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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Outer Wall, Main Gate

Ash was mildly irritated at the man's refusal to reveal the location of his settlement, yet still show up unannounced, desiring trade. It left him at a bit of a disadvantage. Still, if the man really meant simple, peaceful barter, he couldn't blame him. This was a vastly different world than it was short years ago. This man, Beni, agreed to all of his stipulations and acted in a respectful manner. He had given no cause for concern.

Plus, if this was a legitimate meeting, they would need to cultivate friends and allies. Preferably, bring others into their walls and make their corner of Hell flourish. Hands to grow crops, hands to raise livestock. Hands to fight for their patch of dirt and the people residing upon it.

And, if this guy was intent upon starting trouble, he would serve as an example to the rest of his people.

"Fair enough. I'll introduce you to my Medical team. We have other resources, if anything catches your attention. I would also suggest that you bring samples inside with you."

The appointed Master of the Walls, Jim, looked to Ashton. "Um, Captain?" he inquired, nodding to the gates.

"Yes. Just a crack." he thumbed on his radio, general address. "Please be advised, we have guests outside of the Main Gate. They appear non-hostile, one is entering under escort, requesting Trade. Astrid, unless there is an emergency, please meet us in Mess."

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

The question. Ah, yes, it always came back to that, at least from his people native to the Motherland. If there was any one thing that made him vulnerable, it was the same weakness that plagued every conman and charlatan out there: The Genuine Article. As it turned out, the man was indeed an ethnic Cossack, mostly, at any rate. His forebearers were absolutely native to Russia, otherwise from nearby in the former Soviet Union. It was a big place, granted, but the accents were similar in nature, compared to the other countries of Eastern Europe and Asia.

But little Tatiana had a point. The Great Bazhooli had an unusual accent. Flawless Russian language, but an accent that deserved to be on the stage, not in the streets of Moscow. An older, cultured way of speaking, common to entertainers going for a classic, vintage feel. Not unlike a muted version of American actors of the silver screen, thusly were the vocal mannerisms of The Great Bazhooli, but effecting a Russian analog. Even so, it was still barely mixed. All the same, he did not want to lie.

"Da, da. Accent muddled. Peoples from Russia alvays say this. I have traveled many places, all of life. Family of Circus Folk, generations and generations. But, if I must pick one place, it vould be the great city of St. Petersburg. Vas born there, and family, clan - used to winter there in off season. Ve had a lovely home, out near the groves."

Bazhooli looked around for a moment, trying to find whatever small, oddly shaped objects he could; the goal being to locate things he could use to juggle. Seeing as his abilities as an Impaler (easily his best attribute) would have to be put on hold, he could demonstrate his skill as a juggler and acrobat. Lesser, but still quite formidable in his proficiency. It would have to do.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Outer Wall, damaged section on the Eastern Side

"Yeah. He was a pretty-boy, but his shit got better after his "big boy hair" grew in. Hand me those metal snips?" Bridgette manually bent out the metal, just enough to get at the rusty parts on the edge. For some reason, she was sure it was a simple damaged seam - technically it was a damaged seam, but it wasn't so simple. There was more to do than torching up a strip of metal and getting back to her own workshop. She was glad to have company, even if it was this guy.

"Hey! Hey, I wonder if old Leo survived? I mean, wouldn't it be fucking hilarious? Biggest dramatic role EVAH!" she mused, trying like hell to cut away the corroding metal as fast as possible. For her sense of urgency, it really wasn't taking all that long. But a mind that is hurried imagines that time escapes, far faster than it should. Her face betrayed the random, twisted thought that sprang unbidden. "HA! He's probably so many piles of Biter shit as we speak. But at least we know what's eating Gilbert Grape, huh? Huh? Alright, hand me those pliers and my hammer. Back on the clock."

A thought hit her, and she voiced it in lowered tones, "Let's keep this "gun thing" our little secret. Just watch my back."

Black James!

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

"Aw hells yeah, Miss Astrid. Jane Doe here is ready, willin', and definitely able. You grab a chunk and hang out. Soon as I get some of this goodness over to Miss Zoie and Dick, I'll be right back to do the same. Then you tell Black James all about your day."

He was ready to consume the entire beast right there, forks be damned. He had missed his meals today, at first because he wanted to look over his duties before breakfast, and then because of the attack. He had certain responsibilities to the community that took priority. The irony of that situation, considering his desire to stay far away from what humanity had become since the Outbreak, was not lost on him. James was always kind of a loner. He was very sociable, liked people, etc., but felt so much safer on the move, hunting hogs and living off, away from where groups would congregate. It was how he survived the first couple of years. Now, he had people who depended upon him.

Things do change. James was no leader, but he could pick a good one from a bad one any day.

"Ok, soon as Miss Sally gets back with the plates, I'll be just five minutes."

Being a lead, James had a walkie on his belt at most times. When it sparked alive, it didn't surprise him in the least. What did surprise, though, was Ash informing everyone that they had company. And specifically called out Astrid. Maybe he thought that she'd have a radio, maybe he figured that she was in the Infirmary, where one usually rests. Whatever the reason, it came through loud and clear on James's, and he was standing right next to the woman.

"Oh goodie. More drama." he said with obvious sarcasm. "Look girl, I'll be back soon as I can. Might even run." He smiled a little. While a man of laborious stamina, it was well known that he despised running. Unless it was toward food or away from Walkers, Black James Mandingo Grady didn't run, period.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia smiled softly seeing Niesha's face turning to a deep red it was actually really cute to her as she watched Niesha stutter she of course didn't mean that kind of company, at least not yet. She was just glad that she had a room with someone that she cared for, Niesha reminded her a little bit of herself when she first found her husband her first love. She wanted to settle down with some kids with him, but things didn't go out that way since the accident. She got off of the counter that she had been sitting on and watched Niesha as she moved the meds into a cooler and then cleaning off the surface. "I'm glad that we have a room together." Sophia said with a soft smile she felt the most comfortable with Niesha to be around with in Newnan.

When Niesha finished putting everything away and was cleaned she stepped forward blushing slightly as Sophia leaned forward and gently kissed Niesha on the lips before stepping back. "I love you Niesha." Sophia said softly, she didn't think that she would end up falling in love with someone again, but she did Sophia looked around for a moment she wasn't sure when the little show that Meg and the two Russians were setting up tonight at the Rec Center.

Sophia then remembered that she saw Kristina had been injured earlier in the day seeing the girl limping away on a set of crutches. "Should we maybe check up on Kris and see how she is doing?" Sophia asked, Kris and her had gotten along pretty well as well and considered the younger girl a friend during her time in the infirmary she could return the favor at least and check up on her.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 Rec Center

Meghna looked at Tatiana and Bazhooli as the two of them spoke to one another about where they were from, Meg was finishing up putting up chairs for the people. Meg remembered seeing her brother Sid at the Mess Hall last time she saw him that is, she should probably go up and check on him later on after the show. Then she heard the radio going off as she heard Ashton's voice on the other end, there were apparently some people outside the wall wanting to trade. Though she wasn't sure if they were secretly Eden or not, Ashton needed Astrid for some reason for the trade the only thing she thought of was either metal supplies or medical supplies. Since Astrid worked in both departments.

Meghna grabbed her radio and started to speak into it. "Rodger that, if they need anything else Ash just let me know." Meg said over the radio to offer anything trade wise with these new people. Meghna then started to search through the Rec Center supplies for anything else that they could potentially use for the little show. Meg then approached both Tatiana and Bazhooli to thank them, she was grateful that they could do a little show for the people even if they barely just settled in Newnan the people really needed it since they had lost their own today. "I just want to thank you both, for doing this."

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond was sleeping peacefully that is until he started to hear high pitched cries in pain as he opened his eyes he watched as Tiffany had gotten up to offer any assistance that she could. His eyes then wondered down towards the kid's leg and could see that it was twisted in a very odd and painful way that it shouldn't ever be in. Ray looked down towards his leg or what was left of it, at least it wasn't a bite or the kid would be in worse shape.

He would offer or at least try to help if he could but he was to confined to the bed he was in no condition to get up and offer any assistance. Ray would have to be content with watching from a distance as Lyon tore away at the kid's pant leg to get a better look at it, he decided to remain quiet so that he wouldn't bother anyone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)

I love you, Niesha

The four words shook Niesha to her very core. It wasn't simply the admission. It was that anyone could say that to her, and...mean them. She was sure Sara had said them...or had she? Niesha had never voiced the words before herself. She was sure that...that Sara had. Just that..flippant way people do, rushing out the door, shouting back "Love you". Not meaningful. Just a goodbye, incase they died before seeing them again.

It overwhelmed Niesha, so utterly and completely, she didn't think she could ever speak again. It through her off stride, although some part of her was berating herself what did you expect would happen? this is what normal people do. She Didn't even know what she felt now, her own emotions a true turmoil, like she was being spun around and around in a hurricane. She didn't think she would ever see the eye of this storm.

She stood staring at Sophia, trying to figure it all out, but unable to. There was just so much. And she had never been good at emotions. She had never been good at processing them, and for a moment it was like she was...shutting down.

Hope. A strange thing in this world, really. And yet they always had it, didn't they? Or they wouldn't be here. But hope that...,,maybe she wouldn't be so alone. With Sophia...it just seemed better, somehow. She didn't know why. But maybe you didn't have to understand hope for it to be so. Happiness. She couldn't deny the happiness she felt, at the words. They made her feel wanted. Cared about. That someone was there, always thinking about her. And....it wasn't something she'd had much off. And Love.

Niesha reached out, to grab Sophia before she could step away, step too far away. "Sophia" Her tone was soft, her voice loving, hopeful. "I..." She couldn't say it, the words got stuck in her throat. She cleared her throat, and had to look away. "I....I...I" Oh, just say it. You look like a fool, standing there and stuttering away like some sort of mad woman.

Yet her mind leaped at the chance to break away, to turn her attention towards Kris, remembering the fact that she was injuried, that she had promised to check up on her. "You're right, we should" She said, furious at herself for chickening out. She bit her lip, and she turned away from Sophia, ashamed. She wasn't worthy of Sophia. She knew that now.

She was going to ruin this even before it had a chance, she knew it. She didn't want to hurt Sophia, and yet she knew that that was what she'd end up doing. She closed her eyes tight at the stinging of tears, glad to be facing away from Sophia. because crying will get you what you want, crying will make you braver. Her hands curled into fists, digging her nails against her skin.

Suddenly she turned back to Sophia. say it. Do it. don't chicken out.. She drew in a deep breath. "I love you too"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location – Franklin, near the Main Street diner

Day number fifteen since Charles got offed.... and I'm finally back in something that looks like a town.
The young blonde trudged down main street, a rifle strapped to his back and blood and dirt smeared across his face, clothing and hair. Clearly he hadn't been here in 'proper' civilization that long. He'd just come out of the forest on the southwest side of the town of Franklin, and for the first time in almost a month he could see buildings up ahead. He was tired and starving, and since he'd had nothing to purify water with over the last ten or so days he was feeling rather ill. He hoped it wasn't parasites. He remembered learning about tapeworms and the like back when he was being homeschooled in his parents' mansion. Those were the days, indeed. He had everything he could ever have wanted, but still somehow he craved for something more... adventure.
Well, looks like I got my wish. Joy. Mazel fucking Tov, me. He thought, stumbling a bit as he continued down the street. His legs hurt terribly from walking nonstop for hours.

There had been many times when Ciel had wanted to give up this tireless journey towards nowhere... to just lie down in a nice spot in the woods and let himself fade away. But something kept him going. He thought it was stupidity, but really it was his headstrong, determined nature. He had to get out of this. He had to do the best he could given the circumstances that he had. It was kind of like all those old Indiana Jones movies that his father collected, except wrought with disease and peril.

He continued towards what looked like a diner, currently the closest building to him. He hoped it was still active. He desperately needed food and clean water. The last time he'd technically eaten was when he scavenged a dead squirrel in the forest. He was almost out of bullets for his rifle and didn't want to waste them in case walkers came along.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Center West End of the Outer Wall

Jack nodded, whistling 99 Balloons to him as they got to work. He handed the 'snips' over to Bridgette, after pausing for a brief moment to figure out which of the tools she was referring to. It had been ages since he had to even think about those sort of tools, having gotten by with mostly the necessities during the shitstorm that ended the world as he knew it. At Bridgette's exclamation, he ceased his whistling.

"I guess so," Jack agreed, not entirely convinced it was the best joke to be made. Making references to old movies was one thing--but wishing that Leo was in the same mess as the rest of them? Jack hoped that the son of a bitch was long dead, that way he wouldn't have to be in this world. The less people that had to live through the apocalypse, the better. And while it was selfish of him, he wanted Tatiana to stay alive. It may have been a hell they were in, but he couldn't go through with it alone. And the thought of being turned into one of them terrified him too much, keeping him from simply giving up ages ago. "Hammah and pliahs comin' up," Jack said, glad for the change of pace in the conversation. He handed them to Bridgette, nodding at her request.

"If you don't mind me askin', but what did this?" Jack asked, shifting his weight slightly. "A walkah couldn't have done this--and with all the secuhity...It looks like we aren't alone here, are we?" Wiping away a bit from sweat from his forehead, a blessing and a curse of the Georgia heat and humidity, Jack glanced up at the wall once more, eyeballing the fortifications of the settlement.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)

Just as Lyon was ready to launch into a speech, so was Édouard. With mood swings that rivaled the stereotypical pregnant woman, he was currently pumped up with indignation and rage. The cocktail served to only bring out the worst qualities in him--not that he had very many decent qualities, of course. Most who tried to think up something admirable about le chou came up with nothing, instead standing by awkwardly, and nodding as he sung his own praises.

"Ça peut-ĂȘtre une leçon?" Édouard scoffed, rolling his eyes. He hadn't even bothered to look up and see the child, just listening to Lyon frantically speaking in English, right after the scolding about helping other people. Glancing up, Édouard spotted the feeble body of the child, and he paused for a moment, carefully considering his course of action. The first option was the most obvious and most appealing one. While they were all distracted, he could stroll out of the settlement, and be on his merry way.

The second one, Édouard realized with a sigh, would require work. He would have to do something for the kid, like cleaning up the OR, or helping with whatever medical attention he needed. The more he thought about it, the more appealing the first decision became, until he realized he was absolutely clueless as to how to leave Franklin without Lyon noticing. And how could he exact his revenge if he just left? There were so many people that needed to learn the meaning of respect--he couldn't teach them that if they left.

His eyes fell on the mess of the OR again, and he almost pouted, thinking about all of the effort it would take. Looking behind him subconsciously for FĂ©lix, in order to tell his bodyguard to clean up the mess for him, Édouard nearly pounded his fist on the ground. It seemed there would be no way out of this. He would have to put in....effort. Wrinkling his nose, Édouard rose to his feet, grabbed the rag, and actually cleaned the OR.

It was a Christmas miracle.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver - The place is empty but thankfully for Ciel, there are no walkers present inside or out. The town itself seems oddly void of Walkers. Inside the place has been pretty cleaned out. Chairs taken, even some spots where it looks like tables had once been are cleared. There are several rooms but each has been cleared, the only thing that Ciel is able to find if he looks is a kitkat bar that is unopened and covered with dust hidden behind the cash register. Seems someone had stashed it away for a rainy day and bolted before they remembered to grab it. Outside of the place there are some scratch marks deep into the street - seems whatever was taken from the place had been drug over the ground. The direction the marking go? Towards the school. There are a few voices off in the distance that can be heard. People on the fence keeping a watchful eye out for any problems.

@Morose @Sigil - You two are good to go, it will take another ten to fifteen minutes to finish up, so your next post should cover it. Once done, go ahead and put up your things and go about your business as you want. One of the members of Newnan will come over to Bridgette and ask for some help with the horses, saying they are still a bit uneasy after everything earlier. He has them back in their stables now but he just is no good at getting them to calm the fuck down.

@Nallore @Sigil - Tatiana looks over towards Baz and cocks a brow. "Groves? Vhat groves? Pine groves? Vhy vould you vinter in such snow and bitter cold?" she asks, wondering just what in the world he was talking about. There was nothing to be seen in Russia during the winter other than miles and miles of snow, at least not where he was talking about. Was the man just lying through his teeth? She was about to call him on it when Meg spoke up. Turning her attention over to the woman she forced a nervous smile. "Very happy to. Ve bring many smiles I hope," she said, warming up a bit to speaking to her since she was talking about performing. It was one of the few times Tatiana ever felt truly at ease.

@Caits @Nallore - Enjoy the calm you love birds, LLA isn't throwing anything at you; yet.

@Morose @Nallore @FantasyChic - Lyon looks over towards Tiffany, grateful to the assistance. "Yes, please, hold him down, I have to set the break," he says quickly. Even though his attention is on the boy in trouble, he is keeping an eye out on Ed. If the man bolted he would hunt him down at this point. Most could leave the group whenever they wanted but he feared Ed was the type to get mixed up with Eden and cause even more trouble in the long run. That he couldn't have. Turning his attention in front of him he waits for Tiffany to brace the boy before giving the boy a little pep talk. "This is going to hurt, a lot. Not going to lie. But as soon as the bone is set the pain is going to go down a lot," he assures the kid before taking a deep breath and pulling as hard as he could to set the bone. He had only done this a handful of times but he knew he couldn't wait for Medic to get back. The boy screams out blood curdling, hot tears rolling down his cheeks as the scream cuts through the entire building. Lyon has to keep himself from cringing outwardly and to stay on task until the bone is set. As soon as it is he quickly sets a brace to one side of it and wraps it up tight. It isn't much but at least it is set for now. "Hopefully Medic will be back soon, we can't move him until then. Can you please go get some pillows and blankets for him out of the closet at the end of the hallway?" he asks Tiffany as he stands up and looks around to see where Ed is. His brows rising as he sees Ed is actually cleaning and doing a decent job at it. "Beautifully done, thank you," Lyon says in a very grateful voice to Ed as he gives the man a nod of approval to the work with a glint of pride in his eyes that the kid had actually done some work. He was not delusional enough to think he did it because of good reason but it was done nonetheless. It was the most he could ask for at that time.

@Sigil - "Well, just get them some plates. We actually have a show to attend tonight," Miss Sally informs James before filling him in on the two Russians that were now within the walls and were planning to put on a little bit of entertainment for the town that evening. "I doubt Zoie will be up to coming with everything that happened but I am sure your food will bring a smile to the poor girls face. Better hurry though, she's been alone with Richard for a while now, she might kill him being alone with him so long in such close quarters," Miss Sally said rolling her eyes a bit. "I will take a plate to Victor while you do," she adds before piling one up for the towns doctor and heading out of the mess hall.

@Sigil - "Yes boss," Astrid says as she hears the message come in from James' walkie. Shaking her head a little bit as she sits down and waits, eating as she does. Beni smiles, taking a small bag with him and opening it as he enters the wall to show there were no weapons in it. Shouldering the pack he waits for the door to close behind him before turning his attention towards Ash. "Right kind of you. So, where to?" he asks as he looks around. "Hope we can strike a deal, would be nice to have some place to trade with that I didn't have to worry about being stabbed in the back. Some right screwed up folks walking around these days," he says as he waits for Ash to lead the way. (Go ahead and bunny Beni to the mess hall.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Starting Location – Franklin, inside the Main Street diner
Ending Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

The diner was unlocked. That was good, Ciel had never had the time to pick up lockpicking. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, ready to grab his rifle and shoot if walkers pervaded he building.

The emptiness of the place was both relieving and disappointing. There were no walkers, but he'd been kind of hoping that there might be people. Someone had to put up the barricades and traps he'd been dodging in the street...
He foraged through the place top to bottom, finding signs that someone had been through here within the last couple of months. The rooms were all cleared out, chairs taken and no food in sight except a candy bar he'd taken from underneath the emptied cash register. It looked old, but it was probably still edible and he desperately needed food.

He left the cleared out diner, noticing marks on the street as if someone had dragged heavy items across the asphalt. He followed the scratch marks down Main Street, occasionally looking up to see if he was being followed by anything. He could hear distant voices, but couldn't discern where they were coming from. Ciel's skills in hearing weren't exactly top notch. He eventually made his way to a building that, based on the crumbling lettering across the front door, appeared to have been a high school at one point. Ciel had never been to high school. He was only eleven and hadn't had a day of proper education since the walkers emerged. Well, first time for everything. The building seemed to be surrounded by fencing and guards. Quietly, he slowly pulled his rifle off his back and placed it on the ground, holding his hands up. "I come in peace!" He called out, standing a good several yards away from the entrance in case he had to run from flying bullets. "Could you spare some food or something?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

“Well I do am open to learning.” Amelia replied with a small smile as the card game was progressing. She found herself having quite the fun at playing this masterful game! It's been years... since she last played any card games! She had forgotten how fun it could be.” Well... I know how to swing a bat.” She stated with some confidence.” Used to play a lot of baseball back during highschool.” She explained and smiled.

“I also have a knife I can use for close combat, but I've not really used it that much. Mainly for cutting my food really.” She stated, narrowing her eyes at her hand of cards and then throwing studying her opponents.” Still as I said, I'd love to learn some more self defense.” She added, throwing a look around them this time, checking the area just in case. Paranoid habits die hard it seemed and were also very useful for extending one's life.

"I wonder what the rest of those I arrived with are doing... there was a man with a missing leg..." She added." I hope he lives through his injury." She added.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Outside Hallway

Tiffany was happy to offer her assistance. After all, these people provided food and shelter to them with no expectations. The least she could do was pitch in and help. She watched the man, Lyon, work with the kid. She felt a twinge of regret for the poor boy whose leg was really damaged. She did as instructed, she looked into the boy's eyes and smiled, hoping to reassure him that all will be well. And she held him down with enough force so the boy would not flinch heavily and cause trouble.

The deed was done and she felt the boy thrash in place as the pain settled. It was over and the boy laid there, softly crying. She patted the boy's cheek and stood up. She looked at Lyon as he asked her for supplies, she nodded her approval and quickly went to the end of the hallway to grab the blankets and pillows and followed them to where the boy would be resting.

Once there, she would ask Lyon "Anything else I can do? Ray is resting now and I have nothing to do apart from making sure he's ok through the night."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building E (Kristina's Apartment)

Sophia stood there for a moment as she watched Niesha starting to stutter, she wasn't sure if she was nervous of her admission of her love towards the girl or not or she was embarrassed. When Niesha turned around Sophia was about to sigh knowing that she might have been a fool to say that. But then Niesha turned around and finally said it which made her heart skip a beat. Sophia smiled happily as she leaned forward and gently pressed her lips up against Niesha's and pulled her closely and held the kiss for several seconds which felt like it was longer to her. She held Niesha's hand lovingly in her right hand as she backed away and stared into Niesha's green eyes blushing slightly and bit her lower lip before backing away.

"C'mon lets head over and see Kristina." Sophia said softly as she started to head out from the back of the kitchen as she walked out seeing the people who were on the walls grabbing their own food. She saw Miss. Sally talking with James and then heading out of the Mess Hall, she could see Astrid and gave the woman a soft smile and wave towards her. Sophia was still grateful for Astrid for everything for the whole months being cooped up in the Infirmary and saving her life from being a walker, even if it cost her a hand she made a note to just simply hangout with her at some point.

Sophia left the Mess Hall as she headed along LaGrange Street until she was at their assigned building, she looked around she wasn't sure which room Kristina was in. As Sophia continued down the hallway until she heard Kristina's voice cursing at herself she then knocked on the door which she assumed was Kristina's. "Come in." Kristina's voice came through as Sophia opened the door.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 Rec Center

Meghna smiled softly at Tatiana and gently patted her on the shoulder she looked at the two of them as they spoke to one another as the two of them spoke about where they were from. She thought for a moment at what Bazhooli said where he was from and Tatiana as well she didn't think anyone would want to spend their winter out in Russia with its snow. Though Meg had never been there it then started putting two and two together. "I believe what he means is St. Petersburg Florida if I am right, I don't think anyone would want to spend their winter vacation in the snow."

Meg then looked over her shoulder at the makeshift set up, though they didn't have a proper stage setup but they would have to make do with what they had on hand. And most supplies were made mainly for the walls and general maintenance on other structures like agriculture maintaining the pens and stables for the animals. They now just needed the people to come out and enjoy the show, she was glad that Ashton had actually agreed to it.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building E (Room 2 Kristina's)

The book that she had in her hand slipped out of her hand as she groaned loudly to herself and started cursing to herself as she slowly rolled off of the bed and got down on her knees. She winced as she quickly shifted her weight over to her other ankle as she grabbed the book out from under the bed. "Come in." Kristina said after she heard a knock on the door, she turned her head over to see Sophia coming into the room and smiled softly and nodded towards her. "Hey whats up Sophie?" Kristina asked as she plopped herself back down onto the bed and set the book on the bedside table. It was good to see that Sophia was now out and about as Kristina laid her ankle down on the pillow, she looked towards the door and saw Niesha and waved at her friend.

"Not much, just came to check up on you is all." Sophia said with a soft smile as she pulled up a seat. Kristina nodded softly towards her as she got comfortable on her bed. "I'm doing alright, just taking it easy for once like Doc Astrid had ordered me to do earlier." Kristina said quietly as she ran a hand through her hair. "How are you doing Niesha?" Kristina asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)----> Building E, Kristina's room

Sophia just seemed so much better at this sort of thing then Niesha did, Niesha felt like she was tied up, and being told that she had to break free, but not knowing how. She returned Sophia's kiss, and curled her hand around Sophia's when she took her hand, letting herself be led out, Niesha was grateful that things seemed to be over, for now. the day had been long, and she wanted to be with Sophia, in anyway, and now that she'd finished the meds, she could focus on her.

She followed Sophia into Kristina's place, studying Kristina a moment, and making sure she wasn't in too much pain. She seemed to be struggling a little with her ankle, but she didn't seem too bad, and Niesha relaxed slightly. She listened to them talk, replying to Kristina, "I'm good" She said, wondering if there was a hidden question in there, but leaving it be. She gave Kristina a smile, then said "Did you need anything? I don't want to just leave you all alone without things"

She was concerned for her friend, knowing that an injured ankle hurt at the best of times, and were a pain, but these days, it was more then a little frustrating. "You should rest it well, its been a hectic day"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Outer Wall, Main Gate -> Building 2, Mess Hall

The moment that Beni made it inside of the gate, Ash gave the signal for it to close. In the interest of keeping the people outside from thinking that they were simply being left there while the people of Newnan performed any manner of atrocities to their group's spokesman, Jim remained at his post above, providing a line of communication.

Upon entering, Beni was greeted by two rifle carrying Newnanites. The guns remained low, but at the ready in case the new guest decided to spurn the finer points of their hospitality. They remained a few paces away. Ashton climbed down to meet the man formally, extending a hand to him. "Welcome to Newnan. I trust you will forgive the TSA treatment we tend to provide here. Brave new world, and all." His slight Virginian accent became a little more noticeable in the last verbal exchange. For those who knew him, it could mean any number of things; today it was the beginning or weariness.

"Gentlemen." he remarked to the security personnel. Ash moved his index finger in a circular motion before pointing back north, to the main gate of the Inner Wall. They all picked up on the left foot, marching in unison. Their trip back would take a little time, which Ash used to act as a sort of tour guide. If this man were one of the "bad guys", then they already had a good idea where things lay in the Outer Wall. If he was not, then the gruff man would simply be initiating coversation. "Most folk who aren't shooting at us tend to stick around. Who knows? Maybe you'll find something you like." He pointed to the right, almost directly. "We keep livestock out that way, at least this season. Hopefully, we'll be able to rotate livestock ground with our crops, grow some more robust corn and sweet potatoes."

They approached the Inner Wall. The gate parted open, thanks to a wave on Ash's part. "That does remind me, um, Beni. We're going to one of our standard sit-down locations for newcomers. Usually it's for people that are petitioning to stick around for a while, but I figure "protocol". A sense of continuity for the others watching us in town."

They were just coming up on the former Methodist church that Newnan used to primarily prepare and distribute food. Even in these dark times, it was used to help the needy and feed the hungry, if not quite a place where God was mentioned with its former regularity. "Right here, sir. You're going to be speaking with a young lady who works under our Doctor. He is presently unavailable to receive guests at this time." Ash held open the door to admit the man, motioning with his free hand. "I don't suppose you'd care for a bit of supper while we all get acquainted? It's not much, but we might be able to get James to part with a little of his smoked deer. Either way..." he motioned to the table where Astrid was seated, "Let's all talk."

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Tatiana seemed the excitable type, certainly. "Pine? No, no, is cit..." he began, before attention to the situation was diverted by Meg. "Gah..." he breathed as a quiet, wordless exclamation. "Vill explain later." and turned an inquiry elsewhere. "Meghna! Is odd question, but vould you have bowling pins? Hundred uses for them."

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Outer Wall, damaged section on the Eastern Side

"That's a pretty astute observation there, Jack. Yeah, we're not the only assholes taking up acreage in Georgia. As I understand, there's a group that doesn't like us too much. Got no fucking clue WHY, we're not hurting anyone that doesn't deserve it pretty hard. Anyway..."

Bridgette dropped down from the stepladder, grabbing strips of metal and a torch from her bag o' fun. "Almost done there, Marky. Just stay observant." The tall woman leaned one elbow upon the ladder for balance and carefully reascended the device. She rested her equipment on the tiny, pullout shelf on the side of the ladder opposite herself (obstinately labeled "NOT A STEP"), and adjusted on a small set of goggles. "Try not to look directly at it. Like I was saying, Cap'n Ash here has a good stretch of dirt to expand into, not enough people to keep eyes on it. He's got to know this, I mean, he's a fucking combat engineer, right?"

The generally foulmouthed woman burned metal against metal, occasionally giving it a whack or two when it was being difficult. Within the next few minutes, a very warm but quite patched section of wall stood before them. "Ok, you about ready to get back? I've got shit to do. Let's go." Bridgette folded up the ladder and pointed at her sawed-off, still in the Massachusetts native's hand. "Trade ya."

Black James!

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building B (Zoie's House)

James wasn't about to leap into the drama today. Oh, no. He'd had quite enough. The veteran Hogger procured two covered plates and began carefully maneuvering them out of the room and into the road. Maybe it was just because he hadn't quite done that whole "Eating" thing that day, or maybe the good people of Newnan were getting better at preparing Apocalypse meals, but the smell wafting from the plates was absolutely transcendent. "Mmm mmm. That is some goodness, no two ways on it..." he remarked to himself. He did that a lot.

He caught sight of Ash and their (hopefully) peaceful trading partner, coming up the street. He tried to be as polite as possible, but full hands prevented a more traditional greeting. James was a man of the South. Manners, or at least the ritual of them, were highly important. The best he could get out at the moment was a brisk nod from underneath his stetson before his present duty pulled him back into service. He wasn't even sure that Ash noticed him, so the lack for semi-formal response was somewhat forgivable. So he took off at a brisk walk, just about a block, up to the domicile of Newnan's present Second and general ovary-bearing badasss, Miss Zoie Crawford.

Hands full, the industrious blackneck chose instead to tap the kickplate on the front door with one of his large, well used boots. Then an idea struck him. He set the plates down on a nearby piece of porch furniture, and keyed his radio over to Zoie's personal frequency. "Now uh, Miss Zoie? I gots some primo eats for y'all out front of your home, what you wantin' me to do with it?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver - A younger woman is first to take notice of Oliver as he arrives at the gate, her crossbow coming up and pointing at him through the chain link fencing. "He sounds like he is an alien trying to land on the planet," she mutters to the older man next to her. "Go let Lyon know we have company," she says before the man nods and takes off towards the school and heads inside. Seeing Oliver put the shotgun down on the ground she keeps her arrow pointed at him nonetheless. "Alright, rules are as follows. I let you in, you pick up your weapon and come in the gate. You try anything, I will put an arrow through her skull without even thinking," she says before motioning with her head for him to come forward. Another at the gate opens it up just enough for Oliver to enter and once he does he closes it and locks it up tight. Lowering her cross bow the woman slings it over her back and pulls out her side arm, keeping it pointed low. "I'm Sana, and you are?" she asks as she looks him over.

@Morose @Sigil - Wall is done, guy still needs help with the horses.

@Nallore @Sigil - Tatiana looks rather confused about Meg telling her that he is speaking about St. Petersburg Florida. "Florida? Explains muddle," she says as she continues rummaging through the boxes, trying to find something to play the music on. Pursing her lips she looks up and glances around, wondering if something is already set up for music or if they were put away because there was nothing to play the CD's on. There isn't anything in the Rec Center but Meg would know that Zoie has a personal player in her house that she probably wouldn't mind lending to them for the evening if asked. As far as the bowling pins goes, there are some that Meg could remember most likely. The kids had been playing with them rather recently out in the streets but as far as them getting put back in the Rec Center is anyones guess. The kids did have a tendency to just toss whatever they are playing with in the school house from time to time since they used a lot from the rec center during recess.

@Caits @Nallore - All clear for now

@Morose @Nallore @FantasyChic - Lyon takes the items from Tiffany and thanks her before someone comes running over to him and whispering against his ear. Nodding slightly he turns towards Ed and sighs. "You come with me," he says in French before turning his attention back to Tiffany. "Please keep an eye on the boy for now for me. I will be right back," he says before heading off, with Ed in tow whether he likes it or not, towards the front of the school to see about this new comer.

@Sigil - "Don't worry about it, do the same mostly at my place," Beni laughed as he started to walk with Ash, looking around and taking note of what the man said. "You have an impressive set up here Mr Holloway. Should be damn proud," he adds as he continues to walk towards the Mess Hall. "Oh I see plenty I like but I gots so many mouths to feed I better not look too hard, might think of running away from home. Gots nearly three dozen I gotta look after. I am just hoping for some trade to save a new comer is all." Stepping into the mess hall he stops and his eyes widen as he feels the air conditioning hitting his face, breathing a long happy sigh. "Fucking hell.. never thought I would feel this cool again in the middle of a Georgia summer," he laughs as he follows Ash over to a table and has a seat. Taking notes of several in the room, including a blond woman that looked like a Viking who was already seated and eating dinner talking with an older woman who seemed to be directing people here and there. The Viking woman's eyes landing on Ash for a moment and then him but she continued eating without taking her eyes off them. "Mighty kind of you but I couldn't. Wouldn't be right for me to be eating in the cool air while my people are out there. Hope you understand," he said as his attention turned back to Ash. "We ran into a group earlier today that had fallen into a trap with another group, one man lost his leg. We got the bleeding stopped and such but we're worried about infection. We need some antibiotics mostly. Plasma if you by some miracle have it. We don't have a lot to trade but we do have some..." he starts before Astrid comes over and sits down next to Ash. "You called for me?" she says as she sits down. Beni cocks a brow looking at the woman before glancing towards Ash.

@Sigil - Dick ends up opening the door for James and looking the man over for a minute before finally opening the door wider and letting him in. "Zoie be in bed," he says before taking a step out of the way and waiting for James to enter. One he does he leads James back down the hallway to Zoie's bedroom, where the southern bell if propped up with one too many pillows and looking rather peaved at the moment even though she is trying to put on a friendly face. Richard rubs the back of his neck a bit and then sighs. "Going to check on the cars for a bit while y'all visit," Dick says before getting the hell out of dodge. He and James never did get along and he really didn't want to be around Chocolate Thunder right then but he knew the man would look after Zoie for a few, least he hoped he would. Once Zoie heard the door close as Dick left the house she rolled her eyes, grabbed one of the pillows out from behind her and tossed the damn thing across the room. "I done knows hes meanin' well buts... Sweet baby Jesus, ifs I hads to deals withs one more pillow I'd of stuff that man and hung him over ma' mantle!" she grumbled as she tried to readjusted the remaining pillows so she could get comfortable. Stopping as the smell his her her eyes widened towards James. "Colored me red and call me a lady bug. Do I smell heaven on a plate Mr James??" she asked excitedly.

@Rivaan - "Well we will see what we can do about getting you more comfortable with fighting tomorrow if you would like," Mike says. At the mention of the man that was brought in with her Rodger nods. "Well we can head over to the infirmary and check on him if you would like. It is getting later in the day, I could use a bite to eat. Why don't we put the cards on hold for now and play after we check on the one legged man and get something for dinner?" Rodger suggests as he hands his cards over to Mike and stands up, dusting himself off. Mike nods. "Oh god yes, I need food," he says as his stomach suddenly growls very loudly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel silently obeyed the commands, picking up his rifle and nervously walking through the gates. He wasn't at all surprised by all the precautionary demands, though he wasn't sure what they thought a tired, starving, ill eleven year old who hadn't sen a human face in fifteen days was planning to "try". He supposed anyone with a gun like his was old enough to shoot down a few guards and raid the building, but he had no intentions of doing that. Ciel had learned, over the time he'd been alone, that he wasn't very good at solo survival. He'd gotten by these past two weeks, but he certainly wasn't doing well.

"I'm Ciel Jaquith. Thanks for letting me through, Sana." He said, sounding a lot less curt than he usually did when talking to new, strange people. If he had to do some ass-kissing to survive, so be it. He held out his hand, not sure if she'd take it as his hands were dirty and covered in open bleeding cuts. He was kind of surprised she didn't shoot him on the spot, actually. Unidentified lone children were usually vectors for disease. It just so happened that this one could possibly prove himself useful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Center West End of the Outer Wall

Jack chuckled a bit, warming up slightly to Bridgette. Sure, she seemed to have a screw or two loose, but he did admire her candid nature. Covering his eyes with his hand as she fired up the torch, he did as instructed and tried his best not to look at it too much. It reminded him a bit of a lab he did in high school chemistry, where they burnt magnesium and put it in dry ice. And by they, he meant that they watched while the teacher did it carefully, since they broke at least ten beakers during every lab that year.

"It's a shame, that someone'd want to hurt this," Jack lamented. "Guess people are the real monstahs, huh?"

Once Bridgette was done and the wall repair complete, Jack consented to the trade, swapping the shotgun for the ladder. As much as he wanted to go running back to Tatiana, he also realized that she needed time to practice without him being his goofy self the entire time. Perhaps there'd be something else that he could help with. "Where do you want the laddah?" Jack asked, readjusting his grip slightly. He couldn't quite recall exactly where it had come from, having devoted most of his memorizing to the simple route for getting out of dodge in case something happened.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (OR) ---> Front of the School

Édouard rolled his eyes at Lyon, judging that it was some sort of praise from the ridicule. Of course he was being praised for the menial slave labor! That was typical for America. He regretted ever coming out to the country, even if his family had been plotting against them. At least he could sleep when he was dead, he wouldn't be scrubbing the filthy floors of the OR, and getting appreciative nods from the living filth of Franklin. The pride in Lyon's eyes only served to confuse and irritate the Frenchman, and for a moment, Édouard considered spitting on the floor of the OR.

But then again, Lyon would probably make him clean that up too. Merde. He wrinkled his nose in utter defeat, attempting to come up with another scheme, since already, the workload of this one was going to kill him. There was blood and dirt under his beautiful hands, and if anything, the Frenchman wanted a manicure. His life had been a never ending party before, filled with sex, booze, and adventure.

This life, though, felt like the equivalent of an especially bad hangover.

"Pas de problùme, monsieur! Votre vƓu est ma commande!" Édouard muttered under his breath, before following Lyon to the front of the school. Maybe he'd get lucky and he would be able to bolt. Or perhaps Lyon was going to pull him aside for a special chat, and there, he could choke the life out of the man. But regardless, Édouard knew that he would have to bide his time, no matter how much patience and meticulous planning irritated him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

“That’d be great!” Amelia stated as she was told they would help her with getting better at fighting at the very least. That was one thing she was looking forward to now. It would raise her chances of survival in general and also make her a little more useful for those around her. So it only brought benefits for the moment and she liked that.

“Well it’s not like I actually know the man
” Amelia suddenly said with flustered voice that showed a few notes of shyness.” Besides he had a girl with whom we found him. So I imagine she’d be there with him for the moment
” She added, hiding her face for a moment with the cards she was holding, seemingly just studying them.” I think it’s better to not intrude
 just because of my curiosity.” She added

“I’m fine with getting food though
 though I was given food when I arrived a little while ago. Thus I’m not really hungry, but I will come with you two for company!” Amelia stated with voice that kind of showed she just didn’t want to be alone right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building E (Kristina's Apartment)

Sophia simply sat on a chair as she moved it over towards Kristina's bed as she looked over her shoulder at Niesha as the two of them spoke to one another. She looked around Kristina's apartment which wasn't that much it was pretty well kept for some of her clothes she had were folded neatly near the window, most likely she had just gotten a clean set of clothes. She would gently reach over and hold Niesha's hand lovingly blushing slightly for a moment. "Meghna I think is getting things ready for the show tonight who the newer people who came here today agreed to do are you going to it?" Sophia asked, she then stretched slightly as she looked outside the window overlooking the streets below them.

Kristina looked over at Sophia at her question and shrugged slightly she looked pretty tired actually. "Not really sure I might or might not I was up pretty early anyway." Kristina answered her friend and then gestured towards her friend's missing hand. "How are you doing?" Kris asked her couldn't really imagine losing a hand. "It hurts every now and then but nothing I can handle." Sophia answered her friend.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building E (Room 2 Kristina's)

Kristina turned her attention towards Niesha and gave her friend a quick smile at the question if she needed anything. "If you happen to gave an Xbox or something laying about and a spare tv sitting around here or something that could probably cure my boredom." Kristina said jokingly and then shook her head, she probably would end up getting bored with it anyway she wasn't much of a gamer before the outbreak happened. "But seriously no i'm fine, might need some painkillers for tonight but Ms. Sally said she would swing by with some ice later tonight." Kristina told her as she noticed Sophia reaching for Niesha's hand and smiled.

"So are the two of you dating now or something?" Kristina asked, she was glad that the two of them could find happiness together even in this world. Though she had lost all of her family now she was the sole survivor of her family the last month she felt alone, but the people here have kept her from just leaving which she thought about after losing her sister. "You can say that yes we are together now." Sophia answered blushing slightly at Niesha as she shifted slightly in her seat.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 Rec Center -> Building B (Zoie's House)

Meg turned her head to look over at Bazhooli as he addressed her wondering if they had bowling pins, which she knew that they had. "I'd have to look around but yes we do. The kids play with them sometimes and they have a habit of just forgetting to bring them back here. I'll go and search for some." Meghna said she would have to make sure to tell the kids to put things back where they belong once they were done with them. Meghna watched as Tatiana started to search for a music player, sadly she knew that there weren't any in the rec center. But Zoie she knew the second in command had one in her house. "I'll go and see if Zoie would be willing to lend us her music player just for tonight." Meg said towards Tatiana and gave the woman a soft smile and then looked towards Bazhooli. "I'll come back with some bowling pins as well."

Meghna searched around until she found an empty box and headed towards the entrance to the rec center, Meg gave a quick nod towards the guard until Ashton cleared Baz he would still have to be on guard detail. "I'll be right back." She told him as Meg left the building and started making her way past Jefferson Street and onto LaGrange Street where Zoie's house was next to James' house and closest towards one of the inner walls. Megnha gave the door a few quick nods as she stood there, hoping that Zoie was alright despite being shot or someone who was there with her to open the door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

*Quick note if you missed it in the ooc. The NPC's images and minor descripts have been updated on page 2 of the CS tab. Sana, Mike, Rodger, Medic, and Lyon have all been added.

@Oliver @Morose - Sana had been through far too much in her life to ever think that someone as young as the boy who introduced himself as Ciel couldn't be dangerous. Children could be rather devious on their own during the best of times, when frightened and desperate they could be as ruthless as adults. Then get a ruthless child paired up with a monstrous adult and all hell could break loose. For all she knew he had others waiting back and he was the distraction. Once he was within the gate and it was locked back up tight she looked him over, one hand still resting on her pistol. Looking down at his hand as he offered it she looked down at it and slipped her free hand beneath it, raising it up to get a better look at it. "It looks like you need those tended to, let's get you inside," Sana said to Ciel before slipping her hand up to his shoulder and ushering him gently towards the school, much like an irritated older sister might have. Meanwhile Lyon rolled his eye slightly and let out a rather light hearted chuckle for the imposing man at Ed's words. "Come on," he said in English with a motion of his hand as they made their way through the school. In the school, Sana stepped through the front doors. It sparsely crowded with people going this way and that, the only light in the building coming in from the windows and the glass ceiling in the foyer. "What have we here?" Lyon asked as he came around the corner and spotted Sana with Ciel. "This is Ciel, seems he could use a bit of first aid and a lot of food from the looks of him," Sana said as she stopped and looked up at Lyon. "Ciel, this is Lyon, our second in charge here in Franklin," Sana said introducing them before glancing over at Ed and biting her bottom lip trying not to laugh at Ed's hair. "And this guy is someone who got on Lyon's wrong side," she chuckled before waving it off. "Sorry, he did the same to me when I met him. You're lucky, I had orange bleach stripes on top of the hair cut," she admitted smiling slightly.

@rivaan - "Well then, we will leave him alone for now and get some food. Might as well eat a little if you can, never know when the next meal is going to come these days," Mike said holding his arm out for Amelia. Rodger just smirked a bit and lead the way from their hallway towards the cafeteria. Mike stopping in his tracks as he saw the young lad with Sana and the horrid hair cut Ed had. "Well, looks like he lost a fight with a pair of rabid scissors," Mike whispered in a chuckle towards Amelia. "Why don't you two head on, going to see if Lyon needs any help real fast. Save me a plate," Rodger added before heading over towards the group. "Sure thing pops," he said before motioning for Amelia to continue on with him.

@Nallore @FantasyChic - The boy is resting, mostly just passed out from pain at this point but he is holding in there. Tiffany can easily see Ray from her spot with the kid and he can see her. Things seem pretty calm now that Lyon and Ed have left the former administration area made makeshift infirmary. A random member of Franklin brings over something to drink for the boy for when he wakes up and does a bit of cleaning up around him before heading off, leaving word that if they need anything just give a quick whistle. "I'll be checking supplies in the OR over there," he says before going off and leaving them in peace for now.

@Caits @Nallore - You are good for now, enjoy the quiet time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel said nothing, silently examining the interior of the school. The glass ceiling made him feel a bit paranoid. He never liked glass ceilings. He always felt like they were going to come shattering down on him at any moment. Besides, they let way too much light in. The rest of the building was very similar to the high school in his hometown. Except instead of being populated by teenagers, it seemed mostly manned by adults. Adults with very strange haircuts, at least in the case of the younger bearded Frenchman. Based on what Sana pointed out, it seemed to be some sort of commonplace punishment around here... Ciel mentally vowed to never get on the bad side of this 'Lyon' individual. He rather liked his silky platinum blond locks, and didn't fancy the idea of anything happening to them.

Ciel did his best to stay still, despite the stinging cuts that marred his small frame and the increasingly sick sensation in his upper stomach. It had been a long time since he'd seen a human face. He was determined not to turn them against him by being needy or otherwise a liability.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Building E, Kristina's room

Niesha curled her hand around Sophia's, ducking her head as Kristina commented on it. It wasn't that she was embarrassed, it was more that she was self conscious. Suddenly, it wasn't just...her in the community. It was then. And today's events...Niesha didn't know what she would do if something else happened to Sophia. Just the thought nearly overwhelmed her. She swallowed.

"little short on such things these days, sadly" she said, somberly. Regretfully. Niesha had been quite an Avid gamer before the outbreak, and it was something she missed. "but you should come, Kris. I don't like the thought of you alone after everything that happened today" she said, understanding the tiredness but she was still worried about her friend.

While she knew it was probably unlikely something else would happen, the possibility was there, and with kristina injured, she didn't want her to have to fight a walker or god forbid another human by herself. She didn't want to lose anyone important to her.
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