Sana Rouen

Location: Building H -> Building E (South Apartments:E2)
Interacting With: Miss Sally
Sana got dressed quickly, pulling on a black pair of jeans and an olive green thermal. Using her hair dryer she got most of the damp out before shrugging on her worn leather jacket and heading to the back door. Grabbing her boots she shoved her feet into them and headed down the back stairs. She normally would have taken the tracks cut out int eh snow but she wanted to "wash" her boots, so she trudged through the snow, leaving Georgia red clay foot prints in it until she got into the inner wall near the north end of the medical garden.
Taking the street she figured they were good enough now. She needed to grab her dress from Miss Sally. The damn slit had split yesterday when she was trying it on and it needed a quick fix. Sana didn't to needle and thread as well as the old lady did so off it went to Newnan's resident "tailor."
At Miss Sally's the woman seemed to have a full house that morning, not that she was complaining. Each and every one of the young folks were like grandchildren to her now. It did her good to see them happy and ready for the day to come. "Ahh thank you Kris! Now, I just need the vanilla and we should be good to go," she said to Kris.
When Niesha came in she nodded and stood up, heading over to a lock box type safe in the corner of her room and pulling a key from around her neck. Somethings were still kept under lock and key. Honey was valuable and the kids liked to sneak into it. Miss Sally had found it best to keep where only she could get at it. Pulling out a mason jar of honey, a smaller one, with a bit of honeycomb in it she locked the rest back up and headed over to Niesha. "Make sure to lock it up with the meds otherwise it'll be gone before you know it," she told the resident pharmacist.
"And yes Jack, slip into the bathroom and try it on, want to make sure I got everything right," she told the young man as the door was knocked on again. Laughing to herself she shuffled over in her bunny slippers to answer the door personally this time only to see Tiffany standing there and Sana coming up the hallway.
"Come on in, we seem to have a pre reception happening in here right now. Tea?" she asked as eh let the two girls in.
Tatiana Korvo

Location: Building F - Living Room
Interacting With: Meg, Ceil
Tatiana closed the door once they were inside and smiled over at Ceil as he made himself about as comfortable as he seemed he would in her home. He was a titchy little thing, always seeming like he was sitting on pins and needles to her but in this world she couldn't blame him. She remembered how she was when she came to Newnan. Like a little bird who was scared of everything and barely saying a word to anyone.
Things had changed though. She was still that frightened little bird but being within the walls for months now, working to help, learning, getting to know the people, she was pretty at ease as of late and much bubblier than she had been when she arrived. People were not able to see the side of her that Jack had managed to bring out when they were alone. At least most were, she was still rather bird like around some. Dick being one of them. He never seemed to be open enough to let her settle in around him.
Ash was nearly the same way but there was something different about Ash than Dick. Ash just seemed closed off, Dick was well trying to be a Dick, so Ash got her affection. Like an older brother who had been beaten by bullies and now that he was no longer around them he didn't know exactly how to bring out the lighter side of himself. Oh well she would keep hugging the man until he cracked. He was getting better though, she wished Dick would.
Looking over at Meg she giggled.
"Afraid to put on yet. Vaiting until last minute. Still have to do hair and make-up. Vell vhat counts as make-up these days. Don't vant to stain dress but here," she said, locking the door quickly. Turning she rushed back to her bedroom and retrieved her dress, hanging it up in the archway before pulling the sheet gently off of it. The dress was hardly a traditional wedding dress but it was perfect for the little dove.
The dress was pale platinum, lace like with a fitted bodice that hugged her to the floor, whisping sheer fabric flared out from it moving like the wind around her as she ran her fingers over it. On one breast in the light color fabric was a cut out of a bird and a sheer cover draped over here her shoulders would be to her waist. When she had found it she had fallen in love, even though it was too big but Miss Sally tackled it, relacing and rebeading it as needed to draw it in and make it fit Tatiana like it was made for her.
"I cannot viat but I so nervous, butterflies," she said turning back to her best friend.
Ryan O'Reliy

Location: Building 4 (Repair Shop - Out Front)
Interacting With: Dick, Chloe
Ryan nodded to people as they entered the Repair shop, hearing Dick give the answer he expected he would. The man was an ass but Ryan didn't say anything right then. Slipping the four leaf clover into his back pocket before pulling out a pack of smokes he had found on his last run outside of the wall. Wrestled it off a walker, well not so much wrestled. More like wrestled the Walker, killed it, then raided the dead mans pockets.
Beni headed into the front of the shop, he knew better than to yell at Dick even if he wanted. Yelling just riled Dick up and made him lash out. The last thing they needed that day was a brawl in the middle of the streets. Peaches yipped about and ran off after Beni, keeping close to his heel.
Leaning his head against the wall, he lit one of the cigarette's, a valuable and rare item in the city. It was like finding Chocolate or Coffee these days. Looking down at the pack Ryan did something that wasn't like him. Or maybe it wasn't. Slipping the pack back into his pocket he leaned into the shop, poking his head in and grinning with the lit cigarette between his lips.
"Well that's a damn shame. I saw the dress Sana found for the reception," he said before letting out a long whistle as he pulled the smoke from his lips and rubbed his chin.
"Will be showing off them legs of hers tonight and the heels.... Oh man, be a shame not have any music for her to shake her ass to," Ryan added before taking another long puff from his smoke and wandering off.
Spotting Chloe coming out of the infirmary he grinned widely and dashed over to her with his cigarette in hand.
"Well aren't you looking beautiful as usual, found something for ya," he said before pulling out the pack. Taking half of the remaining ones he held them out to her.
Over on the wall Jim saw Bryn heading up and take a look at the redneck mobile. He was hoping everyone was too busy getting ready for the wedding to be up at the gate to ask any questions. Why she was up there in the first place was was a little odd. Maybe she was just bored. He wasn't surprised by the question of visitors with the vehicle sitting there but at the half about a new project, he wondered where that came from. They normally didn't keep their vehicles under armed guard and there were two standing there who had actually closed ranks when Bryn approached to keep her a good distance from it.
"The first one," Jim said looking over to her before radioing in his half hourly all clear to Jack then hearing it go off on the second radio on his belt. "Oh fuck, forgot I had Jcks radio since I have to do Security lead today," Jim laughed and shook his head.