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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)

Niesha smiled at Miss Sally and nodded, but for now she'd proceed with making sure the kids had good tasting-or at least not bad tasting-meds first before the adults, just in case they couldn't make any extracts. She left a bottle open, and in reach, looking over to Sophia she gave her a smile. The simple question was quite a lot more then it should have to Niesha. The simple fact that Sophia would ask that, would show an interest in something that Niesha truly enjoyed, liked and was good at...it made Niesha's heart roll slowly in her chest, like she was falling slowly over the edge of a cliff, and then all at once falling fast. She couldn't truly describe what it felt like, nor what it meant to her. She glanced away, before she blushed.

She cleared her throat, before she spoke, her voice a little shacky. "Ah, well, the plants in the gardens, there's a lot of stuff there, and together in different combos and such, or individually, they have great benefits, and can help us replace meds we can't find anymore. Like witch hazel? it has a variety of uses. From treating sores and swelling, to treating skin diseases, its a handy little substance. They all have handy little uses. From allergies, to asthma, some even have heart benefits and stuff. Every medication in the known universe has some sort of history with their herbal counterparts-science has adjusted them into chemical formulas and stuff" She said, trying to explain it in laymans terms.

She set a label on another jar, and made a note of what it was. Her voice had steadily become excited, passionate, as she spoke, but she didn't seem aware of that. "Science and nature...they're so different, and yet they compliment each other so well, its...amazing really"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 42 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

As they were playing cards and the men explained her what Eden really was and what was the deal with Newnan, Amelia let out a few smiles. Judging by how people here acted it was a good place. Beni and Lyon had the trust of these people which meant good things for her future. Also having another good settlement nearby in the form of that Newnan place, meant they had a good escape direction in case things went bad. What was not so great was the danger from this Eden group. She didnā€™t like the sound of them.

ā€œI canā€™t help, but worryā€¦ā€ The girl eventually said as the game was going on.ā€ Iā€™ve survived till now by worrying and being careful about thingsā€¦ ā€œ She explained with quiet voice. Eventually she looked up though.ā€ I was told we can keep our weapons as long as we donā€™t cause trouble. Truth is I have this pistol, but it has no bulletsā€¦ā€ Amelia stated.ā€ Is there someplace here where I can maybe trade something for a bullet or two? I REALLY donā€™t trust one of the people I arrived with. Iā€™d feel safer if I had something to shoot him with in case he tries to do something to meā€¦ā€ She said, looking down.ā€ Especially after I kind of hit his manhood with a baseball batā€¦ā€

"He was all quiet and accepting because of Lyon, but I do not believe he will simply let it slide. Call it a gut feeling if you will." Amelia explained." Better safe than sorry... right?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: the Mess Hall (Building 2) ---> Gilbert Street, in front of Building 1

He couldn't help but be a bit caught off guard by the woman. As she grabbed him by the hand and led him out of the building, prattling on in an almost insane manner, Jack couldn't help but wonder what other interesting personalities were in Newnan. The rhythm of her speech wasn't something he expected at all, even in the hell hole of a world they lived in. Sure, some people went mad--but so far, everyone he met in Newnan seemed relatively normal, aside from Bazhooli.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Jack reassured the woman, still uncertain as to her name. Entirely uncertain as to where they were headed, Jack followed her the very best he could, his head bobbing around almost as he took in all of the sights of Newnan. Others seemed to be down at the end of the street, and the slight scent of deliciousness reached his nostrils.

"My name's Jack, Jack Hudson," he added, realizing he failed to introduce himself as well. He smiled a bit, but in the friendly nice-to-meet-you-neighbor sort of way all suburban dads master quickly. And while the woman had called him handsome, he hadn't noticed whether or not she was pretty as well. He was too in love with Tatiana to notice anyone else.

Ɖdouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)

Ɖdouard started to get comfy, using some of the squishier bits as a cushion, almost. Entirely disregarding Lyon's message, he only stopped once he heard that tune. His blood chilled, turning practically to ice, as a bead of sweat ran down his back. Remembering the last time he had heard that song, Ɖdouard shuddered, hardly able to complete any other motions.

It had been Alisanne, of course. Just a little boy, she had had enough of her brother. Armed with an axe and the fearsome tune, Alisanne had chased him through the house in the dark, only to be stopped as Angelo came out of the shadows. Their parents hadn't cared, laughing it off as a game, a cruel trick amongst siblings. Shaking his head, Ɖdouard tightened his fist, focusing on the present. "Tu es vraiment comme ma sœur," Ɖdouard muttered. The emotions surging through him were a poisonous mixture--fear, trauma, indignation, and rage.

Torn apart as to what to do, Ɖdouard considered standing up, and asking for death. Throwing in the towel. But the same terror, the fear of what may be on the other side, stopped le petit prince. Cursing under his breath in Italian, Ɖdouard picked up the rag and went back to work, avoiding Lyon's gaze the entire time, if at all possible. He couldn't stand what he had been reduced to, cleaning the filth of others, with the butcher staring him down. But Ɖdouard knew that Lyon was wrong about him. He was the shit, you see. None of those awful things Lyon said could be true. They were lies, all of it.

And so, the hate in Ɖdouard's heart grew three sizes that day.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry

Tiffany enjoyed hearing others talk about their lives before all of this started. Others may not agree with that, but the past makes us who we are today, regardless of the circumstances. "My mother was killed when I was about 8 years old. She was gunned down for her money and cell phone. That's why I wanted to be a lawyer, so I can prosecute criminals. My father tried his best to raise me and my brother, but the stress got to him and he drove his car off the road and ended up in a coma. We lived with my grandparents in Chicago, but he never improved. The doctors said his chances lowered every year until I agreed to take him off. But at least he doesn't have to deal with all of this." She thought of her brother and wondered where he was. Last she checked on him, he was a sports star in school. She was sure he was safe. Maybe one day, they would reunite after all of this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1 (Cells) -> Outer Wall, Main Gate

The second that Ash received notice through his walkie about a biker gang(?) at the front gate, another man entered the room. It was the same fellow from back at the Mess Hall he instructed to relieve the sentry at the Cells, when he was done eating. The guy had excellent timing, had to hand it to him. As much as Ash would have loved to give a long list of Dos and Don'ts, he was really needed elsewhere. Instead, he kept his instructions brief, and out of Ryan's line of sight: "This man talks an amazing quality of bullshit. Do not engage, verbal or otherwise, and to not go near the cell for any reason. He's had food and water recently and he's in good health. If he tries to escape, shoot him. Someone will relieve you in about two hours, if not sooner."

The good Captain responded to the radio with a simple "Understood. En route." He exited the Courthouse about a minute later, just in time to see a heavily armed Bridgette with the new guy, headed east. His own duties took him south, so he didn't bother with pleasantries. Instead, he took off at a jog. Once clear of the Inner Wall, Ash drew his .45 pistol, and resumed his jog. With enemy combatants penetrating the Outer Wall, seemingly at will, he wanted to take as few chances as possible.

Upon reaching the Main Gate, he motioned to the sentry on duty, and took two or three deep breaths to regulate his visible air intake. Satisfied that he was putting the most assertive version of himself out there for the benefit of new (and potentially hostile) people, Ash ascended the station. He allowed for a handful of seconds to scan the group below him, take in numbers, notice what he could notice about them. He thumbed on his Walkie, intoning with a quiet, even voice, "Security team, get in place at the Main Gate, prepare to receive guests, status unknown."

And then to the people assembled below, "Whomever speaks for your group, now is a good time."

Black James!

Location: Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street - Present location of his Smoker

Black James smiled a broad "Thank You" at Ms. Sally and Kris, then began loading the cart down with yummy, smoky meat. The animal itself was mostly disarticulated, resulting in two major facts for the endeavor: 1) The venison was very well penetrated with aromatics, and 2) It took considerably more than one pass to transfer it off of the smoker.

Years past, he would have never dreamed of grilling freshly car-harvested deer while equipped for a sustained battle. Just never occurred to him. Now, it seemed like the logical thing to do. Commonplace, even. Woodaxe, 9mm, Barret, large knife, and sweet, smoky venison. Hell of a day. While moving meat to cart, James suddenly remembered the animal's hide, which he had field dressed quite effectively. The AHA moment hit his face quite visibly, resulting in the immediate retrieval of the fur bearing skin and its deposit on the lower tier of the cart. He quickly finished loading the meat.

The last piece, a fatty section of belly meat, rose from the grilltop with a little more difficulty than the rest of it. Maybe that section of the smoker wasn't oiled quite as well as it should have been. Reason notwithstanding, part of it stuck. James carefully prodded it with a nearby spatula to loosen the hold of steel to meat, with some success. A second set of tongs joined the efforts, and the hunk of doey goodness found itself transported toward the cart once again. Halfway there, a slice - generous amount for a taste, small for a portion, detached itself and struck the blacktop with a squishy plop. The Smokemaster Blackneck completed the meat's journey nonetheless, then returned to see the fate of the fallen portion.

Both it and Schrodinger were missing, naught but a moist spot on the ground to prove that either of them had been there in the first place.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Building 2 Gilbert Street, in front of Building 1 -> Eastern Outer Wall

"Well, aren't you a sweetie?" Bridgette responded. There was no trace of flirtation in her voice, no hint that she was actually trying to get anywhere with the man. Nor was it sarcasm; it had more of a ring of disinterested conversational filler. She had a job to do, and now that she had an extra set of hands on it, she wanted it over and done with quickly. Much more to do, even after it got dark. This task, however, couldn't wait that long.

The smell of James's meatsmithery definitely caught her attention. Oh yeah, she would have to get some of that later on. Bridgette bet that it would go awesomely with one or more of those fresh peaches back on her kitchen table. Her gaze lingered for more than a couple seconds; urgency of the moment snapped her back out if it. She shook her head and readied to mount Cadence.

"My name is Bridgette. I work metal here, among other things. Hey, grab that stepladder there? And keep up. We're on the fucking clock, here."

The impatient lady rested her spear in Cadence's tack, with others, placed her sawed-off into a saddlebag with the handle readily available, and practically leapt atop the saddle. "Time to cruise, Jack. Don't worry, he won't go faster than a brisk walk."

True to word, the horse kept slow. She led him just outside the eastern part of the Inner Wall before initiating, "Yeah... Over there is where Ash makes most of his homebrew, and some really good shit, too. But we're going south till we hit Salbide, and East till we hit the Wall. Shouldn't be but a little while. Something happens, you take that path back. Buildings out here can corner you right the fuck in, if you don't know your way around. Alright, let's go."

Bridgette began leading Jack down the beaten path, hopefully to very quickly locate and weld shut the offending piece of steel keeping them safe from the Dead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia āš˜ Blossoming āš˜

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic - I don't get it, I don't fucking get it. LLA must be in fucking love with Ray because doesn't matter what sick and twisted idea pops into my head about what could be happening to him at this very moment, nothing happens. LLA just lets him roll on by and sit back all sweet and cozy for now.

@rivaan - "Oh so that piece of work came in with you?" Mike chuckles. "News travels fast around here, heard he was a piece of work." Rodger smirks a bit and looks over towards Amelia. "I don't see that it would be a problem to get you a little bit of protection in here but if you really feel that way I would suggest talking to Lyon or Beni about it. They are pretty agreeable men and will listen to what you have to say, especially if you think the guy will give a bit of a problem to yourself or anyone else here for that matter," Rodger says before looking around. "With the ammo though, it isn't exactly an easy to come by thing, so will have to check on supply and such and make sure it is okay to hand some out. You do know how to shoot the gun don't you or is it just decoration? Nothing wrong if it is, I carried one before I knew how to use it, sometimes just pointing a gun at someone stops them in their tracks. Wish the gnawers would," Mike adds as he draws another card.

@Morose - Lyon chuckles a bit. "Maybe she was trying to teach you a lesson you needed to learn. To grow up," Lyon says in French as he watches Ed working. "Life is about making our own way. If we aren't helping people then we don't deserve help. It is as simple as that. Anyone born to power can loose it, anyone born without it can gain it. Only those with true character ever become something worth remembering and in the end being remembered is the only thing we can leave behind. At the rate you are going you won't be forgotten by those that knew you but they will be glad you are gone. Seems a sad way to live," he adds in French before repeating "Sad way to live" in English.

@Morose @Sigil - The walk to the breach in the wall doesn't take long to find, over at the center west end of the outer wall. It will take a little bit of work, some parts are rusted away and will need to be cleared away before a new weld can be put into place. It seems this might be where people were able to get in and out of Newnan, the metal is bent back and there is a few traces of blood on the jagged edge of the wall. Seems someone cut themselves on the way in or the way out. Looking around, the spotters on the wall are a bit of a ways down. They are within their posts length but when they both are at the far ends of each, it could be easy enough to slip in and out unnoticed, especially when all hell is breaking loose on an area of the wall that usually doesn't present a problem.

@Caits @Nallore - Kitchen is doing just fine. A few people are coming in and handing of plates to others and people are starting to get the meal itself cleaned up. The kids are being taken out of the Mess Hall and over to another building so they can get cleaned up and changed for later. The town has the all clear as it were but many still don't want the little ones running around the streets just yet and the Rec Center is being used for set up for the evenings little Russian Invasion. So back to their homes and to the school they are headed to hang out for now.

@Sigil @Nallore - Miss Sally smiles over towards Kris "Thank you kindly," she says as she lets Kris give her a hand with the cart out of the Mess Hall and back over to James with the grilled meat. "Oh I know that cat, took care of a mouse in the Mess Hall earlier, little thing made a friend with the new Russian girl Tatiana," he chuckled thinking back to how out of sorts the ballerina had gotten when she spotted the mouse. "Smells very nice Mr. James. We better make sure to get a plate over to Zoie this evening after everything she has been through. Talked to one of the folks, poor thing nearly bought it it seems but Victor was able to keep her going," she said as she stopped the cart over by the large grill.

@Sigil @Nallore - "Nice meet you Meg," Tatiana says quietly as she looks up at the woman before glancing back down again and adjusting the silk ribbons of her toe shoes. Biting her bottom lip slightly as she sits there for a moment before standing up and going to first position. She wasn't sure what to do for the evening, she wondered if they even had any type of music player or music for her to dance to for the evening. If they didn't she was sure she could just come up with something but music did help people get into the mood and feel of the movements. Taking a nervous breath she stops before she even begins to dance and steps over to Meg, her hands wringing at each other as she gathers up the nerve to speak to speak to the woman a little bit more. "I vonder if you have music?"

@Sigil - The man at the front of the group stands up and gets off his bike. Stepping forward a little bit as he pulls off his sunglasses. "I'm in charge, the name is Beni," he says before motioning towards the rest of his party, another five people. "Not here to cause no harm sir, just wanting to see if you would be up for a trade. We have someone who has lost his leg and he isn't in good shape. We need antibiotics mostly, plasma if you got it by some stroke of god. We have stuff to trade with if you are willing to listen. We don't even need to come within the walls."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street -> Building E (Room 2 Kristina's)

Kristina smiled towards Miss Sally and gave the elderly woman a soft nod, as she stood there for a moment and watched as Black James started moving the cooked deer off of the smoker and onto the food cart. She noticed a piece of smoked meat fall onto the pavement and watched as Schrodinger suddenly pounces on the meat and trotted off with it. It reminded her of her own cat whenever a piece of food ended up falling onto the floor. "I'm going to go to my place and lay down for a bit if anyone needs me." Kristina said softly as she grabbed her crutches off of the cart and started making her way up Gilbert Street. Kris would smile softly at some of the people as she walked past them and eventually made her way onto Lagrange Street, there she saw her place as Kristina made her way into it.

Once she had made it into her room Kristina closed the door laying the pair of crutches on the side of the wall close to the door, letting out a slight groan as she limped her way towards her bed. Kris plopped herself down on the bed and grabbed one of the pillows from behind her. She laid it in front of her resting her sprained ankle onto it, closing her eyes for a moment as Kris eventually lets out a soft yawn she looked over towards her bedside table a book rested next to it.

And next to it was the old picture of her family one that Maria always had on her, she reached for the necklace that her sister always wore as well. She really did miss her family and Lorna closing her eyes for a moment and sighed quietly, Kristina then grabbed the book off of the bedside table it was The Hobbit. She remembered reading it back in high school as a school assignment, sadly she didn't have any other good things to read at the moment or anything else to do for the day.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia gave Niesha a soft smile it seemed interesting how a simple plant could actually help people, though it was something she didn't have any knowledge of before things had started. She gently ran a hand through Niesha's hair as she watched her continue with mixing up the plants to make the meds. Sophia would look over her shoulder as some of the people were finishing up their meal and started cleaning and putting away some of their dishes. She looked over towards Niesha for a moment and then started to feel her stomach starting to growl slightly she started to feel hungry. "I'll be right back i'm going to get us some food." Sophia said as she left the kitchen and headed out to grab herself a tray. She smiled at the people who were still handing out some dinner, she awkwardly grabbed one tray in her arm and headed back into the kitchen where Niesha was. "Here you go." Sophia said to Niesha.

She then turned back and grabbed her own tray coming back with it Sophia set the tray down next to her and pulled herself back up to sitting on the counter. Sophia grabbed a fork and started to quickly dig in only having a peach from earlier this morning as she started eating. "Sooo when your done with this would you want to go and see the little show Miss Sally announced?" Sophia asked it had been awhile since she had seen a performance. Before things happened Sophia was way to busy with her work working over twelve hour shifts some days if construction was behind schedule. "Or did you just want to head back to our place when you finish making meds?"

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 Rec Center

Meg sighed slightly when she didn't get a reply back from Ashton, she turned her head and watched Tatiana and Bazhooli for a moment as she continued to set up the Rec Center for the people of Newnan. Miss Sally did have a pretty good idea, maybe she could convince Ashton to try and make these things more common just to try and give this place a little bit of normalcy. It did feel like it was just work, work and more work all the time, though she knew why just to keep this place up and running. Meghna turned around to see Tatiana approach her and smiled at the shy little bird in front of her asking if there was any form of music here.

"Follow me into the back, theres quiet a bit of stuff to search through." Meg said as she gently wrapped an arm around Tatiana she looked over her shoulder at the guard still watching over Baz. "I'll be just in the other room if you need me alright?" Meg said as she started walking towards the door.

Meg started sifting through various boxes found from various runs in the past she wasn't really sure what everything was as Meghna searched through box after box. "So how are you liking Newnan so far Tatiana?" Meg asked as she searched through another box.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Despite losing a leg an all and aside from the intense pain that he was feeling Ray felt pretty good all things considered, he listened to Tiffany as she spoke he frowned slightly at what happened to her mother. "So how much money would I be able to get from the bastard that bit me?" Raymond asked jokingly as he drank more from the water bottle that was there. "Sorry for that happening to your mother. I lost my mom to cancer, despite everything we had done for her she eventually passed away." Raymond said he however remembered meeting his girlfriend at the time when he would buy flowers for his mother during the various courses of chemo.

"She died when I was thirty. My dad took it hard, but the two of us made it through though." The last time Ray ever spoken to his father was when things were going down his father wanted to stay put until things passed. Raymond wanted him to get into one of the safe zones set up by the military.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)

Niesha sighed softly as Sophia ran her hand through her hair, the gesture Niesha couldn't ever remember having used on her before. Not even Sara. She swallowed, and for a moment was relieved that Sophia went to get food, taking that moment to compsose herself. She leaned back, glancing over what she had already made, and going to clean her hands, so she wouldn't ingest any the medication herself, making sure to tidy up the area she was using, closing off what she'd already made to ensure nothing would contaminate them.

She gratefully took the tray from Sophia. She sat down wearily, wondering how much more could be piled into one day. The raccoon, the lock down, kissing Sophia...making the medications. It seriously felt like at least two days of stuff. And yet, it was no where near as hard as being out there, by herself. She gave Sophia a smile, beginning to eat herself.

"Sure, we can do that. I've made the Witch Hazel that Astrid wanted, and some extra stuff. it won't take me much longer, if you don't mind waiting a little bit more" She said apologetically, quickly eating so she could get back to the meds, so she wouldn't be holding Sophia up. She quickly cleaned up, and went back to the medications.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 42 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

ā€œThat's the one... I helped to save his life earlier before Beni and co found us... he tried to 'sell' me sort of when we met Beni. Didn't exactly say it, but you could read it in his eyes and manners.ā€ Amelia replied with a frown. How she regretted slipping at that time. If she only whacked him properly over the head, she'd not have to worry about him being a problem.ā€ He was muttering something about... not really sure, but I think he was from a criminal family or something... not exactly easy to understand his ramblings, but he definitely isn't trustworsthy. Especially after Lyon kind of put him in his place... I'm not sure he is actually learning... more like bidding his time waiting to return everything in kind.ā€

ā€œWell I don't exactly need it to be this gun... any would do as long it has at least one bullet... I want to be able to shoot Ed if he appears suddenly...ā€ Amelia replied.ā€ And I do know how to shoot it... I'm not good at it, but that much I at least know... Besides if that french moron tries to do something to me, he'd be close so aiming won't be the most needed thing.ā€ She added, pulling also a card.ā€ For those zombies... I usually would pour oil on wooden stairs... it's surprisingly amusing... Guns don't scare them, but they sure fall for interesting and stupid traps.ā€
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Gilbert Street, in front of Building 1 ---> Eastern Outer Wall ---> Center West End of the Outer Wall

Jack had to stop himself from shaking his head. He couldn't get a read on Bridgette, but he wasn't going to be complain. Some people were just confusing at first, didn't make good first impressions. He could hardly fault someone for that. Grabbing the ladder, Jack gripped it tightly despite the protest from his cut hand.

"Bet he can go wicked fast," Jack commented, whistling slightly at the sight of Bridgette's steed. It was no different than the way he would have admired a car years back, marveling in the beauty and ingenious design. It was perhaps the reason no one had criticized Jack's masculinity--except, of course, to call him a mama's boy. They weren't exactly wrong, either.

"Last time a Jack cruised, somethin' sank," Jack joked, keeping pace with Bridgette. He continued to note the path, as well as glance around at the various sights. It still puzzled him that a place like this could exist. The last safe havens, he figured, had ended ages ago. It was as if he was an archaeologist, searching for an ancient civilization...only to find one that still existed. By the time they arrived at the breach, Jack grimaced a bit.

There was blood on the jagged edges, the metal bent out of shape. Glancing up at the wall, Jack narrowed his eyes a bit, in order to keep the light from blinding him. Even after being down south for ages, he still missed the windy grey skies of Chicago, and the unpredictable winters of Boston. His eyes tended to agree with him, needing a moment or two to get used to the light. Noticing where the guards on the wall were stationed, Jack sighed a bit.

"Don't suppose you got fohensics or anythin' that can figuhe out who got in," Jack murmured, half joking, and half hoping that somehow, the people of Newnan knew who it was that had entered through that breach in the wall. If the dead managed to rip holes in the metal, at least there wouldn't be any intelligent foes to fight. But he didn't fancy the idea of the dead being able to rip through at all, finding that possibility horrific. Equally horrific was the possibility that people had crawled on through the gap.

"So, what can I do to help?" Jack asked, carefully setting down the step ladder. "Let's get her done."

Ɖdouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)

Ɖdouard rolled his eyes a bit. He couldn't believe that Lyon, the butcher, was giving him a lesson on morals. One of his college professors had attempted to do the same thing. Ɖdouard had torn the pages out of the flimsy book on Nietzsche, and threw them around the city, shouting in French the entire time. A few students eagerly gathered around him, thinking it was some sort of protest, that Ɖdouard was someone of merit and value.

That Ɖdouard, essentially, was someone other than Ɖdouard.

"Morales? Que sais tu?" Ɖdouard snickered, dropping the towel for a moment as he shook his head. Ɖdouard had never killed anyone--FĆ©lix didn't count in his book. He never murdered children, never terrorized the best and brightest in French society (he was, of course, referring to himself). His parents had adored him, showering him with praise and riches. Anything he wanted in the world was his.

And Lyon? He had to work for his power. Ɖdouard couldn't help but hold contempt for the man, reminiscing about the old days, for a brief moment. Birthright used to stand for something. Blood used to be valued. Perhaps this was why the world had gone to shit, it was the fault of people like Lyon, acting out of their place. The thought befuddled Ɖdouard, but he couldn't help but be more proud of it. He was enamored with his own idea, already imagining how centuries from now, he would be remembered as Ɖdouard le Grand! Ɖdouard le Saint! Ɖdouard l'HĆ©ros de la France!

And Lyon, he was confident Lyon wouldn't even be mentioned. Filth and scum had no place in history books. They belonged in shallow graves, in ravines, at the bottom of la Seine. No, even that was too good for Lyon...He would have to orchestrate something perfect. And as his tutors often informed him, practice made perfect. There would need to be a rehearsal, a run through in order to work out all of the kinks.... He knew just the thing as well.

"J'ai fini," Ɖdouard announced, flopping the rag onto the ground. It was perhaps the best he had ever cleaned anything in his life. Which was to say, of course, that it was hardly clean at all. He had more rearranged the blood and gore into new shapes and patterns, the same way children just rearrange the dirt when they wash a car.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Outer Wall, Main Gate

Ashton looked at the people assembled below him, in front of Newnan's Main Gate. They seemed to be exactly what their leader claimed, but... he was hesitant to take unnecessary chances. All the same, if this was an attempt at mischief, he'd rather they be unarmed, surrounded by people friendly to himself.

"Beni. Pleasure, of course. My name is Ashton Holloway; Ash works fine. I speak for the people of Newnan." The urge to respond with title and full authority was strong. If these were decent folk who honestly wanted trade, Ash didn't want to radiate icy law from above. His tone was definitely no-nonsense, despite the relatively casual nature of his actual words. Of course, part of his waiting and speaking was due to the expected arrival of a security detail. He glanced back to confirm a handful of Newnanites with rifles approaching the Gate.

"Trade outside of the walls goes a lot better if we have a prearranged site. Besides, I cannot list out the contents of our Pharmacy from memory. You'd have to speak with our Medical Officer about that. Stand informed - if you do decide to enter, it will be completely unarmed, and under escort. We've had difficulties with other people before. You may claim your weapons as you leave; you may leave at any time. Is this acceptable?"

The thought occurred to Ash that, were these people potentially hostile, they could very well be using the opportunity to scout out their inner workings. Then again, they had already been breached before, by an enemy that already seemed to know where to go and what to do.

"So, where are you coming from, anyway?"

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

It was a grand open space, the Rec Center. Not quite the more natural flooring to which he was accustomed, nor even the softer flexibility of wood. Were he to engage in acts of tumbling on this surface, he would have to remain very careful at all times. He could think to whatever impromptu act he had to cobble together in a moment; for right now, he wanted to get a feel for the venue and the people with whom he would be working.

"Tatiana! Is good to see you again. Is good to meet another master of Performing Arts, of course. And, is very good to meet pretty girl of Mother Russia. So! Ve talk. You have just arrived in Newnan, da?"

The Great Bazhooli's social skills were just a touch rusty, but he was friendly enough. Even before the Outbreak, he was best when addressing a crowd, playing his character into the ground with its showy, circusy feel. Even now, he was more of a muted version of his circus persona. If you wear a mask long enough, it becomes part of you, and Bazhooli had been in front of crowds since a very young age.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Outer Wall, damaged section on the Eastern Side

"Wait. Stop that train in its tracks, mister. Did you just mothershitting Titanic me?" She brought Cadence to a dead stop, and turned in her saddle to face Jack. There was a strange look of random intent in her eyes, a not-so-quiet wildness that likely served her well in her bouncing days. "World full of dead people trying to gnaw on my tits, food shortages, water you have to lower a goddamned bucket for, 120% Georgia fucking humidity, and you've got the scrote to throw some DiCrappio at me? You..."

Bridgette nudged her horse onward, one hand behind her waving a single finger in the classic "No-No" motion. "Your bouncy hair and classic looks won't save you from a monkey-stomping, Jack. Just sayin'."

As if the preceding exchange never took place, the tall woman looked back to her assistant with a chilling smile. "My Cadence does go fast. Used to be a jousting horse. Hey! We're here! Alright... You got a gun? Take mine if you don't. Yeah, yeah, you ain't the "killing me" type. You keep real fucking observant, hand me stuff when I ask. Okay! Let's get to work."

Oddly, she seemed very optimistic.

Black James!

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

James insisted on rolling the cart back to the Mess Hall for Sally. She was a busy enough lady, the least he could do for her was ensure she had a relatively unencumbered walk back. Even if it was a block or less. "Aight, so Kitty-Cat is a friend of a friend, then? I can deal with that, long as I meet that first "friend", I be solid."

He began unloading the meat into the more appropriate holding areas of the Mess, minding where covered dishes were kept. Zoie could totally use a plate of smoked, South Georgia heaven. He was a talented Man of Redneck Charcuterie, even if it meant tipping his cap to himself, and was sure that Zoie would love it.

"Been keepin' up on Miss Zoie, over the radio. I about got stupid-happy, I hear the all clear on old girl. Imma see how she's doin', soon as we get this all put up. Bring her that plate while I'm at it, too."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia āš˜ Blossoming āš˜

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic - Roy is still fine, though he might be getting a little groggy at this point. The blood loss is still a factor even if the other issues that could arise haven't get. Granted he might have to "relieve" himself as well by now. >.> Wonder how you'll handle that or if he's just gonna "hold it" lol (I had to toss something out at you two, lol)

@rivaan - Mike busts out laughing as the visual of Walkers slip and sliding down a set of stairs like some horrid version of an old TV show he used to watch when he was younger called America's Funniest Home Video's. He was sure if that show was still around such a video would win the $10,000 but then he couldn't help but wonder that if the show was still on and since they don't use money anymore what would be given as a prize? 10,000 cans of expired spam? Shaking the thought out of his head he smiles over towards Amelia. "Well, I am sure we can talk to Beni and give you a hand getting at least one bullet. Though, if you want I could teach you to better use the weapon. I mean especially if you are only going to carry one bullet, want to make sure you hit your target."

@Morose - Ed rolled poorly this time. Apparently Lyon isn't trying to control his issues with Ed currently since the man seems to refuse to listen. What happened with LLA and the rolls? It isn't pretty. Lyon looks at the mess of what Ed has done and decides to hand down a little punishment. Grabbing the man by the shoulder he whips him around to where Ed's back is facing him. There is the sound of a blade being drawn and before Ed knows it, he's been scalped. Well, not really but now Ed's hair has patches of bald spots down to the skin in several long pulls. There are a few knicks to the scalp itself but nothing horrid. The real damage is to Eds hair. It is ruined and looks like a 2 year old gave himself a hair cut. Stepping back as he cleans the hair from his blade Lyon glances towards Ed. "Now, do it right and quickly or I won't let you even trim it up and I'll add orange bleach stripes to it," he says in French in a rather matter of fact way.

@Morose @Sigil - You two are fine to continue as you are currently, there are no issues that have arisen in the rolls.

@Caits @Nallore - It will take Caits about another 30 minutes to finish "brewing" everything. Then of course it has to cool and such for a few hours before it can be stored. There is an area set up in the kitchen for the "cooling" and home sealing process. Other than that, it is smooth sailing currently.

@Sigil @Nallore - Things are calm in Kris's room and Miss Sally bid her a good rest before she left. Heading back into the mess hall with James Miss Sally nods. "Well I am sure she would be very grateful for the food. I'll get a tray of somethings together for her and Richard. Last I saw he was carrying her back to her place to look after her," Miss Sally says as Astrid comes in and looks over at the meat before looking over towards the two. "Miss Sally, Mr. James," Astrid says in greeting. "Well hey there girl, how is Froggy and Zoie doing?" the old woman asks. "Victor is sleeping right now, stable. Zoie had a lot of blood loss. We lost her twice on the table but she is stable now. Richard is looking after her at her house now. I need to go check on her shortly," Astrid said in a flat voice as she always did as she eyed the deer meat. "Please tell me this is ready, I am starving..."

@Sigil @Nallore - Tatiana looks over towards Meg and smiles nervously, wrapping her arms around each other as she follows her to check the boxes with Meg. "I like very much," she says as she pushes one box aside and then goes through another. Looking up towards Bazhooli as he speaks to her she raises a brow slightly. "Da, new here. You though, you sound... muddy. Vhere you from?" she asks before looking down at the boxes and smiling slightly to herself as she picks up some older CD's of various instrumental pieces. Her hands running over them slowly. "I think these vill do, dank you Meg," she says quietly as she looks back over towards the woman.

@Sigil - "I have no problem with any of that Mr. Holloway. My people will stay out here and I can come in to better discuss things," he says as he disarms himself and hands it over to his medic. Stepping away from the group he looks back up at Ash as he comes a little closer to the gate before turning around slowly to show he wasn't carrying anything else. "I come from a few places right now our current location though isn't up for topic of discussion. I don't know you, you don't know me. Feel it is safer for my people for their location to remain unknown, especially considering some of the other groups in the area aren't exactly the friendliest of neighbors," Beni says as he crosses his arms over his chest and waits for the gate to open. His people will sit where they are and won't cause any issue for now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry

Tiffany listened to Ray talk about his family. Their situations were very similar. It was weird how they came across in such a way. In fact, the sequence of events that led her here almost seem like fate was drawing her here. Perhaps higher powers were at play. She shrugged off that notion, it was silly, even in today's world.

She wondered if Ray was getting tired. She imagined he should be. "If you are getting sleepy, you should rest to regain some of the lost blood. I'll still be here when you wake up." She gave her warmest smile, hoping the man would sleep for a bit. Not that she didn't enjoy talking to him, but she still felt guilty for putting him in this bed, even if he was grateful to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia continued to eat the food on the tray as she looked towards Niesha as she started to eat as well she of course didn't mind waiting for Niesha to finish up with making the new medications that were needed. "I don't mind waiting at all, its not like that i'm got anything else to do at the moment." Sophia said with a soft smile as she ate more until she finally finished up eating the rest of her dinner she set the tray down next to her. She got up and grabbed her tray and moved over towards some of the people that were working on cleaning the dishes. Sophia gave them a smile as she handed it to them as they set it down with the other dirty trays and started to clean them as well, she went back towards Niesha once more.

She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Niesha and gently gave her another loving kiss Sophia truly loved Niesha and wanted to show it to her. Then she remembered that it would actually be the first time that she could sleep in their apartment since she had been here. Though she didn't mind sleeping in the infirmary. [color=6ecff6"So are you excited for having some company tonight?"[/color] Sophia asked giving her a soft smile as she went back to sitting down on the counter.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 Rec Center

Meghna gave Tatiana a friendly smile and nod towards the other woman. "Glad that you like it here." Meg said with a smile as she searched through a few more boxes until she found a CD player along with some speakers just as Tatiana found some CDs that they could be played on. Meghna reached for a CD in the box just to make sure that the CD player was still working. "If you ever need something for your living quarters just ask to." Meg told Tati as she moved out of the room and found an outlet to test if it was working or not. Once she saw lights came on Meg pushed in the CD as she could hear music starting to play which was a good thing.

"Looks like we are in business." Meg said with a smile as she pulled it out and went to put the CD back in the box that she had found it in, she ran a hand through her hair as she looked at Tatiana and Bazhooli as the two of them talked. Meghna decided to go and finish making the final preparations for the show tonight she wanted to make it as perfect as possible for everyone.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond started to feel very tired as he looked towards Tiffany and gave her a smile he was grateful for her company through everything that had happened today. "I am starting to crash a little bit." Ray admitted as he looked towards the door he of course did have to go to the bathroom now to he decided to just hold it in, he didn't want to do his business in front of Tiffany. "You don't have to stay here the whole time, go and walk around it's not like i'm going anywhere really the doc could come in and check up on me if you want to move around." Raymond said with a light laugh its not like he could get up and walk off anymore now anyway.

Ray's eyes started to get heavy now as he started to close them he felt very exhausted now after losing that much blood he started to feel relax as he finally went off to sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)

The casual way in which Sophia embraced her, kissing her and touching her caused Niesha to blush a deep crimson. It just seemed so natural the way Sophia did it. Niesha felt awkward when she tried, when she wanted to reach out, to simply touch Sophia. She was inexperienced, and her emotions were a turmoil. First and foremost, Niesha knew she had never felt like this for anyone, even Sara. She didn't want to be awkward. But she couldn't figure out what to do.


What did Sophia mean by that? Company, as in company or...oh. Right. Sophia...it would be her first night in the apartment. Niesha turned back to the jars, although by now she didn't have anything left to do, except transfer them to the kitchen's cool room to store. It gave her the chance to calm herself, to hopefully give her face time to go from red back to its normal colour. Although by now, Niesha was certain it would be permentately red.

"I...yes. Excited..." She swallowed, finding words hard to come by right then. She let out a slow breath, beginning to carefully transfer the jars to the cooling storage, ensuring that they wouldn't fall or spill. "I haven't had company...for a while. A long while" Even in her community, Niesha had somehow managed to find a room all to herself. She hadn't shared a room since college. She cleaned the area meticiously, "Well. I'm all yours now" She said, slightly calmer now, before turning back towards Sophia, she gave her a smile.

"I...Sophia..." Again words failed her. She drew in a slow breath, and stepped towards Sophia.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Amelia couldnā€™t stop smiling with blushing cheeks as Mike starting laughing at the walker trap she described. It felt nice to have someone appreciate the hilarity of it. She had thought she was the only one who seemed to find it funny cause back at the settlement she lived last time, they all thought it was stupid and she should just keep quiet about her stupid ideas.

ā€œWell in general Iā€™d like to learn to shoot better. I mean that is something I should have learned by now, but I never really had the chance or the possibility to.ā€
She said with a smile as the card game went on.ā€ Still I doubt I will have a lot of distance to aim atā€¦ I mean if the Ed bastard tries to do somethingā€¦ there is a good chance he will be already close to me before I realize itā€¦ so it will be a shot from point blank rangeā€¦ If it misses I doubt I will get another chance to fire thus the only bullet.ā€ She added, throwing a look around.

ā€œStill there was a good thing about finding that man. Because of it one way or another I ended up here!ā€ Amelia explained. If she didnā€™t run to help Lana and Ed, she may not have met Beniā€™s group." Also... that man seems to have the devil's luck... He escaped death twice in a day since I met him..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Center West End of the Outer Wall

Jack couldn't help but muse that Bridgette would have done well in tourism. Growing up in Boston, almost everyone was a tour guide. His mother worked the Freedom Trail, and a bit of sadness came over him. His mother had been his only family growing up, with his half-siblings hardly ever coming to visit. The division of the household had been total.

"He was a wicked actah! Shame he nevah got an oscah, deserved one really. I'd give him one if I could," Jack replied, a goofy grin on his face. However, it vanished as he questioned Bridgette's sanity more and more. Accepting her gun, Jack felt a bit odd. The rule of Newnan had prohibited him from a weapon--and here he was, with one handed to him.

"Sounds like a plan," Jack agreed, thankful that nothing too shitty had happened.

Ɖdouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)

Ɖdouard whimpered, reaching his hands up to his hair slowly. Gingerly feeling for his soft and excellently styled locks, he winced as he touched skin. His hands shook and Ɖdouard shut his eyes tightly. This couldn't be happening...not to him! But as he felt his hair again, Ɖdouard once again felt the missing patches, and saw his delicate hair fall from Lyon's blade.

"Mes cheveux!" Ɖdouard sobbed. Hot and thick tears poured quickly from his eyes, and his chest heaved with sobs. He started to regret not having chosen death earlier. At least he would have still been beautiful. What else did he have going for him besides his looks? The prospect of orange stripes in his hair was a horror, but he felt that nothing could restore his hair to its former glory. Inconsolable, he desperately wanted to eat a bullet. The knowledge of what he had been turned into was far too painful for him.

"Non," Ɖdouard said simply, his teeth clenched. Tu peux 'kiss my azz.'"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia āš˜ Blossoming āš˜

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Things are going pretty smooth now. James and Miss Sally are in the Mess Hall now with the deer meat that James spent most of the day grilling. Kids are gone now, most back at the school house and the rest back in their respective homes as it were. There are a few folks roaming around the Mess Hall, grabbing a bite to eat in turns as they trade off on their posts so they can get a quick break.

Out on the streets it is pretty quiet. Most of the people that are done with their duties for the day are opting to stay inside for a while, you can't exactly blame them. It hasn't been the best day for everyone. The wall is on even higher alert now that there is another group at the gates. It hasn't been said on the radio but people that were on the wall and are on break are speaking about it and in a small place word spread quickly.

The weather is holding for once, no storms in sight but it is hot and humid as always in Georgia. Sid is over in the medical garden tending to plants there trying to make sure they are going to make it through the heat of the summer and not dry out. Nothing is happening outside the way other than the dealings at the front gate. The tower calls in its periodic all clear.

@rivaan - "Sounds like a real winner," Mike chirps as he deals another hand of the masterful game of Go Fish they are playing. "Well, no matter. We can help you learn to shoot better and it might not be a bad idea if you were to learn some close combat fighting. Mike can help you with that," Rodger says as he takes his cards and rearranges them in his hand. "Oh sure, wouldn't mind giving a few lessons. If the bastard gets as close as you are worried about, wouldn't be a bad idea if you could take care of things if you missed with your shot. I mean that is if you want me to. Don't know what you do and don't know, ya know?" Mike said as he leaned back against the wall for a brace as he crossed his legs Indian style.

@Morose - "Life really has failed you hasn't it? You can't bring yourself to help a single person in this life but you will cry over a few pieces of hair that will grow back and have no value in this world?" Lyon says in french. He is about to go into a speech when suddenly one of the members of the group in Franklin bursts into the room carrying a small child. Lyons attention is suddenly turned. "What happened?" he asks as the kids is nearly put down on the bloodied table but Lyon stops the man holding the boy. "He was outside, there was a sink hole," he says. Lyon takes the kid and shakes his head. "We can't do anything in here," Lyon states and rushes the kid out into the hall way, laying him down on the floor. It isn't ideal but it is cleaner than the OR is currently. "Where's Medic?" the man asks. "John, he's out with Beni, we're going to have to do this ourselves," Lyon states before telling John what to grab out of the OR and to bring to him.

@Caits @Nallore - Well meds are good to go, they'll need to be stored in the extra refrigerator in the infirmary for a bit while the seals on the lids set, once they are transferred to there it is all good.

@Nallore @FantasyChic - Everything is still going well for you two, though you are hearing a bit of a commotion out in the hall way as Lyon is yelling for supplies from John and they have the kid on the floor. The door to your room is open so there is a clear shot of the kid on the floor and Lyon leaning over him cutting away his pants leg. The kids leg is broken at a horrific angle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry -> Outside Hallway

She would let him sleep, he deserved it. As she stood up to stretch her legs a bit, she heard yelling outside of the hallway. She looked out and saw Lyon tearing away at a kids pants. It took her a minute, but she saw the kid's leg and how it was twisted in a way a leg shouldn't be twisted. She wondered what happened. Should she stay in the room as to not be in the way or should she offer whatever assistance she could muster. She had no formal medical training, but she felt she owed it to these people to help in any capacity.

She quickly exited the room and made her way over to them, making sure not to get in their way, "Is there anything I can do to help? I don't know a lot about anything medical, but I can do as I'm told.
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