him from continuing to shovel food into his face, even though manners clearly dictated otherwise. He was hungry. There was food. Meg was someone he considered a sweetheart, but her presence didn't mitigate those two facts about his situation. James would have to find time and apologize to her later, if he remembered to. For the time being, he continued to attack his food.

"Doing just fine, Meg. Just fine. Hey, you get anything for supper yet? Mess Hall's serving up some goodness, if I do say so myself." Yes, he was still talking between, and sometimes through, bites. Also yes, his stomach urged him to keep at it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry

Tiffany watched as the people brought in yet more people into the infirmary. She observed them as they passed and noticed the boy with them. She didn't want to get in the way (surely they would have asked if they needed her help) but considering she had Ray and now this boy to watch over, she wasn't sure she was up to the task of watching yet another person. She kept the newcomer in the back of her mind as she continued to sit next to the boy's bed. She wished she had a book or something to do to pass the time, instead she was left to her own thoughts, which weren't all that pleasant to think about, truth be told.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Amelia quietly followed Rodger as they headed towards the cafeteria again. She wasn’t really going to take much food, just something small if she had the chance, just so she can rest properly tonight and tomorrow she was going to start doing her share in whatever she could help with. Cooking, cleaning or anything really. She was even alright with washing if it meant she’d be helping.

” Amelia made a displeased sound as she looked at the ground.” I
 kind of found him and Lana
 Maybe even saved his life back then if Lana was going to abandon him
 I don’t know for sure.” The girl replied looking around.” I was just minding my own business trying to find something to eat when I heard
 well a carcrash. I rushed to help and found the crash. His leg was stuck there while Lana appeared mostly unscratched. I helped her pull him out and yeah
 that’s how I ended with them two just a few hours ago in fact.” She stated and started by habit playing with a lock of her hair.

“Then we found a truck and got it running only for Ed to nearly kill me when he started driving with way too fast and ran through some road spikes
 Luckily I survived and it was then we met Beni and co.” Amelia pretty much explained everything to Rodger while they waited.” That’s the story how I ended with him for a few hours. For which I'm very grateful cause any more and who knows what he may have done.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sophia Harris

location: Building E (Kristina's Apartment) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia felt Niesha's arms wrapping around her waist she looked over her shoulder and smiled as she turned around and leaned forward and kissed her lovingly. The gesture made her feel happy and comfortable, as she held Niesha's hand she hadn't felt happy to be with someone since she had lost her husband all those years ago. "I love you Niesha." Sophia said once again as she looked over at Kristina who was already to leave her apartment. Kris gave her a thumbs up as she left the room to give the two of them some space, Sophia blushed slightly as she looked over at Niesha smiling shyly. "Lets go to the Mess Hall." Sophia said as she held Niesha's hand a little bit longer before leaving the room.

As Sophia walked down the sidewalk and back towards the Mess Hall once more for what was probably the twentieth time today. She looked over her shoulder at Niesha she wondered what would have happened that day if she didn't survive after losing her hand and how things would have gone. Sophia ran a hand through her hair for a moment as she entered the Mess Hall, she looked around the room seeing the remaining people getting their last minute meal.

She could easily smell the deer which her mouth started to water her eyes then looked over towards Astrid and Ashton the two of them having some sort of private conversation. Then she looked towards the man who appeared to be some sort of biker, Sophia stood back for a moment as Ashton headed over to the man talking about some sort of trade she assumed could be another group nearby. Sophia decided to just let them be as she headed over and grabbed a plate of the smoked deer which she couldn't pass up at all she moved over and sat down next to Kris once she had her plate in hand.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building E (Room 2 Kristina's) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Kristina watched the two love birds in her room when Sophia turned around she gave the two of them a thumbs up, and then quickly left the room to give them some space. As Kristina moved down the sidewalk she headed into the Mess Hall as she then went to sit down at an open seat propping her sore ankle up on the seat next to her. Kris sighed slightly as she looked over at the deer, she wasn't hungry at the moment, but the smell of the smoked deer was so good.

She sat in the room as she scanned the room as Ashton talked with Astrid then moving towards a person that she didn't know, she just remained quiet as she decided to just grab herself some deer as well. Kris didn't want to be the only one who didn't have a slice of Black James' awesome cooking. Kristina saw the door opening seeing Sophia and grabbed her own plate the older woman went over and sat down next to her.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building B (Zoie's House)

Meghna looked over at James as he shoveled the food into his mouth seeing him do that was actually kind of funny as he talked with his mouth full. "I actually haven't gotten a chance to yet, once everything settles down i'll be sure to stop by and grab something to eat. I'm sure that deer of yours is to die for." Meg answered James as she looked over towards Zoie as she waited for the southern badass to answer, still hoping that the answer would be a yes.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond opened his eyes as he lets out a loud groan in pain he looked outside of the room seeing that Tiffany was still nearby watching over the kid that had gotten hurt. He ran a hand through his hair as he tried his best to just relax, the little nap that he had was needed, but of course the pain had woken him up and he knew that he probably wouldn't get that much sleep. He laid there as he watched Sana escorting yet another kid into a nearby room. "How is the kid doing?" Raymond asked Tiffany as she stayed near the kid, which she seemed bored doing at the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Building E, Kristina's room----> building 2 (mess hall)

Whatever she had done, it had been the right thing, but Niesha didn't even know what it was that she had done. SHe stood there, a little perplexed for a moment. She really had no idea what she was doing. Baffling, really, how she could work out complicated compositions, but she couldn't work out love. She returned Sophia's kiss, and then Sophia said those three simple words that weren't simple, at all, overwhelming Niesha once more. She swallowed, leaning against Sophia once more.

She really couldn't describe what she was feeling. It was a complicated swirl of emotions. Happiness. Fear. Joyful. Worry. And an overwhelming, stomach churning love that sent her staggering, everytime she thought on it. It twisted her up, turned her upside down and inside out, and left her wondering just what she'd been hit with. It left her struggling to know what to do, and she stared at Sophia, sure she had just spoken, but not sure what she had said. She blinked, and nodded, figuring that that was probably the best course of action, and it seemed to be, as Sophia started off towards the mess hall. Ah.

She followed Sophia out, watching her. Niesha had to wonder, what might happen. She didn't want to be back out there, not with Sophia. She didn't want to lose her, but here had proven not to be that safe either. Still, a heck of a lot safer in here, then out there. She had to wonder, how could she protect Sophia? Could Sophia even still fight? She pondered that, a worried, almost fearful expression on her face as she followed her.

She followed Sophia's example, and grabbed some dear, heading over with her to sit with Kirstina, Niesha wanted to be able to ease Kristina's discomfort, but there wasn't really anything that could be done. Still, she felt better that Kristina was here, with everyone, then alone in the apartments. Perhsps that was a little selfish of her, but so be it.

"The deer smells good"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver - Sana sighed as she turned around and saw the state that Ciel was in. As much as it didn't surprise her that he looked as skin and bones as she had suspected it didn't mean it was any easier to actually see with her own eyes. It wasn't the first time she had seen someone this starved, in fact it had become an all too common thing in this day and age, especially for younger people that didn't have a support system looking out for him. She hoped though that seeing this level of starvation meant he didn't have anyone else out there waiting to ambush the school. It was the last thing they needed. "Don't worry, we'll be done quickly," Sana said in a calm voice as she got to work cleaning out his wounds and bandaging up anything that seemed to need it. She wasn't a medical person by any stretch of the imagination but she knew the basics enough to help out. "So, tell me about yourself. Like, where are you from, what do you like to do, you know, things like that," she said as she worked, trying to get his attention focused on anything but whatever pain he was in physically or mentally. "Or I could start if you'd like," she offered as she gave him a thin lipped smile.

@FantasyChic @Nallore - Things for the boy that is with Tiffany are going well. He is resting but his leg is reddening and swelling slightly where the bone had broken through the skin. He is whimpering a little in his sleep but other than that seems to be holding steady for now.

@Sigil @Nallore - "Could always start with rabbit, thems some mighty fine eats," Zoie chuckled a bit as she rested back into bed and smiled over towards Meg. Sure, rabbit wasn't on everyone's dinner menu but they were quick to have ready and were decent enough. Smirking a bit she rolled her eyes. "Yous be like a momma hen, I's be just fine Ain't nothin' gonna keep Ol Z down." Turning she looked over towards Meg and cocked a brow. "That little shakin' leaf is gonna put ons a show? Well I'll be hornswaggled. Sures, takes the player, bes happy to sees it put to goods use," she said before pointing over to it on her dresser.

@Sigil - Astrid nodded slowly. "Yes, at least one of us does to a degree. Neisha," she said, leaving it at that. Stepping back over with Ash she glanced at Beni who was looking around and seeming to check out the place while he was waiting for them to return. Beni looked over towards Ash and listened to what he had to say. Astrid though interjected before Beni could reply. "Limb loss trumps dinner. If you are willing to have him brought here, send people to get him while we negotiate trade. The longer we wait, the worse his chances become." Her tone was flat and too the point. Beni nodded as he stood up and reached out to shake Astrids and Ashs hand. "Right, of course. If you will take me back to the gate, I will send my people back to get him," he said as he stood there. "I should go with them, stablize him. Victor should be awake enough to negotiate a trade of medicine. Call it good faith. We keep you, they keep me until we return," she said frankly as she looked back over towards Ash. "I'll need my shield." Beni cocked a brow when she said she would need a shield, who the hell carried a shield these days?

@Caits @Nallore - Things are good and Miss Sally heads over to the girls after she is done with Jack to see how they are doing. "Make sure to get all you can, don't know when the next time we will get good meat like this," she said with a brig grin on her face. "Anyone seen Bridgette? We have a seal on the grease trap that is starting to leak and I want to see if she can fix it before it gets worse," she piped in as she looked around, not seeing Bridgette anywhere but spotting Astrid. she would have asked her but it looked like she was busy doing her thing with Ash and some new guy. How many more new people were there going to get today? It seemed these things came in waves. No one forever and then bam, tons of people. She just hoped that no one else would die today.

@Rivaan - "Wow, sounds like a real piece of work. Well glad to know you haven't had to put up with him long. He seems the type that would leave anyone in his dust to just get ahead for five minutes and not think to the longer time ahead," he said as they moved up in the line. There wasn't a lot of food to be offered but there was a little. Rationed out for each person, they all got the same; some water and an old MRE. It wasn't much but it was something. Some people dug in others, pocketed it for later. Mike took one and handed it over to Amelia before taking one for himself and going to find a seat. Glancing around the place before looking back over to her as he sat down. "Well tomorrow we can start working on getting you some more training, after morning chores that is. Come morning there will be a list of who is supposed to do what for the day. We'll figure something out."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 2 (the Mess Hall) ---> Building 7 (Rec Center)

Jack eyed the biker as he came in, not certain whether the biker was new to Newnan as well, or if he was a regular. He chuckled to himself at his own joke--he was a New-Newnanite. Or perhaps the others were Oldanites? He turned to tell his thought to Tatiana, only to once again be forcefully reminded that she was off in the Rec Center. Spotting Miss Sally, though, he grinned and waved at her as he walked over.

"The wall's looking wicked fine," Jack told her, grabbing plates of food for the performers. "The blonde....Bridgette...she went off to go help with something I think, figured I'd see what else I can do." Nodding a word of thanks for the plates of food, Jack carried them out of the Mess Hall, pausing for a moment as he remembered how to get to the Rec Center. Quickly reorienting himself, he hurried along through the streets of Newnan, until he found the recognizable building.

Pushing the door open with his back, he grinned his classic goofy Jack grin. "Dinnah!"

Édouard Riviere

Location: Following Lyon

Édouard practically ignored the old man who ran up to them. He never liked the look of old people, part of the reason he was quite happy his uncle died young. The sagging skin, the wrinkled creases, the angered pores--it all served to nauseate him. Almost like Peter Pan, he had vowed to never grow old, and the fact that a walking relic had survived to this point confused and offended the Frenchman. It was as if he learned that the most vile creature on the planet had outlived the most saintly, and the irony of that thought was entirely lost on him.

"Ah, bon!" Édouard exclaimed, feeling entirely relieved that the pretty girl wasn't related to Lyon. He hadn't seen Svetlana in a few hours, and already, his heart had started to move on. He was a fickle person, constantly moving from one thing to the next. But having heard that Sana wasn't related to Lyon, Édouard didn't feel like he had too many questions to ask. His worldview had been restored, everything was right.


"Pourqoui est-ce que vous n'avez pas me tuĂ©?" Édouard asked bluntly. "Vous ĂȘtes le boucher des enfants, pas leur oncle!" He paused for a moment, before considering that perhaps Alisanne had orchestrated all of this, and that nothing was real. It was a long scheme, but not one he would have put past her. But he shook off the idea quickly--his sisters had better things to do than torment him from France.

"Pourquoi est-ce que vous ĂȘtes comme ça?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel thought for a moment, wincing slightly as his wounds were cleaned. The questions weren't complicated, but his muddled brain was having a bit of difficulty coming up with answers.
"I'm from Watford." He said after a while. "My dad was mayor there. Hmm... I guess I like to draw. I made a lot of maps back at home. I also like reading, but you know, I haven't seen a book in months." He smiled almost apologetically, sorry he didn't have much to say. This was strange; Ciel rarely smiled, even fake smiles. And this one hadn't necessarily been fake... forced, but not fake.

He had been the son of rich, overbearing parents and hadn't had much of a childhood, so he didn't have much to share about himself. He never really had an opportunity to build an identity for himself. He thought that maybe if he'd been allowed outside more, he would have had an easier time surviving in the woods by himself. He paused another moment as Sana finished bandaging his arns, He was still in a lot of pain from whatever was ailing his stomach, but this conversation served as a good distraction. ?What about you? You've heard about me, now tell me about yourself."
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