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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)

Niesha nodded, thanking both Kristina and Miss Sally, "thank you miss Sally, I have everything I need for now. If I need anything, I'll be sure to ask" she put he box she carried down, starting to sort what she had and set up, in a way that would let her be able to grab what she wanted without having to search for it.

She had just finished setting up, and went to quickly grab something to eat, when Sophia walked up to her and embraced her. Niesha was so relieved to see that she was okay, and she clutched at Sophia even as Sophia pulled away, not letting the other woman go. She leaned up, quickly, and gave Sophia a kiss, lingering for a moment, not caring whether or not Sophia actually liked her, not caring that am they were in full view, just relieved to have Sophia there away. All her ideas, all her plans fled as in that one moment, she let her body just go on what it wanted, her heart beat speeding up as she deepened the kiss, enjoying the warmth of Sophia's lips against hers, wrapping her arms around her and pulling Sophia closer to her.

Soft and tender, Niesha tried to put what she felt into that one, lingering kiss. She wasn't good with words for this time of thing, and she wanted Sophia to know how she felt. When her brain finally caught up to what she had just done, she pulled away, feeling her cheeks warm.

"oh, um..."

She fled back into the kitchen, terrified of what she might see on Sophia's face, the look in her eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Alright this truly was a problem! Amelia started to panic a little as she noticed the way Ed was acting. He had a dangerous silence about him... it seemed to quiet. She felt the same way once in the past. The day started nice sunny and awfully quiet... until it escalated into terrible storm. She was caught out in the open back then and it wasn't pretty.' What to do now..?' She wondered, noticing that the groups were spreading again, doing their own things.

She finally took a deep breath of relieve as Lyon took Ed away. She needed to be on guard now. Amelia had the feeling Ed wasn't the type to forget... he was going to be back for revenge. She shuddered at that possibility. She won't be able to stop him if he comes at her later. She wasn't a fighter.

“Thank...you...” Amelia replied to the pats on her back for her action against Ed. Seems people didn't really like him. That put a little bit of a shy smile on her face. Hopefully those same people would aid her in the future if the bloody frenchman was to go mental again in the future and come for revenge.

After that just went with where she was led to be given blanket and pillows for the night. She'd finally sleep with alright surroundings after those months of leaving the last settlement she was with.

“Can I help with something?” She asked finally after receiving her bedding. She felt kind of uncomfortable just recieving such help and not doing anything in return.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall: Kitchen) ---> Building F

"It's a band," Jack explaining, playing the air guitar for a brief moment. He grinned as she laced her hand through his, and let himself be led out of the mess hall and into Building F--no, into their home. At her playful pestering, Jack couldn't have been more tempted to spoil the entire thing. The only way he could be guaranteed to keep a secret would be if he never learned it in the first place. He doubted even death could keep him from spilling the beans.

"It's a magical suhprise," Jack promised, grinning coyly. He nodded as she headed off to clean, and as soon as she was out of sight of his pack, he dashed over to it like a jack rabbit. Pulling out the start of the ring, Jack quickly set to work, trying his best to keep each knot the same size as all of the others. Using his teeth to get the knots to pull together tightly, he figured that it would take Tatiana five minutes at least to clean up -- his previous girlfriend, Sutton, had spent practically hours showering. "Don't look yet!" Jack called out, just in case.

By the time he finished the ring, his fingers were positively cramped. He shoved it carefully into his pocket, and then waited for Tatiana, the same goofy grin on his face as always. It was time.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)

Édouard didn't do much beyond glare, following Lyon like a sulking and plotting child to the makeshift infirmary. He eyed the place for a moment, tempting to make some scathing remark about how he was more likely to get an infection by being in Franklin than if he didn't clean the wound on his face. Instead, he forced his hand to only loosely grasp the rag, not even strangling it with righteous anger. Eyeing the various instruments, Édouard recalled how Amelia had been celebrated for assaulting his manhood.

Promising to himself that they would all pay, he let the smallest of smiles grace his lips. The time for games was over. It was time to put his talents to the test.

Le match de mort commence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry

She shared the bag of Doritos with Raymond. She couldn't remember the last time she had Doritos. Or any junk food for that matter. Back at her old shelter they were big on fresh fruits and vegetables and growing their own food. She rarely got the pleasure of eating anything unhealthy. She would kill for some chocolate.

As they ate a nurse came in and soon they brought in a small cot for her to sleep. She had been wondering where she would be sleeping for the night and she was glad it would be near Raymond. She was taught how to check on him and was given a thermometer. She didn't mind doing so. These people brought them in, fed them and gave them a bed for the night, not to mention they helped keep Raymond alive and were now going to search for antibiotics for him, the least she could do was look after Raymond for the night. Plus, she was exhausted, she could use some sleep herself.

Raymond wanted to talk, so she tried to think of a topic. "Well we know what the weather was like, there are no more politics to speak of, and I'm pretty sure God doesn't care about us anymore, so religion is out. That takes care of the boring and sketchy topics. I hate to be dreary, but what was your first time like, you know, dealing with one of those things out there?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Ashton listened to the breakdown of injuries and treatments from Astrid. It was still very new for him, getting medical reports from the more stoic of the Valkyries. He took the source with a sort of detached gaiety, not that he questioned her ability. Ash knew that Astrid was capable of the tasks set before her, trusting her and Victor's judgement. All the same, because of manner and speech, if she suddenly suggested the application of leeches and/or boiled down cow urine, it wouldn't surprise him in the least. As a matter of fact, he would likely be just a little depressed if, looking back years from that moment, he couldn't name off at least five times when that had occurred.

It was pleasing to hear that the Doctor and Zoie had good prognoses. Aside from the four outright deaths, the remainder of the injuries were minor. The question as to his own health took him with mild surprise. Very few people actually ever asked him. The tone to her voice suggested a matter more probing than what her words related. While unsure as to exactly what she meant by that, he affixed a forced smile and answered slowly, "No holes anywhere they shouldn't be." He shifted to a sort of sideways look, "Been better, though."

Ash shook his head and turned to leave. "Yeah, Good talk. If I'm needed, I'll be at the Mess." He slowly walked out of the door. There was a gnawing feeling in the back of his brain, sitting there like a question left unspoken or a mental connection that was a micron from being realized. Ash tried to toss the feeling off, telling himself that if it was important, it would come back to him. This kind of things happened thousands of times in the course of a lifetime, and humanity had gotten along quite well despite these little quirks of uncertainty. Though to be fair, humanity had never had to survive an unending onslaught of the living dead. Little quirks of uncertainty could get people eaten.

The Captain walked with a relaxed, ambling stride. An onlooker might say that he had the appearance of a man that was trying desperately to remember something. The Courthouse Lobby had mostly emptied at this time, with everyone headed toward the Mess Hall. Having missed the morning meal, Ash figured he may as well head that way, too.

The moment he stepped outside of the main building, Ash straightened his posture and strode with more purpose. A moment of weary thought, nothing more, and he was back to the solid commanding officer that Newnan needed right then, providing an aura of calm, stern safety. He made a beeline for the Mess Hall, which was now awash with activity.

For a good, long minute, Ash stood just inside of the doors. He did nothing more than observe the people in front of him - resilient people, people of massively differing backgrounds, people who have suffered loss after loss and still come together. Before, it was likely that they wouldn't have even spoken to each other on a bus, but here they were, sharing an organized meal. Even the new guy was involved. (His remaining escort was still standing by the door, keeping watch over him and his bear fur coat full of rifle and sharp things.) Mental note: Make sure to vet the next new guy before Sally allows him to handle everyone's food.

Whether Ash knew it or not, he needed these people. Probably more than they needed him. He grabbed a tray and took a spot at the end of the line.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Building 1 (Cells)

Meanwhile, Bridgette was having mixed emotions about sitting quietly and not engaging. It was times like this that she would rather have a working cell phone, crushing poorly stacked digital boards and glass by firing ill-tempered, flightless avians at them. Being more realistic, she would rather be fixing that crack on the east end of the Outer Wall, preferably with some armed backup, before she lost the daylight.

Now, Bridgette realized that sometimes, not engaging was just as entertaining as mixing it up. It wasn't 100% in her comfort zone, granted. She had a fondness for acts of aggression, both verbal and physical. This was known by almost everyone that met her. Still, Ash directly said Do Not Engage, so she meant to. So there she sat, not quite at ease, on the bench outside of the cells. Her shield lay next to her, spear leaning on the wall within easy reach, and her sawed-off shotgun loaded, waiting, and across her lap. Her gaze rarely left Ryan's cell. For supposedly ten or fifteen minutes, she could stand to remain extremely vigilant, if not (in her estimation) particularly useful just then. Bridgette wasn't sure if she immediately liked or disliked the man in the cage; he certainly was a smartass, in that regard cut from a similar cloth. But he agreed with bossman that this guy was dangerous.

So, do not engage. Sit tight. Relief would be by shortly, then she could fix that seam in the wall before it became an issue, grab some food, and finish that project back home. Oh yeah, and Ash owed her another jar of what he referred to as "The Good Shit". Things to look forward to. Get revenge later.

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

The food was finally set up and people were streaming in. A lot of kids; The Great Bazhooli had not expected to many children in the place. Or any place, for that matter. Having children out there in the world was a massive, glaring liability. His previous group, the full circus train, had a few children with them. Family of various performers, they were mostly kept sheltered inside the train cars. It was not the best life for a young person, but it kept them breathing. Of course, until the attack. No amount of sheltering helped them, then. He wasn't sure if anything could have.

A wave of sadness and gratitude took hold of The Great Bazhooli, a strange, mixed, conflicting emotion. He mourned the loss of his people, reminded of them by the line of younger people entering the building. At the same time, the fact that a place existed that allowed kids to learn and thrive, without locking them away constantly, was amazing to him. He could not tell if these people knew how rare and precious a thing they had here, but he did. His travels and losses, lessons learned from both, cemented in his head the utter scarcity of a place like Newnan. He wanted this to be home, problems and all.

About this time, he was greeted by a charming, dark complected lady who introduced herself as Meghna Kumar. He accepted her hand graciously and introduced himself with a bow. "Indeed, I am Great Bazhooli. Is pleasure to make acquaintance, little kotenok."1

The following exchange puzzled the Cossack newcomer. He had just assisted the older lady in plating and setting out what amounted to a celebration feast, compared to what he had been living on lately. Then he realized what she was getting at, offering him something to eat. "No, no thank you, pretty lady. I am fine, just fine, thank you. And not worrying, I am not too good to stand in line for self. But spasibo2, eh, thank you, Miss Kumar. Care to join?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ding, Ding, Ding. The clock is ticking and the day has turned to mid afternoon. People are working to get as much done before dusk. Gossip like most things spread like wild fire and there is talk about a show tonight after dinner. The children are being served and eating. Many keep looking a the large Russian and then whispering and giggling to themselves. Miss Sally grins as she watches those around her, chuckling a little at what is unfolding in front of her old eyes. It seems are quickly getting back to normal. It is interesting, 4 deaths but people seem to be okay. It is weird how our senses dull the more and more we go through. Sure it is still hell but it seems even one can get used to the fires to where they are tolerable.

Franklin is a buzz with readying meals, taking care of what supplies they have and more. The ones leaving soon are gearing up and there is word that can be heard drifting here and there from the conversations in the halls about the group heading to a place called Newnan that might just have the medical supplies they need. One person lamenting over the fact that this place must be an Eden, a paradise, to have walls and supplies. When it is called Eden a woman narrows her eyes and spits on the floor. "Newnan is not Eden, let's not get the two mixed up," she growls. Her face is torn, physically. Several large scars run the length of it. Half of her face looks like it was left untouched ad is quite beautiful, the other is ragged, torn, scared. "Oh I didn't mean it was Eden! I'm sorry!" a man says and rubs his face, realizing it wasn't good to use one place to describe another.

@Morose Lyon looks over towards Ed and crosses his arms over his chest and starts speaking to him in French. "Did you ever wonder how your father was able to get such respect? To have so many follow him? Or myself? Fear is a great thing to use, when used correctly but in the end, those that fear us tend to be the worst to stab us as they years go on. Respect will get you far more in this life than anything, even now. Thing is, you have to give it to get it and from what I can tell of you. You are nothing but some flowery little dandy that had been spoiled rotten. How well you would have done in the courts hundreds of years ago, using money and fear to get what you want. But in the end, you would have still been slaughtered; so buck up. You're about to have a crash course in humility," he says before shoving a soapy water filled bucket with a sponge into Ed's chest. "Follow me," he says taking the man to the makeshift operating room and pushing the door open. The place is covered with blood and flesh. "Get to work," he says as he crosses his arms over his chest and watches Ed carefully.

@Sigil - Astrid nods towards Ash, her eyes closing for a moment and it looks like she is giving a rather large roll of them behind her lids. That wasn't what she had meant but it seemed like he wasn't going to answer as he leaves the infirmary. Shaking her head she goes back to her work. Ryan over in his cell, is wrapping and rewrapping the ash blonde hair braid on his finger over and over again. "Tick tock, tick tock, every minute that ticks by brings us one moment closer to Adamm's next attack. Yet you people won't tell me anything so I can help. Oh well, your funeral," he says as he stops and rests his forearm over his brow. In the mess hall Miss Sally makes a been line for Ash and gives him a big motherly hug, before cupping his cheeks and pulling him down whether he likes it or not to kiss him on the brow. "Good man! Everything is calm and people are alive. You did good boy! LeAnn could be proud," she says before letting him go. "Oh! Our Russians have agreed to put on a show for the town tonight! We need some laughs around here!"

@Rivaan The Franklier looks at Amelia and smiles. "Sure thing, there is always something to do around here. What are you good at? Rather see what you can do before I figure out where to put you. Don't want you repairing a car if you don't know what a wrench is," he chuckles as he helps set things up and then motions for her to follow him. "Down there are the bathrooms. We don't have running water and such but we have some barrels set up to wash with if you want. Well not wash but at least clear up with a rag." Walking further down the halls one can see into the rooms. Many are empty but there are several set up as living quarters with people moving in and out doing what they are doing. A few people are in the halls just sitting there. "Here is our library, so if you want something to read, go for it," he smiles.

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Building F (Jack and Tatiana's House)

Tatiana had taken a few minutes to take a rag to her face wash her hands and change out of her clothing. It was an odd feeling. Out on the road for so long it just felt like a dream. She was in a house, having gotten just a little dirty and she was able to change her clothing and clean up. Before if she had hit the dirt she would just keep trucking. God only knew when the last time she had been able to wash her clothing well before coming here. It had only been half a day and everything had changed. Granted the attack still had her on edge but she was still feeling better inside these walls than she had outside. Though not by much. The walls and security they had there was great and all but Jack had been making her feel rather safe over the last month. She had actually been sleeping.

Stepping out of the bathroom after about ten minutes she headed back down the hallway to the main room where Jack was, seeing the single bedroom she took a breath. Tonight was going to be interesting to say the least but she wasn't afraid. She knew Jack wouldn't push for anything she didn't want. If he was that type of man he would have forced himself on her weeks ago. He hadn't so she didn't worry, at least not about that. Nervous, though that was different story.

Walking into the den area she smiled over towards Jack and perked a brow. He looked so giddy right then. He always looked silly or playful but this was something different, something else in his eyes. She had to wonder what it was. Did it have to do with his surprise? She wanted to ask him more about it but she didn't. She loved surprises and wasn't going to ruin it by trying to get it out of him sooner.

Picking up her toe shoes she grinned and walked over to him, slipping her arms around his waist. "Have vhat I need," she said, not really distinguishing between if she was referring to the toe shoes or to him, or to both. Pulling him closer she rested her head on his chest and gave him a gentle hug; letting her eyes close for a moment as she breathed him in. Hopefully these walls would keep them safe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)

Niesha found herself hyperventilating. She couldn't believe what she had just done. Kissing Sophia? In front of so many people? What was she going to do now? It wasn't like she could hide forever, avoiding any possibility of rejection. They lived together! Niesh leaned against the counter, staring at her materials, waiting for the inevitable sounds of someone coming after her. What was Sophia going to do? What did she think of her?

Niesha spun away from the counter, so nervous and worried that she just couldn't stand still. She knew she should be working on the medicines, but....how was she meant to work when she had just kissed Sophia? Maybe that was selfish of her...and she would get it done. She would. She couldn't be selfish. But she had kissed Sophia. She had never expected to fall so hard, or so fast for someone, not now, not when the world was what it was.

She would allow herself five minutes to freak out. Then she'd get to work. She tried to get her breathing under control, yet it didn't seem possible. Everytime she thought she did, she would remember it all over again, and start hyperventilating again. She had kissed her. She had spent half the day looking for Sophia in one way or another, to ask if she might want to...do something that might be considered a date, and the first thing she did when she saw her, was kiss her!

She squirmed, going back over to the counter, she picked up a bottle of water.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

As Kristina sat there she started to eat her meal once more looking around the room as she ran a hand through her hair letting out a sigh for a moment as she looked towards the set of crutches next to her seeing them slowly starting to fall Kris quickly reached over before they could fall. She sighed quietly as she looked around and found a small little space between the tables and laid them next to her, Kris then turned her head seeing the door opening and saw Ashton there overlooking the entire room. Remembering the first day for a moment it was really bad, but eventually things calmed down between them and she just simply did what she was told and did it without to many questions.

Her attention went over towards Sophia and Niesha, she watched as Niesha pulled her into a kiss she had a surpised look on her face as Niesha held the kiss for awhile and then stopped. Niesha then ran off back towards the kitchen, Sophia standing there with a speechless look on her face. Sophia turned to look at Kristina and she motioned with her head to go after her, which Sophia had done and started to make her way towards the kitchen where Niesha was.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia felt Niesha holding onto her and then pulled her into a kiss, she stood there as she felt her heart starting to beat faster that certainly was a clue that Niesha had feelings for her. Sophia's mind went back towards her deceased husband she had been married to him for three years, then the crash happened and didn't make it. She didn't talk to much about him unless it was actually brought up, luckily he died before the outbreak occurred. Then Niesha broke away from the kiss Sophia's face was a bright red as she looked around the room and then Niesha ran off towards the kitchen. Sophia turned her head when she saw the door opening and saw Ashton, and Ms. Sally going over towards him. Sophia turned her attention towards Kristina seeing the girl gesturing for her to follow after Niesha, and quickly started after towards the back of the kitchen.

Sophia eventually found Niesha in the back with what looked like plants from the medical garden, she shifted uncomfortably as she tried to think about what to do next. She knew that either one of them could be killed in this world whether it was by a walker or another human, Sophia started to make her way towards Niesha. "Soo do you need any help?" Sophia finally asked, she didn't want to be forward but she didn't want to scare her off, though she did really want to know. "I do like you by the way." Sophia said softly rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly she didn't think she would end up falling for someone in this world let alone after what had happened to her husband years ago.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond would let out a slight yawn as he took another chip and ate it, even when the nurse came in she didn't seem to care that she was eating something solid. But he was just glad he was able to eat something that he managed to loot out of the store, he turned his attention towards Tiffany again. "The weather is hot and humid like Georgia always has been, I've actually never voted for anyone, or got to much into politics unless my job actually made me to take a story on that subject. And religion never followed that hocus pokus stuff, though my mom was a major bible thumper back then." Raymond laughed slightly as a cot was rolled into the room, he closed his eyes for a moment as he remembered his first encounter with a walker.

"My first encounter, I remember it pretty well I was in El Paso getting a tip from someone about a corrupt city official was diverting some of the cities money. So I went into his house, which was really fancy anyway I was searching around the place I heard some noise in the man's bedroom. And saw my first walker, she looked like a lets say a woman that used sex to get what she wanted. Anyway she was nomming away on the pour bastard."

Ray sighed quietly for a moment and remembered struggling with the woman. "I struggled and managed to hit it across the head with a lamp and I got the hell out of there." Raymond said as he reached for the bottle of water and took a drink from it and finished the last of the food that he had been brought handing the bag towards Tiffany. "What was your first encounter?"

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Meghna gave Bazhooli a soft smile as she shook the Russian man's hand and gave it a firm handshake, from the man's accent it did sound like he was from Russia. "It's nice to meet you as well." Meg then shook her head slightly she would wait a little bit later to get something to eat, she wanted to be sure that everyone else in Newnan was fed before she could get some food. "I was actually going to save some room for the deer that Black James is cooking up." Meg said as she turned her head over to see that Ashton had came into the room and standing there overlooking everyone in the room and waved him over, she turned her attention towards Bazhooli once more.

"So where are you from originally Bazhooli?" Meg asked she wanted to make some small talk and try and get to know him more as she looked towards Sophia and Niesha seeing the two of them kiss one another. She didn't think the two of them were actually a pair as Niesha looked embarrassed and walked towards the kitchen, Meg was tempted to get up and follow her but seeing Sophia she assumed that the two of them would sort it all out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

 I can cook and I used to work as a waitress...” Amelia said quietly as she followed after the man who was showing her around the place.” I’m also good with math... , but I doubt that will come in handy.” She added as she kept attention to the things he was showing her.

Still carrying her bedding, she nodded when she was shown where the sleeping quarters were. Finally when she was shown where the library was, she smiled and nodded.” Thank you for the help. On second thought I actually do think that today may be the best to rest early. Especially after the near death experience where I was almost thrown out of a speeding truck
” Amelia said with a happy voice before throwing a mildly concerned look around.

 I don’t trust the man I arrived with
 the silly one
 who cannot speak english.” Amelia barely brought herself to say.” After I hit him
 I know he will try to seek revenge.” She added throwing another look around.” Is there a way for me to be sleeping somewhere as far away from him?”

Amelia was obvious in her distrust of Ed and the fact she was sure he’s going to try something eventually. The eerie silence he displayed scared the hell out of her. He was by no way ‘learning’! He appeared just as if he was going to be bidding his time and she was not going to wait for his revenge unprepared. Tomorrow she was going to try to find herself a bullet or two. Surely the people here could spare at least one
 or she could trade it for something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)

Niesha stared at the water she held in her hand, refusing to look anywhere else as she heard Sophia's approach. She didn't know what to do, what to say. She risked a glance up when Sophia spoke, but wasn't too sure what she saw there. She swallowed, shifting nervously. she's just trying to blow it off... she thought at Sophia's first sentance. thats all. She doesn't...how could she like me? its my fault she got bit... People could tell Niesha that it wasn't her fault until the cows came home, but that wouldn't convince her it wasn't.

She poured the water into a jar, putting the bottle aside, she reached for the herb she was going to crush, unsure of how to tell Sophia what to do. Most of what needed to be done needed two hands. She bit her lip, wanting to be alone so she could wallow in her own misery while she worked. Kristina is wrong. Sometimes its better not to know. She glanced over to Sophia, as she started to speak again.

Niesha stood very still, staring at Sopjhia wide eyed, like a deer in the headlights. She set down, carefully, what she had picked up, before looking back to Sophia. She had absolutely no idea what she was going to do right then. She had never been in such a situation. She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. "Really?" She asked, her voice soft. Almost...hopeful. Niesha had never been on this side of a relationship. She had been the one, last time, telling her partner that she liked them...and even that had been hard for her to say.

She hesitated, taking a step towards Sophia, but stopped, fearfully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building F

Jack rubbed her back, enjoying the comfort of Tatiana's embrace. He recalled the very first moment he met her, with the walker that had attacked her and the absence of her friend. The very first word she had ever said to him, so simple but he could still recall it: da. The memories ran through his mind, and a tear trickled down his face, holding her closer. Time was like sand, slipping through his fingers with each and every passing moment. He couldn't bear to forget a single moment he had spent with Tatiana.

The truck. The colorful backpack. The chicken dance. Monopoly. All of it had brought him hope, it had brought him life once more. He wasn't complete without another person, something he deeply understood after he had lost Sutton. But with Tatiana...He never had to be alone ever again

"Tati, I love ya," Jack said, his hands shaking a bit with nerves. He glanced down at his feet, before looking up again, nearly bonking his head against hers. "I know evahy guy says they'he no good at romance but...Well, I would've asked my mom for advice on how to do this," he admitted, laughing a bit at himself. He knew what he wanted to do, what he wanted to ask her, and he wanted it to be perfect. The thought had crossed his mind about asking her that night, after the performance, but his fear told him not to. Death could come at any time. It wouldn't wait for him.

"You don't have to say yes but...I'd be lost without you, solovey," Jack continued, clearing his throat. Careful not to step on Tatiana's feet, he got down onto one knee, and revealed the ring. Made out of a tiny bit of rope, the knot was in the shape of a heart. "Will you make me the luckiest guy alive an' marry me?"

Édouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)
Mood Music

Édouard flinched slightly as the sponge was rammed into his chest, feeling the soapy mess drip down all over him. His clothes may have been covered in the walker bits from earlier, but he had gotten fond of the rugged look it gave him. The sponge dropped, and Édouard nudged it with the toe of his boot. He glanced up at Lyon's commands, before wearily picking up the sponge, his leg protesting as he bent it. He knew that Lyon spoke French, and any complaints from Édouard in that language wouldn't be appreciated.

Questo ù il lavoro dello schiavo, Édouard thought to himself, making a mental shift into Italian. Angelo non mi ha fatto fare questo. Angelo had been Édouard's bodyguard growing up. Rather than force him to learn English and all of the silly, irritating chores his tutors insisted upon, Angelo (or Angie, as Édouard affectionately called him) let Édouard choose. The boy was going to be the leader as soon as he became of age, and according to Angelo, that meant if Édouard didn't want to learn English, he didn't have to. Others would have to bend to Édouard's will and accommodate him--not the other way around. This very philosophy stayed with Édouard, and it was Angelo who taught Édouard to speak Italian. He was the closest thing to a father Édouard ever had.

Non c'ù dignità in questo, Édouard thought, with a scowl. Wordlessly, he began to scrub away at the blood and guts, hardly phased. Alisanne's cruel smile echoed in his mind almost. She would have enjoyed this--perhaps she had even gone about this same process with another. Darcey was far kinder. She would have simply put a bullet in Édouard's head.

"Est-ce que vous avez connu mes sƓurs?" Édouard finally asked, staring Lyon in the eye. "Alisanne Ă©tait comme vous."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry

Tiffany listened to Raymond tell his story. It sounded almost like every other encounter, but maybe they just all blend together after a bit. That startling moment when you are face to face with something you only ever see in movies or nightmares.

She recollected her first encounter. These things had a habit of staying on your mind regardless of anything else. "I was still in Massachusetts when we heard the news of the infection. We were told to go on the buses provided to get to a safe shelter while they contained it. However, a lot of people were leaving and the roads were jammed. It took a minute, but after a while we saw people getting out of their cars and running. That was when we saw a group of them. They soon charged into the bus. They attacked the driver and a few passengers, but a few of us made it out of the back. We ran for a bit. Me and my fiance managed to find a group similar to the one here, held up in a high school. Things were fine, we had plenty of food and water, we rarely had to scavenge, and we all got along. But one of the men felt he had to take leadership and things went downhill. Soon he was a regular slave driver. He scared people. A few of us decided to leave and he took this as rebellion and shot one of us and locked us in a room. We managed to escape, but he grabbed my fiance and held him at gunpoint. I had to kill him. Soon we both left, but shortly after my fiance got bit and I had to put him down. That was the first time I actually killed one of them."

She could feel her tears slowly coming, but she remained steadfast. She put on a smile and looked back over at Raymond, "How about something happier? Anything you want to share?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 1 (Cells)

The mildly unhinged Captain took stock of the people under his care as he shuffled forward in the line for chow. The occasional Newnanite waved to him, smiled every now and again. Some of them looked to him knowingly, with sadness etched into their faces. It was a recurring theme with these people, really. Fear, loss, strength, then picking back up and striding forward. The problem was, every time something like this happened, they got a little bit weaker. A few losses to manpower here and there added up.

In Ash's military opinion, they didn't have enough people within the walls to effectively defend the area. Probably never did. Too many blind spots, too much land to cover. As time progressed and they lost more people, he became slightly more certain that the North American Newnanite was fast becoming an endangered species. Something gamechanging had to occur, and very soon.

When Sally moved up to Ash to embrace him, all he felt was guilt. He did next to nothing, at least nothing that was effective in saving lives. No matter the defense, no matter the training, these people kept getting in. Doing whatever the hell they wanted, surrounded by guns and pissed-off people they picked off a few at a time, and they just kept coming. Contrary to Sally's words, Ash most distinctly did not think that Leann would have been proud. Quite the opposite, Ash was pretty damned sure that Leann would be pissed that nothing else had been done. His voice was almost absent as he responded to the kindly older lady. "Agree to disagree, Ma'am. I don't think that..." Something clicked - his brain allowed him to address the second half of what she mentioned. "A show? What the fu..." He would not sound like Bridgette today. He would not sound like Bridgette today. "...yeah. You know what? Sure. Let them have whatever they need, within reason. I believe Meghna handles that. Please let her know." Ash even caught sight of Meg, standing and talking to the Russian knife guy. She waved, he waved back in a detached manner. A lot was on his mind just then. So long as there was an armed escort in the room with the Russian, just this time, he could interview the strange man later.

Ash smiled. It was forced, but he meant it kindly. He was absolutely sure that he was correct - something had to change or they would eventually be worn down to a point where they could not properly defend themselves. Suddenly, a light seemed to click on inside of his brain. He could make peach mash the next day, the quality wouldn't be affected by a handful of hours' wait. The Captain grabbed two trays, loaded them up, and left the building. He was going back to the Cells.

In route, he called out a member of the Security team for the day, giving a quick order. "When you're done eating, report directly to the Cells to relieve the sentry there. Understand?" Satisfied that the message was taken seriously, he resumed his walk.

A minute or two later, Ash returned to the holding area inside the main building. "Bridgette, you are relieved. Grab some food, get back to your duties. I need some quality time with our guest."

Ashton set his tray down on the newly vacated bench and put his free hand on his pistol. Carefully he slid the second tray through the horizontal slot in the bars, then took a seat on the bench, away from the cell. "I have a little speech planned. You're going to shut up and let me say it, uninterrupted. We're going to have some civilized dinner conversation, Mr. O'Reily. As if we were both rational, thinking people with clear and open motivations. Sound good? By now, you've heard Zoie over the radio, and you know she's alive and conscious if not completely happy."

"I believe that, unless you're here to sabotage us, you're here because you're scared and this was the nearest, strongest community that you are personally aware of. You already know what kind of people we are. I care a great deal about these survivors, as well you know. I suspect you also already know what I am willing to do to keep them okay. Provided you don't, let me fill in: I will personally dirty my hands with the blood of anyone necessary to ensure these people safe. I will burn, I will torture. I will break every oath of decency I have ever given to my Country, my God, and my Family. Hell, even those twelve points in the Boy Scout oath."

"If you aren't here to harm us, then trust has to be established. So let's build on that. Eat up, Ryan. Let's have that talk."
Ash picked up his fork and began digging into his meal.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Building 1 (Cells) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Bridgette listened to Ryan talk about the upcoming, human-established End Of Days planned for Newnan, from which only he could save them. Maybe he was right, and something else horrible was going to happen to her and these people. Or maybe he was just vying for the attention of the higher ups, in an attempt to seem more valuable. Fact was though, bad things were happening, and probably wouldn't stop just because they wanted them to. All the same, she really didn't want to hear the smug fucker speak anymore.

Taking Ash's suggestion (it was an order, but don't remind her), Bridgette decided not to engage verbally. The one concession she did make with herself was that, as Ryan spoke about time ticking away, she held up a fist. With an almost circuslike expression, she raised the index finger of her other hand, and with great ceremony poked the side of that fist as if pushing a button. The result was, were one to look at her face, utter, comical surprise as her middle finger shot upward, apparently violently springloaded. Afterwards she rather unnecessarily checked to make sure her shotgun was loaded, snapping it back together with a slightly hollow, satisfying clack, and resumed her watch. When Ash arrived, Bridgette was more than happy to hoof it.

A minute or so later, Bridgette arrived at the Mess Hall. She clattered her arms and shield down upon a mostly unoccupied table and saw to her nutritional needs. The line was thinning out, but it didn't stop her from cutting through it, hurriedly grabbing a few things, and flopping down with a full plate in front of her weapons.

Bridgette ate noisily. She contemplated firing off a snot rocket, but decided against it. These people had been through enough. While stuffing her face, the violent lady looked around the room, trying to find a suitable sucker assistant or two to help her finally fix that seam on the outer wall. She would make a scene to get that help. Oh yes, she would make a scene.

Black James!

Location: Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street - Present location of his Smoker

Whoa momma, what a day. James had a knack for bouncing back from tragedy. Most especially, James could bounce back from tragedy if he had a project into which he could throw himself. Prepping deer hide and slow smoking its meat definitely qualified. the bucket of deer fat and snippets of carcass would hake an excellent addition to either the pig slop, or alternately, the compost heap. He did like a good compost heap. Made the best growing soil known to mankind. But that was really another concern.

Black James gave a wave up to the Sniper's post up top of the Courthouse, making sure that Guy was doing his thing and keeping watchful. Guy hadn't been up there in about a month. Maybe he was rusty. The thought was quickly abandoned; Guy was a hell of a guy (no pun intended). He knew his stuff. He was just glad to have a seasoned rifleman back up where he belonged - looking after their community.

He checked the deer again, adjusted for heat and smoke, added to the water level. This was coming along well. If only there were some greens or potatoes he could throw in with all of this, he could make a hell of a stew. Probably still could later on, as the whole point to smoking something was to preserve it. Time would tell. He still wished that there was a more steady supply of animals like this. There wasn't quite enough in the way of livestock to keep everyone fed with fresh meat as needed. Hunting parties would have to be organized in earnest to make up for this shortage. Not that he wanted to personally be in charge of this; he had enough duties as it stood, but someone... Maybe if he interviewed some of the new recruits, they could work out a plan.

But for now: Venison. By his reckoning, it should be good to go by nightfall.

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

"Black James?" inquired The Great Bazhooli, his strong but muddled Russian accent emanating from behind his very prominent moustache, "Sounds like pirate. You have pirate here? Vould love to meet him." He smiled a genuine, toothy smile, trying to indicate that he was, in fact, trying for humor. Maybe he was trying too hard. It had been a while since he was around people that didn't want to shoot him. He was no stranger to violence, certainly. As it turns out, his circus training actually made him pretty good at it. He learned that lesson the hard way.

But not being a stranger to violence did not mean that he was a huge fan. All in all, The Great Bazhooli would much rather be on his train, in a fully populated United States, plying his trade to a few hundred or so onlookers who would then shower him with applause and pay his expanses. Even deeper, he wanted to bring others with him, start a family, and pass on the mantle of The Great Bazhooli to the next generation of little Bazhoolis. Moustache optional, of course.

In a grandiose voice, The Great Bazhooli addressed Meghna's second question with some gusto, "Vhere from? Hard to say. I have lived many places. If I had to say one, it vould be place of birth - The awesome city of St. Petersburg! Ve would still vinter there, too, vhen season grew slow. Not in, but just outside, next to the Great Citrus Groves of historic city. St Petersburg mailing address, though. Da, city with long history for my people, for obvious."

"Vhere are you from, kotenok1?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic - Things are going well for Raymond still, all his rolls have been in his favor; so much in fact his appetite is returning more as is his thirst. The medic comes in and checks his vitals for a minute before he starts adding a few more bandages carefully. "How is the pain? Any dizziness? Wanting to vomit? Chills? Overheating?" he asks as he finishes and rubs his hands together.

@rivaan - He looks over to her and nods. "No worries Miss, he is in Lyon's care now, word spread quickly. He tries anything he has to go through that man first and I don't mind saying; I'd rather dance with the devil than cross Lyon. Seen him rip a mans throat out for no other reason than he didn't like him." Turning he pulls out a little pad and makes a few notes of her skills as she tells him and then as they turn down a hall nearly runs right into Beni as he is about to go out the front door. "Where to boss?" he asks wondering why Beni is heading back out. Beni looks over to him, his dog nipping at his heels. "Newnan, we need medical supplies for the new guy. Figure it was as good a time as any to introduce ourselves." The man nods a bit. "Be safe out there boss, we'll keep a light on for you so to speak."

@Morose - "No, I knew your mother," Lyon stated frankly in French as he watched Ed scrub away, chuckling a bit to himself as he did and giving his head a little shake and waving his hand, brushing off a memory in his mind. He picks up another sponge and starts working with Ed. "Beautiful creature your mother." Splashing the sponge in the bucket he tossed it back onto the table and kept washing away the blood, making sure that Ed kept cleaning with him. "This is better than my first lesson. My first was cleaning a holding cell for my boss when I was about 14. The body was rotting from being left too long, insides had grown from decomposing gas, split the body nearly in half. It was everywhere and the smell," he said, nearly gagging at the memory. "Worst I will ever know, even worse than these walking Biters. Probably why this shit today isn't anything to me."

@Caits @Nallore @Sigil - Everything as far as the medical garden stuff is going well, though one of the pots does look like it is about to threaten to boil over. Miss Sally just shakes her head at Ash as he leaves before heading over towards Meg and Baz. "Meg, just the girl I wanted to see. This big lad and out little Russian girl have agreed to put on a show for us tonight. Ash said it's okay and to give them what they needed within reason. Think you could show Mr. Mustache over to the Rec Hall? I know he can't have his knives but maybe there is something in the stuff there he can use. I'll send over the girl when I see her next."

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Building F (Tatiana's & Jack's Home)

Tatiana could feel Jack shaking, her eyes opening slowly as she bit her bottom lip. Tilting her head back she looked up at him worried, wondering if something was happening to make his nerves jump slightly. Was he afraid of something? She didn't want him to be afraid. "I love you Jack," she assured him as he spoke, her features becoming more confused the more he said.

"Be lost vithout you." she added as she cupped the line of jaw in her fingers, hoping he would get to what he was saying soon. She was getting more concerned as he went along. Seeing him take a step back he let her hand fall away. Tilting her head to the side and then gasping as he got down on one knee, her hands flying up and covering her mouth as she froze in her place. She could barely hear what he said as he proposed, her eyes as wide as saucers. She thought he had asked her to marry him but she wasn't sure until she finally saw the ring. It wasn't traditional in the slightest but she didn't care, it was the sweetest and most amazing ring she had ever seen as far as she was concerned.

Reaching out, her hands shaking as her breath finally stuttered she took the ring from his hand and nodded. "Da..." she choked out as a smile as bright as any she had ever given split across her features and her eyes sparkled as the tears welled up, rolling down her cheeks. "Da!" she giggled, her head nodding quickly up and down over and over again as she couldn't stop.

Ryan O'Riley

Location: Building 1 (Cells)

Ryan lay there with his forearm over his eyes as Ash came in and slid the tray through the bars, turning his head slightly she got a little more comfortable, just listening instead of sitting up and taking the tray as of yet. A smirk growing on his face and letting out a small chuckle as Ash spoke. Once the man was done speaking he rolled his hear slightly as he moved his arm, propping it up behind his head and glancing at the man.

"Good speech, sounds like you have said that in your head enough times to actually make yourself believe it," he said before sitting up quickly and tilting his head to the side as he eyed Ash. "Scared? Am I scared? Yes. But this wasn't the only place to go. You see, I know of at least..." Holding up his hand he started tapping the tops of his fingers until he showed the number three with them. "This many places other than here that I could have run to from Eden." Touching his first finger. "There is Moors Farm down off 109." Folding his index finger down he tapped his ring finger. "Barnesville off 41." Another finger folded and then he tapped his middle finger. "And our newest neighbor, Franklin High School." Finally folding it down he lowered his hand.

"All further away from Eden and without the one thing that will draw Addams attention," he added as he grabbed his tray and set it in his lap as he got comfortable in his cot. Popping a piece of food in his mouth he grinned. "Your resident Georgia Peach, Miss Zoie Mama," he said as he chewed. Taking another bite he rolled his shoulder back and looked up at the ceiling as he smacked his jowls.

"Trust? Yeah, I don't trust anyone, well I trust one person, and I'm basically your jailhouse Captain Jack Sparrow, so you ain't ever gonna trust me," he said rather frankly before glancing over at Ash. "What I am here for is simple, to make sure that little Addam doesn't get what he wants because I don't like him. If people die, won't bother me. Just as if I die it won't bother you. So, now that that is out there. Let's get down to business before he does get what he wants. What do you want to know first? Who exactly Addam is? What Eden is capable of? Or what you need to change quickly to cut down on more deaths?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Kristina sat there as she continued to eat her food as she watched Ashton for a moment as both he and Ms. Sally spoke to one another, she always saw the serious side of him as Kris continued eating her food she watched him going over towards the line and grabbed two trays of food and left the Mess Hall. She sat there as she overheard of some sort of entertainment was being set up by the two new Russian guests it did bring her back to her life before. Kristina sighed quietly to herself as she used to enjoy acting in her high school plays she always got the main roles. It had been such a long time since she had done anything like that, she thought about volunteering as well, but she decided not to.

It wasn't her anymore now, she wasn't the person she was now Kris then saw the door opening seeing Bridgette coming into the Mess Hall she quickly avoided eye contact. Their first meeting wasn't the best, and she avoided her mainly because it would feel like it would turn into some sort of argument. Kristina just simply continued to eat her dinner as she watched Meg and Baz talking to one another. Ms. Sally then started approaching Meg Kris looked towards the kitchen and wondered how Sophia and Niesha were doing.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia stood there for a moment seeing the look in Niesha's eyes they looked terrified or scared, she smiled softly towards her friend and took another step towards Niesha closing the distance between each other. She had never been with another girl she had been attracted to both sexes though Sophia then pulled Niesha close to her and pressed her lips up against Niesha's. Sophia felt her heart skipping a beat as she simply held the kiss there to let Niesha know that her feelings were genuine she then stepped away from Niesha blushing deeply and avoided eye contact for a moment. They certainly have been there for one another, remembering the day that they had met Niesha was in trouble by another man. And without much of a thought Sophia shot the man in the head just as Niesha managed to cut her hair free from his grasp.

Then they held up in the church that night and gotten to know one another a little bit, and then the next day after that constantly going over and over in her head. Losing her hand was her own fault and wasn't Niesha's at all, she didn't pay attention but she was still very much alive though. The whole month spent in the infirmary Sophia always enjoyed Niesha's company when she wasn't busy doing work around Newnan and then they had gotten closer. "I really do like you Niesha." Sophia smiled at her as she held Niesha's hand, she then started to hear some bubbling as noticed a pot of hot water starting to boil over and quickly ran over towards it and shut it off.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond laid there listening to Tiffany recounting her first encounter with a walker and about a group she had been with, and then her fiancé getting bit and that she had to put him down. Raymond gave Tiffany's hand a gentle squeeze to try and cheer the woman up, he lost his girlfriend and daughter the last time he saw them they were walkers. He couldn't bring himself to kill them, Ray sighed quietly as he ran a hand through his hair. "I had a girlfriend, I planned to propose to and a daughter.." Ray said as he took a deep breath as he remembered seeing them in their house as walkers. "I couldn't kill them, they were turned and I just couldn't.." Ray said as he tried not to break down in front of her and tried to hold back some tears.

Ray turned as the door opened seeing the medic coming into the room, he gripped the bed sheets tightly as he groaned loudly as the man applied some more bandages to his stump. "It hurts like a mother fucker.." Raymond said as he sighed loudly as the man asked him some questions. "Just a bit dizzy, but it's probably from blood loss. Other than that I feel just peachy, falling into a pitfall with a walker in it aint fun." Ray said as he tried to lighten up the mood.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Meghna smiled and laughed slightly and shook her head slightly. "He isn't a pirate but he certainly is the eccentric type of guy, he is our resident hog wrangler here though." Meg said with a smile as she listened to here Bazhooli was from, she sadly never been there before. "Me and my twin brother Sid were originally from Atlanta born and raised there." Meg answered. "Then moved to London for a bit for college before all this happened I had just gotten home." Meghna answered as she watched Ashton grabbing two trays and then leaving the Mess Hall as she stood there Ms. Sally came over and smiled at the older lady. "That sounds like a great idea, we certainly need the little boost to morale after what had happened lately I'll be at the rec center if you do need me." Meg looked towards the Russian man. "Follow me Baz, and I can show you where you will be performing." Meg said.

As she started to turn around and headed out of the Mess Hall, Meg started walking down the sidewalk cutting in between one of the apartment buildings and headed along Jefferson St and eventually made it towards the Rec Center. Meg opened the door as she let Bazhooli into the building first. "It's not much, but we managed to pull somethings together to make it." Meg then took out her radio. "Hey Ash, it's Meg. I'm showing the new guy around currently at the rec center in case you need me." Meg then set the radio onto her hip again, she started walking around looking around for things that Bazhooli could use to entertain the people of Newnan with for the evening.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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building 2 (mess hall)

Niesha didn't know what to do, when Sophia kissed her. The warmth of Sophia's lips on hers, the taste that she couldn't quite describe, the simply closeness, the...the positive, almost comforting feeling of it against not all the recent troubles, but the last three years...She felt a warmth spreading through her body, from her chest, her heart, outwards towards her extremities made her feel like she was...coming alive. She returned Sophia's kiss, the young woman having very little experience in any such physical activities, and she was never good with words when it came to expressing herself.

Before Niesha could fully respond, Sophia had stepped away. She didn't want her to, and yet she couldn't make herself say anything, do anything. She watched Sophia run over to the pot, turning it off. She didn't know what attracted her to Sophia, but maybe that didn't matter. She swallowed, her mouth dry, and was very tempted to tag a swig of the distilled water, close at hand. She ran a hand through her hair, reaching back to tie it away from her face, to prevent any hair falling into the medicines she would be making.

She looked back to Sophia, "I like you, too. I...I'm not good at expressing myself like this..." She let out a slow breath, glancing to the medical supplies she had to make up, and back to Sophia. "This is probably going to take a while...I had an evening planned...I'm sorry. But I've at least got to get the Witch Hazel done" She felt like she would be disappointing Sophia, that after everything, she was just blowing her off. She didn't want her to think that.

"Would...would you stay? You don't have to...I just...With you being in the infirmary...the mess today turned out to be...I just...want to be with you"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

“I see...” Amelie replied when she was told that Ed was now under supervision by Lyon. This was indeed good news for a change. Having someone keep an eye on the bastard meant that Amelia could probably sleep better tonight, but the nagging sensation was still eating her from the inside. All the caution was meaningless for a single lucky moment he could have. A single moment would probably be needed for him to kill her if he decided to take a chance that might present itself in the future.

'For now I guess I will still be sleeping with my knife.' She nodded to herself as they walked and met Beni. She only nodded a greeting towards the leader of this place as he explained they were heading out to another settlement or something. At least that is what it should be judging by how people spoke of this Newnan place.

“Well... I guess I will go find myself a bed for tonight then.” Amelia finally said, turning to the man who showed her around.” Thank you for the help...” She added with a smile before starting to quickly head back to the place where she was shown the sleeping quarters were.

She really did feel tired now that she thought about it. All the things that happened today were just a little too much to take at one brief half a day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

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Jack Hudson

Location: Building F

Jack's eyes smiled before his face did, as he scooped Tatiana up and held her, as he spun them in a circle. He hadn't imagined that she would say yes, as much as he wanted her to. He couldn't let himself dare to envision it, and now, he felt foolish for his nerves and fears. The smile on Tatiana's face was the largest one he had ever seen, and his heart both leapt for joy and shattered at the same time.

"I call dibs on the weddin' dress," Jack joked. "I look damn fine in a hoop skirt." He let Tatiana down, but didn't let go of her, his body emotionally charged from the entire experience. She seemed to mirror him, the way her head was bobbing up and down frantically. "Jack Kohvo has a nice sound to it," he added, enjoying the little jest. He figured that Tatiana would somehow pull a gown out of her ballet slippers, but it didn't matter, the material things. All that mattered was that he could protect her for as long as he could, and then some.

"It was hahd to find a jewelah, so I improvised a bit with the ring," Jack explained, sliding it onto Tatiana's ring finger. "I can retie it if it gets too loose or somethin'."

Édouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)

Édouard cleaned up the blood and gore in the manner a child cleans their room. He shoved it around idly, constantly searching for a clock, in order to excuse himself. Each time he bent down, he fiddled with his shirt, ensuring that it looked entirely pristine. Anything he could do to postpone the task at hand, no matter how slightly, Édouard accomplished. In fact, it was for that very reason he was even speaking to Lyon.

"Elle Ă©tait comme une bĂȘte," Édouard countered. "Elle Ă©tait vielle peau." His parents had largely neglected him growing up, and he felt closer to the servants than to his parents. They were the source of his wealth and his legacy, and if anyone disparaged them, he would become enraged. Only Édouard was allowed to insult his parents and smear their name. "Mais elle est plus puissante que toi, encore en mort." He laughed a bit at it, a smug smile on his face.

To him, this was perhaps the easiest English lesson he had ever undergone. Lyon had said learning English would be his first lesson, and as Lyon himself said, scrubbing away the blood and guts would be Édouard's. They hadn't used a single English word, causing Édouard's spirits to soar. Perhaps if his own tutors had allowed him to play with human decay rather than learn English, he would have shown up to English lessons far more often. As Lyon started prattling on about himself, Édouard began to daydream, smearing the blood and gore in circles, rather than doing any cleaning.

In his mind, he was back on the open seas, living the life he was far more suited to. With his bodyguard and his sword, those waters could take him anywhere. He let out a sigh of contentment, thinking more about his time spent in Cyprus. Had his parents not dragged him back to Grenoble, he would have stayed there forever, and become one with the sea. "C'est charmant, mais il n'est pas une bonne façon de faire apprendre parler anglais." He snickered a bit, and as if to accent his point, quickly raised his sponge into the air dramatically. Unfortunately, some of the guts had become attached to the sponge, and as Édouard raised his arm, the guts flew directly at Lyon.

"DesolĂ©!" Édouard snickered, surprised and slightly pleased at the outcome.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic - "Yeah, well we are going to see what we can do about getting you some pain meds and some antibiotics. Beni is heading over to a place called Newnan. They have walls and a good settlement over there from what we can see. Hopefully we can make a trade and you will be able to get some sleep tonight," he says as he washes his hands up and shakes them off. "Just try to relax, get some liquids in you and if you need anything, just give one of us a call. I'll be back to check on you in a little bit." Turning he looks over towards Tiffany. "If he starts running a fever, come get me quickly. I'll be in the lunch room for a bit. Two halls over," he says before heading back out.

@rivaan - "Sure thing, if you need anything, just let anyone know," he says before turning back to Beni and speaking to him some more about the trip to Newnan that people were planning on taking. Back in her room, Peaches has followed her and jumps onto the small cot, wagging his tail this way and that, yipping every so often at her playfully as the pup pants happily. Things seem pretty calm and there is a couple of guys sitting outside her room in the hallway playing cards.

@Morose - Lyon ignores Ed for a bit, that is until the stuff starts coming at him. He moves quickly, faster than one would expect a man of his age to be able to. Before Ed knows it, his face is pressed to the table in the middle of the blood and bits of bone and flesh with his hands pinned against his back with one of Lyon's large hands and Lyon's other hand pressing his face into the gore. "You really need to learn your place," Lyon states in French before repeating himself in English. Shoving him slightly he steps back and crosses his arms over his chest. Shaking his head he continues in French. "You are now nor ever have been worth anything. If you want to die worthless, continue the way you are going. Or you can start earning your place in this world."

@Caits @Nallore - Miss Sally is still talking to the others and everything else is calm; other than the pot that is starting to come to a rolling boil and is starting to fizzle over the top of the pot, it sizzling at it hits the stoves surface.

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Building F (Tatiana's & Jack's Home)

Tatiana couldn't help but laugh and hug Jack tightly. Of course he would crack a joke and she had no doubt he would wear a dress if he thought it would make her smile. The thought alone made her giggle. "Ring is beautiful," she said softly as she reached up and cupped his cheeks in the palms of her hands, leaning up and placing a soft lingering kiss to his lips. Letting her lips slowly peel from his she sighed happily as she stood there with her eyes closed, rolling her lips in and savoring the taste he left on them. "Hope they have priest," she added as her eyes drifted open and smiled brightly up to him. She couldn't believe it. She hadn't ever through of marrying anyone before everything happened, and certainly hadn't over the last few years. Things were changing quickly and, even though it was odd to think about in this day and age, in a great way.

Swallowing slightly, Tatiana reached down and laced her fingers through Jacks. "Ve vill have to do chicken dance at reception," she laughed, biting her bottom lip slightly. Here, people were dying around them and they were getting engaged. It didn't seem fair but she wasn't going to dwell on it. This was a day and age where you had to grab happiness where you could and right then she had Jack.

"Ve should get back, have lot to do for tonight," she said finally after a long silence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry

She didn't expect to get all emotional with Raymond, but she couldn't help it. He was as close as she ever got with someone since she lost her fiance. Traveling with people before was essential, but she never wanted to get closer to anyone because the world now had a habit of taking them away without a moment's notice. Ray almost died anyway. However, she felt obligated to be with him through this. After all, she did take off his leg.

As the nurse came and went she acknowledged her role she had a thought. "Newnan? Must be another settlement set up. If they have things to trade they may be in just as good a shape, if not better, than this. Wonder how it is over there?" Having this knowledge in the back of her mind would be useful. You never knew when something would go wrong and if her last encounter with a school, it could be instantaneous.
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