In their first ever city-wide broadcast, Ditch has mentioned a father. (More to come IC.)
No one knows Ditch's true face. If they ever broadcast their face, it's hooded with a skeleton mask. You can hardly even tell their gender, because they muffle their voice using audio software.
Method of Operation:
Ditch has never been seen in the flesh. They are known to stop crimes through technology, and though it is unknown if they have superpowers, most assume. Any cyber crimes, or crimes that are committed through the use of technology, are almost always stopped by Ditch. Someone sending an email with launch codes? Never sends, deleted from the system. Bank accounts being drained by hackers? Oh, looks like your computer's fried. Every time they stop a crime, a message pops up on the closest tech item, saying, "Looks like you're stuck. -Ditch." Through doing this, the name Ditch has become very well known. Only once has Ditch broadcasted to every screen in the city, warning them of Umbra.
Levi stands at about the average height for his age. He has a striking accent, but not many people know off since he tries to seldom speak. The most unique and odd feature of Levi is his striking amber-yellow eyes as if they could see right through your psyche. He also has raven-black hair that makes him somewhat stand out. If you remove his mask, there are many scars eskewn on his jawline. Despite this, his looks seem to attract alot of women, particularly because of his eye color, but also because of his 'good looks.'
He tends to wear dark clothing, with a bit of white underneath everything. His most distinct feature that people would notice is his peculiar gas mask, which doesn't even follow the traditional gas mask as it's somewhat sliced in half and only covers the lower part of his face. This odd gas mask works just like a normal gas mask, filtering out gases and the like. Said mask has scratches all over, and is also a matches the black theme of his 'hero' outfit.
Method of Operation:
His fighting style mainly consists of speed and agility. He uses his electricity to augment his speed and to imbue his Kukris and anything else with electricity. He is methodical and technical rather than brute and raw strength.
Levi doesn't really care if his identity is known to the masses, since the ones who cared and loved for him is dead. The general public know him mostly as an anti-hero, he gets the job done. Because of this attitude of his there is a sort of fear laced amongst the rumours about him with the populace.
Levi, by definition, is damaged. He has a cynical outlook on life and always believe that someone- even heroes, have an agenda. In fact he thinks that heroes are as much of a plague as villains as they have some sort of hidden meaning to their 'good doings.' This mean he has disdain for most- if not all, heroes.
He prefers to work alone, and if needed will work with others to achieve a goal, albeit begrudgingly. His disdain for life also extends to himself, he loathes himself more than anything. He blames himself for everything wrong that goes wrong for if he's out doing something.
He values people who he himself deems as incorruptible, but this is seldom and far in between. Levi believes that there are a few actual 'good' people on this earth. Because of this trait of his, he hasn't delved into the realm of villains. He's not above helping people, and will try to help them silently if there are no heroes around to help them.
As for his battle sense, he is a gifted tactician and strategist, able to make a plan when fighting enemies and tries to identify their weaknesses. He never underestimates his enemy, as he is unconsciously humble and believes that even the most mundane and normal person can beat and surpass the strongest hero. Because of this he trains tenaciously and always believes that he will never outdo his inadequate skill.
When you become acquainted with him, it's difficult to crack his shell, but underneath he is somewhat nice, as taught by his sister, and always helps others out. Another reason he hasn't become a psychopath was because of the light that was his sister.
Electricity Manipulation, also his lightning is a dark amber-yellow, like his eyes. Electrokinesis is the psychic power to manipulate energies, electrical currents, and generate electricity with the mind. Users are able to conduct, generate and manipulate a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) which give the user control over electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and electromagnetism.
Levi can freely manipulate electricity as he wishes.
Static aura: Lightning cascades and crackles around Levi, giving him an intimidating air/aura. It can also be directed towards enemies or objects. Levi tends to unconsciously keep this 'move' on, especially when he's wearing the mask.
Imbue: While not a move per se, he tends to imbue the weapon(s) he uses with electricity, that makes them solidify and harder to break, while also giving a numbing feeling of electricity jolting through you.
Lightning's indignation: He pulses electricity through his right hands and slams the ground, breaking said ground and lightning travelling through the floors in a cone infront of Levi.
Thunder's gait: Each of Levi's step is augmented with Lightning, allowing him to travel great distances easily. His speed is augmented as well, allowing him to fight toe-to-toe with the fastest combatants.
Water can short circuit his powers, he is also not the 'tanky', meaning he can't handle hits as good as much as other strength based heroes can, but he can take a few. Because most of his skills are oriented towards speed, he lacks in the other areas, but tries and makes up for it in training.
Likes reading and cooking in his spare time, as he has to feed himself. He is also a master of gathering information and 'extracting' them out of key people, albeit, painfully.
Two Kukris- Silver and Aegis. Small concealed knives around his body.
Levi was born to two non-descript parents, whom he never really had known as they died of unknown causes when Levi was only a few years of age. The only figure he knew of, and loved is his siter, Jaine Lynn. She was the one who practically raised Levi, because of this, he has had a never ending adoration for her. They lived a hard life but they never really detested his position, instead humbly accepting it. His sister took many jobs to try and make money so that they can get through the day, Levi soon took jobs when he was legally possible to.
Until that happened. At the ripe age of 12. The day was cloudy and cold, out of the norm as the day was warm and sunny. Levi was walking to his new found job- a simple dishwasher at some restaurant. As the air grew colder, the light turned to darkness. Levi had been knocked out and then dragged into a van by dark clothed individuals and drove away.
By the time Levi came to he was on a metal table. He had a gag on and he was tightly strapped against the cold, metallic table. He was in a dark room, the only lights coming from the two lamps above him. Doctors with masks and glasses that glistened against the light, preventing Levi from seeing their eyes, were all around him, silently whispering amongst themselves while writing things on their clipboards.
What looks to be the head scientist walked up to him, "Hello subject 627, you will be our human test subject for Project E.H.L.M." the doctor said, a frigid and aloof voice, "I see that look in your eyes, but you will thank us for activating the evolution of mankind within you, infact you should be grateful."
After that, Levi became privy to days upon days of 'tests.' They coursed lightning and electricity through his body each day, all the sessions taking many hours. His screams echoed throughout the dark room. It seemed like the room was sound proof- otherwise someone would have heard his agonized and bloodcurdling screams. The tests would stop a few times, and he was allowed to catch his breath for give minutes. After each day, he was escorted by stoic people in uniforms to his cell. They would throw food in there, which Levi would scramble to it.
After a few months, they would find little to no result in Levi's 'tests', he would have not been able to manipulate electricity as they expected. This had made the tests three times worst than before, and when even that didn't work, push came to shove. Soon after, he opened his eyes after hours of tests, and he found his sister standing infront of him, her eyes filled with fear and worry. Levi tried to scream but it was all for naught as it was muffled. They began torturing his sister infront of him, in an attempt to stimulate something within him. Through eye filled tears he tried to struggle free. The restraints were too tight, but he struggled anyway, the restraints now lightly tearing his skins.
His struggles were cut short, as his sister's body fell to the floor, blood budding all around her. Levi stood there shocked, and something in his eyes snapped. His eyes glowed yellow, and electricity began to dance around his body. The scientists were all overjoyed, but they did not expect his power to be that strong. The lightning had burnt the restraints off, and with tears dripping out of his eyes, lightning crackling strongly around him, he released an outburst of lightning that reached and touched all the surrounding people around him. Their bodies soon dropped, and their eyes into the back of their heads.
The head scientist cowered in a corner, Levi turned his head slightly towards him as he was turned around. His scowl deepening, as lightning silently sizzled around him. He started walking towards him, his eyes wreathing with anger and pure rage. He stepped infront of the cowering scientist, "We- We made you, the next iteration of humanity!" he said, shaking in genuine fear, "Don't- Don't kill me, I- I CREATED YOU, YOU MONSTER." Levi silently watched him tremble in fear, he raised his hands and made lightning run through it. He stabbed the scientist through his chest, instantly killing him.
He promptly went infront of his dead sisters body, not even being able to hear her final words. He dropped down and began softly sobbing on her body. After many hours of sobbing, he began loathing himself- not being powerful enough and warranting his sister's death. He got up, and carried her body outside. After making a ways away, he made a grave for her. Which he visits alot.
Levi after his years of investigating those 'scientists' had figured out they kidnap humans who have the potential to have latent superpowers not yet present and gouge them out rather forcibly.
Theme Song:
I'll add this soon, when I find the appropriate song
Penchant for stargazing, and general normal hobbies for some reason. We're not normal!
Name: Valencia Matthews Quote:One day, I'm sure I'll wake up from this and laugh. Alias:Graffiti Age: 24 Gender: Female Family: Foster Parents: Joe and Kyra Matthews. Occupation: Former Police Scientist Recruit. Appearance:
Valencia as 'Graffiti' The hoodie worn in this costume has a special dye that reacts to the light, by focusing her powers she can either have the colours settle and go thick and dark to blend in with the shadows or she she can excite the chemicals to glow neon. Underneath the hoodie is a stab proofvest. She usually also wears a rucksack which holds extra spray paint and various other items.
Before receiving her powers, Valencia would typically wear skater wear on the weekends or hiking gear on holidays. But while in the recruitment process for the Police Science division she would always dress smart in shirts and dress pants for work, although she hated how boring the attire was, She would always wear a CitySick brand streetwear t-shirt underneath her white dress shirt as to feel a bit more normal in such an enviroment. Since her job has ended she regularly wears flanel shirts and shorts when out and about.
Valencia is 5'4 and 112 pounds.
Superpower: Ironically, Graffiti's powers have nothing to do with paint. Her actual only superpower is to control air pressure in a short space around her. On its own the power is fairly weak, she can only use it against enemies when in closequarters which is dangerous, and the air pressure manipulation is only strong enough to knock a few grown men off their feet with air burst up close. She can also make breathing for others difficult or impossible by manipulating the air pressure in their lungs, but this can only be done up-close and personal. She can make her close combat moves slightly more effective by increasing velocity of the air of where shes attacking and also use air bursts to 'air dash' quickly in directions to evade attacks or run faster in her own personal slipstream, though this takes massive concentration.
Equipment Graffiti becomes an effective vigilante when she combines her power with her equipment, her 'spray paint' is actually made up of chemicals she stole from the police science department before she was fired. He chemical knowledge has allowed her to make weaponised or gadgetised paint.
The blue spray paint is a strong tear gas which is used to disorentate opponents.
The yellow spray paint is a sleeping gas which can knock out weak opponents, or make stronger ones, drowsy and slow
The orange spray paint is an extremely high pressure propellent gas, with combined with Graffiti's powers she can use as 'Jetpack Cans' to take off and fly for a limited amount of time as long as the can has the gas. (two full cans can keep her flying for about 20 mins)
The Green spray paint is an acid, that when focused can burn through solid structures over a span of time. for something like a brick wall she would have to use the entire can and wait a few minuites for the acid to eat through. This is mainly used as in infiltration tool.
On top of these cans she carries the 'paintball gun' (pictured) which fires paint balls filled with a super powerful adhesive glue. The velocity of these shots is not actually dictated by the very weak paintball gun (made to look like a submachine gun for intimidation) but by Graffiti's own air pressure powers which she can use to alter the power and speed of each shot mentally.
Abilities and Skills:
Outisde of her powers, Valencia is very good shape due to her athletic and active lifestyle and physical training in the police. She is trained in the use of basic firearms although she only really ever uses her paintball gun. Has very in depth understanding of chemicals and radical science. She is also extremely streetwise and can hold her own in a fight although she has never formally trained in any martial arts outside of a crash combat course in the police.
Biography: Valencia was left on the doorstep of a foster parents agency at the age of 1, in Millennium City. Her mother, who was 17 at the time was an illegal immigrant from Italy who was escaping an abusive much older boyfriend who she fell pregnant by. She left a note on the doorstep simply saying: 'Please look after my Valencia, I am too young to care for her'.
The baby was then taken into the care system and placed with the Matthews' a young but strict catholic couple living in a lower middle-class area of the city. She was raised with care but not love, her parents never saw her as their own and she rejected the catholic girls school she sent them to. Which lead her to become somewhat rebellious. She then embraced the 'Skater/Graffiti' lifestyle and began skipping school around the age of 17. She also started dating the local burnout slacker Mark Kruger. Mark was a drug addict mainly known for sniffing substances and wasting the entire day smoking pot and dodging college. He dragged Valencia into his loser lifestyle and her grades suffered. She was very much in love with him until he began stealing from her to fund his drug habit at which point she got her life together and promptly left him. She then became passionate about chemistry as to further understand his substance addiction. She then decided to take up a career in police science.
At the age of 23 on her first week on the force. She got a call from her Ex boyfriend Mark who told her he was off drugs now and doing a law degree. He wanted to meet her to congratulate her getting a new job and apologize for his behavior as a teen. Although she was very shocked to hear from him she was happy that he seemed to have turned his life around, so she agreed to meet him after work outside the lab.
Unfortunately, Mark was lying about everything he not only hadn't quit drugs he was now a dealer and dangerous criminal. He knew that the precinct held many chemicals and contraband drugs that Valencia's keycard could get him into. So upon their 'date' Mark and several gang members attack Valencia and forced her to let them into the chemical lab with her. Holding her as a hostage while the subdued the nightwatch guard and began to ransack the place. In the frenzy of the robbery Mark knocked over a shelf of dangerous chemicals which caused a powerful explosion which killed everyone in the room except Valencia who was breathing irregularly surrounded by a strong gale of wind even though they were indoors.
After the incident, Valencia was cleared of any involvement but left the police due to trauma of the event. She would then return to the skater lifestyle focusing on artwork and started working at a spraypaint store, but she couldnt find peace of mind, she was still angry with Mark and his criminal behaviour so she began a secret life as vigilante, using her newfound air pressure abilities to take on criminals (specifically chemical drug pushers) as a character of her former life, the mysterious Graffiti!
Theme Song:
Ditch:Fairly Negative Due to Valencia's large ego, and defiant personality, shes never going to take to an authority figure well on a social level. Graffiti operates her Vigilante career as her own boss and prefers it that way. She is also a little unnerved at determined Ditch is to take down the new criminal threat. Most vigilantes are motivated by fame, anger or money, but Ditch is different. Graffiti doesnt quite know what to expect.
Levi ' Sir Zappy' Lynn:Very Negative Graffiti fears Levi, and feels his powers aren't in check. He has one of the most powerful abilities and seems to emotionally cold to be a force for good. After their confrontation she feels she has a lot to prove as a vigilante with a somewhat weaker power and will now act irrationally all for the sake of 'not backing down'
RavenTale:Indifferent Graffiti doesn't trust most vigilantes and RavenTale is no exception, she hasnt made her mind up about the summoner yet, but finds 'magical' superpowers very creepy. She blames her Catholic upbringing for that paranoia.
Omega:Slightly Positive Omega was one of the very first Vigilantes that Graffiti heard about when she was still in the police. His good deeds are well documented and even the news media are fairly easy on him, especially compared to other supers in the city. She still finds him too mysterious but is generally convinced he's a genuine heroic figure.
Turn Back:Indifferent A pretty boy with an interesting super power. Graffiti hasn't mad any attempt to get to know this man yet and hasn't come to any conclusions about him yet.
Wraith:Slightly Positive For some reason, a lot of the criminals who Graffiti fights have also encountered Wraith so she knows the young woman is picking the right targets. Nothing about Wraiths personality bothers Graffiti in anyway and she seems to just be motivated by a general duty to fight crime, which Graffiti can only respect.
Reaper:indifferent Much like Turn Back, Graffiti knows next to nothing about this lady apart from random blog posts and the odd news cover. She acknowledges that she is one of the more dangerous individuals in the group and is in no hurry to get on her bad side.
Ecto:Positive Graffiti isn't sure why, but she finds Ecto very easy to get on with and is also fascinated by his powers as she has always had a small obsession with ghost lore. She would never admit it, but she trusts Ecto because she wants to trust him. He's a down to earth guy who just so happen's to be a hero. Which is what Valencia feels that a vigilante should be.
Tank:Fairly Positive Graffiti has worked with Tank in the past before and is generally convinced he is a good man if not a little reckless. She is also very much convinced by his powers working well in battle after seeing him take down a whole criminal conspiracy in one evening. Within the group Tank seems the most cautious about jumping into a 'super team' head first and that mirrors Graffiti's own reservations. She may like Ecto more as a person, but she trusts Tank the most out of everyone.
Black Rose:Fairly Negative She trusts Black Rose about as far as she could airburst her. Graffiti doesn't acknowledge her abilites as 'super' so she has instantly made her mind up that she is a pretender, a pretty outsider who wants to play hero. It also doesn't help that she's seen no media coverage on Black Rose which makes Graffiti wonder if she even fights crime at all, or has just decided to start now that a group has been put together. The rest of the team seem to be happy to trust Ditch's judgement on picking heroes. But she doesn't trust Ditch anymore than Black Rose.....
Quote:"One should never fear the dark. Just enjoy the light you have left."
Alias: Raven tale Age: 22 Gender: female Family: Father: Rick Lorell, Mother: Sarah Lorell Occupation: Horse trainer and olympic rider.
Aurora is seen to be a beauty. With a lean build and fair skin standing in at around 5,2. Her eyes are what really set her apart besides the snowy form. Red and clouded as though in a veil of mist she almost always keeps them closed due to being bullied as a child. Many saying they are unnerving to look at.
Method of Operation: No one knows that its truly her. Those that have gained her help have only seen the creatures that she calls forth. Usually beasts from mythology that have few features. If shes forced to be seen she stays silent, trying to keep her age and gender a secret. If anyone found out who she was, the world would find out everything about her in minutes. Instead she uses her tour as a way to keep her location foggy. Being a world and Olympic rider, she has been to all corners of the world. Each one earning a job or two from her. Her method of transportation is a horse she had conjured herself, what she sees as the only link one could give her. Still she reminds herself that she should never get involved with things too big, but the chance to use her abilities has always been too tempting.
Superpower: Aurora has the ability to conjure beasts from stories she has read or been told. Using a leather bound journal as a catalyst to recite the right lines to call forth her companions. She found that the larger impact a story holds to her, the easier it is to call her creatures. Though strange enough she has found that it is more difficult to create that which is already in this world. Being able to make a wraith she has massive difficult in creating a bird. Many would think this ability is limitless. Sadly Aurora must read or hear the tale in which her conjure is being made from. Even than she can't always make them unless it had a impact on her in some way. Because of this she has a habit of asking others for stories. Any kind hoping that she could advance her abilities further. Her biggest weakness is that this only works when she has a sound mind and when the book is open. Growing up taming thousand pound animals has made her difficult to frighten. But if she falls pray to fear, the companions she had called would turn on her. If her book is closed her train of thought would break, causing the creatures to disperse and leave her side.
Skills: an amazing horse back rider, her hearing is better than most. Memory is above average. Shes been told that her voice is rather calming due to her nature. Shes also had a good chance of catching a lie so long as it's spoken.
Equipment: Book of tales.
Every story is written in Braille. Because of this she keeps it hidden from view and no one has yet to look through it's pages. If someone found out what was inside than the trail would be short in finding out that Aurora is the owner.
Personality: Aurora is a seeker of knowledge. Someone who needs to know things small and large. Heavy and light. This was due to the fact that she was born blind, growing up with being sheltered and lead around she found herself growing tired of the treatment quickly. Even though she would have a pilot smile when someone offers to take her hand or tell her where something is, she would find herself loathing on the inside. Wanting to be as independent as she can be. Pushing herself to be better at what she dose to prove to those around her that she dose not need her eyes in order to live her life. She thinks that many who help her do it not for herself, but so they could feel better. Thinking that they would be a hero for a small moment, she can not stand the thought of being a tool used in someone's self need to feel important. And thus it has only added to her independence.
Yet even with the quite demands of independence, Aurora is a calming presence. Soft spoken shes not one to raise her voice. When it comes to her friends, she is usually the one to end a fight with words alone. Comforting others when they are in need not using sayings of encouragement, but sitting at their side in silence. She had an interesting habit though. When in good company she tends to speak in riddles, thinking that it's due to the stories she obsesses over, she tries her best to keep it under wraps. Even so, those who she calls friends will tell her she slipped back into her odd way of speaking. Her greatest fear is being in absolute silence, she also tends to tap her finger on her cane. Sound is her greatest asset and without it she turns into a shell of her usual self. Fumbling over words and sometimes not able to use her powers safely.
Biography: Aurora was born into the business of horses. Her father a trick rider and her mother a cross country racer, the two were a power house in the horse world. Before she was even born they were getting her ready with what style and what horse she would ride, only for their dreams to be crushed when they saw her for the first time. A tiny albino who's retinas never even developed leaving her blind.
yet that did not stop the girl from living up to her family's potential. She became connected with the animals that her family made a living from. Every fall she went through, she would stand from, no injury would ever scare her away. The feeling of power a horse would give was too great to leave. Where in any other situation she would be led around and treated like a child. In the arena she was expected to handle things herself and for once she herself could be the leader. At age six she was competing in not only trick riding, but cross country and dressage. Having a love for the stories that her mother would read her. Aurora began to print Braille in her own journal, often reading them out loud to her horse. After all, he was the only one that could deal with a 13 year old speaking for hours at a time. Sleeping in the stalls with her books clutched in hand the journal only grew thicker, and heavier. Till eventually the words she recited caused the animal to spook. Thrashing in the box and causing her to scramble out, screams of rage and fear ringing through the stable. Before she knew it her parents were at her side, asking her what was wrong yet whatever had caused the damage was gone. Again and again it had happened, each time with her reading. Its taken her two full months to find out that the cause of her horse’s spooking was the conjuration of creatures from her own words. Her own abilities.
Another idea that she could gain independence she began to work. Conducting experiments to figure out the rights and wrongs of her abilities. Its taken her years to find things out on her own. By the time she was 17 she was a competitor in the Olympics. Finally a chance where she was away from those who thought she needed them. All she needed was her book and her cane. Once walking through the stable halls at night. Checking her companion to make sure their first run in the Olympics would be fine. Yet as she opened the door she found something was wrong. Her stallion named Beauty in a Shadow, was gone.
Her first thought was to contact the security to find him. Fear gripping her mind she could still remember the sweat that ran down her palms as she gripped her cane. Yet when she clicked it on the stone ground she made up her mind. Her book in hand she ran her finger across the pages. "With eyes made for night, and fire as fierce as a devil's light. He tracked down hunters of his land. And made them swear he could never stand." The sound of light feet pattering next to her she found a smile on her lips when the sound of a ragged fox was found at her side. To her eyes there was blank. Yet to anyone who saw it was a fox with two tails, told in Japanese lore to be the devil in a different skin, with eyes of lit green and a scroll strapped to it's back. "Find Beauty." It was all she said, and it was all she needed to. That night she took matters into her own hands as the fox lead her through the halls. Away from the stable and out to the parking lot to hear the half drugged screams of her stallion.
That night something snapped, she no longer used her abilities to gain a smile as she called forth a crimson wraith from the tale "a wife in the bog." The gut wrenching shrieks and screams rang true to her ears. the creature she chosen playing on their fear, having them see a different story as it led them away, leaving her stallion. she never been so frightened for her horse in her life. Ever since she vowed to make sure that nothing like that would happen to another creature. To another ride, another person, so long as she could help it. She knew it was not just for others though, she never felt so needed until that moment. Like she could actually do something outside her own family. That she could accomplish something on her own. Its difficult for her still, not even her parents know about her second hobby. Her father even looks at those with powers in fear.
At age 18 she ended up moving out. She couldn't risk her family finding out that she was Raven's Tale. Shes done everything to keep that name down. To keep herself hidden so that they would never find out it was her. What if she gained a enemy? What if someone wanted her hurt and they found out that the one they were after was just a blind woman who lived alone? She was living a dangerous game. And yet, even still as she told herself over and over again that she was playing with fire. She could not stop. The sense of power too intoxicating, the thankful words too well received. She still competes in competitions, but Aurora still finds herself with a smile on her lips whenever she would hear that someone was saved by a strange beast. She just hopes that the day when she finds herself in deep water would come later. Much, much later.
"We are not normal."
Theme outside of battle: battle theme:
A friesian stallion who she named Loki as a barn name he was registered as Beauty in Shadow. He's the only living creature who knows Aurora has abilities.
Occupation: Coming from a family who manages their finances pretty well, Manny makes his money work for him, giving him time to train most days. He does, however, help his father with his construction business quite often, taking care not to reveal their relation.
Appearance: Manny is 5'9” and about 185lbs. He has a muscular build but isn't massively buff. He does like to show off his arms, so most of his wardrobe is short sleeved or sleeveless.
His ‘hero’ wear consists of a black jumpsuit (loose like clothing, not tight like a leotard) with no sleeves and a large cowl neck; a tank top under the jumpsuit (varying colors); fingerless gloves the same color as the tank top; a leather belt; black boots; and aviator goggles.
Method of Operation: His home base is in a secret location, but he can usually be found cruising the rooftops, surveilling the city from above. He has enough cooperation with the authorities that he hasn't been arrested yet. Since he can easily take out larger groups, he usually looks out for gang activity.
Superpower: Gravity Manipulation Manny can alter his own gravity or the gravity of a given area, the largest being about the size of a school gymnasium. He also uses a few gravity-based attacks. Specific abilities include:
Upforce/Downforce: decrease/increase the effect of the planet's gravity in a specific area Force Push/Pull: repel/attract objects using force (precision is somewhat limited) Concussive Blast: emit a burst of force in single direction Zero Point Gravity: can attract all matter within a small area to a single point in space Personal Gravity Manipulation/Gravity Aura: can alter the effects of gravity on himself enhancing his jumping ability, allowing him to walk on walls/ceilings, and giving him levitation and gliding abilities (though he can't technically ‘fly’). He also uses this power to land harder strikes when fighting and repel things like bullets (he has to be consciously doing this; he's not bulletproof).
Manny is limited to the amount of alteration happening at one time. This includes area of effect, the strength of the alteration, and the amount of time the area is affected.
Reckless use of his power can also cause a good bit of collateral damage, so he has to be careful when affecting the gravity of something other than himself.
Skills: Since his vigilante work involves frequent contact with bad guys, Manny has become a skilled fighter. He trains at several different gravity levels and, at times, with weighted clothing. He also has very good parkour skills. Also, thanks to his father, he knows a good bit about construction.
Equipment: Aviator goggles - altering gravity can sometimes loosen up a lot of floating particles Music player - never goes anywhere without his music Bulletproof vest - for days when he's feeling particularly unlucky, but he's not always wearing one (he goes up against a lot of gangs)
Personality: Being born a super has given Manny a thick skin when it comes to negativity. He doesn't let many things bother him and humbly recognizes his superiority over humans. He understands the human disdain for supers: some are jealous, some scared, others are just put off by the abnormal. As a matter of fact, he has a certain animosity himself for supers who misuse or abuse their powers. Jeopardizing innocent lives is wrong no matter what a person's genetic code happens to be.
Manny likes adventure and exploration, and living in Millennium City ensures he's never bored. Having powers gives him freedom from a normal human lifestyle and using those powers for good gives him a sense of purpose.
When faced with a challenge, he is confident in his abilities but still errs on the side of caution. He knows how to stay level-headed in most situations, seeing panic and doubt as surefire ways to fail.
Manny tends to keep people in the neutral zone until he sees their true nature. He prefers independence, but still cooperates with others if necessary. He likes to crack a joke or two, whether or not the humor is appreciated. Since Manny has earbuds permanently attached to his head, he tends to quote a lot of lyrics and sing/hum to himself.
Biography: Manny grew up just outside Millennium City. His father, Richard, owns a construction company which started locally and moved into the city when business grew, and his mother, Sonya, works at the local children's hospital. His parents met in high school and married soon afterward. Sonya revealed her power to Richard a little after they got engaged which she was certain would drive him away, but he was only upset that she hadn't mentioned it sooner. This may had only been because she had a ‘good’ power, but to this day, he claims that it was because of ‘true love’. His mother has the ability to physically heal people with her singing voice.
Sonya had to pretty much beg for children, the second being an easier sell because the first didn't have powers. Richard's human genes apparently dominated in Manny’s older brother, Ellis, so Manhattan is the only child of theirs with powers. Growing up, Sonya helped Manny develop his powers while always urging him to keep it to himself. He didn't quite understand why he had to be so secretive when his mom used her powers for work, but she always told him he would get it one day.
When ‘one day’ came, Manny was in his late teens and he decided to pack up his things and move into the city. His parents reluctantly let him go, reminding him that the city was dangerous even for a super, and especially for a teenager, but they couldn't change his mind. He needed a place to freely explore his powers, and he promised to never get his family involved or even reveal his relation to them (in case he gained some enemies).
Manny took to the city pretty well and spent a lot of time exploring, but he didn't really get serious about being a vigilante until his brother was injured in a fire caused by a pyrokinetic. Ellis ended up trapped underneath some fallen rubble, and even though Manny was able to rescue him, Ellis was paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair. At that moment, Manhattan dedicated himself fully to ridding the city of crime and finding the person responsible for his brother's injury.
Theme Song: Weapons of Mass Distortion - The Crystal Method
Family: Mother (Deceased), Father, Emma Graves (Sister).
Occupation: Office assistant
Tall at 6'1" and lithe, Jason is what many would describe as lanky. He has above average strength for his size, but not of any surprising strength. His face is hard beyond his years, his brow in an almost perpetual furrow. His icy blue eyes seem to pierce into ones soul, and he keeps his black hair combed back close to his head. His left hand is a prosthetic, one of the new models that link to the users nervous system and respond in a similar manner to a real hand.
Jason wears business-type button-up shirts and nice ties for his day job, however once the sun sets it's a very different story. Jason changes from a 'mild-mannered' office person to a darkly-dressed vigilante. He wears a tight black shirt and loose-fit dark jeans. He wears a black glove on his right hand, and has steel-toed boots. Method of Operation: Jason tends to leap into the middle of a fray, getting into fights with criminals at the drop of a hat. He often allows himself to be hit several times near the beginning of a fight, both to lull his opponents into a sense of security, and to build up his own power. Once he starts to fight back, he uses a folding staff to gather momentum, going for the head, the gut, the knees, any weak point he thinks he can exploit.
Superpower: Kinetic absorbtion and redistribution.
Jason has the ability to absorb and redirect and kinetic energy that he is aware of coming into contact with him. This manifests ina few different ways, as listed below.
Enhanced Stamina
By reabsorbing the energy expended while walking or running, Jason can go much further than the normal person without needing to stop for rest. This is not indefinite however, as some energy is lost with each step.
Limited Invulnerability
So long as Jason is aware of physical attacks made against him, he can absorb the energy of the blow without it harming him. This includes bullets.
Energy Storage/Redirection
Jason can store any kinetic energy absorbed within his body or any object he touches as excess potential energy, to be used as extra force. For example, if he is hit by someone, he can store the energy of that hit into his staff to hit them back with the strength of the staff, and the force they had originally hit him with.
The energy conversion used by Jason is unstable, making any stored energy equally unstable. If he stores the energy for too long, it will begin to entropy, with explosively catastrophic results. This weakness enhances in both speed and power the more energy is absorbed. For example, the force of an apple hitting his head could lie dormant for weeks or months before detonating, but the power of a train could only be held for a few minutes. In addition to this, Jason is not immune to damage taken from unknown sources, he must be aware of an enemy in order to use his powers to defend himself.
Skills: Jason has learned how to fight, though not in any particular style. More the 'jump and run' tactics young gang members often use on the streets, with the major exception being: Jason doesn't run.
Jason has an above-average understanding of technology, and can familiarize himself with a new computer quite quickly.
Jason is a mediocre baseball player.
Equipment: Folding staff, tucked into a back pocket. Cell phone. Steel-toed boots. A handful of metal nuts
Personality: Jason is often cold upon his first meeting. He keeps very professional and businesslike, often not exchanging many words at all. Once he begins to warm up to a person however, another side of him comes out. Jason will begin smiling and joking more, enagaging in conversation and sharing stories of his life. He doesn't have many people he would consider a friend, but those he does he would give his life for.
Enemies, on the other hand, see a completely reversed Jason. They see someone who will sit and take a beating, any punishment they can dole out while laughing in their face. Criminals know fear as Turn Back begins to taunt them as he gets up and uses the force of their own blows to beat them senseless. Those who seek to do him harm see a cold, hard face with an icy stare before a booted sole darkens their vision, sometimes for the last time.
Biography: Jason was born into a poor immigrant family from Europe, who wanted nothing more than to see their boy become a famous American baseball player (Which is, of course, the American dream). His life was dominated by the sport, from playing catch with his father in the back yard using stones when they couldn't afford a new ball, to joining a local little league team as soon as he was big enough. Jason't family had always been low on money, but his mother and father managed to scrape together everything Jason needed for the team. Unfortunately, it seemed Jason was doomed to a life of mediocre sports talent. He never really shone on the field, making a few nice plays and a good hit here or there, but not reaching the standards his parents hoped he would.
Jason's life changed for the first time at the age of 12. During one of the final baseball games of the season, he stood a bit too close to the plate in an all-planned effort to hit the ball with more force. His left hand was struck by the pitch, a fastball right to his knuckles, though Jason felt no pain. He soon forgot the incident however, until a week or two later, when his hand began to ache. Not able to afford a doctor, his parents looked at it, said it seemed fine, and wrapped it with soft cloth, to try and sooth the paid. Soon after, Jason's hand exploded in a flash of purple, the decaying energy from the baseball weeks prior finally taking its toll. The family was introduced to one of the facets of the 'American Dream'; privatized healthcare. The bills from the hospitals, all the tests done, and getting even the cheapest prosthetic they could find all but bankrupted the family. Each parents was forced to take another job just to survive, and that was when Jason's life changed again.
Late one night, walking home form work in an attempt to save money on bus fare, Jason's mother was jumped by a group of muggers. Desperately trying to defend her hard-earned money, she fought back against her attackers, who decided it was easier to simply pull a knife. Jason got the news before leaving for school the next day; his mother had been killed. This sent the boy's father into a spiraling depression, he barely ate or slept, and stopped talking to anybody at all. Jason did everything he could to help, but his father was left a broken shell of a man. Soon after, Jason swore vengeance on the criminals of his city, vowing to use his newfound powers to destroy the people who had taken both his parents from him and ruined his life.
Family: Older brother, Steven Banks Father, Carl Banks. Mother, Georgia Banks, Deceased
Occupation: Student
Appearance: Kara is shorter than average for her age, and has the lean, muscular build of a gymnast. Her facial features are slightly unremarkable, but she could be described as mildly attractive, with pale grey eyes and a light dusting of freckles across her nose. She has medium-length brownish-blonde hair, which she ties back into a ponytail whenever possible.
During her daily life, Kara almost always dresses casually in jeans, battered old sneakers and tank tops or t-shirts. She owns an embarrassing amount of hero themed t-shirts, most of them given to her by her brother every time her birthday or Christmas rolled around, or just whenever he wanted an excuse to annoy her. Secretly, she is quite fond of them, even the ones with the cheesy slogans, which could explain why she wears them so much.
When operating as ‘Wraith’, Kara wears a silver eye mask that covers the top half of her face, along with a dark grey jacket and black trousers loose enough for her to be able to move quickly. She always wears a pair of thick black gloves wrapped in barbed wire, designed to be completely waterproof due to the nature of her fighting style.
Method of Operation: Her fighting style is based on provoking her enemies into aggression, forcing them to lower their guard and leave openings for her to attack. Once her opponent is vulnerable, she can use her ability to directly attack their vital organs and end the fight before it properly begins.
If forced into a fight, she uses her ability to alter her density to be lighter than air, allowing her to take flight and making her a fast-moving, unpredictable target. When striking her opponent, she heightens the density of her fists as they hit her opponent, giving every impact much more force behind it.
Superpower: Kara can control the density of her body, allowing her to walk through walls, become lighter than air, or give her punches the force of sledgehammer blows. In combat, she uses her power to phase into opponents bodies and destroy their vital organs, or hit them with strikes that have a huge amount of power.
Her power has drawbacks, though. While increasing her density can allow her to become stronger and withstand more blows, her body can only take the strain for a limited time before she risks permanent bone or muscle damage. This also applies to reducing her density, as the strain put on her organs could lead to health problems or falling unconscious if used for long periods of time. This means she must use her power in short bursts to avoid being damaged.
Skills: Kara is a skilled actor, and does not hesitate to lie when the situation calls for it, and is able to be a very convincing diplomat. She is also a skilled gymnast, which lends her some strength and agility that she would otherwise lack and has gotten her out of a few sticky situations.
Equipment: Barbed gloves, designed to do maximum damage to internal organs. Small vial of poison that can be used on more durable enemies. Backpack to carry equipment and hide obvious evidence after fights.
Personality: To the outside world, Kara has a friendly, outgoing personality. She surrounds herself with people who are kind and caring, making friendships easily with a hug and a beaming smile. She is, for all intents and purposes, a model student, the type of person that you would expect to make it out in the world and live a happy, normal life. She seeks out others like her, who are held up on a pedestal to others and surrounds herself with them. However, if they are seen as doing wrong, or harming someone else, then they tend to disappear.
In reality, behind the façade of warmth and friendliness that she puts on, Kara has an obsession with justice, whatever the cost. No matter how small a grievance, how petty the crime, if she witnesses someone doing wrong, then she marks them in her mind and obsessively tracks them down to deal out her version of ‘justice’. Still, she seems to almost enjoy it, always thinking that she is in the right, no matter what the circumstances.
She dislikes heroes, and the way that they attempt to save the day by bringing villains to justice. As far as she is concerned, if the villain responsible lives, then justice has not been done.
Biography: As a child, Kara was always liked by those around her. She grew up in a happy family of normal people, completely unaware of her powers, and was closer to her mother than anyone else in the world. They would sing and dance in the park, go to the theatre, and she would be supportive of everything Kara did. The first time she decided to try out at the local theatre, her mother was the last person to count her out and the first person to give her a shoulder to cry on when she was rejected.
For sixteen years, she lived an ideal life. Her dad would come home, beaming after a good days work or excitedly waving a bonus and declaring that they’d be going on a holiday or buying a new car. Her brother, two years older, would smile and laugh and they’d sit and chat together, less like siblings and more like old friends. Sadly for Kara, it all came tumbling down. Her mother was murdered, with her the only witness. She was only able to survive because her powers activated, allowing the bullet fired at her to simply bounce off. Not understanding what was going on, she ran away.
After the murder, she was racked with guilt over what happened, over not being able to help. Her father and brother tried to help her, but it just didn’t seem to work. She recalled the way she had withstood the bullet, and realised that she had some kind of power. She began to train, and this was where she developed her obsession, vowing never to rest until every single person like this was brought to justice. At eighteen, two years of training later, this obsession drove her to buying a mask, and taking to the streets of the city as Wraith.
Father [super]. Mother, passed. Distant family otherwise.
University student.
Standing at 6’1’’ Zoey is a rather tall woman, but thankfully isn’t so thin as to appear sickly due to her active lifestyle, leaving a fair amount of muscle packed onto her body. Her red hair is such a light shade that it almost appears to be orange, the strands falling straight down to her mid back, though more often than not she has bangs falling into her face. Said face has rather elegant, if harsh looking features made up of sharp, hard lines with high cheekbones and brows near constantly furrowed above her grey-blue eyes. Sadly this all adds up to Zoey having a natural ‘resting bitch face’, often appearing to be judging everything about you with a single glance.
Due to her upbringing nothing she wears makes her more approachable either, her casual wear often consisting of slacks and button up shirts or high brand sleeveless tops, and sunglasses she probably spent too much on. Zoey probably doesn’t even own a pair of jeans.
Well… except one pair. Reaper’s vigilante costume is made purely to be as non-conspicuous as possible, made up of simple loose jeans, gloves, and an oversized hoodie, all in black to match the theme of course. The only thing that really makes it stand out at all in a crowd is that if anyone glanced beneath the hood Reaper is always wearing a full head balaclava, the only openings being two eye holes – though even then her eyes are constantly blacked over anyway. No skin is on show, and due to the size of the hoodie it helps hide her gender as well.
Method of Operation
Zoey is a vicious thing, and an equally dirty fighter. Since she’s often in mid to close combat she doesn’t hesitate to use cheap tricks to seal a victory, and often relies on surprise and brute strength to end a confrontation before it can truly begin. Due to the latter she isn’t highly known, though there are definitely enough whispers in the streets to gain attention. Thankfully no one seems to realize she’s a woman yet, between trying not to talk in costume and often slouching to further hide her features, which additionally puts less emphasis on her height.
Though, if it’s ever publicly found out that Reaper is a female she has so many cheesy lines ready to go.
Zoey is rather bitter and sarcastic, despite trying to appear more elegant than she is. Even with her efforts to be aloof and untouchable she can be quick to fluster or anger if the right buttons are pressed, and will lash out. She’s pessimistic, and at times with her biting attitude can be a bit of a bully. Truth be told it’s rather accidental though, as Zoey is too preoccupied with her own problems to care about harassing others. She’s taken to finding distractions as well and can easily focus on something completely off topic, such as thinking ‘what would I say to this mugger if I did wear a spandex superhero costume?’ while completely jumping him. Also, since she’s had everything provided for her Zoey is a bit loose with money. She knows every dollar counts, but what’s a bit here and there?
Zoey is for all intents and purposes a darkness elemental. The main part of being this elemental is that she can sense the same darkness in others; however no one is pure sunshine and rainbows so it acts more like a sixth sense of ‘beacons’ to people, excluding young children. In large cities it’s like being surrounded by a sea of these beacons all melding together into a gelatinous blob, only the particularly large ones such as murderers standing out in any capacity, and with concentration she can ‘separate’ those beacons approximately a block around her to pick out locations in the overall mass.
Were it only this Zoey might have her hands full with vigilante work, but thankfully that rather useless if constant part of her abilities isn’t what makes her a threat. Zoey’s specialization is the ability to solidify shadows to create things as needed, her ‘signature’ being claws made of darkness – stronger than her grip and farther than her reach. However she can also form them into other things, such as barriers that would be too weak to do more than slow a bullet but would solidly stop a body if she’s fast enough. Her father as another example could use a shadow as thin as a needle to perform minute details his hands were too large for. In terms of shadows Zoey can also perform a ‘shadowstep’ of short distances by stepping into or forming a large enough shadow to disappear into them to another. Obviously this power set is most useful at night when there’s less light sending her power source scurrying, but its’ not impossible to use them in the sunshine and light – just weaker. Even her own shadow can be used to an extent.
The last useful piece of her powers is that when concentrating, particularly in the heat of battle, Zoey feels no pain – which isn’t always a good thing as she’s as delicate as a normal human. Only her own logic at seeing her wounds would let her know when the time to retreat is, and leaves her paranoid of her back in particular.
Visually, as an elemental darkness tends to react around her. Sometimes her shadow tends to ‘wisp’ little tendrils of smoky black up and curl around her legs when she’s idle, or her eyes can be darkened to hide their color.
Zoey learned sambo martial arts when she was younger, though never really put it to any real world use until recently. She does however keep quite fit, frequenting gyms or jogging through the streets. Aside from that due to hunting trips she’s quite patient when it comes to waiting for ‘prey’, and knows some trapping techniques as well as how to handle a rifle. Zoey also has the fantastic ability to laugh at her own jokes and not feel self-conscious about it.
Mace – Yep, a bottle of ordinary mace. Zoey tends to forget about it since she’s so reliant upon her powers however.
First Aid Kit, including a mirror! – Because Zoey can’t feel pain until a scuffle is already over she always comes prepared in case she misses any deeper wounds, hiding a small first aid kit within the confines of her hoodie. It comes with a small make-up mirror stashed inside to check the extent of damage to her back when necessary. It’s better than wondering later on ‘why does my shoulder blade feel like dust?’
As the first and only child to the Kasimir family Zoey was the pride of her parents’ life, and with their social status never had to want for anything. While both her parents came from upper class families their fortune truly came from her father, a talented surgeon who was rather highly sought after. He had a near hundred percent survivability on his performances, even the more dangerous ones, due to the least kept secret in his medical ward – Dr. Kasimir wasn’t a normal human.
It was within days after her birth that it became apparent Zoey took after her father, and in more than just his sharp features. He was of course overjoyed and Zoey started learning even before she could walk to use her powers, identical to his. Her mother was often playfully exasperated with her father, but for years they were a happy family unit. It was only when Zoey started school did she start to realize her life wasn’t perfect. She was six when the exasperation was no longer playful, and the affectionate whispers her parents shared with upturned lips turned to harsh accusations and clenched teeth. Though they held on as long as they could to their marriage, at least for the sake of their daughter, the escalating disgust was coming to its very inevitable conclusion.
Yet it never came to that, but Zoey feverently wished that it did.
It was around when the ‘divorce’ word was finally being vocalized that the route was violently derailed. An accident happened – Zoey’s mother had been out shopping when, out on the streets, she kneeled down to pick something up and lost her balance, falling in the path of an incoming vehicle. She didn’t even make it to her husband’s operating table. While Dr. Kasimir was briefly looked at due to their known impending divorce, it was obvious he wasn’t a part of it – the accident was even caught on surveillance camera.
Following her mother’s subsequent funeral Zoey withdrew into herself, much to her father’s concern. It’s what prompted him to dismiss a good portion of their staff and quit his job to fall back on their savings to spend more time at home with his little joy, his work no longer centerfold to his day. He taught her more about her powers over the years, immersed himself even in her school and taught her all about how important image was. When she was older they began having annual hunting trips where Zoey was taught how to track, to trap and most importantly just get to spend some time with her only parent. The hunting was scary at first, but as a darkness elemental as well her father had a distinctive beacon to her, which only became more pronounced after her mother’s death.
When it came time for her to start high school Dr. Kasimir finally returned to being a surgeon, though he signed Zoey up for sambo martial arts as well. His worry knew no bounds, he wanted his little girl to be able to take care of herself. He even got her to carry mace – something she let him know she found useless. They had powers, Dad. But he insisted, and she relented. Yet as his hours at work once more grew and Zoey grew more confident in her prowess is when the ideas started. Vigilantism. What better way to also use her abilities for good, like the man she looked up to? Her grades were decent, but definitely not enough to follow in his footsteps and be a surgeon or anything. It was a whimsical and surprisingly optimistic thought, and before long Zoey found herself sneaking out and beginning to foil purse snatchers and muggings in the underbelly of their city. Well, what few there were anyway – Zoey lived in a good neighbourhood in a good city. She found herself getting more and more into it despite a lack of activity, soon looking through back logs of crimes by sneaking into the local sleepy precinct via her shadowstep and going through cold cases.
It was going through these that she came across the box – Kasimir, A.. Her mother. Figuring at first someone filed it wrong it still sent an ache through Zoey, and it was morbid curiosity that had her slowly taking the box and opening it. It was there, scrawled in the pages of an old notebook that Zoey found out why this box was in cold cases. Turns out it was a misfile due to some loose notes scrawled at the top, yet one in particular stuck out to her.
‘On video victim appears to have been yanked forward’.
It was such a small thing. Obviously it went no where, there was no one around to yank her forward – it was even on video so the half-hearted scribble was discarded. On video. A video sitting in the box, dusty and unseen for years. Something Zoey never wanted to see in her life if she could help it. And one, stupid, mistaken note had her taking it out to see for herself.
As soon as the video started Zoey knew it was a bad idea, but like a train wreck couldn’t tear her eyes away. When her mother kneeled on the sidewalk to pick up her dropped wallet Zoey knew exactly what was coming and finally averted her gaze from watching her mother’s expression on the grainy video as she pitched forward. That’s how Zoey saw it.
Rewind. Watch. Rewind. Watch. Zoom in – the grain stayed but so did the darkening pixels around her mother’s wrist in the old surveillance video. As Zoey’s mother grabbed onto the wallet that had fallen just off the sidewalk something barely seen wrapped around her wrist, and from the motion of her body pulled her forward. It was such a tiny detail, it was no wonder no one picked up on it – most would probably even dismiss it as bad picture quality. It was impossible for anyone to have pulled her forward after all.
Anyone except someone who had the ability to solidify shadows.
Denial set in quickly, and as quick as Zoey could shove everything back together and back in place she was out of the precinct – and out of the city. The constant shadow stepping had her exhausted but she ended up in the grounds her father took her to every year. Hours after the sun went down he found her, and despite all the denial, the rationalization, as soon as Zoey saw him it came pouring out. A slew of vile words, accusations, he lied to her, but most of all one burning question.
“Why?! What was the point?! What – did you want to bang another woman? She was your wife! Was it money? She was going to divorce your crazy ass and take half of your precious fortune-“
“She was going to take you away from me.”
No denial. No softening. Just a simple fact that took the wind from Zoey’s sails and left her gaping at him. What do you even say to that? What can you say to that? There wasn’t a happy ending to this tale. He had asked her what he could do to fix this, to make her happy – and she told him nothing would make this okay. So Dr. Kasimir did the last thing he could, and gave his daughter justice. The next morning he had turned himself in, admitting to what and how he murdered his wife. There was only one thing he was adamant about – he was the only one in the family with these abilities.
Unable to stay in her family home with all the bittersweet and corrupted memories Zoey found herself applying for university across the country and subsequently moving on getting acceptance. As the new head of the Kasimir family it was easy after all. For a few years she kept her head down, didn’t show her powers and almost grew to resent them. More than that she grew to resent this damn, corrupted city with its rampant crime and she grew to resent the rush she got the first time she stepped in to help someone again.
It’s what Zoey always wanted, after all.
Nearing the end of her degree Zoey is finally back into vigilantism. She couldn’t stay away from it in this city. Here though there’s no precinct trawls needed, as Reaper finds crime whenever they go looking. Subtlety is needed, of course – who else in this world is a known darkness elemental? Confidentiality is key.
Which is why Zoey finds herself considering outright bolting from the city as her mouse hovered over the delete button of her email, looking at this message from the infamous Ditch. Why risk her identity? Why risk anything when it’d be so easy to pick up and leave?
Well, maybe it was time to redeem the darkened path.
Quote: “In any extinction the biggest and strongest is the first to die”
Alias: Gorgon Eyes (Due to her bright yellow eyes when she is transformed)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Family: Tabatha (super) - Mother Marcelo (normal) - Father Miranda (super) - Sister
Occupation: Student, Paleontologist
Appearance: She has an athletic and slim body shape, sometimes described as “tomboyish”, her skin is a light tanned brown. She keeps her messy dark brown hair at shoulder height. She usually has no casual dress code, as long as it is loose and featureless she is wearing it, when working she wears more fitting clothes, usually jeans with a shirt and a jacket. She likes some accessories like necklaces and wristbands as long as they are made from fiber or wood. She has problems with her vision which often forces her to wear glasses, which contrast a lot with her overall “wild” look.
When out as a vigilante she usually wears a hoodie with track pants, usually grey ones if she is in a city and camo if she is in a park or out of the town. If the battle gets a bit intense and she needs to use all of her power her transformation will usually require that she rips off those clothes, because of that she always carry a backpack with a spare outfit.
Her “Feral” look is an odd mix of her human form with reptile and mammal features, to be more specific, she acquires features of a Therapsid, creatures who ruled the earth before the Dinosaurs, and who almost disappeared in all the massive extinctions that lead to the Jurassic period, the exception being a little branch that one day would be called Mammalia. (For reference on Therapsids)
Method of Operation: Hit and run. She prefers fast interventions that end as quickly and as quietly as possible. She picks her targets at random as she strolls trough the streets at night, any crime is enough for her start a pursue. When in town she usually stays non-lethal, in the rare ocasiona she is out on the field or in a forest she is more “trigger happy” as there is no consequence. She tries to stay hidden and most of the talks about her are seen as urban legends and rumours.
Superpower: “Devolution”
This DNA power makes recessive and ancestral genes flourish. She never loses her human shape but some features change. The skill works chronologically, however early stages are useless to her, primates just makes her more agile and small mammals just make her nails and teeth sharper. The real deal is when she reaches the Permian era when the Mammal’s ancestors ruled the earth, giving her speed, stamina and very sharp claws.
It’s possible for her to go further than that into reptile and amphibian territory, theoretically even beyond, however it’s unpractical because of the downside of her power: Her senses change as she “devolves”, getting more and more simple the further back she goes, anything past Therapsid starts to get very confusing, by the amphibian point her brain can’t properly connect anymore and she goes blind and deaf.
Skills: She is athletic due to her training as a teenager. Being a college student she knows a lot not only about paleontology but general geography and biology.
Equipment: --
Personality: Distant but not cold. Isabel usually drifts off in her own thoughts and studies but isn’t particularly annoyed by others, on the contrary, she likes to talk, however only a few can endure her almost nihilistic behaviour, almost because she loves life and her status as a human, but she can’t ignore the fact of how much of a small and accidental thing her species is.
She feels very mixed about supers, on one side she fears that Earth might see its sixth great extinction, on the other, she is amazed by how mankind evolved such powers. Either way, one kind of people that will always be on her bad side are “bullies” as in, people who think might is right and only the strong should survive, when a quick look on animals of today and the past reveals the contrary, the strong often die as they get too big and too comfortable with their position on the apex.
Biography: Her mother was Tabatha, a well known super who protected the city with her “magical” powers on her silly witch outfit. Due to that both Isabel and her sister Miranda grew on a wealthy yet isolated home, which wasn’t much of a trouble as her parents were always present and affectionate.
Until the powers started to show up, that is. Miranda started to showcase powers similar to her mother, energy manipulation that is referred to as “magic”, quickly making her mom proud. Isabel however got some sort of wild and unrefined power, and her parents, while clearly not being angry at her, stopped with the plan to train her as her power was much more unpredictable and “ugly” if compared to her sister’s and her mother’s. Even so Isabel kept exploring her skills in secret.
One day a maid “left by accident” a ladder near the wall that surrounded their mansion, needless to say always curious Isabel took the chance to explore the outside. Unfortunately for her it was an ambush. The maid was an agent of a group that abused supers to help with work and research, and while at first she was there to scout Miranda she found Isabel’s powers to be much more useful.
She was sent to a lab in a foreign tropical jungle where scientists started to study her powers to see if it could be used to revive extinct animals. At first the tests were rough, she was exposed to extreme cold and heat, forced to exercise until she couldn’t move anymore and they would constantly collect her blood. Then they started to leave her alone in the jungle, no food, no clothes, to see what she would do to survive.
Then an odd thing started to happen, maybe it was Stockholm Syndrome, but Isabel and the scientists started to develop some sort of friendship. The tests started to get softer, she started to donate her blood willingly, they started to tell her about the project and about the creatures it could bring back and she was amazed by that possibility. Furthermore they liked her power, she was free to go wild as much as she wanted and they would never oppose.
Years went by, then one day Isabel left to explore the jungle and meet animals, and when she came back her sister and mother were at the lab and all scientists were on the ground, bleeding. For her mom the ripped clothes, the scars, the sun burnt skin and the messy hair were results of cruelty and she begged for forgiveness for her failure as she lovingly hugged her daughter, promising that this would never happen again, that she would be safe.
And there she was, now a late teenager and back to her old life, to the annoying dresses, to the disgusting industrial food, to the walls confining her path. Needless to say it didn’t took long before she left the place again. But it became clear that was not her world, that she would never be part of her Mother and Sister’s “spandex” team. It took a while but her family accepted it too.
Eventually she went to live by herself and found a small job, almost nobody could recognize her as Tabatha’s daughter so all she did was to change her surname to avoid trouble. She started to go to college and studied paleontology, eventually becoming a trainee in a research team. She also became familiar with the darker side of the cities, and quickly decided to use her powers to “fix” it a bit whenever she had free time, a relaxing hobby to ease the tensions of the daily routine.
Relationships: None (For now?)
Extra: Nobody is normal, but we are the coolest kind of not normal.
Name: Eric Engelson Quote: Well... crap. Alias: Ecto Age: 22 Gender: Male Family: Fathers: Isaac Engelson, Liam Engelson (Surrogate Mother: Jane Woods) Occupation: Online Translator Appearance:
Eric is in the middle of his twenties, with dark hair and green eyes. He is around 5'10", and although he was considered quite lazy, a few years ago he started working out to boost his endurance, so his physique is just above average. He usually wears comfortable street clothing, jeans and cargos, T-shirts and hoodies, complete with sneakers.
He doesn't have any special costume for his "night-time" activities, as his powers give him a distinct look on their own.
Method of Operation: The cautious approach was always more appealing to him, usually scaring the criminals away. His appearance and abilities make it easy to create the impression of a ghost, and criminals are less likely to strike up a neighborhood if they think it is haunted. He also enjoys slowly building up fear in his "victims", like haunting the TV in the house burglars are about to enter, or levitating an umbrella. But if every trick fails, he does not shy away from using force and subduing his opponents, typically with either beating them with a blunt instrument or making them headbutt something with his haunting ability.
Spectral Form : Eric is able to turn into a gaseous, incorporeal form, which allows him to fly and move through tight spaces, like a keyhole or a chimney, though he cannot enter areas that are sealed shut completely. He can shift between this form and his human body in about a second, and when he is in this form, he cannot be touched by anything physical - as it moves right through him -, but this true the other way around as well. This does not, however, make him invulnerable. His powers seem to be somewhat related to the element of air, and and is especially susceptible to it, but other non-physical attacks can also hurt like hell.
Partial Shifting : He can manifest certain parts of his body to grab hold of objects, but the corporeal parts of him are completely defenseless, unless grabbing something that would provide protection.
Spectral Healing : While in the Spectral Form, Eric slowly heals from the wounds he suffers, although this has it's limits, and can leave scars. In any case, it stops a wound from getting worse.
Haunt : Eric can take control of objects that are not bigger than him, forcing himself into them. This allows him to move or levitate around in a rather sluggish way, but can be effective when haunting, for example, a baseball bat. Physical damage to the object also hurts Eric, so it’s not worth haunting something that can be easily broken. Haunting can also be used to take limited control over others, as someone wrestling against the haunted person. This can be overpowered by sheer strength though, and can slow strong opponents at best.
Skills: Due to his upbringing, Eric knows multiple languages, including German, Spanish, and Russian. He also studied piloting to learn about currents and basic flight physics, since he can be affected by the wind. His fighting style is closest to the "whack it until it's down" technique, he started practicing aikido and krav maga to be more efficient.
Equipment: Since the Spectral Form does not extend to clothes or equipment, he goes to the field basically naked. It would be nice to find a way not to appear in his birthday suit when shifting back.
Personality: Eric is prone to cynic joking, and likes irony. He can be sincere and serious as well, but he finds it easier to brush things off with a stoic remark. He is disappointed in humanity, as what he often sees is that man is a wolf to man, and everything is run by corrupt bureaucrats, who are consumed by greed. He believes that although there could be so much potential in people, it is squandered by selfishness and apathy for others. He doesn't like to be in the spotlight, as he has witnessed power and popularity corrupting people. He also dislikes taking responsibility, but reluctantly does so by using his gifts to better the streets, to soothe his conscience.
He disapproves of people who are what he used to be like, and feels shameful about his past as a couch potato. He regularly does cardio exercises to build up his stamina, and trains fighting techniques on his own not only to better his performance on the field, but as a way to "atone" for his laziness. He is likely to push himself past his limits, saying something gritty or just using the words "crap" a lot. This sometimes leads to injury, but since he can heal in his spectral form, he really doesn't care.
Biography: A son of a russian economist and a german engineer who moved to the United States, Eric had ha very easy way of learning multiple languages at a young age. He was also a bit of a geek, and got bullied in school, until he befriended a schoolmate who turned out to be a super with enormous strength. His name was Damien Reed. They were both huge comic book fans, and although Damien was not allowed to use his powers in public, or reveal in in an obvious way, he told his secret to Eric, who practically worshipped him. They used to hang out a lot, playing video games and watching cartoons. Since Damien's power made him fit without breaking a sweat, he was also kinda lazy, but Eric was a normal kid and the lack of physical exercise and countless junk food made him overweight by his teenage years.
Though his parents were caring and supportive, they did not like their son getting fat on the sofa and sometimes made stinging remarks about Eric's appearance, but it was also painful when Damien was adored by all the girls, while Eric was ignored by the opposite gender. So he started working out, and Damien joined him for support (even though it was nothing to him). This would soon turn into short sessions that turned into more chilling.
Time went by, and when went to different colleges and saw each other less and less. After a year into his studies, he saw some news about a superhero on the streets, rounding up criminals and smiling for the camera in the meantime. He recognized him as his best friend. When he called him about it, he admitted with pride that he has officially started his superhero career. Eric found the news fantastic, and proposed to be Damien's sidekick, but he politely declined, reasoning that this was dangerous for "normies", especially for ones who are out of shape. This made Eric finally snap from his lazy ways and work out in earnest.
But while he was losing weight, he saw his friend gradually turn into (or maybe revealing himself to be) a conceited braggart, who loves to dominate the scene. And that was BEFORE he became a corporate tool who started working for the mayor's office as a glorified enforcer. Since he was always "busy" they slowly stopped talking.
One night Eric was going home from a jogging session, while he ran into an armed robbery: two men were robbing third who was drunk after partying. Eric decided to step in, and ended up getting stabbed. While the assailants ran away, he stumbled into a corridor and collapsed from the blood loss. When he came to himself, everything was different, and felt the pain slowly go away. When he looked down, a pool of blood stared back at him, soaking a lying figure on the ground. When he looked at himself, he was floating, all blue and transparent.
"- I'm... I'm dead? Well... Crap. God dammit."
At that moment, he fell to the cold pavement, completely naked, as his usual self. That's when he realized that the figure on the ground were only his clothes, empty of any wearers.
"- I...guess not."
Cold and confused, Eric hastily dressed up in his bloody clothes and ran home. When in his house he threw everything into the washing machine and examined his wound in the mirror. It was a nasty cut, but not as deep as a full stab should have been.
"Okay, let's try this again." He concentrated, and after a short while he turned into his ghostly form once more. He could see the wound slowly, gradually get smaller and smaller healing itself.
Name: Girard Babcock. Quote: Buddy I'd like to see you try. Alias: Tank. Age: 23. Gender: Male Family: Mother-Ellen; Father-Deckard; Younger sister- May; Younger brother- Jeremiah.
Occupation: Construction and Demolition, he prefers the latter.
Girard stands at 6'8" and weighs upwards of 400lbs thanks to his power. He tends to wear whatever is comfortable normally whether it be short sleeves and jeans or some other combo. When he becomes Tank a dark green bomber jacket, a black shirt underneath, with grey camo pants are his preference, tough/comfortable and plenty of storage, including a large military helmet with a face cover.
Method of Operation: Girard's method can be described as hit them fast and hit them hard or occasionally take everything they have on the chin and keep going. He has the patience to wait for the right time to charge in like an angry comet dispensing explosives if and when necessary. Once his controlled havoc has been unleashed he makes sure his target is down for the count before getting out.
Superpower: Girard got the alias Tank from the supernaturally dense tissue in his body. He is easily capable of shrugging off most conventional weaponry and even plenty of non-conventional means of attack. He is also far stronger and heavier than he appears making him difficult to contend with in most situations. However, all this extra weight and size makes him quite slow most of the time and when he does get moving quickly he is very much at the mercy of his own momentum. While he might be practically invulnerable to a conventional attack, even a few powered as well, he still has a battery of things that can effect him like electricity, poison, and mental powers come to thought. His weight overpowers his strength to an extent making jumping or upwards motion far more difficult not to mention going through weak floors because of it. He tends to avoid large bodies of water really not wanting to sink like a rock before even trying to swim. Lastly, it often takes him awhile to lick his wounds if he gets particularly hurt because he has a lot more to hurt than most.
Skills: Girard knows how to take care of home life well enough, maybe not perfectly but it'll do. He has an engineering degree but enjoys getting his hands dirty working but he knows buildings well and if there were a structural weakness he would be the one to notice it. Explosives help in this endeavor and he has taken quite the shine to making his own for his escapades though he is very careful with them. He doesn't have any sort of combat training but he is a big man with more than his share of weight to throw around and he has gotten good at it.
Equipment: He brings multiple different homemade explosives and his get up but other than that he can improvise a weapon if he so needs it.
Personality: Girard tends to be a rather friendly guy mostly carefree. He will talk to anyone who will listen provided he has something to say or will listen to anyone if the subject is good. He tends to be careful and relatively peaceful but he is no gentle giant and if someone starts something it won't take him long to step in and give them what they have coming though he tends to hold back for their sake if it gets physical. He is far more concerned with other people than himself trying to help out where he can with a smile on his face mostly because he can. He is more than willing to work with other vigilantes though his forward style doesn't always mesh. He might have looked up to heroes at one point but to him its people like him and others who are willing to go further that really keep the criminals on edge.
Criminals are one of the few things that Girard detests and cleaning up the city one gang at a time is his way of dealing with it. He doesn't always expect much out of them but he fully expects them to try and surprise crime fighters so he values patience for keeping him out of trouble. For him there are no restrictions on what kind of activity to stop though some warrant less force than others which he is keenly aware of. Despite his approach to the bad element serious collateral damage is something he avoids whenever possible, no need to make it harder on the people and families who live in the city like him. He intends to protect and clean up the city to make it better for him, his family, and every good hearted person left in it.
Biography: Girard's parents met at a local diner in the city and had a few arguments before they really got talking but it was uphill from there and the two have been inseparable since. They managed to carve out a nice life by the time their first son was born and they were amazed when he was. While Girard wouldn't have fully developed powers until he was well into his teens they had an impact on his size from day one. He had a rather good life never much to complain about, his father also being quite a big guy and a short temper with troublemakers, warding off plenty of trouble with his siblings only making it better. If his parents weren't there he was looking after them and would continue to do so through his life seeing his family as the most important thing he had. His parents actually bought the diner and it did good for a while but continually less people came when some local gang members started targeting it driving people away as well as making life harder for the family. Girard now with some years under his belt found out most of them were around his age and being the guy he was intervened once roughing a couple of them up in the process to which they stopped coming for a bit but it wouldn't last.
The leader had taken particular offense to it, his cousin having taken a beating in the intervention, came back and put several shots through the diner's front hitting a couple patrons as well as his brother also grazing his sister who was nearby. It was one of the few moments Girard couldn't recall because he rushed out after them in a rage having no intention of them getting away. He probably should have know it would be a trap but there was little thought running through his mind when he walked into an opening in-between finding seven vengeful aggressors though only the leader had a gun. Girard admits he remembers very little of what happened but it ended very badly for the seven who tried with everything they had to bring him down only to find they couldn't because he was shrugging off pipes, chains, hell even the leader's pistol barely left a mark on him with repeated shots. After he reined himself in he got out of there to go and check on his family who were glad to see him alive after his pursuit. It was part of the reason he would later become Tank but for some years it calmed down.
His brother and sister recovered, his brother lost some range of motion in his left arm but he lived, but thing got back to being more normal if not more close between the family. It had occurred more than ever that Girard was something special and they told him that it was his choice how to handle his 'gift'. Of course he did his best to conceal if not so much hide it for a time not sure what to do but he would eventually seeing more and worse crimes as he got older. He couldn't let the horror that happened to his family just go on or show up else where especially not after one of his best friends nearly got mugged among other continued attempts on people he cared about or around him. Since then he has done his best to keep a good balance between being him and being Tank who is far less forgiving than him and has put more than a little fear into the cities criminal population. His efforts haven't been appreciated by all but even people who denounce the vigilantes have no bearing on him enough to make him stop. When he got the letter from Ditch he couldn't help but see the use in working together to take on someone possibly more powerful than all of them and he made his choice then.
Alias: The Black Rose Age: 23 Gender: Female Family: Mother; Jasmine Faye (Deceased), Father; Richard Faye (Deceased), Half-Brother; Jason Faye (Estranged), Half-Sister; Jessica Faye (Estranged) Occupation: Former Librarian Assistant Appearance: During her causal wear, she tends to dress with a cross between functional and very feminine, often wearing shorter skirts with leggings and loose-fitting shirts. She also tends to favor black fingerless gloves, regardless if she's in her outfit or not, also pairing a unique look with a pair of boots (though they are often tied tighter than most styles). While at night patrolling the streets, she dresses in a black outfit and speaks volumes about freedom of movement compared to anything that might deemed protective. Most notably it includes a longer jacket as well as a cowl to keep her face mostly hidden, which is tied in a specific way to keep it from falling backwards. (Picture: but imagine replacing all the belts with actual cloth/leather)
Method of Operation: Melrose is fairly well known as a vigilante, striking mostly during the night hours, with a hidden identity, and less than lawful methods. Still, she is known to be one of the more morally-focused ones, avoiding any deaths whenever possible. Her range of duties, as it were, essentially range from anything that catches her eye - from simply store robberies to challenging entire gangs and even some of the more organized crime. Because of this, so is less welcomed in the criminal underworld and has earned the nickname, "The Black Rose," something to signify her femininity but also the fear and hatred they have for her - some even call her "The Black Widow" out of anger. Otherwise she is known more so for her close-combat style and seemingly inability to be hit or captured, even when an entire gang is loaded with automatic weapons - not to say she always wins. Superpower: Adaptable Prediction & Intuitive Aptitude Melrose's powers are specifically geared towards combat and skill oriented situations. Unlike many others, her abilities seem less fantastical, unable to conjure or manipulate elements, teleport, throw cars, or communicate with technology. Instead she has a particular set that allows her to: • Interpret and predict enemy attacks and react to the incoming attack, brush off or avoid the incoming attacks even from dead angles. • Instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, subjects, fields, powers, etc. The normal requirements for this is either her direct interaction with said object, etc. or a more detailed description of the area. • Retain most learned information very well - though not perfectly. Still, it only takes a moment to relearn something she may have forgotten. • Have peak stamina & strength (for a woman), her body's way of compensating for her learning ability, giving her the chance to use any and all of her skills. This never diminishes.
Weaknesses are despite her ability to predict, she can still find herself in situations where she is outnumbered and outgunned, forcing her to retreat. She also can't react to something that is much faster than her (namely super speeds or highly enhanced speed). Otherwise, while she can instantly learn skills and movements from just seeing them, she cannot copy supernatural powers, only gleam information from them. Not to mention, she has no supernatural offensive or defensive capabilities herself.
Skills: • Master Martial Artist. Knows various styles, letting her mix-match her attacks into her own unique style - usually focused on avoidance until she can make quick, powerful blows. • Other Martial Skills, including: Blades, Bows, Throwing Knives, Handguns, Automatic Weapons, & Shotguns. • Lockpicking. • Expert Acrobatics & Free-running. • Stealth Techniques • Hacking • Other Skills non-relating to her night "outings." Equipment: Her equipment is mostly her outfit, lockpicks for physical locks (no keypads or such), throwing knives, and a pair of daggers.
Personality: Melrose is an interesting sort. It isn't often that you find a vigilante that is willing to bloody her hands and still be a complete nerd when it comes to fantasy and sci-fi stories, though it might be more accurate to say she is a believer of heroics than just a normal fangirl. So it's no surprise that she is a natural introvert and tends to keep to herself more often than not during large gatherings, yet she had developed enough social skills and initiative to approach others - sometimes. Melrose can still be very shy during certain situations, especially if it's around another woman she happens to have a crush on, but in spite of this quality she is still a very determined, driven individual. However her ability to learn anything can (and has) often come across to others as arrogance, when in reality, she is simply stating or relating facts - or at least that's her intention.
To some, it might be a surprise when they find out how confident she truly can be, especially in the face of danger. Of course her powers assist with this, but even with them, most people tend to see her more or less among those who are normal humans - though with a genius-level intellect (despite that she is not). Coupling with this is a unique mixture of naive idealism and absolute resolve, giving way to a woman that will do practically anything to help her city.
The other part of her personality, in more causal settings, is one of a friendly if a bit quiet woman. She tends to enjoy more relaxing activities such as reading books, watching movies, discussions, and [admittedly] video gaming. She is also a romantic at heart and even though she is generally unhopeful of the future, she still keeps her eyes out for the woman that she might call her own.
Biography: Born to the higher-end neighborhoods of Millennium City, she had known a financially secure childhood with plenty of books and games to spare. However her childhood was a lonely one, with her mother having passed at childbirth and her father being away on business almost all of the time. Instead she was raised by several nannys, none of which stayed long enough to form an actual true bond, which resulted in feelings of abandonment. It did not help that she didn't get along with most other children, mostly because she would cry too much.
Drawing upon her teenage years, she was both instantly aware and confused by her own self. Most of the girls were giggling and flirting with boys and while most of them pitied her for not getting many admirers, she felt it was a blessing. Nothing about the boys interested her, but she found some confusion that the girls did. Thankfully, she had always been the intelligent type and caught on quickly - she was lesbian. Unlike most in her situation, due to her unpopularity, she wasn't harassed much for being that way. Of course it also resulted in even deeper feelings of loneliness and depression, but she pushed on regardless, alone.
When she finally made it to the college stage of her life, her father paid for the entirety of it without a second thought, and without a care for what she wanted to do. Having grown up around books and games, she felt most comfortable in a library - surrounded by lore of all types. So she decided to try and get a Master's in Librarian Science. Meanwhile, to starve the boredum away (since she had all the money), she took a position at the college library as an assistant and being practical, made sure it could pay for her apartment and bills. As fate would have it, it wasn't four months after her position that she came to find out that her father had died during a gun fight... with the police. It quickly came to light that he was a criminal lord and had fought to his last breathe. Unsurprisingly, Melrose felt little of his passing, since he had practically become a stranger to her. However her anger towards his chosen lifestyle lead her to the delay of his will, refusing the money left behind, calling it 'dirty and bloody.'
Her powers later manifested themselves as she was upgrading her computer - of all things. It did so quietly and without fuss, as she was installing another stick of RAM, she found herself toggling switches on the motherboard, booting up BIOs and overclocking her desktop without so much as a single mistake. Afterwards, she could only sit there, staring at the screen before finally asking herself, "how the hell did I just do that?" This continued on for another week, as she picked up skill after skill of varying degrees, from cooking, cleaning, fixing her door, and even stopping to explain to a stock broker advanced techniques of the market holdings. Before she knew it, she was looking down at the face of fate.
All her life she had been awed and wooed by the heroics weaved by fantasy tales and there was something deep inside her that wished she could've been born with powers, with the ability to walk the streets and help those in tough situations, to at the very least bring down the crime rate so families felt safe. Finally, she had that opportunity. Not only a month after she had turned her father's will away, she was back asking for the money again, knowing she would need it if she was going to focus on this task - or at the very least, feeling it was needed to redeem where the money had come from. The rest, learning of her predicting, and stamina, and strength, simply came to her over time as she was forced into dangerous scenarios. It's been a year now and she's known as The Black Rose. Theme Song:Heal My Wounds Relationships:
Ditch:Mostly Positive Rose is impressed by the woman. Regardless if she has powers, it's obvious she doesn't use them very often, which has essentially made her a 'normal' that risked her neck to recruit other supers to work as a team. She might not know much besides her name, but she enjoys her company. Still, she has some doubts Ditch thinks anything special of her, making her slight crush basically pointless - who knows how long it'll last.
Levi 'ElectroBoy' Lynn:Slightly Negative Rose just sees Levi as a teenager still, despite his age, though one that's had a tough break in life. Still, it's not an excuse for violence and throwing fits. Melrose can't fault him too much though, since he hasn't actual hurt anyone physically when he can do a lot of damage. He's just hurt and taking it out on others.
RavenTale:Slightly Positive Melrose admires her for not only being blind and independent, but deciding to do more than just ride horses - actually going out and helping people. Still, her hesitation at the first meeting put her slightly off. Maybe Raven just needs to trust a bit more, but at the same time, you're always putting the ones you love at risk doing this work.
Omega:Slightly Positive Again, she admires why he's doing this and he seems like a decent man. However no matter how much you see online about someone, it still doesn't speak about who a person is - their character. She still needs to see more.
Turn Back:Indifferent While emphatic to his blight, like Omega, she doesn't actually know the man or who he is.
Wraith:Negative Most of what Rose finds negative in Wraith in her operations. Her apparent disregard of human life appalls her and while she isn't always one to speak up, she really wants nothing to do with the teenager. Rose is sorry that her parent were murdered, but that isn't any excuse.
Reaper:Slightly Positive Without knowing much else than information found, which implies the Zoey isn't greedy so much as she's unaware, Rose can't say much about her character. After the news release of her restoring the apartments to an affordable price has given her hope.
Ecto:Indifferent A bit unsure of this one. He was essentially a nerd - which she does enjoy - but he also doesn't seem to have done anything specific in his time as a vigilante, bringing her to the conclusion that she'll just wait and see.
Tank:Mostly Positive Despite his past efforts of being a little rough on criminals, Rose doesn't feel she can judge that particular choice. She gets the feels from both the meeting and the reports online that he means good - he's just a bit rough - she's been a bit rough herself in some cases. As it stands, she gets a rather positive feelings from the big guy. Especially after their little 'run in.'
Graffiti:Mostly Negative While it was indifferent before, her opinion has quickly and drastically gotten worse. Really, it's all from one comment on trying to judge Rose and her powers without knowing a damn thing about her. She finds this false arrogance to be one of the most annoying things in the world. The funny thing is, Graffiti seems not so confident about her own powers, but Rose knows better.
Extra: Besides still being a nerd with heroic ideals, I feel it's important to point out that pretty much no one knows that her being 'smart' IS one of her powers. "We're not normal." -Unknown
Family: Mother (deceased), Father, Jason Graves (Brother)
Occupation: Charity coordinator
Three words describe Emma's appearance. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. Long blonde hair, a full, kind face, she wears a small pair of glasses over her blue eyes. She has a slim figure, and wears well-fitted clothes to accentuate her assets. Usually seen wearing jeans and a blouse, she is known to wear a dress on special occasions, in wide varieties of colors.
Her superpowered form is equally impressive. When activated, she grows a pair of massive white wings, easily a 30 foot wingspan. They fold up against her back fairly nicely, though they do tower several feet above her head. Her supersuit is made of light silver plates with gold trim over a white bodysuit, mimicking a set of armor. She has a light helmet that covers the upper half of her face made in the same style as her other armor plates. She carries a golden buckler strapped to her left arm, and a short sword hanging from her belt.
Method of Operation: Emma prefers not to fight whenever possible, instead using her innate peacekeeping powers to calm other parties and make friends. When she is forced to fight, she is mostly defensive, working to deflect or block attacks made against her. However, if another life is threatened she will attack, aiming to end a fight quickly, and with the least amount of damage to anyone else.
Superpower: Emma has several abilities that she usually terms 'Angel Mode'.
Flight: Using her massive wings, Emma can take to the air, granting her great speed and maneuverability.
Enhanced Physical Ability: Emma's strength, toughness, stamina, and speed are enhanced while in Angel Mode, not to technical superhuman levels, but moresoe than the average human.
Aura of Peace: A passive ability of Emma's, she has the ability to instill peaceful feelings and desires among people who are not directly opposed to her.
Combat Tactics: Emma has an innate knowledge of how to use her sword and shield while in Angel Mode, not at master level but enough to fight with.
Emma doesn't have much in the way of actual offensive abilities, most of her powers are focused on defense. Her wings mean she is practically useless in enclosed spaces as well, and fighting indoors is nearly impossible.
Skills: Emma is incredibly charismatic, she can talk her way out of (or into) most situations with ease.
Equipment: Short sword, shield, light armor.
Personality: Emma is a very passionate person, giving everything she does everything she has. She is dedicated to making life better for as many people as she can, and views her purpose in life to be helping others. Emma's family is very important to her, and she would do anything for those she loves.
Emma has an interesting relationship with conflict, hating and loving it at the same time. Her power allows her to defuse most situations before they escalate, but some primal part of her enjoys seeing verbal sparring escalate to near-physical levels, especially when it's about her. Which, given her appearance happens quite a bit.
Biography: Emma was born a few years after Jason was, and wasn't given as much attention as her older brother. She wasn't neglected, but he was certainly the star of the show in their family. Much of her life was dominated by what Jason was doing. Things would have likely gotten better for her during her teenage years were it not for the back to back tragedies that struck her family. After Jason's accident she stayed by him in the hospital as much as she possibly could, her anger at his unintentional attention hogging fading away as she saw the struggles her family went through.
After the death of her mother, a change went through Emma. Instead of seeking attention and never getting it, and being a rather selfish child, she had to grow up fairly quickly. She decided, after seeing the sadness and pain of the world, that she would do everything in her power to keep tragedy from striking wherever she could. Soon after, her own powers blossomed, and she found herself able to defuse situations that could easily become ugly. As Emma and her brother grew older, he became very protective of her, urging her to stay out of hero work and keep herself safe. She's taken some of that advice to heart, but still appears at public protests or large events.
Theme Song: (Optional)
Relationships: Jason Graves (brother).
Extra: Emma is an NPC, not a second character, this is simply a reference sheet. We are not normal.
Appearance: The most striking feature of Avery are her fiery red hair, and her emerald tinted eyes. She can be called beautiful on occasion but doesn't try to be. Her natural beauty is outstanding, but she never cares much for makeup or fine clothing, instead opting for the messy approach in her attire.
Method of Operation: She prefers to be 'loud' and 'proud', letting the enemy know she's there with her flashy attacks and moves. Even the color of her lightning draws attention. While loud and proud there is a certain grave and finesse in the way she executes her power, being amazingly fluid, yet strong.
Superpower: Same with Levi, but has a certain amount of mastery over it, being able to best Levi in his fights. Because of this she is a sort of 'teacher' to him, but notices his talent for the powers and knows soon that he will surpass him.
Skills: Cooks, Gardens and adores puzzles.
Equipment: ---
Personality: Avery is the opposite of Levi, she is fun, loving and has a certain kind of hope for the human race. She believes that there is inherent goodness in everyone, and tried to find good qualities in even the worst people. However this doesn't fog up her actions and will act necessary if the situation calls for it.
Shee tries and sees the silver lining in situations, being able to make the most drab situation have a positive outcome. She is also extremely charismatic, being able to weave her words in such a way that the people around her will feel astounded, and she can weasel her way out of a confrontation usually with her words.
Sometimes, she will get into a sort of funk, for failing to protect Jaine and Levi from 'them' and will usually ponder hours on end. In this stage she is melancholic and tries to be alone to think about what she could have done. These 'funks' usually last hours, and if anyone was there they could tell the unending sorrow and regret laced on her face for her self-deemed 'failure'. However she usually will have the stupid smile on her face again after a while and remembering Jaine's words.
Biography: Avery discovered her powers at a young age, but chose to hide it from her close friends and family, except for Jaine, Jaine helped her cope with her powers and told her to accept it as part of her, and so she trained it from youth. She was best friends with Jaine, Levi's sister. They basically grew up with one another, and were best of friends. They basically did everything together and were basically inseparable siblings.That is to say until the day Levi disappeared, Jaine was a mess and tried to look everywhere, it was Avery that calmed her down and assured that she would look for Levi with her.
Then Jaine disappeared as well, and that even took days to locate and track both of them. By the time she arrived she saw the aftermath, bodies skewn all over the floor and the smell of blood still ever pungent in the air. She spotted Jaine's dead body, she gasped and tears started to flow from her eyes, and then she found Levi, lightning cascading in fury all around him, with the dark room being lit by his bright lightning. Levi attacked her as well, in his fit of blinding rage and fury, he thought Avery was one of the scientist. Sparks of red lightning flew from across the room as a results of their clashes.
After the ensuing fight, he managed to make Levi fall unconscious but she sustained a multitude of wounds, receiving a gash on her back. Even though she was more skilled than Levi, it was a strenuous effort to take someone down with her powers and not kill them. She knelt down in anguish, and screamed from the top of her lungs.
She took Levi under her wing and trained him, noticing his exceptional and notable growth, she knew that Levi's passion was driving him. She left him in Millenium city, and traveled the world looking for EHLM scientists, and works as a 'hero' for hire on the side, and she checks on Levi every so often.
Theme Song: (Optional)
Relationships: (Optional, discuss this with other players!)
Name: Alice Loveland Quote: "We will destroy Millenium City, and then, when all of the city is ashes, then you have my permission to die." -Alice Alias: Spore Age: 22 Gender: Female Family: Alice grew up in a fairly wealthy family. They had a comfortable life, and anything Alice wanted she received. She always had little feeling for anyone outside the family, and even they were not sure why she was so impartial to the world. All Alice knew is that she didn't really care unless she got something out of it. She would bring friends over simply to see the looks on their faces at her big house and many toys. When asked if she loved her family, she would reply simply, "sometimes." Alice was very fond of her younger brother, and his death was the only one she feels any remorse about. She was very protective of him, he was the only thing that meant anything to her. His accidental death was the only thing she feels any guilt about, and she is determined not to let herself feel for anyone so strongly again. Occupation: Bartender Appearance: Alice is decently tall, at 5'8". She is naturally blonde, but is constantly coloring her hair. Currently, she is sticking with red. Her hair is cut short, in an A-line style. She keeps it short in the back, longer in front. Alice is literally COVERED in tattoos. Down her arms, across her chest. Everywhere. She likes wearing Button down shirts with the sleeves rolled up, halfway. Jeans are her preferred pant choice, although when she is "on the job, being a bad guy" she wears leather pants. When she is doing her bad guy thing, she wears dark black leather pants and a White tank top, with a leather motorcycle jacket. (sometimes, its a slinky dress. depends on the job.) Method of Operation: Alice can fight, but doesn't like to get her hands dirty. She stays in her bar most of the time, preferring to stay out of the action and gathering intel from the shadows. Since she is on the run, she chooses to stay in the seedy Underworld of Umbra's employ instead of being in the spotlight. She mainly uses her powers as a passive effect; only resorting to underhanded tactics if she is caught. Superpower: Pheromone Manipulation Alice can use her Powers to persuade peoples subconscious, using pheromones. She can make people drowsy or lovesick, and thus unable to fight, or she can enrage someone to the point of action. She can also make people fall in love/lust with her, mostly used out of boredom or as a last defense. She has a range of seven to ten feet, with her powers lessening with distance. Someone who is aware of it and has enough willpower can effectively shrug off the effects. She stays around the bar she owns to keep an information channel for Umbra. The booze helps make it easy to use her powers more effectively. Skills:Alice can make drinks, and is exceptional at "extracurricular activities" *eyebrow waggle* Equipment: Alice carries several knives. that's about it Personality: Alice is normally very introverted, but when she is at work, all bets are off. She is kinda standoffish, she doesn't tolerate bullshit especially at her Bar. Her sense of humor is laced with sexual innuendo and puns. She has a very skewed moral compass, meaning what Alice wants, Alice gets. She looks out for herself only, although she is not fond of being alone. She is very afraid of being by herself, so she surrounds herself with minions and "playthings". Alice is not very good at the whole romance thing, as her powers give her an easy "one night stand" ability. She longs for something long term, but knows that being on the run is a one woman job. Biography: Alice didn't discover her powers until she was fourteen. She was on vacation with her family, and fell in love with a girl her age. (Her powers were to blame, though she didn't know it.) When her family found out, they were enraged, and her father beat her badly. In a fit of anger Alice yelled at her family to just die, and due to the hormonal surge from the beating, they did. Her family, one by one, jumped from the balcony of the tenth floor. Alice was sent to an institution to treat her after the trauma of her incident, where she developed a fear of being alone. She mastered her abilities and tested her range while institutionalized, and escaped at age 18 by starting a riot. She used the chaos to sneak away, and has been on the run ever since. Alice used the money from her inheritance to buy a small bar and the small apartments on top, which she rents out for extra income. Umbra approached her after a while, asking if she would like to stop running and rule the city with him. He neeeded a show of trust, so for the past ten months Alice has used her bar to gather info about Supers and has aided in the capture of a few. Theme Song: Bad Girls by M.I.A Relationships: TBD Extra: I am NOT NORMAL, ya scum