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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia smiled softly she was actually happy to hear that response and lets out a soft sigh as she looked towards the plants once more, when Niesha mentioned some plans for the night but with everything that had happened today it seemed like it was out of the roof. Sophia shook her head slightly as she gently rested her right hand on Niesha's shoulder. "So long as I have time spent with you, I don't care if you had anything planned anytime with you is perfectly fine." Sophia said, she never thought she'd fall for someone so quickly but she did Niesha had been there for her when she had time to spend with her and Sophia was happy with that.

She then heard the pot of boiling water starting to sizzle and then start to boil over, she quickly went over towards it, she started to search around for some oven mitts or something until she finally found some. Sophia grabbed onto one end as she tried to pull it with her right arm. Groaning slightly as she tried moving it and then looking over towards Niesha, she hated having to rely on others for help but she was still adjusting to just having to use one hand for everything. "Could you help me move this off of the stove?" Sophia asked trying to avoid getting herself burnt by the boiling water.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond gave the doctor a smile and nod, he pretty much couldn't do anything but just rest and take it easy and do what the doctor had asked of him. He was hopeful that this Newnan place weren't a crazy bunch of assholes, but if they were an actual good settlement he would be at least hopeful that they could trade some medical supplies. Ray looked towards Tiffany he didn't mind telling her his personal stuff so far and he owed her a lot since she had saved him. "I just hope they aren't a bunch of crazy cannibals or something like that, and not the dead walking kind either. And they are willing to trade something." Ray said as he reached over for the bottle of water from the table, he wanted to just sit up but he wasn't sure that it would be a good idea or it would reopen his wound.

"So, what do you want to talk about now?" Ray asked, he watched as the doctor turned around and left the room once more Ray then started to wonder where everyone else that was that had been picked up by this group and what they were up to. Though he didn't really care for the childish little French kid that they had brought in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 1 (Cells)

Ash envied the days from long ago where all he had to worry about in a day was the construction of a temporary bridge or artificial aquifer for surrounding areas, all before a festive afternoon trading fire with hostiles and/or pushing a mechanical offensive into an area rigged with stops and explosives. Envy. The kind of jobs he did, a lifetime ago, generally involved running a team into scouted territory and making it passable by infantry and machines both, and then keeping a forward position defended and habitable for an occupying force. Walls, water, dirt and steel; electronic and mechanical backup, making the uninhabitable habitable, and the impassable passable, brothers and sisters in arms leading the way for everyone else. All of that before receiving the rank of Captain.

There was more than enough room in that kind of a life for trauma-inspiring horror, some for which his training even prepared him. Some it did not. His fellow man had been his primary enemy back then, followed by the environment. The concept really hadn't changed much, but the manner of the challenges were multiplied many times over, and in most unexpected ways.

For instance, it was highly unexpected for him to be sharing a meal with this guy in a courthouse holding area, engaged in a series of verbal feints and parries over instant mashed potatoes, spam, and what he really hoped was cabbage. The entire situation was laughable, he realized. It was a strange sort of contextual feeling; a kind of sudden hyperawareness of what he was doing there, as if looking at it safely through the distance of a television screen. Ash breathed a short but heavy sigh, and chuckled slightly.

"You a drinking man, O'Reily? Don't have any on me right this second, but, it's always good to meet someone that can appreciate decent booze. Myself, I can appreciate decent booze, and I can make more-than-decent. Had my own label, did you know that? Before, anyway... Well, that's a topic for a different time."

"Look, if something bad happens to either of us, I don't expect the other is going to lose much sleep over it. Really don't. We're just not there yet. I don't think you want to spend the rest of your days in that cage. But I also don't want to have a loose cannon running around my town. Get me? So, do you think that we can stop trying to outsmart each other, and have some real talk? If we can do that, I'd love to listen to your input on how to keep these people safe. Hopefully, in a manner that crushes your pals back in Peachtree."

Ash noted the number of communities that Ryan rattled off. It was an interesting note to him that, in all of their time scavenging for supplies and building materials they had never heard of these settlements. Newnan needed people, period. Hands to work the land, eyes to patrol the Wall. Their little town had the capacity to feed and shelter so many more people, so long as they were willing to lend a hand. Or shed some blood, as it looked likely.

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

"Da, da little Meghna. Please show vhere I make performance. I, ah... I do more then knives, you see. Juggle, tumble, little barking vhen needed, but mostly, The Great Bazhooli is an Impaler. Anything I do vithout stabbys vill not be as good. But yes, I follow."

As The Great Bazhooli stood and began to follow Meg from the Mess Hall, the Security personnel still present to watch the newcomer moved to match him. He still hadn't been formally interviewed yet, and for all anyone knew, The Great Bazhooli was a glue-sniffing maniac out to steal all of their squirrels and rub cold sore pus on the rims of Newnan's drinking glasses, before disappearing wordlessly into the night. And now Meg was propositioning walking off alone with him to a possibly empty building. Luckily, the single rifleman still lugging around Bazhooli's stuff begged to differ with that possibility. Yes, he was playing the role of Professional Third Wheel admirably, mostly because he knew Meg (they all did) and wanted to keep her safe, but partially because he had no desire for Ash to assign him latrine duty, or something far worse.

The Great Bazhooli noticed his tagalong and smiled at him. Even waved him closer. Then he intoned a serious question to Meg: "Place for show, things for show. Show is good, I like. But... Vhere am I to stay here? Vhere to put stuff, rest head, eh?" He continued to follow the young woman, actual curiosity piquing at the location he would perform his first actual show (and to other people, too!) in a very long time.

Black James!

Location: Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street - Present location of his Smoker

Still humming a little tune, as he often did while working, Black James reviewed the niftiness of his handiwork. Good, seasoned wood burned slowly with a touch of Ash's booze, moisture level just where it should be. That deer would be a thin slice of luxury when it was done in a couple more hours. Its skin lay outstretched nearby, fur still remarkable intact. If it wasn't for the sudden intrusion and that whole "murder thing", today might have been a great day. Fresh crop of new people came in, too. Point of fact, the deer he was busy smoking came courtesy of these new folk.

It was kind of a reminder - Not all the people outside of these walls was bad.

Caught in his own thoughts of meat ad new folk, James barely caught sight of something in the distance. He couldn't quite make it out, but it seemed to be low to the ground and moving fast, darting from one shadowy point to another, drawing closer, ever closer. James made a slow move to procure his axe from the tool loop on his overalls. By the time it was halfway out, he lost sight of the small, quick form. Maybe it was just his imagination. Yeah. That must be it. He was getting too jumpy, but it was natural considering the scare they all had that morning. He slowly slid his axe back into place.

When he heard the unexpected, inquisitive "Meow?" from just behind him, Black James very nearly leapt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)

So much had happened that Niesha, for a moment, felt like she was struggling to catch up. So much had happened, one after another today, that it felt like, for a moment, it had been a whole week of events. She gave a soft sigh, content for now to do her work, and be with Sophia. She gave Sophia a smile, turning to the medicines again, to continue with making them, but the boiling water proved a distraction. Cursing herself, she quickly went over to Sophia, she quickly wrapped her hands around Sophia's gloved one, helping her lift and move it to a cold plate.

"Sorry" She said softly, checking Sophia over to make sure none of the boiled water had fallen on her, standing where she was for a moment, before going back over to the medicines. "Have to get this done" She said, beginning to make the witch Hazel, she started to talk Sophia through what she was doing, from crushing the herb, to mixing it, and how she went through the process of making sure it would bind. Quite complicated when you didn't know what you were doing, but simply enough.

Niesha was pleased she could recall the information so easily. and even more so that it seemed so natural.She was happy doing it, for perhaps the first time feeling like she was repaying the community. That she was useful. "basically, you just have to make sure everythings mixed right, and you're good to go." She said, stretching to put a completed medicine aside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 16 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Amelia finally returned to the room where she was going to be sleeping and hastily started to make up the cot she was going to be sleeping on. She had barely finished putting on the bed sheets before Peaches jumped on the cot.

“Hey there, you cute little thing. What are you doing here?” Amelia said quietly sitting by the small dog, as she reached to scratch his neck. This little pup was a nice little distraction from everything. It made her calm and for a few moments forget her situation and where she was while she was playing him all the attention she had. Still she knew that Peaches was going to be going with his master more than certainly on the upcoming mission to that Newnan place.” Shouldn’t you be returning to Beni?” She asked, playing with the dog a little more before standing up and walking over to the men playing cards outside.

“Excuse me
 what are you playing?” She asked, peeking her head through the doorframe. Maybe a game or two would come nice to her depending on what they were playing and if they would allow her to join that is. If not
 well she could at least watch right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic - You two are clear for now to continue on.

@rivaan - Peaches cuddles down and is very happy to just remain there. It is obvious the little pup is pretty much left free to roam where she wants, doesn't matter. Out in the hall the folks look up and smile. "Go fish because we all suck at poker and have nothing we are willing to loose," one of them laughs. "Want to join us? Be glad to have another, tired of looking at his face," the eldest says to the younger man and the younger man rolls his eyes. "Oh like you are super model yourself pop," he snickers as he slides over and pats the floor between them. "I'm Rodger and this is Mike," the older man says extending his hand and introducing himself and the younger man.

@Nallore @Sigil- You two are fine for now. There is nothing in the place other than various balls that Bazhooli could use to juggle really but maybe if you two talked to Bridgette she would have a few non-sharpened blades that he could use for the evening, it's worth a shot with as much metal work as the woman does.

@Caits @Nallore - You two are clear to continue on for now.

@Sigil - Ryan chuckles a bit and shrugs as he picks at his food. "Yeah, I been known to make my own. Various beers, water distillation, various alcohols," he says to start. "Also know how to make drugs but doubt you want that around here," he chuckles before leaning back against the wall and finishing a bite. "Oh not trying to out smart anyone here. Just laying it out for you. Though I will beat around the bush, been dealing with Adamm for a while so in survival mode. Shit outside the walls is walk in the park in the survival department compared to life in Eden. Was actually surprised to learn that Zoie was alive and functioning after what all went down with her there. She was pretty broken when she got out, I figured she would be eaten within the first forty-eight hours," he adds dryly. "Fact she is second to you tells me a lot more about her ability to bounce back than I thought she was possible of."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street

As Kristina finished eating the rest of her dinner, she groaned slightly as she pulled herself up from the table and grabbed her tray of food. She started to make her way towards where everyone had set up the rest of their dirty dishes for cleaning, Kris then hopped her way back to where she had been sitting and grabbed her set of crutches. She decided to see what Black James was doing, Kris didn't have anything else better to do for the rest of the day due to her injury earlier in the day. Kristina opened the door to the streets of Newnan once more as she looked around taking a deep breath things seem to be calm now after the shooting. Kristina started moving across Lagrange Street and then headed down towards Gilbert Street.

Kris could smell the cooking deer once again as she moved her way down the street, she could see an orange ball of fluff by the smoker as it let out a meow and saw James looking like he nearly leapt. She couldn't help but let out a laugh, even though she could understand why the man was a bit jumpy after what had happened. "The Might Black James scared of a little cat?" Kristina said jokingly as she moved over and stood there keeping her injured foot off of the ground, she knew that she should be in bed resting now however she was really never one to just lay down while everyone else was working.

Kris closed her eyes for a moment as she could just taste the deer now, she remembered going out on some of her dad's hunting trips with Maria when she was younger. Back then she really never could see herself hunting or handling guns as she moved over and gently started to rub Schrödinger's head.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia blushed slightly after they had moved the pot over to a cooler part of the stove and let Niesha check her hand for any burns, luckily there weren't any. She looked at the pot as it started to settle Sophia then started to think of some way to make herself her own prosthetic or maybe get some help from Astrid or Bridgette to help her make one. Though she didn't have the knowledge to make it or the extra hand to make one, Sophia then moved over towards Niesha and pulled herself to sit on the counter as she listened to Niesha. "So what happens if you ended up getting the mixture wrong?" Sophia asked, she probably knew the answer it could possibly make things worse though she wasn't really sure about that.

Sophia knew that Niesha's work was important she didn't want to distract her to much from her work, or cause any sort of problem with mixing the ingredients together. Sophia shifted slightly where she was sitting she subconsciously ran her hand across the stump, sometimes it hurt a little bit. But it wasn't worth going to the infirmary about it though.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building E

As Meg looked around there were balls that she could see Bazhooli using for the performance as she moved to grab some and found a nearby basket to set them down in. She looked towards the big Russian man and smiled slightly and nodded, the man did need a room assignment in case he did want to stay longer. "Just call me Meg it's much easier. And I can sure show you where you'd be staying." Meg said as she motioned for Baz to follow her. Meg started to head down Jefferson Street and headed towards one of the smaller apartment buildings, she pointed to the building. "This is one of our apartment buildings, its a two story building." Meg said as she opened the building looking towards the armed escort.

She could handle herself, but with what had happened recently she couldn't really blame him as she moved towards one of the vacant rooms and opened the door. Meg turned on the light to the room and would let him enter and leaned herself up against the wall she thought about the show for tonight. Meg knew that he wasn't allowed any weapons as of yet, though she could run it by Ash first and then talk to Bridgette for lending some unsharpened blades to use. "You got a bed, a bookcase as well as a bathroom, a dresser and a table. Basic necessities. Is there anything you need to make it more at home for you?" Meg asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)

Niesha washed her hands before starting a new concoction, so as to avoid contamination. She glanced back at Sophia, and gave a soft sigh. "Well. Really, the most that will happen is that, the ones that are liquids it will just taste utterly horrible and not really be a smooth mixture, but it will still work the same." She said, "But if I get the amount wrong, well too much and yeah, maybe it's an overdose, but only if you don more then the recommanded amount. Too little, and well, it will help, but n ot have the therapeutic benefit. Either way, its better to have the right mixture"

She began fixing the next set of medication, as she talked. "But I don't make mistakes with medications. I'm careful. I don't want to cause any problems, although I do wish I had access to a text, just to doublel check, but you dont really forget the ways of mixing, not when it's drilled into you by your lecturers. Especially not when they then teaach you you can get your butt kicked and your lisence revoked if you mess up and kill someone"

She gave a shrug, not really finding the talking distracting. She examined everything before she mixed it, making sure that she was doing the right thing. "You don't need to be worried about distracting me" She said, looking back to Sophia once again. She frowned slightly as Sophia rubbed her stump. "does it hurt?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry

Tiffany thought about it and there really wasn't much else to talk about. They exhausted the current topics. The only thing left to really talk about what the plan going forward. "So, once you start getting better, I imagine you may want to stay here, or did you have other plans? I'd like to know more about this place before I decide on a permanent thing, but I don't know about you." She didn't want to state what she was thinking, that he really didn't have anywhere else to go. You can't really run from the Walkers with crutches. She wouldn't mind staying, but she wanted to check the place out first, to make sure it was safe. Or as safe as one could expect nowadays.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 16 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Amelia smiled and patted Peaches for a last time before she joined the men who were sitting and playing cards. She carefully sat down and smiled at both of them.” Mike, Rodger, nice to meet both of you!” The girl greeted and reach to have a handshake with both of them. She was glad she found people to hang about with right now. She felt uncomfortable at this new place by herself and while peaches would be great companion for a time, it was nice to talk to humans every now and then.

“Go fish is it... alright, let's play.” She stated with a smile, waiting for them to indicate when they will start." I've never been too great with poker anyway..."

“So... either of you been here for long?” She asked, trowing shy glances at them every now and then. It was actually quite calming to be in the presence of people. Settlements usual meant people, people meant help, help meant security... more or less. It's been a while since she had company or the chance to play any kind of game so she was going to enjoy this moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building F

Jack nodded, his teeth showing as he grinned like the big ol' idiot he often was. The thought of doing the chicken dance seemed like a dream come true, when it came to the blood and horrors of the world that they lived in. He had a sense of foreboding, the entire reason that pushed him to the proposal. Had the alarm from earlier resulted in Tatiana's death, he couldn't have lived with himself. He couldn't have another corpse shuffling around in the world, all because he had been too terrified to take matters into his own hands.

"True, you've got a mighty fine dance to pehform," Jack agreed, yet his mind was still dizzy with the idea that they could have a real wedding. He didn't even have anyone to ask for his Best Man -- but mentally, he figured that the Russian, Bazhooli, probably wouldn't mind too much. Or perhaps the doctor, Froggy. Or even the grim faced man, Ash, who ran the group. He cleared his thoughts slightly, returning to reality. They'd have a simple ceremony, if anything.

But all that really mattered was that he got to make Tatiana happy. That they came a little bit closer to having a normal life.

"Aftah you, solovey," Jack said finally, making a sweeping gesture towards the door.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)

Édouard groaned a bit, finding the blood and guts all over his face. It reminded him of a similar incident, just from that morning, when the walker had collapsed into pieces on top of him. His cheek smushed up against the table, he couldn't even move his lips to complain, without getting bits of gore inside of his mouth. Blood and gore didn't tend to belong in there--the flavor disgusted him. Artificial banana was far superior.

"Moi? MĂ©riter?" Édouard laughed, falling to the floor from Lyon's shove. His childish plots and ploys were still dancing in his head, but the insanity that came with being a selfish prick enveloped him. Coming to his feet, he forgot the pain in his leg, no longer complaining about it -- externally or internally. He rolled his eyes at Lyon, noting the way that he failed to translate back into English. "J'ai le droit de naissance. Je n'ai pas besoin de...la violence and de la peur...Je suis un Riviere, d'accord? J'ai seule besoin de mon nom. Et si l'apocalypse n'arrivais jamais, je serai ton roi."

He chuckled a bit to himself, before kicking around some of the blood and guts on the floor. Death never terrified him. The only thing that had truly frightened him, above all else, was that he would die without being able to communicate. And with Lyon, the bastard had that fear solved for. As much as he wanted to rip Lyon to shreds and set his remains aflame, with Lyon still drawing breath in the process, Édouard couldn't help but enjoy their conversations. Ever since FĂ©lix died, le joli garçon had been incredibly lonely. Amelia had betrayed him, the bitch. Svetlana had wounded his pride.

The mischievous sparkle returned to his eye. The sea, that was what he cared about and cherished. Lyon couldn't take that from him. He couldn't take the two things that bound Édouard, represented by his tattoos: France and open waters. "Mais ça, c'est ennuyeux. Pourqoui est Lyon, le boucher des enfants, aux États-Unis? Ma sƓur, Alisanne, elle m'a dit tout, les meurtres." The fictional story his eldest sister told him still struck a chord, but Édouard fond a strange comfort in it. Perhaps the stories she fed him were true, he considered, and he pondered whether or not to be more frightened of the demon in front of him.

But then again, he always loved to gamble.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1 (Cells)

"Let's be clear, before we continue." said Ash in a serious tone, motioning again with his fork, "I understand that Zoie has gone through a lot. If she wants to share details, that's her decision, period." Ash didn't need to know. The horrible things people will do to survive aren't limited to committing distasteful acts; it included the physical and mental fortitude to endure the trespasses of others. The nature and extent of these trespasses were hers, and hers alone, unless she felt comfortable enough to tell someone. Maybe it was needed to fully recover, but (in Ash's estimation) it should never be forced out into the open, nor whispered about in the shadows.

"Zoie aside, drugs... have their place. The kind I'm looking for are pain suppressants, antibiotics, and the like. Some of the less charming street pharmaceuticals even have their place, these days. We have a lady in town, pharmacist. Rubbed people the wrong way on her first day, hard. If we can ever get some of that "trust" going, you two might could talk."

The weary Captain shoveled another couple of bites into his mouth. He leaned back and stretched a bit, as if trying to relieve a sore back. "Busy day. Day isn't over yet, either. Lots to do, so I'll be direct: I want to know what you think is the best course of action to keep these people safe. I'd also like to know the best route to take to make that bastard's world come crashing down on top of him - but we can get to that later."

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building E (Apartments)

"No no, Meg. Is fine. Is better than I have in long time." This was an understatement. The odd man had been roaming the railways for more days than he bothered to count. Clean, running water and an actual bed, in an area that he didn't have to personally clear of snarling corpses. He would have been willing to fight tooth and nail for just one of them. It was quite possible that his more familial instincts were reacting to these people that he had just met, psychologically drawing them in as surrogates. The Great Bazhooli had always been part of a fringe, close-knit group. Since the day of his birth, even. Logically, he knew that he might be putting his stock into this group way too soon. Emotionally, he didn't care.

Besides, he was an excellent judge of character. It was not something he really developed until after the Outbreak. Everyone who was Circus Folk had a little glimmer about noticing how people react. It allowed them to better work a performance or fleece a mark. The bare ability was there. He took special attention to develop it into a reliable ability, seeing as the remaining Human population would just as soon shoot you for a tin of beans as look at you, half of the time. He didn't see any of the warning signs associated with his "run like hell" instinct. Although, he did wonder how a couple of the people he had met were still alive. Must be the walls, and these people.

"Good place to put things for now. Except, quiet man vith gun following us, he has all my things."

The Great Bazhooli glanced back to the armed escort. He really looked like he didn't want to be there. The guy who was in charge? Bazhooli really hoped that he would give him that interview, for the escort's sake. But for now, he had to think up a plan for the first half of a show that likely wouldn't involve sharp things. More was the pity about that little caveat. He was quite the artist with sharp implements. "This is good, very good. Now, vhere for show, what am I allowed to work vith?"

Black James!

Location: Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street - Present location of his Smoker

James didn't notice Kristina walk up until she began speaking, evidently, so solid was his focus on the cat. It really unnerved him, but not because of some obscure cat phobia. James had simply not seen one in a while, at least not within the walls of Newnan. It seemed like a thing which should not have been, an unexpected thing that took him by surprise. As the animal snuck up to his position, James's brain simply would not register that it could have been something as mundane as a common housecat. He felt absolutely foolish.

"Hey hey, little lady. Pussycat done gave me a startle, that's for sure. Hey, when did we get a cat in here?" The veteran hogger looked sideways at the feline as it sat there, staring at him. Or was it staring at the smoker? It was hard to say. Lord knows James would be staring at the smoker, in the cat's place. He had skipped the last couple of meals, and to be frank, his stomach was making some pretty impressive sounds now. The succulent aroma of smoke and meat effected the diametric opposite of help, in this regard. Maybe he should give it a jog over to the Mess Hall, but he was just a couple hours away from yummy, smoked meat. Then again, he didn't really need to hover over the smoker. He could take a break.

"Hey there, Kris... Them animals, they all shoveled an fed, right?"

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

The oft rude Valkyrie horked back the entirety of her meal with the sophistication and grace of a chainsaw. It could be argued that she didn't give herself time to taste the food, the counterpoint being that one would have to want to taste it for that to be an issue. Before the Apocalypse, she wasn't a huge fan of cabbage. Or many green vegetables, for that matter. Nowadays, there was something about the scarcity of the stuff that made her jump for it. Even raw. This was, understandably, an interesting scenario for a lady who spent the first moments of the Outbreak on an epic quest for a Snickers and Blue Raspberry Slushie.

Fruit, she had always been fine with. Loved the stuff. But anymore, fruit was even more rare a find than vegetables. At this point in her life, Bridgette would grudgingly have taken a belt sander to a puppy for that bowl of peaches back at her place. As it stood, all she had to do was what came naturally: Work metal and teach people the less refined sciences or violence. It was a shame that they didn't have their own trees. She definitely would have broken out the belt sander for that.

Her meal complete, Bridgette walked her tray over to the dish line and deposited it with a plasticy clap. She then returned to recover her arms and shield at her table. Her face betrayed a moment of hesitation, before making an unscheduled announcement to any remaining in the Mess:

"Alright guys, here's the deal! Cap'n Ash says I can grab a couple warm bodies to help wrap up this wall repair I've been trying to do, even before those fuckshits started taking shots at us. All day. No fix. Need a hand. Asking volunteers. Next I draft a tool caddy. Who's coming?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic - Everything is still calm and good for you all, people are coming in and out of the room to gather things, change out sheets and bandages, check meds, make sure Ray isn't running a fever as of yet, and the like.

@rivaan - "Nice to meet you," Rodger says as he takes all the cards up and deals in Amelia. "We've been here about 5 weeks, well the group as a whole. Been with Beni for about six months. We were further south but kept moving north. Kept hearing about this place with walls, Beni wanted to check it out. We kind of got settled here partway when Beni found out about a place called Newnan. Our spotter saw them under attack, and Beni decided to hold off for now. He didn't want us to show up with them being attacked and us get blamed for it."

@Morose - Tatiana smiles and gives Jack a soft kiss on his lips before skirting out of their home and walking down the street. Lacing her fingers with his as they walk and resting her head on his shoulder. She couldn't help but giggle happily to herself, the smile never leaving her lips as they make their way back into the Mess Hall. Hearing Bridgette asking for people she looks over towards Jack and nudges him slightly. "Vhy don't you go help them. I'll get ready for tonight," she suggests before walking over to Miss Sally only to be told that Meg and Bazhooli have headed over towards the Rec Center. Nodding she hops back over to Jack and cups his cheek lightly in her fingers. "I'll stay at Rec Center until you come get me," she reassures him before heading out. She didn't want to be away from him but she knew Jack would only be able to sit there and watch her practice and that he liked to be of use. At least this way he could get his hands dirty as it were and then she could surprise him with the show this evening.

@Morose - Lyon chuckles to himself before moving and pinning Ed against the wall with his arm to his throat. "You would never have been king of anything except your own disillusion. You were never anything but a spoiled brat. Why do you think your parents agreed to send you to America? To get you out of their hair while we finished brokering the deal for our organization to join forces, with me in the lead and you as my little stool pigeon to be whipped into shape," Lyon hisses in French before tossing Ed towards the floor and cross his arms over his chest. "Your family had protectors because they were respected, you had one because you couldn't take care of yourself. I'm actually surprised you have survived this long, but keep up this attitude and you won't. I am not near as forgiving as your mother was." Stepping over he grabs Ed by the hair on the back of his head. "And no, the stories aren't exactly true but they weren't exactly false either. I was sent to take out people in families that were problem causers, get the jist."

@Nallore @Sigil- Everything is calm for now and it is time for the deer to come off the grill.

@Caits @Nallore - Miss Sally comes over with a small tin and smiles over at Neisha. "I don't know if these will help but we really haven't had much use for them here in this day and age. Maybe you can put them to better use than I can," she says as she opens the tin to show a decent selection of various extracts. "We have peppermint, lemon, and so forth. Normally for baking but maybe you could use them to take the edge off the taste of medications you are making, at least for the children that is. After what us adults drink that Ash makes, we can probably tolerate anything in taste but the kids, well grape might be preferable to ass?"

@Sigil - "Aww naw man, you got it all wrong. Couldn't see Zoie ever doin' nothing to hurt anyone that didn't have it coming. Just not her way. She's the type that sees the good in even the worst type of people. Like me," he chuckles as he gets comfortable and props his feet up on the bed. "Zoie always did like to see the light in people. Probably what gets her hurt more often than others," he says shrugging slightly as he unwraps and rewraps the hair on his finger time and time again. "As far as keeping this place secure, you need more people but before you can get those since they are rare I would suggest pulling back to the inner wall and training more as sighters. Knowing Adamm he will wait for another attack, let you all think the danger is passed or at least wait long enough to put you on end so you are so jittery you will fire at anything," he says before looking up at Ash. "Easy way to break Adamm is not a course you will want to take from what I can see in your eyes," he says quietly before sitting up and looking Ash right in the eye. "To break Adamm you'll need to break Zoie.... Or at least, make him think she is broken."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street

Kristina eyed the orange cat then her attention went towards Black James as he spoke she shrugged slightly, she wasn't sure how the cat had actually got in but there were three new people that came into Newnan today. "Not really sure, but I think the cat came in with one of the new people that came in here earlier. Before we were getting shot at that is." Kris said as she eyed the smoker she did save enough to eat that deer. Then James asked if the animals were all fed and shoveled, though she had left earlier then the others due to the horse's mental breakdown with the coon from earlier.

"Yep bossman the animals have all been fed, and their crap moved to the manure pile as well." Kristina told him as she gently petted the cat. "Also earlier the raccoon that caused some havoc earlier, well it spooked one of the horses and I tried to calm it down." Kristina said with a soft sigh and then gestured to her hurt ankle. "Anyway got a sprained ankle, Doc Astrid told me to stay off it for the next two days." Kristina said, since James was the agriculture lead she thought he would need to know first.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia nodded as she watched Niesha as she started the next set of medications, listening to Niesha as she spoke about what happened if the mixtures were wrong or if there was to much. When Niesha mentioned her stump, Sophia looked down at it there was a little bit of pain but it was manageable. "I'll sometimes get a light throbbing pain there, but the pain is manageable.." Sophia said as she stopped, she was lucky she just simply lost a hand instead of her whole arm or something along the lines of that. She was grateful for Astrid's quick response a month ago, and the long month of painful recovery and just being on bed rest for the last month. "But honestly i'm just happy to be alive, and just eager to get back to work."

Sophia turned her attention towards Ms. Sally and smiled at the elderly woman seeing her carrying several tins of extracts with her, she was sure that it would help the young ones deal with the nasty tastes of the actual medicine that Niesha was making. "I hate the taste of ass, i'd rather have some lemony flavor anyway." Sophia said with a light laugh as she looked towards Niesha and gently gave her shoulder a loving squeeze she then leaned forward and kissed Niesha on the head.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building E -> Building 7 Rec Center

"Just ask if you ever need anything for you room, more blankets just come to me and i'll make it happen." Meg smiled towards Bazhooli, she looked at the armed escort for a moment and then looked at the Russian man. "I'll try and pull some strings see if one of our resident metal workers could lend you some dull knives for the show this evening. We can't give you your stuff just yet until Ashton gives the greenlight to do it." Meghna said softly as she tried to think of other things that could entertain the people of Newnan, she looked at Baz. "Lets head back to the Rec Center and see if your assistant Ms. Sally said she would direct her over there when she is ready." Meghna then started to head towards the door as the guard still carrying his things and gestured for the two men to follow her.

Meg left the building as she started making her way back the way that they had come she looked over her shoulder at the man and tried to think what else he could do. "So other then juggling and knife throwing what else do you know?" Meg asked as she opened the door as she headed towards the end of the room Meghna started pulling out chairs to set up for the people to sit and watch. Ms. Sally did have a really good idea, and the people really did need this to make the others feel better with the recent events that had happened today and the month before.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond would smile at the people who came in and out of the room and would occasionally wave towards them, he then turned to look at Tiffany asking what his plans were. Truly? He really didn't have any plans at all, he was just so used to going day by day scavenging and moving constantly around staying ahead of the walkers. "Honestly? I don't know since i'm a cripple now I guess i'm just going to stay wit them. Can't really run anymore if there is a herd of walkers behind me." Ray said, he bit his lip for a moment realizing he had just said/

"Really i'm not blaming you for what happened to me. I'd be a walker now if it wasn't for you anyway." Ray said as he sat himself up somewhat causing him to groan loudly and then reached for some water. Raymond sighed quietly as he tried to think of something else to talk about. "So what did you do for fun, before all of this. Like did you like sports or anything like that?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)

Niesha looked up as Miss Sally came in, and smiled, grateful for the extract. She accepted the tins, and took a couple out. "Thank you, I can use these. The kids probably have a hard enough time taking medicine anyway, this will make it easier for them. I'll put them in the kid doses first, and if there's any left I'll put it in the adult doses" She smiled, and put a few drops of lemon into what she'd made for the children. Which reminded her to make sure she labeled the doses for Children and Adults.

She stepped back, but stopped when Sophia squeezed her shoulder, kissed her on the head. She swallowed nervously. but gave Sophia a smile. Such a simple gesture, to elicit such a response...The softness of her touc. She sighed softly, reaching over to grab a marker, she lightly touched Sophia on the arm, as she turned back to the medicines, quickly writing the doses and what they were on them, before continuing.

In a rhythm now, Niesha moved through the medications quickly. "Its the nerves, people have complained of pain years later from amputations. You4 nerves know there's something that should e there, but it isn't, so they react. Its like...its like phantom pain." She carefully filled jars with a mixture, after adding in some extract, this time pepermint just to change things up slightly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 16 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Amelia smiled as she was dealt cards and listened to the story of how this pretty big group came to inhabit this place. It was rather interesting actually! She let out a few shy smiled, happy to be in conversation after all the time she spend traveling alone.

“So this Newnan place was under attack? I heard Beni talking about going there to meet them.” Amelia said, studying her cards for a few moments.” I get it that this Newnan place is alright, but who were they under attack from?” She asked, throwing a look at the pair.” I heard Beni talk about Eden which I assume is also a place... a dangerous place according to his words. Do you know what that was all about?” She asked, throwing an instinctive looks left and right down the corridor, half expecting Ed to be lurking about the place somewhere.

She then briefly wondered if she should ask them where she could trade for a bullet in this place. She wanted to put one in her gun. She never fired it, but kept it clean and in working condition from what could tell. She didn't even really need this gun. SHe just wanted something that had a bullet. In case Ed shows up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry

Tiffany observed the occasional nurse or whoever who popped in to check on Ray. He seemed fine and she was impressed by both his resilience to get over losing a limb and also the group's medical efforts. Perhaps this place was a good place to stay. However, she couldn't help but think of Newnan also. They seemed to have a decent thing going if it was possible to open trade with them. She would have to remind herself to ask about the place the next time she saw someone.

She wouldn't leave Ray, of course. She felt obligated to make sure he was ok. Even though he denied her any blame, she, of course, wouldn't listen. She felt guilty by having done so, but it was the only solution she had. Unless some scientist came out with the cure to all of this, there was no solution to it other than killing them or preventing bites.

Ray wanted to continue the conversation by discussing interests. She smiled a bit and returned his gaze, "I'm afraid I was rather boring. I liked to read a lot. I also did puzzles, like Sudoku and Crosswords. Although, I did enjoy photography for a bit. I loved going outdoors and taking pictures of nature or going into the city and snapping shots of the architecture. My mother used to take lots of pictures, it's why I got into it after she passed."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building F ---> the Mess Hall (Building 2)

Jack felt as happy as could be, strolling down the street with Tatiana. His old habits told him that they shouldn't just wander, that they needed to check the area first, but he ignored them. They had found a place of safety, and they couldn't afford to live in fear forever. Living in fear was just surviving. They needed something more, something to help them get up each day, something worth fighting the good fight for.

Entering the Mess Hall, Jack heard the same call for help, and his gut pulled him in two directions. On one hand, he didn't want to let Tatiana out of his sight. The day had been too kind, too forgiving so far--it wouldn't be long before that would change, the pessimistic side of him said. On the other hand, by helping, he could start to become at home in this town. He could contribute, and aid with Tatiana's safety. "Anything happens, you get clear and stay safe, yeah?" Jack murmured, nuzzling Tatiana's nose slightly with his own. "Come an' find me if you need anything."

He smiled a bit, before putting his hands in his pockets slightly, and approached the fierce blonde. "I can give you a hand," Jack offered, with his hand bandaged up from breaking the glass earlier that day. It didn't bother him too much, and getting some physical work in would be nice. It would be logical, safe, and normal. "Don't know much about repairs, but I'm happy to learn."

Édouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)

Édouard gasped a bit, when Lyon pinned him against the wall, his poor stupid head unable to do much more than gasp for air. Air had never seemed so sweet in that moment, and he daydreamed a bit more of his time in Cyprus. He had fallen off of the ship once, after demonstrating that he could balance the tip of his sword on his hand, all while standing on the railing. By the time he went onto one foot, he had fallen, plunging down into the waters.

Air had been so sweet then too.

"DesolĂ©e, j'ai regardĂ© dans le vide," Édouard muttered, his words almost puffy from the lack of oxygen. He came to around when Lyon proclaimed that he was going to be a stool pigeon, and the next thing he knew, he was on the floor. Groaning in pain, Édouard considered getting up, but the floor seemed rather comfortable. He closed his eyes, content to lie in the filth, as at least the floor was always there for him, always supporting him, never let him down.

His mind turned through several memories, struggling to put together some connections. Such as how fond Alisanne was of the Lyon "myth" and the argument Darcey had with Alisanne. Édouard was too thick to put it together, but Édouard wasn't the only Riviere sibling that Alisanne had wanted dead. However, before he could let himself take a nice little nap, he was pulled off of the ground by his hair, and he screamed a bit. His precious locks! The gorgeous hair that women all around the world had fawned over! His vanity brought his rage back, and had he not found it repetitive, he would have spat in Lyon's face.

"Je ne suis pas un enfant, Lyon," Édouard reminded the man, a new scheme sifting through his mind. It would take careful implementation, but how sweet it would be...It amused him, and he smiled almost childishly, blood staining his teeth--whether or not it was his or from the human remains in the room, he couldn't be certain.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1 (Cells)

"You're missing my... Nevermind." Ash's hesitance to speak about Zoie dealt mostly with the inhumanities she had to endure, rather than things she had done to others. It was of little importance now, anyway, so long as the topic shifted to something other than his new Second. At least directly. Zoie wasn't exactly Ash's initial choice for a Second. He just didn't know her at all, and her arrival shortly following Eden's first attack/Zombnado. But, seeing as his other choices were shot or eaten (or both), and of course the highly unexpected approval of Ceasar, Ash offered her a leadership position.

It seemed to make sense; there was a massive influx of new people at that time, choosing some from among their ranks bolstered solidarity. The last thing he wanted was to worry about was the sudden factioning of what remained of the Newnan survivors. Something similar happened to the first group he was with, just following the Outbreak. It was a collection of military personnel, mostly Army and Air Force. Disciplined men and women, adherents to a strict chain of command, and they broke apart like shredded wheat in a paint shaker.

Ash had almost finished his meal, indeed was somewhere in the vicinity of scraping together tatters of cabbage into a bite suitable to being scooped up with his fork, when he spoke again. "Don't care about breaking Adamm. I'm not partial to manipulation nor mind games. If it's all the same, I'd rather put a bullet in his skull and burn his body in homebrew. But I'm not picky."

Thinking briefly on what the prisoner had just mentioned, concerning pulling people back to the Inner Wall and getting more spotters together, Ash sighed just a little. Yeah, they needed a lot more people to hold their community effectively. On the other hand, they kept their growing crops and livestock out there. Some people had homes just outside the Inner Wall, too. They had structures, work structures, out there as well. From a standpoint of Civil Engineering, they had made the right decision setting it up this way. Even from a military standpoint, they had made the logical decision. But there was always that scenario that screwed up the plan. Always. And it wasn't like he could radio for reinforcements.

Ash was eager to discuss this conversation with the other Leads. "Thank you for your time, Mr. O'Reily. Good talk. Let me know if I can get you anything, within reason."

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building E (Apartments)

The Great Bazhooli knew that Meghna, and through her the higher-ups, were just being careful. The goofy Cossack could be some manner of eyeball chewing maniac, bent on doing things to all of them unmentionable in polite society. So yeah, he got it. "Da, da... Rec Center. Let us see vhat we have to vork vith, yes?"

He began to follow Meg back out of the apartment. Her question as to his abilities caught him slightly off guard - Bazhooli had discovered a couple of interesting and useful talents since all hell broke loose worldwide, but in the strictest sense nothing that should be performed on stage. "Great Bazhooli vas trained since child as Impalement Artist. Also I juggle, also am acrobat. There are other things I do, for certain. But they are not for entertaining." He let that last sentence sink in for a moment before continuing, "Not for worrying! And do not bother metal worker. Dull knife still sharp enough to sink into vood. Will make nervous. I do not vant to go vithout my knives too long, someone finds this Ashton soon, da?"

Black James!

Location: Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street - Present location of his Smoker

"Well then, lawdy lawd..." mused James, intentionally voicing a bit of a stereotype, "I do believe that our Jane Doe is ready. Now, if you went and sprained that ankle, maybe you ought not be out and about messing with the likes of this bigass pile of meat. How's about you fetch us a cart from Mess while I stare down this feline, makin' eyes at our deer, huh?"

He knew why the cat was there. Same reason anyone else would be gathering around his smoker - the small creature could smell the savory, smoky goodness and wanted some for himself. Couldn't say as he blamed the little guy, his work with wood and meat was famous (around Newnan, if that counted now), and James was tempted several times to grab a huge chunk for himself. "...definitely shoulda grabbed breakfast..." he thought to himself, closing off the smoke chamber on his massive apparatus. This action marked the end of his workday, everything else was a simple scrapedown and delivery of succulent, smoke-preserved venison. In all likelihood, they would grab a little now, and save the rest for supper tomorrow. On the other hand, he wouldn't hold it against anyone to jump on the entire beast immediately. It had been a very trying day.

James sure as hell knew he was having a chunk of Bambi's Mom in a few minutes. Euphemism not intended.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Gilbert Street, in front of Building 1

The quiet throughout the Mess Hall when Bridgette politely (for her) requested the assistance of anyone in the building was not taken well. Point of fact, her temples began to throb ever so slightly and she began tapping her knuckles on the table in front of her. She could feel a subcranial welling of many, varied applications of the word "fuck" bubbling ever closer to the surface, threatening to spill out of her mouth and into the Mess Hall, splattering vile, profane sarcasm on any and everyone within verbal splattering distance.

And then it happened. Someone volunteered.

It was a new guy, someone she didn't think she had met just yet. There were rumors that new people were settling in, but obviously she hadn't come up close and personal with this one just yet. Well, time for introductions. Kinda. The first thing she noticed was his accent. She'd spent a little time in New England, following the Reenactment and RenFaire circuits, and knew enough to recognize his Massachusetts accent. "Well hello there, Marky Mark!" she began, anger fading quickly. "Aren't you the tall, handsome one, eh? Look, don't worry. Patch job, stressed seam. All I need you to do is hand me what I need when I ask for it, and put shit back when I don't, mmkay?"

Quickly, Bridgette gathered her weapons and slung her shield across her back. She took Jack's hand and began to lead him to the door. "Oh, one thing sweetie," said the blonde Valkyrie in a singsong voice. The more musical note took a harsh downturn as she continued in a venomous whisper, "Fuck with my horse and I'm keeping your fingers. Got it?"

Her voice returned singsong as she continued to the door. "C'mon! Shouldn't take more than an hour!" She began walking happily, almost dancing, across the way to Cadence, as if her sudden Smeagol moment had never happened.


Location: Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street - Present location of the Smoker

The fuzzy orange bastard known to parts of humanity as "Schrodinger" sat patiently, waiting for more bits of smoked venison and/or fat to drop groundward. Yes, the cat knew patience. Patience and hunger. While he had gotten a little something earlier, the aroma of cooked meat was too much for him to simply stay away from. These people weren't so bad, really. Not as a whole, from what Schrodinger could sense, though he hadn't met this particular Human before this moment. So yes, settle back and play the role of a good, cute, sweet little furball. Let the younger two-leg pet him. It always seemed to give them as much gratification than it did him. Even purr a little. Yes, be cute and wait for the food to come to him. Purrrrrfect.

Schrodinger even gave a couple of tentative steps forward, toward the dark-skinned food guard. He sat back down on his haunches, pawed the side of his face for a moment, and issued a quiet, trilling "...meow1..?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic - Ray is still holding in there, rolls are in his favor for now lol

@rivaan - "Ey, Eden is a place, well more of a group than a place. Real nasty, we have a few of their former captives here. The stories we have heard about that place would give the devil nightmares. Don't know much about them, anyone that escaped there never really wants to say much other than to warn them. Newnan from what we know is a good place but we just haven't been able to get close enough to speak to them. Beni has been wanting to, so if anything goes wrong here, we are all on order to head towards Newnan and avoid Eden like the plague," Rodger says as he looks at his cards before looking up at her and smiling slightly. "But don't you be worried, Beni and Lyon and the rest take real good care of us, we be just fine."

@Morose - "Then act like a man instead of a spoiled brat," Lyon spat in French towards Ed. Shaking his head a bit he stepped over to the wall and leaned back against it. "Get back to work," he said in English before repeating in French. "You will stay here until the place is spotless, up to you on how long you want to be in here. I have all night," he adds in French before he starts whistling a dreary tune that was rumored to always comes before he killed someone back in France, it was part of the legend that surrounded him and part of the stories people told their children to strike fear in them, usually along with the line of - :If you won't do the right thing because you should, do it because you are too scared not to."

@Morose @Nallore @Sigil- "I vill, I promise," Tatiana assures Jack before heading out of the Mess Hall through the back way and heading back to the Rec Hall. Wringing her hands as she stepped in she looked around and spotted Meg and Bazhooli. "Sorry I took so long," she said nervously before holding up her toe shoes in a shaky hand, her finger now wearing the ring that Jack had made her, not that Meg would have known it wasn't there before, granted Bazhooli might not have noticed it was new either. She was a shy bird and kept hunkered down a lot since their introduction. "I am Tatiana," she said introducing herself to Meg as she lowers the shoes and tucks them under her arm before turning her head down and scurrying off a little bit. Sitting down on the floor she pulled off her boots, flexing her toes back and forth a few times before she started to slip on the toe shoes.

@Caits @Nallore - Ms Sally smiles. "Well anything to help, Maybe if Ash can finally get that run to the nursery a ways from here we can get some citrus trees and be able to make our own extracts in the future," she says before heading off and pushing a cart out of the Mess Hall and then heading towards where James had been cooking the deer all this time.

@Sigil - Ryan sat up quickly and smirked. "You better break him before you put a bullet in his skull or his followers will keep coming. They are so out of it unless they see him broken and beaten they will try to avenge him," Ryan warned before sitting back and resting his arm over his face. "But hey, it's your fight, not mine. Pull the trigger if you are feeling frisky," he added before the radio broke through the room on Ash's private channel. "Boss, we got some folks at the gate wanting to talk to the leader of Newnan. Looks like a group of bikers...."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street -> Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street

"I'll get some rest soon, just sort of looking for a bit of company I guess." Kristina said softly, even though she had a group of friends here now she just didn't really want to be in her room alone. She looked towards the orange cat for a moment, it reminded her of a cat of her own back home on her father's farm the cat always came to the house with some sort of dead creature whether it was a rat, mouse or even a rabbit that it would always just drop at the front door for food. Kris looked back towards Black James as he asked her to go fetch a cart to help move the deer from the smoker and onto the cart. "Sure thing one cart coming up." Kristina said with a soft smile as she started off back towards the Mess Hall.

Kristina then saw Ms. Sally with a cart pushing it out of the front door, she moved over towards the older woman and smiled softly, as she noticed the wheel was caught on the lip to the entrance of the door. "Let me help you with that Ms. Sally." Kristina said as she lifted up the cart slightly enough so that Ms. Sally could move it forward. Kristina then started to walk alongside Ms. Sally back towards the smoker, she then saw the cat once more pawing at Black James and smiled slightly. "Looks like you got a fan trailing you." Kristina said jokingly as she stood close by just in case they needed any help with moving the deer over onto the cart.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia looked towards Ms. Sally mentioning the nursery which she remembered some people who had been on some runs earlier about it a few times during her time in the Infirmary. "I'm sure that we will get some people together for that run soon." Sophia said with a smile and watched as Ms. Sally went off and grabbed a cart and headed out of the Mess Hall. Sophia turned her attention back towards Niesha and gave her a slight nod, she remembered one of her uncles he had gone to fight in the Iraq War he came back to the States losing a leg when he stepped on an IED.

"I guess I now know how my uncle felt when he lost his leg." Sophia said with a slight smile as she watched Niesha continue to work on making the meds. "So what kind of meds are you making from that anyway?" Sophia asked deciding to change the subject off of her, she lightly started to play around with her own hair and shifted slightly from where she was sitting. She was curious how making medicine works from just using plants, it looked a bit confusing to her since she didn't have experience with medicine. All she was really good for was building things, or tearing things down.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 Rec Center

Meghna smiled softly and nodded it probably wouldn't be a good idea giving Bazhooli any sharp weapons just yet, at least until Ashton had the go ahead to do anything like that. "Ashton has been a bit busy recently trying to keep this place running. I honestly wouldn't want to be in this position, unless of course I didn't have a choice. I'll see if I can get him on the radio." Meg said as she turned her head and heard the door opening and smiled at Tatiana and moved over towards her. "It's nice to meet you Tatiana, i'm Meghna. But if you want call me Meg, whichever you prefer." Meghna said as she gave Tatiana a friendly smile.

Meg then took a step away from the two of them she started to speak through the radio "The Bazhooli guy, he seems alright spent sometime getting to know him I already set him up with a room in Apartment Building E. Interview him whenever you have the time to." Meg said as she turned her head looking over at both Tatiana and Bazhooli once and smiled at the two of them. She assumed that Tatiana was already interviewed by Ash since there weren't any armed escorts around her and she seemed very nice so far.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

"My mom was the same as you, more so when she was in the hospital her bedside table was covered in books with finished, and unfinished books and crosswords." Raymond said with a slight smile as he reached for some more water and drank it, he groaned slightly when a sharp pain went through his remaining leg and sighed. Ray sighed slightly as he grabbed the bag again and started to eat some more Doritos, already half the bag was finished. "Me and my dad used to always go to car shows, and baseball. He would always take me out of school just to go and see one which was always fun."
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